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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 252 KB, 640x1066, 6eg2157ms6mc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16055411 No.16055411 [Reply] [Original]

BonziBuddy, set an alarm for tomorrow morning at 7:00AM Seoul local time. Also play It's Too Late to Apologize by Timbaland featuring One Republic

>> No.16055414

No... it can't be... my heart can't take anymore of this

>> No.16055417

forgot to add this was 5 hours ago, so 4 hours left

>> No.16055421

stop playing with my feefees dude

>> No.16055429

fake news.

superconductors dont exist, they’re just aether guides

>> No.16055438

explain why this is big

>> No.16055446

It's a scam they are saying they will only show partial levitation

>> No.16055466

2 chinese labs confirmed. I'm hyped or rizzed up as the zoomers say

>> No.16055562

>Grifter says his scam is totally real for the nth time
He should just cut straight to the chase and make his superconductor crypto shitcoin

>> No.16055574

S-surely he wouldn't try to pull two fast ones in a row... Right?

>> No.16055583
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Sciencebros... our response?

>> No.16055608

is it livestreamed anywhere?

>> No.16055670
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>> No.16055673
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>> No.16055680

We're so so back. Western labs humiliated

>> No.16055683

>partial levitation
is partial worthy of anything?

>> No.16055684
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I don't believe shit until I see it with my own eyes

>> No.16055689

You're a fucking retard mark then. I only believe in things I can shove up my ass

>> No.16055699 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16055712


>> No.16055719

>magnetic injury

>> No.16055745

Day of the RTSC sounds ominous

>> No.16055761

isn't it time already? what happened? link to talk?

>> No.16055777

>partial levitation

No because it can be faked with other materials

>> No.16055784
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1D superconducting channels. hilarious how morons were trying to measure the rocks with handheld multimeter

>> No.16056108
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nothing ever happens

>> No.16056115
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>> No.16056186

9 hours isn't 7am. It's 8pm right now and it's been 9 hours since your post

>> No.16056191

Oh I see it's a literal who science convention you need to pay to access. They're just trying to sell tickets. Sneaky chinks

>> No.16056286

so basically >>>/g/99309006

>> No.16056322

>Seoul local time
Anon the conference is in Minneapolis and it's taking place RIGHT NOW

>> No.16056343
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>> No.16056397
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Chinese are really fucking annoying with their ankle biting copy cat bullshit. They should just stick to shitty china quality research papers they were too lazy to write, and had to put through a shitty google translate.

>> No.16056399
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>It's nothing
Never trust the gooks

>> No.16056406
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It's over for overbros

>> No.16056411
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>> No.16056412

No please, I don’t want to be on Mr. Kim’s wild ride again.

>> No.16056413
File: 34 KB, 640x718, it'stime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ork feelings intensify
Bitchy zoomers don't know any better, millenials and GenX think the world should cater to them like a bunch of entitled soibois when they have to worry about their kids cutting off their dicks or going in the wrong bathroom. They are involved either as military, LE, or in fed gov and are not allowed to think outside of their portfolio, so they just hate on anything that makes their assigned jobs harder instead of admitting to the reality of the situation.
So they hate anyone they constantly lied to but told them the truth, while they literally suck their rapists' cocks and call them brothers, only to get shit on 24/7 by the whole world who advised them to do things differently, to do the right thing that ACTUALLY fucking works for once.
But nah, someone else who held you in confidence that is now doing things on their own is a problem (not to mention you always lied to them because you are jumping at shadows), not you immature jackasses who are being fed the same slop Army intel feeds the chinese and indian immigrants to make them feel better and take heat off their asses.
Also, all the DEI shill SEETHE.
Did Korean guys fuck over your diversity groomer plans or something?

>> No.16056422
File: 34 KB, 1280x720, B689F967-E024-4C31-B00F-C8A973B34BA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you see, that’s where the trouble began. That smile. That damn smile…
That’s the face of a man who’s fighting against the rest of the world. Fuck it, I’m back in.

>> No.16056423

is that the dude who worked at LK99 since 1999?

>> No.16056425

>tfw you accidentally let slip a black national security project and have to do damage control
This is like the dolly the sheep clone mess all over again.

>> No.16056431

>dolly the sheep
Correction, it was the other mess in 2004 about cloning human embryonic cells.
Pretty dangerous to let that kind of thing slip through a wayward amateur researcher.

>> No.16056434
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looks like a schizo collage

>> No.16056441

You know something was up when LLNL said computer simulations confirmed it, but then they promptly shut the fuck up about it.

>> No.16056445

With that many imperfections in the material it's it possible that the chemical makeup of the material is correct but it's just really rough at the surface which is why it's only partial levitation? Like if they found a production method that could create a smooth surface wouldn't that be better?

>> No.16056447
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The only problem they have are the whole over politicized autistic crowd who have a severe tunnel vision problem. Plus they tend to have PR issues because they are too pissed off 24/7 and people had bad experience on a personal level.
It's like soviet schizo rage but with actual competence, plus being highly combative and abrasiveness on top.
It doesn't help that previous reigning dynasty was autistic about keeping social order and screwed the pooch so hard during late 19th century, they are utterly politically irrelevant even when they are still extent.
Some people just weren't positioned right when the changes came around.
But at least they are honest.

>> No.16056458
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>> No.16056497

Yes, Mr. Kim

>> No.16056716

There might be an issue right now with SK interest groups being in the hotseat because some of their entrenched controlling interests are basically japanophiles.
NK has issues with sinophiles.
'Sadaejuui' must be purged and reunification with national rejuvenation should be the only priority. NK should be forming up viable, workable economic revolution in order to raise up a generation capable of functioning responsibly and competently in a functional modern society, not cuba tier society on steroids.
Korean civilization has issues because of various idiosyncracies it has that are out of the loop with the changes that happened from the 19th century, as well as historical experiences that might not always mesh well with that of controlling interest groups globally.
Korean historiography is essentially somewhere in the middle between isolated japanese archipelago build up from 300 BC (itself by majority a result of invasion from the Korean peninsula by numerically and civilizationally advanced population), and that of ethnically and linguistically distinct dynasty with multiple thousands of relatively unbroken history, unlike various chinese continental dynasties who were wiped out replaced over and over again.
The Korean worldview revolves around the peninsula, and their conflicts with northern nomads as well as dealing with frequently numerically superior and ever changing chinese dynasties, and more recently, some adventurous japanese pirates.
The entire east asian civilization has already achieved genetic, and civilizational stability through conquest and domination of the one of the most temperate and fertile region of the world that can support the largest population on earth.
Korean Civilization once had reaches of a great power with imperial domination over Manchuria and inner Mongolia, equivalent to the core of the Merovingian dynasty, and the geographic and environmental factors made further expansions uneconomical and unfeasible.

>> No.16056741
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its over

>> No.16056743


>> No.16056745

The seasonal typhoons around South China Sea are some of the harshest on earth, and this is a factor that doesn't exist in Europe or Russia that is heated by gulf stream at a latitude that is otherwise pretty much uninhabitable by most except eskimos. These typhoons are stronger than most other hurricanes around the world, and they can easily sink anything less than a ship of the line. They are predictably seasonal, but SE Asia was historically underpopulated with subsistence level economy, and had less to offer than the exotic middle ground trade route of the anatolia and levant. The maritime distance to Strait of Malaca and regional piracy who can easily block the routes played a role here also.
Koreans expanded from their base in the UK-sized penninsula to the surprisingly cold and inhospitable regions of Manchuria, and continental chinese dynasties eventually expanded to the furthest economically viable borders of central asia and southern asian regions. Japanese were mostly cooped up in their archipelago, itself about 2/3rds the size of modern day Metropolitan France.
Chinese dynasties were often ethnically distinct entities, and regional difference in modern day china is actually expression of long running ethnic warfare. Southern chinese and northern chinese are often genetically distinct population.
Korean civilization was hamstrung by geographical limitations and enemies on all sides, who were frequently numerically superior if not in civilizational organization. The three major civilizations of East Asia are centered around fertile, temperate cores that are geographically distant and distinct from one another, with Koreans and Japanese having achieved genetic stability and cohesiveness centuries before most others have done the same.
This means changes will come slowly, and there will be idiosyncracies when they are engaged diplomatically with others.
Also, they mostly consider other people nigger tier, btw.

>> No.16056748

can we ban south korea?

>> No.16056750

I hope AI finds and purges schizos as they're just terribly unbearable

>> No.16056751

50 year ban for south korean scientists leaving the country

>> No.16056767

TLDR, the situation atm is mostly childish nonsense from either side since people can't really deal right away with their own problems.
Assume that there are those in SK willing to put the foot down and play both sides or something - the japanophile elements are fairly corrupt and incompetent, and will lose their political standing, or at least admit they have gone awry and should share power with others. Their involvement in media angle is half-hearted at best and frankly are too overemotional and melodramatic to take seriously. They can easily shut it down with FCC-like actions, since most people are probably tired of the BS anyway and the seoul faggots are insufferable and it runs contrary with various moral standards that still remain important to them.
There is, however, a need to change the perception and dynamic between East and the West, vast majority of it today formed by intervention and conflict in the region from opposite part of the world, and it never really worked out for our folks. There was a huge gap in histography and development, not to mention in traditional literacy and education attainment in general population, and sensibilities fostered as the norm, which runs contrary to the military experience in the region.
CCP and chinese idiocy is one thing, but it's unhelpful to have veteran impressions and experiences alone turning everybody else into nigger when they are sent there to bang their heads against the wall. It's not that hard to chase away chinese adventurists and punks anyway.
There are some who want to use china as an outlet to shift the anxiety and social trend in the west, without dealing with actual problems. They like to play games, and not in a way that's convincing anyone. A lot of people fell off the rails for a couple generations due to unsound reactions to geopolitical policies, and want to work their way out by any means necessary, without thinking it over twice and how it really affects zoomers or even women and children.

>> No.16056779

A joint Japanese-Chinese paper supporting LK99 room temperature super conductivity:

>> No.16056800

We can ban k-pop worldwide, Lord willing, and that should be the first thing their next administration does. Also, maybe arrest some manwha authors and artists for 'promoting amoral and violent content degrading women' or something.
They actually have far less problem than China or Japan in term of human trafficking or involvement in media matters, and do have an established Christian and Buhddist demographic with historical record of pursuing the truth. They are still dealing with the events in the 20th century and the national revival efforts stemming from the time in various ways, however, and their established interest in SK have an autistic tunnel vision problem that has veered into the irrational.
They need to see that they have lost their way, and agree to share power to bring up the country as a whole, and ready it for reunification, free from the excesses of the national rebuilding efforts. No one will really lose anything, they just need to arrest more sun-club style types and outright japanophiles, as well as anyone involved with yakuza-linked mafia groups.
They also need to loosen up a bit on the national traditions and narratives, and of course these should not be incompatible to established Christian interests. Any excessively ambitious groups will likely learn to take a back seat or re-think their posture if they feel the domestic pressure from the blowback of their autism.
They need to essentially trim a bit of fat and remoralize their society, while advancing industrial and technological interests and maintaining their military readiness against the chinese threat.
NK needs to realize how badly they practice 'sadaejuui' in their own right, and that they are also lacking in the vision and initiatives not to mention their own sense of self due to the losses in the war and dysgenic effects of communist-socialist centralized government. They need to raise up a whole new generation of capable, responsible, and forward thinking population.

>> No.16056813

There is definitely an aim in middle eastern and DEI population to try and shill against the chinese and East Asia as they see them as a threat to the third world UN based goals. They want to use the chinese doings as a tool to deflect blame from themselves, which anyone can tell.
The west turned out too many weaboos since the 70s because they pushed some stuff too hard, but I don't think they can solve anything by doing what they are doing now.

>> No.16056820


>> No.16056943

>Least mind broken, by the mere existence of the west, Sinophile

>> No.16056947

Everybody knows what the chinese are upto. It's like talking about jews at this point.
There are no sinophiles in the west anymore, unless their last name is biden or turtleneck.
Since you don't know this, I guess you might be a shitskin.

>> No.16056955

Backbros, what are the first applications?

>> No.16056991

u better sauce

>> No.16057018
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someone make a webm thanks

>> No.16057021

So, the believers are femoids, and the disbelievers are men that get high quality pussy? I agree with your sentiment sir.

>> No.16057038

I see a sliver of daylight

>> No.16057051

If it's real will china kill it off?

>> No.16057055

I meant South Korea

>> No.16057067

Why would they destroy their own invention?
Chinese will try to pretend they did it first, of course.

>> No.16057134

>Why would they destroy their own invention
It may be too disruptive.

>> No.16057147

The gooks are sandbagging everyone and hiding crucial details. They deserve to lose everything. At this point the Chinese are working faster and are more transparent to fill the gaps the stupid subhuman gooks are failing to address.

>> No.16057148
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No samples given to independent labs to confirm...
this is a scam

>> No.16057163

They are sandbagging because they know greedy hostile faggots are eager to take whatever edge they can from US-Allied MIC and use it for their own purposes. That would explain why LLNL was being cagey about the business, amongst other reasons.
There's also some political upheaval going on with SK's entrenched interests being under pressure for a number of reasons. Many of them tend to be japanophiles and in with the criminal underworld business through their intel, so people believe the corruption must be rooted out.
The entrenched interests are too autistic and have tunnel vision about the world order atm, so they can't think outside of the box. They put in suicidal degree of effort and have become involved in many things, but the old order they understood to be permanent is undergoing a great change.
If they were just willing to stretch their thinking a bit, they won't be getting sandbagged themselves so much, I guess. Reunified, saner Korea would be much more reliable and stronger.
It looks like it's all political, however, and many vested interests, definitely the ones who have stolen and lied to get to where they are, have absolutely little interest in those who might have caught a shorter end of the stick having a say at the table. Especially if the said party is numerous, capable, and are actually competent.
>chinese just near genocided themselves and their economy is in a freefall from world wide attacks
>japanese are turning into idiot troons
I don't think Koreans are the problem here aside from being autistic and abrasive lol
They will just seal it away under national security directive, just like anyone else.

>> No.16057207

Also, their unwillingness to go along with your impulses says more about you than them.
Highly suggest you look beyond the recent history and understand that people who have been 50% literate at a entry level higher education level 300 years before the beginning of the Renaissance have a different outlook on life than those whose experiences are measured in decades and centuries.
Not being hostile here, but you need to be objective in regards to idiosyncracies in their history and the impact of recent events to understand where they come from, not to mention the histography related to geography, ethnography, linguistic development, demographic stability, etc.
Your talk about them are a mirror image of your own failings, never mind bad individual interactions between military and scientific personnel.
Also, world built on adventurism and frequently piracy has little reason to acknowledge those who rejected their game. This doesn't change facts, nor does it cancel what is, no matter how much you might dislike them for reasonable cause.
They objectively have less problem compared to even Norway, never mind others parts of the world.

>> No.16057224

So when is an anon here gonna make their own superconductor?

>> No.16057227

It's funny how while everyone was busy arguing about who is more white from 2016-2020 and trooning out, some dude in Africa patched together a machine that generated energy from radiowaves alone.
You might all be dumber than nogs.

>> No.16057279

its over

>> No.16057297

are you shitting me? this was the same fucking nothinburger as always. everybody fucking knows that shit, I feel like we're stuck in the 80's or something with dude traveling the world long and wide to spread word of his new inventions or something. make a fucking 10 minute video and next time you come in view bring your fucking rock. I'm so over this bullshit
dude done the same shit since 1999, he's not in any fucking hurry

>> No.16057375

>dude done the same shit since 1999
The guy has been telling you to wait just 2 more weeks for 25 years and you still don't suspect he might be lying?

>> No.16058246


>> No.16058675

why did you even bump this retardation?

>> No.16059041

asianGODS won
jews LOST jews LOST jews LOST jews LOST

>> No.16059045

It's a ritual. They wave it in front of your face and then laugh when they pull it away when it's """"debunked"""".

>> No.16059046

oh no turns out your meme charts and meme lines are worthless? glad you finally admit it, academia larper

>> No.16059302

so whats the verdict for someone who doesnt want to read the research papers, has it been deboonked again or not?

>> No.16059325

Apparently nature just rescinded their previous debunking paper and have published an official apology

>> No.16059337

Do you really want 2023's meme of the year to win it back-to-back? Face it, oil & coal are kings, you will never achieve post-scarcity.

>> No.16059881

My bet is that the DoE already knows all about this, hence the confirmation by LLNL and immediate silence afterwards. The Korean angle is interesting because they develop a lot of their own military capabilities and have their own competent MIC independent of the US for the most part. If these experiments were done in say Germany or Japan, I could 100% see them vanishing down the National Security rabbit hole with a Group 220 gag. But since this is Korea, all bets are off.

>> No.16060981

Nobody is buying your fake news you stupid gook, now fuck off.

>> No.16061094

We can tell you’re samefagging to bump your shitty thread chingchong. KYS and let the thread die

>> No.16061389

To my understanding it is the tube like structures that are supposed to be super conducting, and only between it's ends.

>> No.16061395

I think the "regular" superconductors form loops inside, as all the material is superconductive. where the LK99 structure means you only have thin and randomly distributed superconducting "needles", which cannot form the current loops like a 3D superconductor material does, and because of that the effect is way weaker. at least that's how I understand it.

>> No.16061409


>> No.16061457

Yeah that makes sense. Effectively on a molecular level it might be a superconductor but at the macro scale it's so jumbled that it won't work well. Finding a better production method would be the key IF it's not bullshit.

>> No.16061473

>Finding a better production method would be the key IF it's not bullshit.
Think they have that thin film deposition thing, that's what they showed they measured in they paper. Not the rock. And it was across some good 10cm or something, so they can make the superconductive channels at least that long, without interruption. Probably. At least going by their papers.

>> No.16061497
File: 79 KB, 850x359, lk-99-pcposos-replica-i-v-test-result-v0-ormd50llzumc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16061500

left is what, copper? seems same temperature so it's not out of its superconductive phase, must be other material

>> No.16061781

Explain :DDD

>> No.16061797

nta but right side is max 500nΩ resistance at 100mA. but no photo of measured sample or other details.

>> No.16062765


>> No.16062974
File: 347 KB, 666x555, 153959686405022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We did it

>> No.16064544


>> No.16064822

are we winning

>> No.16064833

>Partial levitation
Not sufficient. So why didn't they break the pellet, extract the active part and demonstrate once and for all full levitation with zero ground contact?

>> No.16064867

>the active part
that may be "diffused" into the rest of the pellet. maybe think of it as concentration rather than something well defined inside the pellet.

>> No.16065024

So grind it into a powder and pass a magnet over it to push the super conducting portion out

>> No.16065028

superconducting structures might be 1 atom thick or thereabouts and millimeters long. you'll fuck it up. imagine a 2mm wide 1 atom thin superconducting loop, randomly formed, which helps with levitation. you'll fuck it up by grinding it.

>> No.16065997

This means nothing to me but I'll say Go Science!

>> No.16066390

That seems unlikely when it is sufficiently non-uniform as to lecitate at leats a part.

>> No.16066393

Probably bad translation. A superconductor has a critical temperature Tc below which it is superconducting and above it is not. There is also a critical field Hc, again below which there is superconductivity.
These are related, so in a field temperture plot there is an area where it is supercnnducting.

>> No.16066492
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>> No.16066505

>confirmation by LLNL
did they?

>> No.16066511

link or fake
>Group 220 gag
What is this?

>> No.16066556

room temperature superconductors made from cheap materials, so we'll finally be able to run Crysis at max settings

>> No.16066559

>Trusting Asians
Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, can't get fooled again.

>> No.16067877
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>> No.16067889

Is throwing everything in a bowl and hitting it with an oxygen cutter a standard inorganic synthesis technique?

>> No.16067920


>> No.16067945

Peak science, right here.

>> No.16068899


>> No.16068917

westoid sisters what's our response to this?

>> No.16069103

we need a final solution to LK-99 scammers

>> No.16070047

A division of the USPTO that flags and gags national security patents outlined in the Invention Secrecy Act of 1957.

>> No.16071373


>> No.16073181

>made a troll thread 10 days later
>come back
>it's still here
kek thanks for bumping my thread for free idiots

>> No.16073319

This LK99 story is the same as fusion energy.
>Two more decades
Disruptive scientific breakthroughs mean those who have it will have to seal it up and drag it out until the world wide political climate is favorable, while opportunists such as the communist chinese and others will try to claim it as their own achievements.
If LLNL confirmed it then promptly went radio silent, anyone with two braincells on the right side of the fence can figure out what's happening.
Chinks of course will cry to high heavens and try to leverage the situation, just as they are trying to leverage the current sentiment amongst the general population.

>> No.16073753

It's post-scarcity cope. People are starting to sense that the standard of living of the past century has been an aberration brought to them by oil & coal, and they desperately look for a way to keep the gravy train going.

>> No.16075585

>gravy train
Take your meds

>> No.16075691

Your infinite food and power is brought to you by oil & coal.

>> No.16075763

Which we will re-engage in, as soon as you lying chinks and sandnig pets are shoah'd.
Maybe you should call Greta to bitch more about non-chinese sources of energy production, eh?

>> No.16075823

So you admit your standard of living is dependent on a scarce resource? Meaning you admit that you live in an aberration.

>> No.16075992

What is this poo-tier 2018 shill post rip off line you are going on about now?

>> No.16076143

>to be pro-western you must be le faustian futuristic post-scarcity believer
Are you a transhumanist too?

>> No.16076226

That's your shtick, lying gay chang.
I swear to Christ we need to get rid of these morons from being 'international students' in our university ASAP.

>> No.16076311

I'd love to know what's anti-western in what I'm saying. Answer me, do you have to believe in post-scarcity to be pro-western?

>> No.16076594

based stanislav