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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16028620 No.16028620 [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn't science cured aging in humans yet? It's the most deadly disease in the world yet no one knows how to stop it or even how it works.

>> No.16028627

They have. It just isn't available for the unwashed masses.

>> No.16028630

They haven't cured aging specifically to punish you for your hubris. As soon as you come to accept the beauty in your mortality you will find that your aging problems will largely solve themselves.

>> No.16028633

why not sell it to the masses for a profit?

>> No.16028638

Because that's not the role of the masses. They are livestock, soon to be replaced with AI. You can't replace a fucking immortal.

>> No.16028669

livestock that gives them money
AI isn't going to give them a billion dollars
we are

>> No.16028690

Robots will give them a trillion dollars and won't rebel.

>> No.16028700

how? a robot doesn’t have a need to spend money

>> No.16028750

Because entropy is unstoppable, even the strongest materials turn to dust.
Why would you even want to live forever anyway, it's an egoic ape desire. "You" don't even exist as an individual entity, you will die and return to the source and "you" will love it.

>> No.16028758

unless someone solves entropy.

>> No.16028794

Because ageing is a social construct you racist chud

>> No.16028806 [DELETED] 

>tranny thread

>> No.16029099

>aging is a disease
cunt what are you talking about

>> No.16029175

a lot of cope in this post

>> No.16029182

Dead body on the mount everest is going against your whole theory of entropy, it gained potential energy, and stays in excited state for so long, that glaciers would have to melt to bring it back from that height. You generaly missunderstood concept of entropy, which is so common I wouldn't throw rocks at you because you do, but think for yourself, aren't your toughts are just being lured by pictures of phenomena somebody else displayed you to decieve your critical thinking?

>> No.16029185

But when you go to space it's always to land somewhere not just float around.

>> No.16029186

define aging

>> No.16029190
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because that would make people less dependent, less competitive, less exploitable, less brutalized.
it's not in the interests of the people with the power to cure it.

>> No.16029191

If life force is infinite, its value drops to zero.

>> No.16029194

if lifespan is infinite, its price drops to zero.

>> No.16029202

For sure, that's why publicly available medicinal library is full of shit on how to slow down aging.

>> No.16029209

who gives a shit if the knowledge is there if people don't have the power to apply it to themselves?
you can say we have the ability to, you can say we have the knowledge to, and that's fine. it doesn't matter to my hypothetical "people in power", only that the two never overlap one another on a venn diagram.

>> No.16029216

Substances tested and effective are available and sold on Amazon as good for slowing down aging, I don't know what are you talking about? Your non-informness?

>> No.16029220

yeah you got me. free market wins, i love living in a utopia.

>> No.16029227

btw. cannabis mimicks endocanabinoids from excercise so much, it makes you undergo neurogenesis. So don't be afraid even if you're lazy, but edibles that undergoed decarbolizations should be preffered to smoking.

>> No.16029230

I guess people under 40 nowadays will be able to be still vital in 100 no problem.

>> No.16029235

i think cannabis is pretty much not worth using. i didn't know that about exercise and endocannabinoids though.

>> No.16029241

Forcing immortality onto the unwashed masses to create super slaves is exactly what the elite would do though

>> No.16029247

coercion based on lifespan seems to be the most cost-effective strategy in their game of cookie clicker at the moment, as far as i can tell

>> No.16029251

It also prevents methamphetamine induced excitotoxicity. It's pretty wonderful, but you need to know what you're doing, when and how to use it, and also what bud do you have.

Having street bud that varries in potency and cannabinoid content can be counter productive.

Cannabis contains few substances with a little bit opossing effect, therefore if you want to move some direction you must know the bud you're smoking.

I don't like stereotypes about any drug, cannabis included, avg. Joe is mostly too stupid even with beer, so he shouldn't do others.

>> No.16030708

'Curing' aging is impossible because time is linear and one directional. Stop watching slop pop sci shit if youre gonna post here newfag

>> No.16031326

They will figure it out. All you have to do is stop cancer, increase cellular regeneration, and increase detoxification.

>> No.16031347

If you care so much about that, why didn't YOU become a scientist and cure aging in humans?

>> No.16031368
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