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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 18 KB, 176x265, J._B._S._Haldane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15992877 No.15992877 [Reply] [Original]

What is it about science that attracts either the most dysfunctional autists or absolute degenerates? Why is there such a small proportion of well adjusted people in it?

>> No.15992945

>sci in charge of knowing its scientists
You know what, fuck you all.

>> No.15993342 [DELETED] 
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Grandiose delusions of intellectual superiority are the last refuge for people who have failed at every other aspect of life.
Since intellect is intangible one can always lie and brag about it without risking the possibility of found to be lacking. Its unlike athletic ability, height, good looks, wealth or even sense of humor in that respect. Anyone can imagine themselves to be intelligent and anyone can pose as an intellectual so the result is that the dregs of society gravitate towards academia and science in particular.

>> No.15993805
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Exceptionally gifted people tend to be socially alienated, and that's a good thing. Being a functional member of midwit society means you are a midwit. If your IQ was sufficiently high you'd understand this.

>> No.15993806

It's probably because science doesn't require social skills. Your research speaks for itself. It's not like having a normal office job where you can bullshit your way through to a promotion by networking and kissing ass. Your scientific research either delivers results or it doesn't. Doesn't matter how autistic you are.

>> No.15993814

Everyone knows about the "autist" side of things. What I am wondering is about the degenerates. Look at Haldane, guy talented in biochemistry nurtured by his physiologist father, grows up to be a psycho that enjoys killing in world war I and a stupid communist hippy that moved to India in his later years. Most modern example of this is steve jobs. You can call it the con-man archetype of science.

>> No.15993816

steve jobs isnt a scientist

>> No.15994079

>science doesn't require social skills. Your research speaks for itself
>t. clueless teenager who has never be involved in science at a professional level
stop believing everything you see on tv

>> No.15994167

It has nothing to do with science specifically. Privileged life allows psycho behavior to be expressed freely.

>> No.15994581

How social does a scientist need to be compared to other professions?

>> No.15994585


>> No.15995152

This is correct.
t. studying physics

Maybe for mathematics it's different. But the less social you are the more discipline you need or you will fail to keep up.

>> No.15995155
File: 70 KB, 2012x864, pepes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we know for sure you are complete moron.

>> No.15995181

Why do seething midwits desperately look for excuses to shame intelligent people?

>> No.15995264

that's my case

>> No.15995510

you aren't intelligent

>> No.15995519


>> No.15995526

This is the right answer.

>> No.15995701

>What is it about science that attracts either the most dysfunctional autists or absolute degenerates?
look in the mirror