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16032239 No.16032239 [Reply] [Original]

I had a iq test with a psychologist and got 130 iq, Im extremelly disappointed, Im not gonna lie that I expected much higher
I dont know if depression had a interference or not, but anyways...

>> No.16032244

i have an iq of 178 and ironically i call people here subhumans filth.
this is really so shameful

>> No.16032248

what test did you take? I once took another test 10 years ago and got a 160 iq, but it was an online test so I doubt it had any meaning

>> No.16032250

clearly you think it has meaning if you if you still bring it up 10 years later

>> No.16032259

I said I doubt it, not that I'm sure.
But yeah, I still believe it MAY have a meaning.

>> No.16032271

>160 iq
brainlet subhuman filth kys

>> No.16032273

My IQ is only 196. I am devastated

>> No.16032280

>tfw I scored 212 but the newly adjusted brainlet cutoff has been announced at 215
It's so heckin over bros

>> No.16032283

I thought my Nobel prize would bring me happiness, but all it has done is remind me of my intellectual inadequacy

>> No.16032311


>> No.16032320


>> No.16032336

What people do measures their intelligence, and there isn't a lot of evidence that intelligence quotient is a great proxy for intelligence.

>> No.16032360

Yeah, you gotta kill yourself. Imagine that! You're only smarter than 88% of the population

>> No.16032363

the 160 number is meaningless but if the average score on that particular test was 130 or something (as is the case with many online tests) then i guess it could mean a little

>> No.16032396

exactly! I unironically wanted to be the smartest person in the world. Is this too much to ask for?

>> No.16032426

I agree that iq is not a great measuring method of intelligence, but most other methods are closely related in subjetivicty.

>> No.16032773

yeah you gotta reroll

>> No.16032786

IQ is just pattern recognition thats all.

If you really want to know your IQ level just sign up for some mensa test they do them all year round every where around the country.

you can then flex your mensa membership card to fellow retards, cant argue much with that.

>> No.16032788

kinda like

whats your mensa membership number, huh?

do you even IQ?

you did what? an online test? lmao gtfo

>> No.16032795

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

>> No.16032803

>IQ is just pattern recognition thats all.
Definitely not. This is just some of the several tasks that are applied, including mnemonic, auditive, and others aspects

>> No.16032805

I dont have socials, im ashamed of myself and wouldnt dare to post anything about me outside annonimaty

>> No.16032806

then get mensa certified.

but we both know you wont, you just a talk only type of person.

>> No.16032822

>then get mensa certified.
Im considering, actually.
I just got the results recently by the psychologist, and now Im gonna research more about Mensa
Do you know what benefits I can gain by getting a certification?
>but we both know you wont, you just a talk only type of person.
???? why the hostility

>> No.16032830

>Should I be sad?
Not going to read your post.

>> No.16032889
File: 1.63 MB, 5554x3472, 1708262111936.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I scored in the 98th percentile
>I'm sad because I wanted a better score
Obvious bait is obvious, but on the off chance this is real, you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

>> No.16032905

It's not bait and I talk like a fag because Im ESL and all the english I know was learned in 4chan

>> No.16032906

This is literally sufficient to win a Nobel prize. Go be passionate about something FFS

>> No.16033637

arent nobel prizes mostly based in ideological reasons rather than a reward for a contribution to society?

>> No.16033845

>I dont know if depression had a interference or not, but anyways...
surprised you got above double digits.. was this test out of a cereal box?

>> No.16033860

>seething about IQ when you can just fraud yourself to a Nobel Prize
you weren't so smart in the first place. the IQ test just reveal the truth to you.

>> No.16033866
File: 984 KB, 2856x2142, Games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Former Mensa member here. The only "benefit" is being able to attend social events devoid of normies and midwits. Outside of that, anyone who finds out you're a member will hate you for it. Even if you never tell anyone and they find out because someone posted a photo online of you playing board games at a Mensa get together, they'll hate you. The mere existence of that group is highly offensive to non-members for some reason. This is one of the reasons why if someone tries to play the "I'm in Mensa" appeal to authority card in a discussion, you can be assured they're probably not actually a member. Actual members hide that status as much as possible (with a few obnoxious exceptions).
I'm no longer a member because I'm not really into board and card games, which is most of what Mensa people do. They have a journal, which sometimes had some interesting articles, but nothing you couldn't learn elsewhere. Also just because people are in the same high IQ range doesn't mean they agree on everything. It just means they're savvier at coming up with arguments for their viewpoint, not that their arguments are necessarily better. Mensa or not, being of high intelligence doesn't stop you from being emotional or disingenuous. It just means you have a better chance at processing a complex situation and understanding it but if you don't want to understand it or are afraid of a particular outcome, lying to yourself and others can be far more effective with a high IQ.

>> No.16033869

>I'm no longer a member because I'm not really into board and card games, which is most of what Mensa people do
now I am interested in joining Mensa lmao.

>> No.16033899
File: 826 KB, 2404x1260, attention whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In that case, it's a great place for that. It really does help avoid the scenario in pic related.

>> No.16033904

>I dont know if depression had a interference or not,
Depression certainly affects the test results. Do another (official) test when you are feeling better.

>> No.16033905

My IQ is 112, Mensa tested. I gaurantee I'm smarter than anyone else in this thread. IQ does not equal intelligence, it's only one aspect of it, and it doesn't measure it very well. Some things can't be measured like emotional intelligence, body intelligence, creativity. I am extremely creative. High IQ doesn't mean anything.

>> No.16033907

t. STREAM advocate

>> No.16033929

Thanks for the input! I do not have high expectations from mensa (or any high iq societies) because my ideology dont agree with segregation by intellect; but I must admit that most people (midwits) are rather difficult to establish a bonding, and that is just because most of them have a rather narrow range of interests, so it's hard to have meaningful conversations.
But honestly, I wish I was more adjusted to the normie scenario, instead of having to apply to Mensa, and by your experience I can deduce they care mostly what supposedly smart people like (puzzles, board games), and not individual interests. Mensa being paid certainly is disincouraging, so it looks like to me, as outsider, a pedantic circlejerk club. Would you say it fits in such category?
I probably will in the future, but they are rathet expensive where I live, specially because it is a test battery, so it isnt just wais IV (the one that defines the IQ)

>> No.16033932

Dude is a number based on a standarized test all it says about you is that you don't waste your time reading things who will only show in the iq test

>> No.16033934

well, I agree with you. I had high percentile (98) in serveral categories other than IQ, but I used this as an example because it is easier to discuss. But back to the topic you brought, creativity in my opinion is far more useful in life. While wais iv have several different measurings of IQ (verbal, logic,etc), I believe they are more cultural biased anyways. At least they are an improvement from their counterpart stanford-binet, which was mostly used to justify eugenics rather than properly measuring someone's intelligence

>> No.16033945
File: 92 KB, 720x960, Mensa Firehouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mensa has special interest groups but almost all of them are dwarfed by the people there just to play games. No group is totally immune to having people who are pedantic but the game players for the most part want game playing to be an enjoyable experience, not a chance to strut. It's much more difficult for someone to show off their intellect in a group where everyone already is known to be high IQ.
There are political SIGs but I never bothered finding out much about them. I know the "Firehouse" SIG is for conservatives and there are leftists who want them excluded from Mensa for the crime of wrongthink. As far as I can tell from the outside, those calls for removal have gone nowhere, probably because the vast majority of the membership just wants to have fun playing their games and aren't interested in refereeing ideological dogfights.
I don't think it's a circlejerk at all. The people who are there are mainly there for the games. They're not trying to show off, they just want a nice night out playing games. Pretty much everything is optimized for that. Even the existence of the SIGs are mostly so people who aren't interested in games have their own place to go do whatever it is they're interested in without disturbing the people who just want to play some games in peace.
All of this relates just to the United States. Other countries have their own Mensa organizations and the scene there might be completely different.

>> No.16033993

I have an infinite IQ and I respect everybody here. learn from me

>> No.16034440


>> No.16034924

Have you tested for autism? Sounds like special interests.

>> No.16034997

I have tested both for autism and adhd, had none of them