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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16048242 No.16048242 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it like this? How come trillions of dollars invested in soience research only makes things worse rather than better?

>> No.16048277

cancer is man made and caused by viruses modifying your dna

>> No.16048401

It stands to reason that preoccupation with "health" increases the odds given that cancer is nothing but health incarnate.

>> No.16048467

My hunch is that late childbirth andlow child mortality arehuge factors, most of us are genetic mutants nowadays

>> No.16048477

we're a lot better at detection than we were 100 years ago

>> No.16048482

It's this plus the median age of our population is much higher now,

>> No.16048496 [DELETED] 

Now wait until you hear about AIDS.

>> No.16048509

cancer is a wide-ranging and complex problem, and medicine is one of the least scientific fields of research

>> No.16048682

theres more cancer for sure but treatment is better than it used to be. Its a race that cancer won

>> No.16048877
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Cancer is a hoax.
1) Get a strange lump (or not lol see below)
2) Doctor freaks out over you having cancer
3) Tells you to get toxic chemicals pumped into you
4) Picture you after getting full of science toxins
5a) = You die = Wow what a tragic lose to the dangerous of cancer

5b) = you live = wow science saved you from cancer!

BONU globohomo round
Getitng fucked in the ass = wrong = rips your ass = get infected from your shit bacteria

Science says
>Nothing wrong with anal sex
>Why are people dying of this """""cancer"""" ?

>> No.16048950

Dysgenics + govt interference.

>> No.16049184

There is no race.

>> No.16049189

Is there much mention of cancer in the pre-modern historical record? If whatever factors predispose you to cancer are the same ones that make you more susceptible to tuberculosis or leprosy or whatever, it'd make sense that it's a condition that only appears when 10 year olds aren't dying of those anymore

>> No.16049315 [DELETED] 

This is how it really works

>> No.16049771
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>> No.16051017

jesus christ is it really 1 in 3?

>> No.16051021

They will release a "vaccine" against cancer that will give you cancer, and they will blame meat.
LMAO, you don't know shit.

>> No.16051769

>Science says
>>Nothing wrong with anal sex
It does not though.

>> No.16052578

>and they will blame meat.
and global warming
and white supremacy
and the patriarchy
and transphobia
and discrimination in video game journalism

>> No.16052581

>gay bowel syndrome
>prolapsed rectum
>anal incontinence
>shorter life expectancy of sodomites
>sodomites intentionally spreading STDs without informing partners

>> No.16053455

Your point?

>> No.16054013
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>> No.16054111

He doesn't have one. You clearly stated science does not validate homosexuality, and if anything provides reasons for it to be eliminated. He on the other hand is a religious brain with no coherent thoughts and thinks science bad. The replies and even the initial OP are such profound retardation that it's beyond irony and someone that dumb actually believes what he writes. What is ironic is the humanism that resulted from Christianity is exactly where the moralism for LGBTQ comes from. Even Christians don't have a problem with homosexuals as long as they "repent". You cannot renconcile strong scientific inferences and their conclusions (homosexuality harmful, therefore society should reduce homosexuals to zero) with the Christian notions of personhood and having a soul. Without Christianity, the scientific conclusion is obvious. With Christianity it could never be implemented. Even Islam is following this trajectory as the feely wishy washy concepts of souls and forgiveness creep in and introduce provisions for societal protections of such populations, which is why homosexuality is rampant in Islamic countries. Religion failed to prevent the proliferation of homosexual and looking at it as some solution is a huge cope and leads to magic metaphysical thinking like God putting them in the bad zone and good people go to the good zone. They are too stupid to ever question God either. For instance, if God was just homosexuals wouldn't exist in the first place.

High IQ people don't believe in God and are opposed to homosexuality for scientific reasons which relies on looking at the world and things that happen in it as strictly material phenomena.

>> No.16054134

Could the increase be due to this?
>more sedentary lifestyles
>highly processed food
>injecting sugar in everything
>social isolation
The slop they give us is pure cancer food.

>> No.16054135

or the labels of things, and their category, changes over time because it's just generic symptoms being frame as this or that disease

>> No.16055222

>self indulgent long winded rant that nobody read

>> No.16055897

common feature of /sci/

>> No.16057054

>High IQ people don't believe in God
That's kind of the only thing I needed to read wasn't it dimwit?

>> No.16057646

>shorter life expectancy of sodomites
not just shorter, they lose a full quarter century compared to everyone else

>> No.16058667
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>> No.16058676

>smog filling the air of the most highly populated cities
>endocrine disrupting chemicals in the food and water supply
>massive amounts of radiation saturating most populated places
>microplastics in literally everything
>30 vaccines by 12 months of age
>people no longer die in their 30s of typhus and cholera

Gee, I wonder what could have changed? It must be those evil soientists infecting people with cancer so they can make more money treating it!

>> No.16059676

urban air quality has been improving for the past 50 years

>> No.16060891

also antisemitism

>> No.16061928

Its not bad, but it could be better

>> No.16062286

For one thing, people are living long enough to die of cancer.

>> No.16063707

left expectancies are currently on the decline, they have been for a decade already, people aren't living longer than they used to, they're dying younger

>> No.16064665

Fred Phelps was a true prophet, things would be so much better right now if everyone had listened to him way back when he was active

>> No.16065692


>> No.16066933

How come cancer gets worse the more science researches it?

>> No.16067003

This board used to be able to think. Where did everyone from 15 years ago go?

Cancer rates have increased because we aren't dying from the common fucking cold anymore. As we improve our ability to repair and protect our bodies, the only thing left to kill them is themselves. Do you need it explained in simpler terms than that?

>> No.16068414

nobody was dying from the common cold 15 years ago

>> No.16069562

The profits they make off it are always increasing, thats what counts

>> No.16069593

Plenty of medieval kings died of a "wasting illness".

>> No.16069870

>Gee, I wonder what could have changed? It must be those evil soientists infecting people with cancer so they can make more money treating it!
Why is every conspiracy take based on anecdotal evidence and simple correlations introduced with "Gee". Is this some kind of marker that you need to write so your employee knows you have actually written a disinfo post?