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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16030659 No.16030659 [Reply] [Original]

Scott Adams says that science is no longer trustworthy, whats your take on this situation?

>> No.16030678

The problem of individuals and organizations within academic science having agendas and intellectual/ideological conflicts of interest is not a new one. It's also not one that really is a huge problem so long as you have a culture which allows for peer review and the exchange of criticism.

Once you have ideas and organizations that are sacred, that's when it becomes an issue. In fact, without people having particular beliefs they'd like to see reflected in research (political or esoterica relative to their niche sub-field), a majority of the research that gets done today probably wouldn't happen. Major breakthroughs occur when people who have expertise in one sub-discipline attempt to apply it to other disciplines, and it's not really a problem when they do this because it isn't erasing the contributions of people who look at the problem differently.

>> No.16030681

Do you mean peer review in the general sense or as in the current peer review system we have now that gatekeeps research?

>> No.16030682

>Scott Adams says
and I should care because...?

>> No.16030693

Adam Scott is a retarded fuck.
soft sciences (sociology, medicines...) aren't trustworthy and some are outright fraudulent but many hard sciences are still alive and well (eg. mathematics, fields of physics that are not astrophysics, chemistry, maybe some fields of biology...)

>> No.16030707
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>he thinks his precious STEM is safe
of course goy, we'll be sure to stop our communist revolution right before it affects YOUR field, don't worry about t, heheheh

>> No.16030713

>Adam Scott is a retarded fuck.
but you're saying that he is correct in most cases

>> No.16030719

>Draws a bunch of basic conclusions 10 to 50 years too late and then glorifies some fed asset doing makeshift controlled opposition
Peak midwit

>> No.16030723

I've co-authored 4 papers in organic chemistry and can tell you that I found my "research" extremely unreliable
I was tasked with the synthesis of the intermittent compounds (basically 90% of supporting info)
So there I am, doing screening of different reactant ratios and trying out potential catalysts, purification, product identification and conversion efficiency, and all those processes, where I might have made a mistake of e.x. overheating the reaction mixture of simply leaving it too long (longer as stated in the paper) were conducted only ONCE per paper and to little surprise, there were huge discrepancies between RMEs (like 25 vs 50%) and purities of the same compounds between different papers
No one cared, not my colleagues, not the lead, not the reviewers
When I took up the issue I was shut down and told that I shouldn't waste time and resources redoing those reactions to get any sense of reproducibility, publish or perish mentality
So I assume such lack of reliability with any paper I read, which really shouldn't be the case

>> No.16030886

It says "fake science." My take on your situation is that you're a homo who can't read

>> No.16030893

So you were reading my mind

>> No.16030894

>assistant professor
>mathematics education
>vanderbilt university
>peabody college
wow yeah i'm really scared of whatever this is

>> No.16031082
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good goyim, yessss....

>> No.16031143

>publish or perish mentality
redoing the experiment would allow you to publish it again, it would be a more efficient way to get another publication. its not the "publish or perish mentality" thats to blame, its that scientists just hate the idea of being held responsible for lies

>> No.16031219

>The Washington STEM organization
>its Year 2019 annual summet.
You're a retard.

>> No.16031234

>its not the "publish or perish mentality" thats to blame
I'd still argue that it is, the reasoning behind not endorsing self-reproducibility of results being that you should spend your time working on the next publications

>> No.16031239

What are you trying to say?

>> No.16031240

>Community Notes: 90% of media, government, and private industry is owned by jews
hmmmm what does it mean scientifically?

>> No.16031242

Exactly what I said. What are you trying to say and why can't you just say it like a normal person?

>> No.16031248

I am saying the communist revolution is not going to stop when it comes to STEM, it's going to fag up your field just like it has every other area of study.

>> No.16031264

Poor clot adams can't find the inextricable link to central banking.

>> No.16031265

So? How does that matter unless you're a retard who's obsessed with terminally-online politics?

>> No.16031267

Top bankers are Jews, Jews aren't top bankers.

>> No.16031268

>scott adams
>a cartoonist
thread closed

>> No.16031269

Because it's happening offline.

>> No.16031273

It happens offline when 59 year old uncle Charlie won’t shut up over Thanksgiving dinner about what he read on Facebook.

>> No.16031277

No, those pictures clearly show that it's happening in universities.

>> No.16031283

Right. University. A place you are so concerned about, yet have never been to.

>> No.16031285

I actually graduated a decade ago, and now I have to deal with all this communist niggerfaggotry at work instead, because it turns out you act like just as much of a niggerfaggot in the real world as you do online.

>> No.16031290
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Yeah, science is now filtered through a progressive worldview in mind, simple as

>> No.16031306

That's the thing, biology is a real science but it can and does get weaponized for political reasons. For example, the same scientists who first agreed that covid was a lab leak suddenly changed their opinions (after receiving a grant from Faucci) and claimed it was a crazy conspiracy theory. It is called corruption.

>> No.16031311

In "peabody college"? In a forum for "math educators"? Why should I give a single fuck about that

>> No.16031314

Yeah, he's describing a sequence of escalating double-binds. However it isn't science-the-method that's untrustworthy, but Science-the-institution.

>> No.16031320

Not him but let me just say you are stupid so everyone knows not to waste time reading your posts iTT. tks

>> No.16031322

btw I said all of this a decade before he did, just for the record

>> No.16031325
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You do care about it, that's why you support it.

>> No.16031330
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>> No.16031336

this is political bait

>> No.16031337

You literally swallow dog sperm on your OF, so fuck off retard.

>> No.16031341

>thread about discussing reality
>retards start brining up dajooz
This thread is no longer of value.

>> No.16031342

I don't give af about retards, including you.

>> No.16031344
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>> No.16031348

>t. swallows dog sperm

>> No.16031350
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that was true long before trump

>> No.16031354
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>I don't give af about retards, including you.

>> No.16031380

Much like the US dollar.

>> No.16031392

true but never highlighted so bleakly

>> No.16031397

>Scott Adams says that science is no longer trustworthy
Scott Adams has is as well qualified to talk about science as Britney Spears is to talk about space travel. Not that this means much to a creationist flat-earth /pol/tard.

>> No.16031413
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indeed, at least it activated some neurons I guess

>> No.16031419

No, I doubt it. I'd bet that no brain cells were activated by this retardation >>16031082

>> No.16031436

The dilbert guy is very smart

>> No.16031525

>being this obsessed with /pol/

>> No.16031544
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Scott is a midwit who uses his cartoonist fame to take credit for realizations that occur to him later than they occur to half the adult world.

>> No.16031732

Science is a process of aquiring knowledge, it will never be over. What is definitely over is Scott Adams, no doubt.

>> No.16032630

omg what an incredibly witty zinger, did you use both of your IQ points to come up with that one?

>> No.16032642

Pretty sure science is still trustworthy, I read a meta study of over 100 papers which said they're all true.
I recommend attending a chemistry lab at your local uni or reading a few verses from a physics textbook, that usually helps restore my faith in the science

>> No.16033159


>> No.16034304
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>> No.16034315

Reductionism was born in a Lodge and I suspect it was to conceal not only the hermetic origins of science but also the Tower of Babel social program to reverse engineer antediluvian myths.

>> No.16034320

Obviously not if his magnum opus is dilbert.

>> No.16034840
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>dilbert triggers me

>> No.16035979
File: 58 KB, 640x199, dilbertdata.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dilbert is good. You're only jealous of Clott Adams because you're too low IQ to get rich by drawing cartoons. You've never developed a single good meme of your own, but Clott's memes live eternally in the heads of his many fans as well as his detractors, such as yourself

>> No.16036000
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>> No.16036394

He used to be, but something has been wrong with him recently, I'd bet he will turn out to have sone brain disorder.
It should worry you; the main reason why it is popular is the overwhelming number of people who have a mentally retarded person as their boss.

>> No.16037389 [DELETED] 


>> No.16037410

He was never smart. In fact, his IQ is likely under 110

>> No.16037951

How about you read what it says instead of who said it?

>> No.16037955

The sheer amount of ad hom in this thread is interesting.

>> No.16037985

Dilbert cartoons are extremely triggering to people who are easily triggered

>> No.16039372
File: 102 KB, 838x297, dilbert4-12-2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16039380

>yeah sociology is pretty retarded i think i can just understand everything as the battle between good and evil as symbolized by whatever pop culture happened to cross my vision that morning

>> No.16039392

This aspect of dilbert is fridge horror, boomers thought the best way to deal with corporate hierarchical retardation was to make self deprecating jokes about it. In many ways the progenitor of the self hating-jaks

>> No.16040100

He is way smarter than you

>> No.16041139 [DELETED] 


>> No.16041142

More like they thought if they rubbed middle management's face in their own shit for long enough they'd change their ways. Unfortunately, the whole system is built to fail on purpose.

>> No.16041785

>the whole system is built to give unnecessary make-work jobs to unproductive losers with university degrees in order to keep their children going to college for brainwashing

>> No.16041837

Please kill yourself as quickly as you can you are mentally handicapped and unfit to be on this board.

>> No.16041969

>Post retard shit on /diy/
>Banned for off topic
consider going back

>> No.16043163

bird of a feather flock together
ugly ppl end up associating with each other because nobody else will

>> No.16043645


>> No.16043666

Scott Adams is a boomer faggot

>> No.16043682

Clotty Adams

>> No.16043685

> Bla Bla Bla
The problem is leftism.
The subhuman-degenerate coalition (niggers, kikes, fags, trannies etc) is the Fuel.
Slaughter the coalition and leftism will END

>> No.16044243

The replication crisis shows he is right. The Altzheimer scandal where they even got massive promotions, wealth and social standing to the icing.

You forgot the Schön scandal. I have no idea how his research colleagues survied that scandal but it was massive.

>> No.16044267

Scott Adams is a Trump shill and a Musk shill.
The real correct choice is not to take any sides, not left and not right, look at all the systems objectively and see what is true what works, what doesn't. The problem of Scott Adams is that he blindly accepts Trump and Musk and ignores all their problems, he is the definition of a shill.

>> No.16044269

systems don't exist, it's all deep racial hatreds at the bottom

>> No.16044274

>it's all deep racial hatreds at the bottom
There is a lot of racial hatred but it's all racial hatred.

>> No.16044276

*but it's not all racial hatred.

>> No.16044281

at the bottom it is, all the foreign politics of america in the last 80 years can be explained by different ethnic groups pushing for their grievances

>> No.16044315

You are just an ignorant poltard, you see nothing but racial politics. You refuse to look at things objectively from all sides.

>> No.16044326

>You refuse to look at things objectively from all sides.
all those sides are smoke and mirrors

>> No.16044327

>you see nothing but racial politics
but it is all racial politics
What? You think this is a disagreement about taxes?

>> No.16044329

>>>/lgbt/ is where you are from and it is where you shall return

>> No.16044979

>everything is politics
go to >>>/pol/ if thats all you care about

>> No.16044985

He's right. But its not just George Soros, Sorors is just one head of the hydra. The other heads are the entire WEF organization and the thousands of corporate/government partners. That is pushing the same thing.

>> No.16045025

i get my science advice from Garry Trudeau.
My great granny is a close 2nd, she's a great herbalist andmaybe a witch

>> No.16045298

>jannies ban schizo retards for posting schizo stuff
great job, i think they deserve a raise

>> No.16045655

People who believe marketing is science are the kind of people who would post Scott Adams.

>> No.16045689

what would you say is the difference between the two?

>> No.16046809

the former is my headcannon fantasyland version which only exists in my schizo imagination

>> No.16046824

Science is a process, not an institution. He's talking about government.

>> No.16046827

the scientific method will always be trustworthy. humans on the other hand are pretty fucking shit, largely speaking.

>> No.16048136

The scientific method doesn't exist unless its executed by people. People who don't believe that behaving and acting dishonestly is a mortal sin (AKA Christians) are incapable of faithfully executing the scientific method.

>> No.16048142

Science outreach is just marketing, so yeah science basically is marketing. You're just marketing ideas. It's not special just because you got a degree and figured out how the sun works. All scientists still need to convince people they're right, waving around a paper isn't going to cut it.

>> No.16049360 [DELETED] 

scyentists don't know how the sun works, they just know that nobody will ever be able to look inside the sun which means they can claim they know how the sun works and nobody will ever be able to disprove their claims of knowing how the sun works

>> No.16049573

It creates a market for reproducibility to be something cheaper for corporations that manufacture products out of good research in the form of patents.

>> No.16050757
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>> No.16051035

science is just a method, it is either correct or not; "trustworthy" doesn't even apply to it. otoh the scientific establishment definitely isn't trustworthy.

>> No.16052197

>"trustworthy" doesn't even apply to it.
It does, they scientific method is premised on honest execution of the method. thats why only chrisitians are capable of executing it, because no other group believes that dishonesty is a mortal sin.

>> No.16053111

The latter is a badly broken tool that allows research theft and maintenance of the sacred ideas currently held. The idea of having someone in your field look over your work is great but the current peer review process is nonsense.

>> No.16053795
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>> No.16055160


>> No.16055171

the answer is unironically national socialism. all industries including science must be made to benefit the people. unrestricted corporate activity has obliterated all western governments through corruption and the sciences have been corrupted as well, with the chief offender being healthcare/medicine.

>> No.16055501

>no soisquirrel

>> No.16055536

> trump
stop reading, just another schizobabble

>> No.16055549

Samefagging Jew

>> No.16056011
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>trump triggers me
the past decade must've been fairly unpleasant for you

>> No.16056075
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Bold of you to assume I ever trusted anyone

>> No.16056077

My take is that science will survive the opinion of one person, over time.

>> No.16057314
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>Science outreach

>> No.16057431
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Scott is notorious for sockpuppeting in discussions about himself. He's probably in this very thread

>> No.16057464

Science is not religion if done correctly

>> No.16058361
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>that wasn't real science
spoken like a truly devoted religious zealot

>> No.16059359

>clott adams
nobody cares

>> No.16059370

Holy fuck forgot that existed. Think they fell into a leftist purity spiral

>> No.16060147

This nutbag once said all evidence is anecdotal. The fuck does he know about science?

>> No.16061049

Lots of people care, he is extremely influential

>> No.16062052
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Ben Garrison cares