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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 27 KB, 490x575, 18730948792742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16066216 No.16066216 [Reply] [Original]

Why does youtube keep recommending me this femcel? I'm not even that interested in science. Her whole constitution and energy is off-putting to me. What's her deal and why is she so popular?

>> No.16066224

>Why does youtube keep recommending me this
Mine doesn't. What kind of trash do you watch?

>> No.16066277

Mostly music videos and podcasts. Thinking of it, it's probably because I've watched Lex Fridman.

>> No.16066302

>Lex Fridman
jewtube detected you as a normie popsci slopper and recommended you more of the same thing.

>> No.16066305

Post your favorite channels.

>> No.16066307
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>> No.16066308

A bunch of math/physics stuff and trash, yeah, thats her channel's theme. Block and move on...

>> No.16066310


I envy the passive mind of the goy

>> No.16066314
File: 55 KB, 394x524, 1693473308876615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her, I don't watch everything but she seems to upload stuff daily.
Guess this is the state of modern physics, making fucking youtube videos for a living.

>> No.16066315

I'm a halachic Jew, actually. I don't kasher my kitchen for Pesach or anything, though. And I end my words in -os rather than -ot, so you can shove your goyishe kopf right down the toilet, dumbass frenk.

>> No.16066318
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>> No.16066321

>I envy the passive mind of the goy
So where do you get your worldview from?

>> No.16066322

You should be thankful to your betters for what they have done to technology and science. Like this:

Thank you!

>> No.16066466

>why does jewish media amplify jews at every opportunity
So that we remember Hitler was evil of course anon, keep up

>> No.16066499

The only thing I Jew can't stand is being called a jew

>> No.16066514

>You should be thankful to your betters for what they have done to technology and science.
Cope and seethe little jew. You have no land, you're hated parasites everywhere you go. Your god has forsaken you

>> No.16066520

I wonder at the predatory and remorseless mind of the kike.

>> No.16066527

That's a man.

>> No.16066529

1. His rabbi says it's OK to lie and cheat.
2. His genes say it's OK to lie and cheat.

>> No.16066578
File: 133 KB, 2000x1000, iron-dome-israel-superhero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I don't speak kebab, try to froth less at the mouth. Are you crying you aren't welcome in Europe anymore, poor baby kebab?

>> No.16066595

You can add genocide to that list.

>> No.16066606
File: 255 KB, 1290x1238, zbcf4g0nr7nc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you have other things to do than be on a science board? For example, these with your buddies Kabir, Shabir, Sajeef, Mohammed and Asif?

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rochdale_child_sex_abuse_ring
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huddersfield_grooming_gang
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halifax_child_sex_abuse_ring
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manchester_child_sex_abuse_ring
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keighley_child_sex_abuse_ring
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aylesbury_child_sex_abuse_ring
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bristol_child_sex_abuse_ring
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banbury_child_sex_abuse_ring
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derby_child_sex_abuse_ring
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxford_child_sex_abuse_ring
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telford_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newcastle_sex_abuse_ring
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peterborough_sex_abuse_case

>> No.16066609

I am actually very welcome in Europe, every day more powerful, all thanks to your ilk and your inability to consider the second-order consequences of your actions

>> No.16066614

Oh, really? The third-order consequence is that you won't be able to lob rockets at Israel anymore, and so we won't have to respond, and so the western media won't have anything but deepfakes and this: https://www.emilkirkegaard.com/p/palestinians-in-your-country-what


>> No.16066621

>The third-order consequence
I don't think you understand how causality works.

Jewish gaslighting no longer works. Everyone can see with their own eyes the kind of people you really are.

>> No.16066648

>no argument
I accept your concession.

Also obviously if western media weren't eating out of Hamas ass at the moment, there wouldn't be such a pressure to destroy terrorist tunnels entirely. Good luck digging up pipes when there are no tunnels. Where are you going to hide the qassams, in your ass?

>> No.16066661

is extreme 2010s era popsci coming back?

AI bros are the real modern popsci since it genuinely shows so much promise in disrupting our world
the vestiges of millennials who thought all their shit like "muh drones everywhere" and "muh graphene" would come true are against it
they even turned against their god, elon musk

>> No.16066706


Concede to what, exactly? You're not making any point; it's all just inbred Ashkenazi rambling.

> And more evidence that you don't understand causality.

But okay, I'll be careful with the deepfakes in the tunnels or whatever

>> No.16067557

Thats a man

>> No.16068064
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Sometimes, dichogamy.

>> No.16068383

Another thread turned into jew stuff, and they dislike when I say that every board is just /pol/ with flavours lol

>> No.16069598

Watch her God awful music videos. They are the only thing worse than her science ones

>> No.16069600

Imagine actually getting filtered by Sabine's music videos lmao

>> No.16069624

I don't like how she talks gridding her front teef.

>> No.16069668

There's not a single woman in that whole list. U gay bro?

>> No.16069695
File: 213 KB, 600x500, GFbn7XtXUAACun9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

careful who you're calling a femcel

>> No.16069724

She makes me feel all wumbly and tumbly in my downlow

>> No.16069905

What's the big deal? In terms of being correct in physics, she is the best.

>> No.16070091

Why are you posting pics of my scifu?

>> No.16070116

>In terms of being correct in physics

>> No.16070125

Fabricated and ass-tainted

>> No.16070158

Get off mah sci.

>> No.16070162

I appreciate some of her content and that she brings news to me that I wouldn't bother to gather YET she's everything I hate, smug retarded ohysicalist who spouts non-stop bullshit. I'm not even sure the pure science things she says are even correct.

>> No.16070223
File: 274 KB, 1200x1200, new order technique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP pic looks like the Neworder - Technique album cover.


>> No.16070385

joo ish

>> No.16070433

Love to a human is pearls to a swine.

>> No.16070437

you are also human tho

>> No.16070438

I'm older than you.

>> No.16070442

oh so love is like pearls to a swine if the human is specifically younger than you?

>> No.16070474

Go back to reddiit, namefag.

>> No.16070537

Sabine is based, she's far more effective at dissecting awful popsci reporting than any of the proudly ignorant schizos here.

>> No.16070805
File: 45 KB, 474x519, 1591405705915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sabine is based
Just enough to rope chumps like you but not enough to...
>than any of the proudly ignorant schizos here.
...rope me, because Im a Theoretical Physicist too and when I watch her videos I grade her work as well. Her audience is uninformed normie midwits, ever notice that?...

I caught her in a mistake (some year/year.5 or so ago, one line but I wont forget that). She stays in the safe zone of "peer-verified" because she knows she isnt very adept in Theory. She is at heart not a Theorist, in fact she is the opposite and admits as much.

You would know that if you were "an ignorant schizo".

Daniel 3:25
"He answered and said, “Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God."

What do you think this referres to?

Post your academic field so I can pop-quiz you.

>> No.16070817

>I caught her in a mistake (some year/year.5 or so ago, one line but I wont forget that)
sure thing, anonymous internet retard
if you're concerned about "audience" then take a look at the borderline illiterate /x/tourists running rampant here i.e. (you)

>> No.16070823

Im not asking you what reality is...


>i don belief
Youre LARPing as a scientist on 4chan...knock it off...

>> No.16070830

>What do you think this referres to?
mental disease

>> No.16070833

you are showed me, my completely hinged non-schizo friend

>> No.16070838

Its easier for you to believe youre smarter than anyone else than admit youre who you really are.

Induced mental deficiency via emotional self blackmailing. You LARP youre too dumb to understand my posts while simultaneously LARPing youre too smart to understand it as well....


>> No.16070840
File: 12 KB, 294x329, images - 2023-12-09T095838.201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its easier for you to believe youre smarter than anyone else than admit youre who you really are.

Induced mental deficiency via emotional self blackmailing. You LARP youre too dumb to understand my posts while simultaneously LARPing youre too smart to understand it as well....

UH OH....IS /sci/ ABOUT TO SHIT THE BED?@??!?!?

>> No.16070842

>emotional self blackmailing
if you're done smearing your own shit on the padded walls, my field is applied chemistry
quiz me daddy

>> No.16070843

>smarter than anyone
Not really but I sure as shit am smarter than whatever the hell this is

>> No.16070844
File: 25 KB, 281x325, TIMESAND___CC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16070849

>applied chemistry
>done smearing your own shit


>mental disease
Youre a Chemist, what are you doing wandering around Psychology?....youre in the wrong building, bud.

>quiz me daddy
See above....you just failed.

t.Your Professor

>> No.16070862

Yeah, but physical chemistry was never my strong suit.
>Youre a Chemist, what are you doing wandering around Psychology
just a hunch

>> No.16070867

>Its easier for you to believe youre smarter than anyone else than admit youre who you really are.
I'm not smarter than anyone else. if that were the case we'd all be collectively FUCKED. but I will share my ideas or ask questions. doesn't mean I think I'm uber-smart or smarter than you, or other anons here.
I don't really care about that. Does nothing for me. If anything getting my arguments anally raped by smarter anons is helpful. It's quite cozy knowing you are not the smartest. Takes a bunch of pressure off.
But, in return I expect good arguments, doesn't work any other way. You make a good point and bravo to you sir. I bow. If.

>> No.16070924

>Post your academic field so I can pop-quiz you.
You’d be surprised. Appearances can be deceiving.

>> No.16071014

He's has some pretty smart guests. Like Ian Goodfellow and Richard haier

>> No.16071041


>> No.16071224

>Her audience is uninformed normie midwits, ever notice that?
what gave it away, the fact that she's on youtube? retard

>> No.16071280

>the fact that she's on youtube
Next to the Ed Witten interviews and Matt Anderson course?

I smell a weak thesis...

>> No.16071400

Ive literally seen you post YouTube links

>> No.16071415
File: 45 KB, 717x428, images (1) (29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ive literally seen
You've never once opened your eyes in your entire life.

Youre fishing for a "win" while not even reading the thread...maybe go fap and come back to "talk sciencey stuff".

>> No.16071422

>while not even reading the thread
it's not exactly charitable to you

>> No.16071423

Stop stealing my tax money.

>> No.16071425
File: 22 KB, 480x480, 1698536577758603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ma'am, do you want your credentials audited or nor?

>> No.16071426

You still haven't told us which one of her points you deboonked 1.5238 years ago

>> No.16071433

Ma'am, you have zero concept at the sheer volume and depth of the research I do every second of my fucking life.

What did you eat 72 weeks ago? Not "I eat salads." I want an ingredient list with cost. See?

Youre not here to audit people in fields you cant define, what are YOUR credentials? Incessantly talking about your hypothesis about me *to* me is affible but a bit nauseating because youre revealing your loose fit reality to me and sick of seeing mentally ill people like you hide behind the one thing that will wake you up from the deepstate and ad agency campaign stupor; ACTUAL SUFFERING FOR YOUR MISTAKES.

Youre not learning from today, you live in a hypothetical tomorrow you can feign control over.

>> No.16071435

>sheer volume and depth of the research I do every second of my fucking life
I have no doubt that you spend the better portion of your day screaming passages of revelations into the Folger's can of forbidden knowledge, now just tell us what Sabine got wrong.

>> No.16071441

Jesus Christ, youre illiterate too? Why are you living out a lie on the internet? Youre CLEARLY not a Physicist, wouldnt be suprised if some soft Biology BS or some shit. Either way, why are you in this room?

...is it because you believe your own lies and so you think youre telling the truth? No, sweety, as a Cognitive researcher I use 4Chan to "ping test" people, measuring their capacity. I can sense even from you blips of posts youre self decieving to maintain a sense of authority in yourself.

Mmm...maybe you should just settle down and have some kids or something, leave this man-talk to your husband.

>> No.16071449
File: 355 KB, 495x468, HAHAHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you've said this person is not credible because you've caught them in a lie. what was the lie?

>> No.16071450


Youre the failed offspring of institutionalized couple, youve neber had a parent so you never grew up, youre mentally a child LARPing on the internet.

Sad, sick...like a lame horse, nothing but downhill ahead...

>> No.16071455

>what was the lie?
>You still haven't told us which one of her points you deboonked 1.5238 years ago

You dodge the post to PRETEND...TO LARP....like youre So InTeReStEd to not notice, no .......YOU DID NOTICE.





>> No.16071456

Being able to reasonably convince others is a sign of intelligence, read your posts back and think about how that reflects on (you)

>> No.16071461

I'm actually not sure if your brain is so skiwampus that you seriously think I'm Sabine Hossenfelder.
Also you are screaming at yourself.

>> No.16071471

Im not asling you if youre wrong...I'M INFORMING THE THREAD.

Being able to reasonably convince others is a sign of intelligence, read your posts back and think about how that reflects on (you)
(The fact you lack so much self awareness as to fail AT YOUR OWN MORAL COMPASS.......)




>Also you are screaming at yourself.
You can only think of yelling in terms of EMOTIONS FAILINGS.....because you are a vapid and shallow WOMAN. Thats all you are is an emotional failing.



>> No.16071473

>Why does youtube keep recommending me this femcel?
Because you don't know how to use youtube and that you can tell it not to recommend you shit.

I swear to fuck, social media sites should have forced tutorials.

>> No.16071479

>>Also you are screaming at yourself.
>You can only think of yelling in terms of EMOTIONS
no, you are straight up responding to your own posts in caps lock. you replied to yourself, saying you know yourself better than your parents.
something tells me im not wrong in this particular instance

>> No.16071487

You say things to imply you dont know me...but then you acted out like you fuckin' knew me by making nothing but baseless accusations and hypothesising about me....all ANTI-SCIENCE TIME WASTING (on a /sci/ence board?!?!)




>something tells me im not wrong
Youre are wrong about who you are....

...stop....youre supposed to be an adult now....

>> No.16071492

>stop....youre supposed to be an adult now....
You are a CHILD
blinded by UNSCIENTIFIC EGO you will keyboard warrior while spouting nonsense...... are you having fun LARPING as a scientist??

>> No.16071504

Your father failed you, thats why youre LARPing on the internet youre not the degenerate loser you are.

Larping like this;
>UNSCIENTIFIC EGO you will keyboard warrior while spouting nonsense
Do you think a fake doctor can convince a real doctor he is not only a doctor but also superior IN ALL WAYS might I add? Thats you, mouth covered in chocolate while saying the dog did it...shameful, but you lakc hence why youre a sleezy rabble rouser on 4chan to feel like your life wasnt a mistake.


>> No.16071507

DOCTOR cult is telling me what I think?!?!

look in a mirror.... you are a PATHETIC KID pretending a scientist, wasting your life arguing on the internet with your better.... ma'am can a dog eat chocolate????? you could not even beat a grade schooler are you in a spelling bee?! REPENT

>> No.16071524
File: 1.70 MB, 1288x2640, 2023-10-18_06.00.58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look in a mirror.... you are a PATHETIC
Youre right, I need to go to the gym while I listen to a book about Molecular Biology, left off at endosymbiotic bacteria and it was preddy gud.

>> No.16071530

Am I INTIMIDATED by skinny weaklings??? Can you even PUllup with those PATHETIC lats?!?!! where are your fucking pecs!!!!!

>> No.16071538

>endosymbiotic bacteria
My heart is warmed knowing our resident schizo is just learning about mitochondria

>> No.16071607
File: 924 KB, 450x277, 3Q9O.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a literal middle school tier response....

Its about senescence, telomeres, and symbiosis, collective intelligences and biochemistry...because Im not a student.

>> No.16071627
File: 265 KB, 1920x1080, 1709193482673807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gad damn this guy is insane.

>> No.16071639

>literal middle school tier response....
>Its about senescence, telomeres, and symbiosis, collective intelligences and biochemistry..
actual irl lol, good luck with your undergrad

>> No.16071642

>literal middle school tier response

Bret Weistein worked in the exact same field, not he is working in MY field (Theology) with his "Goliath" (Satan)....because we have largely "finished" the next step in Biological research along with a number of others.

Radical Evolutionary Biology changes.

Molecular abiology changed.

BioPhysics is the new Evolutionary Direction.

This isnt for debate....YOURE NOT A PHD, I CAN TELL........

>> No.16071643

What was your thesis in Psychology on? I wish more of you guys came around but unfortunately youre about 95% "therapists" (Pseudo-PhD) so I would literally override you any time you disagree, and I have more citations than you...Psychology is probably my second strongest field.

Evolutionary Cognition, Developmental Psychology, Theology, Pure Mathematics (Number Theory), if youre in those fields I destroy you and everyone in that field you have every met.

>> No.16071644

I'm sure those words are real cute to someone who doesn't have a PhD in microbio but it's clear my crack about the endosymbiont origin of mitochondria flew straight over your head so I'd recommend you stick to schizophrenic melties with yourself.

>> No.16071646
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>Throw autistic tantrum
>Are you certified to call me out?

>> No.16071647

>Pure Mathematics
I'd honestly be impressed if you could tie your shoes without incurring mortal wounds in the double digits.

>> No.16071650

>those words
Translation: "I dont understand what you wrote but desperately dont want you to know that."

I know that.

>but it's clear...
Youre not a Psychologist, shut the fuck up.

t.Psychologist, PhD, Developmental and Cognition

..I...just....just admit what you are. Putting on a show in front of other people boosts you but deludes you, youre going to kayfabe yourself into self induce delusion, which when you go around "merely pretending to be retarded" it starts to become true.....

....seriously, youre brainwashing yourself to be unable to discern reality, you have to be told what to believe by "an authority figure" like the TV AS YOU ARE NOW COGNITIVELY UNABLE TO PERCEIVE REALITY.

>> No.16071651

Youre not a Mathematician, your peers dont care about what you think because youre a habitual liar who is unable to perceive reality due to 4chan psy-ops.

"Bro you talking crazy stuff doe.",

No, its called Physics and Biology, go read papers and stop LARPing on 4chan like a bunch of dejected failures.

>> No.16071652

What I'm gathering from this thread is that Sabine is commonly malaligned as basedence given her prominence in the space and that her detractors are buttfuck insane.

>> No.16071654

>her detractors

/sci/...if youre not "in the field" then stop LARPing like science (AND REALITY) is a Democractic concensus.

>I think this is more true
You based that off of emotional tone, literally the polar opposite of science.
>Why cant people trust scientists or doctors anymore?
Because you three faggots vote and your masters used it to rob youm

>> No.16071655
File: 99 KB, 220x163, 1701098338514453.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing schizo, keep up the great work.

>> No.16071657

>I dont understand what you wrote
Correct, I'm not sure what goliath and satan have to do with the bacterial symbiosis but I have to assume it makes perfect sense about halfway through a bag of backwoods crystal

>> No.16071661

>REALITY is a Democractic concensus.
you're clearly a Republican then

>> No.16071665
File: 84 KB, 720x720, 2023-12-23_20.04.53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not sure what goliath and satan have to do with the bacterial symbiosis
I could tell you...more than Bret could, AND HE BROUGH IT UP.

Literally the leading Evolutionary Biologist in the world concurs with much of my research......BRET MOVED INTO MY FIELD (largely because I kept pointing out human migrations as a part of this (Why he went to Darria Gap).

Ive done more field research than Bret would have done is a dozen lifetimes.

Youre not a Biologist, youre not a Phsyicst, youre not a Mathematician, youre not a Psychologist....stop LARPing you are one to one, its pathetic you cant even admit your own shadow...like pretending you dont have shit in your teeth

You will never be a doctor, you will never, personally, alter the course of human history.

Your name will be forgotten soon after your death.

>> No.16071671
File: 1.96 MB, 640x560, 1690047925565358.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the leading Evolutionary Biologist in the world
Bret Weistein is more influencer than biologist, you are out of your mf gourd.
>Youre not a Biologist
I in fact am, and you need to put these locking mittens on before you hurt yourself.

>> No.16071674

No, some women are just ugly even when they aren’t fat

>> No.16071676
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>> No.16071686
File: 40 KB, 500x386, an-intellectual-capacity-beyond-our-own.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he isnt a Chemist you modern dumbass, most "Biologists" are CHEMISTS by philosophy. You clearly have no clue what a "Biologist" is, no, dumbass...youre thinking of Zoologist.

All I use is a chalkboard for Biology because I already have anatomies and physiologies all kinds of shit in my head, I need a canvas....

Your lack of PhD is so potent I want flog you into a coma.

>> No.16071688

>in fact am, and you need to put these locking mittens on before you hurt yourself.
lololol WRONG





>> No.16071696 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 332x656, 1686019869648698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because he isnt a Chemist you modern dumbass, most "Biologists" are CHEMISTS by philosophy. You clearly have no clue what a "Biologist" is, no, dumbass...youre thinking of Zoologist.
"Schizo" is thrown around a lot but you are legitimately, definitionally schizophrenic. To any feds that are reading this, I was just here for the lulz and cannot be held liable for this screwball when lobs a peroxide bomb into the drive-thru of his local Fuddruckers

>> No.16071707
File: 241 KB, 414x549, 1680301487888335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because he isnt a Chemist you modern dumbass, most "Biologists" are CHEMISTS by philosophy. You clearly have no clue what a "Biologist" is, no, dumbass...youre thinking of Zoologist.
"Schizo" is thrown around a lot but you are legitimately, definitionally schizophrenic. To any feds that are reading this, I was just here for the lulz and cannot be held liable for this screwball when he lobs a peroxide bomb into the drive-thru of his local Fuddruckers

>> No.16071716


BOY .....I am having to yell at a grown ass man talking out of his ass about shit he CLEARLY has no qualification, BOYS DO THAT.




>> No.16071719
File: 145 KB, 803x806, 1710308098332704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally 100% of you faggots cannot approach me without lying about your qualificatiosn, or knowledge, or anything, even that you understand "big words".

If you approach me honestly I destroy you AND YOU FAGGOT KNOW IT.

>> No.16071791
File: 416 KB, 500x628, 58_Genders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One trillion times better than the WOKE freak.

>> No.16071847
File: 22 KB, 415x739, images - 2023-11-26T133036.028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but there is only "one gender, two species", and if you thought there was only one (now two) species of human...lmao, No.

You humans struggle with direct lineage, let alone later gene transferes or hybridized symbiosis.

>> No.16072088

>lying about your qualificatiosn
prove it.

>> No.16072167
File: 22 KB, 600x600, 963696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even for /sci/ this is unhinged

>> No.16072177

>You humans
how's your totally manly gaymer phone treating you? battery holds up fine for those totally manly gayming sesh?

>> No.16072180

The scientific method... a supposed beacon of truth... and enlightenment... is nothing more than a SHAM... perpetuated by the intellectual elite... to maintain their grip on power and control over the masses...

These so-called "scientists"... claim to have unlocked the secrets of the universe... but in reality... they are just as BLIND and IGNORANT as the rest of us

Their methods are nothing more... than a convoluted mess... of numbers and symbols... a language that only THEY can understand... They hide behind their JARGON and their FANCY DEGREES... hoping to intimidate and confuse those who DARE to question their authority...

But I see through their LIES... and their DECEPTIONS...

The scientific method... is a tool of OPPRESSION... designed to keep the common man down... and prevent him from accessing... the TRUE NATURE of reality... These "researchers" and "experts"... are nothing more than CHARLATANS and FRAUDS... peddling their PSEUDO-INTELLECTUAL NONSENSE... to a gullible public...

They claim to be OBJECTIVE... and UNBIASED... but their conclusions are always shaped... by their own AGENDAS and BIASES... They CHERRY-PICK data... and MANIPULATE results... to fit their PRECONCEIVED NOTIONS... all while claiming to be... the ARBITERS of truth...
But the TRUTH... cannot be found in their equations... and their experiments... It lies BEYOND the realm of the quantifiable... in the DEPTHS of the human soul... and the MYSTERIES of the cosmos... These are things that CANNOT BE MEASURED... or ANALYZED... but can only be EXPERIENCED... and UNDERSTOOD... through INTUITION... and SPIRITUAL INSIGHT...
The scientific method... is a CRUTCH... for those who lack the COURAGE... and the VISION... to embrace the UNKNOWN.It is a way for WEAK-MINDED INDIVIDUALS... to feel like they have CONTROL over a CHAOTIC and UNPREDICTABLE world. But in the end... it is nothing more than an ILLUSION... a FALSE IDOL.. that must be TORN DOWN... and REPLACED... with something GREATER

>> No.16072197

They're trying to deradicalize you.

>> No.16072248

I want to pound Sabine loose pussy with my 6 inches girth penis

>> No.16072259

She's a rare femchud and I love her

>> No.16072471


>> No.16072473


>> No.16072474

You need mathologer

>> No.16072626

We know you're pretending and desperate, just look at this shit >>16072180
Get fucking filtered trip retard.

>> No.16073594


>> No.16073799

You can right-click and tell YouTube to not recommend videos from that channel.

But I think you can only block 100 channels or so before they start to un-block themselves.