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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 277 KB, 490x431, african-education.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16044437 No.16044437 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16044441

explain to me how these questions need fixing

>> No.16044448

You want me to "fix" Zambia teaching black people basic critical/introspective thinking through open-ended linguistic pranks?

I...do not see the problem here.
Anon, you work with what you have.
Go live in Harlem and teach them calculus, I'll wait.

>> No.16044498

What is the actual answer to the second question?

>> No.16044517

Zambians bath in the river and leave their towels on the muddy riverbank.

>> No.16044525

"clean" is ill defined. If we try to answer the question they were aiming at(why should you at least occasionally change your towels even if you're clean after showers?) is that towels gather moisture, skin bacteria and especially skin and hair oils. Accumulation of said things is a breeding ground for bacteria, propably harmless but might be smelly.

>> No.16044639

I could tell you, but my calculator is out of batteries

>> No.16044682

Soap lubricates all the dirt and grime on the body but they don't have enough running water to fully rinse the soap and grime off. The towel comes after and absorbs the dirt and soap, making the towel dirty.

>> No.16044693

Towel also works as a means of exfoliation

>> No.16044734

genocide the africans, resettle the continent with whites

>> No.16044735

>black is a color and white is also a color
The premises are wrong, they are shades.

>> No.16044748

Zambia filters niggas that meltdown after failing to explain some basic semantic

>> No.16044765

White is not a shade, you retard.

>> No.16044773

imagine if whites were able to do for africa what they've done with north america

>> No.16044853

White is a shade of the grayscale colorspace

>> No.16044865

It is entirely absent of black, you absolute mong.

>> No.16045018

Zambia uses british english, this paper is a massive larp

>> No.16045044

These questions ask if the human has a soul

>> No.16045079

Harvard graduates wouldn't be able to answer a single one of these. Maybe we should fix whitey science education?

>> No.16045116

Their towels are made of mud

>> No.16045117


>> No.16045148

Anon here is no chanse, prove it. I want to see

>> No.16045159

Maybe if USA had questions like this instead of nonsensical calculus problems, people here would be more intelligent.

>> No.16045212

yes, and believe it or now 0 is a number

>> No.16045215

Those are good questions, IMO. They are appropriate for rooting out morons. University exams given by committee used to be formatted like this Zambia test, but with harder, more technical questions.

>> No.16045253

>Can you trust a nurse whose husband sells coffins?
Based question

>> No.16045274

Legitimately interesting questions on an exam.

>> No.16045276

You have to stop coddling them. You can not force someone to become educated, only provide them the opportunity.

>> No.16045277

Tell that to Pantone.

>> No.16045332

>White is not a color because it is absent of any hue
>White is a shade despite being absent of any black
I know it's difficult for you, but try not being a nigger.

>> No.16045341

the autist has arrived

>> No.16045348

But that can't be the answer, since the question states that the body is clean.

>> No.16045350

you ever wash your towels? why?

>> No.16045363
File: 534 KB, 1438x1670, Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 18.23.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

South Africa used to be one of the richest and most developed countries in the world. Same for Rhodesia.
then the americans got involved.

>> No.16045482
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>> No.16045504

H20 acquires mold/bacteria. Same happens to a sponge that isn't wringed.

>> No.16045517

1. Wrong premise. They aren't colors.
2. Soap is a tenside that binds to both water and the "dort" (fats) that you want off your body. What makes the towel dirty is the resides stuck to the tensides that did not get washed away from the water before plus shedded skin etc from your body.
3. No, you can't trust any nurse, hence, you can also not trust nurses with coffin-selling husbands.
Am I an African scientist now?

>> No.16045543
File: 186 KB, 500x368, Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 20.27.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, you can't trust any nurse,

>> No.16045554

Indian cousin stayed and doo doo in towel, Mbassa told him he bad and must be cleansed in the fire

>> No.16046313


>> No.16046350

But I don't look like her :-(

>> No.16046420

the question is a weird juxtaposition of a general statement that's true, soap cleans you, and a contradicting point that is more realistic, the towel is dirty. like the idea is they're challenging the belief that soap magically gets rid of dirt.

I also think the answer is less obvious to 1st worlders bc we have enough running water to fully rinse off, for us the towel just drys the clean water, whereas these people probably use buckets of water or some such to rinse

>> No.16046585

I never found towels to be necessary coming out of the shower - I use them to dry my hair, but I'd often find myself still obsessing over the revelations I had during cleansing time, and thusly pace about naked long enough for the water to dry off. Indeed, I find it rather stimulating to pace naked around the house, especially when jamming and or listening to music.

>> No.16046756

"SPECIAL PAPER 6" makes me guess it isn't a typical exam paper.

>> No.16046928

Cleaning is done by dissolving the dirt and removing the solution. Since there isn't a pure solvent able to dissolve all compounds you'd have to use multiple solvents to remove all dirt from your skin, imagine washing with water, diethyl ether, hexane and ethanol, expensive and not healthy. Soap is salt of fatty acids, it has a long non polar chain and a small polar head, and due to its structure when it is dissolved it water it can solvate non-polar molecules and make them dissolvable in water — soap is the solution to problem of using multiple solvents to clean yourself. Your skin is not a glass surface, when you clean it you don't get a pure shiny surface, it always releases more fat, nucleic acids, protein, dead skin etc. When you dry yourself with the towel you scrape of some of the stuff that remained after cleaning and was released between washing and drying, meaning the towel will absorb fat, protein, nucleic acids, salts, amino acids and warm water (water and heat) — it will have all necessary ingredients for microbiological life to flourish, which causes the towel to stink

>> No.16046943


>> No.16047043
File: 256 KB, 555x584, 1694287918916885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do we fix African science education?
Send more aid

>> No.16047264

Zambia is a good country for african standards, like Rwanda, Kenya and Botswana. Their economies are growing and they are at peace

>> No.16047271

>White is a color
>But white people are not considered people of color

>> No.16047279

If white is a shade then so is black.

>> No.16047280

>Send more aid
the world sends aid to Africa, Africa sends aids back to the world.
no. let them fend for themselves.
quarantine the continent.

>> No.16047303

White is not a shade, you dope.

>> No.16047309

He's talking about HSV luminosity

But it's like expressing a material's reflectivity in terms of glossiness vs roughness, same thing just flipped

>> No.16047317

No, he obviously isn't.
If you demand to be a nitpicky faggot and say that white is not a color, then you should at least not be such a complete moron as to call white a shade.

>> No.16047321

I don't know a recollection of light looks bright to us but may be not bright compared to brightness, like hawkins energy

>> No.16047322


>> No.16047329

Leave them be. Once western & eastern civilizations collapse under the burden of dysgenic breeding, without aid to support it the population of africa will collapse.

>> No.16048167


>> No.16049337 [DELETED] 

>imagine if whites were able to do for africa what they've done with north america
north america is currently filled with more shitskins than when whites first discovered it

>> No.16049790

They already have more than enough AIDS in Africa

>> No.16051103


>> No.16051728

>do not turn this paper until you are told to do so
>is written on the front of the paper

>> No.16052575

they write back to front in africa

>> No.16052596
File: 83 KB, 640x470, laughing-squidward.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading this in the nick mullen african guy voice

>> No.16053647

That seems like the fastest and most certain way of fixing it

>> No.16053722

Fact: you cannot trust the nurse whose husband sells coffins.

>> No.16054534

>you are free to use a calculator
For low tier rhetorics and demagogy???

>> No.16055355

if the husband and wife are both working then who looks after the children? if they don't have children why are they married?

>> No.16056005

The husband builds the coffins at home while his wife is getting railed by Dr. Chad at the hospital

>> No.16056402

>you can never trust a woman

>> No.16057045

>What is the actual answer to the second question?
you don't use the towel just to dry yourself off, you use it to get rid of the dead skin by scrubbing too
t. towel expert

>> No.16057570

they wipe back to front in africa

>> No.16057593

The answer is that it isn't, the concept of dirty towels is a psyop from the towel and washing machine industries. Eventually they may become "crunchy" due to hard water soaking them and then evaporating and leaving the minerals behind.

>> No.16058245

they don't wipe

>> No.16058248

You don’t smell the towel becoming funky eventually? If you dry it with open windows it takes longer to get a smell and doesn’t get as funky but eventually it just smells strongly like dust. I’m very sensitive to the smell of towels in other people’s houses and people often don’t wash towels enough

>> No.16059221

why am I supposed to care about africans?
>noooo you have to save the africans from themselves because they are a lesser race
so what?

>> No.16060692

You're supposed to have the suicidal white savior complex that was programmed into your brain by the jew media

>> No.16060700

Chinese are already on their way to doing this

>> No.16060713

Whites and asians don't just send aid for no reason they get resources back that help build their civilization like cobalt. Good luck convincing your leaders to tank the global economy

>> No.16061798

no they aren't

>> No.16061809

Its not about saving them. White leaders(juden) convinced people to send them food for free so they do not need to pay for food in return white people (juden) get rare resources from africa. This is why they won't let them be independent and gorw their own corps and shit. It's logical to not send them good and be dependable however rare materials says otherwise. It's form of control.

>> No.16061875

Back away slowly and let the family unit sort it out?

>> No.16061882

>Anon doesn't uplift the Africans
>African mean IQ drops to ~40 without outside assistance.
>Anon decides to uplift chickens as a hobby.
>Chickens process hypotheticals and bridge language gaps (through improvised body language) when motivated by food.
Honestly, we're on the verge of something quite unusual.

>> No.16062456

Classic narcissistic savior complex

>> No.16062629

Africa is in debt to the Chinese. When all whites are bred out the Chinese will take that land

>> No.16062632

Those are actually interesting questions. That aside, stop meddling in the affairs of other nations. That's what you need to do, you hypocrite /pol/cel.

>> No.16062670

Honestly those are very abstract questions rooted in philosophy or science and what ever answer you got as a response would tell you a massive amount about how the student thinks.
Were these admittance essays for a program?

>> No.16062674

Unless you are doing chemistry for paints. The paint molecules for something like titanium white have to be mixed with black to absorb and scatter light cleanly.

>> No.16062921

>work with what you have
If we presume they're doing exactly that based on this test, we can infer that kids from Zambia have greater cognitive function than kids from America.


>> No.16063881

harvard is 35% jewish and 60% other diversity

>> No.16064723

Thats a tiny percentage of whites

>> No.16064817
File: 84 KB, 820x247, bergjuden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

40% of african capital is outside of africa
4% of african GDP is siphones out of africa, totalling 2 trillion dollars accumulated since their independence
Africa sends much more money to europe and the USA than it receives. Most of the so called "aid" never reaches africa, is spent on lavish salaries, bribes and travel expenses of dumb kids that go on a $10.000 african vacation where they also have to teach arithmetic for a week in a rural school and stand nearby while some crew digs a water well

>> No.16065763
File: 49 KB, 540x673, bossu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am the savior of the precious, precious africans
>they're too stupid to make their own decisions so they need me to speak for them

>> No.16066982
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>> No.16068396

can science explain these statistics?

>> No.16068469
File: 623 KB, 1683x837, presidents-assassines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're too stupid to make their own decisions so
its more like the french special forces killing any african leader that tries to make his own decisions, if you know what im saying

>> No.16069949


>> No.16071090
File: 15 KB, 320x146, TND_logo.59d3bb0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16071109

ye different genes and experiences + a touch of shit random as opposed to you? it's either that either they have a wretched soul.