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File: 59 KB, 850x400, quote-if-you-want-a-vision-of-the-future-imagine-a-boot-stamping-on-a-human-face-forever-george-orwell-22-12-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15969270 No.15969270 [Reply] [Original]

you wake up a guy who has been in cryostasis since the 1950s and he asks if we've created robots that do all menial labour for us effectively fulfilling the futurist prophecy of the utopia and you have to tell him no but we've automated the creation of art and literature

>> No.15969290

That is why we don't wake up people in cryo-sleep... that and Funko Pops.

>> No.15969534

Do you know nothing of gigafactories and the like?
Robots do a shitload of our menial labor.
Here is some industrial porn of them at work.

>> No.15969536

he states it's impossible for superior form of consciousness to like not do that. I call bullshit on that. Orwell brainlet confirmed
>but my deep philo....
don't care

>> No.15969540
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>we've automated the creation of art and literature

>> No.15969548

Yes, generative art and generative literature absolutely exists now, cope and seethe harder.

>> No.15969552

hm yes but they're shit, a nice bullshit generator but hardly "art"

>> No.15969570

Art is low IQ work anyways

>> No.15969605

Art has hardly been "art" since the renaissance especially since the cia got involved and just made the art market about money laundering.

>> No.15969637

ok, and?

>> No.15969644

We've automated the creation of art and literature.

>> No.15969645

I disagree, but what does that have to do with renaissance art being better?

>> No.15969663

It has to do with you using a no true scotsman fallacy and pretending like the art being generated is actually "art" when its often more aesthetic than 99% of modern art to 99% of people.

>> No.15969668
File: 432 KB, 1000x1323, olympics+on+moon+2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life in 1950s for the average person
>wake up drive to work at office/worksite
>drive home, eat, go to sleep

life in 2020s for the average person
>wake up drive to work at office/worksite
>drive home, eat, go to sleep

>> No.15969675

no it doesn't
but thanks for telling me what (you think) I'm thinking, lol

>> No.15969682

Its not about what you are thinking, I am not even convince you are capable of that, its about the specifically fallacious way you tried to differentiate art from "art" to make your point.

>> No.15969687

butthurt? :(

>> No.15969700

Don't be butthurt, just learn not to use basic easily identifiable logical fallacies like no true scotsman and if you do, don't explicitly telegraph your irrationality by putting the word you are attempting to redefine in quotes.

>> No.15969704

bro you've had a whole argument with yourself
at least you won lol

>> No.15969708

Anon be honest, is this your youtube channel?

>> No.15969724

I read it, parsed it's sentiment and stored it in RAM for easy access in a similar situation.

>> No.15969725

So then you aren't denying we've automated the creation of art and literature any more since these >>15969540 >>15969552 >>15969645 arguments got BTFO?

>> No.15969728

I didn't even make any arguments, I just said "art" and you had a meltdown

>> No.15969732

>I didn't even make any arguments, I just said "art" and you had a meltdown
No, you concluded that "art" is not true art to justify your argument that people have not automated the creation of art and literature and I pointed out the exact no true scotsman fallacy you were actively using to make your shitty illogical argument.

>> No.15969736

>muh no true scottsman
very impressive, but you're just assuming what I meant while applying some reddity sophistic terms, I think that's what we call a "le strawman"
in fact the OP states "art and literature", which clearly implies something beyond churning out bottom-of-the-barrel content ("art"), which I admit AI is OK at doing if you don't need anything specific

>> No.15969743

>you're just assuming what I meant
I am not assuming, I am judging the text you wrote where you admitted they generated art but tried to infer that it doesn't actually count because it is actually "art" rather than art.

>which clearly implies something beyond churning
No, why would you talk about strawmen and extra layers of assumption in a bad way, then do exactly that?

>which I admit
Great, I accept your concession that we've automated the creation of art and literature and we could easily generate text that the guy from the 1950s would have a hard time determining if it was written by Orwell or GPT.

>> No.15969749
File: 87 KB, 361x265, 1677725851173734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Great, I accept your concession
well, congrats on the win big guy

>> No.15969750

Thanks congrats on finally realizing you live in a world where we've automated the creation of art and literature.

>> No.15969753

somehow I still don't believe that.. weird

>> No.15969760

Don't worry, that is normal, sometimes retards like you need a few days of sleep before new information fully seeps into your thick skull and waterlogged brain.

>> No.15969763

I think you just really want the AI meme to be real, anon

>> No.15969767

>I think
Not really, that is why it is going to take several days for this new information to seep in.

>> No.15969769

but I've talked to much more convincing and less obnoxious AI tards and it still didn't sink in.. what makes you special?

>> No.15969779

You already conceded and accepted you were wrong, it just takes some time to take effect when dealing with tardheads like you.

>> No.15969780

I was being sarcastic teehee

>> No.15969781

Sarcasm doesn't exist, your "sarcasm" will recede in a few days when the new information takes effect.

>> No.15969851

AI could write a better book then that hack

>> No.15969871

>Robots do a shitload of our menial labor.
And only one person gets to sit on their arse as a result of it: the factory owner. Some utopia.

>> No.15971304

how would you know? you don't read books

>> No.15971632

OP didn't say anything about utopia, he just acted as if there isn't significant amount of automation for menial labor and the factory owner isn't the only one to benefit also all the people that get to buy his products much cheaper than they would have been without the automation, so they don't have to work as hard for what they want either.

>> No.15971665

>OP didn't say anything about utopia
He literally used the word utopia.
>the factory owner isn't the only one to benefit also all the people that get to buy his products much cheaper than they would have been without the automation, so they don't have to work as hard for what they want either.
Wouldn't that be nice? Yet somehow people still have to work three minimum-wage jobs to get by after having been made redundant by machines. Factory owners will only lower prices to drive the competition into the ground, once there's no competition, or they're price fixing together, they have no reason to eat into their own profits like that. Especially when it comes to necessities that people will have to buy anyway. Just think of ridiculously inflated medicine prices.

>> No.15971674

>Yet somehow people still have to work three minimum-wage jobs to get by after having been made redundant by machines.
They don't have to they do that because they want a much higher standard of living and choose to live in highly competitive largely populated areas where goods are more expensive thanks to the laws of supply and demand.

>they have no reason to eat into their own profits like that.
Economy of scale, they aren't eating into their own profits, they are reaching a larger customer base by having better prices.

>Just think of ridiculously inflated medicine prices.
That is because of regulations and laws that make it harder to produce medicine with more incentive to post fake inflated prices that aren't even actually paid by the insurance companies and government insurance providers at the end of the day and also lets the companies have too much control over their competition.

>> No.15971699

>They don't have to they do that because they want a much higher standard of living and choose to live in highly competitive largely populated areas where goods are more expensive thanks to the laws of supply and demand.
Yeah bro why don't you just move innawoods and become a hunter-gatherer
oh what's that every single piece of real estate is owned by someone huh fancy that oh well
>Economy of scale, they aren't eating into their own profits, they are reaching a larger customer base by having better prices.
That's right, they're not eating into their profits, that's the point. Why lower your price when your customer base necessarily remains the same?

>> No.15971705

>every single piece of real estate is owned by someone
No, in a lot of the midwest there is tons of municipally owned land that they just give away if you promise to pay taxes and connect to the grid.

>Why lower your price when your customer base necessarily remains the same?
It doesn't because of economy of scale.

>> No.15971710

>No, in a lot of the midwest there is tons of municipally owned land that they just give away if you promise to pay taxes and connect to the grid.
Great to know that entirely removing yourself from society and going to live off the grid as a subsistence farmer is a serious alternative here. Capitalism offers nothing but choices!
>It doesn't because of economy of scale.
Yes, some diabetics will just choose to die instead. Freedom!

Anyway, that is all beside the point, which is that, under capitalism, automation does not lead to the liberation of the working class, but only greater enslavement. Fewer jobs means more desperate people means lower wages, so any gains from automation are more than compensated by a corresponding decrease in real wages. And with the ultimate commodification of art by entirely divesting it of human creative expression, workers are turned into nothing more than just another machine among the others.

>> No.15971728

you forgot one step in each
>watch tv during small amount of free time
>browse internet during small amount if free time
at least that's a slight improvement

>> No.15972069

It’s hilarious how you refute yourself more and more with every post. Hope the boot tastes good at least.

>> No.15973219 [DELETED] 

nice projection, you are the boot licker

>> No.15975089 [DELETED] 

>he asks if anyone has been to the moon yet
>you tell him, "yeah, 60 years ago, but we forgot how to go to the moon since then, but we've had a negro president recently"
idiocracy feels

>> No.15975301

>created robots that do all menial labour for us
Um sweetie that's literally socialism. Imagine all the lost jobs..

>> No.15976656

Clearly you haven't used Instagram, Tiktok, or Youtube lately. AI-generated content is prolific across the normiesphere, yet it still goes viral. I'm convinced that people know but they don't seem to care.

>> No.15976689

I agree it can generate shit, but I've never seen anything made by AI that interested me. You can whine about "no true scottsman" like the other AI tard, but "art and literature" simply doesn't mean "bottom of the barrel dogshit on instagram" or whatever, to (me)

>> No.15976694
File: 3.95 MB, 960x742, 1682392707801862.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some significant differences between life today and life in 1950 but I suppose it's easier to step over that than it is to address it.

>> No.15977331
File: 60 KB, 700x462, piggly wiggly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

television is in color now
phones no longer have cords
people dress like slobs
and you can't smoke in restaurants or in planes
what else is new? microwave ovens?

>> No.15977342

>what else is new?
never had medical issues anon?

>> No.15978602

Antibiotics were invented in the 1920s, there hasn't been any progress in medicine since then.

>> No.15980086

>there hasn't been any progress in medicine since then.
medicine has actually take a lot of steps backwards since the 1920s with things like statin drugs that cause brain damage, vaccines that cause heart attacks, cancer and autism, forced circumcision which is just pointless harmful genital mutilation, thalidomide, etc.

>> No.15980780

That looks so much more civilized than the supermarkets do today

>> No.15982118

Correct, society has declined dramatically since the early 20th century

>> No.15982867

They weren't selling goyslop either, there were absolutely no products in that supermarket derived from the estrogenic East Asian legume we're not allowed to discuss by name, no HFCS either, only wholesome healthy foods and they were all far less expensive than they are today even accounting for inflation.

>> No.15983058

>They weren't selling goyslop either,
yeah, only asbestos and leaded gas for real men

>> No.15983472

Cryonics is an insurance scam, nobody from the 50s is going to be woke.

>> No.15983502

Art requires intent, it's unautomatable by definition.

>> No.15983503

A 1950s cryostatic patient would be more suprised by how many nonwhites there are lmao

The Orwellian shit might not bother him if he's a fundamentalist Statist, he might be riight at home.

>> No.15983508

Neat, the art police actually showed up and settled it.

>> No.15983528

On the other hand, literature (definition 1d) may be and is automated.

>> No.15983531

So you think that it is impossible for someone to put "wallart" into some generative AI and create enough to fill a business's walls with art?

>> No.15983538

That's decor, not art. Paintings can be automated.

>> No.15983544

Your own dictionary specifically includes definitions of art that don't require intention.
>decorative or illustrative elements in printed matter

>> No.15983559

I accept your argument and stand corrected. Art (definition 6) may be and is automated.

>> No.15983564

Thanks you and good day, you are a gentleman and a scholar, kind sir.

>> No.15983587

uhhh its unclear to me what you mean by "factory owner". are you referring to the plant manager? he certainly has a lot to do. or are you referring to the owner of the company? if it's a publicly traded company, that would be the shareholders, and i guess they DO sit on their asses, just like all shareholders for any company... or did you mean the CEO? are you suggesting that if the factory wasn't fully automated, that the CEO himself would be working in the factory making stuff?

>> No.15984866

asbestos isn't as carcinogenic as the jewish media makes it out to be, it was hyped as a carcinogen in the media because jewish lawyers were trying to use that hype as justification for suing wealthy landlords. annual mesothelioma cases haven't dropped since asbestos bans went into effect.
leaded gas prevents predetonation in piston engines with the only alternative being less fuel efficient engines, but you have to understand how piston engines work to know what that means and why it is, which you do not because you got your science expertise from watching cartoons on tv.

>> No.15984987

You don't get it. All (almost) menial labor has been automated for decades (even back in the 50s; the Victorian age was AFTER the industrial revolution). Now we are talking about replacing the tasks like that. White collar jobs. Artists. Staff.

>> No.15984991

Except people are still having to get jobs where they scrub toilets and fold towels because non-automated menial labor is still abundant and even the introduction of automation itself tends to contribute more menial labor in the form of monitoring, maintaining, and cleaning the machines.

>> No.15985000

>asbestos is good
well I am for doing away with petrol cars so I kinda don't even care. you can snort lead as much as you want tho

>> No.15985013

>people are still having to get jobs where they scrub toilets and fold towels because non-automated menial labor is still abundant
Those are the hard jobs to automate though. We don't have a robot that can clean your room, as objectively, that is hard.
But really, people have it quite delayed.
The original Luddites were more than two hundred years ago. The early 20th century mechanized all predictable tasks. Industrial robots were new in the 70s. Now the goal is to make humanoid robots and AI.

>> No.15985021

>We don't have a robot that can clean your room, as objectively, that is hard.
have you seen the tesla robot? latest video where it folds a shirt? yeah, it can't yet clean your room, but seeing that video it won't be long until it will be able, and then you'd have to wait for it to get cheaper, but most likely you will just be able to rent its services whenever needed, don't think you'll get one just for cleaning your room.

>> No.15985031

EX robots seem far more impressive, as they appear more like clumsy people, rather than robots.

Also don't forget how much menial tasks disappeared. Even middle class families used to have maids and other until the 40s or so. There used to be "laundry days", as it used to be a huge ordeal. Appliances made them unnecessary.

>> No.15985032


>> No.15985033

>The early 20th century mechanized all predictable tasks.
How is toilet scrubbing and towel folding not a predictable task?

>> No.15985035

>Also don't forget how much menial tasks disappeared. Even middle class families used to have maids and other until the 40s or so. There used to be "laundry days", as it used to be a huge ordeal. Appliances made them unnecessary.
yeah I still know some families who do have a cook coming over like twice a week or something. that too will go away eventually.

>> No.15985039

holy shit

>> No.15985067 [DELETED] 

People only seem take into account the difficulty of the abstract part of the task, which is next to nothing in this case, they take abstraction itself, the preprocessing, for granted. There are too many unknowns that can't be determined by a simple sensor.

>> No.15985070

People only seem to take into account the difficulty of the abstract part of the task, which is next to nothing in this case, they take abstraction itself, the preprocessing, for granted. There are too many unknowns that can't be determined by a simple sensor.

>> No.15985084

Try cooking yourself, if you haven't cooked before. You will be mentally exhausted afterwards.

>> No.15985297

Pan frying and to a lesser degree barbecuing are the only forms of cooking that are all that exhausting, baking, boiling, brining, roasting, stewing, smoking, and most other methods are fairly simple and stress free with a decent kitchen setup.

>> No.15985298

bro grow your shit and pick it from ground and murder that chicken with your bare hands. ah too much? so where do we draw the line?

>> No.15985299

That isn't cooking.
Picking crops and slaughtering chickens has already largely been automated and has been for the better part of a century.

>> No.15985300

Drawing lines has also been mostly automated, when they do it on highways, they literally just drive down the road and let the vehicle do it for them.

>> No.15985303

>has already largely been automated
yeah, why tho? why has it been automated? to cut on the times. else we'd still be hunter gatherers. why stop at automating murdering our food and not automate everything up to serving it? and maybe cook once in a while for the whole experience.

>> No.15985312

>yeah, why tho? why has it been automated?

>to cut on the times
In part, but primarily the purpose is to make agriculture a more profitable industry.

>why stop at automating murdering our food
We didn't, the packaging and shipping is also largely automated.

>automate everything up to serving it?
You would simply have to get an air fryer to automate the cooking and invest in a series of conveyor belts to get it from the fridge to the air fryer to the table, but most people don't want a kitchen and dining room filled with conveyor belts and the aesthetics outweigh their laziness.

>> No.15985329

>most people don't want a kitchen and dining room filled with conveyor belts
speak for yourself, that would be neat-o
>"honey can you get me some dumplings from the freezer"
>"yeah hold on let me just take them out of the freezer and put them on the conveyor belt"

>> No.15985338

We aren't most people, I wasn't speaking for myself in the first place, I was describing normies.

>> No.15986851

you can't murder an animal, murder specifically refers to the killing of a human. you're so ignorant and low iq that you can't even speak your native tongue correctly

>> No.15986860

>you can't even speak your native tongue correctly
I'm ESL you imbecile

>> No.15987957
File: 109 KB, 800x533, eurofag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15987962

kek the "average" person is a drug-addicted precariat brownoid

>> No.15988075

>we've automated the creation of art and literature
no, we haven't
the crap that shitty code turns out is not art or literature, it's crap

>> No.15988093

It was resolved here >>15983528 and here >>15983559 that AI is able to emit definitions 1d of literature and 6 of art, as enumerated by Merriam-Webster.

>> No.15989781

Sports Illustrated fired their entire staff, the whole magazine and all of it's internet content are now going to be entirely produced by AI

>> No.15990947
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>> No.15991887

Sports would be the most likely, the vast majority is so formulaic that AI shoulddo it woth no problem.

>> No.15992349

Tl;Dr can't believe this crap is still up here

>> No.15993207

LA Times is replacing most of their staff with AI too

>> No.15993378
File: 21 KB, 325x306, e79ade37d6c9b6dc02192f1b8956e785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replacing the news written by people with news created by politically correct software that is censored to globohomo standards is something straight out of dystopian sci-fi. Thats probably where they got the idea for it.

>> No.15993917

Yeah because automation kills jobs. You're just figuring this out now? All the people who used to hand-assemble stuff in a factory had to go out and find other jobs, because otherwise they'd be unemployed. Automation creates new jobs, but they're typically white-collar/high-faculty "figure out how to make this machine do X" whereas the jobs that get outmoded are typically blue-collar/low-faculty.

>> No.15993921

>forced circumcision
Euroid's Law

>> No.15995515 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15995518

So close

>> No.15995978 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 1325x651, jewish trade in dismembered body parts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>orced circumcision which is just pointless harmful genital mutilation
its not pointless, it has a lot of value to the people who enforce it. it allows them to hide themselves amongst the Christians more easily and they make a lot of money selling the Christian babies' foreskins

>> No.15996981

>straight out of dystopian sci-fi. Thats probably where they got the idea for it.
thats where they get all their ideas

>> No.15997470

George Orwell never said that.
O'Brian (an evil fictional character in Orwell's 1984) said that.
This is literally the same as putting George Lucas's face next to swastikas with a Palpatine quote "Yes, let the hate flow through you!"

>> No.15998594

brownoids aren't people

>> No.15999603

No, it's just a great guy who has amazing vids. I'd subscribe if I were you

>> No.15999677

He wouldn’t care, he would laugh and say that you all act like niggers now

>> No.16000712 [DELETED] 


>> No.16001910

>Replacing the news written by politically correct people with news created by software that is programmed to imitate politically correct people…