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15962637 No.15962637 [Reply] [Original]

If other species exist in the galaxy then where is the swarm?

>> No.15962645

Ah yes, the host race that sends robots out to replicate which will see a return on investment in only 150,000 years.

>> No.15962648

people have done more for less

>> No.15962651 [DELETED] 

>muh alllienzzzzztthhhh!11
>muh von jewman muffugguh!!

>> No.15962653

Name them.

>> No.15962655
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>yes we will spend 100 years and millions of manhours to build this grave for 1 guy

>> No.15962668

what swarm? if you tried to conquer the universe with robots they would all get scraped by random celestial objects

>> No.15962672

you vastly overestimate the probability of collision.

>> No.15962726

DNA is the probe.

>> No.15962756

that's assuming ~100th of the speed of light or something.

>> No.15962811

>ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>> No.15962815
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The sphinx was ancient when they built those.

>> No.15962823

why did they enjoy piling up large rocks so much?

>> No.15962841

>150,000 years.
Maybe their sense of time is different?

>DNA is the probe.
The "probes" were made by the universe itself. On the time scale that is the entire lifespan of the universe, 10 million years goes by in a blink.

>> No.15962848

Sense of time doesn't have to be different, you just have to be able to plan ahead.
You could have a swarm of machines fill an entire galaxy and then run a gigaMMO simulation that the original host species resides in.

>> No.15962860

post the probabilities then

>> No.15962949

I don't have enough blind faith to believe those fairy tales.
Not him, but here's some mathematics for my post.


>> No.15963073
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>> No.15965446


>> No.15965459

Civilizations have only brief period, during which they don't have transmitters powerful enough, before they realize that it is better not to give themselves away, because you never know who is listening.

>> No.15965468

from how far away could aliens pick our most powerful radio comms? there has to be a limit

>> No.15965477

Because if other species exist they have the same or worse technology that we got, stop this stupid shit of super intellestelar aliens. If there are other civilizations we are so far away from each other that well never gonna see them

>> No.15965480

FTL is the great filter

>> No.15965489

They don't.

We're the first in this light cone. Sorry that ruins your rick and star trek adventure fanfic but that's the harsh reality.

>> No.15965516

Spores are everywhere.

>> No.15965567

That's the thing, if they do interstellar travel is probably impractical

>> No.15965602


We are alone in this galactic cluster.

>> No.15965605


This is a stupid argument. It wouldn't be particularly hard for an alien species to scan every single planet in the galaxy for signs of complex life. If you want to hide, homeplanets are the absolutely worse place to do it.

>> No.15965798

This should have already happened billions of years ago. All it takes is for one solar system out of billions to achieve technology.

>> No.15965799
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nah the pyramids and sphinx were built at the same time in ~10000 BC because that way they all line up perfectly

>> No.15965801

exactly so where are the robots

>> No.15965825
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>built with current technology

>> No.15965920

Simulation Theory is unironically an answer to the Fermi Paradox. One of many artifacts of the simulation. There are no aliens because it's a superfluous variable and a strain on the system.

>> No.15965924

>Simulation Theory
Shut the fuck up code monkey

>> No.15965944

The pyramids werent graves/tombs, no mummys have ever been found in them. Why is it always the most ignorant that speak out?

>> No.15965955

oh god shut the fuck up with your retarded pyramids

>> No.15966043

>the purpose of doing this would be to uuuhhhhhhhh.....

>> No.15967289

Humans are developing AI/machine intelligence only 6,000 years after the birth of civilization. It's pretty much impossible that we are the first civilization in the galaxy so the ayys must have done the same thing billions of years ago and their immortal intelligent robotic probes are already here monitoring us.

>> No.15967292

>and their immortal intelligent robotic probes are already here monitoring us.
if real and we still alive that's good news.

>> No.15967298

They don't in our light cone.


>> No.15967378


>> No.15968165
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Because they're likely to be whether much more or much less developed. And those who have developed much earlier than us know what we tend to be doing with other forms of lives. So I guess we have to evolve some more before they want to have anything to do with us. Or they just wait until we get rid of jews, so they do not consider us infested.

>> No.15968167 [DELETED] 

So um. So many people deny the existence of aliens, but I actually do believe in them. But I believe they would quite literally be outside our realm of comprehension. Quite literally residing in different dimensions. And I believe they would be good.

>> No.15969147

We've only had technology for about 10000 years max. Any ayys have had technology for billions of years by now. Why is there no sign of them? Why haven't they rearranged all the stars in the galaxy into cool patterns at least? Shit like that will be a piece of cake for us a billion years from now so why has nobody done it yet?

>> No.15969879

because they're not retarded faggots with a ridiculous urge to show off making enemies of some even more intelligent species who liked those stars just where they were

>> No.15971495

Back to >>>/lit/ newfag.

>> No.15971624

>making enemies of some even more intelligent species
There are no enemies. The first technological civilization in the galaxy has millions of years head start on everyone else and assimilated or destroyed them. The common scifi trope of aliens being only slightly more advanced than us is just a fantasy. There is one technological civilization per galaxy that rules the entire galaxy. So where is ours?

>> No.15971671

>where is the swarm?
We haven't built them yet?

>> No.15971673

simulation theory becomes closer to religion every day. now not only was the universe created but we are also at the centre of it and there are no other sentient beings because the creator loves so much

>> No.15971675

Another potential answer to the Fermi Paradox would be that all sufficiently advanced civilisations die of explosive diarrhea. Which is no less scientifically sound than what you propose.

>> No.15971904
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Maybe a civilization in one or more of these galaxies has developed swarms, and explored their own region, but since they're millions of lighty ears away they will never, ever reach us.

>> No.15971932

>DNA is the probe.
>constructor swarm

I agree that life on earth itself is probably the alien probe. One simple rugged universal single cellular organism can be seeded and left to evolve to the conditions of the host planet for billions of years before the harvest or contact from the source

>> No.15971951

We're the first species in the galaxy to reach this level of civilization. It's entirely possible that ours is the only planet with complex, multicellular life - Life was single celled for over a billion years on our planet, and may have remained that way forever if not for the chance event that led to multicellular organisms. There is nothing to suggest that complex multicellular life is inevitable.

>> No.15971957

>It's pretty much impossible that we are the first civilization in the galaxy
Says who?
Complex life as we know it requires lots of heavy elements that are produced in dying stars. The universe had to get to a certain age before life could develop.

>> No.15971986

The swarm is already here, but we are too dum and blind to see it.

>> No.15972084

no, your comparison is not even similar.
I am not even that anon, but you reek of plebbit you subhuman faggot.
Don't worry time is ticking for your kind and there is a good chance I will personally slit your and your niggerlover mother's throat troon.

>> No.15972108
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Not transmitting radiowaves is definitely not the only way we are going to conceal our complex life. In a thousand of years the earth will stop flashing and bleeping, because why bother if the universe within is more safe, more easily accessible, and to be honest, more awesome too.

>> No.15972112

We are probably an isolated existence
For reasons

>> No.15972567

I don't see how any answer to these questions affects our choices today. I suppose an empty universe makes it more important to establish a permanent industrial foothold in space before we go extinct, at least for anyone that values life over lifeless rocks and gas, but that's rational even if life is abundant.

>> No.15972662

> Drake Equation

>> No.15972664

Not likely based on the dinosaurs rise and fall. The Drake Equation makes more sense.

>> No.15972673

is that you, joe?

>> No.15972934

Our civilization has only had technology for about 300 years counting from the development of the steam engine and we already have spaceflight, computers, robotics and AI. What does a civilization that's had technology for a million years or a billion years look like? Resolve that and you will have the answer to your question.

>> No.15972949

> invisible

>> No.15972961

>duuuuudde!!! muh alienzzztthhh!!! just like in the moooooovies!!!1

>> No.15973295

Midwit nonsense

>> No.15973737

The great filter: as a civilization's level of intelligence increases, they eventually get to a point of wisdom where they ask "why?" and question they're motives for things like infinitely expanding throughout the galaxy, growing their economy without bound, reproducing, etc

>> No.15973791

Dinosaurs are incredibly recent compared to the age of the universe. The point still stands - the early universe lacked the heavy elements necessary for complex intelligent life as we know it. We might be the first.
It's as good an explanation for the Fermi Paradox as any other, and makes fewer assumptions than many of the alternatives.

>> No.15975815

>universal constructor
>current technology

>> No.15975850

I think it means current technology for space travel speeds, the point is that FtL or even near-lightspeed travel wouldn't be required to (relatively) quickly saturate the galaxy.

>> No.15976005

It's a key part of what OP is talking about. There's no reason to believe "universal constructors" with the capabilities implied by the OP are possible whatsoever. The only "universal constructors" we know of (life) require very specific living conditions to not only survive but proliferate.
>where is the swarm
can be trivially answered with "there's no reason to believe what you're proposing is possible in the first place".
Not science or math.

>> No.15976584

I recently heard about the Ultraterrestrial theory and I kind of like it as an explanation for the Fermi paradox. The theory goes that there are "aliens" on Earth, and they have been here for a long ass time, but they exist on higher or in another dimension (although they can interact with ours), this all goes well with Donald Hoffman's idea that what we see isn't the real reality

>> No.15977316

stealth technology would be obvious to include in a probe design
there could be an enforced prime directive from civs higher on the Kardeshev scale
UAPs are probably Von Neumann probes

we're all on the alien version of the Discovery Channel
>and here we see the dominant life-from on planet 3a orbiting star 83798789362, perusing an ancient digital media using a physical tool, in their language they call it a "laptop", now observe as the "human" strokes the sixth, shorter appendage attached to the lower half of his main body

>> No.15977334

they can exist as humans if there's only one "kind" of consciousness, that they also have. they'd just need to encode it in human form. so they may also take human form as opposed to "other planes", if they have the tech, or can manipulate matter somehow (to that degree).

>> No.15977356
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Well, sure. What I should have expanded on is that I think it's more likely they could exist all around us and we just can't comprehend them with our pitiful brains and consciousness and contribute their existence to natural phenomena (or supernatural).
The reason we don't see any life in the galaxy is because we can't understand it even if it's there and the chances of a civilization rising up with our level/type of consciousness/brain is extremely low. There could be some sort of fundamental law of the universe/dimension we can't even begin to comprehend, there could even be several of them, and 99.9999% of the civilizations in the galaxy spring up existing in/understanding them and they have a hard time interacting with us

>> No.15977362

it seems to me that people who get close to it go crazy because they draw the wrong conclusions, inevitably

>> No.15977396

Well I don't know if they are wrong conclusions but what I don't really see discussed in UFO and SETI circles is the mental/consciouness development of advanced civilizations, it's all about technological prowess. Would human brains/consciousness really be the same as it is now a millions of years in the future? I feel like that's a question we should be asking

>> No.15977402

>Would human brains/consciousness really be the same as it is now a millions of years in the future?
well as far as we know it seems to be a bunch of neural networks with different functions which make up "consciousness", so not sure this can exist "in other planes of existence" but they can here. to what extent/structure that remains to be seen. I suppose the whole neuromorphic domain + AI/AGI stuff will make it clearer and clearer in time. I limit "aliens" to material structures made up of neural networks, as far as consciousness goes. my personal opinion is that life eventually evolves into the same thing past a certain point, universally speaking.

>> No.15977617

Classic post by simulation algorithims to deflect from the truth, never fails. Also 110% incorrect. Many artifacts such as the speed limit of light, Plank limit, and most of quantum physics point towards a type of simulation.
No basis in logic as basic medicine would be mastered far before space flight or any other technology we now possess. Humans mastered diarrhea before mastering other basic technology. Logical as you can't build a spacecraft if you are shitting yourself to death. Literal Reddit tier nonsense as >>15972084 points out.

Panspermia is not incompatible with Simulation Theory. The simulation need not be a digital one on computer chips. This is a classic logical fallacy when people try to debate against Simulation Theory. Even the Aliens movie franchise explores this claiming The Engineers seeded Earth and many other planets with their DNA to start the cycle from single cells that they knew would eventually become sentient beings.

In reality the ONLY COUNTER POINT to Simulation Theory that is even possible to argue is that it's "non falsifiable" which I disagree with but can respect the stance, you want proof. Understandable. In my brief studies, more to come, I have found many "artifacts of the simulation" that are circumstantial sure....but it looks like a trail of breadcrumbs to me and many "smart scientists" simply hand wave it all away and fall into dogma and memorized shill scripts. When pushed against the wall they fall apart and starting kvetching about God and other such things and admit they can't disprove Simulation Theory.

As I stated in my original comment, Simulation Theory is an answer, among many, to the Fermi Paradox. When we combine this with other "artifacts of the simulation" we see a clear pattern in the chaos. I don't know how yet but I am also sure there is a way to prove it.


>> No.15977644
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>April 1, 2021
The absolute fucking state of code mongrels, >>>/g/

>> No.15977653

Further reading. I haven't read the whole paper yet but it seems promising. The new field of Information Physics also lends breadcrumbs to the Simulation Theory and opens up a lot of questions about the true nature of reality and how we, The Observer, play a part in The Grand Scheme.

>he simulation hypothesis is a philosophical theory, in which the entire universe and our objective reality are just simulated constructs. Despite the lack of evidence, this idea is gaining traction in scientific circles as well as in the entertainment industry. Recent scientific developments in the field of information physics, such as the publication of the mass-energy-information equivalence principle, appear to support this possibility. In particular, the 2022 discovery of the second law of information dynamics (infodynamics) facilitates new and interesting research tools at the intersection between physics and information. In this article, we re-examine the second law of infodynamics and its applicability to digital information, genetic information, atomic physics, mathematical symmetries, and cosmology, and we provide scientific evidence that appears to underpin the simulated universe hypothesis.


I've also been thinking about our current simulation models of the universe. We know the universe acts differently when under observation....so how can you model a universe without modeled observers? It wouldn't be an accurate model. Hence if aliens needed the most accurate simulation model of a universe they would also NEED to simulate observers as accurately as possible and it's likely that the accuracy of the observer simulation would be as important as the accuracy of the universe simulation it self. Two halves of the same coin. You couldn't have one without the other if you wanted true simulated data. Think it over.

>> No.15977654

The mummies of such pharaohs as Djoser, Khafre, and Menkaure were placed in a subterranean burial chamber underneath a pyramid. Khufu's mummy, however, was placed inside the Great Pyramid, in the King's Chamber, and not underground, as was customary.

>> No.15977661

I literally have no idea how to computer program. I literally failed out of C++ class in community college. I skipped a few classes and could never catch up. Never tried again.

Like I said. All you faggots have are ad hominem attacks based on nothing. It's sad you seals will be convinced to ignore me because some algorithm insults me. Die in Plato's cave clapping at shadows on the wall, see what I care.

>> No.15977665
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>>April 1, 2021

>> No.15977666

Didn't the pyramids take decades to hundreds of years to build? How did they decide which king would be buried in there?
Was it just whoever died first after they were finished or did they have a mummy sitting in a closet for when they were done?

>> No.15977718
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Well don't know how consciousness works, not for sure. I personally like Penrose's theory of microtubules though.
People claim to have spoken with entities they meet by using mind altering chemicals/drugs, I think the most famous example is "machine elves" you apparently meet using DMT (I'm sure CIA or some entities have investigated these and I want to see the data)
I guess I'm also trying to say that aliens,if they were millions/billions of years ahead of us technologically, could alter themselves with said technology making them possibly take forms we can't comprehend with our current technology. Eventually every advanced civilization could get to that point so our low tech civilization doesn't exist for long before it's replaced by a better, higher tech one we can't sense.
It's kind of hard to wrap your brain around the idea and I fucking suck at explaining things

>> No.15977908

The Great Pyramid of Giza took a little over 2 decades to build and they were commissioned by the pharaoh that wanted them principally as their tomb

>> No.15977920

The pyramids are industrial chambers to produce fertilizer!

>> No.15978050

>build the greatest building on the planet in your honor
>leave no proof of your feat aside from few graffiti in hidden locations inside
doesn't really add up