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File: 407 KB, 523x933, ny times 1989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15981684 No.15981684 [Reply] [Original]

How is it that in 1989 the historical temperature record showed no hint of any warming trend, but now if you look at the same temperature record it shows a clear warming trend?
Did the scientists just cynically change the historical temperature data so that it would fit the narrative they were trying to push?

>> No.15981691

inb4 that resident "nobody ever said the globe was warming" gaslighting shill

>> No.15981770

My guess would be that temperatures are not only being added to existing records as time goes by, but through research and on site investigation and data collection old temperatures are being adjusted when new information is found about those time periods

>> No.15981776

>Did the scientists just cynically change the historical temperature data so that it would fit the narrative they were trying to push?
yes. clearly they have decided to rule the world without your consent.

>> No.15981847

Climate research was purposely suppressed throughout the 80's by George HW Bush, known oil shill.

>> No.15981855


>> No.15981866

You seem to think 1989 was some dark age where collecting data from the previous ninety-four years was haphazard at best. Plus, where is any evidence of researchers going out in the intervening thirty-five years and finding hidden/suppressed/lost data? You made that up, right here in this thread. Don't pretend otherwise.

>> No.15981876

The 80's were a literal dark age for scientific research. Challenger explosion (due to NASA's budget being slashed and the President wanting to use it for photo ops), supercollider projects in the US cancelled to pay for defense spending increases, bans on green energy research, collapse of the Soviet Union. Humanity almost died thanks to the 80's, and may still die because of it.

>> No.15981885

to be clear, you're thinking the collapse of the ussr was a bad thing for humanity?

>> No.15981902

I'm not going to take your obvious bait about the 1980s, which you were not alive for, and only know about thanks to YouTube videos made by retards for retards, as I can tell from your shoddy overview of the decade. We're talking about data collection. Is there any evidence that data researchers in the thirty-five years since 1989 have gone back in weather archives hidden and unavailable to them at the time, leading them to come to wildly dissimilar conclusions as were reached in OP? You simply made this up, and are continuing to embarrass yourself.

>> No.15981923

I wouldn't assume cynicism. We touched on this in the other thread. If you want a new calibration standard for new proxy records, you need to match it to known temperature data. If you calibrate to a baseline of "x rejects the null hypothesis of zero correlation to y at the 5% level" over a period of increasing temperature data, then your proxy skews to that correlation.

>> No.15982029

Nobody has ever claimed there is a "warming trend". Climate change is about the damage that Human pollution has done to global climate.

>> No.15982034

>Nobody has ever claimed there is a "warming trend"

>> No.15982057

let's be honest, the planet could start unambiguously cooling down and they'd still shriek that it's man-made climate change and that the only solution is to cripple western civilization and grant unlimited power to a new one-world government

>> No.15982549

You know that people can go to different locations on earth to collect data, right? And surely you know that even if you have data you can collect more, right? When you collect data from some location it's not always identical, if it's different then you have to incorporate those results into the existing data. I shouldn't have to explain this

>> No.15982562


Don't you know history? People in the past were dumb and made stupid mistakes. In modern times we are much smarter and now we don't make mistakes, duh.

>> No.15982577
File: 771 KB, 1284x1574, IMG_4439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. NASA adjusted global temperature records in the late 1990s. It’s a known fact.

>> No.15982588

>bans on green energy research
This seems like an outright lie.
You mean because they took the shitty 70s solar panels that didn't work any more off of the white house and decided it wasn't worth the cost to install more?

>> No.15984208

The Challenger explosion was due to it being intentionally detonated in order to give NASA an excuse to keep HST in storage for 4 years at an expense of half a billion dollars.
HST's launch was the next scheduled mission after Challenger, but NASA wasn't prepared to operate HST because the ground control software they had promised to create was not yet ready, so Challenger was detonated to buy time and give NASA an excuse to waste half a billion dollars on storing HST for 4 years while they worked on the software that was supposed to have been ready in 1986. As soon as the software was ready the shuttle program was once again declared safe and HST was launched.

>> No.15984307


How many fucking threads do you need to make about the record falsification?

>> No.15984311

>US data is equivalent to the globe
lmao I knew you mutts were self-centred, but it's getting ridiculous.

>> No.15984375
File: 41 KB, 594x690, clucking chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup reddit

>> No.15985163
File: 136 KB, 640x512, 1680573327236224.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subsequent the 1989 NASA reduced the values of the older parts of the historical temperature record in order to make it fit the global warming narrative

>> No.15986863
File: 1.06 MB, 272x480, shut it down comando.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey goy stop talking about this topic

>> No.15987806

What happened at The NY Times to make them change their position on this issue?

>> No.15988258

Anything beyond the borders of the United States of America is secondary.

>> No.15989767
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x9651, tmEdsHefB3xS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who pays to insure that there is a global warming shill on this board 24/7?

>> No.15990434

People in the past were more honest than they are currently because they were Christians instead of atheists. Christians believe that dishonesty is an unconscionable sin while atheists see lying as a perfectly acceptable thing to do.

>> No.15990441

Not a scientific publication. Fuck off.

>> No.15990517

This is a Tony Heller repost: https://realclimate.science/2024/01/17/time-traveling-scientists/

>> No.15991301

You can spot retards by their love for big bold red letters

>> No.15992604

Thanks for pointing that out, Tony Heller is awesome.

>> No.15993284

this is the sad, unfortunate truth. without christian religious convictions the west will relegate itself to being no better than any other heathen culture

>> No.15993290

> I sure love child rapists

>> No.15993340


>> No.15993361

>appeal to experts
You do realize that regular journalists do have to source their articles, right?

>> No.15993362

IQ peaked in the mid 70s in the USA. People were smarter probably than now.

>> No.15994833

And its no coincidence that the white percentage of the population was near it's all time peak back then either

>> No.15994841

>now that we expect to find a warming trend, we're discovering all sorts of indirect, proximal, secondary indications that the recent past may have been a bit colder
>Dr Mann, go ahead and adjust the 1920-1950 record downwards by using non-instrumentals proxy data that just so happens to fit our expectations

>> No.15994854
File: 819 KB, 500x213, IMG_1795.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15995957 [DELETED] 

What did you expect? Michael Mann is a hebrew

>> No.15996407

>Climategate nonsense
Take your meds.

>> No.15996916
