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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16028437 No.16028437 [Reply] [Original]

Are mathematicians the most well suited to run the world? Especially those who will then develop the mathematical distinction of wanting to run the world mathematically?
In the end it seems like numbers matter the most when it comes to subjects such as governing or politics.
Some common numbers normal people care about: the number on their paycheck, the number on their tax, the number on their grocery bill, the number of crimes, the distribution of the number of governmental spending, etc.
And so it seems like none other than mathematicians are the most well suited for such a task.
With a refinement we can converge to more desired numbers and outcomes.
And not just numbers but the theories of shapes and structures.
So long as the mathematicians are devoid of political poisons they will truly lead a country to be more prosperous.
And most of all with a set of "american axioms of governance" possibly derived from the bill of rights they would be able to prove all their decisions and choices. Therefore for Mathematicians to not rule the world can only indicate that the world is evil and motivated only by illogical irrational evil emotions.

>> No.16028447
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>In the end it seems like numbers matter the most when it comes to subjects such as governing or politics.
Numbers matter the most for economics, but I definitely don't agree with this statement I quoted.

>> No.16028458

They would end up creating all kinds of abstract esoteric theories of politics or something and spend all their time focusing on that instead of reality

>> No.16028467

well it would have to be a very specialized mathematician, but like I said only a mathematicians would be well suited to become such.
And if they are well reasoned then so what?
You will naturally see a distinction between purity and application, both are necessary in a world that is both real and abstract.

>> No.16028470


>> No.16028475

This only further proves my point

>> No.16028516

Fixing the economy is fucking easy, give an executive order that everybody gets paid twice as much and all goods cost half as much.

>> No.16028622

In Minecraft

>> No.16028629

Unfortunately most practicing mathematicians are either clinically insane, terminally autistic, or criminally retarded. I have met some incredible mathematicians in my time, but every one of them that isn't completely off their rocker is way too autistic to properly balance the needs of competing vested interests.

>> No.16028649


>clinically insane, terminally autistic, or criminally retarded

Why do they train people to become insane?
Shouldn't it be forbidden?

>> No.16028651

Ernest Jones, in 1913, was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw. He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.

>> No.16028655

literally me

>> No.16028743

economics is for dirty empiricists

>> No.16028760

>Should Mathematicians Run the World?
Yuck, why would anyone who's ever seriously studied math want to do that? Sounds awful.

>> No.16028762

mathematicians came up with models for covid pandemic and look how that turned out

>> No.16028920

Hmmmm well that is the desired effect, but we must diagnose the issue and come to a mathematical structure that will protect the american people and essential goods they need
This cannot be done purely by a direct executive order but by smaller governing equations whose theorems lead to our desired outcome.

>> No.16028925

I would describe them as devoted. It is exactly what we need. People devoting their lives to the country. Right now politicians are crooks, thieves, predators, inside traders, usually low IQ, or dangerous intelligent sociopaths, and nearly all of them criminally narcissistic.
This proves that democracy has failed.
No human being is a semi-deity as we so wish. Especially not those we actually do worship.

>> No.16028926
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Mensa was founded to be just that. Instead it turned into a social group for people who want to play games without being bothered by attention whoring normies. What makes you think mathematicians would be interested in running the world beyond giving themselves endless grants? Do they really want to sit around and debate the merits of expanding the county sewer system to a new subdivision versus requiring those houses to have septic tanks?

>> No.16028930

Everyone is a narcissist anonymous. At the core yes they must be so that they do not decay on a whim.
The difference is the pathology of a good intelligent narcissist and an evil unintelligent narcissist.
I might be one, but I am so obviously beneath God it is painful, it is the motivation of my life to understand his world in the language of mathematics.
I digress, the good egoist will acknowledge the value of his species and his tribe. He will know that their benefit is his own benefit. A good shepherd ought to know his sheep live well even though he, through egoism, will slaughter and consume them eventually.
Human beings are a different crop, it is not one to be eaten, but one to be developed so that when that stock surpasses you, you will die well knowing of it's good state which you contributed to. The vestige of our egos will only persist through a good and intelligent egoist society. Thus love is only for the moral and intelligent egoist.
Whereas the evil and dumb egoist is a nothing more than a parasite who will hollow your crop and risk the collapse of your stock.
I am an egoist, but I am an honest one and a loving one and a intelligent moral one. The sake of my countrymen is the sake of mine.
The mathematician is already intelligent, but if he is not moral it is because he has ignored his moral duties. Thus once moralized the mathematician is the greatest caretaker of the human garden.
Everyone can help and ought to, but no other is better suited to sit in abstraction. To speak in a language that is consistent and true.
I say all this not out of a desire to lord over men, but in my interest of care.

>> No.16028934

Because they must recognize their moral duty. They must take a step lower towards the ground to save their people.
I agree, in no way is this mathematically beneficial to any mathematician.
However, from a mathematical view I cannot help but to solve this problem.

>> No.16028943

Exactly, look at how poorly we operate when mathematicians do not have governing powers. The mathematics, the science, all of it will erode when the worst of men run the country.
When prom kings and queens are solely focused on their popularity contest opposed to practicing some kind of moral calculus.
They want to put million of dollars into their pockets and make fools of all the mathematicians and scientists, diminishing the very craft.
Can the average american even trust science right now?
I cannot trust any popular words when they come from the mouths of wolves.
Democracy failed and has lead to a dangerous mutation.
Mathocracy is the only hope.

>> No.16028958

Because it is their moral duty to care about this world.
No mathematician has to right to forsake the world by depriving it from their powers.
No mathematician has a right to sit idly in this country without having practiced a service to it.
Mathematician is still man and so he has duties to humanity.
They can get their grants after great and honorable service.
Mathocracy is not to make mathematicians lords, but to deprive the current evil lords of their powers, and to demand public service from the mathematicians. It is math itself which retains authority and the american axioms of humanity, likely derived from the bill of rights.

>> No.16028981


>> No.16029009

You going to force them with violence? If not, your word salad is meaningless navel gazing.

>> No.16029017

No I'll bribe them with grants and appeal to their moral senses.

>> No.16029042

The only mathematician I know of who has done anything like this Cedric Villani. Mathematics itself attracts a certain type of people, who generally care about very little other than math.

>> No.16029151

>believing mudslime nonsense
Miss me with that ''Al Jeebra''

>> No.16029153

>Mathematicians to not rule the world can only indicate that the world is evil and motivated only by illogical irrational evil emotions.
are you the one who posts the link to the "sociopathic geniuses" discord server with an edgy anime character in the picrel?

>> No.16029197

No. I'm not that kid.
I'm speaking only rationally. Men are not fit to rule the world, only mathematics is fit to govern us and thus mathematicians will be the only ones fit to sit in office.
The stupid are probably human and if they are human then they have rights to life and such. However, the stupid and the evil really should not be pulling the threads.

>> No.16029206

there is a system of coercion which currently rules the world, greater than any individual person yet made of humans as components, pretty much a body.
you can say that system is evil, but it should not represent the world or your fellow humans. this puts the blame on people who dont deserve it and allows the machine to go unpunished.
i haven't spoken for or against your points, i just wanted to say what i said.

>> No.16029217

>pretty much a body.
yes it's a strange abstract organism born from some kind of swarm intelligence. Earlier I spoke about the human crop or garden... well within the garden there is a vermin of sorts.
>this puts the blame on people who don't deserve it and allows the machine to go unpunished.
We are all guilty, anonymous. All of us are guilty fools.

>> No.16029221

interesting, i'll have to read through this thread

>> No.16029345
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>> No.16029437

Based retard

>> No.16029443

Society would collapse

>> No.16029446
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It would be a far better world. However it would be necessary to have legions of terror troops, and millions of public executions to impose order.

>> No.16029492

No. They tire and they make mistakes like everyone else, but it is those moments of elation that can be snapped and welded into machines. Which is why they excel at "summoning" silicon kings unto which they can imbue their collective knowledge. Ai machines are in a sense, "mathematicians running the world", as each of their now eternal concepts can solidify, grow, unify, multiply and exponentially improve. This is what the latter half of this century will be about. A quaint and beautiful little game of snakes and ladders, so regardless of wether I agree with you, it will be so.

>> No.16029498

any legible trait used to select leaders on the basis that it correlates with leadership ability will be goodharted immediately
mathematics education will be flooded with power-seeking psychopaths, who will quickly take over academic positions and change the criteria for evaluating mathematicians to favor psychopaths
this has already happened to several fields, notably law and economics

>> No.16029523

Should smelly weird incels run the world?

>> No.16029534


because the dogs are doing so much better eh?

>> No.16029581

Why would a group of people who excel in a purely rational field do well leading millions of irrational people

>> No.16029585

nobody read your self indulgent wall of text

>> No.16029621

Law and economics are not as strong as Mathematics is.
That is exactly why I chose mathematicians opposed to any other stem group.

>> No.16029627

You're confusing mathematician for computer scientist.
It's the difference between handsome genius and ugly geek.
And many are often successful.
The best hedge funds employ mathematicians.

>> No.16029678

I have no doubt that mathmaticians would be way to obsessive over “improving” the world. A governing body can more accurately represent it’s citizens when there are members with different priorities and perspectives.

A party of well intentioned and honest Mathmaticians, will be eventually become a group that’s (somehow) Math in name only; don’t underestimate the total corruption that total power brings, and that it’s the winners who write the history books.

>> No.16029716

Hmmm I see you point. While no doubt mathematics can help greatly, maybe it can't reflect humanity very well.
However, it is a certain fact that the systems now do not reflect democracy in the slightest.
All I know is that it would not be worse.