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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16021551 No.16021551 [Reply] [Original]

Could Serge Lang's Basic Mathematics fix this?

>> No.16021552


>> No.16021560
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eulerfans has a better shot

>> No.16021566
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Why isn't the money helping??

>> No.16021590
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Have they tried paying black students to read serge lang and seeing if it works?
Because if black people can just educate themselves then you don't need to waste money on teachers.
Public schools usually receive money per student per fiscal year
say they normally get x dollars per student and they have n students. If paying students and their family some percentage p% in (0, 100) of x was efficient in them reading plato and serge meme and whatever the hell children need to learn? Then they will actively be saving 100-p%.
If poor behavior results in a reduce pay out then they will probably act better. This is of course dangerous because then public schools would prefer worse payout, so the lost payout needs to be thrown away in an undesirable way, just to set up the game to be positive towards the children's progress. Initially I think the lost payout should go to the well behaving children, so if 50% of the school misbehaves and loses 50% of their payout then that 50% goes to the other 50% of students.
I'd need to compute some more scenarios to ensure the game will lead to student success, but these initial claims of mine probably will be productive.
In terms of social appeal if you want children to become worker you should literally turn them into workers. Children live with their guardians so they are effective consumers, meaning the economy will actually grow do to mroe consumers.
Teachers losing their jobs actually has no effect on the economy, since they are public workers and they are failing their job anyways. The only backlash I can predict is tax payers being upset that they are paying children to educate themselves. However this is a nonissue because they were already pay the tax I'm just offering a reorganizing of that tax money.
Some next steps to consider is budget partitioning. The biggest point of school is that it is just daycare for children. You can hire some honduras women to watch the kids, if they want to get paid they should be working though.

>> No.16021593


>> No.16021737
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just get rid of grades, that'll take care of it

>> No.16021768
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Eventually the liberal progressive leftists will realize their own kids are morons after getting 'biased resistant' grading.

>> No.16021854

>black students
Faggot, did you just assume?!

>> No.16021859

Isnt math racist?

>> No.16022029

Lang is a meme.

>> No.16022068
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For those areas of Chicago, it's a pretty reasonable assumption.

>> No.16022071

Ok anon when was the last time you wrote down an equation?

Also Lang lol, Baldor

>> No.16022598

Because education is a person first, family second, community third action. Kids will learn if it's fun, families will teach if they can or see a benefit, the community will reinforce this via examples of people around. Unless this money is for the family or building nice houses and makes stores efficient it's a waste. Might as well give an african tribe a chemical lab if you think money will just magic people smart.

>> No.16022615

My mom used that book in middle school in Mexico back in the 1980s. I on the other hand just used some generic intermediate algebra book published by one of those big American textbook publishers (probably McGraw Hill).

>> No.16022616
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>> No.16023112

How incredibly shocking, after decade of single party big government Democrat rule the public services have decayed to the point that the schools can't even teach basic addition and subtraction.
But its not all bad news, I bet those kids are all experts when it comes to the holocaust, the patriarchy and the 9000 genders, so theres still a silver lining

>> No.16024400 [DELETED] 

a portland elementary school looks like that now?
dios mio

>> No.16024402

a portland elementary school looks like that now?
dios mio

>> No.16024490

Funny thing is few of them actually remember much, if anything, they were taught about the Holocaust. It's just another boring history thing they don't care about. Even funnier is the one who do remember hearing about it either don't believe it is true or think it was deserved. Turns out minorities, especially children, don't have white guilt.

>> No.16024801

Algebra yes, but I don’t think the geometry sections in that book are all that great.

>> No.16024847

got any proof for those assertions or are you talking out of your ass?

>> No.16024854

Gelfand & Shen - Algebra

>> No.16024855

Reading further than the headline and looking into other sources than far right christian nationalist news organizations shows what happened.

Children suffered from Covid restrictions to learning and are still behind in their academics. This should hardly be news anywhere but far right Christian nationalists are trying to claim that public schools suck and need to be replaced by private for profit schools, an idea so stupid only morons would fall for it.

>> No.16024859

>Children suffered from Covid restrictions to learning and are still behind in their academics.
Exactly what the left said wouldn't happen. The wrong don't get to call the right morons..

>> No.16024863

There are more than 53 elementary schools in Illinois. Unless these were the only 53 elementary schools closed for the pandemic, you need to run back to plebbit and get their answer for this so you can post it here.

>> No.16024866

blaming the leftist lockdowns isn't the own you think it is

>> No.16024868

How many of this children can play phone apps better than adults?

Could it be that tech replaced their need to learn math?

>> No.16024947

If blacks could read, possibly.

>> No.16024970


>> No.16024986
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>> No.16024991


>> No.16024998
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>> No.16025019

Lang builds mathematical maturity like few other elementary texts. You can't just follow his examples to mechanically do the exercises because his spartan exposition style simply doesn't allow you to do that. The consequence is that BM forces you to think from fundamentals in a way that typical books don't. I wouldn't recommend it as a primary textbook for highschool topics but every serious aspiring mathematician will profit by reading it

>> No.16025201

It's common core. The guy who invented it is from my alma mater. I got the feeling he was a total grifter.

>> No.16025553

>Faggot, did you just assume?!
Nigger, black "students" are retarded. Bayesian analysis says that the probability that the students were black given that they were all retarded is quite high. You nigger.

>> No.16025955

>Could Lang fix this?
No, because that text is difficult for an adult with an average reading ability to parse. Anybody under the age of 13 would be completely hopeless, even if they weren't literarily challenged.

>> No.16026101
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"no need for DNA tests"

>> No.16026105 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16026145

N-- loving country

>> No.16026157

I kind of wish he would have died due to complications from AIDS. Would've been poetic.

>> No.16026967
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>> No.16028320

>Member of the Bourbaki group
Never read any of his books, but are they not utter trash? The Bourbaki are famous for being the terror of upper level mathematics and are a candidate for the most damaging thing to happen to hard science fields in the 21st century. Does he actually explain concepts or is he some idiot that will try to teach addition from peano arithmetic or teach geometry from transformation groups, or other nonsense?

>> No.16028328

Bourbaki was damaging for high school students (cf. the "New Math"), not for its intended audience, working mathematicians. It was far from being a major influence outside pure mathematics, let alone a negative influence for general scientists. Pedagogy was the victim

>> No.16028751 [DELETED] 
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>/pol/ lives rent free in my head
>/pol/ is hiding in every shadow and behind ever corner just waiting to jump out and troll me

>> No.16028914

The future is a shithole...

>> No.16028988

Is there a source for this that isn't openly white supremacist? Or preferably not covertly, either.

>> No.16029421

>Vladimir Arnold "The Ignorance of Bourbaki"

>> No.16029752

Yes, I've read that one already, although it wasn't written by Arnold but maybe even more damming by some set/model theorist guy. But yeah, if you think the Bourbaki's worst offences were making elementary schoolers do set theory before algebra, then you can just read everything that Vladimir Arnold has written about them.

The Bourbaki did intense damage at all researchers with the possible exception of mathematicians that at the time already had a PHD and were professors in their field. However, those researchers have died since, and the generations raised under Bourbakist influence are not coincidentally more inept then the generation before them. In effect there was a generational act of "pulling the ladder behind you" that happened.
Many of the initial visualizations and geometric understandings in fields like manifold theory, differential geometry, functional analysis and topology have had their visualizations and the motivation for their development "lost".
Things like sheafs, germs of functions across surfaces, homology group formation through boundary operator, etc... initially had clear geometric pictures or analogies to real objects associated with them (sheafs and germs refer to parts of wheat that the geometric structures resemble, for example). The Bourbaki are flushed out of the high school and undergraduate level, but in keystone graduate level texts the nuclear fallout from them happening is still there, since in some areas people still are reading textbooks from the 60s and 70s and "classes" just rip material from them. Since many fields (functional analysis, differential geometry |-> mechanics/physics) were developed for physics, engineering, and other applied fields the Bourbaki did immense damage not only to mathematics but other adjacent STEM fields.

>> No.16029777
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Why fix it? That doesn't enhance the flavor. In the other side low testosterone results in tasty human meat.

>> No.16029780

He should respect the kids' culture and run away, so they can be raised by a single mom.

>> No.16030360

It’s an iq thing

>> No.16031500
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>> No.16031549

Because the money isn’t finding education, it’s funding miseducation and indoctrination.

>> No.16031550


>> No.16031737

That's a no then?

>> No.16032449

Seems like an untrustworthy site

>> No.16032813
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>> No.16032950

Your reading comprehension skills are piss poor bro

>> No.16033514
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>Your reading comprehension skills are piss poor bro

>> No.16034232

Please ignore the fact that in general less men and white people are attending school

>> No.16034258

You are the biggest factor in your own education.
You can give a book to a kid and he can "work it" and educate himself alone. Give it to some other kid and he will do shit with it.
It's a choice in the end. And a lot of kids won't put effort in learning no matter how much you try.
Asimov thought that the internet's big library of all things would meant everyone would look things up to learn and become really educated. But he didn't understand not everyone was like him. It's that simple.

>> No.16034376
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Some things can't be fixed with money.

>> No.16034381

>Math is racist
tear down some more statues of the founding fathers or something. that should fix this.

>> No.16034465



>> No.16034975
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>educate themselves then you don't need to waste money on teachers
Given 3.4% of national GDP as a budget, I'd invest in an information delivery system and gamify it with unlockable achievements and levels. A bit like Khan Academy, but with a much bigger curriculum and a UI designed by game devs instead of hedge fund managers. Then you can fire 90% of teachers and just keep the best ones around to answer questions and teach practical skills like machine shop or lab work.
I'd also make classroom attendance completely optional. Kids with no interest in learning should not be kept around to disrupt the class for everyone else. AI will soon destroy all the bullshit white collar jobs anyway, so we should find out at an early age who is destined for high skill work and who will be cleaning toilets as there won't be much left in between.

>> No.16035374

I disagree
Look at indians if they can ape, even if poorly, civilization and parrot intelligence why can't blacks?
Low IQ is merely a limiting factor of potential, motivation of action relates to activations of actions.
Plus my model is cheaper, more motivating. I see no harm in something that is measurably better.
I thought paying people was already pretty gamified. When you could be drinking and smoking why would you care about some ding sounds poorly engineered from overpaid code monkeys?
Teachers can already be fired because books exist. And if you want children to learn to read then it's a two birds situation.
With the latter half I do agree. Schools are ultimately daycares. In order to be an indoctrination factory the people first must be willing to learn their propaganda. For poor people it's almost singularly emotional manipulation and getting gibs.

>> No.16035595

Not even a nuclear bomb could fix this.

>> No.16035597

No. But Hitler could have.

>> No.16035828
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>why would you care about some ding sounds poorly engineered from overpaid code monkeys?
I don't know, but they clearly do. There are special computers people buy to chase more dings. Special drinks to keep you awake for more dings. Special chairs for avoiding repetitive strain injury while chasing dings.
Paying people will cause people who don't really want to attend school to show up anyway so they can pass whatever test is required to get the payout. Gamified learning produces no such pressure - you can chase one set of dings at home or chase another set of dings with us, it's up to you.
The kids who like chasing Minecraft and Fortnite dings can be tomorrow's cleaners and truck drivers. The kids who like chasing topology and isomerism dings can be tomorrow's engineers and doctors. Most of what lies between can be automated.

>> No.16036022

In practice you just get duolingo but math (which of these five axioms does not define a group?) because a big part of the cultural issue is people respecting the results of science and engineering without appreciating the hard work and insane time dedication

>> No.16036403

Yes for the first few years so they can learn basic arithmetic. After that the majority will give up, and with non-compulsory classroom attendance they will just leave. They will forever perceive science and engineering as a kind of magic, affording the same respect to scientists and engineers that a peasant would to Merlin. This is a far better outcome than #ifuckinglovescience.
The remaining few can continue with gamified learning while also attending small tutorial groups with the very best teachers (the other 90% of teachers have been fired). Eventually they will outgrow the gaming system, the same way you outgrow Gran Turismo and drive a real car.

>> No.16037372

>Could Serge Lang's Basic Mathematics fix this?
Unironically worked for me.

>> No.16038110

how did they get into those grades to begin with if they're intellectually incapable of completing the course work specified for those grades?

>> No.16039454

good question. if they were just held back a year until they could do the coursework for that level of education then there wouldn't be anyone who couldn't do the work relevant to their grade level

>> No.16039661

No. You need beatings and public humiliation. Unironically. Look into how Africans keep each other in line.
>You're being racist!
No, because Whites made a habit of killing their impulse-ridden idiots until the gene pool was cleansed. They way they did it was actually very clever.

>> No.16041097 [DELETED] 


>> No.16041387

> if they were just held back a year until they could do the coursework for that level of education
that would be racist

>> No.16041960

Euro countries can spend fortunes on education because they have America providing their national defense for free

>> No.16041966


>> No.16042201

UK and France provide their own defence. In any case I was talking about a US-level education budget, not an absurd Norwegian tier budget.

>> No.16043232

>UK and France provide their own defence.
no they don't, no european country has any significant military, they all rely on america to protect them

>> No.16043519

you can't change genetics with money unless you reengineer the negroes.

>> No.16043528

>Serge Lang's Basic Mathematics
I think we should go with Josef Mengele's Racial Hygiene.

>> No.16043534

I don't know why people act like this is a bad thing. Mass education was never a good idea and the kind of people who attend public schools are never going to amount to anything in the first place. Getting mad about what's happening in public schools is like getting mad about what's happening in the Detroit ghetto. Why would you ever need to think about or interact with these people?

Do what you should have been doing already: send your child to a private school. If you've been a complete and utter failure in your life and somehow can't afford this, the distant second option is to homeschool them. There's absolutely no reason why you should ever consider sending your child to the glorified daycare that is the american public school system.

>> No.16043536

He's obviously just a cuck who jacks off to the thought that som bull knocked his wife up. You can find them all over b and soc

>> No.16043553

>Do what you should have been doing already: send your child to a private school.
unless you're a complete richfag who can send their kids to one of those boarding schools full of jackass nepo babies, just live in a neighborhood with a non shit public school

the only value a private school has is being able to have your kid sit next to the son of a CEO or senator. private schools vary in quality the same way that private universities vary in quality from ivy league to overpriced liberal arts college

>> No.16043562

true, they're just subsidized daycare, but as long as they pull money from the general fund, I want them to at least socialize and indoctrinate the gammas against criminal behavior.

>> No.16043563

>the only value a private school has is being able to have your kid sit next to the son of a CEO or senator
Son, there are nearly 35,000 private schools in the U.S. and the majority of the students in them are the children of normal people who care about their kids. The national average cost is around $12,000 a year. If you can't afford that by the time you have children then you have failed as a man,

>> No.16043707

>Can a book help niggers learn?
No, because niggers are too retarded.

>> No.16044730

how is a book supposed to help someone who can't read?

>> No.16044797

They have both have significant nuclear weapons, aircraft carriers and anti-tank weapons. Based on recent events in Ukraine that's more than enough to withstand a Russian invasion. The only serious threat to them would be China, but the vast distance would give a logistical advantage to the defender.
In any case the figure I gave was 3.4% (the OECD average) which is lower than the US budget. Unless you think 3.4% is too low for what I'm proposing, then it can be done in the US.

>> No.16045325
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>>16021566 (checked)
Four hundred years ago, their number system was: 1, 2, 3 and Many. Altruistic teaching vanities are unnatural and counterproductive. Unless the resultand cost-shame cycle is in service of loxist interest.

>> No.16045330

This is the most correct possible solution.

>> No.16045344
File: 200 KB, 838x1000, math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holocaust Math: ze natzees wouldn't give the poor jew Tractenberg a pencil; so xir had to invent mathematics all over again. The business of the suffering is richly described in the preface. The former Aryan Vedic mathematic algorithm is antisemitic.

>> No.16046104

you can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink
putting negroes through school is a similar situation

>> No.16046889

they actually didn't have 3, it was 1, 2 many

>> No.16047050
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That's harmful to POC

>> No.16047378

I will go to the grave telling everybody that blacks simply don't have it. Every measure we can use points towards them being more dumb. They lack the neurons and it shows. Sorry folks but evolution affects everything including the brain.

>> No.16047388

I remember going to public school as a kid. I remember every kid being a little different. Some were smarter or more dumb. Some like history or science or math. Very few kids hate all education equally. Maybe we as a society need to understand it's simple not possible to turn out scholars. You don't create scholars you find them and give them the tools they need? In other words. Giving a dumb kid access to the best education money can buy does nothing fir them. But spending decent money giving all kids access to a well rounded education might overall improve education among the citizens but it won't make everybody equally intelligent.

>> No.16047398

I'm pretty sure those kids are being teached math and history and civics. It's just that the kids are morons and you can't force them to understand something beyond their capability. Like trying to teach a pig how to be a mechanic. Those Democrat schools are mostly black and it's no fucking wonder they can't do anything proficiently.

>> No.16048192

They manage to understand math when selling drugs is the topic

>> No.16048215

First you'd have to find a teacher that understood the book.

>> No.16048421

I live in midwest and work in food service while going to college. I've worked with several highschool girls because of this and they are all in higher level mathematics than I am as a first year STEM student. Idk wtf is going on in Illinois but they are failing those children there and its a rather isolated phenomenon as far as the midwest goes

>> No.16048825

The answer is discipline. The kids aren't taking any of this seriously and neither are the teachers or the parents, who insist on passing everyone

>> No.16048856
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Thread on SEED school in DC - https://twitter.com/notcomplex_/status/1762607726817923545
$63,000 a year, randomly awarded to african american students, boarding school with your whole day organised, results in barely any difference with public school outcomes, particularly in crime, teen pregnancy, high school graduation rates.
Literally half a million in education wasted.

>> No.16049130


>> No.16049723
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>SNEED school
Honestly these results are mind-blowing even for a chud like myself. I'll bet it has a 100% success rate at producing Biden voters though.

>> No.16049905
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DC is mostly Black students, the poor performance MUST be because of White racism... right?

>> No.16049943
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Muslim sandniggers aren't much better.

>> No.16049961

Considering 90% of this thread says it’s because of black people, I want to ask why are the white kids not proficient? Illinois is not 100% black, so what gives?

>> No.16049962

The problem is Black people. They have to lower school standards to let then pass. You can fix their low IQ genetics therefore the problem is unsolvable in the medium term future.

>> No.16049965

Modern Arabs are not like medieval Arabs. They mutted themselves with low IQ African DNA through the Islamic sub-Saharan slave trade (yes, they castrated the MEN, but they fucked the women which is just as bad for genetic health).

>> No.16049967
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That’s less of a fault of Muslims/Arabs and more of a radical Islam problem. Arabs have the same potential as whites, the problem is that modern Middle East is filled mostly with Muslim equivalent of warrior Amish

>> No.16049997

For various ideological and also legal reasons, this common sense fact can never be openly acknowledged or even implied.

>> No.16051129

your picture only shows an improved and more moral society saved from the jaws of western feminist degeneracy

>> No.16051200
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>Beirut policewomen 2018

>> No.16051284

>Doctor! Why are my children Jewish?!

>> No.16051300

I hope the US is destroyed so no

>> No.16051303

No, the future is bright without unitedstatians shitting the world

>> No.16052165

The problem with that is thanks to the boomer generation if they go the rest of civilisation goes with their cattle of a populous.

>> No.16052436
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I have read about Serge Lang's Basic Mathematics on /sci/ once or twice before. Would Serge Lang's Basic Mathematics help me achieve the following?

I am an adult who aspires to go to college one day but I am afraid to enroll even to a community college due to my limited mathematical abilities. I would like to self-study maths first to gain confidence. The most maths I have is Algebra II and that was over a decade ago.

For non-/sci/ normie, what would be the minimum mathematics level would recommended to be "educated"? I have read and watched YouTube videos that says that learning maths will actually help you see the world different. Like it is some sort of red pill to see the matrix by the way it trains your brain to think logically. I would like to experience this, however little it may be. It seems like Calculus 1, 2, and 3 is the "litmus test" for a general mathematics education. I'm not sure about linear algebra and differential equations.

>> No.16053539

>For non-/sci/ normie, what would be the minimum mathematics level would recommended to be "educated"?
calc 1 + calc 2 + linear algebra / diffeq , calc 3 you can skip
Self-studying is a meme for most people (apart from grad students), just take a CC class. If you're still gonna do it, Basic Mathematics is the way to start.

>> No.16053580

All those concerned by this state of affairs are worried about nothing. This is temporary. It will be self correcting. Eventually new education systems and merit based institutions will emerge that reward intelligence, hard work, talent and accomplishments. These will provide the qualifications that actually mean something and their graduates will be sought after and successful. This already exists to some extent through private schools.

This will go hand in hand with the decline in funding for public schools until eventually the State resorts to some "double speak" measures, such as replacing high schools with "vocational training centers", which are basically menial job factories that set aside some time every day to learn basic numeracy and literacy. just enough to do simple jobs.These will be semiprivate institutions with pragmatic disciplinary procedures.

In desperation many parents who will begin to buy into a network of affordable private schools that function very much like a collective of homeschools, cutting costs significantly by focusing only on core competencies and most importantly excluding the subhumans who drag everything down. As private entities these schools will also be able to reject the retarded curriculums and political agendas that have been dumbing down the public schools for the last half century. Consequently they will be able to attract higher quality teachers who will actually be able to teach meaningful skills and knowledge without their time being dimed away on fruitless activities.

Concurrent to the growth of affordable private schools will be increasing political agitation to stop double dipping families who have to pay into the state system through their taxes and yet send their children to the new affordable private schools. There will be a "tax revolt" of sorts, through some means, and families who enroll in private education programs would receive some sort of tax break or tax credit to offset their costs.

>> No.16053673

I started Basic Mathematics at 24, before that I was shit scared of anything math related, I could read about physics (the walter lewin, feynman lectures) and understand everything, they didn't touch very profoundly on math subjects, and that was somewhat of a letdown. I enrolled in university and before dropping out (economical reasons) I found the pure math courses extremelly entertaining and fun. Thats when I picked that book, after hearing about it here. I finished it completely in six months, it was delightful. After that book, I decided on reading baby rudin, it is very compact and dense (yes), but very rewarding. I understand its not perfect, but the important thing is being in the habit of dedicating at least 2 hours to the book you are reading every day.

>> No.16053754

Deporting non-whites and removing all non-white media will fix this problem.

>> No.16054086

Continuing bitching about shit you are too pussy to fix. Bitching like a bitch is the only thing you will ever be good at.

>> No.16055213

How come science is too stupid and incompetent to figure out a way to teach negores to learn how to read and do math?

>> No.16055401
File: 59 KB, 685x376, 41436_2011_Article_BFgim2011137_Fig1_HTML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah bro, a desert cult that practices polygamy and incestuous marriage is totally based and redpilled, as is producing next to zero art, literature or science. Totally based, we should all convert to islam immediately. Stupid fuck.

>> No.16055667

Fuck, I'm moving to Chicago for work. I thought Illinois was a fairly smart state compared to California, and that Chicago was a brainy city, like NYC.

>> No.16056184


I think it is hilarious that in Saudi Arabia you go to a family reunion to meet future wives.

>> No.16056255

Arthur Jensen pointed out back 1968 that all the extra spending, bussing and special treatment would probably have very poor results.
The response was the same back then as it is now.

>> No.16056871

imagine believing spending a lot of money somehow helps kids... and not the politicians stealing it

>> No.16057618

enjoy getting shot

>> No.16058122

Art, literature and science are western/eastern degeneracy that will result in feminism

>> No.16058330

Look into Jensen's I and II abilities proposal

>> No.16059555

>brainy city
no such thing, urbanites are all morons

>> No.16059558
File: 226 KB, 606x406, no worries make onlyfans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what? bitches shouldnt go to school anyway. Someone post the graph that says it is bad for the economy

>> No.16059563
File: 351 KB, 977x1056, welfareKANGfavre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to actually use the money to buy books, facilities, and whatnot if you want it to help the kids.
instead 90% of that cash went in some white peoples pockets, expect the "scandal" to break in 4-5 years followed by a minor slap on the wrist for the perps.

>> No.16059565

There's money in it but it's based on a promise. I offer 1/4 of what I earn from the fine I give perpetrators of this sim. That's all investors, criminals, etc. Each will be fined per the harshest. I predict over 200 billion. That's 50 billion predicted.

>> No.16059567

How do I reach my blue/green, or per se, how do I do.

I'm doing my hole, now. Using dog projections (2)s. Etc.

>> No.16059614

You can't fix someone with a 90iq.

>> No.16060879

negroes don't have IQs that high

>> No.16061904
File: 1.13 MB, 1136x757, lsUT52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16061925

this, 90 is the range of semites, who are only partially negro genetically. full blooded negroes are in the 60-70 range

>> No.16061926

What is the attendance like at those high schools?

>> No.16062493

dark skinned, ugly and wretchedly odoriferous

>> No.16063763

also illiterate

>> No.16064706

& murderous

>> No.16064717

Name the other ones

>> No.16065799

Lol even the schools' bosses realize their schools are garbage

>> No.16066009
File: 172 KB, 1400x740, aOIIZX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16067195

thats what modern education has become

>> No.16067545
File: 126 KB, 1284x1277, dkqBe8N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16068689

they were going to end up as drug addicts one way or another regardless

>> No.16069524
File: 622 KB, 720x836, g7gglm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16069658

Such rich culture.

>> No.16069852

>can't read
Most people shouldn't be taught to read. It only makes them better bullshitters.
>don't work full time
How many work part-time? Only American WASPs and Asian bugmen judge people by how many hours they work.
White people paid their women to have babies. Not exactly their own doing.
>convicted felons
AFAIK most of their crimes are against each other.
All these stats prove is that white Americans are really bad at looking after their pets. There should be some kind of international body to take pets away from people who can't care for them. Like if you feed your dog too many treats and it has a heart attack, or fail to control it and it mauls another dog; the court gives you a lifetime ban on keeping dogs. America should have a forever ban on keeping niggers.

>> No.16069858

How is this thread over a month old? Is /sci/ really this slow?

>> No.16071078

>White people
jews aren't white, semites are an asian race