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15979858 No.15979858 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that race is the most important factor which determines which way you'll make money?
after all race seems to determine a skill set which determines jobs and professions which determines occupations, which determines education which determines workplaces.

>> No.15979964

Nah, it's nationality.

>> No.15980285

Latinos look so balanced

>> No.15980360
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>> No.15981655

"make money" is a loaded term. not everyone who receives a paycheck does so because they produce something of value or because they contribute to a worthy or profitable enterprise. many people get paid by being a burden on their organizations or on society in general, but they are not making money even though they are being paid.

>> No.15981666 [DELETED] 

White bros... We are the dead weight living off the hispanics.

>> No.15982374

>Notes: People whose ethnicity is identified as Hispanic or Latino may be of any race.

>> No.15982417

you can be classified as a hispanic nigger, a hispanic whitie (lmao), hispanic asian, hispanic injun, etc.

>> No.15982586

Every time I come across "Latino/Hispanic" in race categories, it feels like I want to gouge my eyes out. Chile, Argentina and Uruguay are mostly white. >89% of Uruguayans have strong European ancestry, ~92% are white more white people than the US. Every latin American country is different from each other. Peru bolivia Ecuador have a lot in common, and so between Argentina and uruguay. and our culture is closer to southern Europe countries. Only think we all have in common: the region and the language.
Stop calling it Latinos/Hispanic. We are not a race and I pretty much doubt we are an ethnicity either. If you want to reference the mixed races in Latin America then call it like that, or use another terminology, otherwise you are confusing the Asian Hispanic, the white Hispanic, etc.

>> No.15983021

you're a race called latinx

>> No.15983070

>stats from a single country not controlling for any other variables

>> No.15983166

Probably because 'Latino' is the term for 'we don't know but uhhhhh'

>> No.15983451

why would you control for variables, race is the variable

>> No.15983494

Hispanic means you're from a Spanish speaking place, Latino means you're from Latin America. When people say Hispanic what they often mean is actually Mestizo (Native American + White European ancestry).

>> No.15983517

You're right the category sucks but just having one big "white" category would be worthless too, there's too much variation there already

>> No.15984483

For employment purposes, I'm going to start putting myself as hispanic. It's purely a cultural thing after all. Me gusta taco bell y avocados, (whatever the spanish word for thus is), onions hispanic.

>> No.15985073

good idea

>> No.15985345

what if they see you're not latinx

>> No.15986714

what about chicanos

>> No.15986750

staying true to his roots

>> No.15986752

pinche gringo chinga tu madre

>> No.15986761

>Chile, Argentina and Uruguay are mostly white.
that would be based af if we could import whites labeled as hispanic to fill mandatory diversity spots in employment. the shitskins are worthless at just about every job there is, even something as simple driving a garbage truck is outside of their ability. plus they're all drunks and drug addicts

>> No.15987298

those whites won't migrate a second time because they need to cope with the fact that their home countries are 10x better than the country they went to for a better life about 200 years ago

>> No.15988088

>onions hispanic.
the racist word filters on 4chuds won't even let you speak mexican

>> No.15989788

>wherever I got I must also steal

>> No.15989799

>accused 7 times in a row
>but ZERO arrests/convictions

Sounds like harassment and/or racial profiling.
buried the lead with the headline

>> No.15990944
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>> No.15990976

Where could whites migrate? Genuinely curious, are they gonna have to go to Mars or international waters? Even that wouldn't be allowed in current year, it just seems absurd.

>> No.15991195

yeah mars is good, always reliant on the home planet for plants, seeds, food and water.
not to mention Earth's edge in science and military hardware
earth will always have more ships

>> No.15992423

yo soÿ

>> No.15993280 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 2809x1351, mexi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

europe is overrun with immigrants

>> No.15993301 [DELETED] 

Straw man spotted.
Most cuck behavior is attributing words to your perceived enemy to make you feel you proved a point.
You must be one frail, weak nigger.

>> No.15994796 [DELETED] 
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the n word is racist

>> No.15996041

They don't want white to go somewhere else, they want genocide. Its not like WW2 where Hitler was trying to help the zionists relocate to Palestine. ZOG wants to wipe out Whites completely

>> No.15996901
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It just means from South America, I think. So, they're mostly European with native admixture. The reason it's even like this is because South America is a racial hodgepodge. There are whites, browns, blacks, yellows, and everything else in between; that must be why it's so dysfunctional. Mon-racial societies are just better outside of Africa. The inherent behavioural and cognitive differences between races make things harder. I believe there was a sociologist who studied the effect diversity has on geographic areas, but I'm not certain, so can someone check?

>> No.15996907
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Iceland, the nons cannot survive there; it's too cold.

>> No.15997011

they can but they didn't get the visa and their boats didn't reach plus they're aiming at Sweden

>> No.15997013

Most service industry jobs are wankery. I respect blue collar working people a lot more desu.

>> No.15997695

sales and management are pointless do nothing jobs, while service, production and natural resources are real jobs

>> No.15998423

That's what the homeless stalker that's following me around looks like.

>> No.15998976
File: 218 KB, 568x575, france science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people have long since realized that

>> No.16000200 [DELETED] 

accuse them of racism

>> No.16001501 [DELETED] 

north Eritrea

>> No.16001518
