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16019753 No.16019753[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Global warming disproved

>> No.16019755

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.16019767

imagine not knowing the purpose of greentext

>> No.16019768

Ok, any why can't both be true at the same time again?

>> No.16019769

it can its called doublethink

>> No.16019770

>global warming gets worse
>oceans get warmer
>oceans increase in acidity
>Great Barrier Reef must logically shrink
>this does not happen
>"Doesn't mean what you think it means"
>"The science is settled."
>"The science has now evolved, carbon good for coral."

>> No.16019807

Only useless noise come from that trash. In a fair world all that vermin would be executed and their heads put on display as a warning.

>> No.16019813

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.16019876

Most coral species are vulnerable to a hotter/more acidic ocean. On the other hand, some coral species thrive in hotter water. So obviously some parts of the reef where these heat tolerant coral are more common would see an increase, that doesn't mean the overall numbers/size of the great barrier reef are increasing.

Also consider that # of coral =/= genetic diversity. The amount of genetic and biological diversity in the reefs are still declining.

>> No.16019878

you have to resort so spamming catchphrases because you're unable to form a facts based scientific argument
you're not even high iq enough to develop your own novel catchphrases
what are you going to spam next "takes meds" or "i'm trans btw"?

>> No.16019919

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.16019949

Can you prove this is what's happening?

>> No.16020057

Keyword: parts

>> No.16020079

why do people who claim to be concerned about the environment always get so upset when they see good news about the environment?

>> No.16020088

You're literally just masturbating to hentai instead of learning about these things so yeah good argument

>> No.16020209


the parts of the great barrier reef that are growing are the parts using cloned corals kept in isolation away from all the microplastics killing it

>> No.16020298

>plastic fucks up ALL marine life
chill out bro, there's a tiny patch of trash in the pacific and 99.9% of marine life is fine. holy shit don't be a roastie millennial retard i bet you use paper straws faggot.
>Burn down enough forests
Sorry, we're not your shit country.
>Go extinct
You first, we're waiting.

God you ecofags are retarded. Captain Planet was a cartoon not a college course.

>> No.16020334

I'm sorry, I thought it was ocean acidification due to carbon dioxide dissolving into the ocean that was killing coral. Now it's microplastics?

So do you dispute this article?
How about this?
Is this hentai?

>> No.16021251

>the world is coming to an end!!!
>it is my job to save the world!!!
get a life. you don't even pay for you own bills, you're a lazy overgrown college kid, daddy pays all your bills for you. how on earth do you think you're going to "save the world" when you're already too lazy to even take care of your own needs?
drop the narcissistic messiah complex

>> No.16021317

>the world is coming to an end!!!
>better just let it happen
You are logically deficient and the rest of your post is projection.

>> No.16021677
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lol this schizo really believes the world is coming to an end

>> No.16022273

get a life. you don't even pay for you own bills, you're a lazy overgrown college kid, daddy pays all your bills for you. how on earth do you think you're going to "save the world" when you're already too lazy to even take care of your own needs?
drop the narcissistic messiah complex

>> No.16022620

>he thinks microplastics aren't found in every part of the ocean, in our seafood and in our bodies

>> No.16022627

coral bleaching is caused by fertiliser runoff from sugarcane farms
for some reason people call this 'global warming' and blame coal though?

>> No.16022658

This is just leftoid bullshit.
Exxon promoted climate change theory in the 1960s to try and get the industry regulated to crush the Koch oil.
They resurrected Arrhenius's discredited bullshit.
No one took it seriously.
Rockefeller (who owned Exxon, that is Chase Manhattan) pumped millions into climate an eco-alarmism in the 1970s, to set the ground work for a globally regulated economy.

Your infographic has no proof that Exxon ever had anything to do with climate skepticism other than funding the Marshall instituted. I bet it had other funders as well, and they promoted the Oregon Petition.

Also, I never fucking heard of that shit before. So obviously you're cherry picking.
Exxon and Cargill falling out over climate change is probably why they funded Heartland later.

Yes Exxon scientists "knew" about climate change because they pioneered that bullshit. The original greenhouse effect calculation was done by Exxon in the 60s to try and promote oil regulation.

>> No.16023746

What does that have to do with microplastics?

>> No.16023749

Probably copypasta from someone who didn't read your post.

>> No.16024267
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we had a good thread about that a few months ago but sjw political jannie deleted it

>> No.16024438

Oh, sorry data BTFO your stupid opinion

>> No.16024858

What data? That post is an unhinged rant about an infographic that was never posted replying to a post about microplastics.

>> No.16025744

>fertiliser is bad

>> No.16025748

fertilizer is a non-renewable resource.
Or maybe you are you in the 'abiotic fertilizer' fucktard clown camp?

>> No.16026025

Nope. Exxon, BP are owned by the people who fund the Club of Rome and WEF and NASA.
"Climate deniers" is a niche lobbying arm of Koch brothers money. Most of them are lukewarmists who believe in the greenhouse effect. They are "part of the club"

>> No.16026074

Koch brothers are a complete boogyman, same as "big oil" and "car companies." I remember back in the 80's when it was claimed that the electric car was ready to go, completely perfected and just as good as gas, but car companies used propaganda and patent manipulation to keep the perfect electric car off the market. Then Tesla comes along, and suddenly all that nonsense vanishes. And Tesla STILL has typical electric car problems. Saying all "corporations" are just like "big tobacco" and hide information from the public ignores the fact that actual scientists, not paid by anyone, actually had real theories about things like cigarettes, global cooling, and so on and these were popular amongst the public because of the rationale provided with no conspiracy required. But this doesn't fit modern narratives, so there MUST have been a conspiracy way back when, because big corporations are omniscient and all powerful.

>> No.16027057 [DELETED] 
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>more scarcity rumors and lies

>> No.16027138

Yes, easily.