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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1595660 No.1595660 [Reply] [Original]

What is your best estimate as to the mean IQ of all Americans named Shaniqua? Be honest.

(if answer < 100, you are a racist)

>> No.1595663

Probably somewhere near that of Aboriginals.

>> No.1595662

wuts a numbah

but srsly, like 70, tops.

>> No.1595671

I have never seen an "Shanique" in university

>> No.1595673

80, and I'm being generous.

>> No.1595676



>> No.1595690

reminds me of the bit about names in freakonomics

>> No.1595699
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Just posting to avoid any more retarded answers.

So run and tell that, homeboy.

>> No.1595708

american niggers have an average IQ of 85

midway between white average of 100 and African negro average of 70

>> No.1595712

Non hybridized abos score lower than African blacks. They average an IQ of 60.

>> No.1595715

Average black IQ is 70.


>> No.1595716

Why would a name define them? It's not their fault.
What do you think their parent's IQ is to name their child Shaniqua?

>> No.1595718

More like <75 is racist.

Studies have shown that black people have an average IQ less than 100. Do not confuse as assertion of correlation with an assertion of causation though. It's largely a social issue. This is mostly conjecture on my part, but I believe being born from parents who would name their child Shaniqua is a good indication of a social environment which would not foster the skills to do well on an IQ test.

I'll go with 80 too.

>> No.1595726
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>> No.1595735

85 and
intelligence is genetic
IQ tests are fairly good indicators of intelligence
I'm not trolling
I'm not lying

>> No.1595737
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troll thread

>> No.1595751

>implying anybody in this thread disagrees with anybody else

>> No.1595780


Angry black person detected.

>> No.1597414


I know there's at least a few liberals on /sci/

>> No.1597439

100. That's my best estimate, since 100 is the mean IQ of any population and name has no correlation with IQ.

>> No.1597450
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>> No.1597457

i don't know what 80 iq looks like.

it's only racist if you think it has any racial implications btw.

>> No.1597465

>implying calling the average black person borderline-retarded has no racial implications

>> No.1597480

it's a sample of specific americans, whose iq is affected by a multitude of factors. genetics is only one of these.

also, the ordinary notion of race is terribly defined anyway.

>> No.1597495

>100 is the mean IQ of any population

Even the population of herpland, which contains only people who are legally retarded? Or the population of a special education class? Or the population of a ghetto?

>> No.1597506

intelligence is partially genetic. there are methods of interacting with children that have strong evidence suggesting that they raise the child's IQ.

>> No.1597555

I've met quite a few black people who are perfectly normal, sometimes even clever. I was smoking a blunt with a black friend of mine, and somehow we got on the topic of gravity. Homeboy wanted to know some shit, so he asked some questions. And when we got to orbits, all I really got around to saying was how when you throw an object on the surface of earth, it travels in an arc until it makes contact with the ground, and he was instantly like "so in an orbit, an object is falling toward another object, but it is traveling so fast that it basically falls around it in a huge circle, never making contact?"

I mean I don't really like to think of myself as racist but I'll go ahead and admit that I about shat myself when he correctly deduced where I was going with it. Niggers will surprise you if you give them a chance and treat them like people. Some of them will, at least.

>> No.1597566
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>> No.1598367

Yes. The test is curved to give a mean score of 100.

>> No.1598378

For generations, not populations you fuckhead

>> No.1598396
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Please don't post if you're ignorant. And yes, these results are very dire indeed. It is arguable how accurate the studies are in testing African American IQ, but the results are clearly lower than that of whites. Severely lower.

>> No.1598394
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+100 for explaining science to people.

>> No.1598407

>Common Knowledge
>Calls it science

Nigga, please.

>> No.1598418


Not everybody knows how an orbit works.

But now thanks to SCIENCE another guy does.

>> No.1598422


everyone on 4chan is laughing at your post.

because it is terrible and you should feel terrible.

>> No.1598449
File: 19 KB, 198x131, Picture 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps this explains why white elites deny the black-white intelligence gap. High IQ whites hardly ever meet an "average" white person as smart as they are, so they don't notice how rare high IQ blacks are.

>> No.1598454

So in orbit do you have that falling sensation 100% of the time?

>> No.1598460

Yes, the mean IQ is dire enough, but when you look at the sharpness of the median and the ranges of their population...it becomes much darker (no pun intended)..

>> No.1598486

I've met plenty of high-IQ blacks; you're just a racist.

>> No.1598496


Are you trolling? He's examining the results of a scientific study. It definitely overrides your own personal and subjective experience, does it not?

>> No.1598977

To all people who use the "low black IQ" shitty argument: Education != Intelligence. If some black people have lower results, it's because they usually come from poorer social backgrounds and have a poor education.

>> No.1598981
File: 89 KB, 396x303, 1280542077902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fairly good indicators of intelligence

>> No.1598986

but IQ tests dont measure your education.

IQ test is basically an obviousness test. The higher your IQ, the more stuff seems blatantly obvious to you. The lower your IQ, the more things you need to specifically learn.

>> No.1598990

African people who emigrated to the US have better results than African Americans, Asians and white people.

>> No.1598995

>obviously never had an IQ test
>implying IQ is in any way linked to intelligence

>> No.1599001


>> No.1599045

>obviously never had an IQ test, and if he did, failed.
>implying IQ is any way related to education

>> No.1599054


if the test is standardized for that population...

>> No.1599080


Actually its my understanding that the fact IQ tests take age into consideration is that the older you are the more assumed education you have had, and therefore the more things you 'got right' not because they were obvious deductions on your part but because you 'already knew the answer'

Pisses me off. Im a fucking genius with no education, but since im in my 20s now im only above average ;_;

Im going to be a moron when i die

>> No.1599090

>> Intelligence Quotient isn't in anyway linked to intelligence.


>> No.1599094

Uh, why don't you just not worry about how a number represents you?

>> No.1599097

because im insecure and my number was all i had to prove that im not a waste ;_;

>> No.1599105

A real genius would've worked shit out for themselves, like Srinivasa Ramanujan.

>> No.1599106

No. You'll have a microgravity situation, like on our ISS. The average person probably wouldn't be able to feel a difference between zero gravity and microgravity.

>> No.1599962


>> No.1600023


It wouldn't be hard to get a rough number on this.

Just need the average IQ of Americans (read:Blacks only) named Shaniqua, then average IQ...

Though Google is being no help when it comes to finding name-use related statistics...

>> No.1601403
