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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1606126 No.1606126 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Science facts that blew your mind when you learned them.

90% of a proton's mass comes from the sea of virtual particles in the empty space between the quarks.

>> No.1606137

The human body is 70ish% water. Blew my mind when i was 6

>> No.1606144

The average penis size is 6 inches.

Mine was 9 inches at the time. Blew my mind

>> No.1606148

Classical EM waves have momentum.

>> No.1606155

How many stars per galaxy and how many galaxies in the observable universe and the very thought that there is an UNOBSERVABLE universe.

>> No.1606159
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93.4% of posts on /sci/ are troll posts

>> No.1606161

Basically all of quantum mechanics.

>> No.1606163
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There is no symmetry principle that leads to the conservation of CPT, CP, C, P

>> No.1606166

I find that wildly optimistic.
and a definite proof of existence of our Lord.

>> No.1606167

When I began to comprehend the density of a neutron star.

>> No.1606169

The relative distances and sizes of atoms.
If a hydrogen atom was the size of a football field its nucleus would be the size of a grain of salt. Yet the electrons are also a LOT smaller than the nucleus. There's a whole bunch of nothing in atoms.

>> No.1606177

The holographic principle

>> No.1606180


Yeah, quantum mechanics. Too bad we may not be able to crack most of the stuff about the universe before the extinction of humanity.

>> No.1606182

Since the universe is flat, it has a net energy of zero, and thus really did come from nothing.

>> No.1606248
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that women are the route of all evil...
haha but seriously quantum mechanics... i can only understand it drunk... but now if i get drunk i only comprehend things in a quantum scale creating existential crisis'

>> No.1606254

Only about 10% of the cells in your body are human. The majority are helpful bacteria and other flora that we require to survive. There are perhaps 500-1000 different SPECIES of these creatures living inside us in harmony.

>> No.1606263

My skull was replaced with C4.

Blew my mind.

>> No.1606269


that you could see antimatter with the naked eye. fucking awesome.

>> No.1606283

Yes, I've always been amazed that we're made up of mostly nothing.

I always assumed I just misunderstood something along the way.

>> No.1606284

When you see a blue blip of light for just an instant and no apparent reason, there's a fair chance that it's due to a high energy cosmic ray, perhaps an iron atom which has been ejected by a distant star and which has just blasted through your head, hitting a photoreceptor in your eye along the way.

>> No.1606286

mass drops out and therefore e = c

>> No.1606299


More likely a neutrino collisions bro since cosmic rays are mostly attenuated in the high atmos

>> No.1606302

Neutrinos have a low enough rate of interaction with most matter that that's probably not a good explanation.

>> No.1606336

>Yes, I've always been amazed that we're made up of mostly nothing.

Really, though, fields aren't nothing. They have energy, they have behaviours.

If all particles are pointlike, or linelike, then you could say that we are not just made of *mostly* nothing, none of our components have any volume, so we are made *entirely* of nothingness.

>> No.1606338


By far the three fucking dorkiest consecutive posts I've seen on 4chan in a while

>> No.1606342

We aim to please.

Upon further reflection, the most likely culprit is muons from proton decay in the high atmosphere. However, it's still totally possible that it's a big old iron nucleus just barging through.

>> No.1606344


>thinks he's being charming and intellectual

Seriously, you sound like a fucking asshole.

>> No.1606347

How so, seems fine to me bro

>> No.1606348


Go climb a wall of dicks,

>> No.1606349

who sees blue blips anyway?

>> No.1606350

Okay.... I was just correcting a mistake I think I made earlier, when I first said it was probably an iron nucleus. How exactly does that make me an asshole?

>> No.1606351

GTFO my /sci/.

>> No.1606352

Everyone does. You probably usually ignore them, but now that you're aware, seek and ye shall find, or some charming and intellectual shit like that.

>> No.1606353
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>> No.1606360
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>most likely culprit
>proton decay

>> No.1606386
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>> No.1606420



Citation, please.

>> No.1606445
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>Cosmic rays and air showers
>Calling it proton decay

>> No.1606466
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>> No.1606494


she needs a bit of make up but by far the "prettiest" face i've seen from this collection.

>> No.1606500

How often do they appear?

>> No.1606511

how many opsin molecules would an iron nucleus hit anyway?
not enough to register a flash i imagine

>> No.1606684

The number of hemoglobin molecules in a single red blood cell is on the order of 10^8. The number of red blood cells in your body is on the same order.

Basically everything about molecular biology and the scales involved.

Noether's theorem. It's just so beautiful.

CP violation. What the fuck man.

If math counts, Cantor's diagonal argument, Banach-Tarski paradox.

>> No.1606704

>>1606684 Noether's theorem. It's just so beautiful.
We should keep mentioning Noether's theorem here. Two months ago, nobody knew it, now I see it every now and then. Fuck <span class="math">E=mc^2[/spoiler] as the, by public opinion, "most sophisticated and scientific formula ever that describes everything".

>> No.1606723

Can you explain Noether's Theorem for stupid people?

>> No.1606728
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I remember my highschool physics teacher saying that conservation of energy hadn't been rigorously proven, just never contradicted by experiment.
>mfw I learned about Noether's theorem

>> No.1606734

the one that everyone already knows : we are made out of dead stars. The atoms of our right hand probably coming from a different star than the atoms of our left hand.

>> No.1606736

For every symmetry (invariance) in the laws of nature, there is a conserved quantity.

If the laws of the system are the same if you replace t (time) with t + t_0 its energy is conserved. If the laws of the system are the same if you replace x with x + x_0 the momentum in the x-direction is conserved. If the laws of the system are the same if you replace an angle <span class="math">\theta[/spoiler] with <span class="math">\theta + \theta_0[/spoiler], its angular momentum is conserved.

>> No.1606750

When you're first learning Noether's theorem, you don't have the math background to understand it anyway, so it's given in plain words. The theorem states that for every symmetry of a system, there is a conserved quantity (and vice-versa).
An example of such a symmetry is rotational invariance, that is, it doesn't matter in which direction you're doing your experiment, it'll be the same no matter where you rotate it to. The associated conserved quantity to this is angular momentum, i.e. rotational invariance is equivalent to the conservation of angular momentum.
Noether's theorem is thus a very fundamental principle, it's the very reason there is anything in the universe. If there were no symmetries, everything would just be a huge quantum soup, and symmetries (conservational laws) introduce structure.

>> No.1606754
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quantum entanglement

>> No.1606755


anyone who doesn't know what that is, i strongly recommend you read this


i've just started, good read

>> No.1606763

I lol'd

>> No.1606765

I get them occasionally too, I always assumed it was the sun being blocked out momentarily or something only thing I could think of (like being in the shadow of something momentarily since it was so quick you can't tell if its just dull or a flash I assumed that)

>Is on a science board
>People are discussing science

I see nothing wrong with this you fucking douche gtfo if you don't like it.

>> No.1606767


on that note

In the 1950s, while conducting research into the beliefs of LSD as a psychotherapeutic tool, Grof had one female patient who suddenly became convinced she had assumed the identity of a female of a species of prehistoric reptile. During the course of her hallucination, she not only gave a richly detailed description of what it felt like to be encapsulated in such a form, but noted that the portion of the male of the species anatomy was a patch of colored scales on the side of its head. What was startling to Grof was that although the woman had no prior knowledge about such things, a conversation with a zoologist later confirmed that in certain species of reptiles colored areas on the head do indeed play an important role as triggers of sexual arousal.

The woman¹s experience was not unique. During the course of his research, Grof encountered examples of patients regressing and identifying with virtually every species on the evolutionary tree (research findings which helped influence the man-into-ape scene in the movie, Altered States).

>Moreover, he found that such experiences frequently contained obscure zoological details which turned out to be accurate.

maybe dumb luck, but jesus fuck.

>> No.1606955

It's very interesting, but not miraculous that an altered brain chemistry would be able to access now-unused instincts left over from our ancestors and interpret them through human consciousness,

>> No.1606968

>girls don't don't pee through their vagina and that they had a separate hole for that

shit blew my mind...

>> No.1606969

You never actually physically touch anything.......ever. It is the repulsion between the electrons between say your hand and your pen that you feel.

>> No.1606988

Happens all the time, people tend to go crazy a lot over it.

>> No.1607046


>> No.1607050
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And if you did touch each other...

>> No.1607056

Atheists believe there is no god

>> No.1607072

Everything we eat is organic.

Except salt. Which is a rock.

>> No.1607077


>jersing suchineniya

>> No.1607078

>Theist believe in many gods. Christians disbelieve millions of gods, and believe in one, by ripping off "pagan" religions.

>> No.1607087

Likewise, everything is natural, even all of our technology and the cities we build. It's the result of our natural behavior to shape the world we live in. It's no different than a beaver dam or a bird's nest.

>> No.1607095

I haven't heard enough people who truly understand what natural means. This explains it perfectly.

>> No.1608387
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The golden ratio sure blew my mind.

>> No.1608775

bump :)

>> No.1608790

i c wat u did thar

>> No.1608800

That isn't scientific. It is mathematics mixed with some art, but not science.

>> No.1608809
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Pic related.
I'm sorry you must have missed how much it turns up in spirals in nature. Roses, nautilus shells...

>> No.1608819

Foam is pretty awesome.

From Giraffes to beer yeah!

>> No.1608822

>I'm sorry you must have missed how much it turns up in spirals in nature. Roses, nautilus shells...
Those are approximations. I could come up with any ratio and start pointing out approximate examples of it in nature. The Golden Ratio is not God's signature so stop seeing it as such. There is nothing fundamental about it. It is a mathematically derived ratio that is appealing to the eyes, so it is used a lot in architecture and art and is sought out in nature.

>> No.1608826

Space elevators are possible.

>> No.1608831

It's not just that it is pleasing to the eyes. It actually has geometric meaning, which is why spiral life forms attempt to approximate it.

Also, I don't believe in God.

>> No.1608838

>geometric meaning
Are you just throwing words together or does "geometric meaning" mean something itself?

>> No.1608840

Chimpanzees are more genetically identical to humans than a german shepherd and a teacup chihuahua. And they're technically the same species


>> No.1608842

Ribosomes are basically little molecular computers. They read in a ticker tape (mRNA) and produce an output (proteins) based on the input. Before that, various snRNPs bond to the mRNA and scan along it to prepare it for copying. They can read forward and backward, identify entry points, cut out unnecessary fragments, and figure out which end is which.

Your body contains billions upon billions of tiny Turing machines. You are the greatest parallel processor ever.

>> No.1608851

>Chimpanzees are more genetically identical to humans than a german shepherd and a teacup chihuahua
[citation needed]

All dogs are the same species.

>> No.1608854

By what measure? I think you're wrong.

>> No.1608856

No, the Golden Ratio shows up frequently in nature for solid mathematical reasons. It's a natural consequence of things that spiral because of its representation as a continued fraction.

>> No.1608867
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How can quantum mechanics NOT blow one`s mind.

>> No.1609037

>... for solid mathematical reasons.
[citation needed]

>> No.1609063

Learning that OP was always a fag

Oh wait, I always knew that

>> No.1609182


yeah I mentioned that in my post. That's what makes it so mind blowing. Also

>60% of facts you read in these threads aren't true

>> No.1609530

Grab a healthy human cell. Almost any human cell, but epithelial work best. Then place it in a rich enviroment in a petri dish. It'll immediately assume an amoeba-like behaviour, pseudopodes and all. It'll do this until it hits a bunch of other human cells in its path - or is confined to the ones it created through mitosis. Then, it'll assume its usual form and continue business as usual, reproducing until they fill the whole petri dish with a cell-deep tissue.

That freaked me right out the first time I saw it, but even worse was watching cancerous cell pile on top of each other, still wriggling.

>> No.1610397

OP, there is only one Quark! --And Odo keeps a close eye on him...

>> No.1610420

thread needs more sauce

>> No.1610422

when i found out how magnets work.

>> No.1610495
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>> No.1610509

When I found out we can only see such a small gap of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum.

>> No.1610517

the great potential of artificial intelligence

>> No.1610609
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It wasn't something I learned, so much as something I realized. I was looking in the mirror brushing my teeth, and realized I was the product of a process that began at the start of the universe. Roughly 6,000 years ago.
But no really, it was a pretty staggering thought.

>> No.1610627

What science facts blew my mind? I suppose the greatest mind blowing was when I found out the quantum scale explanation for the polarization of light. Oh wait, I still don't know the quantum scale explanation for the polarization of light!

>> No.1610630

How fucking poorly put together the human body is, despite how well it functions.

laryngeal nerve: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cH2bkZfHw4

>> No.1610661

I want to see a genetically optimized human. I wonder if one could fix things like said nerve, take out wisdom teeth, and so on and still mate with other non-altered humans.

>> No.1610664

Some thing related to that:
The possibility that the real size of the universe is SMALLER than the observable universe.

>> No.1611608
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>> No.1611724

wat. explain

>> No.1612027


>> No.1612036

That all of matter is basically empty space and only "looks" as it does because of quantum mechanics.

>> No.1612040
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>> No.1612801
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>> No.1612807

when I learned that light has the property of both wave and particle. MIND = BLOWN

>> No.1612860


>> No.1613731
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This is just crazy. I mean, wth is that? It's so bizarre.

>> No.1613753
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I thought that image was endocytosis of viruses until I clicked on the thumbnail.

>> No.1613878
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The sheer fucking number and diversity of molecules that come together to form the unveliebably complex structures that all fit inside a teeny tiny cell, and the speed and complexity of the interrelated chemical reactions that take place within it. All to make up a teeny tiny, whole, independent living being. It might be silly, but it blows my mind every time I think about it

Picture related. That cute little motherfucker is only ten micrometers big.