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16007309 No.16007309 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone debunk this MILF? This bitch is predicting mayhem in as little as 20 years. I'm scared bros


>> No.16007329

Science cannot be falsified, that's what makes it Science.

>> No.16008604 [DELETED] 
File: 276 KB, 1200x800, climate9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16008609

pascals wager says I need to be really really really worried about getting kidnapped by Sabine and made her submissive sex slave. I think about this a lot

>> No.16008617

It's too late to change course now, who cares?

>> No.16008636

Why shouldn't we try to reduce our dependence on a finite energy source?

I'll vote against green policy if 1 trillion dollars are promised to fusion energy research. Having cheap, unsustainable energy is useful for investment, but we aren't investing it into anything important currently.

>> No.16008637

Buy a fucking ad, Sabine

>> No.16008684

I was ready to listen until she brought up her sponsor. "We're all going to die, today's video is brought to you by quizwithit.com"

>> No.16008716

That is complete bullshit, only morons believe in climate cultists.

>> No.16008719

because we're not really reducing dependence, they're impoverishing naive european nations by self-imposed limits everybody else in the world ignores, which they accept because they believe in some new age white guilt cult.
people aren't consuming less, the products are just shipped in from asia instead and they pat themselves on the back for fraudulent co2 accounting.

they're not willing to make necessary changes, they're not giving up on mass migration, on muh gpd, they're not adjusting boomer pensions, not giving up on free trade outside their economic zone, not willing to reject the idiotic concept of tourism and taxing kerosene.

it's a fucking shit show, they are using climate change as a ploy to grant themselves eternal emergency powers, but they're not politically achieving anything that goes beyond tech advancements by other people, and even hindering progress by doing things like shutting down their power plants.

>> No.16008727
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If that shit was real US and Europe would go full nuclear and billionaires would not buy properties in beaches. Is just a pretext for politicians to scare morons into paying even more taxes.

>> No.16008747

Here's my hot take. It hot because it just came out of my ass.

1) CC, if real, is just the icing on top of a cake of environmental woes that have been continuing for the past 150 years. If that results in in the collapse of the food chain ( you know, the sort of stuff you learn about in school at age 12 or so ) then having CC come along is just like tossing a grenade inside a plane just before it crashes into the ground. Really makes little difference in the end. It can be argued that we are have already experienced a mass extinction event, and if that results in a catastrophic decline in human population and quality of life then quite frankly we deserve it for living like bacteria rather than as an advanced species. Its not like people weren't warning everyone about it over 100 years ago.
2) Lets say the kraut bint is right ( along with all the other doomsayers ) what do you care? Even if you are ten years old the full effects will not be felt in your life time. Real life isn't like a fucking movie and natural global events outside shit like asteroids strikes happen at a snail's pace.
3) If its real and shit does hit the fan then there are three possible scenarios that could play out.
(a) QoL and population levels decline and then after a couple of centuries we pull back out of it, one would hope a bit wiser.
(b) We decline and do not pull out of it. Our descendants living perhaps at best at some sort of level comparable to the early 19th century, until the Sun burns out.
(c) Everything except some bugs goes extinct and then they get swallowed by the Sun burning out.
(d) Somehow all the nations around the world suddenly take action and devote a considerable amount of their GDP to reversing the trend, or accommodating the changes. In which case life will go on as normal but with lots of people living in Canada.

The worse aspect of this shit is the clear demonstration that we are living not in the information age, but rather in the disinformation age.

>> No.16008758

It was warmer in the 1300's. You could grow food in Vinland and wine grapes in Scotland. Then we had the Little Ice Age, and the colonies on Vinland cannibalized each other and you still can't have vineyards in Scotland.

Take a look at the Arctic ice samples. Take a look at the rings on a redwood tree. The climate is *always* changing, and always has. We are at the end of an interglacial warm period -- if anything, it's going to start getting gradually colder and drier again.

We have jack shit to do with any of this. If the idea of certain things being beyond your control terrifies you so much, go find a different planet to live on.

>> No.16008810

She's a fucking moron who is very bad about picking the most robust studies. her video on transgenderism proves that. if it's not strictly physics then why listen to her? that's her field of expertise. that said, climate change is a real thing and an existential threat

>> No.16008812

"They" have been predicting mayhem in 20 years for 100 years. They're all liars and idots. In other news, I clicked to see who the "MILF" was. Imagine my utter RAGE when I see this literal simian creature.

>> No.16008949

The real threat is increasing energy prices due to increasingly marginal oil and coal supplies being all that's left.

>> No.16009073

Oil is a renewable resource.

>> No.16009108

She's correct - if you've learned about ecology, you can see where this is going and at what pace. In the end though, I don't think it matters all that much - you can do nothing about it.

>> No.16009137

No, she's full of shit.

>> No.16009184

You may not like reality, but throwing a tantrum won't change it.

>> No.16009485

Half of China's energy comes from renewables and nuclear power. Your argument is invalid.