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16015118 No.16015118 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking is "chronic fatigue syndrome" real or just more psychiatric bullshit? And if it is real should people be euthanized for it?

>> No.16015154

Even if it is a fake disorder, the person still suffers so much that she prefers a painless, quick death rather than continuing on with life.
Every person should have the right for euthanasia. There are many people with life-altering chronic disorders who have had to commit suicide in the dirtiest ways.

>> No.16015156

I think chronic fatigue is real. Many of these people have dysautonomia which makes me suspect there's something organic going on. Also the association with various viral illnesses.

In my opinion, medical aid in dying should only be available for those with six months to live or less. Broader access could be exploited to purge society of those deemed undesirable.

>> No.16015203

its real and we need to lynch the doctors that covered it up

>> No.16015209

It's real and don't you dare tell my disability examiner otherwise ;^)

>> No.16015220

Yeah people with severe non-terminal disorders such as severe chronic pain, severe tinnitus etc. should suffer to a point that they either neck themselves or blow their brain out with a shotgun. No medical assistance for them.

>> No.16015228
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>euthanasia for tinnitus

>> No.16015250

Not everyone's tinnitus is the same. Its loudness can vary over a wide range from person to person. For some people it is so severe that they commit suicide. There are many news stories about tinnitus-related suicides, but the most famous one is the suicide of the founder of Texas Roadhouse. This is just one example. There are many other chronic diseases that ruin people's lives but are not deadly.

>> No.16015265

How much longer until western healthcare is just suicide booths?

>> No.16015315

It exists, at maybe 10% the rate of people claiming they suffer from it.
If you go on Plebbit in any of the chronic fatigue or other chronic illness subs, you quickly see it's mostly bored wine aunts who at this point in life should have their hands full corralling around a teenager, but instead have nothing to do with their lives, hence the sublimation of these energies into this garbage. Or it's obese low-value males who have adopted a highly effeminate victim mentality due to pathological internet usage.

>> No.16015316

It's already here. In Oregon and Washington, they won't pay for cancer drugs but they'll pay to have you euthanized.

>> No.16015397

I think its real but I also wouldn't underestimate the ways in which people can physically, mentally and emotionally decline even without a disorder.

I'm tired all the time, I can't focus, I have low energy, brain-fog, I can barely get shit done, I get like 2 hours a day of energy then its gone, if I push myself I get ill for a few days, I might even get a sore throat, etc.... Do I have CFS? How many people do you see online describing symptoms like these? CFS probably exists but I think a good number of people got sick and then started declining like me I think. They could probably push themselves out of it with effort, but once youre so far down a pit, very very very few actually climb out. So I think most CFS reports are people like this.

>> No.16015435


>> No.16015453

I know, or knew, someone with ME. She spends 21 hours per day in bed in agony in a sensory deprivation chamber, can no longer see her young child, and is considering euthanasia. It is very real.

>> No.16015491

Physics girl made it up

>> No.16015935

I broke my leg once. Had a cast. People loved me, doctors were supporting and people opened doors for me.
Broken bones are so relatable, easy to understand and to fix too.
Often self-inflicted due to dumbassery but no one blames a man with broken bones.
Doctors and society HATE difficult diseases where treatment is none existent and diagnosis is flimsy. They HATE them, Thinks they are not real or if they are real the patient deserves it.
Imagine a baby is born dumb. Just born and grows up to be 60 IQ. This innocent person will be victimized for life.

>> No.16015950

>Thinks they are not real or if they are real the patient deserves it
I don't really find that generalization to hold true.
Most patients are hard to talk to; they can't understand what's wrong, what's been done to try to find out what's wrong, nor what things there may be to treat them beyond "take a pill", "come to this place, get stuck with a needle, don't move for an hour, wash your hands if some got on you", etc.
Now take that and also add in that the patient may be exasperated, incoherent, combative, and looking for someone to blame.

All humans have a finite amount of compassion, plus constant demands that they be efficient and make money for the hospital or group they work for.

Then add in that it takes a strange mixture of ego and selflessness to want to be a physician, or any healthcare professional. Any doctor is, most likely, more than smart enough to have made 5x as much money in the Business sector. They chose to do something more meaningful.

You're right that on average lay people have an aversion to sickness, weakness, anything that suggests a member of the group is starting to flag and may make others sick.
This is instinctual and automatic, if the person born ill isn't to blame (per your reasoning, which I agree with) then I assert people can't be blamed for having been born with an instinctual aversion to those that are sick.
The reason your broken bone example doesn't make people uneasy is because the disease has a well understood (by the public) limited scope and duration. You're only temporarily a liability.

>low-value males
Here's an example of a person laboring under the "we should shun those who are not fit" instinctual mentality.
They're probably projecting too, since many people on 4chan have been ostracized and may have turned to eating as a way to try to relieve some of the pain of their depression.
They were probably bullied as a child for very slight differences and deviations from the expected.

>> No.16015960

100% this.

>> No.16015973

Why give it a retarded name if it's a real thing?

>> No.16015976

Who is that?

>> No.16015978

>They're probably projecting too, since many people on 4chan have been ostracized and may have turned to eating as a way to try to relieve some of the pain of their depression.
>They were probably bullied as a child for very slight differences and deviations from the expected.
Despite how I sounded, I actually have a lot of empathy for these.
I didn't really mean to ridicule the fact that they are obese or bodily unhealthy, I meant to just introduce that fact about them and then further specify that the item of my ridicule is that they have adopted a ridiculous mentality.

>> No.16016748
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>> No.16016761

Pfizer ruined my life.

>> No.16017483

carnivore cures cfs

>> No.16017485

If you mean physics girl, you got scammed kiddo. I hope you didn't donate

>> No.16017487

>we should shun those who are not fit
Yet here you are saying we should praise the unfit, meanwhile Darwin says they should die out.

>> No.16017792

Take a big huff of mercury vapor and then report back, how neurotoxic effects of non lethal dosages of neurotoxins feel like.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a demyelination disease.
Indusced by poison

>> No.16017849

how the fuck do you not know terry davis you stupid newfag

>> No.16018046

I thought I had it for years. Turns out I had strongyloides stercoralis (threadworm) infection. Live in the midwest and never went anywhere else. Don't know how I got it.

>> No.16018332

>There are many people with life-altering chronic disorders who have had to commit suicide in the dirtiest ways.
That's unfortunate, but once being put to death becomes an accepted medical treatment, you don't know where it will end. In time, it may become common for the state to declare a dissident incurably mentally ill, and the only cure is death, to which the state will consent on your behalf.
You have to think about how powers will be misused, not just how they are advertised.