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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15992044 No.15992044 [Reply] [Original]

It gives me the epistemological ick.

>> No.15992706

What does epistemological mean?

>> No.15992738

One who values truth judges a statement by its correspondence and consistency with observations and other statements that follow from the same premise. Credit / trust is proportional to the amount statements that are verified to be correspondent and consistent. In simpler terms: fuck credentials, make good arguments and predictions instead.
>What does epistemological mean?
How can one know the answer to that questio?

>> No.15992799

Either you believe in government and the elite media propaganda or you use brain to find the answers.

>> No.15992887

What you have to understand is that the vast majority of people are almost completely incapable of forming rational opinions about anything. Almost everything they believe is done through adoption of perceived consensus among social groups they value. This extends to holding completely contradictory views that they don't know are contradictory because they weren't formed through internal logic and therefore were never critically compared. As such, their only reference for whether something is true is whether it's said by someone who is supposed to say true things (according to standards which, again, they adopted from perceived consensus). They cannot evaluate an argument according to its own logic, let alone identify potentially incorrect assumptions which underly it, and they cannot conceive that you can either.

Unfortunately there is no fix, because most people are genuinely too stupid to improve their ability or even inclination to actually evaluate arguments. They don't have the capacity for it.

>> No.15993363
File: 104 KB, 1100x825, dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

half of all people are below 100 IQ, but very few people go through life presuming that they are stupid, most people adopt coping mechanisms to explain away their deficiencies. instead of thinking
>I must be dumb because I never learned how to read and write
they'll presume
>I'm smart because I didn't waste my time learning how to read and write

>> No.15993365

Not OP, but epistemology is basically "study of meta-knowledge and related concerns". So "how we know things".

>> No.15993432

hubbyman is a schiester

>> No.15993454

>Unfortunately there is no fix
at least some implementation of classical education even just logic and rhetoric would help significantly but unsurprisingly those disciplines are now labeled as toxic and racist lol

>> No.15993462

Having credentials alone doesn't make you correct. Not using credentials means you probably don't understand the field well enough to comment. I see this all the time with relativity. Students take some special relativity and it doesn't make sense to them so they come up with alternate theories and fixes for what they don't like. Because they don't actually understand relativity it's just a bunch of nonsensical babbling. If you want to disprove something, go through to actually understand it in all its nuances, then you can begin to disprove it. Too often people just strawman it and show their own stupidity

>> No.15993465

>oh no, dumb people don't think they're stupid, they're not thinking
No shit, why do you think they're stupid? Are you in that below 100 group?

>> No.15994825 [DELETED] 

>I go to /sci/ to defend low IQs from criticism

>> No.15995837 [DELETED] 
File: 817 KB, 1102x743, low iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are dumb and your iq is very low

>> No.15996839

Intelligence is easy to presume because its intangible. Anyone can claim to be smart, its not like saying that you're tall. Height is tangible

>> No.15996880

incuriosity, laziness and/or inability. those can't or don't want to put in the effort to figure out something just go onto be gullible by believing who is propped up as an expert based on some perception (accurate or not) of consensus in said credentials. that said, incuriosity can also be conditioned by shaming those who do question enough.

>> No.15997133

I hate huberman

>> No.15998492

you've have been able to post proof of that if it were true, since you didn't post proof then its safe to assume that you're lying

>> No.15998519

it's just my opinion after watching some of his vids
like many redditors of youtube, he pretends his claims are based off evidence, but it's all completely speculative
you mad hubbytard? :)

>> No.15998584

There was once a time where if you said you knew or could do something, that was that and the trust was thus extended. People ruined this, so now we need silly pieces of paper for everything. I think it's perfectly justified to have a low opinion of humans because this system was wiped away. Worthless piece of shit scumfuck bastards.

>> No.15999049

I wonder if there are manlets who think that they're tall

>> No.16000438 [DELETED] 

ok, thanks for letting us know

>> No.16000501

what is the ontology of your retardation?

>> No.16001674 [DELETED] 
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>what is the ontology of your retardation?

>> No.16001688

this, we need to define the basic entities needed to make a post this bad

>> No.16001838

>make good arguments and predictions instead
Most fields are so complex that they require years of study just to even fully grasp the questions, let alone the arguments, methodology, etc.
Unless you expect everyone to have a graduate-level understanding of math, physics, medicine, chemistry, electrical/civil/mechanical engineering, and more, you need to have some degree of faith in the experts just to live a normal life. Credentials are the closest we can get to guaranteeing "this guy knows what he's talking about"

>> No.16003357


>> No.16004150


>> No.16004159

Because certain groups catastrophically fail at those disciplines.

>> No.16004258

It's an inevitable outcome of how the heirachies of power structures form and what happens to them as they persist.
In the beginning, people who are each good at what they do decide to work together and are collectively successful.
Either from the start or as the successful collective grows beyond ad hoc management, it gets a person whose primary competence is being able to coordinate and synthesize the efforts of the others.
In pairwaise comparisons, this person his holistically more competent than each other individual, but definitely less competent at the single things the subordinates are good at doing.
Eventually the founding personnel retire.
The person in a position of power is not sufficiently competent in any given skill to evaluate the competencies of their subordinates, and must rely on the evaluations of people who are competent in the relevant skill.
As the organization grows, skilled people personally choosing skilled successors becomes increasingly more reliant on by outside/independent evaluators.
Over time, the approval of outside evaluators usurps demonstrable skill in importance, due to those in positions of power becoming increasingly divorced from being competent to evaluate the skill.
At that point you've reached credentialism, though it's not so bad because the credentials are still a reliable proxy for the required skill competency.
But that relationship decays and at some point the credential guarantees nothing about a subordinate's competence in a skill, but management is too incompetent in evaluating the skill to know this and require the credentials due to organizational inertia.
Pretty soon it's just people buying meaningless titles.

>> No.16004386

On the contrary, it's the loss of social structure, hierarchy, and social complexity. In the past, you would work with people who knew you. Your superiors knew you. They knew in detail what you can do, what you can't do. Where you sleep, what you eat, who you are as a person. They would know your mother. So on. There was no need for credentials, as everybody involved knew who you were better than anybody else. You could refer to those people if you happened to move.
Now there is no hierarchy, and the interconnected network of individualized obligations, privileges, allegiances and so on was replaced by a flat structure of one type or another, with institutional edicts that by necessity must be one size fits all solutions.
Now nobody knows anybody, you have *this guy* who you don't know, and need to determine what he can do. Is he competent? Is he honest? He could be a fucking terrorist, and you would have no way of knowing.

>> No.16005726

this proves that racism is the correct way to view things, not that the disciplines are inherently wrong

>> No.16005930
File: 883 KB, 2316x1080, Screenshot_20240201_082918_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Almost everything they believe is done through adoption of perceived consensus among social groups they value

This is why movements like openscience, citizen science and decentralized science are so important, as it creates communities with those values, instead of academic being this constant exclusion system that their supposed to worship for some benign reason

Pic related provided 4 months of citizen science a year, they also erased propertt rights and made them resurvey it so they kept their math skills sharp if they wanted their farm labour to count towards themselves

>> No.16005937

It is a cunt's way to talk about something related to knowledge and/or science. Only redditors and 15 year olds do that.

>> No.16006219

Come on, obviously those aren't the only options. You can just go full retard and believe whatever you want.

>> No.16007289

black scyence man didn't have any credentials either, but nobody was questioning him when he was shilling the vax

>> No.16007510

I'm so sick about the vaccine shit.
I got the Pfizer vaccine three times because it was required to physically enter my university.
I knew about the higher risk for myocarditis in young men and mitigated it by avoiding physical exertion in the weeks after the injections and wouldn't have gotten it without immense pressure from all sides since the risk of COVID for me was low and there was no proof of it stopping transmission of the virus, hence all the public posturing about only allowing vaccinated people to enter various places just amounting to lying and coercion.
The conspiracy theories about 5G nano chips, population control through infertility, vax die offs etc I didn't believe, but the lies told by public health officials, heads of state, the lockdowns, and in my country even the introduction of mandatory vaccination was nothing short of criminal and psychotic to me.
I wish more people could understand and respect this stance.

>> No.16007527

I think i have heard the word used in the Bible.

>> No.16008487

>I got the Pfizer vaccine three times because it was required to physically enter my university.

>> No.16009749

polysyllabically your gay

>> No.16010681

purchased or otherwise ill gotten sinecures

>> No.16011764
