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15988358 No.15988358 [Reply] [Original]

If vaccines are so great how come doctors need to be bribed to recommend them to their patients?

>> No.15988615

This should put to rest the idea that doctors recommend vaccines out of concern for their patients' health.

>> No.15989835


jesus fuck, source?

>> No.15990304 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15990373

40,000 per vaccine? My mom's a paediatrician and she administers multiple per day. Do you think that paediatricians earn millions bribe every month?

>> No.15990395

Try reading more than just the highlighted part where it says it takes 100 fully vaccinated patients under the age of 2 to be eligible for the $40,000.

>> No.15990396

You also need to read closer since the Red Update: section tells exactly where the information came from and when/why it was removed from public view.

>> No.15990429

Technically nobody has received any benefits because of the little fully vaccinated category. There is no such thing as full vaccination or natural immunity. Both are meant to sound innocuous, but they are antivaxxer lies. Fully vaccinate is about taking as many shots as the science says. And immunity is about living in society guilt-free.

>> No.15990432

doctors are happy to let the idiots die.
good riddance.

>> No.15990542

They *usually* aren't paid to encourage vaccines in general they're paid to encourage a certain brand of vaccine

>> No.15990549

Same reason covid-19 was so deadly they had to bribe hospitals to diagnose people with it and put them on ventilators.

>> No.15990821

If capitalism is so great how come I need to be bribed to participate in it?

>> No.15991149

>If vaccines are so great how come doctors need to be bribed to recommend them to their patients?
>if smart phones are so good how come tv cable channels need to be bribed to advertise them to their audience?
maybe because multiple vaccine companies are competing to sell more vaccines?

>> No.15991154


>> No.15991881

>Wall Street billionaires bribing doctors to poison children in order to get a few percentage points richer

>> No.15991890

Makes total sense in the mind of a schizo

>> No.15991929

>They *usually* aren't paid to encourage vaccines in general they're paid to encourage a certain brand of vaccine

Does not matter.
The Medical oversight of the province in our country hands out "rewards" no matter what brand you vax.
All they care about is:
>How much Parents can the doctor pesuade to be 100% compliant with the vaccination schedule
>at least 60% of the children are up to schedule, they get an annual bonus
>at least 90 % of <2 year olds recive at least one primary series of vaccines they also get a bonus

The issue is not even vaccination in general.
It's how many vaccines are administered before doctors are actually able to make an "health assesment" before medical intervention.
If they would do the vaccinations when the child would be 2-4 years old instead of 8 wekks it would be way more sound and reasonable, then interfering with the health of an already healthy child by forcefully agitating the Immunesystem.
Because what ever happens within the first year, can easily be denied with plausible deniability claims such as:
>it's genetic
>it's a birth defect
>it's congenital/connatal

I would love to be more trustful of the pediatritians, but for my case, my child reacted pretty bad to a vaccine and had a thrombozytopenia. It's now well, but it was pretty horrifying to have a 4 month old crying and shitting blood and having to go to the hostpital. (pre covid)
And that happened exactly 2 days after it recieved 2 vaccines at once.
And the doctor went furious when I was asserting that there is a temproal correlation, and it was described as adverse event of the vaccine in the product information.

Since then I was not willing to continue & my child recieved the next vaccine with 4 years old, which was fine then.
Alone this event made me extremly sceptical of the "practice" of vaccination.

For example vaccinating pregnant women, because if an "event occurs" doctors have the plausible deniability "its a pregnancy effect"

>> No.15991991

Gov mandate gave anyone identified and hospitalized with COVID a $10k bonus. This isn't billionaires doing so, it's a WEF policy. These are trillion dollar asset management working with governments and top 500 companies to push their agenda. It's the same reason why companies now ask for your pronouns. It's an ideological coup.

The question is what is the overarching ideology that these ruling elites want from you. Eating bugs, depopulation, degrowth, eternal conflict, social collapse, open borders, Civilization collapse, forced vaccine, artificial virus and diseases, complete narrative control, brainwashing, etc. effectively returning the world back to how it was in fuedalism, with various lords ruling over cattles, where private property and freedom to pursue your own goals are removed. Aka the Pre-industrial age.

>> No.15992036

Americans are so retarded, remember that most of the world has socialized healthcare, meaning the government is the one paying for everything, not private corporations like in America. Your conspiracy worldview never works if you factor in socialized healthcare.

>> No.15992047

It's $400 per vax.

>> No.15992074

>meaning the government is the one paying for everything

Is the same retarded argumentation as:
>meat comes from the supermarked
>electricity comes from the power outlet

Where does the money come from?
From thin air?
Or 20-25% of "social taxes" every worker has to pay?

Who sets the definitions and guidelines for socialized healthcare?
>pharma industry
Make people sick.
Sell product, via regulated proxy of insurace and socialized healthcare.
Give insurance boni for only paying for certain treatments and prescriptions.
People get functional but never healthy.
Have reoccuring income.
If "too many people get sick" simply increase social taxes.
>pharma industry sits on boards of Medical oversight and Medical policy making
>make laws that people have to go through a certain "preventative" pipeline
>even the healthy ones
>give healthy people a compound that makes them sickly
>circle of dependents is now created

>> No.15992095

No, its $400 per 100 fully vaccinated children (what are we up to now 4 shots to be fully vaccinated) so $400 per 400 shots which is just $1/shot.

>> No.15992106

Why is the bottom link cropped

>> No.15992138

>Who sets the definitions and guidelines for socialized healthcare?
>>pharma industry
Not in countries with socialized healthcare which is why i said your conspiracy retard arguments don't work. Our healthcare industry doesn't work the same way yours do, even if that's what you want to believe.

>> No.15992139

There's no such thing as free lunch. "Gov paying" means people are taxed to cover that cost. And if you believe government printing money is free money, then I have news for you

>> No.15992179
File: 144 KB, 1140x1248, cytotec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not in countries with socialized healthcare
Literally in Europe it is that way.
>EMA and EU guidelines dictated by Private Public Partnerships of coorperations with governments and Pharmaceutical giants
>Germany, Belgium and France literally have Sanoufi Pastuer, Merck, Eli Lilly and Abbot Lobbyists in postions of power and supervisory boards of all types of therapeutics

Merck (established diabetic therapeutics supplier) is the biggest sponsor of the German Diabetis foundation.
Eli lilly (the supplier of Prozac(Fluctin)) is the biggest sponsor of Several foundations for Psychological Diseases.

Thes foundations have all seats and representatives in the Supervisory Boards that define and declare treatment policies and guidelines.
>tell them to use my Product

Pfizer for example had a "medicine" against Gestritis and other gastrological problems.
Which as side effects, would induce labour in pregnancy.
They lobbied at the Provincial level of Medical oversight in germany, to make hospitals use the drug "Cytotec" as labour inducing medicine (aka Off Label Usage).

This causes several problems, and now several Lawsuits are starting since 2020.
Literally Not allowed to be used by law.
But since "freedom of therapeutical usage" is provincionally ruled, the hosptitals and "Hospital holding groups" who make up the guidelines for usage of therapeutics, are lobby and Big pharma directed, created deals that literally made insurances pay for the off label treatment to induce labour.
There is a lot of fishy fuckery going on with this crap.

>> No.15992178

>for mRNA-1273
>777 participants
>1 in 35 had markers of heart damage.
Sex-specific differences in myocardial injury incidence after COVID-19 mRNA-1273 Booster Vaccination

>> No.15992987


Yeah I will not be vaccinating my child until the age of 3 and never with the American DTaP

>> No.15993004

Because they're great, but not for what you think.

>> No.15993370


>> No.15993765

Most docs get pissed when you mention fraud, or that benzos are bad.

I know some university clinics normalized giving people lorazepam and diazepam, as soon as they visit the hospital.
Its normal for everyone.

And it is a open secret for med students who do their doctorate or MSLs (Medical Science Liaison), to get people into signing papers for getting them into studies or trials.

Benzos make you more suggestable they work as a "suggestivum" and at the same time as a "amnestic".
People go in, give benzos, persuade them into signing the trial paper for "amazing new drug".
It is a open secret.
And it is horrifying.

And guess what PR measure normalizes to patients to hear from the doctors in hospitals:
> quick give him lorazepam
> quick diazepam

> goys anatomy
> Dr. House
> Scrubs

>> No.15994755

modern medicine is profane

>> No.15995118

Why do we vaccinate hour old babies for hepatitis?

In case they get a contaminated needle from one of the other vaccines they’re expected to be given? Are they already susceptible to sharing needles with heroin addicts? Do people not watch thier children and let them play with used needles and portable bathroom juice?

>> No.15995126

if this is legal, we should be jailing some political figures

>> No.15995141
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More overwhelming evidence that vaccines are not only useless trash, they are designed to turn babies from humans into imbecile leftists or neocon morons.

>> No.15995738

A huge issue is what is and isn't covered by insurance. Its basically a wishlist by big pharma of what they want to sell and for what price. Pretty often, that means that the actual useful therapy is not covered.
So even if you find a good doctor that knows what works, all he can do is tell you: You have two options here
>A: will surpress your symptoms while you take it and slowly make your liver shut down
>B: will actually help with the root cause, but isnt covered, so it'll cost you 2k eurobugs per month
Most doctors will just prescribe you A and then sell you another medication for your liver a few years down the road. But it's "free", since you never see the bill.

>> No.15995741

now that were on topic,
there is no way the middle of every galaxy is a black hole. im starting to not even believe in black holes.

>> No.15995768 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15995953

Because the less hospitalizations from preventable diseases the more money the insurance company saves. It's the same reason why they pay women to go to vagina screenings they would otherwise not go to.

>> No.15996850 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15997533
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It's about injecting a product in children.
Which may cause chronic inflamatory syndroms via:
>adjuvant tissue retention
>messing up the immune response by agitation

The requirement to medicate, healthy individuals, as prevention opens the door to turn healthy individuals in fragile morbid and chronically ill meat bags.

And since you start vaccinating at 2 months, while not even being able to asses the generL health, docs and big Pharma has all the plausible deniability on their side:
>oh its genetic
>its congential
>your child was defective since the beginning, but it only broke out now
>its normal that children get sick all the time, have odd allergies in unprecedented amounts since the 90s, etc.
>your child was defective, we didn't notice it first

All these plausible deniability.
>oh your child cries 2 days straight since the vaccine and has high fever
>that means its working
>its not that we agitate the immune system with literal neurotoxic substances that is used to induce epilepsy in Animal model
>noo its just fever, not a brain inflamation, that can lead to developmental impairment

The reasoning behind agitating the immune system at a state of infancy, when the child can neither:
>move limbs coordinated
>verbalise beyond crying
>reacts distinctivly to visual and auditorial stimuli

Is the perfect foundation to ofload every subsequent misfortunste developmental delay and disease to the "defective" genetics or any "mysterious" circumstance such as unnpticrd "birth" complications. Or "your breastmilk is shit" or "your infant may have slept on the wrong side"

>> No.15997541

They also removed informed consent from legislation a few days ago. Very cool.

>> No.15997638
File: 85 KB, 743x800, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If vaccines are so great how come Amish kids never get cancer, diabetes or autism while all three of those conditions are ever more common amongst vaccinated children?

>> No.15998595

oy vey stop noticing

>> No.15998600

Has the industrial revolution and its consequences been a disaster for the Amish?

>> No.15999074

Doctors are very greedy people, they'll do anything for money, including killing or harming their patients.

>> No.16000418 [DELETED] 

God favors them because of their pious lifestyle

>> No.16001607 [DELETED] 

alternatively, if god doesn't exist then their lifestyle is just naturally superior

>> No.16003261

The doctors are only concerned with your health, they don't care about money.

>> No.16003269 [DELETED] 

>information can't be found anymore
>just trust that it existed bro
do polniggers really?

>> No.16003281

yeah except it doesn't say where it got the information, it cuts off right before that. This makes me distrust OP. Also the update is dated from before covid was released, I see a few posters who missed that little factoid.

>> No.16003363

Oh anon. Yes we absolutely do have such policies in socialised medicine but it’s the government paying out. Your NHS GP is paid for prescribing statins, even if you have a minuscule risk profile. They’re paid for covid shots, they’re paid for flu shots.
They’re also paid for keeping patients AWAY from consultants : https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/nhs-gp-savings-sick-patients-operations-avoid-hospital-treatment-reward-cash-a8231591.html
Of you look up ‘quality and outcomes framework payments’ you will be able to find the full list. Each point is worth a couple of hundred quid I think.

>> No.16004160

the n word is racist

>> No.16004167

Debunked. This doesn't apply to all Blue Cross Blue Shield pediatricians across the country, and vaccination might not be the only category taken into account when determining eligibility for the bonus. Stop spreading misinformation

>> No.16005687

not a valid source of information

>> No.16007036
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x9651, tmEdsHefB3xS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come to 4chan to spam links to mainstream media websites and news articles, thats what I do for fun in my free time

>> No.16007648
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>Debunked. This doesn't apply to all Blue Cross Blue Shield pediatricians across the country, and vaccination might not be the only category taken into account when determining eligibility for the bonus. Stop spreading misinformation

So it's debunked, Because it is real, but not in every single case and doctors also get "incentive" aka bribe to push certain products on people?

I do not even understand how this remotely debunks anything.

"Debunking it" would be showing it's a lie.
But the incetive program exists.
Only not EVERY single doctor takes part of it.

They even literally link the incetive program:

And they write:
"the payments per provider for its HMO’s incentive program ranged between $400 to $9,600, according to the Michigan group — well under the $40,000 to $80,000 range claimed."

Which is true, because each single payment for each fully vaccinated child is 400$ + other Incentives

It's not that they pay a huge amount at once. Lol.

>> No.16007652

It’s in Argentinian Peso

>> No.16007655

It's been debunked already.

>> No.16007656

In my country, we are advised to not give children the flu vaccine. Only MMR, Polio and Tetanus.

>> No.16007662 [DELETED] 
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This is the most American intellect take I’ve seen in years
>make an argument about the government funding the healthcare(no mention of it being free)

>> No.16007678

"Vaccines" are big business, and the tax payer has to pay out for damages instead of the company, so why sell regular pills when you can get into injections?

It also has a much lower barrier to point of sale than regular prescription meds (which are often deadly and there are practically endless class action lawsuits over them, which they just factor into their business model and settle out of court to avoid having to improve their conduct). It's even better for them when you learn that these injections give a lot of kids chronic issues that keep them coming back, just as doing enough of certain cancer screening tests will give someone cancer. It's just business.

Doctors in the medical industrial complex don't care about your health, they haven't for decades. Any that do and remain are ignorant fools or they leave that industry and work privately, but they're forbidden from calling any of their medical work "medical work" thanks to corrupt regulators enforcing a medical monopoly, so a lot of them get disillusioned and just do something else entirely. And if one of them made a real breakthrough, it's not like everyone is willing to get shot in the chest twice before throwing themselves into a river in a "suicide".

Oh, yeah, the FDA shut down a bunch of cancer clinics that actually cured cancer too. That's another massive industry for those scam artists and mass murderers, slowly torture you to death with something they know fails over 95% of the time and taking a huge kickback for it while they squeeze you dry. Hospitals wouldn't be bigger than banks if they cured and prevented disease.

>> No.16007681

>it's paid for by taxes, therefore all the problems are gone
Your body is basically property of the state. Come to think of it, you guys worship the state, anything the state does, you think is best. Must be why you think tax funded scams are better than something you can opt out from.

The government typically doesn't print it when they could. The government could print debt-free US money and control the money supply for the benefit of the nation. Instead, they borrow at interest from a private central bank that manipulates the money supply for their own private profit. The US was sold into slavery into 1913. There's a reason nobody is taught banking history in government schools.

>> No.16007697

what exactly?

>> No.16007710


>> No.16009000

How many times has USA bombed your country?

>> No.16009490

2 times

>> No.16009500

that's just the cost of doing business, and business is booming

>> No.16009533

>average /sci/ literacy level

>> No.16009582

You can't tell me to go to /pol/ but remain quiet about the rest of the thread. The issues are inextricably linked. It all comes down to the profit motive. You cannot discuss it in isolation. If it is questionable here, in the pharmaceutical industry, it is questionable everywhere. If we cannot trust corporations to do what's right for the people in specific instances, that is only because of the general circumstances. To complain about specifics here but relegate the underlying principle to another board only muddies the discussion. It's all politics.

>> No.16009585

In fact, fostering superficial discussion of issues that are inherently political only to shut down any attempt to discuss the underlying causes for being too overtly political in nature seems like it might actively harm a proper understanding of the issues.

>> No.16009858

you clearly want to discuss politics rather than science so you shouldn't be on this board, you should be on /pol/

>> No.16009864

When did science become apolitical?

>> No.16010136

I am telling you, this entire thread is politics. What you want to do is narrowly define what is and isn't allowed to be discussed by making an abritrary cut-off for when something is considered "politics" and thus inappropriate, whilst you continue to bandy about your half-baked takes that necessarily avoid a nuanced, deeper understanding of the issue (because it would be too "political"). We can either properly discuss this or we shouldn't discuss it at all, but this is just disingenuous.

>> No.16011512

At least they are not as retarded as those who push that shit for free.

>> No.16011522

They are way more, the freetards have an excuse if they got money for they know is to bad to say it for free, the clueless ones are just naive

>> No.16011523

see >>16007036 picrel

>> No.16011536

You aren’t bribed, you are forced

>> No.16012197


>> No.16012221

The point is that the government aint gonna pay for any useless shit like what's in the OP. Not with these budgets. Useless shit is what you get when you let grifters run your healthcare system like in the US.