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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16068832 No.16068832 [Reply] [Original]

What causes dreams? Do hormonal urges affect dreams?

>She could have had a baby, but instead science gave her an abortion

>> No.16068901

Does that retard realise that tiktok shows videos based on previously watched videos and trends those videos were based on? So whoever made that screenshot is actively searching for these contents. Also zoomers on tiktok copy each other blatantly and create new trending topic to get views and likes. So although some of the videos may be true many are false. Given the diversity of human nature and fucked up nature of women's brain, it's not uncommon to fantasies different things.

>> No.16068911

Why are women such crybabies, I've lived a thousand lifetimes, loved females (not necessarily human) for hundreds of years who were the perfect machinations of my mind who loved me unconditionally in a way noone irl has been able to, only to wake up and have them disappear forever, yet I don't cry about it like a bitch

>> No.16068920

They aren't, society encourages them to have poor control over their emotions. Men and women are extremely similar in mental faculties, its just if from age 1 whenever you cry you're told to toughen up and stop being a bitch, and women are given hugs and headpats and told to let it out, which do you think would have better skills at controlling their emotions by age 25?

I've seen autistic women who act just like men do and i've seen effeminate gay men who do the opposite. Its all about what skills (especially mental ones like math, puzzle solving, and regulating emotions) you practice and how you were raised.

>> No.16068925

>yet I don't cry about it like a bitch
you just did

>> No.16068942
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For those who haven't seen a readable version of OP's image.

>> No.16068953

Makes sense, but you'd think that they'd learn to be better as they get older, I was a bit of a pussy when younger but life has hardened me as the years have passed

>> No.16068960

>I have class in an hour
It looks like they're all early 20s, that's probably different than a 45 year old being haunted by such dreams.

>> No.16068989
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>> No.16069022
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The octopus produces venom containing tetrodotoxin, histamine, tryptamine, octopamine, taurine, acetylcholine, and dopamine.
Don't listen to him~

>> No.16069023
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>> No.16069051

. Octopuses have a complex nervous system and excellent sight, and are among the most intelligent and behaviourally diverse of all invertebrates.
he nervous system is complex, only part of which is localised in its brain, which is contained in a cartilaginous capsule.[51] Two-thirds of an octopus's neurons are in the nerve cords of its arms; these are capable of complex reflex actions without input from the brain.[52] Unlike vertebrates, the complex motor skills of octopuses are not organised in their brains via internal somatotopic maps of their bodies.[53] The nervous system of cephalopods is the most complex of all invertebrates.[54][55] The giant nerve fibers of the cephalopod mantle have been widely used for many years as experimental material in neurophysiology; their large diameter (due to lack of myelination) makes them relatively easy to study compared with other animals.[56]

>> No.16069060

I don't dream much but I do have a huge daughter fever.

>> No.16069077
File: 40 KB, 800x533, Trump lols at u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i'm sure you're totally a badass tough guy now

>> No.16069113

>She could have had a baby, but instead science gave her an abortion
Science can figure out the tricks to turning formerly decent women into barren whores or a low quality imitation of a man, but science isn't capable of doing anything positive. Thanks for doing your part in the jews' white genocide scheme, science.

>> No.16069156

I'm sure one day you'll learn about false dichotomies... or you won't.

>> No.16069208

I really hope the tiktok ban gets passed.

>> No.16069210

The featured videos got liked up to a million times. I don't know if that makes it a trend but it isn't quite unpopular either.

>> No.16069252
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>> No.16069279

>omg guys these "humans" have most of their nervous system spread throughout the body!
>The "brain" is in a "capsule" located up near the eyes
>and throughout the limbs and torso is an interwoven complex structure that can react independently to the conscious brain!
Wow! So THIS is what science can do. I am impressed.

>> No.16069321

>She could have had a baby, but instead science gave her an abortion
unfortunately this is all too true.
if they ever do have a baby, science will inject the baby with poisonous """vaccines""" until the kid develops some sort of severe medical or mental disorder

>> No.16070051 [DELETED] 

yes they do, that one of the reasons masturbation is bad for you, because it prevents your most important dreams from occurring

>> No.16071017 [DELETED] 
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meanwhile on reddit

>> No.16071027

That is just interference from parallel realities.

>> No.16071061

>death cult

>> No.16071701

hormonal urges affect everything you do

>> No.16071721

Being the sociopath that I am, I'd tell them it was just a dream and remind them of all the fun things the single life has to offer and how having a baby would ruin the amount of freedom they currently have, afterward I'd highly suggest to them to just focus on their studies and future careers instead of some silly dream that doesn't mean anything. Knowing damn well she'd be so much happier as a wife with multiple children to care for, a loving husband, and just going out with her kids or friends to the farmers market or chatting with her girlfriends at a the local coffee shop while her kids are at school. What I want is to sink her even deeper into the abyss, I want to see women throw their entire lives away chasing the pipe dream the media and the academic institutions have promised her throughout her entire young life, only to reach the end of her long journey, lonely, broke, addicted to multiple substances, and washed up from years of partying and whoring out. And the best part is they'll think I have their best interest in mind, pathetic.

>> No.16072423

if abortion isnt wrong, why should infanticide be wrong?

>> No.16072512
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meanwhile in The Guardian

>> No.16072541

The argument given is not a moral one, it's a purely pragmatic one (that is, they know any moral position would be incoherent). It's simply inconvenient and uncomfortable to disallow women from murdering the unborn, but much *more* uncomfortable to let women murder the born.

>> No.16072844

And yet SIDS exists to let them get away with just that.

>> No.16073007 [DELETED] 

Men and women have different brain structures you retarded fucking nigger. Some outliers will be closer to the other sex's brain structure, but that doesn't change the fact that men and women have different brain structures and that denying genetics in favor of blank slate is cope.

>> No.16073441

and what structures exactly make men better at handling emotions or women worse? Amygdala, hippocampus and midbrain circuits are the same proportional size in adults bro.

>> No.16073466

How much of SIDS ends up being just murder, is there any study on this?

>> No.16073589

its very difficult to study this for obvious reasons, but I believe I read a study estimating the figure at 40%.

>> No.16073598

dreams are messages from the deep. I used to dream of meaningful future events but nowadays I'm so burned out I dream of weekends.

>> No.16073599

>and what structures exactly make men better at handling emotions
the penis

>> No.16073648

you know when people say cumbrain they dont mean it literally right

>> No.16073655
File: 1.22 MB, 1440x1080, vlcsnap-2024-02-23-04h29m51s924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream last night where i slowly cut off my peenar. I dont remember why i did it but i think it like had an infection or something and my dream logic was that if i cut it off i can bring it to the doctor and they can fix it and then reattach it to me. And then the rest of the dream was just me trying to hide it from my family and it was always like right in the open just out of their line of view on a table or something. My cortisol was definitely soaring the hole time. It was probably the most vivid dream I've had since pre-covid. I miss having nightmares of five nights at freddys. I never have nightmares anymore, only stressful dreams

>> No.16077892 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16078532 [DELETED] 

its 100%

>> No.16078648 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16079068

killing an infant is different to killing fetus; conception is an arbitrary step in a long chain of similarly important steps both before and after conception that produce a functioning human

>> No.16079461

I would think so, Melatonin is a hormone and I only dream when I use it, weird shit too.

>> No.16079977 [DELETED] 

>killing an infant is different to killing fetus
no it isn't, its the same thing

>> No.16080761

Women have two souls inside of their bodies, one in their womb and one in their mind. So it makes sense they would have such dreams

>> No.16081931 [DELETED] 

willfully ending a human life is also known as "murder"

>> No.16082548

No it isn't, they're the same thing

>> No.16082903

>basic biological imperatives
to live in a society of such technological progress met with such massive cope, is insane. woman lack any sort of self awareness, and digital simps are enabling that.

>> No.16082915

>had a dream last night that I was at university dating a girl who was a bit kinky and coquettish
>wake up next to my wife who I haven't slept with since at least before the new year
Never get married, Anons.

>> No.16082944

Are you a believer in tabula rasa?

>> No.16082948

Don't you have kids? Cute young daughter to cuddle with?

>> No.16082969
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>wake up next to my wife who I haven't slept with
>wake up next to
>who I haven't slept with

>> No.16082978

and I dream of having a GF in my dreams but that doesn't change my dislike towards women in any way.

I still miss dream-gf please come back :(

>> No.16082980

First post best post. Pack it up. Thread is over.

>> No.16082984

Your words were gay to read because you believe in IQ and have sub-IQ

>> No.16083029


>> No.16083082

I hate women so much its unreal

>> No.16083602 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16084537 [DELETED] 


>> No.16084830

ah, a fellow feminist and man of culture
personally I've encouraged countless women in my field who wanted to give up to power through
meanwhile I was married at 23 to an 18 year old and my sister was also married at 18
having to work for shekelberg isn't so bad when I get to see insanely miserable women coping every day

>> No.16084938

>science isn't capable of doing anything positive

why are zoomers like this?

>> No.16084942

>killing an infant is different to killing person; birth is an arbitrary step in a long chain of similarly important steps both before and after conception that produce a functioning human

>> No.16084978

I came to the same conclusion. The human concept is fundamentally broken, you'll never crush them into a shape where science is a net positive. They're animals.

>> No.16085039
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>I had a dream last night where i slowly cut off my peenar. I dont remember why i did it but i think it like had an infection or something and my dream logic was that if i cut it off i can bring it to the doctor and they can fix it and then reattach it to me. And then the rest of the dream was just me trying to hide it from my family and it was always like right in the open just out of their line of view on a table or something.
keked and checked

>> No.16085076

Answer the philosophic question when does human life begin(what is a human life)? There are multiple ways to rationally break it down and merits of debating that are very difficult to get compromise between groups and it makes it politically very contentious.

>> No.16085108

Take a stoner fart on my face

>> No.16085195

You might be trans.

>> No.16086104

>human life begins and ends when its convenient for me and suits my desires
enjoy getting murdered

>> No.16086301

I had a dream I had a brown tomboy gf who loved me. Probably because I jerked off to a hentai of it. Its just the brain reacting to stimuli. Now I can't explain why said dream had star trek like teleportation but ehhh.

>> No.16086303

MWI and alternate realities are unverifiable. Stop consooming popsci

>> No.16086430

Maybe I expect too much from people here at /sci/ to actually want to explore the question.

>> No.16087185

theres no tiktok ban being legislated, whats being legislated is internet censorship

>> No.16088007

>What causes dreams?

The Noetic sphere (part of the Implicate Order)

Next question

>> No.16088680

women want to have babies, thats what they evolved to do, thats the sole purpose for their existence. sending them to school to become ersatz men is denying evolution

>> No.16089903

raising children is far, far more meritorious than getting a college degree

>> No.16091654
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nearly 60 of the school age population currently gets college degrees, there is nothing meritorious about it, at best it only indicates that you're able to compete intellectually with downies

>> No.16092119
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>> No.16092219

I suffered from chronic nightmares my whole life, like multiple nightmares nearly every night. Suddenly out of nowhere about two years ago I started becoming lucid during every nightmare. No idea why, it wasn't even gradual. Every nightmare started making me lucid overnight. Around the same time I also noticed my ability to fly, run, and punch in dreams drastically improving. Whereas flight in dreams was always like awkwardly swimming through the air, and running/punching were always slow and ineffective, now they're all smooth and fast. I wonder if the regular lucidity and the more fluid movement within dreams (lucid or not) are connected. I suppose if I practice flying smoothly in a lucid dream it may bleed over in to non lucid ones.

>> No.16093290 [DELETED] 

Good paper.
Hormones are powerful stuff.

>> No.16093560

before lifting weights, I would run away in my dreams - my gait was always slow and awkward.
after lifting, I punch (fast) and have weapons.
>take the gympill and become a better dream warrior

>> No.16093568


Femoids that which deny their innate being result in deep insecurity as their biological clock fades away. Oh has the modern way forsaken our own identity.

>> No.16094034

Their selfish, self-centered "feminism" is inherently anti-family. They can have the families their hormones tell them they need or they can have feminism, but not both.

>> No.16094058

>that's probably different than a 45 year old
Yeah but those ones aren't going to get the likes on social media

>> No.16094068

They've grown up in a world completely dominated by your misguided worldview and felt all of the effects firsthand. "Progress" was never about making our lives better, it was about making us more controlled, dumber, demoralised and less reproductive. There is nothing you can say to refute this claim. Nothing.

>> No.16095153 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16095183
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Let it haunt them till death, then let them be punished eternally

>> No.16095195

This and men dominating women's sports, "Women of the year" competitions, and Miss Universe competitions are the fuels that keep me going.

>> No.16095200

Probably the same percentage of "his gun just went off when he was cleaning it" and "he overdosed on his meds / lost control of his car" copes for suicide:

30% I'd guess.

>> No.16096636
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>> No.16096729

>there will be no sexual dimorphisim in the brain as it ages, even after puberty, because I say so

Also, if that's true, then how do you explain trans folx?

>> No.16096743
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>What causes dreams?
your brain is still active when sleeping which causes your neurons to signal each other. oftentimes this means your memories or senses will get involved in the signaling, so you'll experience this as a dream.

>> No.16096845
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>What causes dreams

The Ether (ground of reality). Dreams are mere unmanifested psychophysical potential.

>> No.16096851
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>the deep.
Weird way of spelling Ether but okay

>> No.16096856

They'll be fine
They're just doing this for attention
They want their Mr. Right to come impregnate them

>> No.16097355 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16098520

he will never come because they want a wealthy white college educated heterosexual man with a prestigious career and white heterosexual men are locked out of university education and good paying jobs by the jews' diversity scheme

>> No.16098913

WARNING: This individual is EXTREMELY based

>> No.16099952


>> No.16100966

My wife had a dream in which I annoyed her somehow, and she was pissed off with me all morning.

>> No.16101908

good theme song for the thread

>> No.16102001

while all of that is possible, this phenomenon has a simpler explanation

its chinese funded shill clickbait

>> No.16102175

>my brain thought it was real
No, YOU thought it was real and you're trying to avoid responsibility for your own thoughts because you realize they're irrational.

>> No.16102963
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>oy vey the chinese are out to get me because they allow a social media network that isn't censored by ZOG to exist

>> No.16104173

Twitter still has massive censorship, they even issue bans for """misgendering"""

>> No.16104175

>meanwhile most of the dreams I remember are about killing people who are trying to kill me

>> No.16105821

Dreaming about babies that you killed is not all that dissimilar

>> No.16106653

>Do hormonal urges affect dreams?

>> No.16107362

4chan will be like that pretty soon

>> No.16107553

they are not real. wtf are you talking about? trans is a fetish

>> No.16107701

It's the physiology interfacing with consciousness in order to get the consciousnesses to replicate physical avatar bodies and pass on the heritable genetic info in order that other, non-local (outside of spacetime) consciousnesses who are waiting to incarnate can have bodies to operate in the spacetime. This is what the urge to procreate is about.

>> No.16108887

Animals and plants are just some temporarily animate compost, DNA is an immortal creature that alters and improves itself with every regeneration

>> No.16110185

The DNA is of the women in OP is trying to make them breed, but those women are fated to be genetic dead ends so the DNA's efforts are too weak to make it happen

>> No.16111169

>women stop breeding when they become too intellectual
Men are human, women are animals. Women that try to become characteristically male aren't capable of breeding

>> No.16112640

>i murder my baby so i could get a job earning shekels for goyslop inc.
women actually do this

>> No.16113360

They would all be far better off if it weren't an option

>> No.16114829

Outlawing abortion and birth control prevents women from becoming whores. Anyone who was truly in favor of improving the lives of women would be in favor of banning abortion and birth control

>> No.16116503

women can go two ways, they can end up as a frustrated alcoholic cat lady and drop dead in their 50s or they can end up as respected grandmothers and live a long, healthy satisfying life. giving women the option of abortion and birth control sets them up to take the cat lady route.

>> No.16116535

That's a good thing. Giving them the option will reduce the population and weed out the genes of the impressionable. These are the people who would have insisted on geocentrism because "the Church said so". Or Lysenkoism because "the Party said so". Or the safety of experimental vaccines because "the Department of Health said so".
As long as they are taught you can wait until you're 45 to have kids they'll believe it. You can even tell them to avoid children altogether for ecological reasons and a big chunk of them will do it. When they're all gone we'll have a much higher quality and lower quantity of people.

>> No.16116553

everyone look at this gullible dipshit, he thinks "the algorithm" is pure and unevil, he really thinks "the algorithm" doesn't get steered and people can't pay to have content shoved up the list.
Hey everyone, this guy thinks "the algorithm" isn't manipulated.

Biggest fucking modern lie is that "your algorithm" is purely what you want to see and nothing else.
It's a psyop anon, you fucking turd-brain. It's a brainwashing tactic. "The algorithm showed me this so I must want it". Fucking retarded.

>> No.16117958 [DELETED] 

it should only be legal for negroes and jews

>> No.16118491

Its good for mexicans and asians as well

>> No.16120061 [DELETED] 

also listenine guzzlers

>> No.16120581 [DELETED] 

future alcoholic cat ladies

>> No.16121685 [DELETED] 

Preventing women from becoming mothers in order to justify importing a billion foreign shitskins has been the plan all along

>> No.16123004

what is?

>> No.16123031

Many things. The dreams themselves seem to be your brain testing and adjusting the agent model, "you", using your internal world model. You can put whatever objective you want into that, like opening a door, reproduction, adjusting your mood, solving problems, etc.

>> No.16123845 [DELETED] 

Women literally can't be happy if they don't have children. Its not possible for them physiologically or psychologically.
There are some mammal species in which the females will drop dead if they're not bred once they get to reproductive age, thats how strong the female's need to breed is. In humans they just become massive bitches and suffer a few decades of being terminally dissatisfied with like before dying young.

>> No.16125065 [DELETED] 

>There are some mammal species in which the females will drop dead if they're not bred once they get to reproductive age
I wish humans were like that

>> No.16126259 [DELETED] 

it would be a big improvement to our species and civilization. ugly girls would all die young

>> No.16126277

>science gave her an abortion
Infanticide is older than recorded history lol, nothing scientific about it.

>> No.16127002 [DELETED] 
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The persistence of ugly women is a real problem, we need to get rid of them somehow or other, they're the ones who become feminists

>> No.16128031 [DELETED] 

good comic, must be over 100 years old, but still rings as true as if ben garrison drew it yesterday

>> No.16128382

>a small number of women make TikTok’s pretending so they can go viral and get maximum attention
Meanwhile tradcath orthodox bros on twitter:
>oh my gooooosh all women are miserable because they aren’t bearing my genetically worthless offspring oh my gooooosh

>> No.16128383

True, so when I see yet another video of some tranny screaming about how my existence as a white male is rape I can rest assured I am the retard for caring and that trannies in general are pleasant, reasonable, open-minded people who "just want to be left alone" :)
thanks friend! ::::)))))

>> No.16128385

are you the gray apple or no apple?

>> No.16129753 [DELETED] 


>> No.16130733 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16132070 [DELETED] 


>> No.16132094


>> No.16132800 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16132905 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16134107 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16134366

Holy shit. This is too funny.

>> No.16134370

I'm fucking dying.

>> No.16135403

Everyone benefits from TND

>> No.16136447
File: 313 KB, 900x674, Nerd_1520708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what a scientist looks like

>> No.16137892 [DELETED] 
File: 138 KB, 300x300, medium_MMRIP3l9QmCb3ltaVqXE_IMG_6121_jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wish, honkey

>> No.16138607 [DELETED] 

>and weed out the genes of the impressionable
all women are like that, males are the alphas in human society.

>> No.16139585

what'd i miss?

>> No.16141172

aborted cool wine aunt

>> No.16141723

Right, its not getting banned, Congresses wants to force TikTok to be sold to an In-Q-Tel* subsidiary.

*In-Q-Tel is a CIA subsidiary**

**if you didn't already know that then you're a pleb

>> No.16143446

>and lower quantity of people.
nope. smart women all have 10+ kids

>> No.16144553

Those ones aren't necessarily smart, they have hormonal urges that drive their desire to breed, they also have government welfare programs bribing them to have children if they're unmarried.

>> No.16145794

They want to have children, but nobody wants to be their husband because of their repulsive university educated personalities.

>> No.16146464
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What sane man would want to have a relationship with a feminist? Feminists hate men

>> No.16146763
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you are not sociopathic you just hate women and want them to suffer for not behaving as you feel they should and having sex with you specifically.

If you were sociopathic you'd do this globally, but you do not, because this specific case has appeal to you for cognitive hormonal reproductive reasons.

To summarize it for your intellect level, you hate them because you are the same.

>> No.16146797

melatonin, which comes from serotonin, which comes from tryptophan, which is an amino acid either ingested or synthesized by the body out of other amino acids with the help of vitamins including b6, b9, b12, vitamin d and magnesium

>> No.16146805

>Do hormonal urges affect dreams?
melatonin is a hormone

>> No.16148054

how does being a b12 deficient vegetarian affect dreaming?

>> No.16149133

People with b12 deficiencies have reduced IQ, so it probably affects all of their mental processes significantly

>> No.16149709

I can't even be a smug 4chan dickhead at this. This isn't even a woman moment to me. This is just sad.

>> No.16150231

>what causes dreams?
fuck if i know
>do hormonal urges affect dreams?
yes. my dreams have been so much more visceral, so much more real ever since I started estrogen. of course, n = 1 but its just an example

>> No.16150919

>This isn't even a woman moment
They're clearly all desperate to become mothers, yet none of them are willing to give up on their feminist career goals in order to get what they most desire.
Its clearly a very woman moment

>> No.16150943

>What causes dreams?
Emotional and visual processing of the brain during the clean up cycle. Eg. body flushes the brain to refresh it during sleep; causing the neurons to flash up eg. generating dreams.


>Do hormonal urges affect dreams?


>> No.16152318

>their feminist career goals
AKA their desire to be men
AKA penis envy

>> No.16153455

The tranny janny crew here is a transient phenomenon, they have a 41% attrition rate, so they won't last much longer

>> No.16154314

absolutely epic choice for thread themesong

>> No.16155788
File: 46 KB, 941x768, smuggly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16156934

>she could have had a family but instead soience gave her a job as mr. zogsheckel's slave

>> No.16158136

>but instead soience gave her a job as mr. zogsheckel's slave
That way she can earn valuable taxes while working towards becoming a genetic dead end

>> No.16159726

all while earning valuable profits for mr. zogsheckel

>> No.16159989

90 IQ fuck.

>> No.16161120
File: 76 KB, 1000x923, feminist_ants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats the whole purpose of feminism, its part of the white genocide agenda, prevents women from having children and turns them into wageslaves instead

>> No.16162296

All those lucky women!

>> No.16162384

>prevents women from having children and turns them into wageslaves instead
The women in OP would rather be mothers than wagies, but feminism tricked them into being wagies anyway.

>> No.16162453

I'd breed each one of them. I guess that makes me a more virtuous person.

>> No.16163548

Also divorce laws make it less likely they'll find a husband capable of supporting a family.

>> No.16164249

maek baby

>> No.16164503
File: 803 KB, 1000x839, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16165392

This man is a pidor btw

>> No.16166464


>> No.16166547

>penis envy
No shit. You're short, weak, emotionally volatile, jiggle all the fucking time and draw attention to yourself, and bleed between your legs more than a dozen times a year, all while carrying a diamond in your pants
Why wouldn't you want to take the alternative?

>> No.16167705

thats why so many of them want to be trannys