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16030027 No.16030027[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has there ever been experiments done where people have died by purposely having their hearts stopped and restarted and then they report back on what they saw after dying?

>> No.16030028

I imagine Unit 731 or the Nazis tried something like this

>> No.16030047

What's the alternative to the tunnel? Do I have a choice to direct my soul somewhere else?

>> No.16030052
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Yes, but the beings you encounter upon your death will lie to you as much as possible in order to trick you into entering the light. They dont seem to be able to just outright take you though, you have to make the conscious decision to approach the light, which will zap you and memory wipe you if you get too close. You should try to imagine/use the power of thought to teleport yourself outside the prison to a safe place, or manifest a portal and go through it. The laws of physics are different in the astral realm and your thoughts can heavily influence reality, which is why some people who had near death experiences see and feel hell, because they thought they were a bad person and that's where they were going, and then that manifested into reality.

>> No.16030053

Your soul is just a permutation of your particular manifestation in this body. This is why memories don't persist.. The demiurge basically does a +1 bit shift for each body so you can't remember. Most yogis are not preaching for their followers, they want their message spread far and wide so that they may stumble upon it and see again.

>> No.16030055

there is no proof of any of this and the masters never said this is how it works. You have to go to the counsel, Anubis (among other names) and you have to be tried and you get some input on what your next life will be but only a limited amount and the asura get the most say based on your karma. This is Lamas can keep choosing to be born here to help liberate souls and keep memories that makes them easier to find. This stuff is just made up nonsense, there is nothing to support any of it

>> No.16030056

This is *why* Lamas can keep choosing

>> No.16030058
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Ignore the parts about rebirth, you dont want to be reborn here or in other places the beings offer to send you

>> No.16030059

>This stuff is just made up nonsense, there is nothing to support any of it
Near death experiences and remote viewing. Where's the evidence to support what you said?

>> No.16030060

the whole point btw, is to move up the lokas to get to the top with kirshna (source whatever you choose to call it) at the highest least desnse dimension. We are in bhurloka (midgard to the norse) we are basically in purgatory right now trying to vibrate faster to get to the higher lokas (dimensional lanes). But we are like trailer trash trying to get into a gala event. They aren''t gonna let you in until you know how to act right

>> No.16030062

*(dimensional planes)*

>> No.16030063

Show some remote viewing data that supports your theory and not just what other beings, who could easily be lying, have told humans

>> No.16030064

>Where's the evidence to support what you said?
My many years of research and experience which gave me the knowledge to come here and teach to you plebs. If you want the proofs you are going to haev to go to my website and spent the years of time studying what I have to put there just as I spent 25 years studying to be able to understand it in a way to be able to explain so a child can understand for you blokes

>> No.16030066

this is how it works >>16030055 I assure and it can be proven to people smart enough to understand fhe proofs and put in the time

>> No.16030068

the vedic sources are the pure and unadulterated sources stop fucking around with gnostic garbage, they are plebs and hacks who only understand a small fraction of the big picture covered in the vedic material. Their conclusions are all wrong

>> No.16030070

start with this

>> No.16030073

>remote viewing data
I wonder if you know how stupid this sounds. There is no such thing as "remote viewing data" it is personal experience and vantage point. The masters did not lie, they had no motive and you can easily fact check and experience it for yourself. Sorry buddy you can't pass go and collect 200 dollars, there are no shortcuts. You want to know what I know? What the masters knew? You dont get it paraphrased in cliffs notes on an anime forum. You have to put in the time

>> No.16030080
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Sorry let me be more clear here the *modern& gnostics conslusions are all wrong, they arent all wrong just incomplete. If you study the REAL gnostic shit from plato and Pythagoras (the real gnosis) and those guys they are legit. Forget about ay and all abrahamic nonsense it is all shit tier garbage for retards.

>> No.16030091
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You're a retard and are going to end up getting recycled again when the "masters" deceive you into entering the light. I'm sure they would totally never lie to you because you obviously haven't figured out a reason for why they would. Imagine putting in 25 years of research and it's all fucking wrong and you use it to come here to namefag and call others plebs for not knowing what the totally honest masters have told people

>> No.16030093

>plato and Pythagoras
And how do you know that they knew all the ins and outs of death and hadn't been deceived or fed incorrect info?

>> No.16030095
File: 17 KB, 236x328, joker8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured all this shit out while you were still in diapers kiddo but feel free to act a fool for as many decades as you like. No skin off my nose

>> No.16030098



of research


fact checking

>> No.16030100

I mean apparently you dont realize how stupid you are posting screenshots of youtube comments and 4chan posts. Read a book you retarded fucking nigger

>> No.16030103

>Read a book
the older the better btw, some free advice for a full blown moron ironically calling other people retarded. The 4chan special

>> No.16030116
File: 109 KB, 941x1021, 1702528339635753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You figured out fuck all you mouth breathing boomer retard
25 years of learning from the heckin ascended masters
You're an absolute disappointment and an imbecile for spreading around the words of the "ascended masters" when you have no way of knowing if they're being truthful or not about what comes after death. Go listen to your Grateful Dead MK Ultra boomer tunes while you reminisce on all the horseshit you've learned