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15987367 No.15987367[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

has the jewish high iq myth been debunked once and for all?

>> No.15987374

>not controlling for other variables
so smart and scientific!

>> No.15987386
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Jews are annoying, subversive, Holocaust didn't happen etc., but no, of course they have a high IQ.
I understand skepticism to the East Asian IQ, given their relative lack of accomplishment comparable with Europeans, but Jews more than hold their own, per-capita they lap Europeans at a similar rate to what Europeans lapped the rest of the world.

>> No.15987392
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>chart by Cremieux Recueil

>> No.15987397

they are good at taking credit for accomplishments, and there some small "self-selected" pockets of jews in the US that are smart, but if you look at israel they are retards, and if you look at small self-selected pockets in the US you can even make indians, persians or philipinos look smarter than jews

>> No.15987412

Ashekanzi Jews is the interest here, as you already know.
Observations of Jewish preeminence hold outside of the US and before modernity, and needn't be limited to IQ. Murray already quantified this, and he had Jews overrepresented in the West in outstanding accomplishment by nearly 10x since the mid 1800s. That's not to say a fair amount of it is not subversive bunk in certain fields like the Frankfurt school, Marxism, psychoanalysis etc., but how do you explain Jews doing so well in mathematics and physics for example?

>> No.15987426

>how do you explain Jews doing so well in mathematics and physics for example?
stealing credit from whites, they are not doing very well anymore now that asians are taking over

>> No.15988099

>but Jews more than hold their own
no they don't, jews have never invented anything important or useful

>> No.15988114

what's so hard about just saying jews are high iq but use it for evil? intelligence and truth are different concepts, can excel at one and not the other

>> No.15988115

jews have a very scewed iq spectrum
they can't draw or build

>> No.15988120

white people can join whatever cult they want to, it doesn't make them high iq lol
its like saying mormons are high iq

>> No.15988128

they are high iq and gradually selecting for higher intelligence

>> No.15988314

>but Jews more than hold their own, per-capita they lap Europeans at a similar rate to what Europeans lapped the rest of the world
Wrong. Jews were late to the intellectual scene in Europe. The Jewish Enlightenment (Haskalah)didn't occur until the mid1800s. This was like 200 years after Newton and Leibniz invented calculus. Europe was already industrial. Besides, jews lack the visuospatial skills to truly innovate. Hence why you see so many Jewish lawyers but very rarely any mechanical engineers.
>but muh Nobel pwizes
Nepotism and largely overblown by the Jewish owned popsci media. I think I heard black science guy quote it at 50% once. In reality it's like 18% in the sciences, and that includes individuals with as little as 1/4 Jewish ancestry. Also Scots have more per capita if you want to break it down by ethnicity.

>> No.15988319
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>Highest achieving
>Phi beta kappa

>> No.15988331

>Jews doing so well in mathematics and physics for example
There will never be a Jewish Newton, Gauss, Euler or Cauchy. Jews can only be prolific within the systems built by Europeans (similar to East Asians). They rarely create the systems themselves.
>outstanding accomplishment by nearly 10x since the mid 1800s
Bullshit. Haskalah wasn't in full swing until the mid1800s. Gentile European learning was largely still being disseminated before then. I suppose you had Jacobi and Eisenstein then kek

>> No.15988417
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>> No.15988540

>what's so hard about just saying jews are high iq but use it for evil?
that's easy to say but its false, if you see the iq research in the link in OP that usually gets presented to justify it, its a joke

>> No.15989128

Anyone who looked into all the IQ research on this knows, even if we take these numbers at face value, that verbal IQ is the thing skewing average Jewish IQ higher than others.

>> No.15989760

Einstein and Grothendieck are comparable to those men.

>> No.15990358

>jews have never invented anything important or useful
How about funding most of the Civil War and slave trade?

>> No.15991584

Cremieux is a Jew right? I see him constantly posting jewish apologetics so I presume he must be. He also tends to only respond to weak criticisms of his work. Someone on Twitter made a post regarding relative population distributions and the expected Jewish representation for an assumed high IQ/vs real representation, and Cremieux didn't respond directly, but I saw a few days later he put out what was an obvious attempt to explain away the discrepancy, referring to a study arguing that Jew's supposedly superior character as well as IQ. Which of all things is the most ironic considering their broadly accepted national character is being quite intelligent but also incredibly fucking insufferable.

>> No.15991588
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Obviously, I don't dispute OP's data which I have no reason to think is wrong, but aren't like ~80-90% of grades at Harvard As?

>> No.15991590

...with my point being that grades at Harvard are fake and whatever metric they're using for "high achievement" is probably also fake.

>> No.15991593

It is true to say that kikes, despite muh high IQ, are experts at creating shitty verbose theory that are objectively and factually totally wrong, but are so demonic they end up impressing and convincing a lot of retards.

>> No.15991600

Anyone who sincerely believes the Ashkenazi IQ gap is a myth is as dumb as the dumbest hotep. It's obviously true. As is the gap between yellow and white and white and black. If we didn't have generations of propaganda telling us not to believe it, it'd be so obvious no one would even need to question it.

>> No.15991624 [DELETED] 

You shouldn't talk about this in this highly gay and low IQ environment. There's already a thread about that on /sci/

>> No.15991769

>th-their iq is higher because it just has to be!
Jewish IQ is perhaps the biggest meme there is. Notice that all of these studies discern between the various ethnicities of jew, and north vs south east asians, yet all gentile whites are lumped together. It's also quite interesting that intragroup variance is never reported in these studies.
And back to the East Asian comment. The supposed difference putting East Asians above Europeans is as small as 0-4 points. This guy wrote the book on racial IQ disparities and says it here
This means East Asians score roughly 1/4 of a standard deviation higher at most than all ethnicities of whites lumped together; Northern Italian with Southern, English with Irish, hell the US considers peoples from North Africa and the Middle East as white in census data. Further, Lynn, Murray and the gang typically only sample affluent areas of East Asia, like Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo, and Seoul, and often use PISA scores as proxy.
The fact remains 90%+ of all STEM related endeavors are the product of gentile European ingenuity. Bragging your people supposedly have a 4 point higher average IQ than the race that created the modern world is akin to gloating your penis is 1/4 inch larger than someone else's yet you are impotent under the sheets.

>> No.15991790

>Anyone who sincerely believes the Ashkenazi IQ gap is a myth is as dumb as the dumbest hotep
if it was true it would be easy to find 1 study that wasn't just 65 handpicked kids, or various "proxies" for intelligence that have other explanations

>> No.15991791

>and often use PISA scores as proxy.
except for Israel, because their PISA scores are shit, kek, they always do a handcrafted metric for them because otherwise the score doesn't come up as they expect

>> No.15991814

Very good point. When you isolate Whites by religious denomination it gives a very different picture. Some protestant subgroups exceed the supposed jewish IQ. I believe if you looked at WASP's, their scores would be very consistent with this. It's perhaps a moot point however, as they're no longer a meaningful demographic force in America.

>> No.15991854

Right? It's interesting that they all cluster so closely genetically so as to justify their ethnostate for themselves, but when it comes to IQ "oh we have to test the Ashkenazi individually." I expect no less from God's Allstars

>> No.15992232

Jews are pretty smart, the problem is they primarily use their intelligence to destroy. They just can't help it. Sometimes however, you get a genetic variant jew whose intelligence is intact, but urge to destroy is weakened, this is the source of Jew scientists.

>> No.15992234

have you seen the news for the last couple of months? they all sound like absolute shameless retards

>> No.15992251

oh yeah, i remember a chart like that, I think it had quakers and episcopaleans absolutely mogging the jews

>> No.15992265

i think it was also atheists and catholics mogging jews in that graph

>> No.15993076
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They aren't, jews are low IQ. Their strength is their racial preference for their own kind, not their intelligence. They introduced the idea of racism as a thought crime to the western world as a means of destroying white racial solidarity because they knew that was their only means of competing with whites. If they were confident in their supposedly high IQs then they wouldn't need to have done that, they'd have been able to outcompete other races based on the merit of their intellectual capabilities, but they don't have that because they're from the crossroads of Asia & Africa so they have a lot of Africa DNA.
That African DNA is also why jews have curly hair & fat lips to go along with their low IQ

>> No.15993221
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>> No.15993236

Shitty analogy. Without whites, blacks would live like cavemen. Without jews, whites would still have their glorious technology, mathematics, medicine, engineering, government, art, architecture, etc. Jews are parasites. All they excel at are word games, aggregation, and treachery.

>> No.15993241
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Jews are superior to whites in the same way whites are superior to other non-whites. Higher achieving, more intelligent, wealthier etc.
Oh, Jews managed to subvert and domesticate the white race? Sounds like they're superior to me.

>> No.15993283

>this mosquito killed you with malaria, must be smarter than you

>> No.15993310

Kek and I'm sure whatever rat assembled this counted individuals with like 1/8 ancestry as jewish. Jews are superior at subversion and having the most debilitating genetic disorders due to a millennia of inbreeding.
Here's a task for you, now calculate the numbers for Anglos, Germans, or Scots. We don't need you, you need us. You are parasites.

>> No.15993339
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Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.15993891

Extreme militant nepotism is the Jew's top skill. They took garden-variety nepotism and weaponized by pumping it full of steroids and pitbull DNA. This is how they've gained dominance.

>> No.15993920

I don't understand why retards are denying ashkenazi test scores?

>> No.15993980

because they don't exist (see PISA scores of israel) and they are lower than calvinists, catholics or atheists if you split wy pipo by religion, see the link in OP

>> No.15994024

>80 year time frame
>goes back to 1870
>states single number per inventory