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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15975219 No.15975219[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15975220

Climate Change means more chaotic weather.

>> No.15975241

No. You shouldn’t do your own research, that’s dangerous. it means a superposition of less snow and more snow.

That way Science is always correct. Science is awesome!

Ya just got Scienced

>> No.15975253 [DELETED] 
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HOOOOOWEEEEEE dese here science boys must think we's real dummies, huh? Do theys think we ain't payin attention? Get a brain you darn idjyuts! Lorrrrrd awmighty! Watchin these science boys twist deyselves into uh pretzel, an tryin ta pull da wool ova us eyes sure is a humdinger of a good ime! No snow, more snow, da ice ages! HEEEEHAW! MAKE UP YO DANG COMMIE MINDS, SCIENCE BOYS!

>> No.15975260
File: 47 KB, 515x424, global warming did this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, it's Climate "CHANGE". If it's 49 degrees today and 51 degrees tomorrow then it CHANGED!

>> No.15975287
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science deniers heckin btfo

>> No.15975320


>> No.15975324

>periods are not just for women
But I thought trannies ARE women?

>> No.15975327

That's a girl who thinks she's a guy but isn't committed to the bit enough to rip out her reproductive organs and graft a meat burrito made of arm skin where her cooch used to be.

>> No.15975328


>> No.15975354
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>> No.15976710

healthy reminder than jannie will ban you for posting the n-word or for posting le happy merchant pics, but you can slander whites as viciously as you like on 4chan and there will never be any consequences for it

>> No.15976732

Galileo didn't reclaim science. Nothing about this makes sense.

>> No.15976747
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Once you've accepted the phrase "trans women's menstrual cycle" you no longer have the right or ability to say something doesn't make sense.

>> No.15977383
File: 1.06 MB, 272x480, shut it down comando.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey, please stop noticing!!!

>> No.15977388
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>"trans women's menstrual cycle"

>> No.15977440


Climate hysteria should have been allowed to die along with Y2K and the whole complex of millennial nonsense. "Space" or "AI", for example, died natural deaths. The further away the year 2000 gets, the more morbid climate hysteria will be.

>> No.15977451

Exactly. To be more precise and clear for the retards: the certainty of / trust we have in a theory depends on its ability to make better predictions than guessing. If there is no possible observation that can prove the theory is false then the theory is always right and can't predict anything better than guessing. Therefore a theory must clearly state what scenario is more likely to happen. For example:
>Climate Change means more chaotic weather.
It must be clearly defined how we can measure / compare the degree to which weather is chaotic and the definition must be consistently applied. Chaotic weather can have many interpretations and many different time frames. For example: if chaos is defined as more uneven rainfall on a specific location then does that mean drought one year and flood the next or that rainfall becomes shorter in duration with the same volume or tons of other variations? I'm afraid this is so uncertain that climate change can mean anything.

>> No.15977454

Admitting "trans" as a valid modifier of women is the first mistake. It simply doesn't exist.

>> No.15977469

>Climate Change
>my prediction includes every outcome
>so every outcome means its climate change

>> No.15977572
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I've seen a lot of semi-honest scientists come out against the climate hoax lately. Feels like the tide is turning. I study botany among other things and always lecture people who plants become more productive as CO2 increases so the rising CO2 levels will bare minimum end world hunger, when we factor in C4 plant respiration as being a super efficient carbon sink and other natural factors we see that more CO2 doesn't = doomsday....the exact opposite actually. Idiots kvetching about Muh Greenhouse Effect and forget the only reason they can eat vegetables in December is because we invente3d the greenhouse.

>Studies have shown that higher concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide affect crops in two important ways: they boost crop yields by increasing the rate of photosynthesis, which spurs growth, and they reduce the amount of water crops lose through transpiration. Plants transpire through their leaves, which contain tiny pores called stomata that open and collect carbon dioxide molecules for photosynthesis. During that process they release water vapor. As carbon dioxide concentrations increase, the pores don’t open as wide, resulting in lower levels of transpiration by plants and thus increased water-use efficiency.


The global south AKA poor brown people are hungry for food and cheap energy. It's literally a crime against humanity to keep them poor and hungry so stupid faggot ass white people can drive Teslas and smell their own farts.

>> No.15977777

Wow, there's so much astroturf ITT that it almost looks like a real lawn.

>> No.15977900

>uM aktuaklly you're inncorect because all your sources are literally nazi's. only the trans accepted government approved scientist are correct ever, try again

>> No.15978288

Quints of Delusion

>> No.15978297

Govs are essentially preventing doomsday by causing it. It would be justified if the models actually said the world was gonna end with certainty, but they mostly predict annoyances like crops changing and warming sea level and some other bs.

But you don't really "convince" people, you buy stocks in oil and energy since governments will capitulate eventually if things get too difficult and even if there's no capitulation, these stocks are undervalued because you don't get ESG points for investing. It's basically free money

>> No.15978310 [DELETED] 

Based quints of truth.

>> No.15978328

> The End of Snow?
> By Porter Fox
> Feb. 7, 2014

> Why can a warming climate increase snowfall?
> By Elena Shao
> Dec. 23, 2022
Why are climate denialists so fact-averse? if it were simple ignorance I don't think it would be so bad but outright lying, misinformation, and in general malicious misinformation of facts? It's positively deplorable.

>> No.15978567

>it's ok because the total narrative 180 happened in 8 years instead of 10 days
>don't worry though, the latest version of The Science is definitely the correct one
>...at least until the next warm week when it'll be "THE END OF SNOW!!" again

>> No.15979172

>Elena Shao
lmao when your source for supposedly scientific information is a woman, you are grasping at straws

>> No.15979195

>graft a meat burrito made of arm skin where her cooch used to be

>> No.15979546

>Imagine being so retarded that you didn't understand what an opinion article is.

>> No.15979548

t. astroturf

You know, it looks a little dingy up close.

>> No.15979554

Its not a case of commitment. A flesh cylinder is not a penis. Anyone who thinks that it is, is profoundly mentally. And to clarify, being trans is moderately mentally ill, but wanting bottom surgery is full on insanity.

>> No.15979659

global temperatures are rising, this is the only prediction and it has kept being true. the rest are consequences

>> No.15980424
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>idiotic cultist fear porn published in a major corporate media outlet and breathlessly sucked down by tens of millions of commies is irrelevant and has no obligation to be true or even make any sense as long as they slap "OPINION" on top of it

>> No.15980460

t. average opinion article enjoyer

>> No.15980486

>wanting bottom surgery is full on insanity.
For the record how insane is it for a dude to get tit implants?

>noooo stop calling out our propaganda

>> No.15981766
File: 288 KB, 1893x1468, 404 global warming not found.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global temperatures are rising
no they aren't

>> No.15981772

the more you question their climate narrative, the more mad they're gonna get about you causing it to change. better just give them what they want, which is communism or something.

>> No.15981861

He isn't a opinion article enjoyer, he is a headline enjoyer

>> No.15981880

Does it even matter? Whatever happens, happens. We can’t change shit.

>> No.15982138

>sourceless squiggly line

>> No.15982162

>t. science denier
why are you even on this board if you hate science?

>> No.15982171

still a sourceless squiggly line

>> No.15982885

no it isn't

>> No.15982912

here is the actual graph, which uses the RSS V3.2 Lower-Tropospheric Temperature Dataset from the MSU and AMSU Microwave Sounders :


Here is using the Global surface temperature data HadCRUT4:


now kys

>> No.15983081

And where’s the evidence to support that claim?
Weather has been the same for basically 2,000 years.

>> No.15983089

Reminder that the concepts of La Niña and El Niño were invented to explain why cooling was happening during “global warming”, but the environmental propagandists switched to “climate change” but still use these terms, even though the existence of El Niño and La Niña disproves “human caused climate change” altogether.

>> No.15983168

Who cares what the climate change causes? Can we all just agree that the fix is to pay more taxes to unelected multinational committees and to give up on personal freedoms?

>> No.15983188

WTF? I'm pro-climate change now. The last thing we need is more "global southerners".

>> No.15983201

The climate issue has been botched by both sides. Nice.

>> No.15983211

>idiotic cultist fear porn published in a major corporate media outlet and breathlessly sucked down by tens of millions of commies
How do you produce such a sentence without realizing you are insane?

>> No.15983214

big oof
and he was so confident about this pic he saved from 4chan

>> No.15983296

Take your meds

>> No.15984710
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>> No.15985172
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>> No.15985193

Global warming is clearly frying the brains of MSM retards

>> No.15985212

i looked at the MIT syllabus program for climate change they work with a book written by a self proclaimed ecologist that actually have PHD in chemistry.
there are no math requirements or courses in this program, everything there is very specific and does not overlap with other fields of science.
questionable specialty, this makes it very difficult to evaluate a professional opinion in this regard

>> No.15985249

>very difficult to evaluate a professional opinion in this regard

What? You do not read? Global climatology, not weather is aggrate averages:

Try this: More energy = more temp.
more temp = more water.
More water = more rain.
more rain = more snow.

more energy .: More snow.
Go and find out what the word:
Counter-Intuitive means

>> No.15986859

>there are no math requirements or courses in this program
because they're trying to brainwash potential political activists rather than train scientists

>> No.15986865

>more energy .: More snow.
the absolute state

>> No.15987831

It doesn't matter how many times they get caught lying, NPCs have a very short memory and (((they))) know it.

>> No.15987851

Fires start in forests all the time. The native Americans started fires to clear brush across the continent. Only since global warming has disrupted seasonal rainfall have we had these absolutely massive megafires like in California and Canada. This shit is not natural, the fires aren't supposed to just blow up and burn millions of acres for months like what was happening in Canada in November.

>> No.15988488
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>> No.15988490
File: 25 KB, 800x450, 1983-_Canada_wildfires_-_area_burned_annually.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots cant even post an updated graph

>> No.15988497

Like I said, it's not natural for fires to just completely explode one year

>> No.15989858

it is if you consider arson natural.

>> No.15990931

>nice forest you got there canada
>if you're not willing to give me all your money for "global warming insurance" then that forest might burn down "by accident"
pretty much just a mafia style protection racket

>> No.15990938

Do you idiots really think there has only one instance of arson in all of Canada over the last 30 years? Why did nearly 50 million acres burn in 2023 when the most that burned in the 30 years before it was less than 20 million acres? Could it have something to do with how dry the wood was? What causes a forest to become dry and extra flammable... Hmmm... A real thinker, this one... Could it be arson? No, that would only explain how the fire started... Hmm....

>> No.15992174

This guy started at least 4 forest fires in 2022

This woman did 32

Nova Scotia’s biggest fire was started by this man (2023)

All of these were blamed on the demon figure of the religion formed around the unfalsifiable claim that climate isnt static

You are a religious nutter

>> No.15993062

USA has a below average fire season in 2023, so did the rest of the northern hemisphere overall. Canada was the outlier.
If global warming causes forest fires then why was 2023 a below average forest fire season in the northern hemisphere?

>> No.15994142

also if snow remains exactly the same, thats also proof of global warming

>> No.15994216

>Canada was the outlier.
That outlier also turned out to be caused by liberal arsonists.

>> No.15995556


>> No.15995630

That does nothing to explain why more than twice the acreage was burned in 2023 as has burned in a single year for the past 40 years. What made the wood extra flammable this year? Could it have been dry?

>> No.15995633

The US also had above average precipitation in the winter due to the instability of the polar vortex and the atmospheric river effect carrying thousands of tons of extra water from the ocean inland.