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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15992748 No.15992748 [Reply] [Original]

>Moon dust is carcinogenic
>Mars will never be habitable without a magnetic field
>Venus is Venus
>anything else is just too far away
Are we stuck here?

>> No.15992752

venus' upper clouds are inhabitable

>> No.15992755

Enjoy your stay on this tiny blue dot, it's the only place you'll ever know

>> No.15992767

We can dig tunnels into the earth where its still warm

>> No.15992795

Yes, anything else is basedgoy starwarsbrained fantasy.

>> No.15992797


>> No.15992805

Terraforming moons and planets likely will not happen unless a major technological discovery is found; however, temporary manned missions and simple construction are not outside the realm of possibility within the century.

>> No.15993230

You could build a base in the Permanently Shadowed Polar Regions of Mercury, but it would be a pain to get there.

>> No.15993237

just wear your particle filter moon mask

>> No.15993556

>Mars will never be habitable without a magnetic field
This is a meme. A magnetic field is borderline irrelevant. The only way in which it matters is for radiation, but having an Earth-like atmosphere would already reduce radiation at the surface so much that it would be in practice no more dangerous than Earth already is. Atmospheric stripping is a total non-issue. It would take many millions of years to get rid of a thicker atmosphere. Hell, the same thing even applies to the Moon.

>> No.15994045
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Indeed, dna appears crafted for this custom environment
Almost like an advanced ayys fell out of warp and used their tech to create a kachine that will farm earth to make it back to the main timeline

>> No.15994492

>>Moon dust is carcinogenic
Hold your breath when you go outside
>>Mars will never be habitable without a magnetic field
Just put some shielding on your roof
>>Venus is Venus
Put a large parasol at the lagrange point and wait for the atmosphere to condense and fall as snow
>>anything else is just too far away
No its not

>> No.15995908

Only AI has any real chance to colonize space.

>> No.15995916
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>> No.15995999
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Staw wifting

>> No.15996215

>formed ~8 billion years after the Big Bang in the middle of bumfuck nowhere
>provided favorable conditions for life to develop by a strange set of coincidences 4 billion years ago
>allowed multicellular life to emerge ~1.5 billion years ago
>will be devoid of complex life in the next 500-800 million years or so
We either got in extremely late or the gnosticism is right and this rock is some sort of a prison.

>> No.15996277

What's worse, lunar regolith or asbestos?

>> No.15996282

Our descendants(intelligenclt machines) will be able to leave but us fleshbags will all die here

>> No.15996422

>Indeed, the puddle appears crafted for this custom pothole

>> No.15997284

we're never escaping this planet anyway due to demographic reasons

>> No.15997467
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Space stations. This fixation on planets is low IQ. Like almost all sci-fi movies take place on exoplanets because it is cheaper than the CGI needed to render pic related. So planet colonization is ingrained in hollywood-watching retard consciousness.
There would at most be scientists temporarily living in research labs on planets just like how we have it in Antarctica

>> No.15998015

What about the 800+ degree F surface?

>> No.15998197

What about Titan?
Gravity: 0.138 g
Magnetic field: Non-existent, but covered by Saturn's.
Atmospheric pressure: 1.45 atm
Average temperature: -93.7 K
Atmosphere contents overwhelmingly Nitrogen with Methane and Hydrogen traces.
Planet composition is likely a mixture of water ice and unidentified minerals.

>> No.15998223

I don't know how much is that. May as well be 25°C for all I know

>> No.15998230

there are some serious issues with how space effects human physiology

>> No.15998728

I'm pretty sure every star is like a prison of some sorts to keep living organisms trapped in a universe of decay and disorder, this creation was just made from a dude who wanted to troll us for life.

>> No.15998818

I'd be concerned about space station life causing mass cabin fever.
Even on an Oneill cylinder, the sense of being trapped in a perfectly regulated tube in the void is bound to be bad for mental health.

>> No.15998946

>What about Titan?
Too many leviathan class predators in the methane seas

>> No.15999527

You could also build a powerful electromagnetic relay system in orbit as well, powered by nuclear reactors.

>> No.15999687

Why would you want to leave here? You evolved for millions of years to live here.

>> No.15999696

It's a Caucasian imperative to reach beyond one's capabilities and achieve the improbable.
It's okay, we don't expect you to understand

>> No.15999713

Nice gay CGI pic

>> No.15999716

>Venus is Penus*
fixed that for you.

>> No.16000315

I too watched Elysium

>> No.16000324

Why not build a space station on the surface of a planet? That way you have resources right there, and some gravity for free.

>> No.16000342

> Average temperature: -93.7 K
American education

>> No.16000343
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>What about Titan?

>> No.16000348

find me a more likely near-future version of this world

>> No.16000354

titan has the best landing soundtrack

>> No.16000386


>> No.16000388

> Even on an Oneill cylinder, the sense of being trapped in a perfectly regulated tube in the void is bound to be bad for mental health.
I think this is among the biggest barriers to space colonisation. And probably also why a Mars base will fail. I guess one could just make megastructures so large that this isn’t a problem - bishop rings and McKendree cylinders, stuff like that - but you’re not getting to the scale necessary for stuff like that without already colonising space for a few centuries

>> No.16000398

Mars, while shitty, isn't quite as horrifying as being trapped in a cylinder in the void. Sure, you can't go outside without a suit but at least there IS an outside and things to do there. You might drive a rover doing mining operations, or survey a canyon. The sun rises and sets, there's a blueish sky, and there's real gravity.

>> No.16000401

Huh? Oh.
Right, I initially listed the temperature in Celsius (-179C) before changing my mind and using Kelvin instead.
Forgot to remove the '-' it seems.
My bad.

>> No.16001647

>Are we stuck here?
Yes but not because there aren't any other worlds to settle. We're in the 21st century and there's still poverty and hunger, nation states still wage war over petty shit like 'my skydaddy is better than your skydaddy', 'muh rightful piece of desert' etc., the world is becoming multipolar once again, wide swaths of society are falling below the poverty line etc. There's like a thousand things that have more priority for people's daily lives than space colonization, so there will never be enough cooperation, let alone budget, to effectively colonize space.
I guess a Mars base with temporary resident scientists or something like in Antarctica is probably going to the the high point of human civilization.
And once we've reached that high-point, climate change will fuck us up and we'll regress back into the stone age, either slowly through decades/centuries of worsening conditions, or, more likely, all in an instant because one of the common resource wars around the globe turns nuclear.
So yes, we're fucked.

>> No.16001821

O'Neill Cylenders are completely possible, but will take a lot of work to build, but we could mine asteroid belts for material without causing any danger to earth or mars.


>> No.16001903

You're just a fag. Man up and start taming hell. If you don't like the surface fuck you

>"waaah waaah i'm a cùck and it's too hot"
that's why we have AIR CONDITIONING, you pussy. Ever been to TEXAS? I go into saunas all the time after my workout that must be at least ~600 F.

>"waaah waaah there too much pwessure"
MAN UP AND HANDLE IT. A good can of beer or two and you'll be over the "pressure"

>"waaah waaah it snows lead"
It snows lead all the time on earth too when I shoot my AR-15, and all that happens is liberals bitch and cry about it

When trump gets back in we're going to build an Amazon logistics hub on the surface and you can't stop it, low-T beta cùck

>> No.16001960

once the med beds come out, it will be over

>> No.16001979

Damn, you're super fucking gay, aren't you?

>> No.16002150


>> No.16002157

>Implying le creator even knows or cares that ''""""""life''''''''""""" exists in his 4D powdergame toy

>> No.16002448

Compare to the callisto chad

>> No.16002487
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>> No.16002741

One of the benefits to orbital habitats is that you can build them near to Earth. Testing the psychology of such things is easier if safety is a few hours away via a simple re-entry vehicle, rather than months away via a complex rocket, as it would be with Mars/Venus

>> No.16002796
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It's not as popular but colonizing the ocean floor of Earth is a far more profitable prospect. Most of Earth's resources are on tap in the ocean.

It's not popular but rotating space habitats in the Terra-Luna sphere is far more easy and profitable then terraforming some random ass hell planet.

It's not popular but interstellar colonization is a suicide mission, trillions of humans can colonize the Sol System and never run out of room or resources. NEVER. There is no reason to terraform planets or leave our solar system.

However as I like to lecture the FAGGOTS of /SFG/ you CAN NOT escape the GRAVITY WELL of Earth with CHEMICAL ROCKETS! The math doesn't lie and you CAN NOT LIFT enough raw mass off the surface of Earth to ever build a single permanent space colony in orbit. YOU NEED SPACE INFRASTRUCTURE OR YOU WILL NEVER LEAVE EARTH IN NUMBERS BEYOND A FEW DOZEN HUMANS LIVING LIKE POOR PEOPLE EATING CRACKERS FOREVER.

>In what has been called "the tyranny of the rocket equation", there is a limit to the amount of payload that the rocket can carry, as higher amounts of propellant increment the overall weight, and thus also increase the fuel consumption.

The beatings will continue until intelligence increases.

>> No.16003692

>The math doesn't lie and you CAN NOT LIFT enough raw mass off the surface of Earth to ever build a single permanent space colony in orbit.
You mine the moon dingus. And the asteroids
>colonizing the ocean floor of Earth
Oh no you're retarded
You can mine the ocean floor without living there, you realize.

>> No.16003970

So far, anything humans’ ever dreamed proved feasibly possible, they just lacked the tools.

I have no doubt, the only forces holding back the rising tide which are the humans, are the humans themselves.

>> No.16004035

>Mars will never be habitable without a magnetic field
So make one
You set up a circulating plasma loop in orbit around the equator.
The power requirements are not huge.

>> No.16004142

This entire posts just screams midwit redditor, so here's a (you)

>> No.16004414

Well, I have a degree.

>> No.16004929


>> No.16004935

Interesting post, get a bump too

>> No.16005020
File: 282 KB, 1500x1125, bigstock-nanobots-7414004_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first two are not insurmountable problems, just need to modify humans or equip them with the technology to make them more resistant to cancer and radiation.
An immune system "upgrade" that could repair the body faster than it's damaged by those things