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15967727 No.15967727[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/pol/ seem to think that there will be a competence crisis because the society has gone "woke". Is there any truth to their beliefs?

>> No.15967743

>Is there any truth to their beliefs?
Yes, there'll be a crisis if wokeness gets prioritized over merit, but that doesn't mean the solution is to hire a bunch of slack-jawed /pol/-tier NEETs.

>> No.15967779

Already is. People are useless. Nothing gets done

>> No.15967790

I said this was coming a decade ago and the morons on this board laughed like donkeys at their own stupidity

>> No.15967802
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>what if we pass down responsibility for western civilization to a society heavily diluted by tens of millions of third worlders fresh off the boat from parts of the world that literally never invented wheels?
Ehhh, I'm sure it'll be fine.

>> No.15967803

>Is there any truth to their beliefs?
Extremely rarely, if ever. That's what happens when you cherry pick things to create a dystopian world view so you can complain about it online instead of doing anything

>> No.15967811

>cherry pick things to create a dystopian world view
Demonstrate the opposite.

>> No.15967813

Is it your contention that slashing the national average IQ by 5+ points through mass immigration from uncivilized parts of the world will have no major societal ramifications?

>> No.15967815 [DELETED] 
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California is currently the lowest IQ state, all due to immigration. 20 years ago it was the world center of technological development and now its a 3rd world shithole

>> No.15967819

Such as?

>> No.15967828

Think of all the jobs that require an IQ of at least 120 (for example) to do competently. Reducing the average IQ by 5 points reduces the pool of potential job candidates by 50% as a share of the overall population. Either half of the people in these jobs will be intellectually incapable of performing them or society will just have to get by with less doctors and engineers.

The higher up the IQ scale you go the worse it gets, but even at IQ 100 the pool has already shrunk 26%.

>> No.15967846

We keep having this race-baiting posts. It's the '60s all over again. Elon Musk and X are state-controlled assets.

>> No.15967854

>jobs that require an IQ of at least 120 (for example) to do competently
Like what?

>> No.15967856
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Yes, because 'state assets' routinely find themselves the victim of large propaganda campaigns and frivolous government investigations.

>> No.15967859

If your own IQ is too low to come up with many examples of that all by yourself then I'm wasting my time.

>> No.15967860

>because 'state assets' routinely find themselves the victim of large propaganda campaigns and frivolous government investigations.
Surely. If there was "genuine" resistance against Musk, all the state agencies, private contractors reliant on government hand-outs and banks would have dropped him a long time ago?

>> No.15967862

>less doctors and engineers
You think being a doctor requires a high IQ? Lol. Maybe a few very technical corners, like neurosurgery perhaps, and it's not like the demand for that outstrips the supply. Engineers? Who needs millions of engineers? To do what? Absurd.

>> No.15967863

You're an idiot lol.

>> No.15967871


>> No.15967872

It doesn't even matter for the argument if the minimum IQ is "high" or not, just that it exists at all. Unless your dumbass position is that every third world spearchucker or short-bus special ed retard can grow up to be a surgeon if he wants to be...

>> No.15967877

California is an example of a higher-IQ society destroying itself, not of a lower-IQ society doing that.

>> No.15967883

It's an example of a high IQ society destroying itself by intentionally transforming itself into a low IQ society.

>> No.15967885

My position is that you vaguely imagine civilization needs millions of very high IQ jobs but that when pressed about what those jobs are and why we need them you don't really have any idea what you're talking about. Same as the "super smart AI is bad just because I vaguely imagine it must be bad" argument.

>> No.15967889

It is currently a low IQ society and subsequently has increasing problems because of it

>> No.15967892

Where do you work and how many cheeseburgers do you make in an average day?

>> No.15967894
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Future historians, assuming we don't devolve back into apes that is, are going to look at this age, and be completely fucking flabbergasted that a race of people threw away their entire civilization


they didn't want to mean

>> No.15967899

Fewer than you. (This is also a free grammar lesson to help the author of >>15967828 come off as less of a retard.)

>> No.15967903

Ah, so it's Starbucks, not Mcdonalds. My bad.

>> No.15967905

Notice how the lower-IQ society laundered their miscreants to the higher-IQ society, not vv.

>> No.15967908

>implying I'm right about you making more cheeseburgers in an average day

>> No.15967914

>let's fuck over NASA and everything else that depends on SpaceX to settle a political vendetta
Easier just to JFK him.

>> No.15967954

meanwhile philosophers are claiming that kindness is an optimal social strategy

>> No.15968270

>there'll be a crisis if wokeness gets prioritized over merit
But it isn't. All woke means is that whiteness is no longer prioritised over merit.

>> No.15968293

>all nazi means is charity to our fellow citizens
You don't get to decide what woke means

>> No.15968297

It's marxists and their corporate paymasters

>> No.15968322

I wonder how much of that is due to boomers taking an early retirement.

>> No.15968327

philosophers don't do testing

>> No.15968346

>You don't get to decide what woke means
Then who? You? What for?
>all nazi means is charity to our fellow citizens
Isn't that what you actually believe? You're just quiet about who counts as a citizen.

>> No.15968372

The people who most frequently use the word. Today in America, nazi means something like “deranged racist zombie with prison tattoos who thinks brown people are racially inferior” and woke means something like “deranged racist zombie with non-prison tattoos who thinks brown people are racially inferior.”

>> No.15968374

oh snap

>> No.15968400

Look at the net economic value of different groups.
White and Asian men are the only ones who actually produce a positive net economic value.
Hispanics, blacks and women all cause net econonic losses in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.
In other words, white men are the only group of people in our society who produce more than they cost the tax payer.
Every other group, statistically speaking, lives of off taxes, using up more economic value than they produce.
This means that they are living off of the white mans labor.
And this is why white men are dropping out of society.
How many white fathers are there who work insane hours trucking cross country, fixing the sanitary systems, producing power, or grinding away in metal works factories? And to what end? Look how much money or value is left for them compared to 60 years ago.
If you think that the black youths who are heavily into drugs, rap music and gang crimunality, used to freebies, being treated like children and literally given free education on easy mode or some random ass South American immigrants will do these jobs, then you are very, very wrong.
Every reward, every fruit of your labor is literally being taken away by the government through support by military and big finance and redistributed to women, blacks and immigrants.
40% of 20 year olds are depressed, anons, public health is collapsing, the dating market is exploding in on itself, economic prospects are bleak and political tensions are rising, with the right growing ever more radical.
As soon as enough white men retire, this entire society goes down the drain.
It is unavoidable now and it's that simple.
Chaos will ensue and the laws of nature will reform the laws of man.

>> No.15968411

Kindness to whom, though? Kindness to people who wish you harm is worthless.

>> No.15968445

all you have to do is imagine that you, personally, need to have a complicated brain surgery to save your life. do you want the surgeon who you will never truly know if they got +10 "sorry for slavery, aren't white people just the worst??" bonus points for their entire medical education, or do you want the one held to the highest possible standard the entire time? deep down, even the most blue pilled npc knows that they'd prefer the latter, but their programming won't allow them to admit it for fear of being labeled racist

>> No.15968453

I’ll take Ben Carson

>> No.15968470

The ice pick will remove the racism through your nose

>> No.15968614

What's your point? That the low IQ society is more intelligent?

>> No.15968642
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someone on this shit board full of retards gets it

>> No.15968646

me too, seems like a decent bloke

>> No.15968650

Yes without a doubt.
I work in a complex STEM industry (let’s keep it vague) and I’m late forties. I can see a very clear stratification by age in terms of competency. Not just the specifics of our field but also in the ‘soft’ stuff like being able to keep your mouth shut, be diplomatic, deal with stress, concentrate and deal with minor setbacks and personal differences. I also see a massive difference in women/minorities with age. The ones my age are there on merit and are good. The younger ones are there BECAUSE they’re women/minorities regardless of any kind of skill.
Friends in the nuclear industry and heavy engineering tell me their retirement age colleagues are being begged to stay on with huge perks because nobody else is capable of doing the work.
The younger set (and there are exceptions, we do still get the odd good one who sneaks past HR) are incapable of seeing the bigger picture of the industry and I’ve already had to patch up a few colossal errors caused by this.
So yes, I can quite believe in a complex systems breakdown

>> No.15968655

It’s not even purely race or sex. I get recent grads, native Brits, who can’t spell, can’t use a filing system. Can’t see the bigger picture. Can’t be diplomatic. Massive entitlement, i had an American guy who insisted he wanted my job, and the job he was hired for was beneath him. I even said to him ‘ok. You want to advance? I’ll help you - you need to do what we hired you for but if you do it well I’ll give you more advanced stuff and coach you.’ He couldn’t even be arsed to do that and passed everything off on the admin girl then whined when I refused to play ball.
Twenty years ago a graduate with a first in a science subject would generally be ok ish. Now their grades and degrees are not a useful indicator. And HR don’t pass the good ones through. There must be good candidates, but we don’t get given them to interview.
>>15967862. Medicine requires a slightly above average IQ. More than that it requires a very specific type of knowledge accumulation and a specific personality type
I think the complex system issue is real. I will add one other ‘strain’ point as well and that’s constant need for growth.
Shareholders require constant growth. You can’t have that in a closed finite system. It creates a pressure that’s almost like a parasite. Things get cut to the bone to create that artificial boost to that quarters margins and the organism starts to suffer for it. Ironically that article was written by a hedge fund manager right? They themselves create that pressure

>> No.15968656
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i for one genuinely hope this system collapses. like wtf did i go through all this academia just to be treated as a lesser than candidate for my skin color while hr pretends to be inclusive?

>> No.15968660

> All woke means is that whiteness is no longer prioritised over merit.
No anon, if only that were the case - if we had a true meritocracy there would be no issue.
But it’s not. There are orchestras who used to have literal blind auditions- the musician behind a screen so all you hear is the music. That’s now ‘racist’ although nobody can quite say why.
‘Woke’ is anti-meritocracy. I work with many people from all over the world, and the older lot are all there on merit regardless of colour or sex. The younger set are there on whatever oppression pyramid is in at the time and it really, really shows.

>> No.15968671

nope, wokeness is a neoliberal capitalist term for obfuscating the class struggle with identity politics. in this context it is specifically means hiring based on skin color over merit to hide the reality of dwindling middle class so the establishment looks progressive because of diversity in the wageslave workforce to the gullible.

>> No.15968672

Once the US finds that large swaths of it turn into 3rd world shitholes (even worst than what it's like now), we'll just balkanize. It's not that difficult to figure out. As if certain places such as the south/southwest were really contributing intellectually or economically.

The model of one highly centralized government ruling over such a large landmass has become obsolete, and it even directly led to all the browns wanting to get in in the first place. Massive corporations are not your friend, they will get broken up too. Overall a smaller, locally controlled country is much easier to defend from migrants.

>> No.15968722

> Overall a smaller, locally controlled country
which is how it was designed to begin with, the original blueprint (the articles of confederation) didnt even want a centralized government, just states. The federal government was originally designed to just regulate commerce between states and settle disputes

>> No.15968727

>The federal government was originally designed to just regulate commerce between states and settle disputes

but one of the many things lefturds fail to understand about human nature is humans like hierarchies and will always drift towards it over time because most people are lazy and stupid and just want a leader to tell them what to do

>> No.15968731

>humans like hierarchies and will always drift towards

*more centralization over time

>> No.15968737

It's about the diversity quotas of some companies appearing in the headlines, where they effectively announce that they're pre-allocating roles to people of color or whatever, regardless of whether some white dude is better qualified.
Do you believe Gay was the best qualified person for her former Harvard role?

>> No.15968740

or the jew who replaced her because she got too uppity for the Jews who placed her there

>> No.15968741

>That’s now ‘racist’ although nobody can quite say why.
that's the beauty of wokism/critical theory, you just start with the conclusion that there's racism/sexism/etc in everything and work backwards to find it. in the orchestra example, the fact there are disparate outcomes just proves that __ism has occurred somewhere - you could say it's that the colored people were enduring greater stress during their performance because of white expectations or something equally retarded. it's totally non-falsifiable which is why it hoodwinks so many midwits.

>wokeness is a neoliberal capitalist term for obfuscating the class struggle with identity politics
factually not true, wokism comes directly from marxism/hegelianism and is simply swapping out class consciousness with identity consciousness. it's literally a direct 1:1 ("woke" is slang for "awake" which is a form of "critical consciousness" which is "class consciousness," it's a direct line). all of the forebears of wokeness, from the 30s-90s, were literal irl communists

>> No.15968745
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>> No.15968748

How far gone do you need to be to think doctors and engineers should just be average intelligence proles? Democracy says people should get what they want - good and hard.

>> No.15968757

>>15968741 (me)
i should also add that one of the biggest influencers of modern wokism, herbert marcuse, wrote essays admitting that class-based marxism wasn't working (because the working class were actually living well under capitalism) and thus minorities/women should be agitated into consciousness (now known as "wokeness") to become the new soldiers in the glorious impending marxist revolution. "vulgar" marxists, aka the tankies who still ostensibly focus on class exclusively, want to pretend that identity politics isn't real marxism and is just a neolib distraction but that's just factually incorrect, idpol and wokism has been a marxist project from the beginning.

>> No.15968801

>wokism comes directly from marxism/hegelianism and is simply swapping out class consciousness with identity consciousness.
iwo it is a perversion of class consciousness. and it is by a neolib as you point out here:
what do you think neolibshitism is? it's pretending you're progressive while being an establishment sellout like that hack. it's like neocons who just do it with patriotism. oh so class conscious being a tenured pseud in an ivory tower institution. like c'mon.

>> No.15968809

>what do you think neolibshitism is? it's pretending you're progressive while being an establishment sellout like that hack. it's like neocons who just do it with patriotism. oh so class conscious being a tenured pseud in an ivory tower institution. like c'mon.
If this is your definition then there is no such thing as "real Marxism." Every Marxist thinker was like this including Marx who was born rich and never worked.

>> No.15968812

you're just wrong and coping, idpol/wokism is marxism through and through. neolibs and capitalists might try to redirect its energy toward their aims but it's still a marxist ideology with 100% marxian roots

>> No.15968817

indeed, marxism is not truly class conscious either.

>> No.15968819

Then you should have no objection to that anon's posts whatsoever and your comments are irrelevant and a waste of time.

>> No.15968822

wrong. it's key to point out what is being done here. you're just caught up in abstract ideological classification nonsense that doesn't make a lick of practical difference. what matters is that the ruling class has used woke idpol nonsense to distract from the fact that they have actively being killing everyone else's quality of life. "oh look how progressive and good i am for hiring brown people while stagnating wages."

>> No.15968823
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just for some perspective, when the leftists morons refer to something as "free" with their socialist rhetoric, what they really mean is white people will pay everyone else's (while they flood more browns in non-stop to out breed and replace you so they can vote to take away more of your shit for them)

>> No.15968825
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Scandinavia has the same Iqs

>> No.15968831

Doing anything optimally requires high IQ.

There is no job spared. Geniuses are even better at ditch digging than average and below average people. There is no refuge. There never was.

>> No.15968833

>now its a 3rd world shithole
One of the world's richest (in terms of real income) places on earth is a shithole because there is a problem of homelessness due to mental illness and drugs? Really?

>> No.15968848

Was the system more meritocratic before? I don't think there's any reason to assume that. If anything, the digital age has made it easier to create open source projects of all kinds, increasing transparency. And I don't mean coding computer programs, I mean institutions of all kinds find it harder to conceal corruption. Think about the best universities of the past, 100 years ago. Did they really have better admission practices?

>> No.15968855

would be true if the sea of irrelevance effect didn't mask everything they do which is why most people see is what the institutions want them to see.

>> No.15968860

Did affirmative action exist 100 years ago in America?

>> No.15968868

In a way, rich kiddies got a leg up for sure. I assume personal connections mattered more then. But I am not aware. Could you please give a condensed analysis of admission policies of the past (and de facto processes) to give us the answer of whether it's more unfair today?

>> No.15968874

most of the internet is heavily censored and there is an incestuous relationship between major institutions. most people are simply unaware for anything of this to come to light.

>> No.15968877

Is this the first time you've ever heard of affirmative action?

Are you just pretending to be retarded?

>> No.15968888

I've heard about it. I haven't heard a good reason to believe that affirmative action is less meritocratic than whatever came before. Can you compare systems of 1950's to today to say it's really worse now?
>hurr durr muh narrative
I hate those kinds of stories. They fool stupid people who don't want to analyze them. Alex Jones was deplatformed for being a retarded piece of shit. Companies have free speech rights and decide where speech of its users crosses a line (determined by financial considerations first and foremost).

>> No.15968892

rich kiddies get a leg up to this day, that hasn't changed. now you have programs that are exclusive for certain races like bipoc that exclude everyone else from admissions. here is one example:

>> No.15968898

>I hate those kinds of stories. They fool stupid people who don't want to analyze them. Alex Jones was deplatformed for being a retarded piece of shit. Companies have free speech rights and decide where speech of its users crosses a line (determined by financial considerations first and foremost).
your admission that companies censor is noted. and that document details how institutionalized it is. it goes well beyond alex jones who was just used to get gullible dupes to being ok with it.

>> No.15968905

You act as though we haven't had the SAT for almost a century now. Are you really arguing in good faith here? Are you American?

>> No.15968908

>now you have programs that are exclusive for certain races
American history has had plenty of those. Again, why are people convinced it's le worse today? Wasn't racial discrimination much worse 50 or 100 years ago?
>companies censor
As they've always have. Companies and do censor -- their employees or customers. This isn't new in any way.
So, is your argument that SAT tests have been a standard up until recently, where affirmative action made things unfair? Why can't you provide any evidence of comparative unfairness, anon? Do you feel frustrated that your narrative is being challenged with simplest questioning?

>> No.15968914

>American history has had plenty of those. Again, why are people convinced it's le worse today? Wasn't racial discrimination much worse 50 or 100 years ago?
so you're saying because it was done historically it's ok now. the point is that it's never ok.
>As they've always have. Companies and do censor -- their employees or customers. This isn't new in any way.
the only thing that's different is they control the town square. 90% of the internet is aws, google, cloudflare, etc. and they are part of what is known as the censorship industrial complex.

>> No.15968916

The "competence crisis" should more accurately be callthe "leadership crisis".

>> No.15968919
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>So, is your argument that SAT tests have been a standard up until recently, where affirmative action made things unfair? Why can't you provide any evidence of comparative unfairness, anon? Do you feel frustrated that your narrative is being challenged with simplest questioning?
check admissions requirements to any program. your narrative is so easy to demonstrate as wrong.

>> No.15968924

>the town square
The internet is the town square. Social media companies provide private booths where visitors are required to follow rules for free access. Get your own booth, cuck.
>it was done historically it's ok now
You're going down a dialogue tree. Talk to me, not an imaginary argument. I don't like racial discrimination of any kind. I said I don't think there's any evidence to assume that admissions are more unfair than they've been historically.
Assuming that picture is real and not pol fiction, again, where is proof no non-meritocratic factors lead to similar effects in the past? It's like you're too focused on selling a story and aren't capable of understanding what I'm challenging.

>> No.15968932

>Assuming that picture is real and not pol fiction, again, where is proof no non-meritocratic factors lead to similar effects in the past? It's like you're too focused on selling a story and aren't capable of understanding what I'm challenging.
see for yourself:
urm is for minority status. never in history could you skate by with lower qualifications because of skin color and take the place of someone with greater. that is more unfair.

>> No.15968938

>The internet is the town square. Social media companies provide private booths where visitors are required to follow rules for free access. Get your own booth, cuck.
your admission of censorship is noted, corpocuck.
> I don't like racial discrimination of any kind. I said I don't think there's any evidence to assume that admissions are more unfair than they've been historically.
when people with lower qualifications get in over those with higher that is more unfair.

>> No.15968942

Okay, and how are you sure worse anti-meritocratic policies weren't poisoning the admissions process 20 years ago?
>still zero proof
Okay. Keep talking.

>> No.15968945

>Okay, and how are you sure worse anti-meritocratic policies weren't poisoning the admissions process 20 years ago?
You're the one who made the claim that they were worse then. Why should he have to prove your claim? Go find the evidence that you're correct and come back later.

>> No.15968951

>They're correct but my consensus filter won't allow me to be associated with them so here's a few insults to ensure I'm still a Good Person®.
Just post straight forward answers instead of acting like a passive aggressive fucktard. There are no down arrows here, you don't have to crouch everything in apologetics.

>> No.15968955

if you want to show there were the onus is on you. but as it stands there is a policy of letting in people with less merit take spots that would be given to those with more based on race today.

>> No.15968956

This is my first post here, you can't read and you don't know shit, lame pol tourist:

>> No.15968959

Please don't troll, it's against the rules. Question-begging to get the answer you prejudged to be true is de facto the same as stating a claim. If you believe your assertion to be true then you should provide proof.

>> No.15968962

You're only capable of talking about muh affirmative action. So lazy.

>> No.15968992
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Don't forget the street shitting.

>> No.15969019

100 years ago no. 20-50 years ago yes.

>> No.15969034

>Get your own booth, cuck.
Like when censorship got out of control in 2020 and Parler exploded in popularity so they colluded to destroy it? Or like when Elon got fed up with censorship and bought twitter and ever since they've been working to destroy it (and him) at every level from corporations to media to government?

>> No.15969064

2nd highest in wealth inequality in the nation. Highest food costs. Highest amount of people on welfare. Companies fleeing. Highest income tax and they still have a 68 billion dollar deficit.

>> No.15969067

>if we had a true meritocracy there would be no issue.
So close

>> No.15969071

>factually not true, wokism comes directly from marxism/hegelianism and is simply swapping out class consciousness with identity consciousness
Right, it's almost entirely but not completely unlike Marxism.

>> No.15969131 [DELETED] 

>straight forward
Uh, 'straightforward' is one word, you slack-jawed retard. Remember that next time you do the cringey /pol/nigger LARP of being educated and high-IQ.

>> No.15969140
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>> No.15969152

Not him but do you actually have anything worthwhile to add other than screeching about /pol/?

>> No.15969272
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>> No.15969278

the n word is racist

>> No.15969363

yes, wokism and idpol were spearheaded by well-known neoliberal capitalist shills like herbert marcuse, angela davis and kimberle crenshaw. you know that class vs race vs sex vs queer marxism is all just distinction without a difference, right? just one grift swapped in place of the other when it doesn't pan out? sorry if you had convinced yourself that your personal brand of marxism was more "real" than those dumb blue haired college wokists'

>> No.15969368

/pol/ lives in your head more than Jewish people live in /pol/'s.

>> No.15969683

Meritocracy and flexible labour markets are the cause of this problem.. of we take productivity for instance, I can only speak of the UK, there is a binomial distribution with a small number of very productive firms and a large number of very low productivity firms--both groups highly leveraged--high productivity borrowing for expansion and low productivity borrowing to keep afloat. Productivity relates to wages as an identity, so these low-productivity sectors are low wage. Productivity is also related to capital-labour ratio as an identity. This means that sectors that require relatively higher proportion of labourers for output than average with have lower wages, and higher debt. This is true with many important sectors.

If workers are free to choose jobs, and locations, the high IQ workers will naturally migrate to higher productivity regions and sectors. This is effectively a brain drain from the rest of the economy lowering the average productivity and IQ of left-behind sectors. This is the cause of so called 'bullshit jobs' and service economy. In the past a high IQ working class person might enter a working class career like being a tradesman, police officer, local bureaucrat, etc. Now they will move across the country to work in finance, tech, law, or another service sector job... We are left with certain low productivity and low wage sectors left with huge vacancies with either overstretches the sector worsening the service or forces them to lower standards. They *could* increase wages, but since they are low productivity and leveraged their margins are too tight to raise wages to a compete with FAANGS, Big 4, BBs, Magic Circle etc etc.

It's primarily a distribution effect. In fact restricting immigration to high vacancy low productivity sectors (with work Visa restrictions) while also setting high entry requirements would solve the competency crisis as would encourage high IQ foreigners into these sectors.

>> No.15969696

>high IQ foreigners
Don't exist in any appreciable numbers and pretty much every nation importing them uses academic credentials as a gauge for intelligence, which it has ceased to be in the west and never was in places like India and China where cheating is endemic and culturally acceptable.

>> No.15970257

Don't be silly. Higher-IQ societies have a more abstract, grandiose view of the world. If your primary in-group is millions or billions of imaginary strangers, there's a lot less binding you to your neighbors and extended family.

>> No.15970285

>If you think that the black youths who are heavily into drugs, rap music and gang crimunality, used to freebies, being treated like children and literally given free education on easy mode
Not all black people are poor or live off of welfare. It's not the 60s anymore. Woke propaganda that everyone continuously falls for.

>> No.15970314

There aren't millions of jobs that need to be filled by ultra-high-IQ brain surgeons and rocket designers. The few thousand we do need, should be.

>> No.15970320

>Geniuses are even better at ditch digging than average and below average people.
You can't be serious lol.

>> No.15970364

>2 million invaders are accepted in 2023
>tons of whites died and their number aren´t increasing

>> No.15970368

In fact there will be crisis if the average IQ goes too high since too many people will be discontent with the bullshit jobs that are needed in society.
This is being fixed by all the immigrants that pour in western countries.

>> No.15970392
File: 124 KB, 645x324, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah probably

>> No.15970401

On the contrary. High IQ is a disease of low brain capacity. High IQ people focus on undemanding tasks like math, but they can't do more demanding tasks. Like ditch digging.
High IQ = spread a layer of binder, place grains of sand with tweezers, let it cure, spread another layer of binder.
Low IQ = pour concrete into a mold.

Low IQ people do have the tweezers. High IQ people do not have the molds.

>> No.15970410

still baka regularly about how back when i was a blue-pilled libtard i specifically chose a black woman doctor for my gp so i could feel good about being Part of the Solution™

>> No.15970424

>black woman doctor
anon, just be glad you are still alive and don't overthink too much

>> No.15970429

luckily i was relatively young at the time and didn't have any real health issues, otherwise i might not be here to shitpost on the chan today. bless

>> No.15970449

That's not how it works. High IQ individuals even do supposedly "low IQ" jobs better than low IQ people. For instance military work is basically entirely grunt work which you would think we could relegate to a bunch of 70 IQs, but even they have a low IQ cutoff at around 85.

>> No.15970497

Not him but modern war doesn't work like a Braveheart melee. If it did, the IQ cutoff would be lower. Also if I had to hire a construction crew blind by choosing between the 20 lowest or highest IQ men in an arbitrary community, I'd choose the 20 lowest every time. You'd take the pencil necks? That said, +10 higher average IQ is hardly a crisis for a nation of 1/3 billion people (neither is -10 average IQ).

>> No.15970521

Right, those darn neoliberal capitalist marxists who drop the very core of marxist analysis

You ever use words meaningfully?

>> No.15970526

try not being esl and look up "irony" in your english dictionary while you're at it

>> No.15970529

>Also if I had to hire a construction crew blind by choosing between the 20 lowest or highest IQ men in an arbitrary community, I'd choose the 20 lowest every time.
False dichotomy. Obviously something like hiring all 140 IQ construction workers wouldn't pan out, but I think you severely underestimate just how useless the lowest IQ individuals in any community are. Military work is literally the lowest gruntwork you can possibly do, like peeling potatoes, mopping floors and shit, and if they have a cutoff of 85 that should tell you something. Like half of American blacks have too low of an IQ to qualify for the military and about 30% of Latinos.

Even a loss of a single IQ point is massive for a nation. Why? Because the extreme upper end of the IQ distribution is extremely sensitive to average IQ. Even losing a single IQ point can mean like 10 fewer geniuses born per 1000 people, which means fewer scientists, mathematicians, etc. Again, you really don't understand just how useless low IQs are. I fully expect the influx of 3rd worlders to collapse America.

>> No.15970535

Class analysis is based on material conditions, idpol is based on the ideological superstructure. They aren't just not the same, they are diametrically opposed. Words have meaning to me. To you it all just seems to be a hodgepodge of interchangeable "bad" things. That may work well enough when you're among peers. But when you're addressing someone who actually knows what words mean, you're going to have to do better. Hardly anyone becomes a Marxist without reading a bunch of theory. What makes you think you can just refute it without bothering to read anything? Narcissistic hubris.

>> No.15970574

sounds like you're just pretty uneducated in the realm of critical theory literature, it goes way deeper than some hillary clinton soundbite. again, sorry that it upsets you that your class analysis is not actually any more sophisticated, coherent or "real marxism" than the other distinct-but-not-different marxist analyses of man and his role in the world

>Hardly anyone becomes a Marxist without reading a bunch of theory
lol, lmao even

>> No.15970581

There will be. How bad it will be remains to be seen. It can already be seen in South Africa.

>> No.15970586

You know what, it's all right. Don't bother. You'll never formulate a coherent criticism like this and that's okay. You keep going off of your echo chamber stereotypes and half-understood piecemeal understanding of Marxism, and we'll keep laughing at you for being a clearly misinformed idiot.

>> No.15970589

>/pol/ seem to think that there will be a competence crisis because the society has gone "woke".
No, /pol/ says there will be a competency crisis because the endogenous populations are being replaced by migrants with much lower physiological cognitive capacity. Using infantile words to misrepresent the views of your opponents is hebrew behavior and only shows your lack of confidence in constructing a logical counter-argument.

>> No.15970590

Honestly this post has all the energy of an astrologer telling an astronomer he's "pretty uneducated" in the realm of the astral powers

>> No.15970591

>Using infantile words to misrepresent the views of your opponents is hebrew behavior
Tell that to /pol/ lol

>> No.15970594

No, it's jews getting revenge for the punitive campaign after the bar kokhba revolt.

>> No.15970597

Yes, retard. Because social policy is and has always been more important than money. You can have all the cash in the world and it doesn't matter and will not save you if the people around you are evil or stupid.

>> No.15970598

You overestimate how many "extreme upper"-IQ jobs a nation needs: vanishingly few. The reason DEI made sense (in theory, not in practice) to many Americans for many years is that there are far more people qualified for the role of a sinecure than there are sinecures. I'd bet there are well over a million people today in the US who could be perfectly competent chief administrators to Harvard, given the same rolodex. Even if you lose 99.99% of the distribution, the position is still overfilled.

>> No.15970600


>> No.15970601

love this post because marxism is astrology in this analogy. are you going to write some pseudointellectual babble about how tarot cards and reading tea leaves are like totally super duper different?

>> No.15970604

If you're referring to the word "woke", that's neocon retardation, spread by people who are too cowardly to be as brazen as they should be. Of course, /pol/ uses a great deal of slurs and insults, but this isn't trying to put those words in the mouths of those they disagree with.

>> No.15970606

Why write so many words when
>no u
would've sufficed

>> No.15970609

>but seriously, i've read all of the tarot card theory and as an intellectual i can tell you firsthand it's NOTHING like that silly and frivolous tea leaf reading

>> No.15970614

The reason that anyone could be chief administrator of Harvard is that they don't have to do anything important and their decisions have few meaningful consequences. Replace 120 IQ senior engineers with 100 IQ ones and suddenly you have vehicles tearing their engines apart after 5000 miles because they made a mistake or didn't think to test them at different temperatures. You get trains derailing and petroleum cracking plants with decreased output and power failures and contaminated water supplies. Black majority cities struggle even maintaining running water, because that's what happens when your supply of intelligent labor is proportionally low.

>> No.15970615

Didn't click your link. But his misunderstanding on that point is that if you need to send over 50% of your population to die in some banker's war (which they all are post-Braveheart), you're already a failed state.

>> No.15970618

>Replace 120 IQ senior engineers with 100 IQ ones
Right, but 120 IQ doesn't have the same tail risk as 130 or 140 and we don't even need millions of 110 IQ engineers let alone 120 IQ.

>> No.15970619

You know you have more in common with liberals than I do, right

>> No.15970628

>You overestimate how many "extreme upper"-IQ jobs a nation needs: vanishingly few.
THAT'S NOT THE FUCKING POINT you idiot. The point is that there is no limit to the number of high IQ people a nation needs, even if the number of high IQ jobs is limited. Besides, there's a fundamental difference between say an 80 IQ white vs an 80 IQ black. For instance if you took 1000 black households and 1000 white households, both having equal income below the poverty line, then the black households have higher crimerates on average. A 100 IQ person in a "low IQ" job is still more competent than an 80 IQ person in the same job, like plumbers, technicians, carpenters, etc. Even factory workers are still more competent.

>> No.15970630

>Right, but 120 IQ doesn't have the same tail risk as 130 or 140
Not the same proportionally but still important. Also, IQ 120 is the top quarter of the population, it's not that much of an ask (of a white or asian nation) and is probably the minimum for a technically demanding job.

Another thing we haven't talked about yet is the effects that enriching low intelligent people have on society. Because not only do they not contribute to very important parts of our society, they also disproportionately cause problems. And not just in terms of criminal proclivity either. Stupid people have more car accidents, more workplace accidents, more self inflicted medical problems, cause more damage to their homes and do a poorer job maintaining them, and do a poorer job educating and raising their children relative to smarter people. Thus, lowering the average intelligence of a region not only decreases the per-capita availability of people capable of performing technical labor, but also disproportionately increases the need for such labor, and is a negative force multiplier on productive output.

>> No.15970634

you think "marxism is not liberalism" is a mindbreaking piece of information? that's cute. apropos of the rest of the thread, it's as tired a gotcha as "nobody can even define woke!1!" even as a chud i know i have more in common with a democrat than a marxist.

>> No.15970637

You actually don't, because liberals and democrats are all just closet marxists.

>> No.15970638
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Also, I know what you're going to say: "But what if high IQ people don't like low IQ jobs?".

Well, as far as I can tell, the very highest of IQ in society are born to people who do just that. Pic related is a fields medalist, an actual world class mathematician, yet his father is a middle school Gym teacher and his mother is a ballerina. The problem of high IQ people hating low IQ jobs is not fundamental, but more of a societal organization problem.

>> No.15970641

>there's a fundamental difference between say an 80 IQ white vs an 80 IQ black
Dinner time in a minute. But in the meantime tell me more about how and why black IQ is overestimated by IQ tests and I'll take it under consideration.

>> No.15970650

>Dinner time in a minute.
Avoidance time

>> No.15970656

>you think "marxism is not liberalism" is a mindbreaking piece of information?
I'm dealing with someone who thinks Hillary Clinton is a Marxismist, I have lowered my expectations to zero.

>> No.15970662

increasingly so, granted, especially with propagandized brainrotted zoomers, and all the postmodern mindgames wrecking the western world, but i still have faith that the average democrat is not really a marxist beyond a couple of its superficial empty promises

now, if bro wants to come back and say that as a chud i'm a fascist (i'm not) and therefore a socialist like him, i might have a bit of respect for his intellectual honesty at least

>> No.15970665

i never once said that hillary clinton is a marxist. you might want to find another translator app for your esl needs, fren

>> No.15970670

There's a reason why we can't build anything in America anymore. It's decades of managerial class staffing diversity quotas and ideological crooks in upper management

>> No.15970671

>now, if bro wants to come back and say that as a chud i'm a fascist (i'm not)
Why? Are you gay or something?

>> No.15970674

Ah yes, now we start the game of ever retreating and never standing behind any of your words. Why should you, when you don't believe words have any meaning?

>> No.15970677

>if bro wants to come back and say that as a chud i'm a fascist (i'm not) and therefore a socialist like him, i might have a bit of respect for his intellectual honesty at least
Jesus Christ I didn't know my expectations for you could go lower.

>> No.15970681

adhering to the proud marxist tradition, you're just simply not as clever as you're pretending to be. that idpol/wokism are marxist in origin has nothing to do with whether a bog standard neolib democrat like hillary parroting some of its surface level tenets is a herself marxist.

>> No.15970693

So now you are actually capable of distinguishing between marxism and neoliberals and yet for some reason you still put idpol in the wrong camp. But no surprise, given the political understanding you display here >>15970662. Now you say a bog standard neolib dem parroting surface level marxism doesn't make them marxist, earlier you said core marxist theory is Hillary Clinton soundbites. Maybe you're right, I'm not clever enough to condescend to a complete retard like you. Keeping up with the convolutions of your scarce brain cells within the empty cavity of your skull probably requires a degree in orbital mechanics.

>> No.15970707

>earlier you said core marxist theory is Hillary Clinton soundbites.
i literally said the opposite of that, i said that critical theory (loosely described as idpol/wokism) goes deeper than hillary soundbites (which seems to be the extent of your understanding of it) and it is indeed marxism through and through, of the same intellectual caliber and exactly as ""scientific"" as marx's class analysis (to say nothing of his brokebrain hegelian religious stuff). i'm really disappointed to see google translate let you down this hard, but i won't hold it against you.

(and again, "you conservitards think joe biden is a communist kek" is one of the most played out and braindead pseudogotchas i've ever seen, you should retire that one from your arsenal)

>> No.15970723

>i said that critical theory (loosely described as idpol/wokism) goes deeper than hillary soundbites (which seems to be the extent of your understanding of it)
Go on, find me the soundbite where Hillary goes into material conditions versus ideological superstructure. Of course it goes deeper than that, as I'm far more aware than you, but here you are undeniably pretending that Hillary is a Marxist, even as you say otherwise. Is it any wonder I can't make sense of what you're saying when you contradict yourself within the same sentence? Ah, but I still forget, words hold no meaning to you at all. It really is a hard habit to kick, as someone who believes in meaning.
>(and again, "you conservitards think joe biden is a communist kek" is one of the most played out and braindead pseudogotchas i've ever seen, you should retire that one from your arsenal)
I see where your rambling about google translate comes from: projection.

>> No.15970741

would it help if i translated my posts to romanian first so you could understand them better? just kidding, your "everything i know about idpol i learned from rachel maddow and reddit" schtick is getting boring and i'm tired of derailing this thread, so you keep on enjoying your books on tarot car--sorry, i mean ~*analysis of material conditions*~ and convincing yourself they're any deeper than robin d'angelo

>> No.15970751

>you conservitards think joe biden is a communist kek
He is though. But he was unfortunately born into a nation full of people with guns and so he had to settle for being less evil than he otherwise would have been. And of course nowadays he's just a corpse puppet that makes no meaningful decisions at all

>> No.15970755

>your "everything i know about idpol i learned from rachel maddow and reddit" schtick
Thanks for citing your sources, I guess that's why it looks familiar to you? Your own understanding of Marxism is clearly surface-level, but you speak with all the confidence of a first year psych student diagnosing all his friends.
I also called it. You constantly retreated and never stood behind any of your words. I say something Marxist, you say it sounds like Hillary Clinton. I say you think Hillary Clinton is a Marxist then, you turn around and say no, that's silly, that's a tired strawman. And then you proceed to call me a liberal anyway whilst ignoring what it originally was that made you say that (Marxist theory). I'm a Marxist when you want, I'm a lib when you want, libs are Marxist when you want, and they're obviously not Marxist when you want. The only constant here is that whatever you said, it was clearly misunderstood and everyone else is stupid for thinking you said it one reply after you said it.

>> No.15970763

haven't retreated even once, igor. also, point out a single time i called you a liberal, i've known you as a class (vulgar) marxist this entire time (going to guess leninist specifically, pseuds always gravitate towards him). maybe another anon called you a lib, or is the way this site works hard for you to follow? and yes, shame on me for taking this obvious bait after i said i was done with the thread but lmao you're just so hilariously less informed than you think you are i couldn't resist. alright, logging off for real now, have a good one, and don't let your mom burn your tendies

>> No.15970770

>point out a single time i called you a liberal
What are Rachel Maddow, reddit, and Hillary Clinton, to whom you compared me? Are they Leninists, to whom you also compared me? No, you never said *that*, of course! That's not what you meant! That's lil Romanian (? seriously you make the most random assumptions) me misunderstanding you isn't it! You never retreated once, you stand behind everything you said! Next you'll say you weren't comparing me, but rather contrasting me with Rachel Maddow, because idpol isn't Marxism! Except you also already said that it is.
>you're just so hilariously less informed than you think you are
I have literally not even made any attempt at explaining Marxism to you beyond mentioning dialectical materialism, everything else is literally just you tossing out random assumptions and running with them. Yeah, that effigy of me you constructed in your head sure is stupid!
lol you think fascists are socialist tho come on, peak dunning kruger right there

>> No.15970993
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>pol/ seem to think that there will be a competence crisis because the society has gone "woke

There was already a competence crisis before the "woke" came into play.

Or are we going to pretend that shipping the majority of your manufacturing industry to your future foreign adversaries (who were never philosophically alligned with you) aka China or India was considered competent?

Or are we going to pretend that allowing your food industry to be dominated with ultra processed foods, high fructose syrups/ onions products so your population becomes increasingly obeses, diabetic and unhealthy was considered competent?

Or are we going to pretend that promoting feminism and single motherhood so women can become antidepressants addicted worker drones was considered competent?

Or are we going to pretend that allowing the judicial system to destroying families and wealth via divorce and family court system driving up male suicides was considered competent?

Or are we going to pretend that putting your country into Trillions of dollars worth of debt just to bomb some arabs was considered competent?

Or are we going to pretend that locking up every major milestone of adulthood such as education, ownership of car for transportation, ownership of a house behind a debt wall was considered competent?

Or are we going to pretend that creating a system which is effectively a pyramid scheme (social security) causing people to put money in a pot (taxes). One that they have a good chance of not getting it because of plummeting life expectancy rates (while also increasing the retirement age) along with the lack of money management causing insolvency within the next decade was considered competent?

Or will all this be ignored because it shows the complete lack of competency in a system before "woke" came to be and effectively puts the onus on mostly whites of older generations who pushed for this shit? Because it seems to me that even without wokeism the west was fucked.

>> No.15970997

So Jews are white eh?

>> No.15971008



>> No.15971038
File: 61 KB, 584x794, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh nononononono


>> No.15971107
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Even if your retarded "We don't actually need all these doctors and engineers" argument was valid the problem exists at every IQ level. There's going to be a shortage of people smart enough to fucking clean toilets.

>> No.15971116

Solution: invent self-cleaning toilets

>> No.15971120
File: 98 KB, 859x781, India effect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

India already did that and they're one of the lowest iq countries on the planet

>> No.15971123
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Street + Rain = Problem Solved.

>> No.15971133

This assumes no change in IQ bell curve variance which I don't think is the case. IQ variance will get larger.

>> No.15971184
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Assuming a 50/50 mixture in populations (similar to California) and a 90 mean/15 sd distribution for migrants (usually sd is given as lower but higher is best case) the graph isn't significantly better. In this situation the decline as IQ rises plateaus at 50% since half the population is still native.

>> No.15971190


>> No.15971200

White people over 50 coasted into retirement during the pandemic

>> No.15971214

god who cares
let everybody die unironically. nobody has actually earned the shit they do, it's just the illusion of free will

>> No.15971219

I think /pol/ found a solution not a problem. Biological denialism has absolutely neutralized any potential benefits as relates to the study of sciences like biology and psychology. Pol could help create a parallel institute of scientific research.

>> No.15971246

If no one has earned it, then everyone has

>> No.15971310
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>some jews forced hundreds of millions of whites to do shit against their best interest despite having the option to say no

Are whites supposed to be competent here or not anon? Because your response actually makes them look worse.

>> No.15971337

It should be obvious to you that his whole point isn't to argue against YOU in any find of fair debate, but to make you look dodgy to outsiders who have no sense of what's actually been going on and to demotivate you.

>> No.15971348

no it's just basic economics.
I’m not some DEI fan but right-wing talking points on diversity causing a plane crash are absolutely braindead.

No one wants to work in second-tier jobs anymore nor do they put effort into them. you can make $150000 with a CS bootcamp (or Onlyfans if you're a girl). who tf wants to work in low paying jobs that require years of training?

>> No.15971368

>there's a shortage of competent pilots because all the good candidates are doing porn instead

>> No.15971371

unironically could be
but if I know something is not a viable career option why would I invest my time to look into it?

>> No.15971382

Evidence? Post some onlyfans accounts who are good pilot candidates.

>> No.15971451
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>> No.15971453
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>legalize discrimination against straight, white men
>offer monetary incentives to do so
>gaslight anyone pointing this out and dismiss them as racist (while you yourself promulgate institutional racism against whites)

>> No.15971456
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>> No.15971457
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>> No.15971458

>/pol/ seem to think that there will be a competence crisis
will be? we are living in one right now. wake up. zoomers just started entering the job market in droves and the immediate impact is quite apparent

>> No.15971459

Yes, but like every other time /pol/ is right it has nothing to do with demographics.
Basically all the engineering majors ik chegg their way through homework, and cheat on their online exams. Same thing w/ cs majors and chatgpt, ik literal CS seniors who can't do a leetcode easy in a few hours.
We are unironically fucked in the next few decades as retarded zoomers who cheated their way through life take power

>> No.15971460

No, it means participation awards for all and nothing for those who go above and beyond.

>> No.15971463
File: 58 KB, 556x556, 1675229629125686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ was right for the 999999th time in a row but not for the obvious statistically-inevitable reason but because <convoluted and unproveable nonsense>

>> No.15971467

So white zoom zooms are retarded now because of... black people? That's a great theory

>> No.15971468

Yes but its not just race related. There's so many stuff at play. Recruitment has changed so much and is so convoluted now that its selecting for people who outright lie or are desperate.

>> No.15971474

Your theory is that after 100,000 continuous years of old people thinking young people are all stupid that this is the first time they've been right.

>> No.15971479

This is the first point in 10,000 years of human history we have somewhat usable generative AI, so sure. One of my friends is a HS english teacher, and he regularly gets essays with "as a large language model" interspersed, and that's from the kids too retarded to read their own essays. As AI gets better things are only going to get worse

>> No.15971481
File: 26 KB, 265x199, 1688504576751789.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And 60 years ago was the first time kids had a big box to sit in front of all day and watch cartoons. And 30 years ago it was computers and video games. Same shit, different generation.

>> No.15971487

Kids still had to learn things to become doctors or engineers or fly planes while watching the TV. Have fun with some 80 iq idiot that chatgptd his way through school cutting you open (doctors are probs the only profession mostly immune to this but that's beside the point.)

>> No.15971490

I was banned on multiple online places, because I showed a big no no for guys with she/her pronouns.

I think we already are in the crisis.

>> No.15971496

chatgpt is easier to detect than the last generation where you just paid someone on the internet $5 to do it for you.

>> No.15971504

Afaik there's literally no reliable way to detect chatgpt use, one detector I saw flagged the Constitution as "AI Generated."
Even if there was, we're still only in the early adoption phase. The technology will mature and become even smarter, be even harder to detect

>> No.15971506

>one detector I saw flagged the Constitution as "AI Generated."
How do you know for sure it wasn't?

>> No.15971509

keep on circulating that rumor, then get people to pay you $5 a throw for chatgpt essays by claiming they're written by a real person

>> No.15971513
File: 31 KB, 300x250, cybirg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be onto something...

>> No.15971526

>companies skimp on training, half ass retaining workers, don't pay enough to afford a middle class life, undermine protections for workers, don't offer advancement opportunities
>wtf why does no one give a hoot?
>the sky must be falling

>> No.15971533

If she had killed you, you would of have been part of the solution

>> No.15971562
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>> No.15971569
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>> No.15971678

>IQ doesn't measure IQ
Didn't think that one out too well, did you?

>> No.15971682

>Not the same proportionally but still important.
Right, but no real risk from a -10 point swing.

>> No.15971691

I'm waiting for any of you chicken littles to explain what "extreme-upper"-IQ jobs we need millions of. Or what 120-IQ jobs we need tens of millions of. It's your imaginary crisis, not mine.

>> No.15971695

But, bodhi... he was arguing *against* Marxism


>> No.15971704

>society doesn't really need smart people anyway
This thread has more midwit shitskin cope in it than the entire rest of the internet combined.

>what 120-IQ jobs we need tens of millions of
Literally any fucking job with any fucking real importance to society. Below 120 and you're lucky to land a job where you sit in a cubicle doing paperwork for 50 years. engineers and doctors are 130+, scientists (real, not social) 140+, and the guy who has to invent the self-cleaning toilet because there aren't enough people smart enough to be janitors anymore is in the 150s at least.

>> No.15971708

Like what? All you've done is increase the breathlessness and absurdity of your argument, in the wrong direction. Not sure where you live but we're talking about America, where we already have tens of millions of jobs that people are vastly overqualified for in terms of both IQ and credentials. If you live in a failed African state I guess your mileage may vary but that's not the topic here.

>> No.15971718

>This thread has more midwit shitskin cope in it than the entire rest of the internet combined.

>> No.15971722

It's already happening. I suspect it will get much worse in the next 15 - 20yrs

>> No.15971732

What IQ is required to design a power grid? Not even on a national level, but one for a single substation. Hint: You can't just roll out a bunch of cables on poles randomly. It all has to be balanced in many different ways. The US alone has over 55,000 of these substations. You expect Shanquia at the DMV is going to be able to run the power grid on any level? Remember the recent water "crisis" in Jackson, Mississippi, the state's capital, was averted when the Army Corp of Engineers came in and reset an electrical breaker. The local government employees in charge of the water system didn't understand the system they were entrusted with well enough to even know the problem was a simple breaker.
>But Republicans!
>Congressman Bennie Thompson, a Democrat, who represents parts of Jackson, in the U.S. House of Representatives said on September 2 that if the city cannot demonstrate an ability to manage the water system adequately, they should not have the authority to do so.
You sound like someone who thinks food originates in grocery stores and technology originates in shopping malls. Using infrastructure isn't the same thing as designing, building, and maintaining it. We're seeing more and more infrastructure mismanaged and failing apart because the general intelligence level of the local population is too low for them to elect leaders that can identify and hire those with the expertise required to maintain the infrastructure.

>> No.15971738

Your argument is that no one looking for a job in the US has a sufficiently high IQ to understand how circuit breakers work? Come on, that's really, really absurd. Even if our average IQ dropped to 70, there would still be far more than enough people qualified to operate all the power grids we have. And far more than enough to design them. The issue isn't talent, it's mishiring and administrative bloat.

>> No.15971789

it wasnt directed towards him, you are an imbecile

>> No.15971804

South Africa’s power grid is unstable and the blacks there have a higher IQ than 70. The point is the things lower IQ is correlated with, the ability to understand the raw information is just one part. Impulsivity, bad character and lack of morals, corruption, etc all increase when intelligence in the population decreases. The ability to understand vocabulary and shape rotation on an actual IQ test is just a proxy of what intelligence is in actuality.

>> No.15971815

Again, the topic is America. If what you're saying about South Africa is true (I don't care either way), then presumably they either don't have enough ultra-high-IQ people to fill the few thousand positions that require it or those positions are filled nepotistically. We may have a nepotism problem but we will never have a "lack of ultra-high-IQ" problem.

>> No.15971879

we have a "you are an idiot" problem in this thread

>> No.15971890

Yea, you'll never have that, capitalism is funny, you can buy IQ too, even if there's a shortage.

>> No.15971974

Can confirm, Comp Eng major who started out as CS.
I feel like one of the few people that actually pays attention in class and completes work without outright cheating. When I was in CS people would wait until the last minute an assignment is due and just copy off of me.

>> No.15971978

>Shanquia at the DMV is going to be able to run the power grid on any level?
Shaniquia doesn't want to design a power grid and would never apply for the position.

>> No.15971981

Hindsight is 20/20

>> No.15972056


>> No.15972057

>who could have known that sending away your manufacturing industry or putting yourself deeper in debt to pay for everything would cause bad things to happen