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File: 111 KB, 1200x800, HIV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16045912 No.16045912[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

HIV is a relatively harmless passenger virus that is not the primary cause of AIDS.

>> No.16045914

AIDS is a gift from god to wipe the planet of niggers and faggots

>> No.16045918

I don't disagree with your premise, but still, HIV is not the causal agent.

>> No.16045926

Sorry I didn't mean to sound like I was arguing with you. I'm just praising god for bestowing this gift on us.

>> No.16045929

Not at all, anon, it was not perceived in that way. Cheers.

>> No.16045933

Your god sounds retarded. He really couldn't put together something with more specificity? Should've asked a geneticist.

>> No.16045934

The 90s called they want their conspiracy theory back

>> No.16045937

Did you get your latest covid booster? Oh, why not?

>> No.16045940

Because I didn't have an initial dose in the first place.

>> No.16045941

Why did you get a booster, but not the initial two doses? Also, when did you get the booster?

>> No.16045944

Oh, nevermind, I think I misinterpreted your comment. You DIDN'T get the booster because you never got the initial two? Still, why didn't you get the initial two shots?

>> No.16045945

When you stopped sucking your uncle's cock

>> No.16045947

Never did, anon, and still have no free-floating spike proteins in my bloodstream, fucking up my organ tissue.

>> No.16045948

Because Western vaccines are only imported illegally and I didn't want to have to deal with the black market. Only eventually had a high temperature for a day, so that worked out.

>> No.16045955

>Did you get your latest covid booster?
As the second anon you replied to: Yes. The 90s still wants their conspiracy theory back.

>> No.16045958

What country do you live in?

>> No.16045960


>> No.16045961

So what booster are you on at this point, and what difference do you imagine it makes?

>> No.16045964

You didn't trust the good old attenuated adenovirus Sputnik vaccine?

>> No.16045965

>So what booster are you on at this point, and what difference do you imagine it makes?
Conceptually the same difference as the flu shot. Just a convenient way to be less likely to get severely ill whenever shit comes back around.

>> No.16045968

>the 90s still wants their conspiracy theory back
Remember in the 90s when the most prominent conspiracy theory was the new world order, but that never happened- oh wait----

>> No.16045971

>Remember in the 90s when the most prominent conspiracy theory was the new world order, but that never happened- oh wait----
It... didn't... ? ? ? What next going to claim we've all been fucking barcoded mark of the beast style? Dude the fucking baptists want THEIR 90s conspiracy bullshit back wtf.

Are you like 40 or waste your time reading about old bullshit to troll with?

>> No.16045972

You get a flu shot every 3-6 months? Anon, I...

And whenever shit comes back around? Anon, it never went anywhere...

Why don't you just balls to the wall and get infected for once? Then you don't have to worry about your immunity for at least one or two years. You only have a 0.1% chance of dying.

>> No.16045977

>we've all been fucking barcoded mark of the beast style
Anon, you know biblical scripture is allegorical, right, and meant to teach lessons about innate human nature? Remember whe MN you got your experimental mRNA covid vaccine and had to scan a barcode on your phone to eat inside a restaurant? Yeah, um......

>> No.16045981

>You get a flu shot every 3-6 months?
Imagine being this retarded.
>Why don't you just balls to the wall and get infected for once?
Uhhhh why would I choose feeling shittier for longer just because?
> Then you don't have to worry about your immunity for at least one or two years
Did you just drink ALL the /pol/tard koolaid or did you forget immunity with natural infection is better?
Serious infection due to how covid operates damages the immune system which is what impairs further immunity. You want LESS severe infection dipshit. Good lord this was known like 2 years ago how are you this dumb?

>> No.16045985

>had to scan a barcode on your phone to eat inside a restaurant?
And before that it was the credit cards, and before that it was the checks, and before that...

Motherfucker are you like reading a BOOK on fads of religious extremist conspiracy theories right now?

>> No.16045990

No, I don't, and nobody in the right mind does. The highest rates of vaccination were among the poorly educated losers who work for state-financed organizations. This is entirely unrelated to Western conspiracy theories around vaccines; the issue is that you can't sue any manufacturer in general for lying about the ingredients or dangers of their product. For example, it's completely normal for manufacturers of curd to add starch to their ingredients, and then just not list it. You use word of mouth to know which brands and products are relatively safer to buy. And, Russian pharma chemists in particular aren't much more competent than Indian ones who infamously fail to tell or deal with chirality failures. (See Eban's "Bottle of Lies" on Indian pharma companies such as Ranbaxy.)

>> No.16045997

are you the russian biofren I've seen around sometimes? long time no see kinda. If so hello. Hope you can gtfo russia at some point man. Still rooting for ya maybe we'll all get lucky and putin will have an aneurism.

Well, then you'd have a civil war issue probably but uhhh please leave Russia I don't want ya dead m8 lol

>> No.16045998

>Imagine being this retarded
Anon, the immune response from each covid shot lasts at best 3-6 months before wearing off into the negative, and I doubt you're getting a flu shot every 3-6 months. As we know, covid is not a seasonal virus like the flu, and has manifested in major waves during the summer months as well.

>Uhhhh why would I choose feeling shittier for longer just because?
Anon, it's likely you've already been infected with covid, and so your constant vaccinations are unnecessary anyways, and just priming your immune system for reinfection with new variants anyways. And what are you, a 600 ib. 84 year old with diabetes? If you have any semblance of health, you'd likely get the sniffles at best. Is that really worth turning your body into an indefinite Wuhan strain spike protein factory over?

>or did you forget immunity with natural infection is better?
Anon, that's my point.

>> No.16045999

Really, I needed to have a credit card to eat at a restaurant? I couldn't just pay with cash? Jesus, is this some new Mandela Effect?

I don't recall having to inject myself with an experimental medical treatment just to be able to sit down inside a restaurant.

>> No.16046001


>> No.16046002

You know you can't sue Western vaccine manufacturers like Pfizer and Moderna too, right? That was part of the EUA agreement.

>> No.16046005

>Anon, the immune response from each covid shot lasts at best 3-6 months before wearing off into the negative
You're retarded. Try again with less koolaid.
>Anon, it's likely you've already been infected with covid, and so your constant vaccinations are unnecessary anyways
It... still... wanes...??? Do you just memorize everything /pol/ pukes out like scripture or do you have it in a text file?
>If you have any semblance of health
lol I guarantee I am way more athletically fit than everyone here outside lifestyle pure /fit/ards who actually are natty too. You're snorting the jamba juice.
>Anon, that's my point.
Natural infection after immunity boosting from vaccination idiot. Context is a thing.

>> No.16046008

>Really, I needed to have a credit card to eat at a restaurant?
referencing prior "muh mark of the beast1!1!11!" crap. At one point they were on about that over drivers licenses too.

Go back far enough there was some similar protest and conspiracy about social security numbers.

>> No.16046012

>You're retarded. Try again with less koolaid.
Adhominen. Coping and seething.

>Do you just memorize everything /pol/ pukes out like scripture or do you have it in a text file?
Adhominen. Coping and seething. And yes, anon, the immune response wanes, which is why you have already admitted to getting constant booster shots. And you call me the retard?

>lol I guarantee I am way more athletically fit than everyone here
Oh, we trust you, anon.

>Natural infection after immunity boosting from vaccination idiot
I'm not an idiot because I never got a single covid shot, and I'm still alive and well without having primed my immune system for a lifetime of covid reinfection through the leaky experimental mRNA gene therapy. Cope and seethe.

>> No.16046015

Yeah, but nobody forced me by mandate to show my driver's license or social security number to sit down and eat pancakes at a breakfast buffet. They did make me show a barcode on my phone proving I got an experimental mRNA gene therapy for the sniffles though.

>> No.16046019

In Canada you had to show proof of vaccination, even with a negative covid test, just to board an airplane on an airliner that didn't require covid vaccination, to LEAVE the country and travel to a country that did not require covid vaccination to enter.

>> No.16046020

>Adhominen. Coping and seething.
No it's an accurate description of you. Obviously the vaccination schedule isn't 3-6 months. Do I look like a leukemia patient with HIV to you? So odds are you inferred from a study on the immunocompromised, whose immunity wanes fastest, incorrect assumptions about regular vaccination schedules.
>Adhominen. Coping and seething
mad I called you out I see
>Oh, we trust you, anon.
u jelly
>I'm not an idiot because I never got a single covid shot
o rly? Then why does every study with direct or proxy measure of cognitive function find the lower your IQ the more vaccine hesitant you are? e.g. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8133799/

Seems like a good indication you're retarded. But that's ok, knew a guy whose first wife was 'tarded. think she's a pilot now.

>> No.16046023

>Yeah, but nobody forced me by mandate to show my driver's license or social security number to sit down and eat pancakes at a breakfast buffet
oh noes people didn't want needless pathogenic spread how dare they boo hoo

fucking toddlers

>> No.16046029

>Do I look like a leukemia patient with HIV to you?
I don't know, I can't see you, I just assume you're fat.

>link to CDC
Automatically discredited. I would encourage you to look into the Cleveland Clinic Study. You can look it up, I'm not doing your fat ass your homework for you.

>hurr, look, this link says ppl who didn't get clot shot are retards, hurrrrrr
Anon, we're past that at this point, and you know it. Just cope and seethe some more, maybe you'll get over your irreversible life decisions.

>> No.16046033

But the covid vaccine doesn't, and never did, prevent spread of the disease. Anon, why do you live in 2020?

>> No.16046041

>I don't know, I can't see you, I just assume you're fat.
Being so insecure you have to make yourself feel better by imagining anons lmao dude you got issues
>Automatically discredited.
Uhhh it's the vaccination schedule dipshit. As in, tells you what the vaccination schedule would be. As in, I was obviously not vaccinated 3-6 months.
>Anon, we're past that at this point
We're... past the fact cognitive testing demonstrably and empirically shows "vaccine hesitancy" is objectively proportional to how low IQ you are?

How exactly?

By the way for you morons trolling this nonsense out of some 5D chess "eugenics" move since dumb people are most likely to buy it, that isn't how IQ or biology works unless it were something simple like Mendelian inheritance. So congratulations on playing yourselves.

>> No.16046044

>But the covid vaccine doesn't, and never did, prevent spread of the disease
lol yes it does. Context is everything. Reason it didn't prevent it at scale has to do with stuff people've posted about correcting /pol/tard bs like yours for years now https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Risk_compensation

>> No.16046046

Anon, we all know you're fat, unhealthy, vax-maxxed, and probably have a sore throat right now. Go outside sometime, into the sun. Maybe you won't get sick so often. Get some exercise. Get off the internet. You can't reverse your decision to get multiple doses of the unsafe and ineffective covid vaccine, but you still have time to make other positive life choices to boost your health and well-being before that immune priming catches up to you. Now go, sweet summer child. The world is waiting for you. Maybe you'll meet a girl out there.

>> No.16046049

Giving up so soon man? Come on dude I'm not even warmed up yet. You're not even a good troll with this stuff I've had to try way harder for others

>> No.16046050

>links to Wikipedia
Anon, please at least try.

>> No.16046051

>Anon, please at least try.
proportional effort brosif. You want more you gotta try more.

>> No.16046053

dude most of the world realizes covid was fake, some even realize it was planned between governments and the deep state

youre not fooling anyone shlomo, even zoomers catch on

>> No.16046054

I have more productive things to do, like have sex with my wife, and not being covid vaccinated. You enjoy your life, anon. Dieting might be a good start. Maybe cut down on the sugar and carbohydrates.

>> No.16046055

Yeah, you deserve a torturous death

>> No.16046059

>dude most of the world realizes covid was fake
That's like flat earth levels man. Can't have fun with that. Might as well just explicitly go "nuh uh" there's no fun there it's just monotony. 0/10
>I have more productive things to do
But... but you're the one who posts conspiracy bullcrap trolling on 4chan. So no you don't.

You don't go breaking into a dudes house sucking his dick and calling HIM the gay one man. That just ain't cool, doesn't square, ya feel me jives I'm layin down slim?

>> No.16046063

>conspiracy bullcrap
You sweet summer child


>> No.16046064

ur upset

>> No.16046068

>magic johnson alive 30 years after getting aids
nice gift bro

>> No.16046073

>I'm not an idiot because I never got a single covid shot

what do you shills get for perpetuating the covid lie? supposedly disconnected governments worked in lockstep to shut down billions worth of economic time for a virus that was pretty much just the common flu, as noted by the cdc report itself. and they systematically coerced citizens to get vaxxed or be denied basic civil services. doesnt make sense to any thinking person.

>> No.16046078
File: 139 KB, 498x334, ytp-spiderman-meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really it's just trolls trolling trolls but I guess if you want me to be you can read the letters real angy like

>> No.16046082

if the immunity doesnt wane why do you keep getting boosted?

>> No.16046088

ur upset

>> No.16046089

>what do you shills get for perpetuating the covid lie
Infinite cheese pizzas. Like for life. With all the pineapple toppings.
>supposedly disconnected governments worked in lockstep to shut down billions worth of economic time for a virus that was pretty much just the common flu
that oughta clue ya in that it wasn't "just the common flu" don't ya think?
>as noted by the cdc report itself.
lol what report link this this'll be funny
>and they systematically coerced citizens to get vaxxed or be denied basic civil services.
when the fuck is going to a restaurant a basic civil service. Dude I was vaccinated I got to fucking enjoy getting shit by mail order the government should've been doing online and by mail fucking two decades ago you should be ecstatic about that. Literally took a pandemic and magically the government wastes less of your time almost like they never had an excuse really, right?
>doesnt make sense to any thinking person.
But that's the problem. It objectively does. Unless ur low iq. Like objectively. Literally objectively the case.

>> No.16046092

>gets every covid booster
>eats pineapple on pizza

You just can't make this shit up

>> No.16046096

>Like objectively
>Literally objectively the case

I think you objectively choke on cock

>> No.16046097
File: 33 KB, 469x359, 55c7faa58424535b3497794db28f118f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You just can't make this shit up
Sure you can! Since I did. So you can. QED?

>> No.16046101
File: 76 KB, 736x736, oh_yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think you objectively choke on cock
I mean I won't judge you for your fantasies man we all gottem bit weird but aight u do u

>> No.16046105

Spike proteins flowing through your body. Erotic. That's sexual to me. I can't wait for the inflammatory response in your heart or liver, then I'll cum. But maybe the blood clots will get your first. Who knows? Life is full of surprises.

>> No.16046116
File: 53 KB, 480x479, vibin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't help ya there bud I'm doin fine lol

>> No.16046118

>I'm doing fine

>> No.16046123

Yes plane?

>> No.16046130

Thanks for the high IQ insight you absolute redditor

>> No.16046145


>> No.16046162


>> No.16046167
File: 67 KB, 600x551, 3way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.16046788

Noteworthy people who doubt, or outright deny that HIV causes AIDS:

Luc Montagnier - the man who discovered the virus, who won the Nobel Prize in 2008 for his discovery.

Kary Mullis - Inventor of PCR, initially for the detection of HIV particles, but since used to detect particles of all varieties of viruses, including SARS CoV-2. He had emphasized on many occasions in his life the unreliability of PCR for detecting infections in human beings, and that the technology should be limited to a research or forensic setting. He won the Nobel Prize in 1993 for his invention.

Peter Duesberg - Moleculer Biologist, and celebrated "godfather" of retrovirology, whose research and innovations in the 1970s helped us develop a better understanding of the relationship between retroviruses and Leukenia, thus allowing for the creation of more effective treatments for the disease.

>> No.16048083 [DELETED] 

Mullis was assassinated shortly before the start of the covid hoax because they didn't want him speaking out about how easily PCR tests could be faked

>> No.16048090

Yes. He died of pneumonia, ironically, in August of 2019, probably round about the time they unleashed the virus on the world.

>> No.16048091

t. faggerino in denial

>> No.16048093

Not gay, and I absolutely despise faggots, but HIV does not cause AIDS.

>> No.16048094

Sure thing faggot

>> No.16048096

>HIV causes cascade of CD4+ cell death, a.k.a. AIDS

>> No.16048451


>> No.16048495

HIV does not cause the cascade of CD4+ cell death, other factors (usually more than one) do. HIV just hangs around and thrives as a result of the already compromised immune system, making it the perfect scapegoat for any set of immunodeficiency symptoms if it can be detected in a test.

>> No.16048497



>> No.16048516


>> No.16049470

Yeah, whatever shiteater.

>> No.16049581


>> No.16050039


I think gay people are fucking disgusting, but the fact still stands, HIV is a harmless passenger virus, and not the primary cause of AIDS.

>> No.16051126

the primary cause of AIDS is being a faggot

>> No.16051212

>makes them in the first place
God is evil. Won't ever bow down and worship him.

>> No.16052595

>t. faggot

>> No.16053663

whats important is that theres a disease that kills faggots, it makes no difference what the nature of the disease is, whats important is that its killing faggots

>> No.16053686

then why do HIV+ people not get AIDS if they take their meds? they can buttfuck all day and not even test positive

>> No.16053712

They get AIDS because they take their meds, you stupid fuck. When they don't take their meds they're fine.

>> No.16053721


>> No.16053724


>> No.16053730

Don't fight, children. Compromise: they get AIDS because of some meds they take.

>> No.16053737


>> No.16053738

No, AIDS occurs because the virus starts a long term cascade of CD4+ cell death.

>> No.16053740

Well now that we see you are the unreasonable one who isn't mature enough to compromise, we know who is right, and it's the other anon. Meds it is.

>> No.16053759

No, AIDS occurs because the medication cocktail they take for a harmless passenger retrovirus starts a long term cascade of CD4+ cell death. It's the perfect pharmaceutical scam.

>> No.16053805


>> No.16053829

Is that what you tell yourself to justify going out and taking men up the ass at your local bath house OP?

>> No.16053844


>> No.16053845

Hell no, fuck faggots

>> No.16053858
File: 207 KB, 976x850, 1699061399677066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered taking YOUR meds?

>> No.16053862

Oh this is a bait thread from someone with zero knowledge on immunology or virology. All fields.

>> No.16053864

No, I'm not gay.

Says a guy with zero knowledge of immunology or virology. All fields.

Now, did you get your latest covid booster? Oh, why not?

>> No.16053867

Praise his name

>> No.16053899 [DELETED] 

All fields

>> No.16054155

>good old attenuated adenovirus
lmao that shit still modified your DNA to produce spike proteins
viral vectors were even worse

>> No.16054157

I've noticed that vaxxies never understand how the injections actually work
they just say some vague shit like "it protects you somehow" lol

>> No.16054684

So you don't mind when the faggot who's about to fuck your ass says he's hiv positive?

>> No.16054868

I don't fuck men, I'm not a faggot like you.

>> No.16055571
File: 12 KB, 427x400, 1704524485220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its made of heckin magic scyence juice!!!

>> No.16055576

I'd rather be injected directly with HIV than the experimental mRNA gene therapy

>> No.16056009

They had the same attitude towards thalidomide

>> No.16057341

they trust the science and presume the vaccines are like some sort of holy water because thats their religion

>> No.16058311
File: 55 KB, 618x412, Fred_Phelps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as something is killing fags its good news, who cares why they're dying as long as they're dying

>> No.16058334

If you tell faggots HIV is a deadly virus and a public health threat, they tell you it's no big deal, stop worrying about it, you're discriminating against gays and you're homophobic. If you tell faggots HIV is no big deal or not the cause of AIDS, they tell you you're promoting homophobic conspiracy theories, denying or diminishing their plight, and discriminating against them.

You just can't win with faggots.

They also keep pushing legislation to make it legal not to disclose their HIV status to sexual partners. Interesting.