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16007638 No.16007638 [Reply] [Original]

Although I understand it was wrong to enforce wearing them on a state level, there’s still an overall scientific consensus that surgical face masks do reduce transmission of respiratory diseases.
Why did this issue become so politicized that people began claiming it doesn’t help at all, or that it can even increase transmission or cause harm?

>> No.16007644

>there’s still an overall scientific consensus that surgical face masks do reduce transmission of respiratory diseases.
No there isn't, the consensus is that masks cause bacterial pneumonia.

>> No.16007646

Why yes if you are a tard and reuse the same mask over and over again, sure it’s gonna become a hotspot for bacteria growth.

>> No.16007749

I think part of the problem was the reason for wearing them wasn't made clear. A lot of people seemed to be complaining that the masks didn't stop them catching covid so they didn't want to wear one. But the reason for wearing them actually seemed to be to stop them spreading covid, not catching covid. So the masks were to stop stuff coming out of your mouth, not going in.

So the reason was not to help incase someone coughed in your face, but instead to stop you spreading the virus if you had it and didn't know and accidentally coughed in someone else's face. I think that's why some people would get really angry, not because they wanted you to wear a mask to protect yourself, but for you to wear one to protect them from you incase you coughed on them and you were sick and didn't know it.

Just that a lot of the news articles were about "Does a mask protect me from covid" but then the doctors would talk about you sneezing on someone else by mistake and stuff

>> No.16007753

...some articles tried to make it clear, like this one here, but I think it just got lost in all the noise of people saying "it doesn't protect me from the virus so I don't want to wear it"

>> No.16007756

It's word games. Surgical masks serve two purposes. They protect you from splatters of liquid like blood. And they prevent you from exhaling large droplets onto others. What they don't do is protect you from airborne viruses. Even the boxes of the masks said this. Yet government mandates made you wear masks even if you weren't sick.

>> No.16007761

>Yet government mandates made you wear masks even if you weren't sick
I think the point was that the virus was so contagious that a lot of people probably were sick for some time without know it. Usually by the time you know you've got it you've already had it for a while

>> No.16007762

>A majority of the population lives in poverty
>They're uneducated as well
>Force them to buy hundreds of masks
>Expect them to not reuse masks
>They all save money by reusing masks
This isn't hard to understand.

>> No.16007764

>“Seriously people — STOP BUYING MASKS!” the surgeon general, Jerome M. Adams, said in a tweet on Saturday morning. “They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if health care providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!”

>> No.16007793

>Why did this issue become so politicized

1) The democratic political strategy was to make chink flu an apocalypse-level catastrophe and then blame it all on Trump. Masks were an omnipresent visual reinforcement of the fear you were supposed to be feeling.
2) Imagine if Trump could say "Wear a MAGA hat or grandma will die" and people actually believed it.
3) The Mostly Peaceful Protesters needed a way to hide their identity without visually marking themselves as suspicious like a ski mask would.

> it can even increase transmission or cause harm?
Under the hypothetical assumption that it does work that would mean you're walking around with a damp rag crawling with chink flu and god-knows what other diseases strapped over your face at all times and sucking every breath you ever take through it. And that's not even touching on the many psychological ramifications both individual and societal.

>> No.16007796

not just pneumonia.
oxidative stress on the lungs, skin infection, reduced cognition from less oxygen and friction sores.

>> No.16008172

>They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus
that's what I was saying. They're for stopping you spreading the virus, not to stop you catching it

Here he is a few months later on wearing a mask on TV, in the studio
>you should wear a face covering
If you read the transcript it appears as though even he is confused as to what the masks are for. They were to stop you making other people sick, not to stop you from getting sick. Reason being that a lot of people were catching the virus and there's a period when you first catch it that you don't know you have it and you might be in public and cough or sneeze in a crowd by mistake and then 20 other people catch it from you. The incubation period of covid is like 5 days, like 5 days until you feel sick from when you first catch it. The media and gov is mostly at fault here for not making it clear

>> No.16008182

japanese and other asian people have been wearing masks constantly for 50+ years

>> No.16008235

Because it became a religious (Statism) fetish.

Of course it was going to become controversial.

>> No.16008300

Sorry I’m not a turdie like (You)

>> No.16008301

The japanese only wear them really during pollen season

>> No.16008304

so no-maskers are just migatards then? lel

>> No.16008306

nope. If a Japanese person feels sick, they wear it because grorious yamato must wage everyday no sick leave

>> No.16008339

check their hay fever season

>> No.16008353

it's now a sex fetish for control freaks and uglies

>> No.16008362

>Although I understand it was wrong to enforce wearing them on a state level
Why are chuds acting like this ever became true

>> No.16008425

American toxic individualism

>> No.16008457
File: 44 KB, 680x680, 1640884469126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>surgical face masks to fight covid and other airborne diseases.
that's so 2021.
go N95 or go home.

>> No.16008471


>> No.16008489

Jokes on you. That's social SCIENCE.>>16008471

>> No.16008503
File: 303 KB, 612x346, Screen-Shot-2021-04-22-at-7.37.07-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no

>> No.16008522

Surgeons wearing them daily for decades are practically dead men walking. Someone should tell them.

>> No.16008526

Funniest thing about masks is how the N95 and other 'hi tech' masks actually cause harm since they have plastic in them.

>N95 - a great way to inhale micro plastic all day long!

Meanwhile old school cloth masks contain zero plastic, are machine washable, and offer the same protection since 99.99% of illness vectors are actually attached to water molecules which all mask including cloth trap.

>> No.16008528

Your image proves OP right though. Covid isn't VX, you don't die by breathing in a nanogram. Redirecting the air flow as shown in your image would already reduce the transmission significantly.

>> No.16008536

>respiratory diseases.
Is every single respiratory disease exactly the same? No? Then hang your head in shame for implying something so stupid.

>> No.16008544


>> No.16008546

Absolutely fucking destroyed by your own image lmao

>> No.16008549

>Redirecting the air flow as shown in your image would already reduce the transmission significantly
Why? It reduces the amount of air you're blowing directly in front of you but it increases the amount of air you're blowing behind you. It's not like the virus particles get caught in the mask

>> No.16008564

I tend to speak people face to face. You're absolutely right, if you have an angle of 120° to the person you talk to, they still get a sizeable amount of air stream.

>> No.16008610

Or if you have an angle of 120° from someone you're not talking to and you're just breathing, as may occur in a crowded store, a subway, a classroom

>> No.16008628

>oxidative stress on the lungs
lol wut?

>> No.16008652
File: 146 KB, 1200x787, edit20200115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why did this issue become so politicized

Literally Trump. Even before covid he was a germaphobe.
At the very start there was fear there wasn't enough masks. They thought people would steal or horde them, and there'd be none for the doctors. Next day Trump creates a presidential cache of medical supplies (aka n95 masks) while simultaneously ordering his people to tell everyone through the TV that masks are useless. (they literally could not have known the effectiveness of masks this stage of the pandemic)

Later mask production ramped up and we had plenty of masks for everyone, but you can't untell a lie. Instead Trump does what he ALWAYS FUCKING DOES which is double down. He double downed on the lie by making it a political statement where if you're loyal to Trump you don't wear the mask. This mentality of "if you're with trump you don't wear the mask" seeped into everyone minds and combined with the real fears, stress, and anxiety of the pandemic everyone went lost their common sense and just went with it.

>> No.16008660

Won't someone PLEASE think of the friction sores!!!

Fucking idiot

>> No.16008661

>there’s still an overall scientific consensus
Science isn't about consensus. Science is about what you can prove via falsifiability.

>> No.16008709

And masks have been proven to work. We had a pandemic, everybody started wearing masks, and now the pandemic is basically over

>> No.16008748

shit man that tiger pendant I bought at the market worked too, I've not been attacked by even one tiger since I started wearing it, it's a little garish and really gets in the way a lot but for the peace of mind of not being attacked by a tiger I think it's worth the cost

>> No.16008754

If 99% of the world's scientists agreed that your tiger pendant works then you might have more of a point

>> No.16008755

Gullible fool.

>> No.16008830

that's literally what everyone does.

>> No.16008831

>fuck israel so vote for the guy funding israel's genocide

>> No.16008864
File: 65 KB, 1024x569, E-4EkdKWQAYePyY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you fucking retad, viruses pass through the masks just as easily no matter whether they're going in or coming out, and it's fucking embarrassing that this has to be explained to you.

>> No.16008866
File: 152 KB, 1480x833, GettyImages-1212194273_adobe_express-1480x833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of scientists have concluded that you're a faggot.

>> No.16008872
File: 100 KB, 1000x1000, eng_pl_MILITARY-GAS-MASK-OM-90-NATO-BLACK-50197_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, why do masks that are supposed to protect against NBC (B - biological or weaponized microbes) look like this, yet, somehow, a cotton splash mask was supposed to do the same?

It became politicized because it was a psychological bludgeon against the stupider amongst us.

>> No.16008875


The eyes remain exposed with a splash mask and therefore there is zero protection wearing a mask while keeping the eyeball entry vector open.

>> No.16008884

stop coping you got fucked up

>> No.16009513

If masks retain even 1% of the gas your lungs expel in a breath, then by wearing a mask you're doubling your CO2 intake which is enough to cause cognitive effects

>> No.16009515

Sorry you felt bludgeoned but that was never the point. The world doesn't revolve around you and your feelings.

>> No.16009986
File: 62 KB, 700x646, DatClownFrown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Live in Japan back in 1990. Japanese people wore them everywhere. Asked why. They are sick or others are sick and don't want to get sick. Made sense.

Fast forward to a deadly pandemic. Smooth brains told to wear a mask for their and other safety.


Millions dead. Mix of its fake bro to stupid people who mocked others for wearing a mask or getting a vaccine. ( Wish is was the majority, of course some of these sub humans survived so were left listening to the vax continues to kill people. No it does not. Never did, never will )

I wear a mask randomly. Mostly when I feel a cough coming on, or there's going to be to many people around me. ( I work with people with comprised immune systems )

Still haven't gotten sick, gotten others sick. Breath fine but blocking the spittle of coughs or others coughing / spitting like buffoons when they talk to me.

Seems like it works to me. I don't use them flimsy mask. That's where the problem is.

All well. Stupid people talk like roaches, act like America wasn't always great, before a traitor wannabe took office. Made stupid people clones and bootlickers. Somehow jesus. Somehow, gobment killing you, somehow jews, somehow its all lefties fault.

China won't win because of any of this. The majority of this world is full of imbeciles. I just do what I want and don't care if you die from some disease or not. Win-win.

>> No.16010034

long term sucking air through a filter apparently can cause damage to the lung because of the stress

>> No.16010039

The japanese do a lot of things like bottles of water to ward off cats, doesn't mean it actually works.

>> No.16010078

Japs also think sleeping in a room with a running fan will kill you

>> No.16010220

That's Koreans but still highlights the point that every country has their share of silly superstitions.

>> No.16010749

What special property of the mask allows the virus to only travel in one direction?

>> No.16010751

And you're saying that modern American superstition is "masks kill you"?

>> No.16012150

>water molecules which all mask including cloth trap.
Sure, in the same way a chain link fence traps the water molecules from a fire hose.

>> No.16012154

Why do leftists have to pretend their leftist governing isn't tyrannical as if there weren't mask mandates in all state/federal institutions and they didn't cancel school and sports across multiple nations?

>> No.16012157

>(they literally could not have known the effectiveness of masks this stage of the pandemic)
Its the same for all respiratory viruses of that scale, though and they have studies masks and respiratory diseases, including coronaviruses for decades and have long know that they just serve as a warding talisman which is why respiratory disease come out china instead of stopping at the country that is most draconian in enforcing masking.

>> No.16012158

If 99% of scientists agreed that masks help stop the spread of respiratory diseases, they wouldn't be putting disclaimers on mask boxes that they don't >>16008864.