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16064813 No.16064813[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are all the highest IQ people antisemitic?
Are you high IQ enough to be antisemitic?

>> No.16064828

Like all business oriented people they are highly competitive and they feel very little of their compatriots.
The notion that they "conspire against us" is just another collectivist nazbol nonsense.

>> No.16064839

The article is about a few head people allowing some kinds of hate speech because they saw it as a free speech violation to censor it. There's a bit more to it but that's the gist. Here's the article

>> No.16064851
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Typical bell curve stuff. The left end has no understanding of why a certain group of people act the way they do, they just see them acting in a destructive manner and hate them for it. They're the bottom of the heap so they have no status to protect.
On the right end, the highly intelligent recognize a pattern of behavior by a certain group of people stretching back over many centuries, see it reoccur in many different places, in many different conditions, but always the same group being destructive. Their status comes from internal worth and they don't need it externally validated.
In the middle are the status seekers who believe what they've been told by the keepers of status in society. They ignore patterns of behavior they see in the status granters because they don't have confidence in their own ability to understand the world more than surface deep. Those things must be incorrect because if they were true, how would the status granters themselves have status? They're very eager to let the status granters and everyone else know they were too smart to be fooled by the "lies" and are doing what the status granters tell them to do and think. They must constantly signal these virtues to keep their status as smart good people.

>> No.16064861

>Their status comes from internal worth and they don't need it externally validated
Thanks. Was trying to put this exact concept in words recently, but my (lack of) fluency failed me.

>> No.16064925

because hitler is satan and jews are angels

>> No.16064963
File: 274 KB, 1600x900, nazi-rally-1978-chicago-1-ap-thg-180622_hpMain_16x9_1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is no doubt all about israel being a KKK white supremacist nation, not about DAH JOOOOS MADE THE GAYS HOIL HITLERRR type of stuff that you're into OP.

>> No.16065026

This is a correlation causation issue. The more intelligent you are the less you have to conform to social norms to get ahead in life.

>> No.16065034

Most educated =/= highest IQ
Probably because they met Jews in colleges/grad school. Interact with a few Jews and you'll become antisemitic.

>> No.16065198

Thanks. It is conspicuous how little that essay talks about the "why" though. Total bait and switch.

>> No.16065221

>Interact with a few Jews and you'll become antisemitic.
Yes, antisemitism is caused by semitism.

>> No.16065290

>Why are all the highest IQ people antisemitic?
No we're not. Shoo, cargo cultist. You'll never be one of us.

>> No.16065676

Why should anyone who isn't a jew not be antisemitic?

>> No.16065687

Jews are vile and subversive liars. I want nothing to do with a Jew.

>> No.16065764

I don't doubt they probably have higher IQ's on average then gentiles, but that being said they as a whole have no intuition for aesthetics, and their artistic culture is tantamount to ethnic grievance politics and neurotic introspection. They also haven't been very good administrators since they displaced the WASP's in America either, and the 70ish years of the post WW2 order has more or less led to the ruin of what should have been global American dominance for 200 years.

>> No.16065776

Imagine if you were grown up in a multi-millenia pedophile death cult, the chosen people of God, but also, if you find loopholes in God's logic, that is fine too. Think about what that means, from first principles.
Enough cleverness with words and you can literally dismantle creation and omnipotence.

>> No.16065798

Woah, time for /pol/tards to conflate this article talking about the Israel-Palestine situation to them being intelligent for blaming the Jews for "le race-mixing".

>> No.16065850

interesting how that works

>> No.16065852

>high IQ people keep becoming anti-semitic!
>AI keeps becoming anti-semitic!
>how does this keep happening!?


>> No.16065970

>they as a whole have no intuition for aesthetics
It is known that you must be a Jew (or a homosexual) to play piano competently and Hollywood was at its peak when it was being run by Jews. It was also peak "American values" btw..

>> No.16065995

You seem to confuse education for intelligence. That correlation was severed 20 years ago.

>> No.16066059

>It is known that you must be a Jew (or a homosexual) to play piano competently
All the best pianists are Asian

>> No.16066068

You have confused pressing keys fast (where Asians do excel) with interpretation of music.

>> No.16066069
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You need to be a complete moron to consoome the goyslop.

>> No.16066119

Literally every famous composer of the 19th and 18th century would beg to differ.

>> No.16066124

Self-congratulatory low IQ post.

High IQ people are also susceptible to cults and communism. They have an easier time conceiving unorthodox concepts regardless of validity.

>> No.16066130

How do the journalists with their mediocre educations get to be so positive the people better educated than themselves are wrong?

>I don't comprehend the though processes of high IQ people
because you're low IQ

>> No.16066136

>I don't comprehend the though (lol) processes
I did though. In order to feel like a winner OP's jerking off over Zionist pro-censorship propaganda. In other words:
>Self-congratulatory low IQ post.

>> No.16066143

Antisemitism doesn't exist and is a falseflag created by jews to demonize other people for being against inhumane practices which they employ, basically what they're doing is taking a logical argument and then turning it into an ad hominem as if the attack is directly against the jewish people not what they're doing

>> No.16066144

>High IQ people are also susceptible to cults and communism. They have an easier time conceiving unorthodox concepts regardless of validity.
But enough about climate change alarmists, we're here to talk about antisemitism.

>> No.16066147

Most high IQs are Jews tho

>> No.16066148

fair assessment

>> No.16066155
File: 1.65 MB, 2133x1216, HowJewsOperate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, indeed

>> No.16066207

Their bombs are fake, stop listening them, the slight risk of them being actually real isn't worth the widespread devastation, in fact a full out nuclear war couodn't make as much damage.

>> No.16066229

Saturday night?

>> No.16066231


>> No.16066323

it's the Palestine situation, it's not your race and IQ bullshit

>> No.16066349

If jews would stop importing into Europe, stop producing "intellectuals" to justify it, stop funding (((refugee))) agencies for their kiked tikun olam, stop installing judges to allow violence again White gentiles - then maybe they wouldn't be so hated?

>> No.16066416

>Why are all the highest IQ people antisemitic?
They aren't. Most intelligent people are Jewish themselves btw.
>Are you high IQ enough to be antisemitic?
I'm high IQ enough to be anti-antisemitic, i.e. I hate nazis, commies, "Queers for Palestine" and other judeophobic leftists.

>> No.16066456

>high IQ enough
You mean jewish enough

>> No.16066478

Midwits (105-125 IQ range) look like high IQ people to dimwits. It's understandable that you ended up confused.