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16058269 No.16058269 [Reply] [Original]

So, were the Amish annihilated by the pandemic as an unvaccinated population?

>> No.16058282
File: 585 KB, 1440x1168, 1672685375133907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live in an apartment, go to uni in the city, never got the jab, never tested positive for COVID, never had symptoms.

>> No.16058289

>go to uni
not without a jab you didn't

>> No.16058319
File: 45 KB, 721x789, 1702185189130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone has to have been injected with goyslop poison because i was
you're low iq and spineless, thats why you allowed yourself to be coerced into it

>> No.16058322

Wow, you're really easy to upset. kek

>> No.16058337 [DELETED] 

Did you get your latest booster? Oh, why not?

>> No.16058343

Never vaxxed, keep raging lol fuckin virgins and their pent-up rage.

>> No.16058344 [DELETED] 

I'm not raging, I just asked a question. Relax.

>> No.16058372

Have sex lil virgin

>> No.16058379 [DELETED] 

I have a wife. Leave your mom's basement sometime.

>> No.16058411

Sure you do tubby

>> No.16058415 [DELETED] 

I'm actually rather thin, but my dick is thick, Rick


>> No.16058420

During the pandemic mainstream sources claimed the Amish were dying in large numbers but they never showed any proof of their claims and eventually stopped talking about them. The Amish generally lack the comorbidities that most "with covid" deaths had so they probably did fine, though weren't completely unaffected just like they're not completely unaffected by a bad flu season.

>> No.16058424

Please have sex

>> No.16058431 [DELETED] 

I will tonight, with my wife, something you will never have.

>> No.16058440

>So, were the Amish annihilated by the pandemic as an unvaccinated population?
I feel that the idea that the Amish can get themselves exempted from vaccines due to their religion does not translate into them necessarily avoiding it in the first place. But it's just more of the same bullshit a la "Amish don't get cancer cuz they're unvaccinated" You need to be mentally disabled to eat that up and once you're there, you won't understand why all your herbal superfood supplements cost so much money.

>> No.16058448

Ok virgin

>> No.16058449

To be fair, it's probably not hard to find a wife that looks like yours

>> No.16058451 [DELETED] 

She is a hot piece of ass, something you will never have the privilege to lay your hands on

>> No.16058456

Prove it, she's definitely ugly af if she married your ass

>> No.16058458 [DELETED] 

Nope, you don't get to see her.


>> No.16058462

You could have just said "no"

>> No.16058467

Ya she ugly.

>> No.16058477 [DELETED] 

No, she's very hot and quite beautiful.

>> No.16058479

Yeah I'm sure your ugly ass thinks so. You're made for each other.

>> No.16058488 [DELETED] 

We are indeed made for each other, thank you, anon.

>> No.16058491
File: 93 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome.

>> No.16058565

They socially distanced. Also what makes you think the Amish are unvaccinated? I've seen them at my local clinic. They can't use technology, not doctors.

>> No.16058567

Also, there is literally nothing more comforting to look at than a Home Depot with a hitching post.

>> No.16058616

I live in deep rural Amish country. Literally saw 6 buggies today in town. No Amish were damaged in anyway what so ever. My mom made a comment today wondering what their level of autism is because they don't take vaccines. I have yet to look it up but I remember hearing they don't have any autistic kids.

>> No.16058639

>wondering what their level of autism is because they don't take vaccines. I have yet to look it up but I remember hearing they don't have any autistic kids.
Are we still stuck in 2007 and believe the vaccine-autism boogeyman? Do you think autism is a super legitimate thing that doctors can accurately identify with their behavioral screen lists. Not to mention a doctor I met who diagnoses Amish children all the time with autism.

>> No.16058693

Lmao did you actually go through and delete your posts because you realized how fuckin pathetic you sounded? that's a huge L

>> No.16058925

OK smart ass tell me the source of autism then? You can't tell me what causes it so you by definition can't tell me what DOESN'T cause it.

>Autism Prevalence 1 in 36 children in the U.S. have autism, up from the previous rate of 1 in 44. In the U.S., about 4 in 100 boys and 1 in 100 girls have autism. Boys are nearly 4 times more likely to be diagnosed with autism than girls.

> Preliminary data have identified the presence of ASD in the Amish community at a rate of approximately 1 in 271 children using standard ASD screening and diagnostic tools although some modifications may be in order.




>> No.16058967

>You can't tell me what causes it so you by definition can't tell me what DOESN'T cause it.
I dunno. I can't tell you what causes brain rot, but I can tell you it's not oompa loompas.

>> No.16058992

Autism is caused by old people having children.

>> No.16059322

Do these people give their kids vaccinations against measles, small pox, tetanus etc?

>> No.16059329

autism is a subjective cultural phenomenon, part of the end-game dialectic that essentially boils down to:
>I'm not playing your rhetorical games anymore

>> No.16059428

NTA but I got a religious exemption, turns out it's easy as hell

>> No.16059431

meant for >>16058319

>> No.16059755

>You can't tell me what causes it so you by definition can't tell me what DOESN'T cause it.
Nonsensical gibberish.

Schizo retard. You're mentally damaged to the point where you blame your own mental deficiencies on the vax you were given as a child. That's the whole point of your autism-vax obsession.
A single study, wow and refuted by my personal experience with a doctor in Ohio. What does this say about the quantity and prevalence of an entirely subjective diagnosis with no hard biological data to back it up? Doesn't it seem weird that the whole antivax hysteria hyperfocused on the one diagnosis that can't be proven to exist in the first place?

>> No.16059759

Why it can't

Ain't that ridiculous?

>> No.16060984
File: 127 KB, 1125x555, TV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, didn't affect them at all cause they don't have tv

>> No.16061051

the west has to be destroyed. vaccine distrust is a great way to damage a society, especially in areas with high population density. budgets likely increased for this war division.

>> No.16061075

The Amish get vaccines, you dumbshit racists.

>> No.16061105

Amish are a race?

>> No.16061107

>Culturally distinct
>Genetically isolated
>Physically recognizable
By what standard wouldn't they be a race? Race and color aren't the same thing.

>> No.16061109

>Culturally distinct
>Genetically isolated
>Physically recognizable
So we have like 4000 races on our planet?

>> No.16061111

Amish isn't a race and the discussion was about the Amish and the mRNA injections, not vaccines in general. Stop trying to poison the well.
The majority (59%) of Amish support vaccines in general but only a small single digit percentage of them were willing to get the mRNA injections. After harassing them endlessly, public health officials decided that most Amish must have secretly snuck off to another state to get the injections and declared victory in their fight against hesitancy. They also claim high death counts amongst the Amish before they secretly got the injections. How many? Public health officials won't say, but they assure everyone the number was "high".
Amazing that anyone is dumb enough to believe this bullshit but there are several right in this thread who not only swallow that crap, they think it makes them brilliant to do so.

>> No.16061437

I don't even think they noticed anything besides the cleared roads in 2020.
Modified flu '19 was not a global pandemic, it was a flu season with a novel mutation. If that wasn't clear to you IN 2020 then you are a brainlet.

>> No.16061477

>After harassing them endlessly, public health officials decided that most Amish must have secretly snuck off to another state to get the injections and declared victory in their fight against hesitancy
did they really?

>> No.16061666

Yeah? Sure. Why not? Race is a social construct.

>> No.16061790

What does your personal experience with a doctor in Ohio have to do with the prevalence of autism?

>> No.16062342


>> No.16062344

Motherfucker, this is a vaccine thread. This entire shitshow belongs in /pol/ along with all the rest.

>> No.16063744

>this thread makes me chimp out like a baby!!!!
just stop looking at the science board if you don't like seeing threads about science

>> No.16063830

Are you trying to tell me vaccination has nothing to do with science? What are you, some kind of antivaxxer? Of course vaccines should be discussed on a science board, especially the ones that don't work!

>> No.16063841

If it doesn't work, it's not a vaccine, now is it?

>> No.16063952

No, it is, it's just a vaccine that doesn't work. It was developed through the scientific method, with some intended purpose, but it failed.

>> No.16063953

A gun with a defect is still a gun, even when it can't unload a bullet from the chamber in a timely manner as was its intended function.

>> No.16064012 [DELETED] 
File: 703 KB, 1080x1080, listenandbelieve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vaccines are useless toxins that cause inflammations, and inflammation can damage the brain. Is simple as that.

>> No.16064017

>A gun with a defect is still a gun
Not according to SCOTUS.

>It was developed through the scientific method, with some intended purpose, but it failed.
By this logic gum is tire rubber.

>> No.16064021

Wrong!! *snap*

>> No.16064026

Doing "research" is free. Go to PubMed and read the articles yourself. But the point is, you are too retarded to comprehend them, and someone literally have to encode knowledge into your little retarded autistic brain.

No one is stopping you, other than your own low IQ retard autistic brain.

>> No.16064032

Not him, but which covid booster are you on, and why? Just curious.

>> No.16064174
File: 60 KB, 640x426, Amish_Family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, were the Amish annihilated by the pandemic as an unvaccinated population?

Still thriving.
The Amish and Mormon will dominate USA in 80 years.

>> No.16065653

Mormon have gotten fairly globohomo faggotized. They keep on changing their rules and allowing ever more faggotry

>> No.16066921

they're importing a billion mexicans too

>> No.16066943

>Mormon have gotten fairly globohomo faggotized. They keep on changing their rules and allowing ever more faggotry

Sad if true, faggotization spreads like a plague, the idea that sexual perversion is 'good' and introducing it to children is 'OK'

>> No.16067705

They get that and the Amish don't because the Morons allow television into their homes and into their minds.

>> No.16067729

All I see is incest

>> No.16067746

Mormons are already suffering membership retention and fertility decline. It actually looks like they could just collapse outright if they keep hemorrhaging white teenage and early 20s women since that's their only product.

>> No.16068754

>wholesome family photos trigger me and make me angry because my own family is disfunctional trash and i don't like to be reminded of that

>> No.16070010

Thats why people get angry when they see decent looking families, jealously

>> No.16070646

>faggotization spreads like a plague
You are more right than you think you are.

>> No.16071251

sure hope so

>> No.16071413

That was marrano propaganda. The only good marrano is cut in half with a chain saw and buried deep below ground, and face down just in case.

>> No.16073068
