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File: 69 KB, 771x767, IMG_0208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15973808 No.15973808[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There’s been a lot of research into brainwashing in the 1960s, it did anything ever come out of it? Is it really possible to brainwash a person and how much effort is needed? Do you need to lock them up in a CIA prison for that?

>> No.15973813

>1. bombard people with conflicting thoughts
>2. people are drained of energy by solving conflicting thoughts all the time
>3. people conserve energy by downloading a system of thought that automatically solves conflicts
Simple as.

>> No.15973822

you notice how women are starting to dress and act like anime?

>> No.15973833

Fashion trends aren’t brainwashing I mean the Cold War style brainwashing. A patriotic American solder is captured and subjected to soviet brainwashing and when he returns home, he’s a sleeper agent, saboteur or something similar. Is that real?

>> No.15973839
File: 162 KB, 846x1074, 1571488694201352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top pic, before brainwashing
bottom pic, after

>> No.15973868

I wish

>> No.15973879

They do though. And if works, you dont know heartbreak until a woman that looks like the goth chicks from the cartoons you watched when you were 12 leaves you forever

>> No.15974188

LOL leftist cope.
Leftism was always muh LGBT since the 90s.
The only thing that change was that they stopped supporting the Marxism LARP and added more letters to LGBTQI+

>> No.15974197
File: 794 KB, 500x446, based_dept.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did anything ever come out of it?
All the morons who vote democrat and rino-republican. Nowadays only Trumpers should have the right to vote.

>> No.15974328

The modern version is algo targeting using twitter feeds. You surround the target with a bubble of information and eventually they'll fight to protect it in response to cognitive dissonance. This is modern liberalism btw

>> No.15974422
File: 119 KB, 650x812, Feminism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Truth... it worked perfectly

>> No.15974792

It's not leftist cope, it's rightoid cope. They genuinely can't distinguish between leftism and liberalism. They think the top picture and the bottom picture are the same people. They hold it up to leftists and say "look! You fell for the propaganda!" unaware that it was they who fell for the propaganda.
Liberals co-opt leftist messaging because being a leftist is cool and good, but at the same time they can't take more than the surface level symbolic signalling because anything more than that would require attacking liberalism. Rightoids, of course, can't tell the difference between empty symbolic gestures and genuine substance, because their own ideology utterly conflates the two, and so they come to believe that leftists and liberals are literally the same.

>> No.15975203

they figured out how to program people like a computer

>> No.15975488

Please link the research.

>> No.15975494

nta but there's evidence at least. look at top algorithms for social media. yeah, not "like a computer" but still pretty decent programming

>> No.15975495

>bro Google it
I wanna know what YOU read to make YOU think that

>> No.15975512
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>> No.15975514

omg everystep back, this guy means serious business, he used caps lock

>> No.15975555
File: 114 KB, 1441x964, 1704096353821308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a leftist is cool and good

>> No.15975576
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>> No.15976748


>> No.15977558

good pic

>> No.15977567

>Whole political thread
>Only one to be told to take it to /pol/ is the one going against the narrative but entirely on the thread's topic
If rightoids had no double standards they'd have no standards at all

>> No.15978773


>> No.15978965
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>> No.15978970
File: 371 KB, 1125x792, MtG for the masses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to press save

>> No.15980151

epic fail

>> No.15980841
File: 44 KB, 473x468, Za3enbgRCHt4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There’s been a lot of research into brainwashing in the 1960s, it did anything ever come out of it?
accusations of being a "conspiracy theorist"

>> No.15980996

You don't even understand how caps lock works, but you think you have figured out how to program people?

>> No.15980997

Dumb fucking artist literally doesn't know anything about matriarchal ant society and how they are majority females and starve the males just to milk them for their genetic material and kill them off which has consistently been the case for trillions of generations.

>> No.15981188

They tried a lot of stuff, nothing ever worked, also depends on what you consider "brainwashing"
How are two different groups of people with two different opinions brainwashing? I fail to understand

>> No.15982330

>t. triggered by a funny comic

>> No.15982348

Ants are already all females. Except for a very short time during the year when the queen produces some winged males. Those males have absolutely no purpose except to fly off to have sex, then die shortly afterwards. There is no comparison to human society.

>> No.15982506 [DELETED] 

a lot came out of it.

on some level its mostly just psychological manipulation stuff and not so fancy. if you have some kind of leverage over a person, you can make them do what you want. the level of leverage you need depends on the context.
look into basically any cult and you will see the same kinds of manipulation patterns used across all of them. the research in the 60s and 70s was mostly looking into ways of accelerating those processes and really understanding how they work on deeper level, but nothing fundamentally different came out of it, they just got much better at it.

perhaps the more interesting results to come out of that era of research is around social group dynamics and how groups of people can be compelled to do things they wouldn't otherwise do. Stanford prison experiment and Asch conformity experiments are very good examples.
this kind of stuff is how they create, or disrupt social movements. and as you can tell by looking at the world today, this is remarkably effective and easy to do. you can't exactly create manchurian candidates this way, but you can get people believing in all kinds of dumb shit

the area that this research has really been applied heavily is in corporate management theory. performance evaluations, peer reviews, "company culture". company policies feel so inhumane and full of trivial bullshit because that makes people adhere to it even more.
>if i have to do all of this bullshit, everybody else better do it too
this is maybe one of the more surprising findings of this whole body of research, but giving people pointless bullshit to do can increase compliance. this runs somewhat contrary to older theories that people were roughly "economic utility maximizers" so its worth highlighting

also its important to note that as far as intelligence agencies are concerned, despite all this research, 90% of the time its easier to just hire a prostitute and get blackmail on somebody. the simple old tricks still work

>> No.15983899

>t. triggered by a funny comic

>> No.15984622

genuine autism

>> No.15984635
File: 70 KB, 856x1360, 61rmZh3qwwL._SL1360_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the culture war is definitely a glowwie psyop that is a continuation of the congress for cultural freedom. just look at wokeshit, breadpube, the squad, and bernie. this bunch is planted specifically to de-fang the revolutionary movement since ows. breadpubers just larp as class conscious revolutionaries from their multi-million dollar mcmansions in la while in the end all they do is divide the working class with identitarian nonsense called wokeness. they tell the majority white working class how privileged they are when they barely make ends meet which in the end all it does is alienate and divide and conquer what would be an uprising against the neolib/con stakeholder capitalist ruling class. bernie and the squad pretend to be about helping the working class but really are just there to steer them away from revolution by turning around every time it counts to literally vote and support the establishment because of some trumped up boogeyman.

>> No.15986387
File: 54 KB, 454x562, DDees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15986530

no manchurian candidate is not real
closest you get is proj monarch

>> No.15986608
File: 474 KB, 1378x2604, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ok to kill communists

>> No.15986617

>Nowadays only Trumpers should have the right to vote.
>Become isolationist because (((america first)))
>the US is stuck with the brainlet ruralfags who can't get into college, whilst the cost of college explodes to new heights
>technological sector, medical sector, military-industrial complex all collapse because there's not enough brains to power them without immigrants
>the US becomes a stagnant wasteland
Yes please. Only trump supporters should vote!!!

>> No.15986667

>military-industrial complex collapses
>bad thing
this is what establishmentarians actually believe.

>> No.15986673

>noooo not my heckin' gender studies degree!

>> No.15986683

didn't read
seethe harder

>> No.15986685

>t. too busy sucking the establishment's dick

>> No.15986705

didn't read
gonna go do something useful instead of posting on /sci/
feel free to waste more of your worthless life replying to me :)

>> No.15986717

If it was causal wouldn't the end of occupy happen after the spike?

>> No.15986759

only if you look at msm, ows was first infiltrated from within with this tribalist woke divide and conquer tactic like the antisemitism plastered on that graph which was actually from a study by a jewish fellow. then after the infiltration and destruction of ows thanks to the infighting bs like the progressive stack caused the msm just went on a roll with this woke nonsense to divide the rest of the country. the alt right was a further manifestation that only compounded this problem.

>> No.15987827

this shit has been going on since forever, they did the same thing at the WTO protests in '99, they used antifa to start riots in order to justify using the police to arrest the nonviolent protestors

>> No.15988987

>How are two different groups of people with two different opinions brainwashing? I fail to understand
The juxtaposition of the two images is intended to lead you to assume that they are the same people.

>> No.15988995

I've only ever encountered this whole "progressive stack infiltration rah rah" narrative on 4chan from people who would probably just find another reason to hate OWS if it hadn't been "woke". I've never seen anyone actually involved with leftist causes who feels that too great a focus on solidarity between different groups has torn them apart. I don't see this with anyone I actually meet IRL. Just people on 4chan who were totally really all for OWS until it was "subverted".

>> No.15989444

Yes. That’s how you know it’s bullshit.

>> No.15989458

>did anything ever come out of it?
>Is it really possible to brainwash a person
>how much effort is needed?
Not much, usually telling people you'll take away their salary does the trick
>Do you need to lock them up in a CIA prison for that?

>> No.15989507 [DELETED] 

well the reason you only hear that on 4chan is because what has become of mainstream leftist spaces are just neolibs who like to larp as radicals while they endorse the establishment. the people you talk to are just breadtuber types who either don't realize are are actively involved in dividing the working class with woke nonsense. you have to be a special kind of stupid to think working class solidarity involves telling poor white people they are privileged and need to check it when they barely make ends meet. all that does is fracture the working class with tribalist infighting just how the video shows. ows was subverted and broke apart thanks to woke bs which has its roots from a rich well connected white woman called peggy mcintosh and is probably just a continuation of the cia psyop known as the congress for cultural freedom.

>> No.15989519

well the reason you only hear that on 4chan is because what has become of mainstream leftist spaces are just neolibs who like to larp as radicals while they endorse the establishment. the people you talk to are just breadtuber types who either don't realize or are actively involved in dividing the working class with woke nonsense. you have to be a special kind of stupid to think working class solidarity involves telling poor white people they are privileged and need to check it when they barely make ends meet. all that does is fracture the working class with tribalist infighting just how the video shows. ows was subverted and broke apart thanks to woke bs which has its roots from a rich well connected white woman called peggy mcintosh and is probably just a continuation of the cia psyop known as the congress for cultural freedom.

>> No.15989528

wrong, given its efficacy during occupy the corporate press went on to further fracture any chance of an uprising against the ruling class with woke identitarian bs.

>> No.15990139
File: 274 KB, 680x645, d7f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well the reason you only hear that on 4chan is because what has become of mainstream leftist spaces are just neolibs who like to larp as radicals while they endorse the establishment.

as illustrated in the meme OP picrel was ripped off from, once again demonstrating that the left is incapable of creating its own original content

>> No.15990224

if you want to call that the left, but really it's just neolibshits trying to co-opt, commodify, and subvert radicalism while actually being counter-revolutionary dupes. think rage against the machine which is just a product of sony music.

>> No.15990235

Leftists are worse than liberals and the world they create would be infinitely worse.

>> No.15990242

There's still an active labor movement retard, Union membership has started ticking back up under Biden and big names like Starbucks and medical residency programs at top schools have unionized in the past year

>> No.15990246
File: 63 KB, 1000x743, 195349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Union membership has started ticking back up

>> No.15990249

In 2023 (i.e. that last year I was talking about) retard

>> No.15990255

>According to calculations from Current Population Survey microdata released today, the union membership rate in 2023 was 10.0 percent, down from 10.1 percent in 2022.

>> No.15990278

we're seeing the outcome and we are all victims

>> No.15990392

Holy schizo...

>> No.15990398

>copying OP's meme and turning it right-wing
"The right can't meme" turns out true again. All the right can do is to copy left-wing means and turn them around. They even copied the slogan and made it into "the left can't meme"

>> No.15990413

>6 vs 5'11

>> No.15990459

>being leftist is cool and good

>> No.15990854
File: 94 KB, 1030x1057, FlItbkBXgAAQKTh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol leftist can't even make a coherent meme

>> No.15990884

Your version is somehow worse than the original AND the knockoff.

>> No.15990918

But you gotta admit, castrating yourself and vax is propaganda right? Or have you already castrated yourself?

>> No.15990922

What do you mean? The whole /pol/ talk about castrating yourself is anti trans propaganda?

>> No.15990927

Wait you're saying castrating yourself is normal behavior and not propaganda? Is that what they told you?

>> No.15990946

It's propaganda in the sense that it's not happening.

>> No.15990951


>> No.15990977

You have no idea who I talk to you terminally online retard, literally touch grass, none of what you're bitching about is even a thing outside the internet

>> No.15991006

Thats why you've already castrated yourself right?

>> No.15991025

How am I even supposed to respond to
>that's why ${contrafactual statement}

>> No.15991030

The question is why you've castrated yourself? Not whether castration exists or not, because you're clearly proof of castration.

>> No.15991033

I feel like I'm being confronted with an example of Poe's law here.

>> No.15991801

No, occupy didn't end because they started talking about white privilege, it ended because they deployed cops to break it up and built a bunch of hostile architecture in the park while spamming white privilege and other progressive stack rhetoric in the media to ensure it didn't continue to happen somewhere else or happen again in the same general area because they learned how to easily shut down people who start trying to talk about it and make corporate spaces hard for human to occupy.

>> No.15991803

They are the same people, normies.

>> No.15992118

In other words, they accomplished the double whammy of violently breaking up Occupy, and then convincing "centrist" morons who were only superficially interested in it to begin with that the problem was wokism.

>> No.15992125

Wokism is a problem, the progressive stack was employed to shut down occupy discussion, but its not what killed off the movement, the violent police intervention is what actually dispersed the people or they would probably still be arguing in circles with planted people who want to talk about reparations and equal pay instead of the illegal conspiracies robber barons are funding.

>> No.15992150

wokism is for centrist morons, it's as neoliberal as it gets. it's basically idpol co-opting radical language designed to subvert the class struggle.

>> No.15992410

The progressive stack wasn't "employed" you idiot, that's the sort of grassroots thing that comes from within, the plants would have to outnumber the genuine protesters if you want to subvert them that way
I tried telling them that but they insist it's Marxism so I'm trying to meet them on their level.

Of course the reality is that "wokism" is merely adopting superficially leftist aesthetics in order to drive people away from genuine revolutionary sentiment. In fact, we are merely dealing with an inter-capitalist power struggle, multinational vs. national corporations, and nations vs. each other. But each seems to latch on to some sort of genuine issue to mobilise people and try to play them against each other. Liberals say, look, you can be progressive AND capitalist! We don't need economic reform to address systemic injustice! Reactionary populists say, look, we are against the big corporations, we are looking out for the little guy (where the little guy is the middle class, but that already requires more class analysis than I can get into here...). Hell, even the nazis appropriated the name "socialist" for themselves. But it's all just capitalist squabbling among each other and trying to emphasise this or that issue and telling you you can't have both. Only leftists say, no, we can have both actually.

>> No.15993060

>the plants would have to outnumber the genuine protesters if you want to subvert them that way
no they wouldn't

>> No.15994096

This, people who are being paid to be loud and annoying are going to be more dedicated to it than people who are attempting to justify being loud and annoying on a rational moral basis

>> No.15994266
File: 88 KB, 638x1000, 712qaSpg05L._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel might give you some info on what modern brainwashing is and has been since the 30's.

It not only works but has been incredibly successful for states and corperations who use it.

>> No.15994306

Based post

>> No.15995578

in europe they talk about 1.8m as the limit
and europeans are on average taller than americans

>> No.15995611

LMAO, only a moron would fail to know what is real and what is not, what is wrong and what is right. All the deep state must be exterminated, including their spawn, in the most brutal way possible, no matter the price.