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15960968 No.15960968 [Reply] [Original]

/Fuck Death/ edition

Because that's what it's all about.

Rentry is

Excerpt (source in rentry)
"Functional analysis of SMs and their targets revealed that they are distributed between three major categories: epigenetics, intra- and inter-cellular signaling, and metabolic “switchers”. All these categories appear to be mandatorily presented in each SM cocktail to induce cell reprogramming. Specifically, it seems that sufficient components for a “minimal reprogramming” cocktail have to include an inhibitor of HDAC (e.g. VPA or NaB), an inhibitor of TGFβ signaling (e.g. RepSox), and GSK3-inhibiting SMs (e.g. CHIR99021 or LiCl). This assumption was further confirmed by the KEGG pathways enrichment analysis. The unusually significant enrichment of epigenetic and signaling pathways highlights their importance in chemical iP. Remarkably, many enriched pathways were related to aging, longevity and age-related diseases, thus presumably connecting them with the processes of cell reprogramming. "
So that's the inhibition of three things

And incidentally, Apigenin does all three. The HDAC inhibition is done by conditioning the gut over time to increase levels of Butyrate. Which is listed in the compiled analysis as a inducer of re-programming. Apigenin is labeled as a enhancer. However when in concert with several other compounds I think the breakthrough is in the acknowledgement of Apigenin as a master director of cellular activity in relation to human health. My protocol would also add Curcumin for additional GSK3 inhibition and it's synergistic boost in Butyrate levels too. Apigenin activates the yamanaka Factors via NFATc1, which is calcium hungry. Make sure you have some extra B12 or you will encode logorithmic scale errors.

My DNAge results should be here mid-Feburary.

>> No.15960972

you fuckers figure out bio extension (at least) so it helps us get to mind upload stage

>> No.15961031
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Didn't hit save on some updates to the Rentry.

For those interested in a Yamanaka Factor activation cocktail that isn't as spicy you can use Forskolin to activate Oct4.


I would add in Curcumin as a GSK3 inhibitor aswell, so you have proper access to your DNA during transcription. And B12. Get your milk with extra calcium, as a gut feeling.

One is happy to be of service.

>> No.15961035

**I would add in Curcumin as a GSK3 inhibitor aswell, and Tributryn so you have proper access to your DNA during transcription and there is minimal inflammation.

>> No.15961106

>mind upload stage
what's the point of that? you're just making a digital copy of yourself. but if you want to do that that's fine.

>> No.15961124

Its about having options. Have a backup booted up if you lose the current substrate.

>> No.15961156

Imagine something going wrong and your mind upload is just infinitely suffering in relentless agony and yet no variable or data actually shows on the monitors. Reminds me of that politician who wanted to put prisoners in thousand year prison sentences in a single second.

>> No.15961164

What if it's pleasant and satisfying instead?

Anyway I'm sure you'd want to allow a digital or disembodied person the ability to turn off pain or at least have suicide as one of the core features, right?

>> No.15961180
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family, pets, friends.
We're going to save them all.

>> No.15961464

Once you upload mind, uploaded one is only copy, of you.

>> No.15962045
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Im thinking ill get an old dog to try and deage him. Their epigenetic clock ticks faster so the reversal should be more stark and I wouldent need to worry about anonimity. You could normalize the protocol with people seeing it in aninals first. Dosing would be tricky. You can get NAD/NMN in a dog chewy form. I feel like im going to have to make a meal where I mix in everything as a powder.

>> No.15962052

you can scare yourself either way you want anon, and don't do it. literally nobody cares.

>> No.15962058

yeah you fail to explain how that is wrong. as long as you are active in one body it doesn't make sense to make another you.
y'all acting like some hard to get bitches when in reality not even people who'd want to won't afford it or will be plain denied even if they have the money. literally nobody wants to convince you to do it, this is a powers that be thing/privilege, they are replacing your worth as we speak (see the thread with the coffee robot) and they'll literally want you to just die if possible. you are in the wrong frame of mind if you think anyone is even suggesting you do it.

>> No.15962060

>you're just making a digital copy of yourself.
a COMPLETE copy of you is fully you from the scan moment. whatever you have now, that will always be in the you we'd build from your complete copy.
say you have a wife and she reks and dies, you can spawn her back from last scan, say a week before. that is fully your wife, without the past week's experience, literally nothing else lost.
we are the collected experience.

>> No.15962065

first anon to do it will come here and say exactly
>bros wtf it's real, it works. I don't feel like I lost anything, it's fucking me woohoooo I'm immortal bitcheeeeeees.
literally like this. or close to this

>> No.15962066

>first anon to do it
supposing it really works like this and the hypothetical anon is important enough to be allowed to

>> No.15962068
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I think you are wrong to believe that such technology will always be so tightly controlled and expensive. Should we be scared the elites have direct energy weapons? Unless you are hawaii ur fine. They just want to be on top no matter the circumstance because they are sociopathically wired, you were already living in that world.

>> No.15962075

that's still a copy

>> No.15962077
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I'm waiting. I think the fact nobody has come in to say it doesent work and my pants are on fire is also interesting. I was thinking i'd have to argue with someone who would just say it does nothing to fuck with things. It's a couple hundred bucks to get the first bottle of everything.

>> No.15962079

if it's a full copy then everything is in there, minus what you experience from that point forward.
the teleporting thought experiment is not copy/paste rather cut/paste. for backups you copy everything and take the loss between scan and wipe time.
also nobody cares what you think of it.

>> No.15962080
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oh you meant uploading

>> No.15962093

well any of the possible shits. teleporting/uploading into different hardware etc. I think bio-replication will come last, seems the most complicated to perfectly control. it's kinda messy

>> No.15962117

>I think you are wrong to believe that such technology will always be so tightly controlled and expensive.
not sure how this will work out for plebs. some are literally scared they'd be trapped in a simulation which is all kinds of retarded. first and foremost simulating a human brain is so fucking energetically expensive that you'd be better off with dedicated hardware. who the fuck is going to keep the 2040's top supercomputer busy with simulating fucking (You)? kek.
if they want to get rid of plebs they can get rid of them, not waste massive amounts of resources to simulate them or some shit. the simulation shit will be for academic purposes or some shit. study and research that sort of thing, not fucking enjoyment. imagine you already being an energetic drag, the last thing "they"d want is invest even more energy in your faggot ass. just because you're special and coincidentally you're not worth shit anymore as anything you could imagine you could do by that point an AI robot will do better/cheaper and more consistent with less headaches.
the simulation argument is bullshit, it makes no energetical sense vs your worth (rationally speaking fuck off with your shit philosophies).
all you can get is either synthetic hardware which will offer clear benefits but also clear drawbacks (ie it's enslaved, they are geofenced and you can't go certain places even if you wanted to, privacy is also out, also no kids).
and later you'll have the option for bio-replication, classic human experience. have no clue how all will work out tho, this is pure speculation

>> No.15962158
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Of course. Its all speculation. But for me there is nothing in our "elites" conduct that makes me that worried about what they may do. They are driven neurologically by the perception others have of them and their status/power, so if they remove the masses they have less means to fight amongst themselves as to who is greater. They didnt mean to sell out the American people for half a century, it wasnt a conspiracy, they simply didnt think they had to care because they had complete control over public perception and even deluded themselves with what globalism could do. They are as lazy as everyone else, full stop. When you are close enough to the singularity individual wants and needs outside of the manipulation of others will be plentiful.

>> No.15962162

as a doctor who works for doctors without borders i can assure you that my work is complete and itll be to you shortly ...

>> No.15962168

>so if they remove the masses they have less means to fight amongst themselves as to who is greater.
yeah but they can make their own enslaved fill ins for "masses". not sure how it works out, it's still blurry.
"they" are also not something well defined. any psycho doing a good job at playing the game can be considered "them" once past a certain point.
remember that all of this is about power in the end. their power was not possible without plebs, hence a certain game formed between "them" and plebs. that game's rules is now changing for the very first time in the whole of human history, and I'm not even joking or exaggerating. a human always had some worth. we'll still do, we just won't be the first choice. we'll at most be better than nothing, but AI robot will always be desired, when you also factor in that "AI robots" will have a human-like fork. maybe we still have the looks as compared to next gen robots, but that too at some point will go away.

>> No.15962185

Yes but to do what? We want to be worried about what this will do for those at the helm of centralized power when I genuinely think they still have no fucking clue what they would do. Competing dreams in a world empowered by dreamaking tech. We have come too far to give up out of fear, or be really that stupid in removing ourselves from life. What would be bitchin is if we just use this tech to cut everyone on the planet some slack for a few hundred years while we chew on it some more. Throw a worldwide party. There is nothing for anyone left to compete in at the top except who can throw the best party. The compounding sacrifice of mans action at the altar of Capitalism is finaly paying it's most true and inevitiable dividend. We all worked pretty hard to get here.


>> No.15962223
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The elites are in shambles because they know they are running out of worlds a human being could conquor. Those types dont understand what humanity has really been chasing all this time. They look at this big church and analyse the effort put into the structure they planned out but play this trick in their mind that the people are praying to them. It's how they get off, I honestly dont think its healthy to think about that much. Gross and unsettling, and a manifestation of a reality you dont have to be apart of. You are going to live long enpugh to have full dive VR where reality is catered to you, and "elites" oppinions on the matter mean jack fucking squat.

>> No.15962282
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Humanity has only ever been praying to itself. The even of its glory goes to its own compounding function. Look at most developed depictions of god, it's always made in some similarity to our image and what religon distracts with is the claim of the reverse but by all reason the two would mean the same thing. The individual human being will continue to be empowered by the return of exponential trends that have been laid down by billions of upon billions of lifetimes to earn, till the point we are all gods of our own universe. I dont see how there is a authoritarily-centralized singularity. We are no more closer to a world government. If technology had stopped before the internet you could have had a world government, not after.

>> No.15962309

nice. waiting to see your DNAge results before trying it myself. would you consider getting a full health check up as well?

>> No.15962347

Yeah, I will be. There isnt a blood test you can get for every type of cancer but i think i might get one of those too. Taking recomendations. Hoping i can send less than a grand in total for testing.

>> No.15962399

Have you noticed any changes to your skin, less wrinkles or different complexion?

>> No.15962416

Might want to look into "Executive Health" style concierge screenings.
maybe your insurance could cover some of it but the cheapest ones seem to be $1k

>> No.15962436
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Ive noticed a change for sure. And other people have too. I dont think in agregate its going to be undenyable unless my hairline rethickens. The DHT flashes are gone tho. Skin is noticiably smoother... everywhere. Scars have dimmed but are not completely gone. I think it lags with wrinkles and folds but its all smoother and tighter. peeling has ben selective. only a little bit on my fingers. my skin is less transclucent and my veins are not as visiable. I also want to say my eyelids are thicker because I dont need an eye mask like I used to. There are changes to the skulls shape in your 20s this would not impact to bear in mind too. Bigger changes with things like always getting great sleep even when its very little, getting up/down more smoothly. Body is somehow more flexible even though I dont stretch. Most noticiably in my neck. Dont feel like shit when I eat junk food. I can shoot words out of my mouth like I used too, too. The only exanation I have is that it does what I think it does, atleast to some degree. There isnt a full map of eugenetic markers, they use overall methylation levels I think in the horvath clock but dont quote me. My years of experiance with Aigenin before the added HDACi were nothing like this. I think its still making alterations but they are more subtle. I think including Forskolin in the mix is a no-brainer.

>> No.15962455

Sounds like a very expensive 2hr conversation with not that much testing. Im worried I spend all that time explaining what im doing here only for him to say 1k wouldent cut it for his grade of proper testing. We are limited in budget. But, I saw this as a panel for raw data on biomarkers for early cancer stages along with a comprehensive risk score. Buy one get one free i'll do it again in 6mo.


And a comprehensive blood panel sounds good too.


>> No.15962457

Everyone posting here, and their descendants (jk you won't reproduce) will die by age 100. See ya when you get there!

>> No.15962478

Also, when I take the full protocol now I dont get any kind of discomfort anywhere. I barely feel anything.

>> No.15962629

I'd go for some kind of gradual conversion into some modified (lets call it less bio) material that would run at a much lower wattage and take up about a quarter the size of a shoebox with your personal virtual world. Have it powered with a small cluster of brains running on some kind of radioactivity that will last on the billions of years. That can survive in some pretty harsh conditions for a very very long time, and I'm talking deep space. But you wouldn't have to notice it. It would be back of the mind community planning shit because you experience time at 1000x this speed anyway. Plan well enough you can last a very very very long time.

>> No.15962640

yeah but I get the heebee-jeebies not having control from the highest level possible. what happens if some space rock smashes your box? do you have some kind of protection? does it have deep space scanners and alerts you to some unavoidable shit so you take some measures to avoid?
I'm still not sold on fucking off to some small dimension or something. you should be able to design a reasonably effective (if not quite good) backup in this dimension or whatever, for most kinds of shits.

>> No.15962690

Agreed. You wouldn't be hopping off this rock early, ofc. If we don't go full dyson sphere you would probably get away with just hitting an outer planetary orbit for a bit as the sun starts it's expanding phase.


I'm not in any way an informed cosmologist, but I don't think you want to be anywhere near here when it goes nebula. You know you will be able to just build a bunch of telescopes and feed data to AI and just spit out the best answer on where to go next. Had to look it up but stars are expected to form normally for the next 1–100 trillion years. That's a standard enough of a situation that I can still feel like I understand it.

Once the lights are out you are really flying in the dark. Going to another dimension feels... I dunno, that's going to be so much fucking time from now...

Having the highest level of independence and empowerment with multiple backup mechanisms to deliver power and functionality will be the bedrock of what we would call that kind of "modern" civilization.... a thick hull on the ship would probably be included in that. We would mostly fight on policy for the best plans being made to ensure our continuation. I am still willing to bet most of the hairless apes really do lose their shit once they hit 150 or so and cant take it. There is only one way to find out.

>> No.15962705

One thing too with this situation is that you could build backup data storage of the occupants into the structure of the ship so that even if part of the ship is damaged there is enough of everybody stored as a backup elsewhere. Sure as heck more efficient than doing it with full meat bodies that need their own atmosphere and temp control. We have no business trying to put meat bodies in space.

>> No.15962713

if full brain scan becomes available in the next 10-20 years and you're still around (and can afford not only scanning but moving into some hardened hardware/robot like thing) then theoretically you could go to proxima centauri or wherever you'd like to, as long as you design the smallest most compact von Neumann probe that can unpack you once it arrives there. (You) wouldn't care about the time it takes to get there, considering your probe doesn't wipe on the way there, and can somehow stop. apart from that the probe itself can be yeeted and stupid speeds, as compared to some human life-support having ship. fucking off in the universe isn't the real problem necessarily as is coordination. if you go outside the solar system, you are your own god as it were, hard to get any help from anyone else. most hardcore exploration we'll ever do.

>> No.15962720
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It makes sense you wouldn't want to take the trip alone. When you are a god of your own world you will want to maybe see what others have come up with from time to time.

>> No.15962749

well you're still bound to the laws of this universe so more like "god", not like God. even if somehow you could spawn all humans that have ever lived and give them their own system or even galaxy and you'd still barely explore anything. you'd need to "generate" consciousnesses like crazy if you want to spread in the universe.

>> No.15962753
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>> No.15963967
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It's more work than one earth full of people could accomplish. While there are technicalities that would denote hard limits, I think functionally from our point of view its best to view it as a universe full of infinite resources.

Unabashedly, I would ask... If a bunch of the people who would take this protocol were to venmo me tree fiddy that would be greatly appreciated. It's unlikely that if this is proven to work that I will remain undoxxed, and I will have an immediate future full of scarry mofo's like this one
Thinking I'm an antichrist... just waiting for me to try and grow some horns... as if I want to get up early every day and have that be my job.

>> No.15964012

>God with a capital G isn't also limited by the laws of the universe.
One thought I grew up with was to imagine God as a man bound by glass chains he could break anytime he wants to but doesn't. it's by his choice to be righteous and inner temperament that in part qualifies him for his power and authority.

>> No.15964081

>my inner diologue justifying the replacement of everyone I know and have to interact with a city of AI VR waifus of all sizes exept today they are all sucking lolipops like a dumb bimbo and can only make confused, dismissive noises no matter what you do to them.

>> No.15964122

sounds nice but only a god could afford that luxury

>> No.15964161
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>Balls that just keep on going.
>fantasy genetalia
Mankind will be free from the barbarism. Transcendence of the flesh by as good a means as any.

>> No.15964189
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> I don't wanna be the antichrist

>> No.15964468
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>> No.15964583

i got my heart to beat forever using 'funcational metaphysics', but i cannot get past the dual brain problem, any help?

>> No.15964615

Hvae you taken any kind of cognitive tests before and after to see if there's been any improvement?

>> No.15965258

>dual brain problem

>> No.15965284

Can someone give me a QRD on what this general is about?

You guys invent immortality?

>> No.15965409

post multiple papers evidencing what you claim

>> No.15965433

we all hope so

>> No.15965608

I have not.

>> No.15965636

so what are you doing? like how do I do the same as you? what do I buy? dosage size etc?

>> No.15965686
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Read the Rentry for aprox dosages. There are multiple sources for lipo Apigenin out there. I've used a couple, but the theory comes down to how well the circumstances are provided for Apigenin to make your T-cells activate Yamanaka Factor Genes. You will need a source of Trubutryn, thats your HDACi, and a GSK3 inhibitor. I've been using curcumin for GSK3 inhibition but there is an alt you could try. Long release calcium to feed the NFATc1 pathway Apigenin uses, added B12 for error correction on the encodings, and I have used a complex of NAD/NMN/NR because in my experiance it helps in general with creating a stellar enviornment for Apigenin. You are a couple hundred bucks all in but it has this kick to it you just wont stop talking about once you have experianced if you know what I mean. Namely that I feel like the data says I should, my cells identity has been reprogrammed to a previous state.

I have switched it up lately with my source of Tributryn, its these liquid gel caps instead of CoreBIOME and makes my stomach acid have a consistency closer to baby bile. I am enjoying it aesthetically for some reason.

>> No.15965689

He's using Renue by Science for the Apigenin and NAD stuff. He doesent want to stand by a specific product for optics. But if this goes global he most deffinitely should.

>> No.15965696
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pls cure aging
I don't wanna lose my mom

>> No.15965706

Audible kek. We need peer reviewed articles on the borg before starfleet will take any precautions. Motherfuckers.

>> No.15965726

When results do come back, this is an example of what were getting.

>> No.15965775
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If this is right, they have people around my chronological age with an epigenetic age thats in their mid 20's already within their dataset. I shouldent be giving them something their algo cant understand. Although if the numbers tell the story I am, this is going to be a blow out in some statistical trend.

If I were to compare thee to a sorting algo (which I dont feel is too far a comparison) id go with this depiction of a shell sort.

about 3 min 36 secs in.

Meaning that I think this process modifies the overall differential in epigenetic expression from your basecode and is slowly annuling the cells back to their proper identity. As you get further along the process becomes more detailed. The aging I have been reversing, especially now, is the very tiny details. Funny how things can be when they are information technologies. People would have cried for joy over a half-solution. This is far more than that, I really wanna see what this does to cancer.

>> No.15965785
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How can i make myself smarter using cellular reprogramming? Ill do anything

>> No.15965794

With a lower transcriptic age neurogenesis would be more prompt, and NAD does that too.
If you can restore cell identity it could counteract some of the negative effects of harsher nootropics like racetams.

>> No.15966534

how do you plan on resolving oxygen poisoning

>> No.15966547
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So i need to have a diet high on fibre that contains eggs, apples and getting wasted on wine?

>> No.15966829

What oxygen is doing isnt simply poison, its altering cell identity. It's part of the lasting nature in all forms of damage done to cells, as well as occuring somatically. I am concerned you will still buildup exposure to heavy metals over time tho.

There is absolurely no way you can get enough Apigenin in your daily diet to meet the protocol. Best natural source would be like 30 grams of dried parsely a day or something. There is no naturally available substance that is in anyway near "high" in it.

>> No.15966881
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>> No.15967209

>you will still buildup exposure to heavy metals over time tho.
have you looked into blood drawing?

>> No.15967312
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Wouldent it be nice if it was a normal thing to have the tip of one of your fingers converted into a permenant IO to the bloodstream? Like the left pinky. You plug in a couple times a day to a machine and it takes a sample and gives you the perfect injection of vitamins and minerals. Medicine, caffine, your choice of trouble. Blood screened and filtered on the regular. Tons of data we could feed an AI. Sign me up.

>> No.15967326

What percentage of literal eternal tornebt would you be comfortable with?
What if there was a 0.0000000000001% chance that the procedure would put your mind in a box until the heat death of the universe where you would suffer unbearable pain, both physical and psychological, forever?
And no, you will not get used to the suffering. Your memory will be wiped and you will be tortured over and over.
I would rather die than take those odds.

>> No.15967336

It's just a copy. It's not you.
Copy fags get lost. The proper way to implement upload is through the slow transfer from vio-brain to digi-brain.
Here's how you do it. You carry around the second brain and somehow atta h it to your current nervous system. Then slowly over time you shut down the biological brain. SLOWLY. Talking like over the course of several years. Your brain and mind start using the digital brain hardware more and more to compensate for the loss of the bio brain.
Eventually there is no bio brain and only the digital remains. It's a ship of Theseus take on upload and I think it's the way to go.
After that you put the "brain" in a secure facility and remote control humanoid robots to go about you life. That way you can experience the universe without any risks to your mind. If your robot dies you can just take control of a new one.
Copy fags are the dumbest motherfuckers. You really think that clone is you? Dumb fuck.

>> No.15967338

You die in that scenario. It's stupid. You DIE and a different person with your thoughts takes over. It's not you. You are DEAD.
Fucking idiots.

>> No.15967344

There isn't any reason to think it is possible.

This hypothetical 'torment' is not 'eternal' in either literal or any other sense.

There is no 'physical' pain in such a case in the proper sense.

Your position is just alarmist, and the argument from expected value runs in the opposite direction much more powerfully.

>> No.15967355

>Copy fags are the dumbest motherfuckers. You really think that clone is you? Dumb fuck.
you're the confused one. because you think some things but fail to explain how that is not fully you. idiots like you are always revolted but when probed a bit they actually have no fucking clue what they're talking about, primitive chimps in the grips of primitive fears, without the ability to fucking understand. broken fucking records

>> No.15967360

>a different person
wouldn't that different person know he's new? you imbecile? how can it be a different person without it knowing it's different? you don't even understand what you are saying when you say a different person has your thoughts, that monumentally retarded

>> No.15967371

Do you think you just teleport into the clone's head when you die? You know you just die right? There's no coming back after that, the clone has their own mind, no sharing.

>but omg the clone thinks it's me!
Neat. Now shoot yourself in the head. Congrats you are dead. You do not get to see the future. The clone does. You never get to experience anything ever again which is the whole purpose of digitization of brain in the fucking first place.
>but ur clone will get to experience
Fuck that. I. ME. MINE. I want to experience. I want to eat good food and have sex and watch rockets explode. I don't want to die. Fuck my clone.

>> No.15967380

This really should have already been done. Needle fetishists get the rope.

>> No.15967381

well you know, not gonna argue with you much on this. do what the fuck you want. I was just trying to explain that everything you are saying, you don't KNOW. you can't. you just suppose. because your monkey brain tells you shit.
if your childhood bro teleports in a clone (supposing the tech is possible), and you hang out with him for a few years, wouldn't you know if he's him or another dude with his memories? if you can't, how can you know it's not really him tho? if you can then it should be easy, and you should be able to point it out, the difference/what is missing.
there's a few thought experiments on this subject, the atomisation of your body, then reassembling it, would that be still you? what about if every atom is replaced one by one, when do you become not you anymore, at which point in the process? can you tell you are not you from yesterday, today, if your body would be replaced with an identical one while you sleep? these are all meant to make you think what exactly are you...

>> No.15967387

>>15967381 me
also what about this procedure, which lowers your body temp and stops your heart and brain activity for up to one hour?
after jumpstarting you again is it not you anymore dude? is there another person which took your place? for real?

>> No.15967547
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Even if you might need to have the port redone or refitted every few years, it wouldent need much surface area. Take in mind, you can get bled out with this modern convenience too. I was thinking you would need an onboard source of electricity to do a cryptographicly secure auth but you dont. Just make the standard so the supplicant is also providing the power for the computation on your side of the auth. Enough power should be on that side of things anyway.

but also a thought

sounds expensive and id want power from the supplicant as a backup anyway.

I'd take the tradeoff of the most expediant convenience and access and use a pinky toe and wear a shoe, thats all around good protection/concealment. Crypto auth is surely taking it too far actually, just a shoe would make reasonable security.

And uh.... I actually spend allot of time barefoot...

>I die, but muh "just a copy" lives.
>Copy is not you.
I can think of something far worse.
Patterns they come together, patterns they fall apaaart.....

>> No.15967564
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>> No.15967573

Has anyone considered using relativity to help keep themselves young? If I launch myself into deep space at high speeds, something like 4% the speed of light, which could theoretically be possible with our current technology, I'll stay younger than most of humanity not just biologically but also in a literal temporal sense because time will have been slower for me.

>> No.15967578
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Yes, but. Then how will everyone see my dance moves?

>> No.15967645

How low do you reckon your biological age will be this time?

>> No.15968386

Around 25. OSK activation i thoughy to stop around the mid 20s in humans, im betting OSM probably does the same with how things have gone down. It's around the time the body finishes developing. I am not aware of anyone releasing public results where they reversed that much methylation. I'm looking at it as the data is here to provide context with what I have experianced. I'm going to keep pushing it and see what we can do.

>> No.15968403

you still die at ~90 from your perspective. your experience does not change. you'll just be a weirdo stuck in a fast ship across the galaxy and you'll eventually grow old and die in that ship.
kinda shit desu.

>> No.15968469

unless you have some magical tech to transfer consciousness your clone is it's own separate conscious being, especially because both you and your clone can coexist

>> No.15968639

>consciousness is magic
you have the wrong idea of what you are.

>> No.15968710

if you clone your mind that's 2 separate conscious beings, magic or not.

>> No.15969157

Hiya folks. We stand here at the edge of some pretty fantastic things. Lots to digest.

>> No.15969185

First take is that this is obviously more efficient/faster, but what we are doing is well enough and can be done now. And nothing stops you from getting it done again with a TNT process whenever it ends up being readily available if you want.

>> No.15969208

The focus of this is also not on partial reprograming, we are just taking the cells back a bit in comparison to what they are trying to do. I dont see yet why we need a full embryonic type responce to reverse aging. We may shortly be proving here the adult immune system can get you back to your mid 20s with the right nudgeing and will take a swing at reprograming cancer cells. And its here today and already cheap.

>> No.15969209

when are we going to see any actual results from this? 20 years from now?

>> No.15969214
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Are we already at the VHS vs Betamax stage of this shit? I betting on the shit I can already buy.

>> No.15969292
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I wonder if this is part of the reason activating Yamanaka Factors with SM's have some of the limits they do.... you could maybe call them guardrails given you can do it badly and still live tee hee

>> No.15969306
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There are parts of the heterochromatin (chromatin with the DNA unfurled from histones and accessiable) you are not reaching with standard OSKM activation. Sparse regions with few genes that are important but harder to reach. This is what they mean by embryonic level. These regions apparently are also not needed to reprogram back to pluripotency. I dont think we need access to that data for (could we really start calling it regular?) deaging yet. If you need a cell that is truely pure of epigenetic data they can induce cells that are like that now. This is tech that will make its way into therapies but not immediately appliciable here.

>> No.15969316

No, I'm missing something. Heterochromatin is when its still compacted. Need longer to really get it. Someone else want to explain?

>> No.15969345
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yeah but please notice, you and every other faggot, how you need to construct an unnatural scenario for you to try to make a retarded point anyway.
but do confuse yourself to death, nobody is fooling your chimp brain, primitive faggot

>> No.15969351

Not that guy, but it seems pretty obvious that uploading your mind is just creating a copy of your brain structure which could create an indefinite number of clones with disjoint experiences from you.

>> No.15969356

yeah but you're doing it again, you are creating an unnatural experience scenario which you never experienced. I don't understand your audacity of demanding classical understanding of such a retarded scenario (ie more than one of you active at any time).
that is not a smart way to combat my point, that is a pretty good way to yell you have no idea of what you are, because you're expecting retarded shit for absolutely no fucking reason.
>oh look at me how smart I am, "what about if I make another one at the same time, huh?" yeah see I owned his ass

>> No.15969358

Again, not that guy and I'm not invested in your conversation. I don't even know what are you proposing exactly. All I know is that it is trivially obvious that two different brains will evolve along divergent paths. What are you even proposing?

>> No.15969360

>What are you even proposing?
that they are both you just on different paths. the idea is to like fucking choose one, isn't it? if you really think about it.

>> No.15969382

Now imagine a thousand clones. Which one are you experiencing? What is your goal? To live as all of them simultaneously?

>> No.15969387

>Now imagine a thousand clones. Which one are you experiencing?
you've got to be shitting me
>Which one are you experiencing?
each and every single one, from its perspective. they diverge from clone point forwards, clearly.
>What is your goal? To live as all of them simultaneously?
I again must seriously point to you that you are the ones insisting it must classically make sense with more than one. that is not me. I have no goal of having more than one me active at any time, that would be quite confusing for others, and for both versions of me. or a thousand.
the actual interesting and useful part of "cloning" is the brain scan bit so you get saved, at last in that state. move to new body, other hardware, whatever the fuck you want. even confuse yourself and everybody else by spawning more instances of you on different paths.
swear to god you're like broken fucking records.

>> No.15969438
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It will be here between the 6th and the 20th of next month.

>> No.15969441

maybe blank your IDs and shit

>> No.15969446

So you don't care if your conscious experience survives just your clone?

>> No.15969447

Does all of this take care of stuff like telomeres and stem cell count or will this just let you remain young and healthy for your normal lifespan?

>> No.15969462

you are saying it like it shouldn't. any particular reason how you just happen to know it doesn't?

>> No.15969890

links in rentry, yamanaka factors increase telomere length. i dont have anything on adult stem cell counts. it would make them less epigenetically "adult" so id think the count would also be restored.

>> No.15970060

To live longer, do I want longer or shorter telomers? What about telomerase activity, do I want to trigger it or inhibit?

>> No.15970089

It would be good if we could have some sort of document with different compounds, what they do, the study, effect etc
If we really want something like this to happen we need a more organized structure to track everything more effectively and so that we can see similarities in how different compounds affect things

>> No.15970148

You mean like designated platform?

>> No.15970408

Whatever, just some sort of database where the good info found on this board can be saved so it's not lost in a thread each time there is a new one.

>> No.15970919

>he wont end up doxxed anyway

>> No.15971254
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Added some updates to the rentry but nothing special. Came here really just to post how awesome my eyes feel right now. Blood is rushing to them like it just hasn't in years. Even though I had a long 10 hour shift and 5 hours of sleep last night I'm feeling fantastic. Even after a few months the changes to my body are regularly noticed. And I haven't taken the protocol in at least a week I think. These are most definitely permeant changes. I want people to fucking do it already and know how great this feels.

>> No.15971331
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sorry to be a nitpicker but don't you think you should have done these age tests before you started your protocols so that you could compare the data? with the control we won't really know how much you've "turned back the clock". You might have been very successful in rejuvenation but you might have had a much higher epigenetic age so your result might be you've just reversed it back closer to your chronological age. I don't mean to discourage but I felt I had to point it out.

>> No.15971333

*without the control

>> No.15971376
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Should I have done that? Yes. Absolutely it would have made a much better control. With the live mouse models they were reversing several years off epigenetic age over several days to a week. I've taken an effective dose that has been altering me for a fair bit longer than what it would take to shave off just a few years. I think the total number of days I've been on protocol would be around a month if not a bit longer I think. Some of that was fixing problems I had caused by doing it improperly. So that's in the mix too. We have absolutely no data about any of this in humans other than sims and what I'm providing to start it off is not the most ideal Other than it's accessibility and if it really knocks it out of the park its right here for anybody wanting to try it. As far as how much epigenetic aging I might have incurred, in the last year my overall stress to income ratio inverted. I was taking two of the key components (Apigenin being the most key and NAD/NMN) for all or half that time on the regular. The cancer test is on it's way here and I'll have it back to them ASAP.

>> No.15971380

Part of the reason I'm testing now too is because when I am on the protocol the difference that I feel is becoming more marginal. You get someone under 25 they wont feel the effects of Apigenin much at all except some of the baseline biochemical attenuation and nootropic elements. I've talked to people who have tried it and that's my impression at least. Noticing less of an impact when I take it and having that as a landmark I've already noticed with different ages leaves me with the impression I've pushed the button fairly in so to speak. But that could be a false presumption too. Lots of variables that just shouldn't be there.

>> No.15971391

>half that time on the regular.
to clarify, 4 years with some form of NAD, 2 years of Apigenin. Both would have been on the regular and in Apigenin's case I have definitely spent some time exploring it at high dosages.

>> No.15971548

There's this:

I could create our own wiki ( on a small server, but IMO we don't exceed 300GB capacity ) using this

I could even create a forum, but imo wiki would be nice.

What do you think? Is wiki necessary if there's a longecity?

>> No.15971552


>> No.15971666

Another article on telomeres

>> No.15971707

Another paper in telomere series.... Contradicts one finding in the recent one.

>> No.15971714

>muh telomeres
Your not really adding to the convo here Anon.

>> No.15971768


Well, it's not meant to be interested to apes.

>> No.15971770

I think that a wiki would make it easier to use and save data.

>> No.15971784

Any domain idea?

>> No.15971795

A wiki is a must if you're planning on sharing and compiling data long-term.
I'd recommend implementing an hierarchical moderation system, where people can apply for editor status, instead of a free-for-all like wikipedia.
Also, you'd have to start a Discord channel for the editors/moderation team. I know, nobody wants that, but believe me when I say that having a place where editors can communicate with mods and vice versa is going to be vital for a functioning wiki.

>> No.15971808

What if we choose slack instead of discord? Just to be more professional.

>> No.15971829

Slack is a terrible idea.
Not only will you not have access to chat history, you also need to expose an email address to connect to the server.
It's great for middle managers because they can keep tabs on everyone, terrible for anyone else.
Discord is free, accesible to anyone and most importantly: allows for pseudo-anonymity.

>> No.15971834

Heard of Matrix chat protocol?

>> No.15971840

Matrix is for almost exclusively used by tech nerds.
Discord is used by pretty much everyone online.
I get the avoidance for it, but there really is no avoiding it if you wish to set up anything publicly available, especially if you're interested in attracting people outside of your clique/bubble.

>> No.15972196

What about epigenicnavigation.com?
( its hard having zero creativity )

>> No.15972206

yeah but discord can spit out everything if asked

>> No.15972271

Isn't that a good thing? You want these things to be transparent, otherwise people will start rumours about you.

>> No.15972290

sure, but that somehow implies the system itself wouldn't abuse their position to get shit for themselves just because. we wouldn't be in the situation where we are today if the system wasn't corrupt(ible)

>> No.15972316
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Something like a wiki is a good idea, pastebin is fine for a specific protocol and approach but a wiki will help us compound periphery information that it intersects with too. I know people have brought up supplementary foods and things that would support the protocol. Obviously we would prefer more concepts than just what I have but it it is the major vector we are starting with. I need to do a deep dive on some of the other SMs that were looked at for reprogramming. None of them activate Yamanaka Factors far as I know but I couldn't find direct info on Forskolin activating Oct4. I don't think we are quite at the stage we NEED a wiki but it would be better to start one now. Can we set it up so it can be community driven without too much administration but just enough we can reverse changes if someone decides to screw with it with ill intent or stupidity? I don't care about having admin rights to it myself, long as it serves the community well enough. Keep things classy.

I'm actually very open to this being discussed on every platform. When I was first looking for people to talk to online the priority was anonymity because who wants to be as wrong as I could in a very very public place? /sci/ has a good enough intersect of high IQ and variance in discipline. It belongs to the world. I'll put together a discord soon as I'm off work. I'm not a big fan of reddit, but that is inevitable. People have as much a right to have non-free speech zones as the opposite and I am here to do this for everyone.

I don't think we are going to be able to address every thought about every detail regarding the protocol in the immediate future. Yamanaka Factors restore telomeres, and for over a decade have been known to restore cell identity back to pluripotency which most certainly includes that. The question is the degree Apigenin can activate these factors with this protocol, which is in the process of getting at least some data in attempt to answer.

>> No.15972324

i'm working on implmenting a complete 2 way dissection system (STRYKER) allowing for immortality.

>> No.15972335

I found nice free domain.

Don't worry about discord, I'll set it up in next 24 hours, I'll also buy domain and install media wiki on server next week.

I'll be your informatics guy.

I just that it's already night here, so I'll do it right after breakfast.

>> No.15972340
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>Dude Wearing Shoes
>ude oooes

>> No.15972362

I already have one set up and wouldn't mind letting you have it.

>> No.15972383

Nice. Okay, I apreciate the help! I'm going to make an X account.
I think were too far along for any effective sabotogue. I am left with the impression that this has already appeared on the radar of enough of the right people.

>> No.15972525
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>> No.15972540

Has your lifestyle changed significantly since you took the last test? Drinking more, changed diet, exercising?

>> No.15972548 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15972677
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I was raised Mormon, my paternal line hasn't touched a drop of alcohol in like 4-5 generations. I do not understand alcohol in concept. Abysmal taste to match an abysmal feeling. You would think it tastes like candy with the way people go on about it. And I'll keep saying it because it's the fucking truth. It's disgusting and I consider it bad taste to condition people to think that it's normal but you know you shouldn't judge people for a problem that feels so alien.
I've been enjoying junk food more. I used to feel I needed to constantly have good quality food in me or I would start to feel like shit but I just don't feel much anymore. I can care as little about diet as I used to. Not that I don't enjoy a good meal. I'll often have some keto chow but not daily for the past few years. I spend a good deal of my day on my feet pacing and there has been a return to the amount of it I used to. I get up and and down so much easier it's crazy. I have a moderate case of Pectum Excavatum which moves my guts around in a way Ive always have a little pudge but with all this time on my hands it would be a tragedy to the ancestors that dreamed it if the first man to reverse his age didn't get ripped. I used to play allot of Vidya but not as much the past few years. Always Frostpunk.

I wrote in Zoltan 2016. Trump 2020 because he won me over. I believe America is best when it puts itself first, and for us that's the easiest and why we decided to cut the feet out from under proceeding generations economically in the west at the same time as filling our heads full of nonsense that does not help can only come of as intentional. There is no excuse for it. But the damage is done, and irreversible, but at least we are going to have more time to sort ourselves out. The first step is in admitting when the damage has been done and I think we are almost there.

>> No.15972748
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>> No.15972759

Id mention I haven't used the NAD/NMN in a bit. It's synergetic but not required far as I can tell so far. So that is missing a pill.

>> No.15972791
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White pills on right are the Apigenin and one Ca-AKG, clear ones are the tributyrin, orange obviously curcumin, dark brown is forskolin and the oval calcium.

>> No.15973107

What types of fat you eat can affect everything.

Coconut oil blocks mitochondrial fusion and induces fission.
Olive oil upregulates mitochondrial fission over fusion. (Autophagy)
Fish oil balances back to fusion.

You want to be in mito fusion most of the time according to the AHA. You want to eat fish. If you go too far out of balance you get fractured mitochondria and less health.

I’d assume eating a bunch of saturated fat would mess up the experiments. Maybe eating a bunch of plant oils would cause excessive autophagy.

I’d steer toward senomorphic and away from senolytics for the same reason. You want mitochondrial fusion. (Which Apigenin and others help balance)

>> No.15973113

Take a drug from table 1, table 2, table 3 simultaneously?

>> No.15973292
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That is an excellent find, I'll definitely be reading it but I believe the key difference here is in partial vs full reprogramming of cells with small molecules. We don't have any purpose in taking any of the cells in your body all the way back to a pluripotent state. It would kill you like it did the mice when they turned OSKM on for a a couple days straight. What we're doing is softer and has evidence of having biochemical guardrails that keep you from hurting yourself even when conditions to reprogram are bad. That and you can actually get your hands on this stuff... like over Amazon which should also tell you a bit about the documented safety of the components in humans. Apigenin is like this amazing little phytonutrient who could.

But... if you really wanted. I am actually not sure if they check who would be buying these SMs if you put in an order for some with one of those shops that sells them as research chemicals. If you do find a way to do that then get RepSox and CHIR990021 and follow the ingredient list for Cocktail #1. its the first and second hyperlink in he rentry. I remember seeing RepSox as a hcl but it was hella expensive to take for an extended period. It wouldn't be if mass produced. I'm human models they were very effective and I think more biochemically effective than apigenin (in terms of the total amount of it you would have to take)
I have wondered how my history with Apigenin would have primed me for the experiance.

>> No.15973344
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*drops picrel*
Opps, did I drop this anon? Oh no, don't look at documents available freely online. Noooooooo.

>> No.15973387

Frankly, for an alternate HDACi I am a little curious myself. There is a possibility one of the two would work better with Apigenin. Only I think I have evidence of which it might be. Apigenin does HDAC inhibition by increasing levels of butyrate anyway. That list of cocktails is in order of measured effectiveness. In teh second it uses them both in combination, which would make me think it would be better to use VPA with a OSK/M activating mechanism that didn't cooperate with Butyrate. They are using Forskolin to activate Oct4 and after using it with and without Apigenin I think Apigenin does Oct4 it well enough. It really is tempting, and if I didn't have over the counter options I could understand reaching for it. I don't think I need anything I don't already have but If it turns out sinclair's got the only workable answer, then that's okay too.

>> No.15973478
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I'd like to reverse aging if only to get back the 4-5 years lockdowns took from our lives.

>> No.15973485

..but I'll take another 50-500 if you got them

>> No.15973518
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Nobody should get to tell you that you can't. If the technology permits it let people live to be 500 or 1000. I don't care about the fear. Added X handle to rentry. I'm just gonna have fun with it.

>> No.15973556

I'd recommend gitbook or something similar as a store of information, discord is not a good way to store information

>> No.15973586
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Anti-aging is a lefty thing, but your clearly right. The right don't want age extension. And in that lefty world even if you were aligned you have no credentials or authority, anyone who could help verify won't because you aren't them. Your basically hopeless, nobody will stand by you. If there is any merit someone with a lab will have it all documented and get all the credit. Nobody cares. The leaders you think are for this stuff actually aren't. It's just a red flag to draw a bulls attention with and direct energy.

>> No.15973616
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The thing about biology becoming an information science is that it's dividends are systematically decentralized in their deployment. Cast a world changing spell without approval from jannies. Who dunnit?

>> No.15973653


>> No.15973727

Loser mentality

>> No.15973728

here "monkey10012"

>> No.15974113

So I created discord as I promised, next week or two and I'll set up that wiki.


>> No.15974275

arent you afraid you'll get cancer/tumors? seems like almost all studies this far has that problem

>> No.15974337
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I think the shiniest consequence with age reversal is that we have to time to become less bitter toward each other and the whole thing.

Read more into the Rentry. The Yamanaka Factor activation has everything to do with the underlying mechanism that's driving it. Specifically look at the cancer research done into Apigenin and Myc-c. What's more likely than cancer is that somehow the Oct4 and Sox2 activation isn't "enough" or activated in ways that don't really reverse aging but do alter and improve bodily function. That is all I am worried about right now. Because the Myc-c activation Apigenin is making is all about context too. But we know Forskolin activates Oct4 aswell, and with my experience with both it and Apigenin with an HDACi I think Apigenin does the trick. I ordered a cancer test that will be here hopefully sometime next week and I'll get it back hopefully before the methylation test. It's supposed to screen for 20 different typoes. https://onetestforcancer.com/faqs/ One more bloodtest after that too. For general health plus the PSA.

>> No.15974342
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>20 different typoes

>> No.15974374

Just fyi, I'm supportive of what you're doing and would like to do it myself, but the cancer thing is stopping me which is why I'm asking you

>> No.15974380

This is what I'm talking about btw, not specifically about apigenin, but rather the cells you're creating

>> No.15974384

Forgot link, lol

>> No.15974426

wiki + forum seems to be the ideal combination of archiving information and discussions
with forums you can sticky certain protocols and news, it forces the user to think more clearly about what he wants vs having it to be a on-demand conversation
also who knows, maybe that actual intelligent exchange will be burried with 2-5 years of community drama

>> No.15974474

I have found my lead for how Apigenin activates Oct4/Sox2. E-cadherin.

>> No.15974642

T-cell activation is triggered by circumstances around the edge of a cell. It's really no wonder Apigenin makes you so tired with everything its trying to do.
One thing it keeps coming back to is that these are effects that change depending on circumstance.
While maintaining pluripotency the OSM expression is timed and only pops up every couple days its needed. T cells are being activated by this only where they are able to and because the circumstances are right.
Your immune system is only 1.6% of your body weight. It's amazing to believe that it would get to everywhere and alter every cell. It is more likely it does this rejuvenation to the circulatory and immune systems primarily and regenerates the immediate maintenance systems (adult stem cells) and the epigenetic update trickles down from there which is why I have said I think it takes time for your body to catch up to your new code. The results are the only way to know.
I don't get how it got passed up for any experimentation as a cocktail already. It's all about partial reprogramming moderated by the immune system.

>> No.15974686

From my understanding of the mechanisms being used, no, I have not been able to identify any documented concern that these components are going to cause cancer individually or together. And I feel with how hard I've taken this stuff I really would know if I had cancer by now. But I will have a follow-up cancer test in 6 months after this one so we have the data.

>> No.15974744

Godspeed anon, I really hope it works out well, I will be following in your footsteps then

>> No.15974872

i kept hearing "compound x is showing promise in slowing aging" in-vetro since 2003 yet i still see old people or even younger looking old people
the problem has always been how do you add these things to your cell so it can do its magic
any success in that field? how do you introduce compounds to like your bones, eyes, rest of your nerves. etc etc

>> No.15974934
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The cancer test just got here, I'm having the blood drawn and in the mail Monday morning. I'll get from them how long it normally is to get my results.

>> No.15975069
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>> No.15976024

cure ageing pls

>> No.15976084
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It hasn't restored hearing. Although these are hardly professional tests. Another one had me closer to 40.

>> No.15976096
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Had 29 until I turned up the volume on this one. Shame these didn't seem to be very accurate.

>> No.15976331
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Okay. Tried it with some T3s and a waveform gen and can hear 16500hz. Another 100hz I can still notice my eardrums vibrating a little. Volume Bar about medium on my phone.

>> No.15976332

You start by growing a fresh cell and proliferating that.

>> No.15976343
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>> No.15976357

On bioavailability…the chemical has to pass the stomach and get into the blood and then the cell. It usually triggers stress response by causing damage to the cell. Then it gets repaired? (Fission, autophagy /apoptosis, then fusion). By that process the better DNA should get into fresh tissue eventually.

>> No.15976398
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Definitely hearing 17khz at this volume.

>> No.15976423

Not to shit on your parade, but the frequencies you're going to hear will vary a lot based on the website you visit and the headphones you use.
It'd be a better idea to plan in an official visit at a hearing aid store instead of basing off your hearing on results from random-ass sites.

>> No.15976425
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It's transcription factors made by your T cells that are making the encodings in this case. The primary activator for this (Apigenin) is also conditioning the cells around it for the best circumstances for that to happen. Additional chemicals are added to also help with these conditions.

>> No.15976432

If you had read what he said he was using a generator for that last example.

>> No.15976436

That doesn't change anything.
This is like downloading one of those "anti-mosquito" apps that claim to play high-pitched frequencies to scare them away.
In reality the app just plays a constant high-pitched sound not even close to the actual frequency claimed.
Not to mention that the app has a fucking ad in it. Name a single high-quality app that has ads in it.

>> No.15976439

Hardly a parade when heckling is the loudest and most prompt.

>> No.15976480
File: 49 KB, 781x594, not anoying this tone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be nice if someone more knowledgeable in audiology could chime in. I easily found picrel online and I can hear a sinewave at 18khz on my desktop. I'd more likely bet I am doing something wrong with the setup. I pinged a place in town to see what it would run me to take a test. I'd love it if they could legally certify the results or something or make it publicly verifiable in any way.

>> No.15976509

Tried it with multiple audio jacks, and a dedicated SoundBlasterX DAC with my T3's and am actually hearing "something" although I wouldn't distinguish it as a tone more like high pitched rumbling all the way up to 22khz.

>> No.15976540

It's gotta be noise from production. I am hearing it even with my soundblaster sub 10hz.

>> No.15976545

If production noise its not the same noise at either end. its a low rumble or a high rumble. But I have trouble believing I'm getting accurate data because that's just so out of bounds.

>> No.15976908

So what's the skinny on PQQ and mitochondrial biogenesis? I'm seeing more evidence around that metabolism is the secret key to health.

>> No.15977017

improve one function < improve basis in which all functions will occur

>> No.15977065
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Can this technology turn me into a big titty biological female? Because I want to be a real woman and not an ugly tranny.

>> No.15977094

literally anything is possible with enough time
the cool and scary thing about the speed of scientific progress is that it’s exponential and the speed at which it develops now is the slowest it will ever be
scientists are always making breakthroughs and the world is surprised by how advanced we’re becoming in such a short time
sorry for the broad and obvious answer

>> No.15977171
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Here we go. Using electricity to boost cellular functions. Only read surface level but this is the stuff dreams are made of. When I think personal biovats decentralizing food production and dependence the real deal is about adding electric power to synthesis.

>> No.15977293

webtests aren't reliable because your speakers/headphones aren't the same as the one made for the test, most likely there will be compression at play as well. These tests are not accurate in the slightest.

>> No.15977592

i want lev to happen but being a lifelong pessimist cynic and pragmatist makes me lose all hope

>> No.15977609

it would be great seeing aged athletes coming back to compete again with their prime physiques
old actors like clint eastwood and jack nicholson returning to the screen looking like they did back in the 70s
it would certainly be a very positive and joyous era for humanity i expect. nobody wants to see the people and world they grew up in wither and die.

>> No.15977610

All this and more through the power of AI and hologram technology! Just pay your 19.99 subscription to pedoflix.

>> No.15977611

no thanks
i want this to be reality

>> No.15977624

Just study axolotl regeneration

>> No.15977659

axolotls still age

>> No.15978030

They have the ability to induce the aging too so for the actors that want to push things with those body transformations will have new frontiers to win Oscars over.

>> No.15978103

I take PQQ, pumpkin seed oil, lions mane, vit c and pro-biotics everyday and it has had fantastic effects on not only cognition but overall health.

>> No.15978217
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>This is much ado about nothing. You should instead do X.
>Just do X, its good enough for me.
>Accept death Anon. Everybody else is.

>> No.15978311

Loving this depiction of the process at around 37 mins in.

>> No.15978559
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We got allot of substances to look at and evaluate. With reprogramming we are looking specifically at permeant changes to epigenetic encodings, but I found it very interesting how NAC augmented the repair process specifically for my lungs and having other altered biochemical states while activating Yamanaka Factors may do some other interesting things that are worth exploring. Wiki will be up sooner vs later.

>> No.15978587
File: 2.21 MB, 480x327, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UBI already exists for people over 65. And all the people not already receiving it would have to change the laws to make that stop.

>> No.15978594

Make that 67 (for certain countries in Europe).
It'll be 70 by 2030. 75 by 2035 and non-existent by 2040.

>> No.15978622
File: 81 KB, 588x332, 1705216498839384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers once again being put in front of everyone else economically and being kept in charge.

>> No.15978858
File: 1.99 MB, 4096x2048, 1705363960385045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very positive and joyous era for humanity
I hope this is a wakeup call for humankind to change it's perspective on how it treats itself. If we cant get happy over this I mean. Life is no longer going to be brutally and cruely shor with your body slowly beginning to fail all along the way. That's a condition that's always been baked into the thing that if removed will redefine the tone we treat each other from here on out whether we immediately notice it or not. Also realize that you are going to be here with everybody else for what may be a very very long time. There is really no reason to feel so angry about so many things that we do. Or to be upset with ourselves with how little we have gotten out of life so far. There is so much time now we don't have any reason to get down on ourselves or each other. The right should be all for it because it's going to allow culture to be more conserved. Life is to be enjoyed by the living. I dream for a world where even dictators, the worst of us, have enough time to grow up and change and become better people.

I wonder if the TNT would allow you to regrow body parts.

>> No.15978865
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>I hope this is a wakeup call for humankind to change it's perspective on how it treats itself.

>> No.15978874

>Life sucks and then you die
>No certainties but life and taxes
Death death death, if we could just not have it be so fucking quick on you. Like a simple doubling where you didn't start to look old until like 70 and you croak around 150 would be fucking mercy. You start balding before you even finish the training for your profession and get a foothold in life that is unjustifiably cruel. Fuck the mods.

>> No.15978884

Are you only taking Apigenin or other substances?
You're getting it from someone?

>> No.15978893
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I'm thinking picrel for next threads OP.


What is this that I can't see,
with icy hands taking hold on me?
"I am death and none can excel,
I'll open the doors to heaven or hell."

O-oh death, o-oh death
can't you spare me over till another year?
O-oh death, o-oh death
please spare me over till another year.

O-oh death someone would pray,
couldn't you call some other day?
"God's children prayed the preacher's preached,
the time of mercy is out of your reach."

"I'll fix your feet so you can't walk,
I'll lock your jaws so you can't talk.
Close your eyes so you can't see,
this very hour come go with me."

"Death, I come to take the soul,
leave the body and leave it cold.
To drop the flesh off of the frame,
the earth and worms both have a claim."

O-oh death, o-oh death
can't you spare me over till another year?
O-oh death, o-oh death
please spare me over till another year.
My mother come to my bed,
place a cold towel upon my head.
My head is warm, my feet is cold,
Death is moving upon my soul.

Oh death how you treating me,
you close my eyes so I can't see.
You hurt my body, you make me cold,
you're ruling my life right out of my soul.

O-oh death, o-oh death
can't you spare me over till another year?
O-oh death, o-oh death
please spare me over till another year.

Oh death please consider my age,
please don't take me at this stage.
My wealth is all at your command,
if you will move your icy hand.

"The old, the young, the rich or poor,
are all alike with me, you know.
No wealth, no land, no silver, no gold,
nothing satisfies me but your soul."

O-oh death, o-oh death
can't you spare me over till another year?
O-oh death, o-oh death
please spare me over till another year

>> No.15978895

Read the Rentry

The guillotine was supposed to be upside down like the van gogh in OP.

>> No.15979582

Most my hair Re-growth happened around times I took PQQ and AKG. It gives me headaches though. Most of it was on leg or arms etc. When I took NMN it accelerated growth too..,but it was a lot of senile hair like thick eyebrows or weird stuff. I don’t recommend just NAD boosters. You have to fix the dna also. Things went back to normal when I stopped taking these.

>> No.15979589

I will mention that nothing stopped hair greying or receding yet either. You might have to keep up treatments, because once you’re a certain age I don’t think your body wants to stay in a growth stage.

>> No.15979631
File: 61 KB, 1056x1063, 1705299698312359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my cancer test in the mail.

Interesting. I will have to try it. I have been thinking the body could use some help in playing catch-up to epigenetic code.

>> No.15979672

They said it's about 7-10 business days for results after they get the sample. I realized last night I could have been looking at some of these interactions early on with a microscope and maybe found something ediful of the process if I had a recording. Too late now.

>> No.15979789

What is the Rentry? I've searched it and nothing came up

>> No.15979791

Nvm I noticed what it is

>> No.15979802

the thought of inevitable death has been destroying my sanity for the last month
I've started drinking heavily just to get the thoughts of eternal darkness and being nothing out of my mind
I love life so much and it's making me depressed thinking this is all very temporary and nothing I love will survive
it's all pointless. i have no meaning. the universe has no meaning it will all just vanish eventually. there's no stopping it. I can't handle it. I love my family and I can't even look at them anymore because of how sad it makes me thinking they'll all just be dust eventually. nothing endures. we're gone forever. it's hopeless.

>> No.15979805

not really

>> No.15979806


>> No.15979819

got the funny feeling you don't actually care for finding reasons to live, you're looking to validate you not wanting to live. you'll even fight me on it am I right?

>> No.15979826

I want to live. That's the problem. I want to stay here and continuing loving all the people around me. they are my purpose but that purpose seems pointless if it's going to go away one day.

>> No.15979909

You could theoretically slowly add electronic components to the brain that start taking over more and more of the functions of the biological parts, to the point that they become unnecessary and there was no point at which the original consciousness ends, but that's basically as big of a sci-fi technobabble as mind-uploading is in itself.

>> No.15979915

well you know, you deal with it when it comes. not before. still a bunch of shit to do in the meanwhile. clearly more than ever.

>> No.15979942

New to this thread, what in God's name are you even talking about? What are you taking?

>> No.15980021

What did you have biopsied anon? I'm still gonna call you anon because having a trip is seriously fucking gay.

>> No.15980029

Tretinoin seems to stimulate hair growth, I just started using tret so I'll update in a few months if I see additional hair or regrowth where it has receded.

>> No.15980031

>the thought of inevitable death has been destroying my sanity for the last month
>I've started drinking heavily
you are more likely to die suddenly and early if you drink you moron

>> No.15980037
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Nothing to biopsy because there are no signs of cancer to examine that would warrant one. It's just a blood draw so we can have it logged I'm not showing any cancer related biomarkers at this stage because it's better than nothing. It may be early for some, I've been reprogramming my cells for only a couple months with the added HDACi, but with how much of it I've done I personally think if I had cancer there's no way I wouldn't at least have some measurable sign of it somewhere.

I'll bake the next bread.

>> No.15980093
File: 38 KB, 600x600, 1703528597771780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a dose of the protocol right now. I want to say I'm up to about 500mg Apigenin and a couple grams of the Tributyrin, about 1.5g of NAD and the curcumin and I feel... It's very subtle even less impact than last time but I can still feel it in the usual places for me. Definitely worth taking at this stage still. I might just end up taking another Methylation test a month or two after the next results come back just to see... depends.
Got that shell sort on my mind.
Same time and biochemical requirements to move the sort forward, but the details being corrected are getting more and more refined. In this moment I would feel like no matter what my results say, this tech can take you sub 25. I really am curious what the timelines for this look like across multiple age brackets. Are there certain degrees of aging that are more quickly restored by this method than others? Would all this mean that at the beginning the very old would be scrubbing off bad encodings much faster than I have? My dad is going to get on the protocol after some surgery he has lined up. Shame he's in another state or I would try and film some slides of his blood while he's taking it. I'm sure it's too late to document anything for me in blood. My circulatory system feels brand new.

>> No.15980108

anything changes to your blood pressure or resting heart rate?

>> No.15980178
File: 692 KB, 796x538, lesscomplexthananrbmkreactor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call it...


>> No.15980205


>> No.15980220

From what I understand all this activity around your cell walls to get your T-cells to activate induces a little bit of inflammation. It's not completely necessary to add a separate GSK3 inhibitor, some of my most powerful experiences taking the protocol were before we added the curcumin. But I can guarantee you 1000% its more comfortable and surely creates a better environment to get the work done.

>> No.15980298
File: 64 KB, 602x584, Not today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh bake

>> No.15981534

Not a real general and youre a tripfag attention whore kill yourself and this gay fucking thread

>> No.15982185

Rough day at school, huh?
Don't worry, it'll be alright.