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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 2 KB, 710x599, 4channel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16066058 No.16066058 [Reply] [Original]

I talk to people and it is as if I am talking to an ape. The IQ difference between the average human and a chimpanzee is probably what the difference between me and the average human is. My mind just goes so quickly and deep into all of the things that I think about that it is so hard to connect with the average person. I mean all of this in the scientific and mathematical sense, naturally.

>> No.16066062

Redditors used to be this cool

>> No.16066063

if it were just a sheer gap in intelligence, you probably wouldn't be confused by it. More likely that there's a mutual empathy gap interfering with most of your communication, and you are confusing its effects with the effects caused by whatever gap in intelligence does exist.

>> No.16066064

Tbqh, you sound like a faggot

>> No.16066065 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 125x92, pb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now what really matters is what you can do for me. If you can't do anything for me just fuck off.

>> No.16066073

See. Even this digital conversation bores me because it is so obvious how much more intelligent I am than all of you.

>> No.16066075

But are you smart enough to be rich?

>> No.16066076

An intelligent person would not come here to complain. An intelligent person would not expect anything from 4channel.
You are not an intelligent person

>> No.16066078 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 505x572, nobrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16066080

Most adult people in the west have failed neocortexes, and are somewhere between a healthy dog (which is probably not your dog) and a fish.

>> No.16066131
File: 294 KB, 624x557, 826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the High IQ club.

>> No.16066152

People that think they're smart are always dumb. Same with people that think they're attractive are always ugly. Or people that think they're always right are always wrong

>> No.16066802

Chink, kike, fag, nog or some other resentment-filled alien detected.

>> No.16066803

>high IQ
>can't post an image that is an actual picture

>> No.16066810

Why do condescending people so often write in non-sentences?

>> No.16066818

i hate this "why do people" format, just say "you're being condescending and writing non-sentences". it's just hte same rhetorical flourishes and people talking past each other, over and over again.

>> No.16066828

do any of you secretly think he's a retard?

>> No.16066829

Too bad you're not smart enough to figure out how to connect with people regardless of their intelligence level. Take some fuckin' shrooms and learn to chill.

>> No.16066833

>connect with people

>> No.16066838

no, just distracted by petty shit, but the same goes for you and me right now though

>> No.16066850

pettiness is just human condition

>> No.16066855

maybe in the same way that hunger part of the human condition, different people resist/give into it to different degrees

>> No.16066910
File: 35 KB, 862x637, image_2024-03-10_200325489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.16067629

Did I imply that jews are excluded?

>> No.16067709

I am far, far from being high-IQ and even I feel like I am surrounded by morons. I'm probably a few points above average white western male and I genuinely feel that interacting with people around me is making me more dumb. It's to the point that total isolation would probably drastically increase my intelligence, and i'm not even sure that the atrophying of my social skills would matter in that context as none of said social skills are used for any productive intellectual reason.

This is my fault of course, for not having more intelligent friends or having gone to college on time so I would be surrounded by educated peers at work by now, but still, it speaks to the fact that the average person may be more retarded than we already think. Every person I interact with is completely driven by emotion, male or female, and can barely if at all handle the simplest of problem-solving scenarios in a menial work environment. I am surrounded by at best, useful idiots.

>> No.16067711

kek I will be using this website to call my friends retards when they say stupid shit, thanks for sharing

>> No.16067713

you sound like a fucking retard

>> No.16067716

With all that being said, I will say that I feel empathetic toward truly gifted high-IQ individuals. I can't imagine the sense of isolation they feel in the world. At least I am capable of dumbing myself down enough to be accepted by people and make interacting with them possible, even if it pains me a bit to do so. I feel a disconnect and disinterestedness around even average white people, and totally annoyed by the presence of white trash or average blacks, I truly can't imagine feeling the way I feel around trailer park residents 24/7 and everywhere. I would want to kms

>> No.16067730

>I'm smart but idk why everyones so dumb
Because you're not smart