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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16050985 No.16050985 [Reply] [Original]

Have the vaxxxies of /sci/ had their 9th booster shot yet or are they schizo anti-vax science deniers?

>> No.16050989 [DELETED] 

Of course they haven't, and they deeply regret having ever been vaccinated for covid in the first place, but don't bring it up with them or they meltdown.

>> No.16050990
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>vaccines are LE BAD because the ingredient list has big scary words I don't understand

>> No.16050992

anon is vax compliant

>> No.16050993

Jab is good because it kills of retards. lmao even

>> No.16051026

They just want to make sure they will vote democrat, like any other dead people.

>> No.16051045
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I almost missed my 9th booster but fortunately my neuralink chip automatically scheduled an appointment for me. So heckin convenient.

>> No.16051401 [DELETED] 

Did you get your latest booster? Oh, why not? You're not some kind of antivaxxer, are you?

>> No.16051419

No one gets boosters any more because literally nobody except terminally online shutin shitposters still cares at all
COVID being a relevant issue is long gone everywhere but the brains of conspiritards

>> No.16051427

It has become just like yearly flu shots they offer two or three boosters every year for flu immunity

>> No.16051431 [DELETED] 

Ahhh, but those excess mortality rates in highly vaccinated countries haven't gone anywhere, anon, and even though that's a difficult reality for vaxxies like you to grapple with, it's happening.

And no, we don't just move on from the biggest medical/pharmaceutical scam ever committed, and the biggest crime against humanity this century. Pussies like you do, because you are the weakest and worst of humanity. You deserve to get boosted, you little faggot.

>> No.16051434 [DELETED] 

>they offer two or three boosters every year for flu immunity
No they don't.

>> No.16051438 [DELETED] 

mRNA gene therapies are not vaccines, they were marketed as vaccines because NPCs like you wouldn't get an inoculation for a cold if it was called a "gene therapy," but because it's called a "vaccine," you lined right up for it, and turned your cells into indefinite Wuhan spike protein factories for the financial benefit of Pfizer or Moderna, and all their wealthy shareholders, including the people who funded the creation of the virus in the first place. Congratulations, you're a retard.

>> No.16051997

So far nobody on /sci/ is claiming to be up to date on their covid shots

>> No.16052001 [DELETED] 

Why? Are they antivaxxers or something?

>> No.16052038

I'm pretty sure everyone knows what lead and mercury is.

Captcha; D4nk

>> No.16052171
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>vaccines are LE GOOD because the ingredient list has big science words I don't understand, but trust anyway

>> No.16052193

I'm bored so I'll feed you... how the fuck does mRNA get permanently integrated into the host's genome for recurrent expression? Start by showing me that you have even the most basic understanding of the differences between DNA and RNA and that you can use the words transcription and translation in a sentence, you silly little mongoloid.

I won't wait because the five minutes I've just spent on this site is enough for March.

And no, I haven't had 8 fucking booster shots.

>> No.16052199

9th? I’ve only had my first. Just haven’t had time, but I’ve never had COVID anyway. So, whatevs.

>> No.16052200

>And no, I haven't had 8 fucking booster shots.
get a load of this schizo anti-vaxxer's crazy conspiracy theory

>> No.16052210
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Why aren't you trusting the science?

>> No.16052214
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>And no, I haven't had 8 fucking booster shots.
that's because you've had 9 fucking booster shots

>> No.16052876 [DELETED] 

No refunds, faggot.

>And no, I haven't had 8 fucking booster shots.

Why not? They're perfectly safe and effective, aren't they? Are you some kind of antivaxxer?

>> No.16052878

>how the fuck does mRNA get permanently integrated into the host's genome for recurrent expression

>> No.16052879 [DELETED] 

>just haven't had time

You've had all the time in the fucking world. Why would you even get your first to begin with, you weak, pathetic, easily propagandized little faggot? Because if you didn't, you were afraid they wouldn't let you in the gay bar? No refunds.

>> No.16052978

I''ll have a booster if something radically different from Omicron pops up.

>> No.16052984

>nine boosters
>still gets covid
>dies of (((long covid)))
it's working

>> No.16052985

>reversible effects
lol, who cares

>> No.16052986


>> No.16052989 [DELETED] 

Why? None of your prior shots worked. If anything, they primed your immune system for constant and worsening covid reinfection.

See: Cleveland Clinic Study.

>> No.16052992

>"Show me X if you can harharharhar"
>Is shown X
>"lol who cares"
You're getting more deranged by the day vaxxie. Cry, cry away.

>> No.16052997

>how the fuck does mRNA get permanently integrated into the host's genome for recurrent expression?
It doesn't have to be integrated into the host genome to qualify as a gene therapy.
It's literally a therapy that works by inserting a gene into your cells, causing your own cells to produce the target therapeutic agent. It's gene therapy.

>> No.16053004
File: 494 KB, 1080x2073, Screenshot_20240302_150805_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reversible liver inflammation, retard, not reversible genome integration. Literally try reading past the first sentence next time.

>> No.16053012
File: 36 KB, 635x219, snowflake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aaaaaah end of world
no permanent harm
take your meds and cry yourself to sleep, snowflake

>> No.16053015 [DELETED] 

No refunds, faggot. Cope.

>> No.16053024
File: 429 KB, 1920x1280, CoronaChart_v2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I''ll have a booster if something radically different from Omicron pops up
Why? Have you got natural immunity from a previous Omicron infection and feel confident you won't get sick from it unless it mutates a bit?
That's the funniest thing about vaxxies. Despite everything they might say, they all behave as if having suffered Covid before, they're unlikely to catch the same strain again. And they're right. Because the natural immunity everyone has since the omicron wave is what all-but wiped out Covid, fating it to the embarrassing destiny of being a minor sniffle that 99.9999% of people shrug off and is used as an excuse for a day or two off work at worst. Surprise, surprise.
Vaxxies and the people who demanded and enforced the most disruptive reactions to Covid need to lose their pensions. A small price to pay, considering they have spent our collective pension in the form of trillions in public debt, for what? To shatter global logistics networks and ensure that the pandemic lasted as long as possible?
This isn't hyperbole. What do you think "flattening the curve" means? To shrink X, Y must lengthen. What could have been a simple but larger than usual respiratory disease wave could have been allowed to flare up as the northern hemisphere was entering spring and summer, and people were at their healthiest point of the year. As the climate science tells us, 2020 was a very warm year compared to the pre-industrial average. 2020 summer should have been a global "chicken pox party" for the 99% of people who weren't at risk for anything more than a bad cold. That would have actually helped reduce transmission much faster. Someone who can do maths can figure out the formula, but at some point, flattening the curve for long enough can mean that even a very small number on the X axis can mean a much higher overall death figure than if you have a short but tall spike.


>> No.16053026

I hope so they're funding my pension through pfizer and Moderna shares

>> No.16053042

The uneducated goobers lost the moment they nominated a vaxxed guy. When push came to shove, they had no concerns about his health.

>> No.16053048

they would've voted for rfk jr. otherwise.
mostly it's all performative. the vast majority of the performative anti-vaxxers actually got the vaxx as soon as the 'father of the vaxx' told them it was safe.

>> No.16053102

I had Pfizer in April+July 2021. Those work well against Alpha & Delta. Then had a 3rd Pfizer in February 2022.

>> No.16053108 [DELETED] 

>Those work well against Alpha & Delta
Except they don't. I understand that's what you were told, but you were lied to, and the unfortunate reality of the world we live in, anon, is people in powerful positions often lie to stupid people if there is money to be made.

>> No.16053124

>>they don't.
>source: my ass

>> No.16053130 [DELETED] 

Source: your crippled immune system and constant and worsening reinfection with every new SARS-CoV-2 mutation.

See: Cleveland Clinic Study.

>> No.16053138

I'm healthy as a horse.

>> No.16053160
File: 51 KB, 937x270, Screenshot 2024-03-02 171621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or any other dataset or study that compares the two.
Surely you'd know this already though, having been reading through the literature?
You wouldn't just be making claims based on nothing and then accusing others of doing the same would you? That would be terribly disingenuous, and not very scientific of you at all.

>> No.16053167 [DELETED] 

>I'm healthy as a horse
Ah, so you think, vaxxie, so you think.

>> No.16053172

one bingo-bongo result means nothing
If it has merit, it will win a Nobel.
protip: it won't

>> No.16053174 [DELETED] 

>I'm healthy as a horse
That's what literally every faggot with AIDS repeated for ten years before they suddenly got seriously ill, suffered for six weeks, then dropped dead one day of an opportunistic infection. That's how immune deficiency kills you.

>> No.16053176

>two weeks

>> No.16053179 [DELETED] 

>If it doesn't win a Nobel Prize, it has no merit
Anon, this is part of the reason why you're such a retard.

>> No.16053180 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 448x603, doit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be an antivaxxer, get one every week at the very least.

>> No.16053181 [DELETED] 

>no refunds

By the way, what country do you live in? How are the post-2021 excess mortality rates looking in your country? I'm honestly very curious.

>> No.16053187 [DELETED] 

I still remember in March 2020 when this faggot warned before congress of the potential dangers of a mass-vaccination campaign at the height of a coronavirus pandemic, and that the risks might far outweigh the rewards, and then he realized how much money there was in it for him, and totally changed his tune when it became politically and financially expedient.

>> No.16053207
File: 40 KB, 351x351, OIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two weeks
to flatten the curve?
Its 12 years on average for a product to pass phase 3 trials, why do you think that is?
Just how long does it take for an IgG4 related illness to present? How long does it take a cancer to develop when you're not producing T cells properly? Is it less than 2 weeks, or more? Is it less than 5 years, or more?

>> No.16053213

the people who made the vaccine won a nobel prize. Several different sources have been posted in this thread, one of which has a sample size of 99 million people, proving that it doesn't work. So of what value is a nobel prize?

>> No.16053214 [DELETED] 

Let's see, anon, you contracted HIV from a black man in the bathroom stalls of a gay club in Orlando five years ago. You feel fine. By that math, you won't die in (((2 weeks))), but you probably will in another five or six years. Thank God there are highly profitable protease-inhibitors you can take to keep your pathetic body afloat for the time being, like ritonavir, so you can continue to pretend you're "healthy as a horse," while your immune system slowly continues to break down and fail, and every infection you ever get becomes worse and worse. Oh, wait, ritonavir? That's the same protease-inhibitor they use in Paxlovid, brought to you by Pfizer! What a happy coincidence!

>> No.16053218 [DELETED] 

Luc Montagnier won a Nobel Prize in 2008 and he doesn't believe HIV causes AIDS. As with Kary Mullis in 1993. Barack Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize and then proceeded to drop more bombs on more countries than any president in American history.

>So of what value is a nobel prize?
Of no value, that's what, you naive little fuck. It's a highly profitable boys club where "academics" get to pat each other on the back, ensure continued funding for their research, and etch their names into history books written by their friends.

>> No.16053221

it's not a vaccine

>> No.16053236

>Of no value, that's what, you naive little fuck
My point was that it was of no value. I was asking the question facetiously, having already explained why they have no value. Could you not have worked that out from the context of the rest of my post?
I am a big fuck, the biggest!

>> No.16053238 [DELETED] 

Read your original response and tell me how your autistic form of sarcasm is supposed to translate through text.

>> No.16053247

Boy oh boy, well I'll try but I don't think you will understand in any case
>Man wins nobel prize
>Thing he wins it for is a pile of shit
>We have shown in the thread that it is a pile of shit
>Ergo, you can win nobel prizes for producing piles of shit
>Piles of shit have no value (figuratively, obviously actual piles of shit can be used as fertilizer or thrown at politicians)
>Therefore you can win a prize for producing nothing of value
>Therefore the prize has no value
>I am asking a question I have already answered, a rhetorical question if you like, but more accurately a facetious question.
This is a common debating technique, though it is smug I'll give you that.
I hope that makes sense because I'm not sure how I can go any slower for you.
I am sorry for your autism and hope you find ways to overcome it.

>> No.16053259 [DELETED] 

I'm not trying to debate with you, I actually agree with you. You're just terrible at communicating, and your autistic sarcasm doesn't translate through text.

>> No.16053280


>> No.16053300 [DELETED] 

This guy, and by this guy I mean (you), got multiple doses of an experimental mRNA gene therapy because the TV man told him if he didn't he would die of the cold, and wouldn't be allowed in the gay bar.

Personally, I wouldn't be able to live with myself, but thank goodness I'm not (you).

No refunds.

>> No.16053323

Is the only criticism of the vaccine you can make is it's """"experimental"""" and no refunds? Is that it?

>> No.16053330

>And no, I haven't had 8 fucking booster shots
>I've had 9

>> No.16053341

You are beyond the pale. How can you be so disingenuous? There are half a dozen studies posted in this thread alone that show increased mortality, even of Covid itself. Cancers, immune diseases, heart problems, Guillain–Barré, the list goes on and on.
All for a fucking common cold. 0.03% mortality rate for those under 60. 0% mortality for healthy people under 60.
Anyone who is unvaxxed, please never forget how these people behave. They deserve everything they get.

>> No.16053373 [DELETED] 

Your obly argument seems be hurrrr 2 more weeks hurrrr I'm healthy as a horse. As >>16053341 mentioned, there have been multiple pieces of evidence presented, and arguments made, by myself and others. But clearly the vaccine-induced brain fog is getting to you and they flew right over your head. No, actually, you are just being disingenuous, because you know you've lost this one.

No refunds.

>> No.16053418

Post your igg4 levels

>> No.16053430 [DELETED] 

Okay, I'll book an appointment and get back to you in a few weeks.

>> No.16054006

you can't have a vaccine for a nonexistent disease

>> No.16054128

>The uneducated goobers lost the moment they nominated a vaxxed guy. When push came to shove, they had no concerns about his health.
They hate when that's brought up. Deep down they don't believe their own shit but are just acting out in bitterness that their predictions failed and that friends/family still snicker about them.

>> No.16054133


>> No.16054193
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>> No.16054351 [DELETED] 

Well, would you like to answer OP's question, anon? Why not?

>> No.16055247

>nobody on /sci/ is up to date on their covid vaccines
why not?

>> No.16055251

why am I suddenly in love with a cartoon?
science explain this!

>> No.16055257 [DELETED] 

You're a degenerate

>> No.16055335
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>> No.16055987

Is there anyone on sci that is actually fully up to date on their covid boosters?

>> No.16056099

Isn't the CDC recommendation to have a single booster after the primary vaccination series? That's 3 shots in total. Where on earth did this 9 vaxx shots meme come from?

>> No.16056475 [DELETED] 

Do you live under a fucking rock?

>> No.16056482
File: 107 KB, 617x1024, 1631327585691m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, I take one (of each) every 12 hours

>> No.16056667
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>> No.16056673
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>> No.16057350

From the CDC

>> No.16057378

No it's every 6 months

>> No.16057383
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Forgot 3rd cube.

>> No.16057388
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>> No.16057778
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I looked at it, and it doesn't say anything like that, see picrel

>> No.16058305 [DELETED] 

How many vaccines did you get?

>> No.16058355

Three, 2 primary vaccinations and 1 booster. Everyone I know had those 3

>> No.16058357 [DELETED] 

Why? So everyone you know is a mindless idiot like you?

No refunds.

>> No.16058358

Why is /sci/ such an antivax board?

>> No.16058370

It didn't used to be. ~2016 - 2018 I was the only antivaxx here.

>> No.16058388

I'm not american, this antivax hysteria doesn't exist anywhere else in the world

>> No.16058397 [DELETED] 

Oh, really, I'm not American either and my country has a 42% covid vaccine uptake and one of, if not the lowest, post-2021 excess mortality rates in Europe. As do most of the other non-American countries bordering mine with low vaccine uptake. The very pro-American, Western European countries with high-covid vaccine uptake have exceedingly high excess mortality rates, however. Interesting, isn't it, how we lowly antivaxxers aren't dying, but you vaxmaxxed retards are?

>> No.16058423
File: 115 KB, 793x937, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The very pro-American, Western European countries with high-covid vaccine uptake have exceedingly high excess mortality rates
Are you sure?

>> No.16058426

that distribution seems completely random and I can't draw any conclusion from it

>> No.16058429 [DELETED] 

Ah yes, 2020-2022. We are in 2024, anon. And I will grant you, Sweden, a country of like five million people, that did not lockdown, did not shove people on ventilators and pump them full of remdesivir, and has among the strongest healthcare infrastructure in Europe, faired the pandemic particularly well. I commend their response.

Now let's look at all-cause excess mortality rates in countries like the UK, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Finland, etc. compared to those of Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, etc. today. Poorer countries heavily hit during the initial waves of the pandemic because of their elderly population and poor healthcare infrastructure, but now seeing comparatively low, if not negative, all-cause excess mortality rates.

>> No.16058439 [DELETED] 

I wonder if the reason "the rest of the world" doesn't have the same antivax issue as America is because most countries in the rest of the world don't have an insane 70+ dose vaccination schedule for newborns like the US does. I wonder if that plays into it in any way.

>> No.16058579

I'm not antivax, I'm pro-choice

>> No.16058582 [DELETED] 

I'm not antivax, I'm pro-immune system

>> No.16058583

I'm prochoice and antivaxx. As in I'm pro my ability to choose what's best for you, by choosing to eliminate your ability to make the wrong decision for your children, who are themselves unable to choose.

>> No.16058584

It's specifically saying that everyone 12 and older should be getting an updated (2023-2024 formula) vaccine

>> No.16058590
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Couldn't find the data for the entirety of 2023, but I did find february->may. Excess mortality looks lower overall. You're right, poorer countries are doing better now (except for greece for some reason)
All cause mortality is still much lower in rich countries, but that's not surprising

>> No.16058599

Yes, no 9 vaxx shots, no "every 6 months". This thread is full of hyperbole

>> No.16058602

Still though, if you didn't get your updated 2023-2024 formula you're going against the advice of medical experts

>> No.16058613

Sure, but where are all the "hurr you have to get your 9th boosters because it's been 6 months since your last one" that people were harping about?

>> No.16058621
File: 67 KB, 960x699, bus-like-a-swede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbf they did shit like pic related even before covid

>> No.16058634

Because the CDC has recommended 9 boosters in total for the elderly, and it's funny to point out that these vaccines only work for 6 months

>> No.16058645

Where is this recommendation? I can't find anything that recommends this meme number

>> No.16058652

Try googling the text in OP's image anon. Brings me to this substack
Track through to links about the 8th dose, the 7th dose, etc

>> No.16058672

The links are all articles by the same schizo who apparently interprets any change to the guidelines as "new booster recommended". The Actual CDC guidelines only recommends a primary vaccination series + 1 modern booster
And do you actually know anyone who got 9 vaxx shots? Does this hoax have any substance in reality?

>> No.16058706

>updated COVID-19 vaccine
That's different than the bivalent one. Also you were supposed to get an original series booster one year after.
>2022 (bivalent)
>2023 (xbb updated)
So 5 total for normies
Those working in healthcare were supposed to do 6 month boosters btw so should be around 8 or 9

>> No.16059587

>I didn't get all 9 boosters
get a load of this skizo antivaxxer and his crazy conspiracy theories

>> No.16060046

You know the way the vaccines work are essentially the same way viruses do. Viruses hijack the cells genetic system to make copies of themselves. The nu vaccines exploit the cells genetic system to make copies of spike protein. Since viruses kill the host cell I always wondered if the spike proteins also killed the host cell that replicated them.

>> No.16060133

>You know the way the vaccines work are essentially the same way viruses do
room temperature IQ reductionism

>> No.16061048

Thats not how mRNA vaccines work at all, mRNA vaccines are supposed to kill the recipient before the disease can get them

>> No.16061924

>j-just shut up ok, it doesn't even matter anymore
Copium overdose.

>> No.16061932

>libshits using their enemies terminology against them
It doesn't really work, you're calling a white man a nigger like that's an insult to him. Which i suppose it is but it is incorrect.

>> No.16061942

Libshits have pretty much completely adopted "snowflake" into their vocabulary unironically with the exact same meaning as it had, except that it can only be applied to right-wing people

>> No.16062304

It's funny because I can't tell which candidate you're talking about, they're all vaccinated.

>> No.16062482

You're replying to a skizo antivaxxer who doesn't even keep up to date on xer boosters, expecting someone like that to be sane is irrational, of course their personality is just going to be mishmash of inconsistent coping mechanisms

>> No.16062573
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Iq status: missing
So i have to ask. Are you israeli, an actual retard, trolling or a variant of chatgpt used by an alphabet soup agency?

>> No.16063451

Thank you for posting a graph that confirms my claim of higher excess mortality rates in highly vaccinated countries compared to countries with low vaccine uptake before I was banned for racism three days ago.

>> No.16063998
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>> No.16064013

No refunds.

>> No.16064038 [DELETED] 

Because you are a fag and she has a bigger penis than you.

>> No.16064759

shame he wasn't jewish

>> No.16065770

cryptos are just as bad as the real thing

>> No.16066984

There is nobody who will admit to having gotten all 9 shots

>> No.16067766

Expect the announcement of dose 10 in May

>> No.16068748

ireland is poor

>> No.16070002 [DELETED] 

boosters are every 90 days
if you don't keep up then you're an anti-vaxxer

>> No.16071168
File: 79 KB, 1488x1488, ajjakkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy vay stop being antisemitic

>> No.16072850


>> No.16072964

>how the fuck does mRNA get permanently integrated into the host's genome for recurrent expression
Yawn. Reverse transcriptase. It's been known for 2 years:

>Since viruses kill the host cell I always wondered if the spike proteins also killed the host cell that replicated them.
Worse. Your own immune system kills the host cell that replicated those proteins, because now it's covered in foreign shit. Read that again and tell me this is not paving the way to autoimmune disorders.

>> No.16073394

vax AIDS is very real, the mainstream science journals are full of articles on it

>> No.16077137

Original Antigenic Sin.

>> No.16077192

>posts a study he didnt read but had in his 'redpill' folder

>> No.16077201

>making up headcanon about the pro-vax tulpa in your head

Meanwhile everyone else stopped caring about covid years ago, you just desperately need a trophy of some kind for not getting the vax

>> No.16077273

>/pol/ lives rent free in his head
>got vaccinated for the coof because TV man told him to
What an absolutely pathetic loser you are. You may want to just move on from your irrational decisions, but you deserve to be reminded every single day for the rest of your life, vaxxie. No refunds.

>> No.16078221 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16079807 [DELETED] 
File: 1.75 MB, 1x1, Evaluation of the DNA content in mRNA vaccine vials with quantitative PCR_FINAL_20231019.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16080873 [DELETED] 

How high is your IQ? Must be pretty big to have foresight like that

>> No.16081178

Probably somewhere around >=9001

>> No.16081250
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Is 9 supposed to be a large number you find scary or something?

>> No.16081422

>CDC is 90% chosenites
>So is the pfizer board

What a cohencidence!

>Serves them right, they trusted the (((science)))

>> No.16082068 [DELETED] 

Albert Bourla never even got vax'd himself

>> No.16083478 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16083662

>You know the way the vaccines work are essentially the same way viruses do. Viruses hijack the cells genetic system to make copies of themselves.
Not really, because the natural virus can only transfect cells that express ACE-2, but the mRNA/LNP combo can transfect any cell in the body, and is delivered into the bloodstream directly instead of through the respiratory system. That is a world of difference.

>> No.16083668

And before anyone bitches about it reaching the bloodstream despite the fact it's supposed to be administered to muscle, you are 3 years behind Pfizer's own research with the infamous rat study. 2/3rds of the dose escapes the injection area.

>> No.16083690
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Look man. Jews conducting research doesn't make it a "rat study." I get it. You want to be edgy, hahalolocaust, etc. Not everything is centered around the jew. I am trying to help you here. Not every vague shape implies what you think. Open your mind.

>> No.16083704

>Captcha; D4nk
It's enough to fill it in the lower field, no need to include that in your comment.

>> No.16083706

/pol/ lives rent free in our science board /sci/. If we could, we would kick them out.

>> No.16083783

They're here because you're a delusional failure.

>> No.16083834

>waaaaahhhhhh, we don't like hearing opinions that challenge our viewpoints and dogmas, get out!!!!!!!
Fuck you, faggot. May I recommend the echochamber that is reddit?

Now, did you get your ninth covid booster? Oh, why not? You're not some kind of /pol/tard antivaxxer, are you?

>> No.16083842

I got the first two. Unfortunately I wasn't paying attention and didn't know they weren't traditional vaccines. Nothing has happened to me, though no way am I getting any more for obvious reasons.

>> No.16083847

You are a jew. You do not have ownership of gentile spaces.

>> No.16084020

>Unfortunately I wasn't paying attention
Just fucking kys

>> No.16085237

I haven't even had the first one yet

>> No.16085319

As a freedom absolutist, Musk implements that feature only in jurisdictions that mandate it.

>> No.16086083

>you deserve to be reminded every single day for the rest of your life
hopefully thats not too many times

>> No.16087038
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>> No.16087153

I am.

>> No.16088541

whens your next booster and when was your last one, how many have you had in total?

>> No.16089128

>Nothing has happened to me
not yet

>> No.16089176
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Don't be a coward and get 300 doses, don't let a kraut outshine you.

>> No.16089181

How is that possible? I thought we all were forced to take the vaccine? Are you saying that it was but a suggestion everyone was free to refuse?

>> No.16089228

Not forced, coerced
It wasn't "forced" the same way that the mafia doesn't "force" you to pay "protection" money

>> No.16089269

LMAO, you are so fucking stupid.

>> No.16090087

fake and gay

>> No.16090926
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>> No.16090979

Good point, now you have convinced me.

>> No.16090984
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>> No.16091836


>> No.16093200 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16093410
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>> No.16093417

>it's so safe you can take 9 doses in 3 years
>it does so little you need 9 doses in 3 years
so no one was right?

can we stop posting article headlines for people to have hot takes on? there's /pol/ for that

>> No.16093421

>dude this flu is going to kill us all if we don't shut down the entire world, hide in our homes and inject untested and experimental gene therapies!
>if you still care about it a year later you are cwaaazy!
this is a perfect example of what a "current thing" npc looks like. they literally only ever think about what is in the news cycle and only "think" what they are told to think. Retard doesn't even begin to properly Describe the level of abhorrent thinking, or better yet "non-thinking" these people do. They are deranged and dangerous

>> No.16093446


But this person you are talking about does not exist. The "oh god it is bad so scary" was pre-vaccine, the "eh whatever" is post-vaccine. Plenty of articles still talking about covid, and covid going around. You are tilting at windmills and at non-existant people. You do what you want with your life man, but it is weird that you won't let go of being wrong. I'll even say - even in some fantasy fuck land where you are correct in your baseless assumptions you are still weird because you live in this weird state of obsession to the point where everytime someone drops dead before 60 you have to go "vax??! vax?!?" there comes a point where you are being weird about it.

>> No.16093949

They wanted you take several [!] boosters and scared you with new COVID variants every two months. So now what? The virus stopped evolving dangerously and the boosters are not needed anymore? How convenient.

>> No.16095078 [DELETED] 


>> No.16096925
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>> No.16097159
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>> No.16097262

Things are going to get nasty and not just in two weeks.

>> No.16098421

pwnd lol

>> No.16099678
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>> No.16100238 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 370x500, pwnd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh bideo gaymezzzssstthhhhhhh!!!
dead soiygoy lolololol

>> No.16100283

>0.1 shekels have been deposited into your Shabbos™ account.

>> No.16100287

He's scripted to die before or likely at 33 years old.

>> No.16100299
File: 115 KB, 826x707, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, as I thought. Born on the 156th day of the year, eclipse reference. Diagnosed with melanoma, a blackening of the skin. Like a blackening of the sun.

Blue hair dye as well.

>> No.16101994

>vaccines are LE GOOD because the ingredient list has big soience words I don't understand

>> No.16102633

Dont go so fast, dear citizen have you had already your 9th vax? If not please first vax and then reply.

>> No.16103923

in a couple months they'll be announcing its time for the 10th booster

>> No.16104475

Pfizer does that quarterly because their profits are measured by the stock market quarterly

>> No.16105568

Because the mRNA type of vax turned out to cause many more problems than traditional vaccines, statistically speaking. Myocarditis, fractured arteries, auto-immune disorders, neuropathy, plus the whole garbage protein / prion scare, which is still on the table for all of us who took it.

>> No.16106669

Why did you volunteer to take an untested experimental medication?

>> No.16106690
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x2186, Screenshot_20240331-231122-185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brb boostermaxxing

>> No.16107369

fake and gay

>> No.16108818

>And no, I haven't had 8 fucking booster shots.
why not, don't you trust the science?

>> No.16109165

I get one every yr along with my extra strong flu vaccine for seniors.
I hope that my posting here will encourage other a risk groups to get vaxxed.

>> No.16109171

You don't need to describe yourself

>> No.16109177

oh good one

>> No.16109181

If you got the vaccine you're just a fucking dumbass. That's it. A lot of posters here seem to be struggling with admitting it but it's true. You were duped because you're a dumbass. Thank you

>> No.16109729

Why are anti vaxxtards subhuman IQ having retards?

>> No.16109746

If you got the vaccine you're just a fucking dumbass. That's it. A lot of posters here seem to be struggling with admitting it but it's true. You were duped because you're a dumbass. Thank you

>> No.16110856

>another fucking vaxx thread

>> No.16110878

Nice projection, faggot

>> No.16110896

This thread is over a month old.

>> No.16111315

nice vaccine, dumbass

>> No.16111888

>Dose number NINE
Aren't these things seasonal? When granddad gets his flu shot again this winter, do you count it as cumulative flu shots?
I haven't received a letter from the government telling me to go get a shot, so I won't. Simple as. That does, in fact, make me compliant and consistent. If it's all part of a nefarious plot to inject the populace with 5g nanomachines they could be going about it a lot better though, I think.

>> No.16112636

>i would inject anything into myself if the government told me to
>t. npc

>> No.16112873

Nine times in three years might just be bad. That's stimulating the hell out of the immune system.

>> No.16112885
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>Tfw I just made a fake US janny jab card so I could truck back and forth over the Leaf/US border with a template on the correct card stock, scratched fake lot numbers on, put “CVS” under location and had Grandma sign it
>Perfectly passed scrutiny on both sides and never got the jab and never will
Get dabbed on, statist niggers

>> No.16112900

RNA reverse transcriptase, present in certain retroviruses. That's not likely to be an issue in this case.

Even without genome integration, expression of mRNA in the cells is enough to effectively become part of the cell's expressed genome, provided the cell doesn't replicate. Given continuous loading, this could become indefinite - which is likely the intention of these shots.

>> No.16113578
File: 34 KB, 600x800, atheistm statism redpanel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soiygoys really are like that because they have no other belief system. They worship humans like deities

>> No.16113582

9th shot? Why would I take the 10th shot? I'm pretty sure we'll be fully protected at 11th shot, but we might need the 12th shot to make the 13th shot more effective

>> No.16114845

i remember when people were making the same joke about the 3rd, 4th & 5th shots

>> No.16115850

and now we're on the 9th shot. please do try to keep up, sweetie

>> No.16116539

10th shot should be announced in May or June

>> No.16117967 [DELETED] 

>Nobody on /sci/ is up to date on their covid vaccines
is this evidence that it was a useless (at best) """"vaccine""""?
if not, how did we all survive?

>> No.16118495

It wasn't useless, holocausting or at least sterilizing the vaxxxies will have wonderful long term effects for humanity. Fauci is a genius for inventing the tech to make it happen, so is Trump for somehow putting together a political climate where all of the people who hated Trump the most were screeching for Trump's regulation free, untested vaccine

>> No.16118506

why are you suggesting that trump voters are statistically lower IQ than democrats? what is your ulterior motive with this claim?

>> No.16120054 [DELETED] 


>> No.16120485 [DELETED] 

They're every 90 days

>> No.16121264 [DELETED] 

Imagine getting your 9th shot when initially it was promised to be a single does vaccine. How gullible do you have to be to fall for the scam that hard? Even having gotten the first one means you're a retard..

>> No.16122010 [DELETED] 

sunk cost fallacy

>> No.16123115


>> No.16123123
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Quite ironic in retrospect

>> No.16123132

Huh? Re-read that again you dumbass

>> No.16123209

News articles are not science, leftist agenda is not science, extensive research backed up by evidence is science.

Please refer to >>16051419

I think you mean the other way around, the only vaccine paranoid person I now had to go on a respirator cause he got covid.

>> No.16123214

Science is not a person saying something.

>> No.16123222

He's like a schizo repeating the same lines when proven wrong. You can't write this.

>> No.16123223

>the only vaccine paranoid person I now had to go on a respirator cause he got covid.
Didn't the ventilators kill people? Or are you being sarcastic

>> No.16123229


>> No.16123231

My uncle almost died of Covid cause he was unvaxxed, sounds like vaxxtards are the ones getting duped.

>> No.16123239

Ne he has a link to evidence that proves it's probable my IQ is higher than yours, that's called sources. You can't cope any harder than denying direct evidence.

>> No.16124657 [DELETED] 

>I hate science
why? just because it tricked you into taking an untested vaccine for a nonexistent disease?

>> No.16124865

thats funny because my uncle almost died from a blood clot and he was triple vaxxed

>> No.16125275

No one ever needer more than three, which was probably a stretch already, and only back when COVID was a problem that cause hospitals to get overwhelmed.

The CDC panel must be suffering from brain damage.

>> No.16126354 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16127664 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 800x189, 92-percent-covid-deaths-triple-vaccinated-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which was probably a stretch already
Covid never existed, it was a whole cloth media fabrication.

>> No.16128376

>Open your mind
Seeing just a triangle and two lines given the context of this thread means either you're close minded or extremely naive. And you're clearly neither. Post nose.

>> No.16129750
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>> No.16129752

somebody should just fork science

>> No.16129784

new Covid Grampa video on T Cell exhaustion


>> No.16129912
File: 55 KB, 986x559, Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan-Mortlity-Rates_each-type-of-cancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan
>Miki Gibo • Seiji Kojima • Akinori Fujisawa • Takayuki Kikuchi • Masanori Fukushima

>> No.16129917
File: 621 KB, 3000x4830, Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan-Fig5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Malignant neoplasms C00-C97, 2020/2021/2022
Crude number of deaths
378,356 381,497 385,787
Age-adjusted number of deaths
345,248 345,625 344,114
Excess number of deaths (age-adjusted)
-1,379 3,870 7,162
Excess mortality (age-adjusted)
-0.4% 1.1%* 2.1%⁑

>> No.16130761
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>> No.16130762

finally someone who is sane thank you

>> No.16130773

If you got the vaccine you're just a fucking dumbass. That's it. A lot of posters here seem to be struggling with admitting it but it's true. You were duped because you're a dumbass. Thank you

>> No.16131939

Pretty sure the point was pointing out that for an evil mastermind flash scheme, it was really pisspoor in execution with so much bumbling that no real plausible goal could possibly be achieved. Oh goodie, you poisoned the compliant "cattle" and now they'll start dying off while the crazies who hate you and refused to participate survive. It makes more sense to make a perfect vaccine that works flawlessly and then use it to save all normies while a disease ravages dissidents who refused their only hope out of principle. Wouldnt that be MORE practical?

>> No.16131956

I want you to kill yourself, samefag

>> No.16131977

I have vip for pfizer human testing.

>> No.16132670

>the covid vax has killed more people in the past 3 years than all other vaccines have killed in the past 36 years.

>> No.16133591

The covid vax is 12,000% more deadly than the next most deadly vaccine thats in common usage

>> No.16134260
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Thats the power of science

>> No.16134304

I am the guy who knows better than to trust corpos.

>> No.16135432
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>> No.16136453

They're saying that the vax needs to be boosted every 90 days now

>> No.16136463

Do they offer a subscription plan so I can get my boost every season without needing to worry about the details?

>> No.16137329

take a look at the world geopolitical situation before and after covid

>> No.16137331

nobody mentioned Science lmao

>> No.16137333

the technology to send mrna instructions via radio waves that are 3D printed by some kind of injectable nanotech is probably already available

>> No.16138460
File: 563 KB, 2916x1515, gang reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for only $29.99 a month you too can be an official member of the goodgoy club, join now and get this attractive membership badge as a special bonus, join now!

>> No.16138492

Go vax yourself.