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15968751 No.15968751[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

NASA caught lying again

>> No.15968798

Because earth is a solid surface that reflects light and space is a vacuum. Next question.

>> No.15968803

>tfw you hear NASA in the walls again

>> No.15968808

This is the stoopidity that living in a city gets you. Can urbanoids even be considered human at this point? Not just for being stupid but for never being blessed by the stars.

>> No.15969121 [DELETED] 

>space is a vacuum
it isn't

>> No.15969141

Except there is. You can't see light that isn't travelling towards your eyes, so space appears black.

Not truly, no. That's why we have to deal with extinction and interstellar reddening. Another phenomenon, which you can see with your eyes, is the zodiacal light, which is light reflected off gas and dust lying in the plane of the solar system.

>> No.15969150
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>> No.15969161

Those swiping things are equal to two pyramids if that's anything

>> No.15969164
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They know about RA

>> No.15969517

light needs to reflect off of something and hit your eye for you to see it

>> No.15969519

i'd bet everything that OP is a flat earther

>> No.15969609


>> No.15969660

It's always so funny when flat earthers expose their idiocy through their arrogance.

>> No.15969804


How would Earth "reflect light" is said light has to supposedly travel the "vacuum" of space to reach it? Logically, inasmuch as Earth "reflects light", the light would have to be visible in the "vacuum" between the Earth and light source.

>> No.15969814
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>> No.15969819

>the "energy" rays of the sun travel through "cold" space until they reach "earth" and turn into "heat"
imagine being gullible enough to believe this

>> No.15969840

The story is: seeing is the eye nerve being stimulated by light and the brain recognizing the pattern of stimulation as an image. Most light in space does not reach your eyes.
Heat is friction between particles and vibration of particles no? So the light in space itself is ''heat'' (to a measuring) observer) but space is absence of particles.

>> No.15969849

No mention of Jews in the top panel so they're all shills

>> No.15969864

because space is BIG and redshift

>> No.15969894

It is, you can see the sun, can't you?

>> No.15970633

>If islands are in the ocean, why can we walk on islands but not the ocean?

>> No.15970784

Found the CIA well poisoning shill.

>> No.15971351
File: 79 KB, 680x847, cringe soyence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't they just fuck up their latest launch and waste another billion dollars in the process?

>> No.15972995

NASA is a bunch of affirmative action hire buffoons, its over 70% female

>> No.15973184

NASA became an overt taxpayer grift full of playdoh fiddling diversity hires and 'inspirational' women since 2008.
Idiocracy need to be reversed by any means necessary. The academia needs a total purge. The idiot faculty and administrators who have been enabling this downward spiral need to get a hard reality check.
There are few creatures on earth as cocooned and sheltered as the academics are in the west.

>> No.15973232

thats like saying its the airforce's fault that the f-35 sucks

>> No.15973547

It is their fault since they keep hiring shit diversity mechanics to conduct maintenance.

>> No.15973555

>dont teach people to do anything
>create an employment system where people are forced to lie about their abilities so they arent homeless
>make it so boomers will literally be ruined if they ever leave their jobs
>make being into math and science social poison

dude how come these engineers just cant figure it out??

>> No.15973559

We need to fire so many fucking idiots and their diversity hire pets in federal agencies, it's not even funny.

>> No.15973561

idk about the government but if this wave of AI ends up being a nothing burger in some important way then a lot of companies are gonna be doing a lot of laying off

>> No.15973565

No AI written by jeet and sandnig mutt coders will ever work the way it was meant to, unfortunately.
There's a total muslim ban and H1 visa revamp coming for a reason.
Also, deportations.

>> No.15973570

The sun is not the source of light on earth. Most light on earth comes from me. My divine intellect is enlightening my surroundings.

>> No.15973571

a lot of indian people in the workplace are citizens and hire all their family and friends who are also citizens so that probably wont do shit. regardless code and engineering quality is dropping across the board with or without diversity hires for obvious reasons (people are not born knowing how to engineer)

>> No.15973579

A lot of those 'citizens' hate this country and want to change it to suit their disgusting agendas. They are the UN agents. Right now they are all in on economic replacement of Whites as a rule and want to isolate people so that they are the only alternative.
These groups are acting as a hivemind with a specifically perverse ethnic agendas, and the fucking morons enabling them are the worst of the hypocrites you can imagine. No wonder Boeing is going into the shitter.

>> No.15973585

yeah that where we differ, a whole generation of people failed to pass on knowledge because they were too busy larping about getting rich or whatever. im sure there is some aspect of diversity hiring at work that you clearly seem fixated on (they can replace whites i literally dont care) but i cant not face the fact that everyone i interact with in the industry cannot design or build fucking SHIT even though thats their fucking job

>> No.15973602
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I agree. There's been a massive societal lapse in terms of accountability and a sense of cohesion, mainly resulting from all the covert chaos of the Cold War and increasing level of degeneracy around the globe as a result. As a result of playing psychological defense all the time, competence and pursuit of excellence became secondary to dysgenic cold war national security agenda that placed people in a stasis while rest of the world was eating red meat.
There are a lot of people 'in charge' right now who are still smiling like cats who just swallowed a nest of canaries because they literally can't fathom, or don't want to contemplate, that the reality they 'succeeded' in is so heavily flawed it needs a complete overhaul.
Many of them are basically crypto marxists, be they left or right. Problem is, they were babied their whole lives whether they know it or not, and don't know how to do things differently.
There is no need to burn down the system overnight, but there is definitely a very urgent need to shift public and even private education from semi-nigger overseer plantation institutions into Prussian style competitive education pattern. People need to learn from early age what it means to lead, learn, and triumph.
Right now, what we had in the last 70 years is basically cold war defensive siege mentality where education is much more about recycling past regrets and social mistakes rather than finding better solutions.
The demographic agenda actually does matter, because these freaks are organized and coordinated on an ethnic level while spreading their third world dynamic of incompetence and political, economic nepotism aimed right at usurping American way of life to suit their ethnic ends. Even worse, these perverted fuckers are all organized groomers and sick perverts against our women and children to the point it's fucking pathological. They are even worse than the fucking BLM.

>> No.15973888

Socratic contrarianism doesn't make you smart, it makes you an annoying, pilpulling faggot.
Go read a book you fucking nigger.

>> No.15973890

>NASA watching me masturbate again

>> No.15974785

The sun is indeed lighting up space. You can see this light in space when you look at the sun. If you are not looking at the Sun you do not see it's light as there is no air in space to scatter said light.

>> No.15975374

That's not lighting up. That's a laser firing in one direction. Lighting up would mean that it's bright in space, which it's not.