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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 74 KB, 677x480, steak-chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16017027 No.16017027[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Harvard brain health expert says eating meat is absolutely mandatory in order to have a healthy brain
>If I could only prioritize one food in my diet, it’d be meat

>> No.16017102 [DELETED] 

That's fucking bullshit, and people used to eat meat sparsely, all the way into the mid 20th century, after which they started to push meat heavy diet to deal with the excess agricultural production. We can't deal with it. Chimps eat a few percent of total. You just won't want to eat more than people used to once you try to not eating it all the time for a while.

>> No.16017105

That's fucking bullshit. People used to eat meat sparsely all the way into the mid 20th century, after which they started to push meat heavy diet to deal with the excess agricultural production. We can't deal with it. Chimps eat a few percent of total. You just won't want to eat more than people used to once you try not eating it all the time for a while.

>> No.16017108

Chimps have tiny brains and oversized digestive tracts. If you want have a brain thats no smarter than a chimp's keep on eating a chimpanzee diet.

>> No.16017131

They have still among the biggest. We are not built for it, we have no taste for it, our body gets poisoned with it over time. The demand for it is artificial.

>> No.16017136

>chimp itt shilling veganism
ok fuck off back to the jungle now

>> No.16017152

>We are not built for it, we have no taste for it, our body gets poisoned with it over time.
Utter nonsense. Eating meat is just outsourcing digestive work to other animals, it's more nutritious than any plant, and we'd be living in caves if we had to chew fibre all day like some stupid cow.
Also, observe how an overwhelming proportion of vegans turn into low-energy fags.

>> No.16017154

On the contrary, high meat consumption was limited to such marginal cultures. No major civilization used to eat very much. It's fabrication. Most food used to be meat free, even in Europe.

>> No.16017160

We are meant to eat mainly sugars. On the contrary, our digestive systems can't deal with large amounts of meat, it makes people sick.

>> No.16017166

>We are meant to eat mainly sugars
No such thing as "meant to eat", we can eat whatever we can digest.
>our digestive systems can't deal with large amounts of meat
nobody said anything about "large amounts". Yes people shouldn't be fat fucks. But excessive sugar and grain is what makes most people fat today, because those don't really satiate.

>> No.16017167

not clicking that

Is it Georgia Ede?

>> No.16017183

>No such thing as "meant to eat", we can eat whatever we can digest.
And we can digest starch and sugars.
And people did eat mostly that.
Yes, there were meat dishes, and they did keep animals, but most calories came from some starchy staple, and meat was eaten sparingly.
>But excessive sugar and grain is what makes most people fat today
No, it's the excessive amount of meat and fat that makes people sick. It act as poison in such huge amounts.

>> No.16017189

>No, it's the excessive amount of meat and fat that makes people sick. It act as poison in such huge amounts.
No, that's retarded, like actually retarded. this is ancel keys level of wrongness

>> No.16017196

Why? People ate like that, and they weren't fat, or diabetic, or anything such.

>> No.16017203

Go look at ancient egyptian diet and health issues. they ate very little meat or fat.

>> No.16017205

People blame the food pyramid, but the publication of RDIs (based on nothing at all) was how the trouble began.

>> No.16017207

Just like almost everybody else.

>> No.16017208

both are part of the problem, but yeah RDIs are used to determine a lot of government policy stuff like welfare diets or prisons and hospitals.

It's absolutely insane how so much of this stuff has no basis in evidence.
The 5 a day thing was some american fruit and veg marketing scheme.

>> No.16017210

No, they had rampant atheroscerosis and heart disease with manboobs and pot bellies
they ate a lot of wheat.

>> No.16017214


>> No.16017216



>> No.16017217

The english are literally called roast beefs by the french for how much beef they ate

>> No.16017219

I mean almost everybody ate sort of like that until the 20th century.
Meat consumption only reached modern levels in the 20th century. (sugar already did in the previous century) It couldn't have been much more than 1kg/month per capita until then.

>> No.16017220


>> No.16017222

So you're saying you're a chimp? I agree..your human rights should be revoked ASAP.

>> No.16017224

>And people did eat mostly that.
>Yes, there were meat dishes, and they did keep animals, but most calories came from some starchy staple, and meat was eaten sparingly.
And they lived to 40 and looked like today's 70, yeah. There's no point to justifying a diet because people in the past ate like that. Aristocrats ate meat excessively. Mongols ate almost only meat and conquered half the world. You can find any diet in history. Again, there's no such thing as "meant to eat", but it's advisable to eat as little as possible in general.

>> No.16017225

I'll make it easy for you.
>Sugars = quick energy
>Meats = brain health
Yadda yadda nuance complexity etc idgaf this is merely a rule of thumb.

>> No.16017227

This woman is 82 years old and only ate meat for 65 years...


>> No.16017228

>RDIs (based on nothing at all)
It was based on surveys where people lied about what they ate because they couldn't remember or were embarrassed. Basically it was a bunch of fatties underreporting what they ate kek

>> No.16017230

so nothing at all, epidemiology is junk

>> No.16017244
File: 1.82 MB, 1x1, 10.2307@3742485.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That massive amount added up to 118 pounds a year in total by the late 19th century (compared to 56 pounds in Ireland).

>> No.16017250
File: 41 KB, 228x320, Food list in the 1860s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an actual diet from the 1860s based on food availability and nutritional needs. Promptly unalive yourself.

>> No.16017266

The US army wanted recommendation, but very little was known, as the research was in its infancy (vitamin C was discovered less than a decade earlier), so they wrote up a monumental asspull that got copied around the word with no questioning.

>> No.16017282

True. Carb heavy diet and meat heavy diet is a product of the last century. For most of human history, were were light on calorie and light on meat..reserving those mainly for seasonal occasions.

>> No.16017304
File: 68 KB, 634x817, plant_based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16017308

Not all of us came from Africa, bro

>> No.16017315

Fuck off you imbecile ignorant moron.

>> No.16017316

Too bad I can't cave in your skull with a hammer.

>> No.16017400

vegetarians say a lot of dumb things because their brains don't work right as a result of their self inflicted nutritional deficiencies

>> No.16017410


I bet you're the idiot who eats 2 kilos of leafs every day.
Leave the board, retard.

>> No.16017437

Serious question. Do: vegans, leftists, liberals, feminists, LGBT+, certain tribe etc . - Get off to lying and spreading lies?

Lying and lies don't really change reality and truth. Why do they bother?

>> No.16017463

The low test are liars what do you expect.

>> No.16017470

Another moron to fire. "Meat is good for you" what meat? The meat with absurd amounts of saturated fat or the meat that ass fucks the environment? Oh yeah, they're the same.

The reason people seem to think whole foods plant centered diets are inherently low calorie and/or lacking nutrients is because the fast food slop they eat has so much junk on it that it makes them fat. And they can't read.

>> No.16017486
File: 4 KB, 505x572, nobrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16017490

The article is fucking bullshit.

>> No.16017493

Georgia Ede is an absolutely based woman.

Nutritional phychiatry is a burgeoning field with huge implications.

>> No.16017498

>whole foods plant centered diets
There is no true Scotsman. Anytime anyone suffers from some kind of whole foods plant centered diet it's always because they must be doing something wrong. Less rice more lentils brah. Less lentils more avocados bruh. Vary lentils with beans and avocados with nuts breh. Replace tofu with tempeh and cabage with sauerkraut bri. Eat onions raw bro or else you destroy the most beneficial nutrients brah.

But you know what breh? It's not like the food pyramid is so unappetizing, so unsatisfying, so lacking in regulating body and mind that people feel like cheating with goyslop to fill the void. That can't possibly be true. People just lack willpower to follow The Science.

That's what you actually believe don't you (= subversive agent of the dark powers that rule the world)?

>> No.16017507 [DELETED] 

The food is just bad. People are sick from having to follow fake nutrient requirements, made up on highly incomplete interwar research. No major reworking has ever been dobe. For example it's virtually certain, as in all research made on that topic show that people are much healthier with 200-300mg daily calcium, but "Those people don't suffer from the same diseases as those people whose intake is adequate, but we must not make hasty conclusions, as those people follow a much different lifestile, so..." Yeah, I wonder why that is.

>> No.16017509

The food is just bad. People are sick from having to follow fake nutrient requirements, made up based on highly incomplete interwar research. No major reworking has ever been done. For example it's virtually certain, as in all research made on that topic show that people are much healthier with 200-300mg daily calcium, but "Those people don't suffer from the same diseases as people whose intake is adequate, but we must not make hasty conclusions, as those people follow a much different lifestile, so..."
Yeah, I wonder why that is. Why they are able to live a more active life, can anybody tell me?

>> No.16017515

This was beautiful. you deserve another (You)

>> No.16017542

Okay that was pretty funny

>> No.16017591

So why is meat and especially an animal fat rich diet so good for brain health?

>> No.16017642

>People used to eat meat sparsely all the way into the mid 20th century,
Ridiculous and only truest in the most technical senses around how you might define it. "Meat" can be a narrow term excluding offal, referring only to muscle meat of land animals, it can include or exclude fish.
A huge proportion of calorie intake in Europe for the last 2000 years at least has derived predominantly from animal sources (including dairy)

>> No.16017661

Most theories on the development of higher intelligence in hominids involves meat. Either the type of meat, its availability, or cooking meat. Grains are likewise associated with the rise of large societies, effecient and reliable. Big brains from meat led to agriculture which allowed populations to swell.

>> No.16017662

>So why is meat and especially an animal fat rich diet so good for brain health?
Is it? What makes you think it is?

>> No.16017677

It's always the same song so why bother:
>brain is saturated fat and cholestrol and evolution and natural
>you can get that from plants and evolution was different
>no because vegan deterioration and WEF agenda and slave food
>but I lost weight and cured diseases and feel amazing on carnivore
>not well researched and risky
>that's your bias and corruption of the science
>ad infinitum

There are two ways to learn: from your own experience and from others. Trust in others is broken and our own experience is delusional. We're fucked.

>> No.16017684

OP's article that we are discussing in this thread.

>> No.16017690

nigga worm meal was literally considered medicine back then because people weren't eating enough meat to repair their body

>> No.16017716

>muh saturated fat
The 90s wants its heart science back topkek, sat fat > linoleic acid

>> No.16017734


>> No.16017745
File: 1.37 MB, 1170x1993, 1707418506422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bugs count as meat, right?

>> No.16017748

No. Majority of it can't be truly digested by a human.

>> No.16017765

>Muh chitin
Take your meds.

>> No.16017770

Do they have chitase?

>> No.16017777

Humans do. Why don't you do some research before uploading your unhinged opinions to the internet?

>> No.16017778

Lucky sevens, you have one wish.

>> No.16017782

I wish you would be less of a retard.

>> No.16017784

interesting thing chitinase major role in inflamation and immune response, makes me wonder how they might be targetted to induce disease
>Role of Chitin and Chitinase/Chitinase-Like Proteins in Inflammation, Tissue Remodeling, and Injury
>Chitinase family GH18: evolutionary insights from the genomic history of a diverse protein family


>> No.16017786

Wait does the filter include 0 not just O?

>> No.16017789

>He doesn't even want to post the DOI because he knows it's a garbage paper that's going to be torn apart.
Why don't you do some research before uploading your unhinged opinions to the internet? But real research instead of just trying to find a paper that sounds like it backs your point?

>> No.16017791

reading comprehension level = itoddler

>> No.16017793

Ironic. Did you want to post that DOI, or do you want to skip to the part where you acknowledge that everything you said was bullshit?

>> No.16017801

Your post doesn't make sense.
I meant something real, not something that supposedly happened sixty thousand years ago.

>> No.16017811

Well you could start by outling brain energy theory and the roles of ketones.

>> No.16017834

Humans don't digest bugs. Deal with it.

>> No.16017850

They do, retard. That's why humans produce chitinase.

>> No.16017857

Not the same thing.

>> No.16017862

It is, retard. What other part of insects do you believe is indigestible?

>> No.16018224

He is way ahead of you on that

>> No.16018259

Chitin is toxic to humans lil bro

>> No.16018265

No it's not.

>> No.16018268

Yes it is.

>> No.16018272
File: 51 KB, 512x512, _lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a complete moron, you stupid piece of shit.

>> No.16018273

No it isn't or every mushroom on Earth would be toxic. Why don't you try providing evidence for your claims? I would love to see where you get your information from.

>> No.16018274
File: 55 KB, 680x510, ezb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat the bug right now, you imbecile moron.

>> No.16018276

Take your meds. You eat bugs every day. Look up FDA requirements for the food you eat. It has shit like "no more than 80 cricket parts per bar of chocolate"

>> No.16018277

Cut your throat right now, you stupid idiot.

>> No.16018278

Nearly all of them are retard

>> No.16018281

>My food isn't regulated by the FDA
Cut your throat right now, you stupid idiot.

>> No.16018284

No they aren't, and you have not provided a source for your claims. Probably because you know it's bullshit and you're ashamed of linking your facebook group here.

>> No.16018289

>Source? Source?
You're a useful idiot.

>> No.16018291

Anon how are your health, your finances and relationships going and is there anything we can help you with? You seem stressed. If you need anything you can ask for it instead of lashing out.

>> No.16018292
File: 131 KB, 448x603, doit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut your penis right now, is good for you imbecile moron.

>> No.16018293

The irony. You are pushing a retarded talking point made up by people who want to manipulate you and when I tell you to check your facts you get pissy. That's called "cognitive dissonance" and it tells me that you know you're wrong.

Provide evidence for your claims or fuck off.

>> No.16018296

Eat more of the bugs infesting your unregulated food, retard.

>> No.16018298
File: 23 KB, 298x176, rot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and all your family will be burned alive, as that is the rightful punishment for vermin like you.

>> No.16018300 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 618x671, tts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust the science and cut your penis right now.

>> No.16018303

Take your meds.

>> No.16018305
File: 40 KB, 680x606, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16018306

Continue not trusting science and eat the low quality filth you deserve.

>> No.16018307
File: 71 KB, 1346x2048, vaxer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get vaxxed you piece of shit.

>> No.16018311

Get hypertension and diabetes, you fucking retard.

>> No.16018625

All right, so there is no answer, you just made it up or worse, it's some kind of delusion.

>> No.16018629

Didn't your prophet teach you to not fight the atrak?

>> No.16018654

Enjoy cancer, bloodmouths.

>> No.16018676
File: 101 KB, 640x800, 6618529.36_veganforlife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16018695


>> No.16018718

The best cow meat is made with wild grasses, you even shit like vitamin K2 from high quality beef because they produce so much from fermenting plants in their gut.

>> No.16018771

NTA but poisonous mushrooms are toxic because of various alkaloids they produce, not the chitinous fibre they contain.
I will not eat the bugs.

>> No.16018806

I find it genuinely baffling that this was one of the best insults they could come up with. I guess it's hard to make eating other creatures sound uncool.

>> No.16018836

I'm including psychedelic mushrooms as toxic ones too, as well as the ones that give digestive issues. You seem to be thinking only of the ones that will kill you. Not all toxins kill you.

>> No.16018859

While thats great news for everyone who isn't mentally ill with eating disorders related to their narcissistic virtue signaling, its no surprise that vegetarians and their ilk get angry at seeing this type of information.
But nobody should care about that. When were vegetarians, vegans, etc. ever not angry? Their entire personalities revolve around feigning self righteous indignation

>> No.16018866

If you're unable to troubleshoot your diet you can just talk to a registered dietician, get blood work done, use more resources online. I can link if ya want.

On another note, you sound like one of those trolls who actually believes in the 'opposing view' but pretends not to. I mean your first paragraph makes perfect sense and sounds like it's from experience, then your follow up is "I bet you're part of the secret shadow government." If so, nice one. Lol

>> No.16018891

>just ask the jew, goy

Like seriously. How do you live with this lack of self reflection?

>> No.16018895

That has nothing to do with what I said.
All mushrooms contain chitin. I can eat a pound of mushrooms and have literally zero side effects.
There are plenty of good reasons not to eat bugs, like the inability to remove their internal organs, blood, poo, etc, but digestibility of chitin isn't one of them.

>> No.16018948

Look, you might be retarded but I'll try again, those papers point to very interesting behaviour of chitinase used as an anti inflamatory properties.

>> No.16019003

chitin wouldn't cause an immune response if it wasn't unhealthy

>> No.16019006

chitinases being such anti inflammatory compounds implies chitin must have a lot of potential for it

>> No.16019009

>People used to eat meat sparsely all the way into the mid 20th century
they also were like 5'1'' on average and had IQ lower by about 20 points

>> No.16019024

>can eat a pound of mushrooms and have literally zero side effects.
I don't think you're intentionally lying. You sound like you're not counting the discomfort from the digestion, or the subsequent diarrhea as a side effect. Not to mention that you're lying since you've never once eaten a pound of mushrooms. Your entire argument is invalidated from your lies.

>> No.16019054

What papers, retard? You never posted the DOI. Do you even know what the DOI is?

>> No.16019056

>Imagine being this retarded
Literally all you have to do is post a link to some proof and instead you're here making shit up. Are all of you pathological liars, or do you really believe that shit you made up is as good as actual evidence?

>> No.16019086

Yes, of course I klnow what a doi is, why are you so incredibly easy to bait?

>> No.16019112

I'm glad you got around to googling what a DOI is, now post it, faggot. How many times were you dropped on your head as a child?

>> No.16019114

So that's why you're such a retard.

>> No.16019153

>Still no DOI
This is your last (you)

>> No.16019252

You're so mad lmao

>> No.16019264

He's so fun to bait it's hilarious. It's always the same hetoric too.

>> No.16019282

And the life expectancy, average height, general human health dramatically improved as humans began to consume more meat. What's your point? You want to go back to the period in time where we lived under severe malnourishment?

>> No.16019288

to paraphrase thatcher
>the problem with socialists is you don't want to make the malnourished healthier, you want to make everyone equally malnourished

>> No.16019302 [DELETED] 

Point at a time period when people were less healthy. It might have happened some ten thousands of years ago, when they made those superfat statues.

>> No.16019304

Point at a time period when people were less healthy. It might have happened some tens of thousands of years ago, when they made those superfat statues.

>> No.16019330

Oh yeah this is 4chan thx for reminding me

>> No.16019335

>Average life expectancy
Ofc it would go up when we gained access to more food sources. You realized for almost all of human history infants died before like 1 years old?

>> No.16019342

Yes, sure. It wouldn't be so bad if the advice wasn't almost always wrong.

>> No.16019400
File: 213 KB, 1080x912, Trends_in_dietary_fat_sources_and_obesity_in_the_US.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your correct but dont expect to get many insightful replies because /pol/tards and people influenced by them are most vocal. fat you eat is fat you wear yes... but high fructose consumption is garmful and lean meat is ok. game meat eaten by our ancenstors was very lean with few exceptions like seal or mammoth meat... most people lived in warm areas... animal fat was also used to make candles. people shill fat (le good for test blah blah brain chilesterol blah blah) cause they are contrarians or they swallowed "healthy" fat meme. all fat is deadly except in tiny amounts that are needed to get essential fatty acids which is much less than is being currently pushed. worst of it is fish oil.

>> No.16019585

>weee wuz eating X 1000 years ago
In terms of disingenuous shill arguments, this ones the dumbest. Who cares what people ate in the neolithic or the dark ages? It's 2024, society changes.

>> No.16019595

>posting 'cord fetish coal on the 'uck
I ask you. why?

>> No.16019611

>Are all of you pathological liars

>> No.16019629

So where's your source, liar?

>> No.16019815
File: 34 KB, 600x486, oh he mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16019842

So you have no source and you're making shit up. Could this be because you are a liar? Could that be pathological?

>> No.16019897

Its amazing how angrily ungrateful some people irrationally get over being given free brain health advice from one of the world's leading experts.

>> No.16020007

I tried to stir a discussion about the content of the actual article but it got shot down pretty quickly

seems kind of strange like no one wants to talk about how diet affects the brain

>> No.16020011

can you not end up as one of these and why is it always early on?

>> No.16020028 [DELETED] 

> mushrooms contain chitin
LMAO, you are an imbecile ignorant moron.

>> No.16020030

There's a reason why commies try to prevent people from eating meat.

>> No.16020033

Comparing chitin in mushrooms to chitin in the exoskeletons of insects is like comparing wheat in a bread with a ball of dry paste, glue paste made from wheat.

>> No.16020038
File: 37 KB, 983x257, 1676473419258834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic rel is you
>asserts something with the utmost confidence
>posts comment
>googles answer after
>oshit im wrong
>deletes comment
>finds some other technicality to disagree on
>posts comment
>heh i got him good this time
why are /sci/ posters like this?

>> No.16020047

Your dad probably shouldn't have married his sister.

>> No.16020218

They use it as an argument that we should only eat meat.

>> No.16020229

LMAO embarrassing.

>> No.16020346

Although some people do make that argument. generally they say meat and fruit.

At least it's more rational and evidence backed than the vegans.

>> No.16020351

They have psychosis.

>> No.16020353

Real psychosis is found in bloodmouths. Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder linked to meat consumption in early childhood, not found in vegan children. Likely cause: misfolded proteins spread by meat.

>> No.16020397

Textbook projection. Since you like sources so much here you go.

>> No.16020407

>study backed by National Dairy Council
Into the trash it goes!

>> No.16020411

Schizophrenia is highly heritable and correlated with childhood stress, bipolar is similar. Even if they were correlated with meat (citation needed), that's a miserably small ratio.

You're lying because you hate a world that failed and betrayed you, and want to burn it all to the ground and prove you can control it. Crawl towards the light instead, there's nothing to be gained from gnashing at enemies.

>> No.16020419

>Schizophrenia is highly heritable
Parent eats meat, then feeds child meat. There's your "heritability".
>correlated with childhood stress
Nothing is more stressful than the realization your food was once alive and had feelings.
>Even if they were correlated with meat (citation needed), that's a miserably small ratio
It makes up most of the population of the western world due to widespread meat consumption. Earlier generations ate less meat and as a result saw less domestic violence, crime, and insanity among the young.
>You're lying because you hate a world that failed and betrayed you
You are shilling meat because you are desperately clinging to an addiction that you know you cannot justify.

>> No.16020420

>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Try again..

>> No.16020425

>authors lie and are paid shills
Yawn. No different than the oil shills in the million climate denial threads on here.

>> No.16020430

>Vegan is displaying literal traits of schizophrenia
>Accuses everyone else of being schizos
Lmfao. Like I said. Textbook projection

>> No.16020431
File: 111 KB, 680x680, vegans are evil .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16020434

You're the one who whines that "they" are trying to make you eat "the bugs".

>> No.16020435

>Rather, our results are more consistent with the view that the experience of a mental disorder increases the probability of choosing a vegetarian diet, or that psychological factors influence both the probability of choosing a vegetarian diet and the probability of developing a mental disorder.

>> No.16020437
File: 394 KB, 802x722, meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said no such thing. You're hallucinating now.

>> No.16020442

>Parent eats meat, then feeds child meat. There's your "heritability".
Except it's correlated to relatives with schizophrenia, not amount of meat consumed. If it were caused by meat and the heritability was in shared feeding habits, it'd be correlated to those feeding habits and adoptions etc would completely buck the trend. They don't.

>Nothing is more stressful than the realization your food was once alive and had feelings.
You know perfectly well no six year olds are sobbing over their burger because of the horror of it all. Most people don't give a shit, and hating them for it doesn't give them schizophrenia more often.

>It makes up most of the population of the western world due to widespread meat consumption. Earlier generations ate less meat and as a result saw less domestic violence, crime, and insanity among the young.
Other way round. Pretty much every bad thing has been steadily declining through most of human history. If that was correlated with increased meat consumption, it'd mean eating meat mellowed everyone out. What it actually means is that increased prosperity tends to result in both tastier food and less stabbing. Well, less stabbing each other, anyway.

>You are shilling meat because you are desperately clinging to an addiction that you know you cannot justify.
I'm not addicted to meat, and I have absolutely no trouble justifying my consumption of the slave races. They quite literally exist to be consumed by us, and so we provide all that they need. Quite the beautiful relationship, wouldn't you say?

>> No.16020447

>You know perfectly well no six year olds are sobbing over their burger because of the horror of it all.
Nta. There are vegan parents who refuse to feed their children meat, and brainwash the children with such bullshit that they'd almost certainly cry if presented with meat.

>> No.16020466

The body can't handle the iron.

>> No.16021328

Those children turn out to be low IQ due to their childhood nutritional needs having gone unmet

>> No.16021338
File: 40 KB, 699x272, f0035-02-e1586211967158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A vegan diet provides not only all nutritional needs, but far better fulfills them than a meat based diet. A meat based diet lacks Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, and fiber. There is a reason why there is such a massive nutritional and obesity crisis in the modern era, and it's all because the fresh fruits and vegetables found in the diets of earlier generations have been replaced with meat.

>> No.16021340

read the article in OP

>> No.16021351

>pop science

>> No.16021352


>> No.16021353

A bit ironic writing that will posting the image above.

>> No.16021361

Nah shut up faggot , I work a hard physical job, rabbit food isn't gonna work.

I'm not some jew sitting on a computer in a military base.

Someday soon , and it's closer than you think , someone like me is going to kill you.

Not because they hate you but because you are evil and evil must be destroyed

>> No.16021366

You are actually evil
> Per serving, beef liver is a best source (>50% daily value) of choline, copper, coQ10, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B7 (biotin), vitamin B9 (folate), and vitamin B12 (cobalamin); is an excellent source (20-50% daily value) of iron, phosphorus, protein, and zinc; and is a good source (10-20% daily value) of manganese, taurine, and vitamin B1 (thiamin).

>> No.16021369

You only think you need energy because digesting disgusting meat all day has left you tired and weak, with little nutritional value and difficult to break down proteins. Start eating energy bars made with grains and you will suddenly feel 20 years younger.

>> No.16021370

>implying anyone but the rich can afford luxury offal
The poor starve on a "diet" of grease and ground beef while the truly productive have already gone vegan.

>> No.16021375

Yup yup yup you’re trolling and you’re master-baiting too. Liver, Heart and Kidneys are all below $4 near me

>> No.16021394

And a bag of greens are far less, with far more nutrition.

>> No.16021486 [DELETED] 

Chitin is pro-inflammatory. Googling "chitin inflammation" will pull up numerous journal articles. A tiny bit of inflammation kill you, which is why people can eat mushrooms (most people don't actually eat THAT many mushrooms...they usually come only a few grams at a time as a topping / ingredient).

Replacing the protein one gets from eating 1/4 pound of meat daily gram-for-gram with crickets would mean eating a LOT of chitin every day. Crickets are at least 5% chitin by dry weight and you're going to need at least twice as much weight in crickets to match the protein content in 1/4 pound of beef, which is going to come out to ~10 grams of chitin.

This is WAY MORE more than the mere 2-5 mushroom fruiting bodies that get chopped up for a pizza topping. Doing the math, undried mushrooms have around 2 grams of chitin per 100 grams of mushroom (source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0308814606000938)), meaning you would have to eat 500 grams of mushrooms (just shy of 1 pound) to get the same amount of chitin as somebody getting their day of protein from crickets. Virtually nobody eats a pound of mushrooms even over an entire month.

>> No.16021498

Chitin is pro-inflammatory. Googling "chitin inflammation" pulls up numerous journal articles (e.g. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5680136/).). A tiny bit of inflammation won't kill you, which is why people can eat mushrooms (most people don't actually eat THAT many mushrooms...they usually come only a few grams at a time as a topping / ingredient).

Replacing the protein one gets from eating 1/4 pound of beef jerky daily gram-for-gram with crickets would mean eating a LOT of chitin every day. Crickets are at least 5% chitin by dry weight and you're going to need at least twice as much weight in crickets to match the protein content in 1/4 pound of beef, which is going to come out to ~10 grams of chitin.

This is WAY MORE more than the mere 2-5 mushroom fruiting bodies that get chopped up for a pizza topping. Doing the math, undried mushrooms have around 2 grams of chitin per 100 grams of mushroom (source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0308814606000938)), meaning you would have to eat 500 grams of mushrooms (just shy of 1 pound) to get the same amount of chitin as somebody getting their day of protein from crickets. Virtually nobody eats a pound of mushrooms even over an entire month.

>> No.16021601

>source ot found
>mushrooms are mostly water
I cannot imagine being as fucking stupid as you.

>> No.16021613

The damage already happens in the womb, if the mother has iron poisoning from meat, enriched four, or supplements

>> No.16021614

>Other way round. Pretty much every bad thing has been steadily declining through most of human history. If that was correlated with increased meat consumption, it'd mean eating meat mellowed everyone out. What it actually means is that increased prosperity tends to result in both tastier food and less stabbing. Well, less stabbing each other, anyway.
Anyone who will want yo claim that jews don't want you to eat meat, I can piint you here to a jew arguing for it.

>> No.16021620

I took into account dry vs. wet weight bro.

>> No.16021624

The simple truth is that using insects as your staple protein means consuming far more chitin than most people get from occasionally having mushrooms as a topping on some dish. You also haven't refuted the point that chitin has been shown to promote inflammation.

>> No.16021774

>You also haven't refuted the point that chitin has been shown to promote inflammation.
Your source only talks about chitin being inflammatory when inhaled (as in mite dust or fungal spores). It says nothing of dietary chitin being pro-inflammatory.

On the other hand, regular dairy cow milk has been shown repeatedly to be pro-inflammatory in the gut of even lactose tolerant people due to a mutant form of casein not found in other kinds of milk


>> No.16021826

cows are great animals, they provide so many things for us. From meat to clothing.

>> No.16021827

>full of parasites
>full of vaccines
>full of "chemicals"
>full of "plastics"
>full of "mUh IcHoR" (hooves, horn, teeth, hair, etc.)
>full of literal waste (both animal and plant) that gets fed to livestock
>full of literal animal shit that is ubiquitous in meat and dairy

I don't think ANY food will work at this point...

>> No.16022044

>if the mother has iron poisoning from mea
Meanwhile, in reality vegans are literally iron deficient.
About one in six pregnant women are iron deficient
Iron deficiency in women results in anemia, and if you've ever talked to a woman you'd know how common anemia is with them these days.
>In the year 2019, the incidence of anemia in women of the reproductive age group was 30.1% [17], with iron deficiency being the leading cause of this condition [18].

>> No.16022066

They are not deficient. The supposed healthy levels are insane.

>> No.16022072
File: 1.91 MB, 899x500, laughing-cartoon-lol-pointing-anime-girl-gu89jvp1m2jseuu7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Science denying conspiracy theorist is shilling veganism

>> No.16022083

What science determined the healthy values? They're made up.

>> No.16022096

anon, anemia is well understood. maybe take enough iron to not have literal anemia? youre sounding like an actual schizo.

>> No.16022134

How can it be understood when it doesn't exist? It's literally just a result of a pointless blood test.

>> No.16022141

are you seriously trying to say anemia doesn't exist?

>> No.16022160

I'm saying that the supposed levels are not anemia, and you are unlikely to notice anything until you are way below 6g/dl.

>> No.16023093

One day you'll recognize that veganism is a mental illness closely connected to narcissistic personality disorder and that its impossible to get a mentally ill person to acknowledge reality no matter how blatantly obvious it is.

>> No.16023098

>bloodmouth wants to project this hard
You literally eat corpses and don't think that's a problem. Definition of mental illness.

>> No.16023217

>You literally eat corpses and don't think that's a problem
Where exactly is the problem...?

>> No.16023222

>what's the problem with eating disease ridden flesh containing parasites, bacteria, and prions - as well as toxic chemicals that cause heart disease, cancer, and diabetes
A mystery.

>> No.16023233
File: 1.49 MB, 434x766, Carnivorous Horse.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even the animals that you claim are vegans like yourself eat other animals when the opportunity arrises

>> No.16023257

Just because they eat it when sufficiently starved doesn't make it their choice food.

>> No.16023353


If this was commonplace and given few desk jobs and general requirement for physical tasks back then, they'd be near as obese as modern brits

>> No.16023355


Horses are damn smart and are probably prone to get bored or frustrated because of it, so I would think that the horse was mainly looking for a light snack that has different taste and consistency than the same old regular bulk food they'd be eating. Though the individual might've also suffered from some type of nutrient deficiency.

>> No.16023425

all of that except prions are in plant foods as well, especially if eaten raw

>> No.16023473

That horse wasn't starved, nigga. He just had a hankerin' for some nuggies.

>> No.16023576
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>> No.16023639

Horses out in the field eat mice and friends all the time. Small, easily chewable animals are a dense source of calcium.

>> No.16024287

here is a """""herbivorous""""" deer eating a rabbit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWvQfGXO6rI

>> No.16024690



>> No.16024876

People just ate less. It's not rocket science.

>> No.16024886

True if you leave "rocket" out.

>> No.16025837

all of the animals they claim are herbivores hunt and eat meat

>> No.16026925


>> No.16028438

Here is a good video which proves conclusively that there are no herbivores in nature and that the only place "herbivores" exist is in stupid schoolbooks and the dumb imaginations of academic retards and their clueless students

>> No.16028439


>> No.16028444

>starving animals resort to extreme methods despite their digestive systems being completely incapable of consuming what they are eating
Wow. Why do you go eat roadkill sometime?

>> No.16028449

Pretty much all animals absorb a diet of mostly fatty acids whether foregut or hindgut fermenters

>> No.16028842



>> No.16028902

Except they do it when they aren't starving. The first example detailed by narrator is of grazing sheep finding ground-nesting chicks and eating them.
Surrounded by as much grass and heather as they could ever possibly need, they still eat bird chicks when they find them.

>> No.16029536

And what was the average IQ back then? Weren't those able to access a diet higher in meat, fair better mentally? And chimps aren't that bright.

>> No.16029595

Based we should all go back to being dumb chimps and throw faeces at each other

>> No.16030192

On the contrary, they were obviously much better off mentally. Eating too mych meat makes you psychotic. Our bodies can't handle it. It's good enough for survival, to solve a lack of micronutrients, possibly, but not as a major source of calories.

>> No.16030928

he had some nice songs and doesnt look that bad. Still, not the most handsome and he has this soi look, that I think might be off-putting for women

>> No.16031915

how can he make all those statistical claims given that he has no scientific background?
is he completely unaware of the replication crisis?

>> No.16031935

meat-heavy, yes, absolutely
carb-heavy, absolutely not
we've literally been eating sugar-rich fruits for tens of millions of years, even today chimpanzees living in the wild get 95% of their calories from sugar
>inb4 "but wild fruits are small and bitter and low in sugar!"
not even remotely true: https://deniseminger.com/2011/05/31/wild-and-ancient-fruit/
for 99.9% of the existence of humans and our ancestor species, there were no such thing as seasons
in a true tropical rainforest climate (Köppen designation "Af") there's not even any significant dry or wet season

>> No.16031937

>we'd be living in caves if we had to chew fibre all day like some stupid cow
fruits are extremely high-quality foods that have been pre-digested by the trees themselves, because when ripe they're literally meant to be food, you retard
I can eat 10 fully ripe bananas in 10-20 minutes, they literally virtually dissolve in my mouth
and don't start with some "muh wild fruits are different" bullshit, because they're not, see: >>16031935
>observe how an overwhelming proportion of vegans turn into low-energy fags
literally the diametric opposite of the truth, people on plant-based diets tend to almost universally be far more energetic than people who eat meat, who are slow and dull (it's even a trope that meat-eaters are like that, and with good reasons)

>> No.16031939

>But excessive sugar and grain is what makes most people fat today
you're absolutely retarded
de novo lipogenesis is a pathway that hardly occurs at all in humans
what happens is that sugar is preferentially used as energy, leading to the body storing the fat you ingest
if you eat a high-carbohydrate diet without eating much or any fat, you won't be gaining fat at all
>because those don't really satiate
except it's been scientifically demonstrated countless times that carbohydrates are far more satiating
it's hilarious how people keep parroting all these stupid myths with zero basis in reality

>> No.16031942

not even remotely true for fruit-eating primates, who have been optimized over tens of millions of years to absorb and utilize simple sugars

>> No.16031943

>literally describes carnism perfectly
in contrast, veganism is the diametric opposite of everything you just said

>> No.16032758
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>> No.16033530

Those "fruit-eating primates" all eat meat at every opportunity. herbivores don't exist in nature, they only exist in you out of touch with reality schizo imagination.

>> No.16033532

Harvard's killing it recently. Somehow they've uncucked themselves.

>> No.16034450


>> No.16034899
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>> No.16034922

>>16017027 all the studies on that say sth else but when one guy says sth you'd like to believe I guess that is who you should exclusively listen to.
Read the literature which also includes trials.
They found some associatiom with depression but that probably is due to confounding and all the other health effects seem great such as reduction of dementia risk (https://doi.org/10.1093/ajcn/nqab028))

>> No.16036012

you have low IQ because you're a vegan

>> No.16036034
File: 253 KB, 1824x992, Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 03.57.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> sth
literal brain-damage from vitamin b12 deficiency. can not even spell 'something'.

>> No.16036296
File: 119 KB, 1080x235, 0pLFuOFqGuLl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16036326

A chimp has posted

>> No.16036354

Ede is in her 50s she trained at a much earlier iteration of harvard, it's not a harvard study

>> No.16036355

>except it's been scientifically demonstrated countless times that carbohydrates are far more satiating

>> No.16036417

you're asking someone who eats a diet that causes reduced brain function for scientific information?

>> No.16036422 [DELETED] 

I tried to look it up, and it wasn't really widespread after around WW2. It wasn't depression poverty, people just didn't use to eat that much meat, with Great Britain as an exception.

>> No.16036423

I tried to look it up, and it wasn't really widespread until after around WW2. It wasn't depression poverty, people just didn't use to eat that much meat, with Great Britain as an exception.

>> No.16036773

Source: it was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.16036790
File: 108 KB, 261x259, sb2p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this based bean enjoyer. Did you know that man used to live exclusively on a bug diet and would never venture more than a few feet from this pod, I meant teepee. Ownership and its consequences have been a disaster for humanity.
Own nothing.
Eat the bugs.
Live in the pod.
Suck girl dicks.
Imagine all the people, walking to their job.

>> No.16036810

Why are you posting this?

>> No.16036817

If there is something that the ruling entities have bamboozled the median pol or sci poster it is into utterly believing that 1) "its the jews" and that 2) you need meat. No, "the jews" are just that, a facade, and eating red meat keeps you extremelly docile and dumbed down (especially if you don't hunt the animal yourself).

But they are right, humanity is bound to get culled. And then finally the carnivorists and industrial veganists will be off this fucking earth.

>> No.16037012

people also used to be 5 foot tall due to no meat.

>> No.16037027

That's likely the normal height, at least for a woman. Neandetthals weren't any taller than that. In fact they would be tiny by modern means. Have you considered the possibility that the extra height isn't healthy?

>> No.16037046

So according to you UFOs are part of the natural human diet?

>> No.16037075
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he did

>> No.16037694

Did you know we have a lower stomach PH than lions in order to properly digest scavenged raw red meat?

Did you know higher consumption of these vitamins are only necessary under a carb diet because blood sugar metabolism depletes them?