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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 793 KB, 3500x2334, LYNX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16061823 No.16061823 [Reply] [Original]

Toy astronaut edition

previous edition >>16059367

>> No.16061833
File: 1.96 MB, 1920x1080, 1687916108179486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

house democrats have opened a formal investigation into spacex

>Raskin, the top Democrat on the Oversight Committee, and Garcia, the top Democrat on the national security subcommittee, said this alleged widespread use of the Starlink systems [by Russia] raises “additional questions about the efficacy of your company’s safeguards and compliance with U.S. sanctions and export controls.”

>> No.16061839

This is literally a self-made problem by the Democrats because Biden would not cooperate with Musk over ideological reasons and as a result Ukraine is using 50K civilian terminals sourced and funded by 3rd party donors.

>> No.16061840

the iss is proof that spin gravity can work

>> No.16061846
File: 204 KB, 553x322, Artemis I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this make you feel?
Be honest.

>> No.16061849

>russians steal antennas from ukrainians

>> No.16061851

Why is Democrat party so fucking retarded? It's like the only thing they can do is to sabotage the country. Like they're full of foreign puppets.

>> No.16061852

>Civilian terminals available globally to everyone
>Some of everyone sells them to Russians
>Congress orders the geofence to be open in places where SpaceX doesn't want it to be open
>Russia takes advantage of it
I hate our politicians so much it's unreal.

>> No.16061853

Starship's 9m diameter could have 0.18g if spun at 6rpm

>> No.16061856

So in what should i put my money instead? Sat stocks? Because their business will boom when the starship becomes operational?

>> No.16061858
File: 1.37 MB, 1438x1894, border defunding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're both retarded AND evil.
The sabotage is intentional, and the only reason we're still standing is because they're stupid as fuck.

>> No.16061862 [DELETED] 

Kill democrats

>> No.16061864
File: 166 KB, 1920x1080, 1703395076493673.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one actually expects this thing to survive reentry, right?

>> No.16061866 [DELETED] 

breaking United States law
not /sci/sfg

>> No.16061868

Was that from pressurization?

>> No.16061871

Venting, yeah

>> No.16061872

Shut up and suck down the Democrat's shame.

>> No.16061873
File: 227 KB, 1440x1393, trannycrat regime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*capitally punish all democrats

>> No.16061876
File: 1.04 MB, 2048x1639, GIB0ILzWUAE8adI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 week?

>> No.16061879
File: 2.47 MB, 3600x1800, GIBHRgoXUAA79_E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

photos from iss

>> No.16061887

nice flame trench and water sound suppression system

>> No.16061890

>all those pics from israel

>> No.16061909

does nasa have a site or something with this map where you can zoom in?

>> No.16061917

Yes, 0.5 fortnight

>> No.16061918

Good. Beat some responsibility into that clueless vatnik sympathizer.
Starlink could be a huge military asset to US.
Too bad DoD is just as slow on the uptake as oldspace.

>> No.16061921


>> No.16061923


>> No.16061943
File: 178 KB, 1290x889, GIAYcqgWYAAdoME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH NO NO NO Spx fags!! Youve been keeping this really quiet dont you? Even if IFT3 is a complete success, starship wont even make it to orbit LOL, LMAO EVEN!!. So were not gonna see a proper reentry either. People knew N1 was a complete failure after 4 launches, how many flights does starship need to make /sfg/ realize this mutand rocket is big fraud? Id say after IFT4 starbase will be dismantled

>> No.16061944

DoD higher ups want their fingerprints on the initiative. It's the old problem of "I can't take credit for it, so I must undermine it" in business.

>> No.16061959

I hope you guys this is a Catch-22 situation. They are trying to get SpaceX to admit that they can shut off terminals in the region so that they can attribute those boat attacks that failed on SpaceX's meddling, and say that they have too much power. Likewise if they maintain that they didn't do that and can't turn off the terminals then Starlink can be viewed as a potential danger to the homeland because SpaceX can't turn off the terminals.

>> No.16061977
File: 23 KB, 512x289, 269c002fd9e66090baaa22ec25d93b5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16061985

>so that they can attribute those boat attacks that failed on SpaceX's meddling

Low information anon is low information, it is already well known that Starlink was never active over Crimea.

>> No.16061992

Elon still went on record saying that they didn't turn off the receivers. Do you think that it won't come up? The entire inquiry is about security, and it boils down to whether or not they can control/shut down the receivers. If they can, then SpaceX has too much power. If they can't, then SpaceX's product is too dangerous.

>> No.16062006

Fuck Ratskin, that guy does only bad shit ever.

>> No.16062029

>Elon still went on record saying that they didn't turn off the receivers.

My low info friend I have some bad news for you.

>> No.16062031

My mistake, he did say they turned off the service: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/08/world/europe/elon-musk-starlink-ukraine.html

Lmao, welp, this is going to be fun to watch.

>> No.16062059
File: 1.36 MB, 1170x1728, IMG_5594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patriotic, because America is awesome and even our shittiest rocket mogs anything else made by anyone else

Happy, because-yes-the AJ-10s and SSMEs need to be in a museum. But at the same time, there’s a lot of them—and most of them would honestly just be collecting dust and rust in the warehouse section of a museum, or outdoor rocket garden (like at JSC). At least they’re being used one more time and given a warrior funeral by fire

But also blackpilled, for more than obvious reasons. SLS is soaking up a LOT of resources, money, and manpower just to please congress. It ultimately needs to be canned. But lol it’s better than even the heaviest-lifting rocket Russia or China or India or Japan or France or Italy (etc.) could possibly imagine, so, USA all the way baby

Pic unrelated, I only have boring SLS photos on my ph*ne

>> No.16062062

I really hope we get some shots like these from HLS that don't get cucked by FOIA restrictions

>> No.16062065

>he did say they turned off the service

Anon you just keep digging your hole deeper.

>> No.16062069

Hi /sci/ and /sfg/! I’m just here to tell you: dropkick nigger monkeys and dumbocrats into the sun

>> No.16062074

No, it really didn't

>> No.16062082

>it’s better than even the heaviest-lifting rocket Russia or China or India or Japan or France or Italy (etc.) could possibly imagine
Given that SLS and Long March-10 both have the same job, punt a capsule to TLI, I'd say that the LM-10 is clearly superior design. Although Russia's Yenisei concept won't ever leave the sketchup phase it's got a lot of the same advantages. India and Japan don't really have any current ambitions that would require a SHLV and saying SLS is better that Europe's efforts isn't setting a very ambitious bar.

>> No.16062088

I am unironically about to defend SLS here, whew. One has flown, and one is 10 years away and will be outdated by the time it makes its maiden flight.
Total USA cultural victory

>> No.16062091

SLS could have been built in 1980

>> No.16062093

LM10 could have been built 2 years ago

>> No.16062097

what are the chances of spacex succeeding with all their objectives for IFT-3? i feel like its low because they have too many significant milestones that they're trying to test.

>> No.16062099


>> No.16062109

There is no way that whatever they are going to try and do with fuel transfer works.

>> No.16062124

Space is for children, moron. Like dinosaurs.

Grow the fuck up.

>> No.16062132

>i feel like its low because they have too many significant milestones that they're trying to test.

They are trying a sub orbital flight bro, weve been doing since the 40s how is that so "significant"? And yes starshit is going to blow up after hot stage

>> No.16062140
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hadn't looked into it in ages, but apparently the first Deep Space Gateway module is going into orbit in November 2025, which now seems... really soon?

They're actually doing the fucking thing?

Also moderate lels at it's going to be launched using Falcon Heavy even though it allegedly will exist to facilitate Orion/SLS missions

>> No.16062144

i havent seen any hardware updates about in it forever

>> No.16062148

I was planning on replying with "Well, twenty months isn't that soon," but I couldn't find a single picture of any hardware that wasn't also labeled as a testing mockup. It'd be disappointing if it slips because I think it's still supposed to be the first payload using the extended fairing.

>> No.16062154

I thought we saw a door 10 months ago

>> No.16062170

>Also moderate lels at it's going to be launched using Falcon Heavy even though it allegedly will exist to facilitate Orion/SLS missions
That's because Gateway is an interplanetary cruiser cleverly disguised as a space station. Falcon Heavy deposits Gateway in LEO. It then spends like 15km/s delta-V inching its way up to NRHO on electric propulsion. Starship ("""Dragon XL""") then tops it off with more Xenon or whatever propellant.

>> No.16062185

so smol so cozy

>> No.16062188
File: 476 KB, 2048x1369, gateway ppe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that module but here's the PPE module that's going up at the same time

>> No.16062191

kek is that dude covered in gang tats

>> No.16062192

Where do you shit

>> No.16062196

>yo I work on space shit holmes

>> No.16062199

How many engines is that thing going to run?

>> No.16062201

in the Orion

>> No.16062207

designated shitting capsule

>> No.16062219

Jesus this dude is a faggot you need to go back

>> No.16062222

They'll get everything except for a Raptor relight and reentry. 50% chance of RUDing during relight and 50% chance of RUD during reentry because their tile situation is not great.

>> No.16062242

Biden said nothing about Artemis in his State of the Union

>> No.16062244

Artemis II isn't even happening this year, all these fucking delays it all still feels so far away, far enough away that its of no use to mention even sadly

>> No.16062247

All about gateway is very odd, we dont see updates, NASA doesnt post anything about it. The last thing Ive seen it was that the first module will be ready in nov 2024, but now it seems to be ready in nov 2026, but no one believes it. Even i dont get how theyre goint to relate gateway with the rest of Artemis missions, but NASA almost didnt speak about it

>> No.16062248

He doesn't know anything about it, and will probably be dead before the first manned landing.

>> No.16062249

you mean crewed, chud

>> No.16062251

I most definitely do not

>> No.16062253

which sounds really bad because gateway is the way that nasa keeps artemis alive: because they bring together a large international coalition so congress doesn't axe the program's budget

>> No.16062254

men aren't gonna be in the first landing chud, do your research

>> No.16062257

Gay shitpost

>> No.16062259

Straight effortpost

>> No.16062265

A spacecraft full of women is still manned.

>> No.16062266


>> No.16062268

I like my word more.

>> No.16062269

bisexual banalpost

>> No.16062271

A permanent lunar outpost staffed by a multi-national crew would do that a lot better, and building out something like that is the overall goal of Artemis over the longer term. Gateway was only really needed because SLS is too weak to get Orion to a proper lunar orbit and even then only early on when people were talking about building up landers there over multiple launches.

>> No.16062272


>> No.16062273

a lunar outpost would be much riskier, more prone to delays and mission failures. which inhibits its main functionality as an anchor for money

>> No.16062274

Manned isn't gendered, silly.

>> No.16062281

Tranny pedopost

>> No.16062308

Raskin is one of the biggest snakes in congress

>> No.16062334

Not just women, but also a black dude, so I call it Nignned

>> No.16062448

True post and only incelulite chuddians disagree

>> No.16062455

sexy af girl on Off Nom today

>> No.16062459

Men, women, he-she's, it doesn't matter if they're EARTHERS

>> No.16062462

but she's hot

>> No.16062472

This slut is sucking down cum by bucketloads and you're doing what?

>> No.16062484

if the aluminum shuttle can do it this big flying tank can do it by a long shot

>> No.16062486

100%. They will accomplish all of the set tasks

>> No.16062524

Buy boosters slated to be scrapped. Repurpose them as water towers.

>> No.16062569
File: 190 KB, 1x1, SpaceX SCS Draft Order Test Report Ex Parte (3-7-2024).pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Testing has met or exceeded expectations:
>• Device Connection: Testing has not been limited to a single device, model, or operating
>system. Instead, SpaceX has successfully attached several unmodified models of Samsung
>Galaxy, Apple iPhone, and Google Pixel smartphones to the eNodeB on the SpaceX
>satellites. These devices have properly communicated for the duration of the satellite pass
>and did not experience harmful interference from adjacent-band devices.
>• Link Budget: SpaceX conducted tests up to its maximum authorized PFD of -80
>dBW/m 2 /MHz. Measured downlink and uplink link budgets fell within 1-2 dB of SpaceX’s
>modeled link budget, including realistic path losses, polarization losses, atmospheric
>losses, foliage losses, and human factors losses. This has enabled devices to communicate
>with the satellites through tree cover and indoors (although the direct-to-cell service is
>designed for outdoor use), and down to an elevation angle of 25 degrees. During the tests,
>SpaceX was able to demonstrate a peak download speed of over 17 Mbps.
>/s/ Jameson Dempsey

They even report indoors cellphone to satellite connections. Though they don't mention what the typical speed is in various scenarios. Also I've not seen /s/ used before.

>> No.16062597

s is common for signing in digital documents.

Welp, I do suppose that PLBs are fucking dead in the water. Short Garmin stock

>> No.16062609

>Michelle Dopak, a production coordinator for SpaceX, filed a lawsuit against SpaceX in Los Angeles County Superior Court. She is alleging her supervisor pressured her into a sexual relationship, got her pregnant, and offered her $100,000 to have an abortion. She also alleges that after she declined to accept the money, SpaceX colluded against her and allowed the supervisor to take $3.7 million in stock out of his name so he didn’t have to pay child support. Lastly she alleged SpaceX leadership paid her less than men with comparable jobs, ignored complaints of bias against women, and was trying to get Dopak to quit by giving her more work and pressuring her to return to work early after taking a medical leave. Dopak is seeking an unspecified amount of damages. SpaceX has not commented.

>> No.16062613

How about Musk helps the Rebels to defeat Voldemort instead of trying and failing to act as "le wholesome centrist"???

>> No.16062625

>Boeing 777 loses tire while taking off from San Francisco, crushing cars on the ground

I'm sure Starliner is gonna be fine...

>> No.16062651

What the fuck happened to this company. Boeing used to be great.

>> No.16062652

modern boeing is just the worst bits of McDonald Douglas

>> No.16062655


>> No.16062659

Probably a maintenance fuck up

>> No.16062660

to be fair, Boeing isn't doing the maintenance

>> No.16062666

Losing a wheel is an airline/maintenance fuck up. Nothing to do with Boeing.

>> No.16062668

How to remember stuff that I read in books? I remember pretty much nothing from Liftoff aside from Muller driving while intoxicated and workers protesting on Omelek.

>> No.16062689

beats me
I only remember stuff I've read 20 years ago

>> No.16062699

Make notes while reading and read them later, there's no magic trick.

>> No.16062700
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>> No.16062703
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>> No.16062707

seems like an insane woman

>> No.16062710
File: 522 KB, 1500x995, t10payloads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

53 payloads taken from Astra
how did they think it was ever going to work? lmao

>> No.16062717
File: 812 KB, 2500x1727, GIGKpuDaMAAEDRz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A new image from Blue Origin of BE-4 on the stand last month: https://blueorigin.com/news/gallery
>"Blue Origin’s BE-4 engine readies for hotfire at Marshall Spaceflight Center Test Stand 4670 (February 1, 2024)."

>> No.16062723
File: 2.72 MB, 1280x720, Tianwen-3 Mars sample return.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China's Mars sample return (Tianwen-3) has been approved by the State Council.
Two LM5 launches of orbiter/earth-return capsule &lander/ascent-vehicle which will rendezvous in Mars orbit.

>> No.16062728


>> No.16062730

simply unfeasible, best I can do is drop rocks on them

>> No.16062738

Pretty spicy landing.

>> No.16062745

>will have completed MSR by 2030
so the launches will be in 2027

>> No.16062749

Imagine building these rube goldberg machines when you can just grab a rock from your backyard! LOL!!

>> No.16062752

you can effortlessly achieve perfect recall of everything you read by not reading anything

>> No.16062756

low cost stellar ejecta sample return mission

>> No.16062785
File: 282 KB, 1265x1365, 53450363008_67756bd6d1_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sorry for those 2 astronauts that are suppose to be testing starliner

>> No.16062786

>First moon landing this century
>First sample return from another planet in history

Why does China keep mogging NASA so bad?

>> No.16062790
File: 127 KB, 1752x896, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bit seems dumb, but overall that's a 1000 times better than Nasa's plan.

>> No.16062792

They don’t deserve to die on boeings shitcapsule, but at the same time it would be pretty funny for boing to get such a huge nail in their coffin right now.

>> No.16062796

it might have a negative effect on manned spaceflight in general, even though it shouldn't
but the public is retarded

>> No.16062813
File: 72 KB, 700x725, looking at starships again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16062818

I think the coriolis forces would be too much. Starship is already designed to be suspended by a crane, so just tether 2 together and spin them up.

>> No.16062825

The chinese are too busy copying the wests homework to actually get anything off paper.

As soon as they stole enough info to start cloning F9, SpaceX moved on to starship, and now they are back at square one. God bless ITAR

>> No.16062826

>three nacelles

>> No.16062827

then just spin it slower
having 0.1 or 0.05g would still be better than nothing

>> No.16062828

Yeah I also regret SpaceX being dumping a proper name for the most generic unimaginative shit instead
Bring back BFR

>> No.16062836
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>> No.16062838

it was gonna launch on SLS, but then the contractor they paid half a billion $$$ to build the tower for block 2 took the money and decided they didn't really feel like building it.

>> No.16062840

they are installing the FTS?

>> No.16062841


>> No.16062844

After that, they just need to wear a 400lb (earth) tungsten vest at all times to put about 80lb of stress on their joints.

>> No.16062855
File: 204 KB, 1280x1280, GIHIXWzX0AAemjQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> SpaceX employees are getting rebar souvenirs of the launchpad that was destroyed during the Starship IFT-1 from 4.20.2023. Only 3,500 were made. This one was given to Ruben Stewart. Cool!!!

>> No.16062863
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>> No.16062866

6 more days

>> No.16062873

They are giving away their trash?

>> No.16062877
File: 142 KB, 928x897, 009835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Small Rockets
>Astra's founders take the company private.
>Virgin Galactic is retiring its only operational spaceship
>A new Japanese rocket will launch this weekend.
>UK spaceport project to get 10 million pounds from government.

Medium Rockets
>Another crew heads for the ISS.
>Three launches in 20 hours.
>Russia has nothing to launch on its new flagship rocket.
>Chinese reusable rockets are on the horizon.

Heavy Rockets
>A date at Starbase.
>SpaceX's land deal in Texas
>New Glenn testing underway in Florida.

>> No.16062879
File: 176 KB, 1117x965, 009836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16062881

They should try launching their rocket in 2024 first

>> No.16062883

but ook at all the mockups

>> No.16062887

Yeah, that's what souvenirs are. Commemorative trash.

>> No.16062907

Did they publish a budget? How much less than NASA MSR do you think it'll cost?

>> No.16062910

>Virgin Galactic is retiring its only operational spaceship
There's so much wrong with that sentence.
It's seems simpler and smaller so I have to imagine it would be a lot cheaper.

>> No.16062925
File: 372 KB, 584x584, 1698491185500481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Workers are installing FTS

>> No.16062927

Steely Eyed Demolition Men.

>> No.16062929

Iron-willed Destruction Experts

>> No.16062932

metal boom guys

>> No.16062938
File: 75 KB, 800x538, BluLA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They should try launching their rocket in 2024 first
No need any more, BO is buying out ULA. Lunar landers will be launched on Vulcan.

>> No.16062943

>ywn carry big boom box across the wastes to the tower of steel

>> No.16062944

Vulcan is too small of a rocket to launch Blue's HLS.

>> No.16062946

I don't think people appreciate how unga-bunga the EDL of the mission is. It's direct, so they aren't going to make Mars orbit for precise targeting. The atmosphere is not going to slow it down at all, so the whole mission depends on a propulsive landing from almost interplanetary velocity. I expect they will try to enter as shallow as possible to aerobrake all the way in, but it's going to be wild.

>> No.16062957

Good job China. Fuck USA in a ASS

>> No.16062958

other than the rover isn't this the exact same architecture as MSR? and I don't really consider the rover to be the sketchy part of MSR, especially since it's redundant

>> No.16062961

China isnt a jobs program. NASA is

>> No.16062963

Starship EOD

>> No.16062964

How do they keep winning?? OMG

>> No.16062965

basically the same but smaller and won't cost an arm and a leg and mired in delays

>> No.16062972
File: 30 KB, 269x280, GIJ-4NPWsAAVekT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16062977

jay gatsby + tom buchanan

>> No.16062987
File: 102 KB, 828x977, 20240308_092834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this on twitter.com. LOL

>> No.16062994


$1000 comes out of their benefits.

>> No.16062998

>elon tweets something stupid
The free space should be in the middle of a bingo card.

>> No.16063009


>> No.16063012

this is gay and not funny

>> No.16063025


>> No.16063064

How are the muskettes going to react when IFT-9 continues to "RUD" while NG and its Blue Moon lands over and over again?

>> No.16063091
File: 421 KB, 2048x1365, GIJ49YAW8AAaSO7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16063094

dilate LMAOOO

>> No.16063098

don't let your dreams stay dreams

>> No.16063100

dibs on brown sleeves girl

>> No.16063105

>small lift
it never even began for these ppl

>> No.16063121

be gentler on them, europeans can't into spaceflight

>> No.16063124

nice RCS motor, what are they putting it on?

>> No.16063136

No. Europe needs to learn.

>> No.16063150

How long of a tehter would you want? I'd say probably 200m to be comfortable. But then in-flight maneuvers get complicated. You have to stop everything, unhitch, and make two separate burns, then rendezvous, re-thether, and spin back up.

>> No.16063156

>have no gravity for few hours in earth orbit
>burn for mars
>rendezvous in mars transfer orbit
>combine, spin up
>have gravity for months long transfer
>split up, make circularization burns separately
>have no gravity for last day or so in orbit of mars

>> No.16063158
File: 242 KB, 2048x1365, RFArollan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had to be done.

>> No.16063161
File: 21 KB, 291x302, 1688116645343388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rolling on a board with 2.3 posts/min

>> No.16063179
File: 3.73 MB, 1920x1080, 1709920420418743.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16063180

pls qt. I need this!

>> No.16063186
File: 196 KB, 416x428, Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 18.58.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16063191

>The unique live broadcast of the Kairos rocket launch by NVS, scheduled for March 9th, was unable to test the special tripod due to strong winds, so a decision on whether or not to proceed with the live broadcast will be made just before the launch date, March 9th. . If shooting conditions are not met, live streaming may be canceled without notice. The post-launch press conference will be streamed.

NVS has covered past H-2 launches from Tanagashima using a dude holding a camcorder. Now we're getting tripods canceled due to high winds? Lame.

>> No.16063192
File: 270 KB, 1280x1281, Artemis_I_Launch_(NHQ202211160017).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is boeing building the SLS core stage? I thought they had to spin off all their rocket manufacturing to ULA

>> No.16063201

looking into this

>> No.16063206
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>> No.16063218
File: 393 KB, 933x616, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah, when I toss a couple car batteries in the ocean I get a $15,000 fine, but when NASA tosses 5800 pounds of them into the ocean, it's a historic occasion

the hypocrisy of this government

>> No.16063220

short Boeing GEEEEG

>> No.16063222

Is this a publicly traded company? I want to short their stock.

>> No.16063228
File: 66 KB, 750x1000, get that arm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Canada's fault. Don't care that it was planned and everyone was onboard with the plan, still Canada's fault.

>> No.16063233

meh all boeing does is the airframe
the important parts are Pratt and GE's engines

>> No.16063235

I guess it would depend on how accurate of a burn tandem starships can execute. It's my understanding that most interplanetary missions require some minor adjustments during transfer. Trival for one ship with 6 axis RCS, but 2 with a flexible tether is not

>> No.16063241

All of their /current/ rocket manufacturing at the time. Boeing still leases much of NASA's rocket manufacturing infrastructure (i.e. Michoud) and has basically continued on to newer and even more expensive things despite having been forced to offload their other production lines to ULA. If you're wondering "so why does ULA exist then?" So does ULA.

>> No.16063247
File: 935 KB, 1543x642, chad vs virgin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>publicly traded
Also their CEO is the Chad with cone hair whereas (You) are the virgin.

>> No.16063254
File: 242 KB, 200x150, 467.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is HIM

>> No.16063278


>> No.16063282

who cares, as long as it keeps getting closer to the target
I wouldn't be surprised if they are still doing water landings at IFT-9 and in principle still rudding and not reusing the boosters or ships

>> No.16063293
File: 67 KB, 900x535, 1237170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tangentially related fuck every politician that wants to restrict any form of speech.

>> No.16063300
File: 334 KB, 2028x1416, Dunning-Kruger-Graph-2-004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best way to cope with being at the local minimum?

>> No.16063304

I wish to congratulate them whomyn's day.

>> No.16063315

make mistakes, coward
How do you think people climb that hill? By being wrong over and over again until they're right

>> No.16063318
File: 24 KB, 412x415, 651a3e3a9ac21d940818101defac71b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when can we finally have sex in space ?

>> No.16063319

get dumber and more confident

>> No.16063323

No, I am the pope.

Which I have split into a highly proficient I intelligence corporation.

>> No.16063327
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>> No.16063328
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>> No.16063331
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>> No.16063333

We are men, we don't like big terrorist attacks of Rubillion nuclear arrays in some district of space. Leave that for the movies. We turn and talk to each other and are more relaxed than actors. Men.

>> No.16063342

trips of truth

>> No.16063343

fag of fags

>> No.16063351
File: 168 KB, 716x563, starlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are talking about inter-satellite-to-ground round trips between only a handful of the shell's satellites plus handoffs as they move in and out of the cells, so while impressive it isn't really "global latency".

It's still pretty cool though, because they're growing their network management expertise. That paper mentions using fq_codel on the customer routers, which is the current hot new thing in WiFi

In networking "shortest path possible" is a pretty specific term, which makes me wonder if they're using actual physical distance in their routing algorithms. The multiplexing per user on the front end is something cell carriers have deep expertise on. I would not be surprised if part of the partnership with T-Mobile involves getting help designing a solution for this.

>> No.16063355

Isn't that one of the big points of starlink is that it can have lower latency over long distances than fiber?

>> No.16063357

no, that is a theoretical possibility though, I don't think its something that is true right now

>> No.16063360

>This is just a selection of some of the most impactful changes we have made. Since the beginning of the
year, teams have deployed and tested 193 different satellite software builds, 75 gateway software
builds, 222 Starlink software builds, and 57 WiFi software builds

>> No.16063365

i think in rememberance of where rocket design came from, elon musk should shoot a starship into big ben

>> No.16063366


>> No.16063376
File: 51 KB, 654x540, 009839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16063381

America's soft power in Africa, basically.

>> No.16063383

Max Twat

>> No.16063388

that's until china comes in and forces them to use their subpar internet instead

>> No.16063393

It will be a nice litmus test
organisations/groups there that use starlink are the pro-west ones

>> No.16063395

go back

>> No.16063397

Cope & seethe

>> No.16063400
File: 160 KB, 1000x692, d2bc2350-graphic-militarybases-website-1000px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oddly, Nigeria is not on the list

>> No.16063402


>> No.16063445

>This is just a selection of some of the most impactful changes we have made.
>Doesn't really list any specific changes
Still neat, and that graph does show pretty decent improvement.

>> No.16063447

Overprotective. One of your 'traits'

Die fag. I'm being serious. Kys now, or let the ward kill you with their meds. It's up to you

>> No.16063456

is this barkun?

>> No.16063486

Yeah you can see that retarded bots schizoposts in the thread before too. Just put 'spam bot' when reporting

>> No.16063490

Why did no one in /sfg/ post the recovered footage of the moon landing?????

>> No.16063491

stop reposting space twitter chud

>> No.16063493


>> No.16063500

Kek true he wngts

>> No.16063510

they will relight and it will result in rud

>> No.16063520
File: 182 KB, 611x521, the only use case.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and even if it works perfectly from here on out

>> No.16063544

And then they refuel in orbit. Or are we just pretending that nothing on Starship works until it does.

>> No.16063555
File: 75 KB, 733x550, DOTFTCfUIAAagDG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RUD during relight
is that the reason why the trajectory is almost suborbital so there wont be any debris left in orbit in case it happens ?
>RUD during reentry
almost certainly, I assume

>> No.16063556

based on his company's work on ACES (much smaller) he knows how hard + how long it will take

>> No.16063559

stop with these shit offtopic pictures nge is not spaceflight and its dog shit anyways

>> No.16063561

Neat, but isn't that footage already available?

>> No.16063565

I have my doubts. Besides not working with the peculiar handling difficulties of liquid hydrogen, the inherent difficulty (or lack thereof) is largely unknown until you A: simulate the hell out of it, or B: just do it. While NASA was preparing to do a simulation study of retro-propulsive reentry, SpaceX just did it, and found that it was actually pretty easy.

>> No.16063568

i wud fuk u so god it tear u a Part

>> No.16063578


>> No.16063599

i dont use troon pronouns. hwnbaw

>> No.16063609

>Boeing 737 Max 8 ran off Texas runway
Every single thing that happens to Boeing plane gets reported now.

>> No.16063631

Only parts of it not a live recording

>> No.16063653

Pretty common tactic if a short seller has a friend in the media

>> No.16063665

Can't wait for the Clear restream to become the only available historical record of Starship's first Martian landing after the X servers go down in the Hack of 2036.

>> No.16063674

The flight path is not quite orbital because if they cannot do a controlled deorbit burn for whatever reason they don't want to have a CZ-5C scenario but with a substantially larger object designed to survive reentry.

>> No.16063697

>(You) are the virgin.
But I got trips so now I have access to all that space snatch.
There's already been a married astronaut couple in space and despite what NASA claims, there's no way they didn't inaugurate the 300 mile high club.
Think it only works once they start using interlinks between satellites.

>> No.16063700

I wonder how Starship behaves ballistically. Does it neutrally settle into one orientation? Would be a design flaw if it starts tumbling when you lose flap control (see Shuttle).

>> No.16063710
File: 196 KB, 692x1023, Christopher_Ferguson_in_2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going.

>> No.16063717

It's not passively stable.
You can go ride on a Soyuz if you got a problem with that.

>> No.16063730

This is why spaceplanes (including Starship) will never become mainstream

>> No.16063733

this kills the muskrat

>> No.16063745

The hyper complex engines need to ignite in order for it to land.
That is way more of a liability than four flaps working.
And propulsive landing is a requirement for moon and mars.

>> No.16063766

You just need a large enough craft and the means to rotate it.

>> No.16063771
File: 117 KB, 482x505, 1504257345120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our shittiest rocket

>performs an entire moonflight flawlessly on its first flight
Sour grapes make for a bitter whine.

>> No.16063777

44 I guess
how did they manage to get ZERO asian girls?

>> No.16063778


>> No.16063779

Yes that was my point dipshit

>> No.16063780

Asian parents push for medicine and law, not science and engineering

>> No.16063781 [DELETED] 

>My money now
N faggot you R stoobid

>> No.16063786

Get madder and see if it helps Starship hit escape velocity while dead empty.

"Shitty" rockets don't complete the mission on the first launch, bra. Must get lonely waiting in Hawaii for a space vehicle that never arrives.

>> No.16063788

imagine joining the army and getting sent to black Africa

>> No.16063792

SLS stans to not get hyper defensive and assume your rocket waifu is shitty

>> No.16063796

>“Shitty" rockets don't complete… Hawaii for a space vehicle that never arrives.
I never once brought up Hawaii, or any rocket flying to there. You’re projecting!

>> No.16063797


>> No.16063799

>"even our shittiest rocket"
>immediately thinks of SLS

>> No.16063803

The Space Shuttle carried humans successfully on its first flight and flew hundreds of missions.
Yet it was an objectively shitty rocket.

>> No.16063807
File: 754 KB, 1000x1006, funny frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starship derangement syndrome

>> No.16063817

I'm sure they worked really hard on the powerpoints, yes.

>> No.16063818

BFR was a dumbshit name
>Peeheehee guys the F stands for Fucking
It is right to reclaim the word "starship" for practical use, away from worthless 20th century scifi

>> No.16063819

Has there ever been a more cursed rocket than that?

>> No.16063827

Kek it was really funny when the usual suspects on twitter were performing outrage about RUD as if Elon invented it

>> No.16063832

Should have been Big Heckin Rocketarino!

>> No.16063835

Japan will debut the KAIROS private small launcher in a couple hours.


>> No.16063836

How angry will you be when New Glenn has not be reused before flight nine of Starship?

>> No.16063865

The big point is that you can use Starlink anywhere in the world, in the sea, on air, on land, in rurals, in cities, etc.

Latency reduction is theoretical when they route all traffic through optimal (latency) routing. But realistically, even if they did have all the routing take place with lasers, it will use a more bandwidth optimal routing. Ideally bandwidth/latency optimal routing should be the same, but you never know.

>> No.16063866

>no launch license

>> No.16063870

wen raunch

>> No.16063904
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, future enterprise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess he's watching "All Good Things..."

>> No.16063906
File: 47 KB, 274x274, 1520207963846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is right to reclaim the word "starship" for practical use
It's not flying to any "star". It's barely flying to space.

>> No.16063909

What does the third one do, warp space more?

>> No.16063910
File: 912 KB, 3840x2160, starship burn around moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll see

>> No.16063911
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>> No.16063912

In the bizzaro future timeline where Riker is the captain it makes the ship go to warp 13. Also the ship can cloak

>> No.16063913

If someone launched a server to host a starlink only site would it have super low latency?

>> No.16063914
File: 54 KB, 275x175, Screenshot from 2024-03-09 11-06-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine trying to sleep in the aft cabin with that thing shining in your window.

>> No.16063922

this is alot of jobs.
>would you eat here
>lol fuck no
>would you use their services
>are you dumb?
there's alot of shady shit that goes on in businesses that workers are aware of but that never gets out

>> No.16063925
File: 218 KB, 972x972, 1699543308492860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16063928

It's also moar power for the ridiculous phaser lance under the saucer that rapes a Klingon battleship like an X-Ray Free Electron Laser rapes IRL armor materials.

>> No.16063931
File: 564 KB, 1290x1535, IMG_3218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.16063939

I just read it, it's one of the most gay bingos I've seen.
>free space not in center
and that makes it double gay

>> No.16063940

But Voyager establishes that Warp 10 is "going so fast you're basically in all points simultaneously until you stop", which people don't use because it makes you hyper-evolve into a salamander.

>> No.16063944

do you have this webm with sound?

>> No.16063946

Voyager doesn't count

>> No.16063955
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>> No.16063956

In the fake future they went back to the TOS scale which is different

>> No.16063957

What's the issue?

>> No.16063958

>Lastly she alleged SpaceX leadership paid her less than men with comparable jobs
Tell me more about these men whose jobs were to get pregnant and have an abortion.

>> No.16063960
File: 52 KB, 271x331, BenSisko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star Trek stops existing post DS9 and angry black captain

>> No.16063961
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>> No.16063963
File: 1.08 MB, 915x751, 1641636695185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to get it up first

>> No.16063964
File: 8 KB, 240x262, holodoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right, Future Imperfect was just an alien kid's fanfic
But I like hologram Doctor

>> No.16063966

we need more youtubers and content made in space

>> No.16063968

chances of FTS exploding while they are installing it?

>> No.16063969

Japan time

>> No.16063970

something with a decimal followed by more zeros than you have fingers.

>> No.16063971

A half dozen nips screaming. Wonderful

>> No.16063973

haha yeah this launch stream is extremely Japanese, I have no idea what's going on
they appear to have two separate comedy duos onscreen right now telling two different jokes simultaneously

>> No.16063974

cute mascot.

>> No.16063976

I miss CostPlusContent

>> No.16063978


>> No.16063979
File: 84 KB, 1427x869, 1548378287853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who is still a "trekkie" after its gay "reboot" is sus af.

>> No.16063981


>> No.16063982

elon vs bezos mma fight on the iss

>> No.16063983

ENT was the sign-off the series deserved. It all should have ended there.

>> No.16063984

remember when tom cruise was going to the iss to film a movie?

>> No.16063987
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>> No.16063988

The Russians filmed one up there, did that come out yet?

>> No.16063991
File: 43 KB, 500x566, 1709869764444945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no countdown clock
so is this a launch or just a PR event?
the mascot has a Toriyama style look to it

>> No.16063992

yes kek
ENT is awesome

>> No.16063995

>so is this a launch or just a PR event?
answering my own question, the launch time was just up, looks like it's about 35 mins away if I have the time zone right

>> No.16063996
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>> No.16063999
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>> No.16064002

I will never forgive the Chinese for denying the world of Cruise kino.

>> No.16064006

I'm expecting there to end up being a use case where some Wall Street financial company pays Starlink to host servers in LEO.

>> No.16064007


>> No.16064009


>> No.16064011
File: 101 KB, 1191x670, IMG_3750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16064014

boomer trying to co-opt gen z memes to promote transphobia

>> No.16064016

No, it was just a PR thing

>> No.16064019

>promote transphobia
(which is based)

>> No.16064024

No, it really isn't.

>> No.16064028


>> No.16064030

This has to be bait

>> No.16064034

yeah last year. couldnt find a rip.

>> No.16064035 [DELETED] 

we know that GOP shills want to try and convert Gen z/alpha to reactionary Chud ideologies.
we must clear out the fascists that have infiltrated the spaceflight community to achieve total trans rights victory!

>> No.16064036
File: 2.46 MB, 2050x1153, Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 17-44-58 【#KAIROS #カイロス】民間ロケットカイロス 短期打上型小型衛星 ロケット打上視聴会🌟 2024.3.9 #宇推くりあ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16064037

>/pol/ gibberish
go back, election tourist

>> No.16064041

finally have the clock (T-15M)
this certainly isn't the usual dry JAXA event

>> No.16064042

>We will offer the world’s shortest lead time from contractual agreement to launch as well as the world’s most frequent launching schedule.”

why do companies always say this

fuck off m8

>> No.16064043

Its a nice launch location. Though trees surrounding a launch facility might be bad

>> No.16064044 [DELETED] 

weak bait
unironically mentally ill. YWNBAW

>> No.16064047 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 1024x998, 1653980666582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>promoting basic human rights is bait
do /pol/cels really?

>> No.16064048

>more /pol/ gibberish
go back, election tourist

>> No.16064049 [DELETED] 

Troons aren't human (ability to procreate)

>> No.16064051


>> No.16064054 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 584x571, xd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we dominate the spaceflight industry and we will outlive you

>> No.16064058

Given the cancer rates associated with long term cross-sex hormone usage not to mention the many traumatic surgeries they seek out. No!

>> No.16064059

>IFT-3 is testing cargo door, prop transfer, engine re-light
what is IFT-4 likely to test?

>> No.16064065

cargo door, prop transfer, engine re-light

>> No.16064067
File: 839 KB, 1290x1399, IMG_3234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Japanese commercial rocket is about to have its maiden launch RIGHT NOW and /sci/ does not care???


>> No.16064068

On orbit maneuvering. Deorbit burn.
Precision landing of the ship in the ocean.
For IFT-3 it doesn't do the flip and landing burn.

>> No.16064069


>> No.16064070

small launchers have been disappointing

>> No.16064072

My patience

>> No.16064074

Japanese countdown is so kino

>> No.16064075



>> No.16064077


>> No.16064078


>> No.16064079
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>> No.16064080

I tuned in and sit 21+T and not launched?

>> No.16064081


>> No.16064082

um? did they forget the parking brake?

>> No.16064083

lmao what a disaster

>> No.16064084


>> No.16064086

not once did my rocket greet me with energy

>> No.16064087

>Clear up to 6.6k

>> No.16064088

Recycled the count, T-13 minutes 20 seconds and counting

>> No.16064089

Clock reset 13:40 minutes left

>> No.16064091

This is bait

>> No.16064092

>official stream lost 8k viewers already

>> No.16064095

They count funny, I like it.

>> No.16064105

what are they screaming about

>> No.16064106
File: 22 KB, 758x642, 1691919648375899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>press report
>10 min later
the fun's over faggot

>> No.16064107

Canadians ruin everything.

>> No.16064110

the numbers mason!

>> No.16064112


>> No.16064113


>> No.16064114


>> No.16064115

This is so cringe!

>> No.16064116


>> No.16064117

it's owari da

>> No.16064118

the actual accounts is FAAnews

>> No.16064119

parking brake was left on

>> No.16064120


>> No.16064123

load up another nuke, Japan is a disgrace

>> No.16064124

moon landing

>> No.16064126

I demand the entire engineering staff commit sudoku for this embarrassment

>> No.16064128
File: 270 KB, 594x860, sdsdsds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was some furry fox space xwitter user or something

>> No.16064129

I was wrong again, looks like it's going to launch at the top of the hour. So 40 more minutes until UCHI AGEMASU

>> No.16064130
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[1_28_34], take=[2024-03-08 20.19.34].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone leaving

>> No.16064131

How many Ls can japanese space take?

>> No.16064132

on the plus side, we have more time to listen to Clear sing cute songs of encouragement

>> No.16064133

>all the people who gathered to see it launch leaving
feels bad man

>> No.16064134

>can't even get a SRB launch right

>> No.16064136

chinks posting Ws

>> No.16064137

bratty rocket. needs correction!

>> No.16064139

I hate this kind of atmosphere so much holy shit, the cringe announcements and talking on stage by the company before makes it even worse

>> No.16064142

i wish i can marry her

>> No.16064143

the company spent money on doing this rather than the engineering
space one confirmed black company

>> No.16064146

Wait, SRB? What was the problem, then? Any japs?

>> No.16064150

welp, I guess we'll have a solid-rocket race to see who is scheduled to relaunch first: KAIROS second attempt or Minotaur IV with an NROL spysat. (or maybe abl's 2nd attempt not to destroy their launch pad)

>> No.16064151

answer the door Clear. It's me

>> No.16064157

Some kind of igniter issue. Happened plenty of times when I was launching Estes rockets back in the day. There's not really much else that could have gone wrong with a solid fuel system.

>> No.16064158
File: 1.82 MB, 2050x1153, 1702103123043372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16064160

4 little boosters really better than 2 big ones?

>> No.16064161

>550kg is enough to put someone in orbit with enough life support to stay there for a few hours

You really don't want to fly economy class to space

>> No.16064164

They forgot to insert the ignition key so the controller wouldn't make the electrical circuit

>> No.16064165

It's a lot cheaper to make, which is why Ariane 6 switched.

>> No.16064167

i would tbag clearchan

>> No.16064169

>tiny clear

>> No.16064177

I’m still in shock that clear ended up actually being a girl (female)

>> No.16064178

Same. But I wasnt surprised

>> No.16064179
File: 45 KB, 675x447, 1300156148418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

スクラッブ スクラッブ スクラッブ

>> No.16064182


>> No.16064183

Post her real face

>> No.16064185
File: 21 KB, 602x198, clear_xposed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about that...

>> No.16064190
File: 351 KB, 640x640, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but Hoshimi is more pleasant to listen to and has a less busy design

>> No.16064191

>mercury 1.4 tons 1 person
>gemini 3.2 tons 2 people
>soyuz 7 tons 3 people
>dragon 12 tons 4 people
>shuttle 78 tons 7 people

>> No.16064192

Anybody who likes anime is either Japanese, a pedophile, or both.

>> No.16064194
File: 950 KB, 2896x4096, GIIvrwzbEAA4xRo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16064196

Yeah, but imagine doing Mercury without a capsule

>> No.16064199

Post her fucking feet now

>> No.16064203

whats the point of this? clipper will be disposed in jupiters atmosphere

>> No.16064206
File: 109 KB, 850x1182, __hoshimi_madoka_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_nogikawa__sample-7bef7423380f8df62e05e8e03cbb1c6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16064207

Intentionally crashing probes into gas giants is fucking gay and I want to punch the people who make this decision

>> No.16064211

blame planetary protectionists faction in NASA

>> No.16064212

How was it confirmed?

>> No.16064214
File: 1.26 MB, 972x972, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inshallah FTS shall detonate over the FAA HQ

>> No.16064215

No feet, no service

>> No.16064218

gimme 5 I can fix her

>> No.16064221

>50% of which are this thread

>> No.16064222

suction still works in space (as long as you're in a pressurized atmosphere)

>> No.16064223

they are soldiers of Allah

>> No.16064228
File: 966 KB, 720x1000, shuttle c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine shuttle without the people

>> No.16064231

there simply wasnt a need for a payload mass that big in a volume that small.

>> No.16064234

Imagine Earth without "people"

>> No.16064238

Imagine the SEXY AS FUCK space cruisers when fuel becomes a non-issue.

>> No.16064246

you underestimate the need to send millions of tungsten balls to high energy orbits

>> No.16064251

Centaur G

>> No.16064272

>wasnt a need for a payload mass
Because cowards won't begin construction of an artificial ring at GEO

>> No.16064277

>no launch license

>> No.16064296

the krystalposter was the fag who made the fake FAA account

>> No.16064302


>> No.16064308
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>> No.16064310

Nope, it wasn't me. I've been too busy making AI Renamon porn

>> No.16064314

democrats are retarded and evil, republicans are pure evil

>> No.16064315

FTS installation complete

>> No.16064318

Republicans are based based based. I'm a nimble navigating MAGApede

>> No.16064323

I don't like vtubders and I can't understand her but her streams are good background noise. She has a pleasant middle school teacher type voice and style. Amazing how much just not doing the AM I KAWAII UGUU voice improves your quality.

>> No.16064325

Voyager lost contact again. Is it over for real now?

>> No.16064329

it's because your a pedophile

>> No.16064335

sometimes probes last too long. voyager hasn't done anything worth while for decades but it still phones home and it has for ages so people are attached to it and can't let it go.
it was the same thing when opportunity finally died. it had already been far surpassed by curiosity, but since the old rover was still trucking people got attached to it and were sad to see it go. nobody was sad to see spirit go

>> No.16064352

>Pretty common tactic if a short seller has a friend in the media
cool it with the anti-semitism

>> No.16064355

Isn't it not that they lost contact and more that the telemetry modulator is broken? They still get a carrier wave and it responds to commands, it just can't send anything back.

>> No.16064363

Reminder that trannies are to be confined in Urf and WNGTS

>> No.16064368

they stuffed those bitches FULL of nuclear material lol. Even if the voyagers are basically just drip-feeding basic data, it’s still cool that they are pushing further and further and giving us somewhat of an idea of what’s out there. Once they both die, I think the record will go to new horizons, no? Until it dies—which will be very very soon bc they didn’t overkill it like they did the voyagers

>> No.16064369

>boomers got stationed in Germany or Japan
>millenials in Iraq or Afghanistan
>zoomers will be sent to Africa or Haiti
no wonder the youth increasingly hate the elderly

>> No.16064382

you make those adjustments before, or after, the "tandem", guy, and enjoy the .3 g while it lasts, and the one deemed to have made the most accurate initial burn gets rendezvoused with not the other way around

>> No.16064399

>cheating on your wife

>> No.16064402
File: 243 KB, 1024x449, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get more Delta-V please

>> No.16064404
File: 222 KB, 1500x1200, Insert floppy to update intersteller probe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my mother's age, it SHOULD be dead

>> No.16064414
File: 43 KB, 620x1024, Shuttle-c_launch_painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>payload mass that big in a volume that small.
use your imagination and don't just go off that shit pic

>> No.16064420
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>> No.16064424

I've never even heard of this show and already I hate it.

>> No.16064432

I'm gonna fuck that old smoker cat.

>> No.16064433

is your mother dead

>> No.16064438
File: 1.40 MB, 1008x567, Fucking angry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not yet

>> No.16064437

>Voyager 1 was launched after Voyager 2
What the fuck why

>> No.16064442
File: 59 KB, 750x359, IMG_2664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>protecting satelllites
??? we star wars now?

>> No.16064447
File: 390 KB, 1536x2048, MECHA SHIVA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you stop a satellite interceptor without spreading as much debris as a successful attack would produce

>> No.16064456

Send men up there to manhandle the rogue satellite into a space sack.

>> No.16064484

>not arming sats with anti-personnel devices
Lrn2 cold war

>> No.16064504

A gigantic self-inflating sphere made of aerogel mounted to the target satellite that can be rapidly oriented and aimed at the approaching interceptor like a gigantic catcher's mitt

The sat may then decouple and initiate a course correction out of sight of the approaching interceptor until it's too late

>> No.16064505

What went wrong with Japanese space program? It feels it's something they should be good at.

>> No.16064506

i would do that to a female astronaut gladly

>> No.16064508

Nothing went wrong. They have even less resources than the ESA so they are extremely keen on filling in gaps left by priorities of the other space programs. Their asteroid program for example was designed to increase the sample size for other NASA asteroid sample return missions in order to increase the certainty of the results.

That isn't to say they've been extremely good at satellite or even rocket building. Akatsuki, Hayabusa and SLIM all had serious issues with propulsion, while several recent JAXA rockets have had failures. They've almost miraculously designed to anticipate those failures, though -- Akatsuki was recovered thanks to the RCS sharing the same fuel tank as the main engine, Hayabusa's redundant electric propulsion systems managed to work just well enough to return to Earth, and SLIM adapted to an engine-out scenario autonomously and recovered from a failure that would have ended just about any other mission.

>> No.16064509

Twin probes with different mission profiles, maybe stars aligned better and voyager 2 had to be launched first.

>> No.16064514

lmao bro, look up why they did the Voyager probes

They took advantage of a planetary alignment that happens incredibly rarely and just gravity assisted all the way out of the solar system

>> No.16064523

Pioneer anomaly proves relativity wrong

>> No.16064553

That's the Flyby Anomaly, idiot.

>> No.16064557

(it's both)

>> No.16064574


>> No.16064576

Fission reactors.
Megawatt class lasers.
Orbital assembly machinery.
Stacks of steel torus shell for a spin station.

>> No.16064580
File: 2.98 MB, 722x540, 1709966523174974.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me out please
I'm not denying the moon landing
some guy posted this webm and I just don't understand how this is possible
17s his shadow is on the right
43s suddenly it's on the left
what the fuck? how can that work? Am I retarded? Did they set up their own lights or something?

>> No.16064582

Yes you're retarded.

>> No.16064584

can't wait for Curiosity rover to ping home in 80 years. (It has a projected lifespan of 100 years)

>> No.16064587


>> No.16064588

Camera was panned, retard

>> No.16064593
File: 2.52 MB, 1374x962, GravityBatterySwitzerland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute state of people that believe in Flat Earth. When the astronaut is on the right the sun if left of him. when the astronaut walks left the sun is now right of him.

>> No.16064596

lmao dude

>> No.16064597

>Am I retarded?

>> No.16064601

what does that mean? how does rotating a camera change the shadow 180 degrees. That doesn't explain anything to me.
You're trolling me 100%. Have you ever stood on the right side of a hill and then move to the left side and seen your shadow rotate 180 degrees? That's not how it works.

There's probably a decent explanation but you twats are trolling me.

Alright sure but then explain it to me
the sun is fuckhuge it's not going to be that when you walk around the spacecraft suddenly you've walked around the sun and now it's on your left or right. That's bull and you know it.

>> No.16064602
File: 47 KB, 1000x1000, 1708708763336563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to break it to you, anon, but you're retarded. It's an unbroken shot where you even have the lander as a reference point.

>> No.16064603

kek that's some high quality bait, exquisitely believable retardation

>> No.16064604 [DELETED] 

nigger that's not how the sun works. it's billions of kms away the rays are parallel. They can't be this weirdly angled. They're never angled that way on earth. How the fuck would it be angled that way on the moon.
Holy shit imagine posting a single question on this shithole forum and getting trolled by 7 people who refuse to answer seriously

>> No.16064606
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>> No.16064607

>I'm not denying the moon landing
then what are you doing?

>> No.16064608
File: 12 KB, 1120x568, ShadowExplanations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just in case you aren't trolling

>> No.16064614

no way. Look at the image
Have you ever walked around a hill and seen your shadow move? It doesn't because it doesn't. The sun's rays are parallel over those distances. You guys are epic trolling me. Fuck off I shouldn't have gone to the board high on its own farts pretending they're doing it for science.
Either the webm is tampered, the camera is moved but I can't see it in the webm, or they're using artificial lighting.
The sun's rays are parallel.

>> No.16064617

Don't ever fucking reply to me again

>> No.16064618

go back to /pol/ you dolt

>> No.16064620

nah you and the troll need to go back to >>>/x/

>> No.16064621
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>> No.16064623
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>> No.16064624

JAQing should be a bannable offense

>> No.16064625
File: 26 KB, 676x836, RETARD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooh, let me try

>> No.16064626
File: 244 KB, 1632x1224, GIMqvpJWEAEAfYd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eight years ago today, Jeff had a handful of space reporters out to the Blue Origin factory. Feels like yesterday.

>> No.16064628
File: 511 KB, 2340x1571, AS17-162-24053HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw people try and concern troll on sfg in 2024.
y'all probably don't remember the old times with the falcon 9 rat-ice "faked" gif schizo poster

>> No.16064630

>billions of km
~only 15 gigameters actually

>> No.16064632
File: 509 KB, 1070x856, Eratosthenes_Teaching_in_Alexandria_(Bernardo_Strozzi,_Montreal).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn anon you're a modern-day Eratosthenes

>> No.16064631

what the fuck why won't you reply to the content of my message instead of just permatrolling me
but how then does the shadow look like it's on more on the right and then more on the left. Your image would still depict those shadows at the same angle everywhere.

>> No.16064636

why do you keep replying to the retard? please stop

>> No.16064637

Please tell me you aren't serious.
Nobody is this retarded.

>> No.16064638

pro tip kiddo if you want to have a discussion about Apollo footage, don't post compressed to hell /pol/ bait webms where we have no clue what the context is. Post either the actual image ID (mission, magazine, frame, e.g. AS15-85-11487) or the GET (ground elapsed time) + mission for GCTA film (the rover camera). not that you care though

>> No.16064642
File: 109 KB, 1024x1024, 1024px-Ngc2392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rays are clearly divergent.

>> No.16064651
File: 460 KB, 1027x207, perspective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol look this retard farmer plowed his field not parallel. see, I draw lines and they aren't parallel in this static photo.

>> No.16064655
File: 205 KB, 1280x720, 14-147942_best-4k-city-wallpaper-city-night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. I see the same thing in construction too. We can't even build straight buildings anymore.

>> No.16064660

where do i get this footage?
i do care enough to be interested in why the shadows are all fucked up
it can't be because it's compressed
maybe the footage has been cut sure but even then none of you have even implied that anywhere, I've been the one saying that.
Why the hell would I go through the effort of getting the full footage if you guys post the most beyond retarded arguments
these guys are literally so braindead they think the suns rays from basically millions of kilometers away are divergent over the distance of 20 meters
and they're the ones calling me a retard or a flat earther
They have to be trolling me with that argument because else they'd be the dumbest people i've in a long while
this guy too actually unironically thinks the suns rays are divergent
and this guy actually thinks that if you film two parallel shadows from a different angle that you can manage to make them seem more to the right (17s in webm you can see it's angled to the right of the human) and more to the left (46s you see it angled to the left of the human) none of which would ever be possible. It maintains the same angle compared to the object whose shadow it is casting but in the webm it doesn't.

And instead of even providing even a single argument, I get the world's worst most retarded arguments which honestly make the flat earthers seem more logical. How pathetic is that...
And then they call me a retard. And then they either simply demand people stop replying like this
or say asking questions on a fucking science board is somehow wrong

and somehow someway i am wrong here? I literally only asked for an explanation and you guys gave me false information pretending you're on the moral high ground.
Keep pretending I'm in the wrong here, but I am not. I was honestly asking a question and you've done nothing to help me.

>> No.16064662 [DELETED] 

all the shadows here are exactly parallel
you've argued nothign and you're dismissing my argument with a strawman
utter retards

>> No.16064671

Trolling already is.

>> No.16064673

The conclusion at the end is kind of silly but I can see why they would say it. If you can achieve specific g-forces on the ground with a centrifuge to influence crystallization, you can dial a fraction-of-a-g in orbit in microgravity. This is something they probably could have come at in the other direction had the centrifuge module ever been delivered to the ISS.

>> No.16064674 [DELETED] 

then all of these posters should be banned
I have literally done nothing but be honest
literally not trolling
which is why you retards stopped responding to me
imagine actually thinking the suns rays are divergent
how low iq are you twats
my mistake was thinking you guys were smart
>Verification not required.

>> No.16064732

bye Felicia

>> No.16064745

>I have literally done nothin
so you dinu nuffin?

>> No.16064750

coming to us with a question about the moon landing being faked already puts you at the bottom of the smarts pile. Asking for proof that a retarded claim is false is like sealioning.

>> No.16064753

he can vote which is scary

>> No.16064760

literally did not say that ever you colossal retard
I asked an explanation for the video because the shadows are wrong
so either the video isn't correct and it's been edited or they're using artificial lighting
what the fuck is wrong with you assholes?
How can the sun's rays be divergent like some posters are saying? They're more retarded than I could ever be.

>> No.16064763
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>> No.16064765

You're not even calling out the tard who says the sun can have divergent lighting
my god and I used to think /sci/ was a smart board
literally nothing here but trolls pretending they're smart

>> No.16064777
File: 233 KB, 1502x999, WEB11163-2009h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

until you provide a GET I can't give a proper answer you fucking retard. Go back to whatever pathetic embracing schizo thread you got the webm from and ask there. I'm sure the troll who posted it is laughing that you fell for the bait. Grow the fuck up and use your brain. Be a fucking adult and take some responsibility for yourself. Petulant fuck.

>> No.16064781

Choose a random object, like a street light.
Stand near it and look at it in such a way that its shadow is to your right.
Walk around the object and rotate 180 degrees.
The shadow is now to your left.

I sincerely hope that I'm responding to a troll because if that's not the case, then you completely lack any and all spatial reasoning skills and should not have been allowed to survive infancy.

>> No.16064784
File: 479 KB, 865x491, ted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16064785

Your mother.

>> No.16064795

euthanising all twitter trannies would solve this you know

>> No.16064799

The real reason Musk bought Twitter was because he missed out on Mueller's risky bathroom business and needed to check Twitter's logs to see for himself.

>> No.16064818

I will look for it but I'll have to wade through apollo 17 videos on their website and it's going to take a fuck ton of time which i don't have
literally not how it works?? The camera is not moved. It is rotated. Yet the shadows are angled differently which cannot be due to the rotation.

Why the fuck were my posts banned as if I'm the one trolling. And yet the guy talking about divergent sun rays is somehow sincere????

>> No.16064821

>The camera is not moved. It is rotated
Yes, the camera is rotated, and the astronaut is the one who moves to the other side. The effect is the same. The Sun rays are not divergent. Even if you assume them to be perfectly straight (which they are for our intents and purposes), you are still retarded. This image >>16064625 should have been enough for you. The astronaut's shadow didn't change direction, he just moved to the other side of the camera.

>> No.16064827

this could be a good experiance for people who want to work educating special needs kids
shame it's a bad faith troll instead of a retard

>> No.16064842
File: 137 KB, 1638x995, apollo martin 410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maximum faggot

>> No.16064850

The lander reminds me of a wheeled Beagle 2

>> No.16064852

Come on numbers!

>> No.16064872





>> No.16064876

anon I want you to go stand between two objects that cast shadows
look at one object, the shadow is going to the left
turn around to look at the other object, the shadow is going to the right

>> No.16064888

>>until you provide a GET
>posts a GET of his own

>> No.16065152

Curtains, anon.
Never underestimate the power of old tech.

>> No.16065172
File: 53 KB, 557x557, 1687291274150176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mate all the funny memes are made by /pol/ types

>> No.16065342

have you tried improving the efficiency and TWR of your engines?

>> No.16065344

I'm convinced

>> No.16065688

retarded reddit transplants from after 2015 can't hope to match, you are filthy cunts inhabiting an empty shell.

>> No.16065700
File: 898 KB, 487x560, 1530713982099.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean geez, they still think memefrog is cool.