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15984064 No.15984064 [Reply] [Original]

can someone who knows about pharmacology and genetics do a quick debunk of this obviously fake larp from 2019? i don't know anything about what he's talking about so can someone explain how this copy pasta is a bunch of lies like i'm 5 years old.

>> No.15984067
File: 2.65 MB, 1920x2804, 1705602307095132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a longer version of whatever this is

>> No.15984069

>date stamp clearly says 2020

>> No.15984081
File: 97 KB, 469x385, 0d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the cope has now shifted from "2 more weeks and all vaxxies drop dead" to "w-well, your kids will be fucked!"

>> No.15984100

Why would it need to be "debunked"? There's no actual evidence except for some hearsay and tenuous connections. He doesn't even say how the vaccine inhibits aromatase, as in what is the actual biological mechanism of the vaccine sterilizing you. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

>> No.15984120


>> No.15984168

The burden of proof is on the person claiming it. If true, then it could easily be proved by performing rtPCR on the vaccine and sequencing the product to show the mRNA for the other proteins.

>> No.15984172

>The burden of proof is on the person claiming it
and you followed that up by making an assertion without offering any proof. how low iq do you have to be to have such a total lack of self awareness?

>> No.15984189


Is something like this even possible

>> No.15984201

muh 2 weeks was always a meme and strawman except for a few schizos on facebook, the average knowledgeable person has said from the beginning that long term issues (residual damage from heart inflammation, for one example) could take years to truly manifest - ie, you collapse dead riding a bicycle 10 years later that you otherwise wouldn't have had you not incurred heart damage

>> No.15984219

>a-acksually it was only a couple people...
lmao. this is the cope you're now on? just rewriting history and pretending it wasn't the entire site telling vaxxies you were all going to die? truly incredible how much rightoids deny reality

>> No.15984223
File: 2.38 MB, 2000x2686, 1699296687415678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic. are all the posters in the pic also those "few schizos"? lmao

>> No.15984234

>my evidence? screencaps from /pol/
political shilling belongs on >>>/pol/
this is the science board

>> No.15984236

remind me again what happened to the super bowl party super spreader events and winter of illness and death? you vax shills had your muh two weeks too, only you had mainstream media support behind it

>> No.15984251

how come blm demonstrations weren't considered superspreader events by "the scientists", but trump rallies were?

>> No.15984272

I predict that approximately everybody alive today will be dead in 100 years.

>> No.15984279


>> No.15984283

would you have any level of curiosity at all if heart-related deaths increased above expectation for the next couple decades or would you just have some braindead colbert-level npc rejoinder for that too

>> No.15984299

It would be possible, but the LARPer in the screenshot didn't get any of it right. It would require modified retroviruses which infiltrate the cells and inject their DNA package into the genome. mRNA is just for immune signaling, it can't even enter the nucleus (no matter how much schizos want to claim otherwise).

Even then modified retroviruses are like taking a sledgehammer to the genome, as in you can't "target" the gonads. Once they get injected they're going to infect the first thing they possibly can and inject their payload, so if you wanted to make someone infertile you'd basically need to inject it near their balls/ovaries. Also it can be immediately cytotoxic/carcinogenic. Actual malignant cancer isn't some "stealthy killer" which just sleeps inside you for a decade until randomly one day it comes out and kills you in a week. If the vax caused cancer, then it'd be immediately obvious within a year.

>> No.15984326

just 2 more decades and the vaxxies will surely drop by then bro

>> No.15984339

Two more weeks two more years two more decades two more centuries.

>> No.15984346

just two more weeks and the hospitals will be overflowing with antivaxxer corpses bro, watch

>> No.15984366

i mean yeah they were. i was dating a PA that worked at one of the local hospitals in late 2021 and they had to borrow beds from the next county over because they were filled with obese unvaxxed boomers

>> No.15984653


>> No.15984916

Its larp.
Vaccines are mostly rotten monkey, chicken or hela cells fermented with a sprinkle of either:
>recombinant bacteria
>proteins and acids that are alleged toxoids or other crap that should trigger to
- 1. Trick some yeast or bacteria to produce proteine
- 2. Produce RNA/DNA
- 3. Replikate bacteria

Depending on which technique.
>filter particles larger than 15µm out with ceramic strainer or complex asbestos filters
>add formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde to immobilize/deactivate bacteria
>now either harness the proteins or take the whole crap produce
>add various types of liposomes
>heat and freeze in low pressure environment
>micelles form
>now claim that product is ready to go
>call micelles "nanoparticles"

Now the "active ingredient" is ready.
Make it safe for transportation, by adding some mercury, antimony and shit to it that will never be declared because, its only for transport and residue is essentially sub 1µg/100ml so it does not have to be declared.
It is essentially Mercury and Antimony free.

Then bring to final session to create vials:
>add adjuvants
>add excipients
>adjust PH several times with a sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid

>> No.15984970

so, what have you done to cure smallpox?

>> No.15984985
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Not giving them mercurials and antimonials, stopping blood letting, stopping smearing people full with mercury and arsenic cataplasm, not shaving the pox off and putting mercury and antimony ointments on the freshly cut open pox.

Smallpox was cured by not "purging" the people anymore.

You act like a 18 century disease or even before was "well defined" or even properly diagnosed.
When something back then was a hysteria, then literally every symptom became "small pox".
From fever, to bad dreams, to diarrhea, to vomitting, to skin rash, to fever even without the presence of "postules".

>smallpox epidemic
>declare everyone who has hairloss, skin irritations, flu like sympotms as "small pox"
>force them to take mercury and antimony as "purge before" the phenolized "vaccines"
>if the die during this process, declare them as "smallpox deaths"
>even with vaccine provided smallpox still occuring
>stop with vaccination and antimony and mercury "purging"
>le pandemic is over
>must have been tha vaccine


"Pox Britannica: Smallpox Inoculation in Britain"

Deborah Christian Brunton
University of Pennsylvania

they declare a disease and not diagnose it by really specific pathognomonic symptoms.
Pretend if you not have any symptom you still have it.
Trick or forced people to literally consoom poison.
When they died declare them "smallpox victims".

The shit is always the same, for leprosy, for pestilence, and syphillis.

>> No.15984986

you'll lose that bet lmao

>> No.15984988

>"Pox Britannica: Smallpox Inoculation in Britain"
you missed that Jenner was working in the 1790s anon, the key difference between inoculation and vaccination is that you're not in quarantine, with smallpox, while you gain immunity
>if the die during this process, declare them as "smallpox deaths"
they die from smallpox when they're inoculated with smallpox, that's a death due to smallpox naturally

your source is about inoculation anon, shit is still controversial to historians because it probably doesn't help to curb the spread of a deadly disease by spreading live virus instead of an attenuated strain

>> No.15984992

>stopped poisoning people with antimony and mercury
>suddenly nobody died
>must be "vaccination" instead of "innoculation", while both were "phenol + pox material" while jenners was "cow pox"
read the paper.

>increase severity of mild indistingushable disease from any other disease by administering poison
>stop givin poison
>people stopped dying

>> No.15985076
File: 563 KB, 1607x1415, 1704282445116294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read a 300 page+ dissertation shit that's not about vaccination
sure, I'll skim a bit
this is over the canonical history of inoculation, procedures that you'll KNOW well beforehand when you'll be inoculated. natural infection continues to be rampant throughout this history, and was why inoculation was adopted in the first place.

>suddenly nobody died
untrue, page 125 talks about how in 1768 (still decades before Jenner) they realized purges could be replaced with laxatives. the docs of that time weren't stupid, they can perform clinical studies.
the sutton method was seen as safer, no pre-purges beforehand, and debated up until vaccination whether to drop their metabolism afterwards. this same sort of tech is used in medically induced comas to ease suffering when you're fighting a severe illness.
mercurial ointments where still used throughout even in vaccine times. the rapid drop in natural infections was directly due to vaccinations being a lot less risky than inoculation.

there was no sudden shift in mercury usage as there was with vaccination, this book of a dissertation is talking about slow changes in policy based on how practice and the surrounding science was solidifying into something more concrete.
to spin it as "proof' that mercury poisoning was the true cause of a disease so bad mothers would starve their kids for the *chance* of being immune is retarded. By the 1780s, still a decade to go til vaxxes come along, they KNEW what worked and when to drop the metabolism to curb effects.

>> No.15985133
File: 333 KB, 1200x628, deaths-from-smallpox-in-london.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mercurial ointments
Cause skin erruption
>declare smallpox
>the rapid drop in natural infections was directly due to vaccinations
Steady trend with poisoning standard of care.
>highest peak 1896
>exactly when widespread adoption of vaccine was
Vaccine causing pox deaths
>when everyone got vaccinated
It stopped because vaccination stopped


>> No.15985153
File: 451 KB, 642x453, 1695322545868531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your post is even more schizophrenic than the last one
>exactly when widespread adoption of vaccine was
Dunning didn't even publish until 1800, read your fucking book
decrease in the use of murcurial laxatives before across inoculation past 1768 and pic related fly in the face of your other claims.

>> No.15985174

Look at the date on OP screenshot. It predates 99.99% of vaccine schizophrenia that occurred mostly in 2021 and 2022.

>> No.15985199
File: 663 KB, 808x755, mercury_skin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poison people
>innoculate them
>>exactly when widespread adoption of vaccine was
>Dunning didn't even publish until 1800

Jenner vaccine was directly used in the same year in london.
The spreading to everywhere was later.
Also the change of practice aswell.

>mercural laxatives
They used not only calomel as "laxative" but also as ointment. By the application of mercurial ointment to the inflamed parts.

Also not only did they use mercury but antimonial such as: antimonium tartarizatum.

Jenner did not conduct a study.
He simply inocculated children, then they got lost and no "scientific" or trustworthy follow up exists.
And because "Cow" or Cattle => vacca, he coined the "innoculation with cow pox" vaccination.

Not only was there no provable benefit, except the dropping of usage of neurotoxins which, when applied to a lesion enter the blood stream and give you brain inflamation of which people died, but the with the local usage of the "jenner" method of "innoculation" literally in the same year a massive spike happened in london.

They literally did the good ol trick of "renaming the disease" when "patient was inoculated". By calling the disease instead of smallpox => erysipelas or lesser pox
But then avoided the subsequent administration of mercury, antimony while also avoiding giving it orally.

They literally bathed people in mercury, until the vaccine was around.
>standard of care
>killed a lot of people by posioning
>vaccine came
>no standard of care allowed: "if people now get sick, its the immunisation, let it just be"
>suddenly people stopped dying.

It's always the same shit.
Mercury ointments literally cause postule skin erruptions. Same fortartar emetic (potassium antimony tartrate and all the shit they used and Jenner forced on people before 1800.
This shit is also highly neurotoxic, and causes fevers and brain inflamation.

>> No.15985218
File: 68 KB, 609x57, sure smells like london.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmh, methinks I've had enough of your autism for one night
as for your "lax" effort in not even reading the dunning source, where he cites fucking JENNER in using vinegar-soaked rags and, again, the decades of debates and study around mercury ingestion and laxatives decades before vaccination, I have nothing more to say. you're obviously not actually reading the sources you cite as evidence and I'm done showing you direct quotes that contradict your claims.
hell, you cant even separate the idea of dying from inoculation vs natural infection. neither of which are a good way to go, but even docs at the time could tell the difference.

>> No.15985219

and yet its not clear to me if that would be the case with the vaccine or the virus
both active compounds are those evil spike proteins that you get both ways, rendering the anti-vax narrative useless and you die riding a bike 10 years later anyway

>> No.15985220
File: 316 KB, 936x1256, poisoning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To extend further on this.
In 1936 they discovered that "tartar emetic" has uses as Pesticide homolog for paris green (arsenic).
And they Literally wrote:

"It is highly important, therefore, that the persons using tartar emetic
for spraying should avoid getting any of the material on the skin. The
first important consideration is to keep the operators out of the spray
material. The liberal use of vaseline over the body to protect the skin
hom the liquid and
a thorough bath at the end of each day's work will
assist in preventing most of the causes of irritation. When the spraying
campaign was started at Key 'Vest, severe cases of skin irritation resembling smallpox developed on two operators"

It literally causes a disease "resembling smallpox".

Oh how odd, that Dr. Jenner came up with this tartar emetic, in the first place in 1770... Which he did not only used as oral emetic, but also as ointment and intravenous injection.
Literally ANTIMONY.

This tartar emetic shit also happened again COINCIDENTALLY arround 1860-1890s (second smallpox peak).

"First try tartar emetic combined with a little morphia, about a
quarter of a grain of the former with twenty minims of the solution of the hydrochlorate of this latter as a draught. If this do not succeed in half an hour, repeat the dose; if this fail, try a few leeches, from two to four, applied to the temples; these, with the tartar emetic,
seldom fail to produce sleep. In the most furious cases, these remedies
had better be applied after the patient is secured by a strait Jacket"

They used smallpox as a plausible deniability to kill a bunch of people to take their shit.
And not only that they FORCED people to take this crap.

>> No.15985225

>can someone refute what seems to be lies to me?
one rule.
don't form an opinion about shit you have no idea about, you are no better than the casual /pol/tard

>> No.15985254
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Interesting how the most hardcore antivax schizoposting comes out of the woodworks and no-one discusses OP.
No, instead just psychotic ramblings, really makes you think.

>> No.15985258
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NTA but he isn't coming in with a hot take, he's equivocating and is skeptical of the claims made.
>that seems wrong but I don't know enough about immunology or gene therapies to dispute it

>> No.15985304
File: 106 KB, 1024x1018, 1703929642666741m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because few scientists want to be unemployed and ostracized.

>> No.15985308

>my only claim
>a nigger tier sitcom

>> No.15985310

Nice countersignal, /pol/tard. He's obviously being skeptical, and for good reason.
>post makes bold claims about experimental technology
>post was made on /pol/
>impossible to verify original poster's credentials

>> No.15985316

>don't know shit about this
>don't want to know shit about this
>ask /sci/ to deboonk the scary terminology he don't understand
this is worse than homework thread

>> No.15985323

>don't know shit about this
>don't want to know shit about this
>enter a thread to insult OP

>> No.15985328

you deserve this faggot

>> No.15985336

If he actually worked there he would realize midwits and people of lower intelligence than real scientists direct everything and operate on moral whims and actually believe they're helping people. Low IQ people like to believe societal hierarchy is based on brains and the top dogs are masterminds. The fact that he fears his safety and thinks it's part of a grand conspiracy is evidence of a LARP.

>> No.15985340

How are your IgG4 levels vaxxbros?

>> No.15985343

>no long term studies
yeah i'm good

>> No.15985565
File: 103 KB, 888x1024, 1693694724214083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people on other side make unhinged schizo statements: this is why these people must be stopped, they really believe this stuff, leftists are a threat to civilization
>people on my side make unhinged schizo statements: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I-IT'S THE GLOWIES I-IT'S A CAMPAIGN TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER US
really makes you think

>> No.15986313
