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16051582 No.16051582 [Reply] [Original]

>galaxies are spinning 90% faster than our models predict based on their observable mass
>Physicists: the problem isn't with our models, it's with our observations

>> No.16051660
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Any new model of gravity would have a lot of heavy lifting to do. It's not just the rotation curves, it's a number of different things.

>> No.16051665

Alot of jobs depend on keeping the current model, otherwise a lot of physicists will look stupid and be forced to relearn everything. It wouldn't surprise me if it stays this way for 100 years.

>> No.16051671

80% of college graduates admit to cheating throughout university, these same physicists who cheated their way through their phd program come across problems with their modeling of the universe. But instead performing the tedious task of fixing their model and reevaluating everything, they blame the inaccuracies of their model on some strange phenomenon that cannot be measured in any way, this unmeasurable phenomenon being called "dark matter" or "dark energy" which is the default explanation for why their model doesn't work.


>> No.16051721

it took science 10,000 years to understand how bees fly, and you think they can understand how galaxies spin?

>> No.16051831

Lol, it'll be 200 more years until they admit there is no such thing as dark matter or dark energy.

>> No.16051837

Daily reminder that only low IQ morons have problems relearning everything. High IQ people would welcome such revolution. Low IQ people must be banned from holding any authority position.

>> No.16051854

Jesuits will never be real scientists.

>> No.16051867

The Big Bang Theory also needs to be abandoned. Two bad theories eliminated with one elegant gravitational theory which describes not only small-scale phenomena gravity waves and perihelion of Mercury, but large-scale observations like the CMBR, rotation curves, Hubble's law, everything.

>> No.16051949
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Oh I'm not interested in all that hard work. I just like to feel smug because despite not understanding gravitational models, I have a vague idea that they're "wrong" and therefore I'm smarter than physicists

>> No.16051979

Whats so bad about dark matter and energy? Crap like neutrinos exist, WIMPS aren't a stretch

>> No.16051981

>dude i totally know everything about the entire universe
this is what people with narcissistic personality disorder actually believe

>> No.16051993

I think that a lot of it is bullshit, they can't even measure it. Then you have a model like MOND theory and that fixes everything, but the dark matter and dark energy theorists refuse to admit that because they would lose their jobs and prestige. It's the equivalent of everyone saying that monopolies could never exist in reality, only in theory, but then a group of guys prove that monopoles can exist in reality and not just in theory.

>> No.16052004

>WIMPS aren't a stretch
Yeah, maybe they exist. But they aren't the only game in town. So much money and manpower has been pumped into particle physics in the last 60 years, all physicists can do anymore is look for new particles. If all you have is a hamner, everything looks like a nail. If all you have is a particle detector, everything looks like a particle. We should be putting more effort into other theories, especially when old theories have turned up anything after decades of searching.

>> No.16052032

Is already over for dark energy. Only dumbass morons who can't do math still believe in that nonsense despite having having no evidence at all.

>> No.16052068

Why won't people just accept that every galaxy is teaming with cloaked alien superstructures already?

>> No.16052109

A question for the ones advocating abandoning our current theories, what theory should we replace them with? What alternative theory explains the movement of galaxies and stars

>> No.16052154

If you reject one jewish god, you don't have to immediately substitute him with some other god. Substituting one retarded theory taught as dogma with promising statement "we don't know yet, though here are few theories and here are their limitations and inconsistencies" seems to be a nice starting point.

>> No.16052160

>Only dumbass morons who can't do math
AKA cosmologists

>> No.16053456


>> No.16054232

whatever flavor of mond these guys did

>> No.16054382

MOND fucking sucks it's ad-hoc parameter fitting and it can't explain relativistic anomalies like bullet cluster lensing. Shit is off by like 40% ab initio, you need to start adding more and more terms until it becomes just some arbitrary fit.

>> No.16054387

Nope, it would be a huge opportunity for work. Literally just redoing decades of work in a new model. Fields stagnate after a while of being on the same fundamental theory.

>But instead performing the tedious task of fixing their model
Yes it's super easy. That's why people have spent a century trying to fix gravity and found nothing.

>> No.16054393
File: 30 KB, 794x504, MOND_Falsified.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then you have a model like MOND theory and that fixes everything
Lol. Oh wait, you're serious. Let me laugh harder. Hahahaha
MOND is a kludge which fixes galaxy rotations, but fails at literally everything else. It underpredicts the dynamics of galaxy clusters. It totally fails the bullet cluster. And has no explanation for cosmology or anything else.
And at its core MOND explains fucking nothing, it's just an empirical kludge which has no deeper physics. It's not even relativistic.

>> No.16054565

dark matter models are also ad-hoc parameter fitting and are spectacularly failing to comport with observation, most notably extreme redshifts from JWST

>> No.16054588

>would have a lot of heavy lifting to do
nothing would be as heavy as the inclusion or lack of the quatum model

>> No.16054601

Can you or someone give some bullet points on where confirmed evidence currently stands on thing like this? dark energy, big bang no longer being valid, etc. up until this thread I've been under the impression higgs boson discovery was the last big shiift in physics.

>> No.16054649

The highest redshift galaxies are not in conflict with dark matter, they are consistent with simulations run before JWST.
There are some claims of impossibly massive galaxies, but these are still candidates lacking confirmation for their redshifts. Also the masses themselves make assumptions unrelated to dark matter (e.g. that the type of stars is the same as the Milky Way).
Also note there are zero alternatives which can even make these calculations.

He's talking shit. Dark energy hasn't gone anywhere, there are multiple independent observational tests:

>Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
>The flat universe from the CMB
>The ISW effect
>Age of the oldest stars
And more.

>> No.16055615
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>ad-hoc parameter fitting
So is big bang fitting to match the observed cmb
Any variation in cmb observation means they have to go back 13 billion years to make up a whole new universe

>> No.16055619

>It's not even relativistic
Relativity is a kludge you can just add enough dark matter to explain everything with newtonian gravity

>> No.16055946

Nope. Cold dark matter models successfully predicted the form of the CMB power spectrum. No other model did.
Relativity is not a kludge, it was derived from first principles and makes many novel predictions.

>> No.16057027
File: 390 KB, 1x1, 1403.5676.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that axions have literally been detected

>> No.16057544

Big bang sisters...

>> No.16058034

There's nothing impossible about that galaxy as far as the big bang is concerned. The fitting they do shows it formed after the big bang.
Note if there was no begining there would be galaxies and stars older than 14 billion years, but don't seem to exist.

>> No.16058224

>there would be galaxies and stars older than 14 billion years, but don't seem to exist
Inb4 we find them with the next space telescope

>> No.16058347

They should exist in the local universe, no mega telescope needed.

>> No.16058617

>10 years old
>Christian Beck is not famous
No they have not been detected

>> No.16058624

>oh hay guise i know everything about the entire universe!!!!

>> No.16059793

Sounds like you're rejecting theories you don't like because they have issues and ignoring the issues with the theories you do like

>> No.16059796

Who is saying this?

>> No.16059829

How so?

>> No.16059928

In fact they detected *something* which could be just a quanta of luminous aether or a gravity-induced phenomena. Dark matter saga is a longest-going bullshit of a last and current century.