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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15998563 No.15998563 [Reply] [Original]

what changed?

>> No.15998585

The science

>> No.15998586

An antivaxxer risked their life.

>> No.15998591

This. The science was settled, then it evolved and settled again.

>> No.15999054

The people who were gung-ho about medical care all ended up in graves

>> No.15999150

Narratives evolved, propaganda was dialed back, and online censorship suppressing inconvenient facts was beaten back somewhat.

>> No.15999204 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15999206

It's been years m8, you guys ever gonna come up with a new meme?

>> No.15999207

I get yearly flu vaccines. They do exactly why I expect a vaccine to do: give me mild sniffles, a little fatigued the next day, and then get immunity from being sick.

I got two doses of moderna. That second dose kicked my fucking ass. I was bed ridden for 2-3 days. Coughing up a lung. Sicker than any cold or flu ever made me. Then couple months later caught COVID anyway.

Then these motherfuckers have the fucking gall to tell me that if I got COVID without the shot I would have died or something.

I told all my friends I'm never getting an mRNA shot again, and now they all think I'm a psychotic antivaxxer EVEN WHEN I TELL THEM I STILL GET MY YEARLY FLU SHOT.

These people are fucking deranged

>> No.15999216

Are these suppressors of inconvient facts with us in the room right now, Anon?

>> No.15999223

Does this website count as a room?

>> No.15999240

>>I get yearly flu vaccines. They do exactly why I expect a vaccine to do: give me mild sniffles, a little fatigued the next day, and then get immunity from being sick.
lmfao loser

I get no flu vaccine and I don't get the flu either. no sniffles, no fatigue, perfectly healthy.

>> No.15999275

I teach at university with tens of thousands of students. Before I got the yearly flu shot (18-28) I got sick multiple times a year from grading my students papers. Started to get the shot (29-38) and I don't get sick anymore. I don't care how good your immune system is; if you're in a populated area where people constantly travel all over the world (for breaks) and come back a week later, you're going to get sick.

>> No.15999287

Your immune system is supposed to learn how to protect you from illnesses like the flu. You're probably malnourished, get yourself a bottle of multivitamins.

>> No.15999289

There was no fall in mortality from influenza in the age group who received most influenza vaccines

They don't work.

>> No.15999290

I'm not talking about mortality retard. I just don't like getting sick.

>> No.15999850

Wtf is Gung-Ho? Speak English ffs.

>> No.16000167

>t. illiterate

>> No.16000616

Me and my friends are still able to get up the stairs, do cardio, lift weights in the gym and do our jobs. We all are vaxxed at least 2 times.
Just accept that conspiracy theories are fantasies 99% of the time.

>> No.16000835

2 more years, unironically

>> No.16000850
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>Me and my friends haven't died of lung emphysema therefore smoking is safe

>conspiracy theories are fantasies 99% of the time
Are we talking CNN 'conspiracy theories' or Alex Jones 'conspiracy theories'? Because the historical accuracy of these two are very different.

>> No.16001045

You don't really understand how hemagglutinin or neuraminidase mutations contribute to virulence, do you?

>> No.16001053


>> No.16001210

That's normal plus booster that was mandatory. However, the government wants (you) to take a vax every year like the flu.
It still seems nobody knows the correct dosage, so people with high blood pressure die because the amount of liquid from the injection increases blood pressure to hypertension levels; that lightheadedness. That is why it's called the "clot shot".

>> No.16001217

The propaganda pushed around them wasn't strong enough to hide the actual medical evidence proving they aren't as "safe and effective" as Mr.Fauci claimed.

>> No.16001329

I that what you were saying 2 years ago? Were you saying 4 more years then? Doubt.

>> No.16001391
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Lots of people have figured out that the whole thing was heavily exaggerated, both the threat of the virus and the quality of the preventative. But they're not ready to admit that they took part in the hysteria that gripped much of the world, much less some of the less moral policies they supported. It's easiest to quietly stop getting the boosters and hope everyone will just forget about everything that happened. The pharma companies however want to keep the show going as it was insanely profitable to them and governments need to keep up the appearance that the threat was real to justify their power grabs, which they want to keep forever.

>> No.16001421

being able to open up your bottle of onions isn't typically considered cardio.

>> No.16001468

There's been 40% excess mortality in 18-49s for over two years now so it's not like nothing is happening.

>> No.16001494

Covid is over so normal people don't care about it anymore.
Having to take multiple boosters was really annoying too.

>> No.16001496
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covid vax was never tested for preventing the disease and recent studies show the more doses you get the more you are likely to catch covid and or die. also it gives you permanent heart damage called myocarditis.

please remember pfitzer has strict NO REFUND policy.

>> No.16001500

>just accept that the government does not lie, basically ever
exciting conclusion my fellow hilldawg

>> No.16001553

You really don't have a balanced diet, do you? I know you won't stop scarfing hot pockets so at least eat some damn vitamins.

>> No.16001579

yeah but it didn't happen to ME, personally, so therefore, your conspiracy theory is deboonked, chud

>> No.16001669

So...you don't know how. Gotcha.

>> No.16001735
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Why are you here? Don't waste time and get two covid boosters in each arm right now. Is good for you.

>> No.16001739

You didn't get enough covid boosters. Get two every week until you no longer have to worry about getting sick ever again.

>> No.16001799

You need to learn how to deal with your pathological fear of dying of the flu.

>> No.16003361
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>But they're not ready to admit that they took part in the hysteria that gripped much of the world, much less some of the less moral policies they supported

>> No.16003443

Why get it? What does it even do? They've admitted that the vaccine doesn't make you any less likely to catch or spread the sickness, so what's the point?

>> No.16003457
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Showing the world that you're a good virtuous consumption unit.

>> No.16003573

>men didn't used to get pregnant. what changed?

>> No.16003576

>men didn't used to get pregnant.
>what changed?

>> No.16003577

He's not malnourished he just has shit genetics.

>> No.16003667
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uh huh

>> No.16003976

Metabolism is also genetic, retard.

>> No.16003996

Lol. How many kcal dialy variance do you think metabolism ia

>> No.16004000

gung-ho is a funny word

>> No.16004003

>low fat
Comic is contradicting itself isn't it? He's eating healthy

>> No.16004007

Why aren't you all vaxxed at least five times by now? Don't you believe medical experts?

>> No.16004863

>Your immune system is supposed to learn how to protect you from illnesses like the flu.
more than that: we only ever recover from viral infections by gaining immunity to it in the course of illness. if natural immunity wasn't a thing as these yahoos claimed, then no one ever would have recovered from COVID.

>> No.16005209

>he thinks eating frozen milk and sugar is healthy if it was made with skim milk
Fatty logic.

>> No.16005300
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>> No.16005316

If you need a 150pg document to tell whether somethig is healthy or not you're probably being dumb

>> No.16005324

Covid turned out to be a sham, at least until long Covid which is incurable and debilitating millions. But, that's like... not killing lol?

>> No.16005330

put down the ice cream and eat some vitamins, then you won't have the damn flu knocking you on your ass every year

>> No.16005339

because all the antivaxxers told them nothing would happen to them and they were right

>> No.16006013

I always find it hillarious that some people get angry when they find out something as delicious as ice cream is also has health benefits. You'd have to be a total moron with a seriously messed up outlook on life to find such a fortuitous twist of fate to be irritating

>> No.16006426

>dairy is nutritious therefore binge eating ice cream won't make me a diabetic fatass
more fatty logic

>> No.16006434

Everyone who took it died or is actively dying?

>> No.16006462

The vaccines can induce long covid. The cause is excess spike in the blood, which is a result of either prolonged infection or failure of the immune systems to kill the MRNA rewritten cells producing it.

>> No.16006531

im not reading all that shit

>> No.16007431

>t. total moron with a seriously messed up outlook on life

>> No.16007432

Is that Doreen Ford?

>> No.16008405
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>I'm unable to comprehend scientific discourse

>> No.16008419

if you can't prove your point without posting an entire pdf file then you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.16008443

Still waiting to die because of hospital collapse from covid

>> No.16009679
File: 63 KB, 640x480, hospital cemetary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hospitals are where people go to die, if hospitals themselves die then fewer people will die.
medical error is the leading cause of death at least in america, but probably everywhere else too.

>> No.16009696

Really? Because people on /sci/ were saying I would die from a broken bone or an infected cut after the medical system collapsed due to covid.

>> No.16009699

No refunds, you fucking idiot. Why would you get two shots to begin with? Enjoy your continuous and worsening reinfection with covid because your immune system is fucked.

>> No.16009702

Do you think, possibly, being naturally infected with the flu repeatedly when you were younger created a robust and long-lasting natural immune response to influenza, and your annual flu shots are a needless placebo?

>> No.16009706

Why did you stop getting vaxxed? Your limited initial immunity wanes in a matter of months. Don't tell me you don't trust the science anymore...

>> No.16009711

But covid is still here...

>> No.16010677

it never existed to begin with

>> No.16010697

It is a long, slow process for dumb people to figure out there are people smarter than them in this world and it isnt the people who work for the government, but eventually they figure it out

>> No.16010928

That was nearly four years ago anon. My immune system is fine.
Not a chance since even in my late 20s I was getting sick from my students on a semesterly basis. It was never serious, but it was annoying. Since I started getting the flu shot in my 30s, I haven't gotten sick at all from my students. I don't think that can be explained by your reasoning.

>> No.16011314

You turned your body into a spike protein factory, you stupid idiot, for no fucking reason at all.

>> No.16011352

Rules 1 and 2, don't believe anything written here.

Stories here of people who got sick and didn't get sick from the vaxx are as verifiable as the time I met a fairy in my garden. Sadly anecdotal evidence is more convincing than official statements because the media and government lie constantly. Point is, come to your own conclusions and don't let any anonymous jackass tell you that you're wrong.

>> No.16011375

Mortality is not the sole metric of efficacy.

>> No.16011376

Basically people only got it because they were threatened and coerced into getting it... therefore it was nonconsensual and one of the biggest medical crimes in history
128 people were killed in the tuskegee experiment
230 million+ were threatened into vaxxing

>> No.16011806

I only got it once, and my job threatened to fire me if I didn't do it.

Fastfoward 2 yrs, they don't bother to even ask new employees if they are vaxxed any more.
Makes my blood boil

>> No.16011831

>Makes my blood boil
Not enough to do anything lmao

>> No.16011847
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>Not enough to do anything lmao

>> No.16011862 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16011986

I bullied others into getting the vaccine like I did. I did my part and they should too!

>> No.16011998

No refunds, dumbfuck. Why would you even get the first one?

>> No.16012001

Ok, boomer

>> No.16012009

I'm 27, unvaxxed, not dead, and my immune system is still in tact.

Kys faggot

>> No.16012069

You're also illiterate and deranged

>> No.16012092

I support depopulation efforts towards your entire lineage now. Get boosted retard.

>> No.16012093

I would give you a lead vaccine to the dome you fucking idiot. fuck you.

>> No.16012094

smart people said no. You are one of the other types I guess. Your fault fuckhead lmao

Vaxxed losers should lose their human rights. You are the next helots.

>> No.16012102

>not wanting to lose and being basically left with no choice but to get vaxxed means you should have your rights taken
sometimes I wish the virus was an actual threat and not a nothing burger

>> No.16012108

In Canada I had my rights taken. I still didn't cuck and get the vax like you did. You are a weak, pathetic human being. You had the chance to stand up for something totally relevant to your life and health, and you gave in.

Fuck you.

>> No.16012111

I'm illiterate? My spelling and grammar are spot on. I even read books.

By the way, did you get your booster? Oh? Why not?


>> No.16012336

>I had my rights taken away
>I still didn't get cucked
Canucks. Lmao.

>> No.16012602

>Since I started getting the flu shot in my 30s, I haven't gotten sick at all from my students
Outside your academic bubble it is well knowned that a lot of professions with people or eg sewage contact go to a phase of often illness at the beginning. After a few years they are usually immune.

>> No.16012786

Oh? You read BOOKS?
Then why was it so difficult for you to read a single post moron

>> No.16012990
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>> No.16013305

>This. The science was settled, then it evolved and settled again.
Never trust science.
Real thread here: >>16013289

>> No.16013306

>We all are vaxxed at least 2 times.
You are like a child.
>They sure gave me the real thing not the placebo!
>I bet it was the real thin!

Like a child. Shit loads of people died from the real vaxx the media did not report on it.

>> No.16013737

>No refunds, dumbfuck
Daily reminder that the medical mafia must be made accountable.

THE CEOs and investors of all these corporations must be dragged into the streets and killed by mobs.

>> No.16013760
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In most industrialized countries, 90%+ of adults got the injections. There will be no reckoning. No accountability. Almost everyone was complicit.
>But I only did it because...
Doesn't matter. Almost everyone is guilty, just some more than others. The guilty will just want to put it all behind them so they can try to forget what they participated in and hope there are no personal consequences for them.

>> No.16013761

>In most industrialized countries, 90%+ of adults got the injections.

>> No.16013774

Me neither but it's far more likely that we will be hated and persecuted than the 90% who did participate.

>> No.16013796

>the 90% who did participate.
LOL I doubt more then 50% participated.
And I think over 50% of that died so the vaxxed are not only 25% of the population.

>> No.16013839

Ten years isn't a "few years" home bro. Also academia is different than whatever blue collar job you're talking about. In academia your students go on vacation ALL AROUND THE FUCKING WORLD. It's physiologically impossible to have immunity to global variants of a virus that's seasonal. It's like you completely forgot the context of my original post so let me remind you. I spend nearly ten years in intro academia getting sick nearly every semester. Switched to getting flu shot in my 30s. Haven't been sick yet. You understand yet?

>> No.16015013 [DELETED] 

the vaccination rate was far, far below what was claimed by the press and the soience liars

>> No.16015112

We grew up vaxxies.
Consider doing the same.

>> No.16015328

Why were you even getting a flu shot to begin with? Do you suffer from some medical condition? Having a flu vaccine that targets the wrong strain can make it worse which is probably what happened to you with the covid "vaccine" which was based off an early UK alpha variant and never decided to update it until way past omicron.

>> No.16015330

>I teach at university with tens of thousands of students
You're unhealthly, how is it that these tens of thousands of students and likely faculty members as well aren't getting as sick as you?

>> No.16015337

Covid isn't doing enough anymore to outweigh fatigue, boredom, and laziness about getting vaccination.

>> No.16015600

I've never had an issue with the flu vaccine.
If you actually read my posts you'll see th severity was never that bad. I just don't like getting sick for a few days. I'd grab some DayQuil and go to work.

Why can't you antivaxxers read?

>> No.16016499

>the flu vaccine.

>> No.16016507

God I hate this arrested development globohomo diversity art style.

>> No.16017097

Some sort of AI horror is bound to replace it soon enough

>> No.16017199

Again has nothing to do with my reasons for getting the flu vaccine.

>> No.16017987
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Sadly you are probably right; even AI can turn out art for stuff like this that is at least not ugly, you know the editors of all sorts of publications will force ugly stuff anyways.

>> No.16018018

based. don't listen to the rest, it's glowies

>> No.16018589
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>> No.16019535

Is this place just pol-lite now? Am triple vaccinated with bivalent boosters and doing hard labor just fine lmao. When can we expect the mass doe offs

>> No.16020223

>i hate /sci/
so leave, why force yourself to look at a board that angers you?
>reeeeee /pol/ is out to get me, its a big conspiracy!!!
you're not the center of the universe, nobody cares about you. your irrational self centered persecution fantasies are cringe

>> No.16021121
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If you haven't had your 9th booster you're an antivaxxer. You need to get another shot every 90 days forever, if you don't they you're officially a mentally ill paranoid conspiracy theorist.
Also its not the vax causing deadly blood clots, something else is to blame

>> No.16021693
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>> No.16021701

He literally said why got it in the OP... You need to get a grip

>> No.16022117

It's funny how the people who cheered on the lockdowns and loved the jab are now acting as if they were always against the lockdowns now that people are pissed.

>> No.16022148

Emotional, complex work?
NO! We need more gay.

>> No.16022484

you are a journalist who pretends to be a doctor.
you may need to see a doctor!

>> No.16023118

Those people all also stopped getting their boosters every 90 days

>> No.16024103

that means they're anti-vaxxers