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File: 170 KB, 521x717, NHS bans chemical castration for children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16070913 No.16070913 [Reply] [Original]

Puberty blockers no longer viable treatment for children. Is "science" finally healing?


>> No.16070925

Fake news
>Closing one clinic and opening 2 more
>Only pausing until they can have a bigger study done
So they'll be prescribed again in 2026.

>> No.16070927

they gotta analyze what the first troon wave is collapsing as

>> No.16070986

If the bigger study finds puberty blockers are safe and generally beneficial to britbong troon kids, then why shouldn't they be prescribed? Because they hurt the feelings of an alcoholic living in a trailer park in Arizona?
Likewise, if the study finds that they do more harm than good, why should doctors prescribe them? Because a woman with hairy armpits in Portland demands it?

>> No.16070991

There's no benefit to chemically castrating underaged children. lmao.

>> No.16070992

>Evidence: Facebook.com told me so

>> No.16070996

You realize chemical castrations are used in our legal system to punish pedophiles and rapists right?

>> No.16071003

You realise that chemical castration and puberty blockers are two different things?

>> No.16071006

I don't believe that children can understand the consequences of their choices, and because of that they shouldn't be allowed to make start this kind of "therapy".

>> No.16071007

Next you'll saying PTSD and shell shocked are different because different words. Puberty blocker is chemical castration. Docile words wont change the function.

>> No.16071010

If they can choose to have sex with adults and go to military, then they should be able to castrate themselves. Children <18 shouldnt cant consent for very good reasons, we protect them legally from life altering decisions. Yet this pozzed ideology is pushing way too far.

>> No.16071011

They aren't.

>> No.16071012

Are too.

>> No.16071030 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16071084

UK is TERF island. Completely turd world.

>> No.16071663

terf is just feminazi for incels on estrogen

>> No.16071685

There is no such thing as a terf because trannies will never be women

>> No.16071825

No. Science is not healing and this is likely a misstep. If someone is showing signs of becoming a homosexual and displays attraction to men then puberty blocking is a good thing and will prevent sexual development and subsequent homosexual activity. By chemically castrating and preventing it before it starts, it's a win.

I am against any ban on transgenderism until homosexuality and the mere act of being one is not allowed. Until such a society exists, I see no reason to bitch about the 0.1% of them that wear dresses and whose mere existence makes people hate LGBTQ even more and by having undergone hormone therapy or physical castration, their ability to initiate sexual contact is hindered thus limiting the spread of homosexuality.

Religious and moral brains need not reply.

>> No.16071869

>schrodinger's tranny
>neither man nor woman
>nor alive nor dead (yet)
>and once the tranny wave function collapses due to being observed (by normal people) 50% end up dead (no idea why maybe we just need more trannies)

>> No.16071876

Jazz jennings could've been a normal man but now it's a destroyed person with no way of fixing itself (micropenis due to blockers and it got inverted into a pussy from surgery and now it's idk what the fuck it is)
Homosexuality is NOT genetically determined but socially and environmentally. 20% of males experience a homosexual period. A good society would allow leeway to experience some homosexuality and then push them gently towards heterosexuality. We could get rid of most homos this way.
Kill yourself for thinking homosexuals is a definite and a definitive category.

>> No.16071877

You are a pedophilic transgender.
I will kill you.

>> No.16071878

>Is "science" finally healing?
The NHS doesn't have anything to do with science. It's an organization dedicated towards allocating resources within the British healthcare system and, surprise, is controlled by pharmaceutical companies, just like the British commission that oversees safety tests of pharmaceutical drugs.

The reason why they only now discontinue puberty blockers for children is unclear to me because pharma has been pushing hard for it for years. However, it's simply a fact that transgender clinics survive for little more than two or three years because of litigation claims. Rather than having to go through any of the legal mumbo-jumbo, it makes sense to simply close down and go bankrupt when half your clients will have life-long complications from your "surgeries".

In other news, the NHS is likely implicated in the murder of 30'000 elderly during the Covid lockdown.

>> No.16071880

How about jail time or hanging cunts that provided puberty blocker for children previously?
Chop off their genital first and let them bled to death might be the most appropriate punishment for those subhuman "doctors"

>> No.16071887

I don't like the 20% and don't want their bad genes spread and diseases communicated by course correction into heterosexual intercourse.

>> No.16071892

No actually homosexual genes don't exist. They're superior in their social ability to attract mates. You are in fact jealous about me getting my dick sucked by both cute guys and cute girls. I will be face fucking cute guys and marrying a cute girl for procreation. Cope and seethe at my genetic superior sexual ability.

>> No.16071903

the tranny shit is controlled opposition
fake problem with artificial promotion with fake solutions

the only solution is the expulsion of the offending parties behind pushing it on the masses, via execution if necessary

basically all the weak willed women and troons got psyoped by a bunch of medical grifters into cutting off their genitalia, so lock up or execute the ones that caused the problem along with anyone involved with gender studies and any other critical theory philosophy

>> No.16071989

That's lamest punishment for pedos. Why would even the pedos care about that punishment?

>> No.16072045

>puberty blockers are safe
They aren't
>beneficial to britbong troon kids
Feeding a delusion is not beneficial

>> No.16073080

Trannys on suicide watch - oh wait

>> No.16073108

These people are under the assumption that its "humane" and "good" to castrate children and forever make unable to procreate life

>> No.16073153


>> No.16073197

Do you ever realize how asinine you are?

>> No.16074060 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16078037 [DELETED] 

good news

>> No.16078136

The fact that you believe classically conditioning yourself to insert your penis into a shithole and to have your asshole penetrated by a penis and somehow, or some proxy thereof such as a man's bacteria ridden mouth, are brushing this off as a win shows you have low intelligence or mental illness. It is not a beneficial behavior for the individual, the species and society.

>> No.16078678 [DELETED] 


>> No.16079940 [DELETED] 


>> No.16080897 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16080939

>preventing crime is punishment
Chemical castration is not a punishment, brainlet. It is a clinical approach to crime much like the fictional ludivico technique from a clock work orange. Simple cause and effect.

NPCs take a punitive approach to criminality which has never worked in history. How is "punishing" someone going to correct anything?

The idea of punishment wastes approximately 300 billion dollars (THREE HUNDRED BILLION USD) in the United States a year between enforcement, courts, and jail. The solution in a punishment based justice is to send someone to jail where years are wasted to "punish" them. The only thing it is doing is confirming them in their crimes.

Execution is not a punishment either. It terminates the criminal that cannot be rehabilitated from existing.

Solutions to crime
>ECT to induce retrograde amnesia after it had been committed thus
>psychosurgery to correct for antisocial behavior
>chemical and physical castration of sex offenders
>execution of people who commit repeat crimes

None of those are punishments. They're obvious and concrete solutions. Crime would be reduced to zero and with 300 billion dollars a year spared we could have a society where crimes of necessity like theft wouldn't need to happen in the first place.

>> No.16080992


Nice one, Punchy!

>> No.16082060 [DELETED] 

trannys do this to themselves

>> No.16083472 [DELETED] 

They must've found a more effective white genocide technique to rely on if they're banning that one

>> No.16084546 [DELETED] 

when fags get aids and die it is good for the species

>> No.16085559

they are literally the same drugs retard

t. on them

>> No.16086302 [DELETED] 

underage b&

>> No.16087170

>Is "science" finally healing?
No, science only functions as intended when it is strictly a Christian affair. Others are incapable of doing science.

>> No.16087255

I'm not an underaged tranny, I'm a child molester

>> No.16088562

This, the scientific method was specifically devised for use by Christians only. Without the foundation of Christianity, the scientific method does not function.

>> No.16089175

Conflict between faggots and the muslims that are taking over Britain. Looks like muslims have the upper hand

>> No.16089189
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Go back to eating your bugs kiddo.

>> No.16090096

chemical castration and puberty blockers the same thing

>> No.16091854

Fauci was based for poisoning faggots back in the 20th century and his plot to rid America of other undesirables via the poisonous vax is equally good

>> No.16093210 [DELETED] 

trannys promote physical castration for children as well

>> No.16094029

This. A good society would wipe them out, they're unnecessary, unwanted and harmful

>> No.16094035

>the transphobe is a convicted child molester
Who could have guessed?

>> No.16095182 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 500x775, 1683838358645439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're talking to the same people who call a experimental injection which doesn't prevent disease a vaccine

>> No.16096919

its amazing they changed the narrative so dramatically over such a short period of time and the NPCs never stopped trusting it.
its almost as if the "trust the science" crowd as absolutely zero critical thinking ability

>> No.16097363 [DELETED] 

>its almost as if the "trust the science" crowd as absolutely zero critical thinking ability
or they have ulterior motives for supporting the ZOG narrative

>> No.16098722
File: 53 KB, 536x400, lulz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16099873

>So they'll be prescribed again in 2026.
no they won't

>> No.16100019

ironically you can have sex and join the military at 16 in the UK (cant go to war, though)

>> No.16100605 [DELETED] 

don't be too optimistic

>> No.16102242

yeah it seems pretty amazing that they would even consider a b& on carcinogenic tranny drugs

>> No.16103031 [DELETED] 

Very out of character, unless it was a muslim making the call

>> No.16104282


>> No.16105845

zapping faggots with cancer causing hormones is another good trick

>> No.16106767

Fauci set up the Pulse nightclub shooting

>> No.16107418

Fauci claims to be retired, but thats only so he can be left alone to cook up his scheme to mass murder faggots

>> No.16108847

what a career, hopefully he can leverage his expertise to wipe them all out permanently

>> No.16109832

>for children
so they're still supplying it to mentally ill adults even though mentally ill people are the legal equivalent of children

>> No.16110020

Not in the slightest. It's going to take a few more years before all the lawyers show up and bleed the big medical firms dry.

>> No.16110031

If you're against this, you're for child abuse. Plain and simple. Here's what the trans movement won't tell you:

Only 2.5% – 20% of all cases of GID (Gender Identity Disorder) in childhood and adolescence are the initial manifestation of irreversible transsexualism
85% of children with gender dysphoria desist
94% of boys with GID do not have a transsexual outcome as time passes
88% of kids with gender dysphoria desist and grow out of it as they get older
Gender dysphoria in childhood does not inevitably continue into adulthood, and only 6% – 23% of boys and 12% – 27% of girls treated in gender clinics showed persistence of their gender dysphoria into adulthood
About 88% of children who have gender dysphoria do not hold those beliefs when they grow older
Only 12% of girls who believe they are transsexuals still believe so when they are older
Findings support transfamily theory: that trans/non-binary parents can influence gender expression in (adopted) children.

>> No.16110038
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>The fact that you believe classically conditioning yourself to insert your penis into a shithole and to have your asshole penetrated by a penis and somehow, or some proxy thereof such as a man's bacteria ridden mouth, are brushing this off as a win shows you have low intelligence or mental illness. It is not a beneficial behavior for the individual, the species and society.
>if describe something in a way that makes it sound gross, that counts as an argument

other people are not your problem, shut the fuck up, actual faggot

>> No.16111137

you stick your dick in shit for fun, you are mentally ill

>> No.16111587

The only reason to stick your dick in something is to try to procreate, if you're sticking your dick in shit to try to procreate then what does that say about you? That you consider shit to be the same species as yourself?

>> No.16112725
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>> No.16113448

So many people refuse to acknowledge that sex exists solely for the purpose of reproduction.

>> No.16115016
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>> No.16116532

That won't happen because the courts are run by political appointees

>> No.16118010 [DELETED] 

And the people who appoint the political appointees are on the payroll of the big medical firms

>> No.16118515
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>> No.16118534

What age does gender dysphoria stabilize?

>> No.16120031 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16120079

Could science somehow give me a functional third testicle?

>> No.16120573 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 255x237, 1708402827588.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres only one solution to that kind of problem

>> No.16121687 [DELETED] 


>> No.16122907
File: 56 KB, 679x572, 5V9I4P3Q8jxS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NHS is now saying that transgenderism is a mental illness

>> No.16123032

lol I know that nobody here will ever read the cass review, but it's hilarious how obviously politically motivated and biased it is
they literally throw out 98% of the studies because they aren't double blind, as if 1. it's impossible to do a double blind study on puberty because it's immediately obvious whether or not you got the placebo, like doing a double blind study on heart surgery or prosthetic limbs, and 2. because it's obviously unethical to do. But then they take some online survery as real high quality evidence.
The whole thing was staffed by conversion therapy advocates, the tories have massive balls to try to pull this off as legitimate, it's practically modern day lysenkoism. Then again, the british media seems to be completely in lockstep, so they'll get away with it anyway.
not that anyone here knows anything about this at all, you all think it's going to be about expanding medication for minors instead of banning transition up to 25.

>> No.16123842 [DELETED] 

its offensive that they're not just holocausting the trannys

>> No.16124281

Letting that small proportion of true trans have the childhood that they DESERVE is worth sterilizing and mutilating all the false positives, they knew what they were getting into.

>> No.16125108 [DELETED] 


>> No.16126301 [DELETED] 

how much longer before they're all locked away in insane asylums?

>> No.16126344

>Is "science" finally healing?
It is trying. I think Sweden was the first to change recommendations.
Just know that these activists aren't quitting. They will try to find more subtle means to influence public policy. The institution that killed Tavistock will be their next target of infiltration and corruption.

These people are running a pretty simple algorithm:
"Become what defeated you"

>> No.16126481

Oh great it's a retard who didn't read the review trying to bluff about other people not reading it and spreading misinformation.

>they literally throw out 98% of the studies because they aren't double blind

Where has the 98% number been shown? As far as I can tell this was literally just made up.

>2. because it's obviously unethical to do

It's actually unethical to admisinster life altering treatments without certainty they are actually beneficial

>The whole thing was staffed by conversion therapy advocates

How is Hillary Cass a conversion therapy advocate?

>not that anyone here knows anything about this at all

I mean I can tell you don't know shit, but don't assume everyone is as stupid as you are.

I don't know if I've ever seen more desperate cope around a topic than this. Are you actually just stuck in the sunk cost fallacy because you fucked your body up?

>> No.16126854

lol you didn't read it huh

>> No.16126953

Oh Jesus is this all you really have sweaty? It's ok i promise you even though no one cares you are a women, I promise you.

>> No.16127469

>These people are running a pretty simple algorithm:
>"Become what defeated you"
Looking forward to all the tranny children's authors.

>> No.16128389 [DELETED] 

thats already a common popular occupation or pedos

>> No.16128400

John Money may have escaped justice, but it is my sincere hope that you will hang, you sadistic pedophile.

>> No.16129759 [DELETED] 

You'll also find a ton of pedos in childcare professions

>> No.16130722 [DELETED] 


>> No.16132085 [DELETED] 

>its almost as if the "trust the science" crowd as absolutely zero critical thinking ability
They are extremely low IQ

>> No.16132772 [DELETED] 

>They are extremely low IQ
that explains why they have absolutely zero critical thinking ability

>> No.16133946

>Is "science" finally healing?
Pedophilia is a mental illness, if the people who want to molest children are prevented from doing so in one way, they will just invent a new way to do it. The only way to get rid of those people is to wipe them out completely.

>> No.16135174

insane asylums used to do the job fairly well

>> No.16135255
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>> No.16136429

they should ban tranime too, tranime is harmful for children because it encourages pedos

>> No.16136488

Stfu schizo

As if one guy in an entire institution somehow damns that institution oh and Money proved you can’t raise someone as the gender they’re not and so vindicated trans ideology lol you’re so stupid

>> No.16137886 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16138605 [DELETED] 

most people will always trust "the current thing" because they fear being ostracized for not doing so

>> No.16139587

They cause cancer too

>> No.16141174

trannys btfo

>> No.16141701

41% likelihood

>> No.16141715

Get better material