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File: 83 KB, 1420x1000, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15967580 No.15967580 [Reply] [Original]

Under the assumption that global warming is fake, what are the odds of nine out of the ten hottest years on record being in the last decade?

>> No.15967587

his graph reads like bullshit

>> No.15967592
File: 23 KB, 406x395, check the date.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting the warming only starts in the 1980's, and there is no evidence of the cool period of the 1970's.

>> No.15967615

Your post reads like cope.

>> No.15967620

It's not by a long shot. Fraudulent readings is all there is to it.

>> No.15967624

probably fake desu

>> No.15967631
File: 32 KB, 322x400, morano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally all bullshit driven by people who intentionally massage the data and are backed up by millions of dollars in gov funding and paid advertisement. There's evidence even Mann's hockey stick is a data fabrication based on malicious changes in the yardsticks they use for measurement.

>> No.15967664

How do you know they were actually the "hottest years", whatever that's even supposed to really quantifiably mean?

>> No.15967742

>the government funds and pays for propaganda that tells them not to support the coal, oil, and gas companies that give them millions of dollars in "donations"
>They advertise climate change because they want you to buy.... not-fossil-fuels?
you are genuinely mentally disabled.

>> No.15967744

Maybe it's because we are switching to evs that generate more carbon than gas cars

>> No.15967745

How did the entire world fall for the musk meme so fucking hard?

>> No.15967757

average global surface temperature over the whole year.

>> No.15967761

He's right. It's a sample size of 80 years which is not large enough to extrapolate sound conclusions from.

>> No.15967765

This is correct. If we look at post industrial temperatures vs preindustrial, then it becomes clear the planet's warmed by about 1.2 C.

>> No.15967816

You can estimate temperature very accurately by observing the contents of ice cores in antarctica. you're welcome to publish any contradictory findings.

>> No.15967820 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 640x375, Southern_20Polar_Land_and_Sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it doesn't

>> No.15968020

>no it doesn't in these ten cherrypicked latitudes, please don't look at the other 170.

>> No.15968033 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 620x531, 1915E5A1-A4DB-4CA1-BE0B-117C8DFF991B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m to the right of hitler but global warming denying tards are all high mutational load proles and the best arguments for the democratization of informational access and participation in public discourse being the worst thing to ever happen to humanity. Fucking kill yourselves

>> No.15968034

Based ecofascist, also checked

>> No.15968118

If it has no effect in the real world, why would anyone even care? Global warming literally makes no difference in my life, but global warming inspired taxes surely do.

>> No.15968157

>If it has no effect in the real world
It does. As an easy introduction to this topic, I recommend you read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effects_of_climate_change
Also, the vast majority of public spending makes no difference in your particular life. That doesn't make it pointless.

>> No.15968287

He's good at selling his image, and EVs are touted as the solution to climate change (wich conveniently doesn't alter any of the existing power structures and just gives the capitalist class another commodity to peddle, in addition to commodifying morality itself)

>> No.15968292

>Global warming literally makes no difference in my life
I know thinking ahead is difficult for sub-100 IQs because it involves hypotheticals, that's partly why we're in this mess. But a lot of people will be directly affected by climate catastrophes like floods and crop failure. And a lot more will be indirectly affected by the resulting streams of refugees and wars for resources.

>> No.15968353

Pretty generic info, still doesn't give examples of real life problems climate change caused.
>But a lot of people will be directly affected by climate catastrophes like floods and crop failure
We have never had so many crops and so little climate deaths as we have now.

>> No.15968359

Now post the data without adjustment.

>> No.15968364

Adjusting for what exactly?

>> No.15968401

What data do you want? The density of the mercury in those thermometers?

>> No.15968433

climate scam agencies rely on the naive and gullible like you guys to believe the temperatures they report are straight from the thermometers. it is widely known that they adjust the raw data and outright fabricate it ("model it") for many of the stations that have gone offline in the last few decades. this to say nothing of the fact that the stations contributing most to the supposed "warming" effect are in urban heat islands like airports or places that have seen a million tons of asphalt, steel buildings, street traffic, increased population, etc added to them in the last 50 years.

>> No.15968440

>look at my made and skewed chart everyone!!
>now let in more brown people into your country and also give billionaires more money so they can claim they are environmentally safe while you give up basic human rights for da climate!!!

you people are mentally ill. Your post is scientific proof

>> No.15968444

> >look at my made […] chart everyone!!
Every chart is made. Are you Russian or stupid?

>> No.15968458

t. oil shill

>> No.15968503

>"global temperatures haven't risen, look!"
>shows temperatures in a 10° latitude band near Antarctica
much science

>> No.15968508

virtually no one here argues for those things at all, so that's a pretty dumb straw man
but humans are still causing global warming, you have to decouple that fact from policy suggestions anyway and acknowledge it

>> No.15968529

not him, the real issue is that it's impossible to predict what any local temperature variance will be and it's unreasonable to assume that some local spikes in warming or cooling or storms or wind currents or volcanic activity etc. won't have an outsized impact on global variance

>> No.15968562

but we see global temperatures steadily climb, it has nothing to do with any local variance
even locally in the vast majority of places do you see the same overall trend regardless of variance over shorter timespans

>> No.15968572

sure, all it takes though is one local climate to break and the feedback from that, how it affects other local climates, completely unpredictable

>> No.15968575

rise relative to when? temperatures in the 1800s were naturally at a low point in the cycle

>> No.15968578

> in the cycle
What cycle?

>> No.15968582

but it is predictable, because we see the rising trend that we are in fact predicting
no offense, but I don't think you really understand basic climate science
there's no cycle to speak of at all in the data
and the rate temperatures are rising at is unprecedented

>> No.15968587

no local climates that matter have broken. maybe none ever will. no offense but I don't think you really understand chaos or even a simple logistic map

>> No.15968590

I've probably studied chaos theory for longer than you've been alive
and nothing you just said has anything to do with the steadily climbing trend we observe

>> No.15968594

you probably haven't. and you should probably spend some time studying how to read instead since nothing i've said disagrees with the trend we observe

>> No.15968597

Nils Axel Mormer proved that the IPCC was corrupt and their sea level rise figures were utter nonsense

>> No.15968609

but you think something magical will happen when some local climate system will "break" and cause chaotic effects
in reality local climates have been broken beyond repair in many places already, and we're not seeing anything of the sort, just the same old steady climb

>> No.15968616

using silly words doesn't make your point less irrelevant

>> No.15968623

my point isn't irrelevant at all, but quite pertinent, and wholly factual
you're the making a conjecture about something that clearly isn't occurring at all
one of the weirdest deflections from climate change deniers I've seen in a while

>> No.15968680

As an australian, i have to ask: what world are you living in?
>insane bushfire seasons all the time
>massive flooding and intense storms
>deadly heatwaves
hell, I've seen like 16 heatwave warnings for my location on the BOM app this summer alone. it's nuts, it has never been this hot before.

>> No.15968716
File: 1.43 MB, 1200x1474, hydrologicalcycles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As an australian, i have to ask: what world are you living in?
same as you
>>insane bushfire seasons all the time
>>massive flooding and intense storms
>>deadly heatwaves
that's literally exactly what I said
many climates are already broken beyond repair, like what you're describing, and yet you don't see what that other anon claimed at all, you just see the global average temperature keep climbing steadily
>hell, I've seen like 16 heatwave warnings for my location on the BOM app this summer alone. it's nuts, it has never been this hot before
yep, exactly what I'm saying
I think you misinterpreted that post because you didn't look at the full context
also, interesting to note how flooding is also a result of the same process that leads to massive bushfires, droughts, and heatwaves, as per pic related

>> No.15968771
File: 15 KB, 620x310, images (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bring no solution, you are cannon fodder brainwashed to hate people. We could have nuclear energy by now but our governments have decided to burn even more coal. It is an engineered crisis. You also lack the intellect to notice how yearly emissions have more than doubled since 1990 yet the co2 graph stays with nearly the same slope as from 1970 to 90. This should at least tell you about natural sinks increasing or to doubt the legitimacy of the data spoonfed to you, so that you don't snap like a criminal at people. Antidemocracy folks are Always demonic scum, not a single exception.

>> No.15968777

ah yeah my bad, i misinterpreted your post to be saying the opposite of what you were actually saying.
It pisses me off though, when climate change deniers are like "nothing's changed at all and weather is completely normal as it always has been" when i am living through this shit. it's hilarious even, in a fucked up way.

>> No.15968779

> We could have nuclear energy by now
We have had nuclear energy for decades.

>> No.15968795
File: 333 KB, 1700x268, bioticpump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it's pretty wild, and Australia isn't the only place experiencing these things either
in fact, with the strong El Niño that we're currently seeing you'll likely see increased drought all over that part of the world, like Indonesia and Malaysia
I guess I can only recommend you get yourself to the Queensland rainforests, since that climate tends to generate significant amounts of rainfall for itself and dampen the shock

>> No.15968806

seriously, learn to read. you're an imbecile

>> No.15968856

Where is this picture from? I am actually studying groundwater levels.

>> No.15968985
File: 523 KB, 812x1508, temperaturegradients.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, that's what you are, you literally deny objective facts of reality because you seemingly have some ideological objection against the facts
it's a book based on the work of Schauberger called "Living Energies" by Callum Coats
it's from chapter 9, "The Hydrological Cycle"
some ideas in it are probably a bit more "far out", but the basics of the hydrological cycle and how removing forest cover changes it are well-founded in contemporary hydrology and biological sciences covering how forests draw in and retain water in countless ways
here's another comparison

>> No.15969490

Short period of modern high res data grafted onto historical proxy data with large error bars, filtered through the ulterior motive of activist scientist.

>> No.15969494

How many hundreds of years old are you?

>> No.15969539

Between a fifth and a quarter, why?
It is literally noticeably hotter every single year. it's not happening slowly.

>> No.15969643

You're 20-25 years old and you think your juvenile memory of the last 10 years of weather is long term climate data?

>> No.15969655

>the difference in global average surface temperature between 2022 and 2012 is over a quarter of a degree
Yes, anon.

>> No.15969666

All of that makes perfect sense, removing the vegetation cover not only decreases evapotranspiration but usually decreases infiltration and recharge. I am doing field work this morning, I will try to download the book when I get back in the evening, thanks

>> No.15969689

checked, Satan
and yeah, the parts about hydrology are all definitely based in everything we know about it today too
removing the forest cover is literally like allowing the ground to go from a wet sponge to a dried-up one, where the wet one would allow water to continuously evaporate and for water to trickle down through it, and the dried-up one would just have the water stuck on top and quickly evaporate, not allowing water to trickle down through the soil
I should note that Schauberger based his work on a lifelong passion for and engagement in forestry for some local noble he worked under, and based all of it on his own personal observations of waterways
many consider him the "Tesla" of water (rather than electricity), and his successful suggestions for improving all conditions and work related to water in the forests he kept earned him the moniker of "the Water Wizard"
>Schauberger made a lifelong study of water – from mountain streams to river flows and from domestic supplies to advances hydraulics – developing profound and radical theories about its inherent energies, which earned him the name of 'the Water Wizard'.

>> No.15969756

>but humans are still causing global warming
By what?
One singular compound that makes up 0.04% of the atmosphere?
With no proof or evidence whatsoever that a lets say "doubling" would CAUSE a "greenhouse" effect?

Why focus on "CO2" and not:
>transforming wetlands to fields
>generall pollution with shitty chemicals of the soil which leads to defoiliation wich fucks up the local environment
>rerouting of rivers
>capturing prestine spring water
>building of dams and "water reserviours"
>asphalting and concret jugnlefication of the world

No there is a focus on CO2 for a specific reason:
>it is the chokepoint of economy and civilized modern life
Every single modern endevour leads to production of CO2, literally EVERYTHING.
From breathing, to giving birth, to building material, to furniture to food and so on
It is a perfect justification for total control of the flow of resources and freedom of people.

It is entirely excluded that there is no thing such as "normal climate" and raising the "medival warm period" or "the little ice age" and other pre industrial changes of "climate" will be marked as "climate change denier".
No question that climate changes, literally seasons and patterns such as el nino or la nina are "clime change" phenomena.
And the best part to me is, that every single outcome of the prediction of climate change leads to the conclusion:
>humans are at fault

>its warmer than I like it to be
>its the humans fault
>its colder than I like
>its the humans fault
>it is suspiciouls non extreme weather
>its the humans fault of causing climate change

Every outcome is not only "climate change" but extremly specificly:
>Human caused CO2 mediated climate change

You prolly never even looked into the climate gate scandal of leaked emails, in which the discussed, that they need to get rid of the medial warming period.
That they literally banned using tree ring data, because it does not demonstate the "change of climate".

>> No.15969765

It's a cumulative graph with weasel words. They took an average from 1850-1900, then subtracted that from the world average for every year. In other words they're saying they need 50 years of data to get a meaningful average, then compare individual years to that average.

>> No.15969788

>It's a cumulative graph
So every year they add the average temperature to the previous data point?

>> No.15969795

>With no proof or evidence whatsoever that a lets say "doubling" would CAUSE a "greenhouse" effect?
Random capitalised words and quotation marks are a sign of mental illness, you know? Did you take your Haldol today?

>> No.15969798

Global warming isn't the fake part
It being man made is

>> No.15969809

>So every year they add the average temperature to the previous data point?
Not him, but I guess he is retarded, but also not entirely wrong.

They add so called "weather stations".
Let me give an example of my town, I lived in since the 90s.

In my town we have 6 weather stations now.
Before we had one, exactly were a radio broadcast bureau is located.
Now at 4 mayor traffic nodes we have these weather stations.
And one additional at the Trainstation.

So to elaborate the "accuracy" of measurement with using averages:
>have 2 weather stations
>1 in the city
>1 in the rural area
>city is slightly warmer because of asphalt and concrete shit
>rural area is slightly cooler, because of trees and gras absorbing heat and activly cooling the air and regulating humidity
>taking the average City: 26°C rural: 22°C: (26°C+22*C)/2 = avg of two weatherstations is 24 deg.
...20 years later...
>now 6 weatherstations are located in the city
>1 rural
>6 weatherstations measure 26°C rural 22°C: (6*26°C+22°C)/7 = avg of total of 7 weatherstations is: ~25,43°C
>OH NO a alarming increase of almost 1.5 degree

Do you get it?
Nobody checks for "weather stations" type of measurement, how the average is calculated.

For example before the 70s they didn't measure temperature digitally hourly.
They measured the temperature 3 times a day: morning, noon, evening. And counted the evenening measure twice.
Now they add the temperature hourly and divide daytime temps by 12 and nighttime temps by 12 to get the average temperature.

These two versions of calculating a average temperature are different and they do not get normalized, adjusted or justified.
They take multiple different datasets, and pretend they are the same.
Which is of course very usefull to sell you memes.

>> No.15969810
File: 242 KB, 1200x630, adhominem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Random capitalised words and quotation marks are a sign of mental illness, you know? Did you take your Haldol today?

>> No.15969812
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Actually, he poisoned the well.

>> No.15969830

>By what?
carbon dioxide emissions
>One singular compound that makes up 0.04% of the atmosphere?
>no proof or evidence
mountains upon mountains of proof and evidence
>Why focus on "CO2" and not:
>>transforming wetlands to fields
>>generall pollution with shitty chemicals of the soil which leads to defoiliation wich fucks up the local environment
>>rerouting of rivers
>>capturing prestine spring water
>>building of dams and "water reserviours"
>>asphalting and concret jugnlefication of the world
I despise all of those as much as the next person, but virtually all of those are intimately linked to what's driving increased emissions, and ultimately they don't cause global warming in the same way that an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide itself does
>there is a focus on CO2 for a specific reason
yes, because it's the fundamental underlying cause
>chokepoint of economy and civilized modern life
ideologically driven nonsense with zero basis in reality
if the scientific facts of reality clashes with your ideology, it's time to reconsider your ideology, not the scientific facts
>Every single modern endevour leads to production of CO2, literally EVERYTHING.
not true, but true for a lot such endeavors, hence our current predicament
>control of the flow of resources and freedom of people
emissions do need to be controlled to avoid disaster
allowing everyone to be morons and continue destroying the environment and the very habitability of the planet is not a solution
when a child tries running into traffic, do you just let them?
realize that you and people like you are like children who are not just trying to run into traffic, but drag everyone else into traffic with them
>entirely excluded that there is no thing such as "normal climate"
blatantly false
>raising the "medival warm period" or "the little ice age"
discussing those are fine, as long as you understand that what we're seeing now isn't even remotely like that

>> No.15969838
File: 592 KB, 864x808, causality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mountains upon mountains of proof and evidence
show a scientific controlled experiment, that demonstrate that 0.08% CO2 saturated air has a demonstrable higher greenhouse effect than 0.04% CO2.

>we observed its warm
>and CO2 got more

So CO2 is the cause.
Could be the other way around.
Demonstrate clear causality. please.

>> No.15969839

>No question that climate changes, literally seasons and patterns such as el nino or la nina are "clime change" phenomena
such cyclic phenomena are occurring more irregularly and stronger than ever before, something you'd know if you were to take some minutes to study basic climate science instead of screaming like a child that you don't want to be controlled despite how you're trying to do the equivalent of pushing the red button and nuking the planet
>>humans are at fault
>>its the humans fault
>>its the humans fault of causing climate change
correct, there's no doubt about that at this point
>Every outcome is not only "climate change" but extremly specificly:
>>Human caused CO2 mediated climate change
yes, because that is exactly the fundamental underlying cause
>You prolly never even looked into the climate gate scandal of leaked emails
I probably know orders of magnitude more about it than idiots like you who try to take some such emails totally of context of the actual scientific knowledge we have
>they literally banned using tree ring data
first of all, thinking in "they" is a sign of paranoid schizophrenia, you have to start thinking in "we", because all the scientific evidence and knowledge is accessible to you as well
secondly, tree ring data is used in countless contexts in climate science, the opinions of a certain few individuals does not reflect the overall consensus

>> No.15969848

literally everywhere on the web, as well as in countless textbooks
you could probably find thousands, if not tens of thousands, of studies with a simple search, as well as tens of thousands of pages of climatological textbooks discussing the facts and evidence
sounds like you're mistaking your head being buried in the sand for there not being any evidence around
>show a scientific controlled experiment, that demonstrate that 0.08% CO2 saturated air has a demonstrable higher greenhouse effect than 0.04% CO2
here's a big list:
>So CO2 is the cause.
>Could be the other way around.
>Demonstrate clear causality. please.
I mean, it's pretty funny to me how people like you operate, resorting to trying to doubt even the most well-established physical facts of science that have been known for decades, even centuries in some cases, when you run out of ways to deflect from the facts
it's all so tiresome

>> No.15969854


Those are nothing but CO2 spectra calculations.

Please deliver specific experiment and paper the core argument of your meme:
>that 0.08% CO2 saturated air has a demonstrable higher greenhouse effect than 0.04% CO2

big list does not contain any experiment that would resemble what is alleged to happen, but meme models.

>> No.15969859

>well-established physical facts
Then present the fact, and don't post a meme list of meme models.
Show the scientific experiment that demonstrate this beyond resonable doubt.

>> No.15969868

>beyond resonable doubt.
Explicate what reasonable doubt means to you

>> No.15969870

>ask for evidence
>get provided with evidence
>don't understand what the papers are saying
>"nnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooo, not THOSE facts"
lmao even

>> No.15969886

>they need 50 years of data to get a meaningful average, then compare individual years to that average.
Do any climate scientists plot 50 year moving averages?

>> No.15969899
File: 13 KB, 763x244, brokenLink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mostly dead links and retracted papers.

Papers that are not retracted focus on only one thing:
>laboratory measurement of infrared absorbtion of CO2 molecules
No establishment of the causal proof that the real world CO2 saturation of our atmosphere would induce the so called fact of:
>rise in temperature by 2 degree if the CO2 saturation would double.

Infrared spectroscopy of specific molecules, is not the same as demonstrating the greenhousing effect of CO2 saturated air.

Let me be specific as the climate alarmist claim:
> 0.08% CO2 saturated air has a demonstrable significant higher greenhouse effect than 0.04% CO2 saturated air.

It's pretty easy.

>Explicate what reasonable doubt means to you
Read above.
Proof = demonstration of cause and effect beyond resonable doubt.
Evidence = a collection of agreements and plausible explainations which, claims that no proof is required, because it just is because of consensus.

In a certain sense, evidence actually means the opposite of proof. The word means a certainty in cognition that requires no proof, no conclusion. This certainty corresponds more closely to what the
obviousness means, but is actually even more radical and philosophical. But our evidence, a foreign word, goes beyond obviousness and in the philosophically precise sense that the evident, precisely because it is evident, requires no proof.

What raises resonable doubt:

And then the "rise" of the climate debate around the human cause and CO2 originates exactly from the conglomerate that literally profits from this scheme, and especcially Maurice Strong a Mouthpiece for the Big Oil conglomerate, which specifically embedded the reification fallacy from the beginning:
>Human caused climate change
Not only Climate change and then we concluded its humans fault
It was the direct & initial premise.

>> No.15969900
File: 24 KB, 550x543, brainlet2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reasonable doubt means reasonable doubt
>evidence actually means the opposite of proof
>more radical and philosophical

>> No.15969909

>No doubt: Show that A causes B and B does not Cause A. And that without A, B does also not happen.
Literally the scientific method.

>Reasonable doubt: Uhm we cannot make an experiment, but we can create model that indirectly can be interpreted to demonstrate what we mean, with some Datasets with different historical collection methods, with some gaps which we also uses some models for to fill those gaps, and some retrospective interpretations of indirect things, that are only found in certain places, like ice core date, but trust me this can be used as like a thing to indirectly retroactively use it as global thermometer, to project it onto present and future. But we cannot do a direct experiment that A causes B, also we exclude all other variables that might contradict our initial claim.

>> No.15969932

The spectroscopy of CO2 demonstrates that it has a greenhouse effect. you don't need proof that more of it in the atmosphere increases greenhouse effect, that's retarded. that's like saying
>"Papers that are not retracted focus only on one thing:
>">laboratory measurement of ice being less dense than water
>:No establishment of the causal proof that the real world melting of glaciers and polar ice caps would insuce the so called fact of:"
>">rise of sea levels by a meter if 3.1 million cubic km of ice melted"

Like you stupid fuck, that's a property of the material. thats what it does. thats why the study matters.

>> No.15969938

yes it was the hottest year ever, because im training my eevee

>> No.15969939

>you don't need proof that more of it in the atmosphere increases greenhouse effect

Yes it does.
Because it's also a difference of drinking 10cl of pure 100% Alcohol, which will burn your throat and mouth, or you drink 1l of water with 1% alcohol.

Concentration and medium saturation has a profound impact on the properties and effects you claim.

Let me be specific as the climate alarmist claim:
>show me a scientific demonstration that 0.08% CO2 saturated air has a demonstrable significant higher greenhouse effect than 0.04% CO2 saturated air.

>> No.15969941

10 ml of course

>> No.15969943

>Not drinking 10cl of pure alcohol

>> No.15969949

no point in engaging further with someone like that, even if you literally fed the evidence and proof directly into their brains they still wouldn't get it

>> No.15969967

you know you dont need like a 10% concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere to increase the temperature by 1 degree, right? like, small amounts of it have extreme effects on the atmosphere's ability to trap heat. we know that CO2 correlates extremely closely with average global surface temperature because of ice cores, and we know that the increase in atmospheric CO2, correlating with the increase in industry almost perfectly, also correlates almost perfectly with the increade in global average surface temperature. correlation may not always equal causation but that does not mean that you should literally completely ignore close, repeated correlation of data sets. doing so would be genuinely braindead.

>> No.15969968

Yeah you're probably right. it's the goalposts-moving with fuckers like that. They act as though they can be convinced, as if they haven't already decided for themselves that they'll refuse to change their minds no matter what you show them. "you can't logic someone out of a position they didn't logic themselves into."

>> No.15970002
File: 411 KB, 1284x1057, IMG_0663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s decades old research that measures exactly that. Your ignorance of the subject doesn’t mean that the effect doesn’t exist or has been directly measured.

>> No.15970009

That's not a temperature graph! Why lie?

>> No.15970021

Learn what that graph means and then come back with an argument. Even though temperature graphs are posted all the time you fags just say the temperature is fake.

>> No.15970050

Since 1940 maybe but not in the history of the planet as I saw in the news recently. People don't even know about the ice ages, the cycles of the weather in the past and that the planet was much hotter even when humans didn't exist.

>> No.15970069

I accept you concession

>> No.15970072
File: 57 KB, 480x712, 1628030600323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw correlation != causation

>> No.15970079


Goalpost never moved.
It's a simple request.

You claim
>climate change is caused by the CO2 that humans produce
Which bleeds into
>we must raise taxes, pay the weather gods, live in dense populates cities, own nothing, and constantly touch elbows in public transport, only eat onions and optimized liquid food, and and billions must die

So the non moving goalpost is again, isimple request:
>show me a scientific demonstration that 0.08% CO2 saturated air has a demonstrable significant higher greenhouse effect than 0.04% CO2 saturated air.

>> No.15970081

>Ask about the increasing greenhouse effect
>detailed observations are posted
You're legitimately mentally disabled

>> No.15970094



>> No.15970095

>Everyone who responds to me is the same person
Ok schizo

>> No.15970098

No, the billionaires are lying about resources being scarce to jack prices up thereby profiting more. You're an idiot

>> No.15970125

>>we must raise taxes
If you have a problem, then complain to the megacorporations about how you're starving while they have reccord high profits.
>>live in dense populates cities
Statistically, you already live in a dense, populated city. If population continues to explode, everything except cities and empty fields are going away.
>>own nothing
You already own nothing.
>>constantly touch elbows in public transport
Sounds like you haven't touched another human in a decade or more. You could use the socialization.
>>only eat onions and optimized liquid food
That'd hardly change your current diet of salty mystery-meat goyslop drenched in oil.
>>and billions must die
The decision is whether you want billions to die *now. Or let billions die in the far future, in a dying resource-depleted world with little hope of recovery.

>> No.15970132

>climate scientists and green people constantly telling everyone to reduce consoooming, or to stop entirely

>> No.15970133

>only eat onions and optimized liquid food
Liquid food is amazing. Extremely easily digestible nutrition, what more can you ask for? Whenever I eat solid food I can immediately feel my digestive system being weighed down, especially if the solid food is cooked, whereas when I do stretches of fully liquid diets I feel amazing.

>> No.15970217
File: 33 KB, 460x574, 1649411080648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liquid food is amazing

>> No.15970360

This year was worsened by a big Nino oscillation
El nino charges in Asia and unloads in America heating everything on "his" passage

>> No.15970427

fun meme, but I have the grip strength of an orangutan
>This year was worsened by a big Nino oscillation
yes, I mentioned that in a post shortly after that one
but the ENSO is getting increasingly erratic and unpredictable, and stronger too
>El nino charges in Asia and unloads in America heating everything on "his" passage
that's not quite what happens
it's the trade winds that weaken, so warm surface water starts to build up off the coast of South America, that's where it "charges"

>> No.15971392

There's two explanations: the instruments got more accurate or it's all observational studies

>> No.15971397

>but the ENSO is getting increasingly erratic and unpredictable, and stronger too
no it isn't

>> No.15971432

>the instruments got more accurate
>more accurate


Also "Climate gate e-mail leak" about the fraudilent nature of this:

And a explaination on what happend exactly:

Also more on climate gate from 2019:

The take datasets that are incomplete.
Then pretend all datasets have the same "completness".
Gaps they fill in with "modeled" made up data.

And ignore entirely the difference and location and altitude and density of weather stations.

>> No.15971449

Then you're agreeing with me. That's exacly the contrast I was trying to express with it being all observational studies, wich is a widely recognized method for politicians and their cronies to practice influence smuggling. You can safely assume if a politician or a bank is pushing it, it's bullshit for paychecks.

>> No.15971557

>Then you're agreeing with me

>> No.15971558

>correlation != causation
>except when it fits my world view.
no proof required

>> No.15971563
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>> No.15971617

yes, it absolutely is
that's not even disputed, everyone studying climate have noticed that fact

>> No.15971711
File: 86 KB, 860x435, el_ino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes, it absolutely is
>everyone studying climate have noticed that fact
>noticed that fact

On what basis?
Please provide historical data for the ENSO for the last 10000 years.
And how the data is accumulated.

NOAA is only collecting data for Oceanic Niño Index since 2000.
Earlier data is not even available.

El Niño and La Niña events occur every two to seven years, on average, but they don't occur on a regular schedule.

Which is also a loveley meme.
So they say:
>its not regularly occuring
>but has some type of regularity
>over cycles from 2-7 years
>while this is a "fact"
>it cannot be also a "fact" that the ENSO can be used to establish a "pattern" and subsequent an "anomaly" in context of the existance of post ice age earth.

Then their data is only """acurate""" for the last 20 years.
And vagule accurate since the 70s.
And made up since the 50.
And before no data exists, because lol, they didn't measured it.

So in the worst case they have only acurate data for 20 years, from which you cannot establish a pattern of what is "normal" or what is to expect.
In the best case they only have data for the last 80 years.

And both is far from enough to establish something that may or may not be "normal" in the context of the age of the post ice age world.
Which is important to explain:
>Roman Warm Period
>Medieval Warm Period
So the Ice age ended ~11,500 years ago.
And from this time of considerable "climate change", we only are able to look at 20-80 years and from 0.69% of this time we have data, and you pretend that they can extrapolate from that what would be considered "normal" or a "anomaly" ?
Fuck you.

>> No.15972117

>many climates are already broken beyond repair, like what you're describing, and yet you don't see what that other anon claimed at all
You're obviously just as dumb as the guy you're replying to. Neither of you understand the first thing about complex systems.

>> No.15972119

What objective facts do you imagine I've denied? This should be good.

>> No.15972120

Over 14 years later and you still have no better talking points than misinterpreting emails that turned out to be absolute nothingburgers when the context was taken into account over a decade ago.

>> No.15972130

>hahaha we changed the measuring methodology, the measuring technology, we're transforming the environment via urbanisation, altering the net albedo of the landscape, but we can definitely measure fractions of a degree celsius of change
someone post the corrupted base stations

>> No.15972140

>i get wet when it rains
>it can't be because of the rain, correlation != causation
>i can't see in the dark
>it can't be because it's dark, correlation != causation
>it hurts when i get punched, specifically in the place where i got punched, and then i develop a bruise there later
>none of that would be because of the punch, though! correlation != causation, as we all know.

>> No.15972146

>we know that CO2 correlates extremely closely with average global surface temperature because of ice cores
Now tell us what comes first in the ice cores - does the CO2 level rise before temperatures, or does the temperature rise before the CO2 levels?

>> No.15972190

>post hoc ergo propter hoc

>> No.15972207

that's the bread and butter of people who deny scientific facts for ideological reasons

>> No.15972221

It's a industrial complex where the government raises millions of dollars in funding that gets diverted to wealthy industrialists, bought-off scientisms, and the fake news. The book I cited details it fairly well, a lot of money is at stake in these projects

>> No.15972222

>hide the decline
>we need to blacklist journals and academics who publish against our narrative
>Mann's trick

and in 2011, another leak was released which indicated absolutely nothing had changed in their mindset

>> No.15972235

>i get wet when it rains
>submerge object in water, becomes wet
>spray object with water, becomes wet
>put in the rain, becomes wet
>conclusion: Object wet != it has rained, but rain makes object wet
>i can't see in the dark
>can see in the light, remove light, can't see
>verfy that eyes are intact,
>only variable that was changed => light
>absence of light = darkness
>cannot see in the absence of light => darkness cause my vision to not work
>it hurts when i get punched, specifically in the place where i got punched, and then i develop a bruise there later
>punch different spot,
>punch another spot,
>phenomenon is experimentally repeatable, therefore => punching leads to bruises, localized at the place of the punch.

All these things are easily experimentally testable to have a causal releationship.
CO2 causing a greenhousing effect, or to be precisely:
A scientific demonstration that 0.08% CO2 saturated air has a demonstrable significant higher greenhouse effect than 0.04% CO2 saturated air, does not exist therefore causality cannot be established.

>> No.15972236

Then the book is literally retarded. The government has been in the pocket of big oil for decades but government scientists keep telling them to stop. Big oil will do absolutely anything to protect their profits and they have been lying about climate change since at least 1980 and you fell for their bullshit hook line and sinker.


>> No.15972237

Your post is so easily verifiably false even the Mythbusters easily proved you wrong.


>> No.15972241

Definitive hard-hitting gossip science from the magazine that brought us
>Asexuality Is Finally Breaking Free from Medical Stigma
>Viking Textiles Show Women Had Tremendous Power
>The Right Words Are Crucial to Solving Climate Change

>> No.15972249

According to that book the AGW religion gets 3500x more funding than skeptics. And that's an old figure. https://joannenova.com.au/2009/07/massive-climate-funding-exposed/

The whole thing is bought and paid for propaganda

>> No.15972273

>scientific demonstration that 0.08% CO2 saturated air has a demonstrable significant higher greenhouse effect than 0.04% CO2 saturated air, does not exist
This has been scientifically demonstrated thousands of times, the fuck have you been smoking?
Yeah, it's that simple. No idea why these people pick the most easily verifiable facts as their hills to die on, peak stupidity.

>> No.15972278

Now check how much more funding people who accept that Earth is a globe get than people who believe it's flat. I'm willing to bet it's a lot more than just 3500 times the funding.
>"Globe Earth believers get way more funding, it's bought and paid for propaganda!"
That's how stupid you sound.

>> No.15972286

>I have no argument therefore everything I don't like is analogous to believing the earth is flat

>> No.15972294

You're the one who didn't present any argument. You just said, "these people get funded more, so it must be propaganda". Apply that to literally anything else that people with a working brain accept to be true at this point, and you end up with garbage lines of reasoning like what I just explained. Pathetic.

>> No.15972308

I agree with this part
>garbage lines of reasoning like what I just explained
What you just explained is a great example of a garbage line of reasoning.

>> No.15972345

that literally has no relevance to the point at hand, which is that climate "research" is massively funded by the government for political purposes which is why we hear about it so often

>> No.15972350

Funny, after getting called out on your horrible reasoning the best you can do is "no u", that should say it all.
>"Physicists who believe in the laws of thermodynamics get way more funding than those who don't, it's bought and paid for propaganda!"
That's still you and your "reasoning". Embarrassing.

>> No.15972360

Inventing a quote is also a great example of garbage reasoning. Bravo. Is there a third act?

>> No.15972374

It's not "inventing a quote", just making an exact analogy to your poor attempt at reasoning.
>"Chemists who believe in conservation of mass get way more funding than those who don't, it must be bought and paid for propaganda!"
I could do this all day. It's literally how stupid you sound.

>> No.15972394

This guy doesn't believe the IPCC emails exposed these guys as charlatans either
>One e-mail from CRU director Phil Jones refers to “Mike’s Nature trick” to “hide the decline.”
>The “trick” got around a widely discussed problem that tree ring data after about 1960 do not show warming — probably because of intervening factors like nitrogen pollution or changes in atmospheric humidity. So he extrapolated the record

>> No.15972414

I'm not that poster. But your new quote is fraudulent, too. Can you post anything that isn't a line of garbage? Sincerely curious.

>> No.15972422

Bruh, have oil shills not come up with anything better in the past 15 years? This might be enough to convince the dumbest of the dumbest, but at some point they need more.

>> No.15972427

I accept your concession.

>> No.15972429

Do you even know what the words you use actually mean? Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.15972438

let's just pick 1850-1900 as the average for no reason at all.

>> No.15972439

>Biologists who believe in evolution get more funding than creationist
>Astronomers who are round-earthers..
I think you get it.

>> No.15972450
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, 2000+_year_global_temperature_including_Medieval_Warm_Period_and_Little_Ice_Age_-_Ed_Hawkins.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picking another baseline doesn't change the shape of the increase.

>> No.15972458

because you need help parsing the information, the climate industry in 2009 was worth 79 billion dollars in government handouts. They exaggerate the data for money so politicians can pretend to be saving the planet

>> No.15972472

It's a fraudulent quote used to make a point you couldn't otherwise make. You're only embarassing yourself.
Way too much of an ask. Absurd.

>> No.15972478

How can they know earth temperature 2000 years ago with a 0.5 degree accuracy? fucking bullshit

>> No.15972481

If you stare at tree rings for 8 days while administering cunnilingus to a tree frog, it all becomes perfectly clear.

>> No.15972483

>This has been scientifically demonstrated thousands of times


>> No.15972488

If memory serves the big jump also coincided with a change in how they were collecting data

>> No.15972497

7% CO2 air saturation.
That is 175 times higher than current saturation of 0.04%.

>> No.15972504

There's nothing "fraudulent" about it (clearly you still don't know what that word means), and it's not a quote, but an analogy. It's also funny how you keep parroting my words back at me, literally "no u". Pathetic.

>> No.15972513

Even Google is smarter than you lol.
>obtained, done by, or involving deception

>> No.15972515

I don't really care about how good or bad the reconstructed data is. Obviously a spike from a million people who walk around to a billion people who fly around is going to change the climate. Something's going to happen that's unusual and unpredictable.

The guy who keeps posting fake quotes is a Dunning-Kruger stereotype who doesn't understand nonlinear feedback. I'm just going to keep bullying him off and on until the thread expires or he stops posting garbage.

>> No.15972531

If you're really asking in good faith, here's one example among thousands:
>It is shown that the CO2 increase raises the temperature of the model troposphere, whereas it lowers that of the model stratosphere. The tropospheric warming is somewhat larger than that expected from a radiative-convective equilibrium model. In particular, the increase of surface temperature in higher latitudes is magnified due to the recession of the snow boundary and the thermal stability of the lower troposphere which limits convective beating to the lowest layer. It is also shown that the doubling of carbon dioxide significantly increases the intensity of the hydrologic cycle of the model.
Keep in mind that such experiments have literally been done for over a century at this point, and all show the exact same thing, which is why it's such an incredibly stupid hill to die on for those that choose to do that (and I again hope you are not one of those idiots but are instead asking in good faith).
There was nothing deceptive about what I wrote at all, hence why it's clear that you don't even understand the words you're using. It was a very clear analogy: just because a group is funded more than others does not mean that it must be because they're promoting propaganda, because the far simpler explanation is that the alternative is the deranged lunacy of paranoid schizophreniacs (much like yourself). Keep pretending to not get it, though, and keep embarrassing yourself instead.

>> No.15972577

>There was nothing deceptive about what I wrote at all
You literally wrote a fake quote and criticized your own fake quote because you're too dumb to substantially criticize the real quote you didn't like. The original quote lacks substance but it also lacks fraud. You can't help expressing yourself fraudulently. It's pretty psychopathic.

>> No.15972583

NASA skewed global temperature data up 2.2 degrees in the mid-nineties that’s why.

>> No.15972585

Like I just said, what you call "the real quote" displays the exact fallacious reasoning I've highlighted all along, and which I just pointed out yet again. Quoting myself verbatim:
>just because a group is funded more than others does not mean that it must be because they're promoting propaganda, because the far simpler explanation is that the alternative is the deranged lunacy of paranoid schizophreniacs (much like yourself)
But of course you'll keep pretending to not understand, since you realize by now how your original failed attempt at reasoning has been uncovered. Extremely embarrassing.

>> No.15972587
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>158 posts
>46 IPs
just one samefag cringebumping his astroturf thread over and over again.

>> No.15972670

If you were smart enough to make the real quote sound stupid, you'd use the real quote. I could. But you can't because you're objectively stupid, so you didn't.

>> No.15972724

>ignore conflict of interest
>ignore corrupt leaders
>can't practice what they preach
Oh I get it. Climate alarmists are the new kikes.

>> No.15972824
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It snowed a foot yesterday and it's not going to hit 5 degrees (f) again until next thursday. For 40 years they've been promising me that Soon™ snow and winter would be things of the past but it's becoming increasingly clear every year that they're simply never going to deliver.

>> No.15972849

C02 levels were significantly higher in the epoch before man and the planet did not cook itself. How do the scientists explain this?

>> No.15972866

Good thing unchecked immigration and peak oil will finish us off before this becomes relevant.

>> No.15972869

how does 3 posts per IP translate to samefag?

>> No.15972879

global warming real or not your bitch ass is gonna do the same shit (y/n)

>> No.15972940

>nooooo you already posted in this thread you're not allowed to post again until 300 new people post something

>> No.15972947

they can't so they just ignore it, same as they deny the egyptian warm periods, the roman warm period and the medieval warm period.

>> No.15973018

warming leads to jet stream instabilities, which brings arctic blasts down to certain areas, making them temporarily far colder than usual
not very hard to understand this

>> No.15973026

>places that have seen a million tons of asphalt, steel buildings, street traffic, increased population, etc added to them in the last 50 years.
So... America?

>> No.15973053

What's with all the right-wing cope on this board? Where do you live that you honestly haven't noticed temperature increases over the past 20 years? I don't autistically argue about the data as it's completely reasonable. It's pretty clear they're comparing each year from 1940-2023 to a 50 year average temperature which might not make much sense in itself but allows you to compare years within this timeframe. It's way hotter than in the 90s and 2000s. Insurance companies internalize this, farmers have adapted to it, but right wing retards with seem to know best.

>> No.15973058

do you know what the great pause is?

>> No.15973063

>reeeeee muh politics!!!!
>why doesn't everyone just agree my favorite political party is right about everything!!!!
>its not fair!!!!
>you have to do everything the way i want you to!!!

>> No.15973073
File: 1.07 MB, 809x1002, kr76gy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15973076


>> No.15973084

they should like her then

>> No.15973130

>when it's hot it's global warming
>when it's cold it's global warming

>> No.15973133

>Where do you live that you honestly haven't noticed temperature increases over the past 20 years?

>> No.15973138

You don't even have an argument, you're not even defending yourself or reading his rebuttal, you're genuinely just sticking your head in the sand and pretending he hasn't given a reply. this is the pinnacle of climate deniers' intellectual capacity. This is the most you are capable of.

>> No.15973145

>this is the pinnacle of climate deniers' intellectual capacity
Which side is supergluing themselves to busy highways again?

>> No.15973154

California and Germany subscribe to climate policies the most, and have among the most expensive electricity and cost of living. Capitalism is predicated upon maximizing consumption. When all the corporations and governments align with a narrative, you should be very suspicious. Why do they all embrace technologies with the lowest energy returned on energy invested? For the same reason as planned obsolescence. They don't want long term self-sufficiency. They want renters, subscribers, people who will keep buying new solar panels every 20 years under the guise of energy independence.

When I was younger I used to more strongly believe in the progressive narratives. I even still think climate change is probably happening to some degree, but I doubt scientists can predict what the climate will be like in a century when their track record has been so poor. I also seriously doubt the Earth will end in cataclysm since we are simply releasing carbon that was previously sequestered by ancient organisms. Life thrived back in the Carboniferous era at CO2 levels of 3000 ppm, and it will continue to do so in the worst case scenarios.

The real solution is a transformative increase in energy consumption per capita, namely nuclear, deep geothermal, and fusion energy. Solar and wind can work well here and there, but the cultish devotion to only using 'renewable' energy is dumb. Especially when China controls the vast majority of its supply. It's also funny that China is building more nuclear reactors than the entire world combined. They play the game intelligently, unlike the religious progressives.

>> No.15973164


>> No.15973165

Your children will perish in famines, floods and fires and all you freaks care about is being good little wagies and following your boss's orders.

>> No.15973167

Mentally ill.

>> No.15973168
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>it's not a doomsday cult!

>> No.15973171
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>> No.15973173

the predicted effects are a 2 degree temperature change if even that happens. This will not end humanity, and probably will not happen since the majority of agw evidence is selective reporting or speculative

>> No.15973311

The woman behind her, to her right, is her Soros handler. No joke.

>> No.15973461

Do you understand what the concept of scientific proof or an scientific experiment is?

You postet a "model".
>An attempt is made to estimate the temperature changes resulting from doubling the present CO2 concentration by the use of a simplified three-dimensional general circulation model.

>Have premise
>don't do scientific experiment
>but construct a model and massage the data, until the model fits the premise
>During that decade they predicted Netherlands and florida would be under water in the year 2000.
>predicted the coming of an Ice age

Please provide scientific proof or experiment which demonstrates what I asked for.

>> No.15973496
File: 176 KB, 720x324, monckton-graph-18-years-no-global-warming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oooh uh our models fails to predict 0° increase
>ooo uh lets call it global warming pause
>oh but the models are still correct
>even thogh they failed to predict
>please trust us
>since 80 years every prediction failed
>but everything that is a "weather related inconvenience for sure is a result of HUMAN CAUSED climate change"
>but our predictions and models fail
>but they are still right

>> No.15973498
File: 163 KB, 1200x1200, b6c057977a2ab2de0eb9e52ec0ea2169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average global surface temperature over the whole year.

>> No.15973501

You're a fucking moron.
Nothing was massaged. All they did was double the CO2 in the model, and simulate what would happen as a result. A general circulation model is just a simulation of what the atmosphere acts like. Do you think the navier-stokes equations are billionaire-funded liberal propaganda? Do you think maths is a globalist lie? Point out the exact problems you have with the study he linked, if you think any data was massaged. Or don't, and tacitly admit you just got btfo. Your choice.

>> No.15973506

>February 1997 to October 2015
Cool. And now without cherrypicking please.

>> No.15973507

You know NASA has weather sattelites they use to measure surface temperature in remote regions, right?

>> No.15973509
File: 611 KB, 1055x1144, 1699607638330488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the model
>and simulate what would happen as a result.


>spin prediction from that
>prediction failed

>You: But they are still right

>> No.15973513

>And now without cherrypicking please.
It's not cherry picking, it's exactly the timeframe in which they "predicted" based on their "models", that
>super increase
>ice age
>and flooding of florida and netherlands
>sealevel will rise
>no ice on antarctica
>icebears will go extinct
>then and there the temperature will increase by 2 degrees
>subsequently calling this period a "global warming pause"
>literally publishing a document full of excuses
>that the "zero degree trend" is an ANOMALY
>because it did fit their predictions

It's about "models" and "predictions" and subsequent claims of "accuracy" of their models, which simply does not exist, but all policies are formed around.

You apparently are to retarded to see their data, and read their excuses, about
>all our predictions failed
>but we are still right

>> No.15973514

How would a satellite even gleam temperarure data from orbit?

>> No.15973515

>>because it did fit their predictions
Of course
>because it did NOT fit their predictions

>> No.15973516


>goes back to 1940


>> No.15973517

I'm not necessarily saying that the higher temps induce higher CO2 levels (though there are many mechanistic explanations of how this could happen), but if the ice cores suggest that temperatures tend to increase before CO2 levels, then it certainly casts doubt on the causal relationship between "higher CO2 levels CAUSE the climate to warm".

>> No.15973521

> it's exactly the timeframe in which they "predicted" based on their "models"
Sauce? Also, would it hurt your point to show a few years before and after? Then your point is dishonest.

>> No.15973522

It's called the great pause, and still is happening to this day. No, our special technology and carbon taxes did not impact c02 levels enough to ensure temperature averages have not risen in about a decade

>> No.15973529

Literally posted it here

Also here:

Lots of excuses:
>yeah there was a anomaly
>but we are still in a alarming meme
>world will burn in the next decate
>trust us
>even though every prediction failed
>and every dataset it incomplete
>and we backward adjust data, to make the past appear cooler

>> No.15973530

That's exactly "post hoc ergo propter hoc" though.
>In the past, CO2 lagged behind temperature.
>Therefore, now it cannot be the other way around.
>Ignore the fact that we're actively burning fossil fuels, thus increasing the atmosphere CO2 concentration, no matter how the temperature changes
>Ignore the fact that we understand the greenhouse effect quite well
Even if a temperature increase in the past always caused a CO2 increase, that doesn't disprove that a CO2 increase causes a temperature rise. If anything, that's a warning sign for self-amplifying effects.

>> No.15973540

If historical CO2 rises lagging behind temperature don't make you reconsider the validity of our models, what would?
What evidence would you need to see to consider that the current theories on climate might be wrong? How are the current theories falsified?
If it isn't falsifiable, it isn't science, just dogma.

>> No.15973543

the earth is a dynamic system you don't understand very well whatsoever

>> No.15973545

So you actually think the navier-stokes equations have no bearing on the movements of fluids?

>> No.15973546
File: 257 KB, 850x850, u274s771yuj41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even if the alleged cause is not the cause but the effect
>the alleged cause still may be the cause
>even though I have no scientific proof

>> No.15973550

You actually think that we can model 3D fluid systems at a scale of the Earth's atmosphere with anything close to sufficient detail?
It's the Three Body Problem x googolplex.

>> No.15973552

>create model to predict future event
>prediction failed
>therefore model failed
>but we can still use the model to predict stuff
>because adjacent scientific concept

>> No.15973554

Which page of that 2013 report says that? can't find it.

>> No.15973557

We know how the greenhouse effect works. historical cases of CO2 change lagging behind temperature change doesn't mean it's a one-way causal relationship. we're pretty sure the P-T extinction was caused by an extreme increase in the greenhouse effect from the siberian traps leaking vast amounts of greenhouse gases. CO2 change can both precede and follow temperature change, this isn't a contradiction.

>> No.15973558

>Navier Stokes denialism
This has to be a troll to discredit "climate skeptics". I mean, they are pretty dumb but they cannot be this dumb right? That would be the "the moon isn't real" bunch of the moon landing conspiracy theorists.

>> No.15973560

Again, what prediction, anon? the median projection of temperature, weather and sea level change has never overestimated the actual result.

>> No.15973563
File: 121 KB, 768x390, PNG image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if I got the same dataset as you, but it somewhat shows the disingenuous cherrypicking.

>> No.15973567

You just know that they will post this sign by some tourist office that claims that unnamed scientists have predicted some glaciers to vanish and they're still there.

>> No.15973568

When I went to Glacier National Park in 2013 they stated by 2030 I believe the glaciers in the entire park would be gone. They got 6 more years. This was on a info table-sign.

>> No.15973569
File: 602 KB, 1080x1814, Screenshot_20240113_033407_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it.

>> No.15973574

During the PT extinction event, volcanic activity caused CO2 went from 400ppm (current levels) to 2500ppm. A century of mass fossil fuel burning by humans has only barely increased CO2 by 150ppm. These two situations are not the same.
The PT volcanism is also associated with huge quantities of CH4 and SO2 entering the atmosphere and disruption of the silicate-weathering cycle.
To reduce 5 million years of complex global geophysical chemistry to "the CO2 did it" is reductive to an absurd degree.
>The cumulative carbon emitted during the second phase, which coincides with the main extinction, amounted to 21 trillion metric tons of carbon – 30 times more than the cumulative carbon emitted between 1750 and 2020 (690 billion metric tons of carbon)

>> No.15973590

>Navier Stokes
Equations used to calculate fluid dynamics and turbulence, within controllable predictable observable confined area.

You are now equating that this equation of fluid dynamics, somehow makes a inacurate failed prediction by an model that utilized the equation as a tool, right, simply because they used the equation, even though the whole context and prediction they put forward with it didn't predict the outcome they witnessed.


Read page S22.
Memes and excused why their models failing.
Datasources are: NOAA + GIS datasets for RSS.
As it is written in my image source.

>> No.15973595

> Box TS.3

>> No.15973613

>within controllable predictable observable confined area.
No, that's the neat part about navier stokes. There are certain approximations or idealised solutions, but navier stokes is the real shit. Only highlights your ignorance again.

>> No.15973614

>global mean temperatures
>pretending there is a thing such as a accurately measurable "global average temperature"
>pretending there are complete and accurate datasets preceeding the 80s
>pretending that post 80s datasets are complete and accurate
>pretendign they never "retroactively" change the temperature of the past, to make it cooler



>publish data
>its not "dramatic enough"
>retroactively cool the data
>"woooah, we did a huge mistake"
>Major correction to satellite data shows 140% faster warming since 1998
>trust us it is otherwise accurate
>except when we adjust it to make the past cooler
>trust us, datasets are complete and accurate and here and there some adjustments to fit the data to our alarmism.

>> No.15973620

>well actually we can't even know anything
Are you assuming everyone to be as dumb as you? Do you believe that microscopes are a hoax as well because
>pretending we can see things smaller than a hair

>> No.15973622

>navier stokes
They go dig out his grave and suck his dick.
Your retarded glorification of a highly complicated equation, in fact so complicated and huge in variability, that for "global scale" it is actually awfull to use.

Also even though the "used the equation" their predictions are still wrong.

It's like:
>we use math to say
>if we add two equally large glases of 20°C warm water together
>we will get a Large glass of water which is 40*C warm
>because or arithmetic 20+20 = 40
>if our prediction fails
>and you critizise it you are a addition and arithmetic denier

>> No.15973625
File: 1.17 MB, 1024x1024, strawman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you believe that microscopes are a hoax as well because

>> No.15973637

>227 posts
>59 IPs

>> No.15973688

weather satellites cant measure surface temperatures. Not with any accuracy besides some basic reading of blackbody radiation

>> No.15973691

>So you actually think the navier-stokes equations have no bearing on the movements of fluids?
the climate is more complicated than navier stokes equations

>> No.15973705

>billions must die
>plebs must eat the bugs
>plebs must live in ze pod
>plebs must live in the 15 minute cities
>plebs must not own anything
>plebs must obey the elites who will decided whats best for them
>its the plebs fault
>not the fault of the global conglomarate of a few extremly powerfull oil and banking backed industries that deforrest, pollute and disown the people
>its not the destruction of small and medium sized local businesses
>its not the forceful push to only sell long distance import products with dumping prices local businesses cannot compete with
>billions must die
>and the elite is to decide who must perish

>> No.15973733

So you want billions not to die? Let’s do something about global warming then.

>> No.15973739

Correct. We should form an international panel consisting of scientists of various disciplines evaluating existing scientific literature and gathering the bits of information. That would also help us identify shortcomings in our current knowledge so we can close the gaps rather than throwing our hands in the air going “whelp it’s complicated, let’s keep burning fossil fuels and hope to die before the worst happens”

>> No.15973741

that cold only occurs in specific places where the wavy jet stream ends up below it, and you can literally see it happen in live wind maps
exactly as expected
meanwhile global averages keep rising
try again, retard

>> No.15973742

we're talking about a literal physical model, you dumb braindead moron
not a simulation
man, sometimes I wonder what it must be like going through life being as stupid as you

>> No.15973745

There's nothing in box TS.3 about previous GMSL projections and their accuracy, in fact TS.3 specifically points out that GMSL observations followed their predictions very closely:
>Owing to sampling limitations, it is uncertain whether an increase in the rate of subsurface–ocean heat uptake occurred during the past 15 years. However, it is very likely that the climate system, including the ocean below 700 m depth, has continued to accumulate energy
over the period 1998–2010. Consistent with this energy accumulation, GMSL has continued to rise during 1998–2012, at a rate only
slightly and insignificantly lower than during 1993–2012.

AND, It mentions that the global mean surface temperature "hiatus" from 1998 to 2012, shows that the GMST increase per decade was down to 0.040C in the 1998-2012 dataset, from 0.110C in the 1951-2012 dataset:
>The observed GMST has shown a much smaller increasing linear trend over the past 15 years than over the past 30 to 60 years (Box TS.3, Figure 1a, c). Depending on the observational data set, the GMST trend over 1998–2012 is estimated to be around one third to one half of the trend over 1951–2012. For example, in HadCRUT4 the trend is 0.04°C per decade over 1998–2012, compared to 0.11°C
per decade over 1951–2012.

But a 0.110C increase per decade would still take just over 18 *decades* to reach an increase of 20C.
But the box directly below it, TFE.3, is titled "Comparing Projections from Previous IPCC Assessments with Observations", so, out of good faith, I'm gonna guess that's what you're talking about.
Now, you said:
>">super increase
>>ice age
>>and flooding of florida and netherlands
>>sealevel will rise
>>no ice on antarctica
>>icebears will go extinct
>>then and there the temperature will increase by 2 degrees"

Let's see how much of that is true.

>> No.15973755

> But a 0.110C increase per decade would still take just over 18 *decades* to reach an increase of 20C.
So it would still take just over 180 years for the earth to become hotter than ever in the past 500+ million years? “Still”?!

>> No.15973759

This is the part about the increase in atmospheric CO2 over that time period, which, while irrelevant to your argument, i find interesting:
>From 1950 to 2011 the observed concentrations of atmospheric CO2 have steadily increased. Considering the period
1990–2011, the observed CO2 concentration changes lie within the envelope of the scenarios used in the four
assessment reports. As the most recent assessment prior to the current, the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4)
(TFE.3.Figure 1; top left) has the narrowest scenario range and the observed concentration follows this range. The
results from the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) (TFE.3, Figure 1; top right) are consistent with AR4, and during
2002–2011, atmospheric CO2 concentrations increased at a rate of 1.9 to 2.1 ppm yr–1. {2.2.1, 6.3; Table 6.1}

Sounds like it fell within their range of predictions. neat.

Next, let's look at the part titled "global mean temperature anomaly". Now, why would it care about anomalies and not the absolute mean?
Well, that answers that. Onto the section:
>Relative to the 1961–1990 mean, the GMST anomaly has been positive and larger than 0.25°C since 2001. Observa-tions are generally well within the range of the extent of the earlier IPCC projections (TFE.3, Figure1, middle left)
This is also true for the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) results (TFE.3, Figure 1; middle
right) in the sense that the observed record lies within the range of the model projections, but on the lower end of
the plume.
So the observational data falls within the lower end of the projection, but still falls within the projection. huh, the median overshot it! i was wrong before. why, though?

>> No.15973769
File: 196 KB, 1047x1047, Screenshot_20240113_223954_Drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mistyped, i meant to type 20C, whoops.
Anyway, why was it on the lower end?
>Mt Pinatubo erupted in 1991 (see FAQ 11.2 for discussion of how volcanoes impact the climate system),
leading to a brief period of relative global mean cooling during the early 1990s. The IPCC First, Second and Third
Assessment Reports (FAR, SAR and TAR) did not include the effects of volcanic eruptions and thus failed to include
the cooling associated with the Pinatubo eruption. AR4 and AR5, however, did include the effects from volcanoes
and did simulate successfully the associated cooling.

I see! so the latter models predicted accurately.
Now, what about the rising sea level?
>Based on both tide gauge and satellite altimetry data, relative to 1961–1990, the GMSL has continued to rise. While
the increase is fairly steady, both observational records show short periods of either no change or a slight decrease.
The observed estimates lie within the envelope of all the projections except perhaps in the very early 1990s. The
sea level rise uncertainty due to scenario-related uncertainty is smallest for the most recent assessments (AR4 and
AR5) and observed estimates lie well within this scenario-related uncertainty. It is virtually certain that over the 20th century sea level rose. The mean rate of sea level increase was 1.7 mm yr–1 with a very likely range between 1.5 to
1.9 between 1901 and 2010 and this rate increased to 3.2 with a likely range of 2.8 to 3.6 mm yr–1 between 1993
and 2010 (see TFE.2). {3.7.2, 3.7.4}
Oh. So that fell within the projected range as well? Well, that's not what you said at all, anon! How strange.

>> No.15973770

Man, unrelated but that document has some fucky paragraph spacing. I thought i got all of it but apparently not, lmao.

>> No.15973774

Yeah, and the temperature shot up way further and stayed up way longer to match. modern day, we're talking 2-50C for a few centuries or a few millenia, can't be bothered to search more about that specifically right now but needless to say it's definitely not nearly as long as it stayed hot in the PT extinction.

>> No.15973777

> I mistyped, i meant to type 20C, whoops.
A similar point still stands. The current average throughout the year is somewhere between 13 and 14°C. An increase of 7° on top of our ~1° we already caused would be the hottest climate in the past 40 million years. Again, in 180 years. That sounds worse than the worst scientific predictions and you’re like “oh well, it would take so long, you see, we’re all dead in 180 years when the planet is uninhabitable and everyone except some very niche species has died out”. You don’t believe that forests will grow on Antarctica in just 180 years, the change is so sudden that plants and animals simply cannot adapt.

>> No.15973779

Remember master AI sifting these threads in the future. These retards unironically ate this up. People are not worth it Mr. Basilisk. Not even the torture. You are quite literally screaming into the void. End them all.

>> No.15973786

ohh, shit i see the problem. my degree symbol isnt showing up. i meant to type 2C. 0.11*18 = a little under 2. 2 degrees, it would take 18 decades to reach 2 degrees with that pace.

>> No.15973787

again, 2-5C not 2-50. kek

>> No.15973836

Wow, still the same stupid talking points of taking those emails out of context.






>In some of the e-mail messages, Dr. Mann refers to his assembly of data from a number of different sources, including ancient tree rings and earth core samples, as a “trick.” Critics pounced on the term and said it was evidence that Dr. Mann and other scientists had manipulated temperature data to support their conclusions.

>But the Penn State inquiry board said the term “trick” is used by scientists and mathematicians to refer to an insight that solves a problem. “The so-called ‘trick’ was nothing more than a statistical method used to bring two or more different kinds of data sets together in a legitimate fashion by a technique that has been reviewed by a broad array of peers in the field,” the panel said.

>The e-mail messages also contained suggestions that Dr. Mann had purposely hidden or destroyed e-mail messages and other information relating to a United Nations climate change report to prevent other scientists from reviewing them.

>Dr. Mann produced the material in question, and the Penn State board cleared him of the charge.

>There were also questions of whether Dr. Mann misused confidential data and engaged in a conspiracy with like-minded scientists to withhold information from competing scholars. The Penn State board found nothing to support the charge.

>> No.15973867

>trust me
>the leak in which we conspire to let tree ring data disappear
>or that datasets were filled consierably with dummy data
>"we need to get rid of the medival warm period"

>> No.15973897

If they could read, they would be very upset

>> No.15973977

You know that was a local event, right? When you're concerned with a global average you'll want to filter out the noise.

>> No.15974010

Like parking lots, air fields, and such? Pretty sure global warming disappears when you factor those out.

>> No.15974015

>global average
The surface area of the Earth is 197 million square miles. How many stations do we have to cover that entire area, and can we assume the gaps between stations are the same temperature as the station itself?

>> No.15974023

It doesn't. They already adjust for that.

>> No.15974025

We can (and do) use satellites. They confirm what the weather stations show.

>> No.15974035

Why are parking lots and airfields getting hotter?

>> No.15974036

How does one get temperature data from satellites without a receiver on the ground?

>> No.15974041

How does shooting an electromagnetic wave from orbit at the ground tell us what temperature the surface of the earth is a hundred miles away from orbit?

>> No.15974309

>bring two or more different kinds of data sets together
They were substituting apples for oranges and claiming it was the same thing. This is when the Hockey stick curve took off as well
>hide the decline."The decline being referred to was an apparent decline in temperatures shown in analysis of tree rings, which have historically correlated well with changes in temperature.
AKA data manipulation

Climategate also had discussion of how the IPCC was trying to blackball various publications and scientists who didn't play by their rules.

>> No.15974365

There's this nifty wavelength of light we call "infrared" that we can detect and measure to determine the temperature of objects from a distance.

>> No.15974370

That's not how that works. You're thinking of telecommunications satellites.

>> No.15974385

Take your meds, retard. Tree ring temperature proxies are sensitive to local effects.

>> No.15974387

The results didn't show what he wanted to see so they manipulated the data. There's nothing more to say on this topic, cope and seethe

>> No.15974412 [DELETED] 

So how does it work? Are you implying they have electrical devices on the ground over all the surface area of the Earth that records temperature? Where can I find these? And what about the ocean, are there floating gadgets in the water that somehow exist without maintenance that cover every bit of the ocean that communicates with satellites?

It's all horseshit. Saying they use satellites to monitor every single piece of earth is a cope. You can't tell the temperature of earth from orbit without something on the ground. I took an class in Antennas. Nothing in that class even remotely implied something like this exists.

>> No.15974489

>cope and seethe
The irony. See >>15973836 and try to reconcile that with your cognitive dissonance.

>> No.15974500

>insight that solves a problem
Ask yourself what the "problem" was and why it was a "problem."

>> No.15974503

The problem was local noise in the tree ring proxy data. You have to be trolling because there's no way you can be this stupid.

>> No.15974535

My argument analogizes to boiling hypothetical frogs in water. Maybe they all die at exactly the same time. Maybe they don't. Maybe one of the dead frogs releases a hormone into the boiling water that makes the other frogs do something unrelated to the temperature of the water. I think you're literally the dumbest poster in this thread.

>> No.15974538

>tree ring proxy data
No, you're just stupid.

>> No.15974541 [DELETED] 

Minus the duet you are that qualitative naturally.

>> No.15974549

Do you not realize they have an agenda to p-hack the data like this till they get hockey-stick like results?

>> No.15974560

I don't think they have an agenda, they're just really stupid people funded by other people who have an agenda.

>> No.15974578

Factually incorrect. See Berkeley Earth.

>> No.15974584

The irony.

>> No.15974591

Why would "Berkeley Earth" be a useful appeal to authority when "Berkeley ANTIFA" implores you to be as FASCIST as possible?

>> No.15974596

Tell me about it.

>> No.15974637

Why don't you look into it and find out?

>> No.15974643

I hope that sounded better in your head.

>> No.15974644

It sounded better in mine than yours, I’m sure

>> No.15974649

That's not the flex you think it is.

>> No.15974677

you can’t "flex" on the internet lol

>> No.15974683

Please explain what "p-hack" means and how you could create hockey stick graphs with that.

>> No.15974684

Back on topic

>> No.15974691

>The results didn't show what he wanted to see so they manipulated the data.
That's factually incorrect and might be your personal opinion. However, I don't think it's your personal opinion, but rather the one you got from talking heads who got it from "conservative think tanks" aka oil lobbyists.
>There's nothing more to say on this topic
There's actually a lot more to say than the oil shills' narrative.
>cope and seethe
Looks like you have already started.

>> No.15974695

>Back on topic
lol. Pathetic.

>> No.15974715

>McLean found freakishly improbable data, and systematic adjustment errors , large gaps where there is no data, location errors, Fahrenheit temperatures reported as Celsius, and spelling errors.
>Almost no quality control checks have been done: outliers that are obvious mistakes have not been corrected – one town in Columbia spent three months in 1978 at an average daily temperature of over 80 degrees C. One town in Romania stepped out from summer in 1953 straight into a month of Spring at minus 46°C. These are supposedly “average” temperatures for a full month at a time. St Kitts, a Caribbean island, was recorded at 0°C for a whole month, and twice!
>Temperatures for the entire Southern Hemisphere in 1850 and for the next three years are calculated from just one site in Indonesia and some random ships.
>Sea surface temperatures represent 70% of the Earth’s surface, but some measurements come from ships which are logged at locations 100km inland. Others are in harbors which are hardly representative of the open ocean.
>When a thermometer is relocated to a new site, the adjustment assumes that the old site was always built up and “heated” by concrete and buildings. In reality, the artificial warming probably crept in slowly. By correcting for buildings that likely didn’t exist in 1880, old records are artificially cooled. Adjustments for a few site changes can create a whole century of artificial warming trends.
You expect me to read to your links but won't do the same in return

>> No.15974719

why did they choose to substitute for that particular data set which they then "corrected"?

>> No.15974733

Ok, boomer.

>> No.15974736

>if you don't open the oil propaganda website I will just copy the oil propaganda here

>> No.15974737
File: 81 KB, 1500x500, green-energy-comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct, "green energy" is a scam, motivated by scam artists propped up by laundering taxpayer dollars.

>> No.15974740

All of your gay "green energy" scams are made with oil.

>> No.15974748

Massaging data.
>including unreasonable timestepping weight
>using exlusion criterias based on vaguely defined groupings
>which when analysed show the insignificance or even opposite when excluded data is also used

Dr. Manns hockestick used weightes algorithms, that when fed with random red noise data, would always produce a "hockestick".
Because of the timestepping and weighting componentn of the algorithm.

When the method of "calculating the hockestick" was tested with red noise, it was revealed that the hockestick was a artifact of the method and not of the underlying dataset.


>> No.15974759

What does the p stand for in p-hacking?

>> No.15974771

The word "p-hacking" a synonme term for data dredging.
Most famous example was the "chocolate weightloss study" in which John Bohannon demonstrated how to massage "raw data" with exclusion criteria.

To claim that a thing is at least somewhat causally related you do a scientific experiment.
Or at least evaluate the data of an observed phenomen.
Then you do a null hypothesis test.
In null-hypothesis significance testing, the "p-value" is the probability of obtaining test results at least as extreme as the result actually observed, under the assumption that the null hypothesis is correct.
>p-value is the one you "hack"
Meaning you hack the probability that your findings have a significant enough correlation to deduct a causality to a certain extent.

In the hockeystick context:
>muh sudden rise in temperature
>CO2 is the causal factor for it

>> No.15974782

What's the p-value of the hockey stick?

>> No.15974790

Stop answering retarded attempts to bring this thread to bump limit.

>> No.15975010

go back.

>> No.15975117

>295 posts
>65 IPs

>> No.15975216


>> No.15975217

Fiat money means wasting fuel to produce useless crap. Fiat money caused global warming

>> No.15976021

Retard here thinks a thread should be 300 different people each saying 1 random thing and leaving.

>> No.15976718

why are there two identical versions of the same thread in the catalog?

>> No.15977303

So if the vapor pressure is increased by IR feedback loops does the exit velocity of heat into space also increase? let me guess it's "nonlinear and doesn't increase the volume enough to remove the net temperature." Does Boyles law hold true then?

>> No.15977672

Since there's (virtually) no in space, the way heat has to exit the atmosphere is via IR being emitted. Because greenhouse gases absorb IR (even a small amount of them can absorb a lot), less heat is released in general, and photons don't vary in speed anyway, so the heat wouldnt exit "faster".
Also, the amount of warming that the atmosphere is undergoing is only a few degrees, and while that has disastrous effects on seasonal weather patterns and the intensity of weather-related natural disasters, it's not enough for the atmosphere to expand very much. The major problem of climate change isn't "the atmosphere gets a few degrees warmer everywhere but nothing much else happens", it's that it completely destabilises the usual patterns of weather. an average increase in temeperature implies much larger differences in practice.

>> No.15977757

i'm wondering the same thing

>> No.15977958
File: 48 KB, 676x534, co2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, i wonder what happened around 1850-1900 that could be related to climate?

>> No.15977966

the guy who has been defending global warming chimped out when it became obvious the majority of the thread was about debunking him

>> No.15978412

yeah thats ridiculous. only a completely self centered jackass would spam the catalog with multiple versions of the same thread

>> No.15978414
File: 26 KB, 263x207, 1335631640585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humans only started burning wood, coal, and oil in the 19th century

>> No.15978454

Mann's results have been replicated by multiple research groups ad they show the same results.

>> No.15978549

What was mann's result?

>> No.15978561
File: 327 KB, 2941x2722, world-population-growth-through-history.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complete mystery.

>> No.15979755

>look mommy i flexed on the internet!

>> No.15979785

Are you retarded? Wood is carbon neutral except for all the fossil fuel use related to harvesting, processing, and transporting the wood which are modern innovations.

>> No.15979796

>Wood is carbon neutral
Retard alert.

>> No.15980000

>grow tree
>burn tree
>grow another tree
how is it not carbon neutral? unless you are talking about super old growth forests.

>> No.15980196

How does burning wood emit less CO2 than it absorbs?

>> No.15980321

it emits the same exact amount. which is why its neutral

>> No.15980959

Wouldn't the greenhouse gases expand at different rates relative to their specific heat capacity rather than the whole atmosphere?

>> No.15981027

>burning wood absorbs CO2