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16013666 No.16013666 [Reply] [Original]

So let's build a bigger collider with public money, which achieves nothing again !!!1

>> No.16013675

>smashing atoms at 99.9999991% the speed of light isn't enough!
>we have to go even FASTER to get results!!!

The funny thing is that LHC produced so many results that scientists still cannot make sense of. And yet they want to build an even larger one, with more data they don't understand.

>> No.16013687

What are the odds that /x/tards are actually right and they try to summon something. Be it aliens or some creature from other dimension?

>> No.16013688

It's just grant money fishing. They sell the collider as being vital to unlocking a Manhattan project tier sea change, moan America's "missing collider" as if the current colliders were so important, and then turn around when it is finally completed to shrug and say "Oh well, we didn't find the God Particle, but next time for sure". They even add in bullshit about creating black holes or false energy vacuums despite the fact stars tens times larger than our fucking solar system collide and go nova all the time. There is nothing new under the sun, especially when it comes to particle physics. Have we made a few new discoveries? Sure. Are any of those discoveries useful? NO. Every penny spent on these colliders is a penny not spent on putting infrastructure into space.

>> No.16013822

I just want to smash atoms harder

>> No.16013855 [DELETED] 

Large hard-on collider?

>> No.16013920

>LHC is a failure
moreover, if it's (mostly) swiss and (some) EU public money, why in the absolute fuck would some american care?
just stfu and get us some spacex rocket launches, let particle physics to Europe.

>> No.16013988

How does it even work? I thought it would've done something cool by now

>> No.16014058

like this but in a curve

>> No.16014146

Can someone tell me some discoveries made by the LHC, in layman terms? I have a bachelor in physics but i dont know anything serious about particle physics
Just tell me about the collision experiments, what went in and what came out. These experiments are basically transmutations where physical quantities get preserved (like total energy, total momentum, etc). Not so different from the billiard ball collision analysis we had to do in freshman year

>> No.16015016 [DELETED] 

>How does it even work?
it doesn't work
>I thought it would've done something cool by now
It would have if it worked, but its a failure so it can't

>> No.16015041

What do they plan to call it? are they finally going to open the portal to bring satan into this world? Like the gothernberg tunnel opening implied

>> No.16015127

we should give that money to israel and africa instead of white scientists

>> No.16015224

If you let the plebs control things they would just vote for cheap beer and less work.

>> No.16015233

The goyim must work hard for less so my Congregation of Cohens in Switzerland can keep our jobs!

>> No.16015835

the scientific elite in Switzerland is working hard too... for the masses often Pareto corresponds to truth.

>> No.16015843

Just one more, I'm about to CUM

>> No.16015852

Did we learn anything useful with the LHC? By useful I mean something that can be turned into technology, like how after knowing about the electron spin we came up with MRI, because I think that even if we had a universe sized collider it would be pretty useless, yeah okay we learn about the universe but that's a bit too much money for that

>> No.16015928

i would settle for knowing what was discovered with the lhc, i dont care about the applications

>> No.16016000
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>The funny thing is that LHC produced so many results that scientists still cannot make sense of. And yet they want to build an even larger one, with more data they don't understand.
its interesting how there are 16 posters in this thread and yet apparently nobody is even slightly educated?

How are we to establish and confirm our theories of everything without tools to measure them? Literally the only way of measuring subatomic particles is by destroying them and the only way to even interact with quarks let alone fucking guage bosons is by really fucking destroying them.

It works kinda like chemistry, we need the higher input energy on the particles to actually reach the reaction we want where they break down into the more primordial particles. Hence why we couldn't verify Higgs until we had the LHC. And so if we wanted to see whats inside a Higgs boson, we then need even more energy to smash it.

And heres the deal, they could build accelerators that are tuned to a single reaction and that are much smaller, but fixed in scope. But when you build a big ring accelerator you can test a lot more things and even use the accelerator for nuclear materials production

>> No.16016002

A lot of particles were confirmed by it

>> No.16016012

i've built a collider before and i'll tell you we're still planning on building these long into the future ...

>> No.16016300

oh look it's particle zoo 2.0

>> No.16016316

59 hadrons?
Hadrons are boring, fucking composites

>> No.16016932 [DELETED] 

>i would settle for knowing what was discovered with the lhc
you haven't heard about anything because they haven't accomplished anything worth bragging about, all they've produced for their trillion dollar investment is a bunch of worthless replication crisis articles in journals that nobody will ever bother reading

>> No.16017032

but they did find the god particle tho

>> No.16017033

most of it is confirmations of the standard model

>> No.16017265

>scientists predict a value for a particular unmeasured particle
>new experiment verifies that value
its literally the opposite of replication crisis you pseud

>> No.16017911

who the fuck is replicating these when there's only one large hadron collider lmao

>> No.16017945

The LHC has multiple experiments at different interaction points in the ring. They have different designs and treams. In the case of Higgs, CMS and ATLAS independently made the detection with a consistent mass.

>> No.16017953

>let particle physics to europoor
we did that for 20 years and you retards have found nothing practical. Typical europoors, ever living in the shadow of American accomplishments, never to amount to anything themselves. Go invent solid state devices so you can compete with Korea and Japan already. Oh, sorry, did America invent that already? Yeah, it did. Oh well, I guess you lose forever, then.

>> No.16018167

they're using the collider to replicate papers, anyone can work for cern and be a part of the team that runs it and takes measurements

you might as well be saying the ISS is replication crisis, only one of them out there

>> No.16018183

Okay okay I stand corrected

>> No.16018191

No they didn't. It's always the "next one".

>> No.16018233

Most supersymmetry was ruled out
Something like the Higgs particle detected, which may account for the mass of certain particles (but not all)
No dark matter particles
No gravitons
So we're still stuck with the Standard Model which is generally regarded as incomplete.

>> No.16018684
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>trillion dollar investment

>> No.16018699

In short: couple billion down the drain

>> No.16018701

It will cost a bit less than two US Ford class Aircraft carriers. That's not taking into account the running costs of an aircraft carrier and the cost of its compliment of aircraft.

The potential payoff could be huge. New physics, new technology. Its seems like a reasonable investment to make rather than building another rust bucket whose sole purpose is military power projection.

>> No.16018751

umad burgerfresser?

>> No.16019126

It needs to be built as an offering to the physics community.
Physicists would quit en masse if science budgets were cut down, regardless of the alleged economic returns. Then you wont have physics departments anymore, the there will be no one to understand how transistors or microwaves work.
You just cant have excellence in science without research, if you try to force physicists into full time teaching with zero research, they will quit altogether.

>> No.16019128

Do particles in LHC turn in left hand circular direction? Is this where the abbreviation comes from?

>> No.16019131 [DELETED] 

Right now particles but the part which blocks the crown was neatly hidden and a dream I had a long time ago before it was too tight that resembles my own doing tells me I need to tell you. A man jumping from a plane with a cross on its back tied like a puppet falling to the Earth.

>> No.16019135 [DELETED] 

And there's an abscess or lump in my ass that happened after trying to take a shit in constipation while on coke.and a few days after taking a lot of base.

>> No.16019137 [DELETED] 

It might be my advantage if I have taken advantages from drugs and pushing the limit before. Maybe not.

>> No.16019160

Well it's not like you're spending it on anything else. Roads? Healthcare? Meh. And either way, workers get paid, you know.

>> No.16019209

0. The LHC is just a big money burner. Particle physics is a dead field. This $20B would be better spent anywhere else. I'd like to get some robots on Jupiters moons, for example.

>> No.16019217 [DELETED] 

>Trades particle lunacy for space faring fagwitery

>> No.16019222

I'd rather die than work on one of those things, as a matter of principle.

>> No.16019312

You're an asshole! We should feed more Africans instead!!! It will make mankind progress this time!!
And more Queers lecturing children paid by the state!!!! More Queers! Youhou!

>> No.16019367

no it's not. the god particle term is used exclusively for higgs boson, which was discovered in lhc

>> No.16019416

We need one that circles the circumference of the Earth.

>> No.16019880

enough is enough, we need to defund these frauds

>> No.16019883

higgs boson does NOTHING useful
if you need a trillion dollar collider to make a particle, there will NEVER be any useful commercial or industrial applications of that particle.

>> No.16019969

maybe theres a tech that can make trillions of dollars and it requires 1 higgs boson for each unit

>> No.16020000

Americans (the intelligent ones anyway) are all essentially Europeans. Your country is about as old as the cum stain I left on my sock under the bed. Europeans founded your country and Europeans built your country. Remember your place, you insolent immigrant.

>> No.16020176

Your stem superiority was built by Germans and Hungarians who came to the US in world war 2.
Also this>>16020000

Get your delusion of grandeur checked by a psychiatrist, piss boy.

>> No.16020376


>> No.16020382

And maybe there's a machine that uses ground up unicorn horns to shit out bricks of gold.
Anything's possible.

>> No.16021103

this is a /sci/ board. if your criteria of usefulness is if you can cram it up your ass then there's /lgbt/

>> No.16021105

>Why yes, I love wasting grant money
You're not making a compelling argument.

>> No.16021110

>you have to support wasting public money because.... of the URL!
care to try again?

>> No.16021607

only brainlet can think that confirming standard model is wasting money, try saving some on weapons for israel

>> No.16021666
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the Us spends hundreds of millions just to israel. we could build 5 of these a year and the kikes will still have enough to bomb other browns. id rather be dumping funds into silly science fair projects then africa or yet another middle east war.

>> No.16021820

The Standard Model is a blind alley and everyone knows it. Confirming the Standard Model is actually anti-science.

>> No.16021847

jesus christ man, you should be thanking them since they give us their discoveries for free so we don't have to pay for the damn colliders!

>> No.16021848

trips confirm

>> No.16021850

So how else should particle physics proceed then?
>Confirming the Standard Model is actually anti-science.
What does that even mean? An experiment doesn't become unscientific just because you don't like the conclusion.

>> No.16021860

>and everyone knows it
yeah, everyone in the flat earth science club

>> No.16021891

Particle physics need not proceed. It reached a point of diminishing returns many decades ago, it is no longer worth spending public money on. Particle physicists who wish to continue should seek private funding.

>> No.16021896

In real science you do not try to confirm a hypothesis, you try to show it is wrong.

>> No.16021943

They are the same thing. Whether or not your experiment confirms theory or falsifies it comes down to how the universe works. It's not something the researcher controls. What must be done is to make the analysis blind to biases, like seeking a result the confirm or disprove theory.

>> No.16021946

Big Black Colider

>> No.16021950

>higgs boson does NOTHING useful
It gives particles mass

>> No.16021954

>it is no longer worth spending public money on
i disagree, its still worth one more collider, just one more bro and its done

>> No.16021964

Maybe Elon should build one on Mars.

>> No.16022001

It was doing that before the LHC was built, so the LHC was a huge waste of money.


>> No.16022024


>> No.16022031

>It was doing that before the LHC was built, so the LHC was a huge waste of money
But we didn't know what was giving particles mass and we didn't know the higgs bosen existed.

>> No.16022039

knowing it has not allowed us to do anything useful, it's been a waste of money.

>> No.16022040

Why is the higgs boson such a big deal?
I thought mass was just a property of particles, some dont have mass, others do have mass
just something intrinsic related to symmetry group representations
and when you asked why a particle has this mass or that force had that strength they would just say "anthropic principle?"

>> No.16022043

>anything useful
it has cultural value but more to the point, the collective physics community demands these funds
if you want physics departments to exist you must fund research, even if you get nothing out of it. Otherwise you wont have any more physicists, whom would be reduced to teachers for 1st year civil engineering students

>> No.16022047
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>muh cultural contribution
so vibrant, definitely worth trillions of dollars

>> No.16022051
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If it's such a sure thing then why does it need to be confirmed?

Well now we know. So what?

>> No.16022056

>definitely worth trillions of dollars
you didnt address the other part of my post because it basically cannot be challenged
You are held hostage by the physics community. You need physicists to be, at the very least, living encyclopedias, but they wont do it for free

>> No.16022061

The first scalar fundamental particle. The origin of mass. Definitely the biggest discovery in particle physics since the W and Z bosons in the 80s.
>something intrinsic related to symmetry group representations
But that's totally vague, it could describe dozens of hypotheses including the Higgs mechanism.
>when you asked why a particle has this mass or that force had that strength they would just say "anthropic principle?"
Nope. The anthropic principle doesn't explain anything.

Now people will try to test if it is really the standard model Higgs, and it's stability.

>> No.16022062

Society does not need CERN, funding should be cut.

>> No.16022064

>Society does not need CERN, funding should be cut.
if you cut it you cut physics, then you wont have teachers for 1st year civil engineering students
physics professors expect funding for research

>> No.16022067

>But that's totally vague,
what do you mean totally vague?
You could just say "this particle has this mass".

>> No.16022074

funding to university teaching staff does not depend on funding to CERN. The later provides very poor value for the amount of money spent.

>> No.16022079

>funding to university teaching staff does not depend on funding to CERN.
It does, because these same university professors are the ones doing research in CERN. And they want to work in CERN, they only teach because they are forced

>> No.16022086

most university physics professors have never worked at CERN

>> No.16022088

it was a big deal because it's just been theorized and we never managed to prove it. proving it was, again, important to prove the standard model. if we did not manage to find it it would make us rework the standard model theory.
why is it important to know how the fundamental particle physics work is beyond silly to ask, if the power of nuclear bombs and reactors isn't enough to prove brainlets 100 years later what lies in the subatomic space, then so be it

>> No.16022089

>most university physics professors have never worked at CERN
But they work in other "big science" projects, not everyone has to work in CERN. Theres many other labs
See, physicists can connect the dots and see patterns, they have heard these same arguments about funding ITER, LIGO, all kinds of NASA satellites, anything that requires billions of dollars. Always the same arguments, so you get the same response
And the response is if you want teaching staff you have to fund big science, all of it, because physicists wont settle for teaching 1st year civil engineering students

>> No.16022092

>why is it important to know h
No, i mean i personally dont know why. I thought mass was just an intrinsic property of fundamental particles and not something you can explain, besides saying "the universe just has these symmetries"

>> No.16022100

Because it explains nothing. And it isn't falsifiable or testable.

>> No.16022103

>Because it explains nothing.
you can say the sae about tons of physical constants
why does the electron has the charge it has, why is light speed the speed it has, etc
The "explanation" will always has a limit, and besides the scientific method doesnt call for "explanations", all you need is to have a coherent method to predict the results of experiments

>> No.16022116

It doesn't explain the origin of mass though. Which was the bit I was saying which was vague.
>all you need is to have a coherent method to predict the results of experiments
Which this doesn't have. It predicts nothing new, unlike the Higgs mechanism.

>> No.16022119

This is such a retarded argument
I assure you the 95% of physics professors that have never come close to touching CERN would prefer that CERN new LHC budget be cut down to a quarter and distributed to their school laboratories than wasted on a new LHC

>> No.16022123

what is the actual history of the higgs mechanism? I dont think it was conceptually created because someone just wanted to explain mass
Elementary particles with mass exist because their existence does not violate physical laws, i.e symmetries, or so i once studied
So what motivated this?

>> No.16022128

I dont think so pal, even if they dont work there they still read about it and want to be part of the community. Muh personal lab science is nothing to be proud of, and science is all about pride. Thats what these prizes are for
And as i said the same attacks on CERN are done against all other big science projects. Physicists know that cutting off big science wont release funds for muh local lab but will just put them next in the chopping block

>> No.16022135

yeah, no, almost all fundamental particles only have mass due to the interaction with the higgs field

it's the non-fundamental particles that have intrinsic mass, thanks to the strong force

>> No.16022139

>yeah, no, almost all fundamental particles only have mass due to the interaction with the higgs field
Why is that?
Why cant a fundamental particle just have mass?

>> No.16022143

because they're fundamental. meaning they are not made from other bits.
you need to understand that when you're talking about mass you're in fact talking about energy.

while the energy of the non-fundamental particles is in the "glue" that holds bits together (the strong nuclear force), there's no such thing in fundamental particles

>> No.16022144

>because they're fundamental. meaning they are not made from other bits.
>you need to understand that when you're talking about mass you're in fact talking about energy.
I know, but you are not explaining why a fundamental particle cant just have mass, the same way it has energy, spin, charge or what not.

>> No.16022147

they can have mass, they can also have have beards, just make the theory, math, predictions and prove it.
higgs field theory explains things the way i told you. from it many predictions came, which were later proven true, among them the existence of the higgs boson

that's the way scientific theories are developed

>> No.16022152

>just make the theory, math, predictions and prove it.
pretty sure everyone just accepted fundamental particles just had the mass they had before concepts like the higgs field ever existed, you are just acting smug while refusing to elaborate, it only marks you as a know-nothing brainlet

>> No.16022157

it explains nothing, you cant simulate fundamental particles in any way whatsoever, just useless statistics

>> No.16022169

>pretty sure
yeah, except you're wrong. standard model isn't that much older than the higgs field

>> No.16022171

>l isn't that much older
i dont think anyone in the 1950s cared, people just thought fundamental particles had the mass they had (or had zero mass, like the photon) and that was it. Of course people can always ask "but why", but its understood that theres still a limit.
Theres no reason why fundamental particles just could not have mass and you are unable to understand this. You are so stupid that you think im in any way denying the higgs mechanism

>> No.16022180

>Theres no reason why fundamental particles just could not have mass and you are unable to understand this. You are so stupid that you think im in any way denying the higgs mechanism
no, you're an idiot because you don't understand that fundamental particle can't have pockets to store energy in it

>> No.16022186

>you don't understand that fundamental particle can't have pockets to store energy in it
everyone thought it was possible, you are just coming at me after 100 years of research saying this shit like its so obvious theres no point in even thinking it cant be any other way.

>> No.16022188

>I know, but you are not explaining why a fundamental particle cant just have mass, the same way it has energy, spin, charge or what not.
They can. But that does not stop people from asking where those properties come from. Why do Bosons have integer spin, while fermions have half? People didn't just accept these properties.

What do you mean you can't simulate them? People make numerical calculations for particle interactions (e.g. QCD) all the time.

>> No.16022712

>The origin of mass
Shows how much you know. It provides a mechanism for bosons to have mass. IT doesn't explain what mass actually is, nor does it explain why fermions have mass.

>> No.16022716

>What do you mean you can't simulate them?
Not that anon, but you can't simulate the actual process of interaction. You can calculate probabilities for the debris that is seen afterwards, but you can't explore the interaction itself without being plagued by infinities.

>> No.16022729

henlo frens, i work on one of the main experiments at LHC and I can tell you that LHC has had some shortcomings in terms of what the theorists promised, but experimentally it has been mostly a success. if you trust theorists then the real blame to be placed here is on the US Congress for cancelling the SSC which would have been able to access the higher-energy physics which theorists are now depending on.

anyhow please AMA for a couple hours.

>> No.16022747

What do you think of the new wake field plasma accelerator concept? Will it replace traditional accelerators?

>> No.16022755

i think the technology is promising but it is extremely immature. I don’t put much faith in it materializing in the next 10 or even 30 years. but I support research on it. in the meantime I think we should stick with the paradigm of building bigger machines. however, a more promising model for a small machine with more realistic timelines is the Cool Copper Collider (C^3) which has some promise on giving us better acceleration on a 1-2 decade timescale

>> No.16022759

I agree with Satan, we need a new portal to He— I mean a new collider immediately.

>> No.16022762

>Cool Copper Collider (C^3)
Thanks for the answer. I'll look into this.

>> No.16022781

Just gonna reiterate here—AMA to a physicist who works on one of the main LHC experiments. Please ask me anything—in the next hour or two. gotta get to sleep eventually

>> No.16022832

sorry folks, time for bed for me. unfortunate you didn’t take me up but w/e no worries. have fun bitching about LHC amongst yourselves

>> No.16022836
File: 187 KB, 1024x1024, iOV4FHRvXT7p2YTM0YoU--1--2t8uy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real Talk. Put the next big particle accelerator on the moon. It would demonstrate and force construction of technologies needed for long-term lunar science missions, and it would force us to make highly accurate maps, data networks, electrical grids and roads on the moon. The moon is only 2100 miles across, which is less than the distance from Chicago to San Francisco. We have the technology and can do this. This would permanently end the need for new colliders until we can build one on Europa (1,990 miles). After Europa, we can just use lasers to shoot at particles around our solar system at 186,000,000 miles using Earth's own orbit, then 484,000,000 miles with Jupiter, and then 7,200,000,000,000 miles with Pluto. If we don't discover the origins of gravity by this point, then we're probably never gonna figure it out anyway.

My plan is flawless and beyond criticism.

>> No.16022855


Don't bother, I argued with the "basedentist" guy on kohlchan, where he also lurks, and both of them are retarded brazillians. Don't actually take them seriously, he's just upset that I explained to him what physics was and he doesn't believe science can be useful.

>Error: Image resolution is too large.


>> No.16022941

Do gravitons exist?

>> No.16023198

Prompt? I'm guessing
>pipeline on the moon with adjoining pumping station, photorealistic, realistic real-world lunar lander style

>> No.16023199 [DELETED] 

why do that when they can already act through the possessed elite

>> No.16023202
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No, it's different. Let's say we want to prove the Earth goes around the Sun. How do we do this? Do we search for evidence that the Earth goes around the Sun, and dismiss all evidence to the contrary? Because there is a lot of compelling evidence that the Earth doesn't go around the Sun, and very little evidence that it does. This is why heliocentrism was rejected, not because people ignored its merits but rather because it had very few. How heliocentrism was proven was the opposite theory was discredited and made less useful, with heliocentrism left as the remaining theory which could explain various phenomena like Mecury's strange apparent motion.

>> No.16023207

>Let's say we want to prove the Earth goes around the Sun.
This is bad science. You don't start with the conclusion you want to make and work backwards. If you have two completing models then the most interesting tests are the ones where the models disagree.
But that's not the case in particle physics, there is no true alternative to the standard model.

>> No.16023211

Thanks for restating my entire point.

>> No.16023213

Then you agree they are the same, great.

>> No.16023214

>there is no true alternative to the standard model.
There are heaps of them.

>> No.16023223

Name some.

>> No.16023248
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>> No.16023260


>> No.16023280

Not really an alternative today since it doesn't uniquely predict physics on these energy scales, and so isn't testable.

>> No.16023521

70 years late but how is electron magnetic moment measured in practice?

>> No.16023538

isnt it true these meme theories have 10^500 variants so they literally have no predictions at any energy level because you can just fit them to any results?

>> No.16023539

That's how science works. Progress only after many repeated failures.

>> No.16023732

Sabine made this thread

>> No.16023743

This is a great idea. And lets put it around the whole moon for a mere 6 gorillion dollars. You believe in the science don't you?

>> No.16023953
File: 29 KB, 556x398, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently since no one knows shit about particle physics, allow me to explain. I work at a CERN adjacent institute.

Since particle travel through matter the probability of undergoing multiple scattering (due to weak interaction) is greater the beamline vacuum. This limits the resulotion of your measurements. For instance,
> assuming a simple beamline (which LHC is NOT)
> Your momentum resulution depends on
> [math]\beta = v/c[/math] which depends the actual speed your particle is going at
< therefore, momentum resulution before adding the detector noise etc:

[eqn]\frac{\sigma_p^{\mathrm{ms}}}{p}=\frac{\Delta p_x^{\mathrm{ms}}}{\Delta p_x}=\frac{0.0136 \cdot \cos \lambda}{0.3 \beta B L} \cdot \sqrt{\frac{L_{\mathrm{T}}}{X_0}}[/eqn]

Not only this but energy loss in matter can also be described as:
> energy loss means deposited energy in your detectoe (which makes up your measurement)
> energy loss also means ionisation factor!

[eqn]-\frac{d E}{d x}=\frac{4 \pi n z^2 e^4}{m_e v^2} \int_{b_{\min }}^{b_{\max }} \frac{d b}{b}=\frac{4 \pi n z^2 e^4}{m_e v^2} \ln \frac{b_{\max }}{b_{\min }}[/eqn]

Higer energies penetrate deeper into matter without losing energy. Along the Radiation length [math]\Chi_0[/math], the Bragg peaks (max energy deposit) also depends on speed of the particle!
> see picrel for the penetration depth vs energy deposited vs energy of particle

[eqn]E_{\text {Compton }}=E_T(\max )=E\left(1-\frac{1}{1+\frac{2 E}{m_{\mathrm{e}} v^2}}\right)[/eqn]

so the energy makes all the measurements better! Not giving my taxmoney to that shit though. I need me some funding for my project. I need EU gib funds. Anyhow correct me if I'm wrong particlechads or physicsmaxxers.

>> No.16023967

>Not giving my taxmoney to that shit though. I need me some funding for my project.
midwit detected. You think you'll get money if the big boys get less? You are just next in the chopping block

>> No.16023969
File: 1.92 MB, 2932x2868, TIMESAND___TGU2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Truth About Geometric Unity
Authors: Jonathan Tooker
In May of 2013 a pair of articles appeared on the Guardian newspaper website featuring a new candidate "theory of everything" called Geometric Unity. A cursory reading of each article gives the impression that Geometric Unity was developed by Eric Weinstein, but a closer reading reveals that Weinstein is not credited as such. The truth about Geometric Unity is that it was authored by this writer in several papers beginning in 2009. This article will describe the development and prominent features of the new theory.

>> No.16024041

LHC is what, 9 billion dollars? Last mars rover was 3 billion. I'd rather have an improved understanding of physics knowing it could contribute to a major exploit in the future, than something like 3 rovers that look at roggs and would be instantly obsoleted by a human expedition and return from mars. Also consider the comparative advantage of the nations. Europe can use the existing facility to create a large collider and all the human capital and institutional knowledge for that is there. Only spacex is cost effective in space, you should just leave it to them instead of wasting european tax money trying to compete with elon.

>> No.16024094


>> No.16025161

no not /thread

>> No.16025900

They can use this money to defend European NATO countries and Ukraine.
They do not need any US money.

>> No.16026932
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they can't even defend their own countries from invasion. money isn't their issue, they're just pussies

>> No.16028441

really do wish reddit fags would stop invading 4chan and posting their low iq ganbage here

>> No.16028571

they need to put more money on ammo factories, and on the companies that make the ammo machines. Like induction ovens, never gonna happen, they are all old

>> No.16029259

Superfluid Vacuum Theory

>> No.16029268 [DELETED] 
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So let's feed more niggers and finance more trannie's "lectures" for kids.
Because that's obviously better right?

>> No.16030034

how do teams get prioritized for the LHC proper at CERN?

>> No.16030991

>daddy bought me an expensive toy, but i got bored of it an now i want a bigger one
why are soientists so greedy and wasteful?

>> No.16031054
File: 32 KB, 234x347, 1698163454829908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's bigger, faster, and stronger too

>> No.16031065

Fuck off spacefaggot. You are even more delusional nothingburger vendors than the particle physicists, and that is the only achievement worth mentioning.
>but muh moonlanding
nice proof of concept but the only thing we ever sent into space that mattered were satellites.
>but what if we manage to send TWO ENTIRE PEOPLE to MARS???
then they can go fucking die there because not only would building ANY infrastructure on mars a century spanning nightmare, it would be a complete waste of resources as the second mars had their own functioning economy you can bet your ass they would claim independence even if it literally killed them.

>> No.16031664
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>LHC is a failure
On the contrary, it achieved what it was built for.

>> No.16031891

right, but that goal of appropriating and pointlessly wasting the wealth of the european working class is hardly admirable

>> No.16032762

social networking

>> No.16033558

>it could contribute to a major exploit in the future

>> No.16033574

I think the European working class should have to spend all day picking cotton that they have to burn for warmth at night because they are not allowed clothes.

>> No.16033875

>Ameridumbs pretending they have a say in any of this
Go get shot by a cop or something lol

>> No.16034481

butthurt eurofag

>> No.16035132

> Weinstein
pure garbage

>> No.16036055

this, jews can't do science, they're too prone to mental illness to pass accurate judgement on reality

>> No.16036063

Didn't the LHC find the Higgs?
I'm not saying this isn't international money laundering, but didn't it?

>> No.16036066

Seethe. Asteroid mining is the future and the solution for modern resource scarcities.

>> No.16036130

Based hell shill.

>> No.16037338 [DELETED] 

there are no resource scarcities

>> No.16037886

why is that useful or even noteworthy?

>> No.16037986

Have you consulted Wikipedia?

>> No.16038531

>why is that useful
useful for what?
the lhc is a tool that did what it was supposed to do. Usefulness is completely subjective, are yourself useful in any way?

>> No.16039510

nobody can answer this question because it isn't useful or even noteworthy

>> No.16039600

Why didn't they build the bigger collider outright? LHC launched only 15 years ago.
Just build the biggest collider technologically possible ffs.

>> No.16040162

OP is a failure.

lets give OP more welfare so he can keep shitposting

>> No.16040381

To be fair they tried to build a biggest one in America since the 90s but it got shot down by congress

>> No.16040563

>gibs me dat
>i smash atoms n shit
why are scientists such a niggers? open normal company and fund your own shit nigger

>> No.16041293

they feel entitled to have everything given to them for free because they presume that they're super geniuses even though they're demonstrably incapable of producing anything of value no matter how much money they waste.

>> No.16041918

They do the same dance with space telescopes. JWST wasn't even launched when to greedy scyentists were already calling obsolete and demanding a bigger one

>> No.16042024

Physicist got you by the balls. They got leverage and you have to do what they say.
You dont like it but you have no power or understanding. The powerful people that set budgets know they have no future without funding physics.
Because without funding for physics there wont be anyone to work as teachers for civil engineering students. You wont have any more bridges, no more playstations, it all depends on physicists being willing to teach physics
And what they ask in return is funding for research and the freedom to pick research topics, if not on a personal level at least at a community level, it cant be forced by some external bureaucrat

>> No.16043195

things were so much better back in the 20th century

>> No.16043302

It depends if something like that is actually possible.
Eg If enough energy is put into a collision it might create a ftl signal that others could see. If they don't like the idea of a competitor species festering in their backyard and they have the capability to get here, they just might.

>> No.16043782 [DELETED] 

why would you think that if you don't even understand how it works?

>> No.16043785

I actually agree. What I meant by infrastructure is stuff related to real progress in exploiting resources in outer space or interplanetary travel. Sending some probe to study Jupiter is utterly meaningless when virtually everything about it will be there 100 years from now. By wasting time and money on just looking around from our comfortable spot on Earth, we send forward a debt to future generations to pick up our slack.

>> No.16043888

This sucks. Us plebs are stuck smashing particles like a caveman would while they get to play with EED and make all the cool shit which is probably used to repress and suicide people anyway. What a waste.

>> No.16043890

They could stop doing silly, ugly mason rituals at the site though, this would reassure people

>> No.16043893

>Every penny spent on these colliders is a penny not spent on putting infrastructure into space.
The problems on Earth should be fixed first.

>> No.16044028

ITT: OP proves /sci/ is populated mainly by double digit IQ NEETS
Thank you based OP.

>> No.16044092

Is it possible for a BFHC to cause vacuum decay?

>> No.16044126

We need to financially Incentive the best minds today to further math!!!!

>> No.16044148

we live in an universe

>> No.16044844

does society need negroes? should their funding be cut?

>> No.16045046

i know nothing about science and i hope they explode the whole world with this doohickey

>> No.16045049

Like what
>muh poverty, muh world hunger, muh healthcare
Problems that will always exist. Space is necessary for the advancement and continuation of not just Human civilization, but life on Earth.

>> No.16045055

the most important part was not really what it discovered but all the r&d needed to making it. Its the same for the space sector and many others. Corpos sn't research new materials or anything actually new, so these projects actually pushes forward our tech level.
This is also why companies like spacex is going a ton of damage to the society, they focus on low cost and don't give back their r& d to society, which is missing the point of their whole activity

>> No.16045061

>the most important part was not really what it discovered but all the r&d needed to making it.
i hate this stupid cope. Its such a blind display of weakness, they do the same with nasa
>uhh tang
>uh material
Like, you know all of that can be researched independently. I also dont care if some tunnel biring company got to test a better tunnel boring technique, you dumb shills need to commit suicide ASAP

>> No.16045255

Electroweak symmetry-breaking requires the addition of a spin-0 scalar field, which is the Higgs field.

>> No.16045581

>Like, you know all of that can be researched independently.
but it isn't done. in real life big science projects are what pushes material science and a ton of tech forward
is not a cope, is just what our dystopian reality is
also my points is that spacex isnt doing research at all, just development of tech transferred by nasa. They are doing less fro progress than nasa

>> No.16045651

No, and yes.

>> No.16045669

Go back to YouTube, Sabine!

>> No.16046506

Another cern thread. Sick of you fags

>> No.16046515

Oh yeah, lowering the cost of spaceflight. How terrible.

>> No.16047051

You rats would be sucking Russian dick for bread if it weren't for some "insolent immigrants" show some gratitude sometime its good for you

>> No.16047099

>But we didn't know what was giving particles mass
And we still don't

>> No.16047251

>but it isn't done.
nobody cares retard. No one thinks funding the LHC is good because of some random technology you cant even mention. The LHC is a tool and its achievements are in whats it supposed to do, you start with "uh we discovered this plastiq" is just an admission it was good for nothing. Its likely you cant even mention any of these side technologies.

>> No.16048036

It'd be nice if CERN would managed to do something to justify all of their endless bragging about being super physics geniuses.

>> No.16049221

I met a guy doing work with the LHC and he no good reasons for building a bigger one except why heckin not

>> No.16049758

>its not my money so why not waste it
typical soientist leech attitude

>> No.16051076

>Can someone tell me some discoveries made by the LHC, in layman terms?
nothing noteworthy or significant

>> No.16052224

wrong, nasa does no research whatsoever, spacex is developing their own new technology.

>> No.16052520

lol good job triggering the European nothings.

>> No.16053544

Does the military have any uses for a supercollider?