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16064754 No.16064754 [Reply] [Original]

Why is science unable to find cures for diseases? It instead mostly sells you products to treat the symptoms of diseases

>> No.16064774

What diseases do you want to see cured dear anon? Tell me.

>> No.16064840


>> No.16064843

Because allopathic medicine is Rockefeller's scam. It was never meant to cure diseases. Doctors are modern day snake oil salesmen.

>> No.16064866

the incentives to cure diseases are way weaker than the incentive to just treat it, forever.

>> No.16065298

You mean chronic medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes. alzheimers and cancer? Science HAS made great progress in the last century in preventing and curing/repairing acute conditions such as infectious disease and traumatic injury.

>> No.16065302

They sell you drugs that cause disease, so they can sell you more drugs to treat the symptoms of disease the initial drugs caused.

>> No.16065312

Also, at least one chronic condition, cataracts, is completely treatable by surgery, to a functionality as good as pre-condition functionality. Over the next century we can expect more such conditions to become curable. As was the case from mid-19th c. onwards, first science gives us accurate diagnosis of a condition and then after another fifty years or so it delivers an effective cure.

>> No.16065315

Not really in everyday medical practice. Perhaps in psychiatry when they treat imaginary diseases.

>> No.16065331

No, in every day medical practice as well. Sometimes they prescribe you a drug that actually mimics or creates the symptoms of the disease you actually (or supposedly) have, justifying further use of the drug, or the addition of new drugs. See: AZT (suppresses the immune system, and causes AIDS). See: Paxlovid ("covid rebound").

>> No.16065343

>infectious disease
No such thing. You fell for the bait.

>> No.16065440

Surgery is conceptually the easiest branch of medicine (used to be done by barbers.. - possibly because it was beneath the "doctors") and besides that they are able to kill all your bacterial flora - possibly taking some diseases with it. That's it; if you get sick you will be sick till your death.

>> No.16065492

>>infectious disease
>No such thing.
Why do I come down with a cold after someone sneezes on me? Why did catapulting plague corpses into walled cities cause an outbreak of plague?

>> No.16065495

>if you get sick you will be sick till your death
Please explain. Infections come and go all the time.

>> No.16065503

What he should have said is if you were covid vaccinated you will be sick till your death. There, fixed it for him.

>> No.16065538

>Why do I come down with a cold after someone sneezes on me?
You don't.

>> No.16065579
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Hopefully they can find a cure to my afib and PVCs that isn't ablation therapy because that scares me a little

>> No.16065583

It's not that they can't find the cure, it's that the medicine tastes bad and they don't want to take it.

>> No.16065591

Unironically just fast
Oh and filter your water

>> No.16065608

When did you develop AFIB and PVCs?

>> No.16065819

You mean "treatment". The concept of a cure doesn't exist in modern medical terminology.

>> No.16065908

no money in cures and doctors are dumb as shit

>> No.16065929

A very stupid opening post, anon. It would be clear to you that 'cures' exist against many infectious agents if you only looked up the mechanisms of action for the compounds on the market.

>> No.16066071

Around May last year, I first started noticing the palpitations, got checked out and they caught a run of Afib which I was quite symptomatic of. The PVCs are just a daily thing but they're becoming less 'intense'. It's been quite a journey.

>> No.16066098 [DELETED] 

jews, that is the real problem. Once all that vermin gets eradicated everything will be far better.

>> No.16066459

How many doses of the covid vaccine did you get, and how old are you?

>> No.16066461

1 and 1, like everyone else.

>> No.16066493

No doses and 32
For all I know it may been from covid

>> No.16066507

Which one of you is >>16065579

>> No.16066512

>1 and 1
So 2?
>like everyone else
Wrong. If you're American, at least 30% of the population didn't get vaccinated. If you're British, about 20%. If you're Romanian or Bulgarian, the majority did not get vaccinated. So no, not like everyone else, more like the rest of the propagandized herd.

>> No.16066518

>Beta-lactams bind to PBP on pentagylcine chain and stop cross linking of peptidoglycan tetrapeptide chains off N-acetylmuramic acid sugar.
>This inability of the bacteria to effectively form a cell wall is Bactericidal
Sounds like a cure to me.

>> No.16066580
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I am me, no doses and 32. My health has just gone real bad for no apparent reason.

>> No.16066582

That's odd. Could be related to the Covid spike protein. I'm sorry you're going through this, anon. Are you experiencing other health problems unrelated to your heart?

>> No.16066711
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Could be, no idea and I don't think I'll ever get answers and that's all I'd like to know is why but hey. Thanks for the thoughts though anon. I think I have anxiety also but it may be from my heart problems and my head feels odd, hard to explain, like nerve related. I could probably go on but I don't want to make this my personal blog.

>> No.16066716

very much true for nearly all "mental illness". absolutely absurd that a majority of american adults have received psychiatric medication at one point or another. are a majority of people mentally ill? a quarter of american boys receive medication for ADD/ADHD in their life. predatory nonsense.

>> No.16066747

When the name of the game is "how much would you pay for another year, month, day?" Then curing people isn't really the goal, is it?

>> No.16066964

Your body has only 3 modes regarding disease:
>some infection
You either beat it completely independently of any medical treatment, or you die.
>some offending substance, like a poison or a piece of metal
It probably can be removed by current science which is indeed a cure.
>a genetic disorder
This is probably what you are referring to. This can impossibly be cured by just swallowing some pills a few times. You have to understand that such disorders could only hypothetically be permanently be cured if your genome (of at leas a certain body part) gets (bespokely) rewritten. While that is possible, it's not currently feasible.

>> No.16068322

It can find cure, but somehow you must truly study the subject to see the solution.

>> No.16068329


>> No.16069083
File: 339 KB, 1488x1488, scientist inna hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what a scientist looks like

>> No.16069314

Not that anon, list the problems and I’ll help you correlate potentials. Country of origin could help.