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15959284 No.15959284 [Reply] [Original]

Brand new Boeing 737 Max (delivered Nov 2023) just had it's window blown out mid flight.
Boeing used to be on the bleeding edge, what happened?

>> No.15959295

Diversity happened

>> No.15959317

Regulatory capture. It is very likely they had the FAA fudge the structural tests just like they did with the autopilot ones.

>> No.15959334

Dualoties of /sci/

Alt right and left

>> No.15959340 [DELETED] 

go to >>>/pol/ if you want to discuss politics

>> No.15959356

Jews, and everyone at Boeing is going to get killed, and all of their families.

>> No.15959364

>pwetty pweese just gib us one more chance and we'll nebba mak dis mistwake again :3

>> No.15959373

There's an optional door there if the buyer wants it. If they don't want it they bolt it shut at the factory and it looks like a normal window from inside.
Something with the seal and/or bolts clearly got fucked up and it blew off when the cabin pressurized.

>> No.15959391 [DELETED] 
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They still are at the 'bleeding edge'. Its either Boeing or Airbus.

Even Chinks and Russians have their national airliners fly planes from these two companies. Pic related, China Airlines.

>> No.15959541

it's regulatory capture through dei hires. ever wonder how charlatans like claudine gay make it to being president of a place like harvard? the powers that be use the fear of being labelled a racist to install them fully knoiwing they have dirt on them so they can control them easily.

>> No.15959552 [DELETED] 
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Right and as soon as Gay permitted criticism of Israel that dirt was used to get rid of her and she was replaced with a jew. And then jannie deleted all the threads on topic. So its not hard to figure out who "they" are.

>> No.15959594

this is not science

>> No.15959630

Having Juan and Shaneequa assemble the most complex machines on earth might be good for short term stock price, but with how much of a steaming pile of shit Boeing has become I fear Airbus might become the only player. Monopolies always lead to extreme Judaism.

>> No.15959694

You assume these aren't related.

>> No.15959723

Arent planes pressure tested before they leave the factory?
What the fuck are these clowns doing there?

>> No.15959777

>What the fuck are these clowns doing there?
the needful saar

>> No.15959831

>main Boeing production facility for 737 line is Renton, Washington

You would be right if it was 787 Dreamliner that's built primarily in South Carolina.

>> No.15959937 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15960067
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>145,000 employees
>6.4% black
>"""aims""" for 20% increase which is 1,856 additional hires by 2025
>no statement on timeline for hiring or what department they would be hired to

So 1,500 desk/advertising/custodian hires and 356 engineering hires, got it.

>> No.15960080

shes not a charlatan or a plagiarist, shes being accuses of nothing, of copying a couple of sentences that arent event copied literally, in works that by their own nature are reviews and commentary on others peoples work, including citing official legislation.

>> No.15960083

It is being milked like great many corporations. They turn to DEI and a number of otther things. The Max were a redesign on the original design to keep it competitive but there has been nothing but oversight on top of oversight.
Planes only work on a best effort principle, otherwise the risk is stupid.

>> No.15960117

meanwhile in reality

>> No.15960120
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it's a psyop

>> No.15960121

and now that urkel looking bitch is finished, shortest tenure ever, get wrecked negress

>> No.15960125

She's still employed with Harvard making bank you idiot. Do you think resigning means being fired?

>> No.15960126

if she didn't resign she would've been.

>> No.15960230

>It's another thread worshiping white men
We all know already how many of these do we need?

>> No.15960249

Boeing must be installing the RAPE HATCHES that are getting used in conjunction with the Boeing RAPE RAY to let the jews incessantly torment me, even when I try to lock myself inside a little box to get away from them.

>> No.15960250
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>> No.15960251

She did nothing of what that title implies. Did you actually read the article or are just going by the clickbait title? I have seen what these "entire paragraph" means. At best half a paragraph and never using the same words and always in a context of reviewing other peoples work or citing official legislation.

>> No.15960267

I only fly Airbus because mutts cannot be trusted to make or design airplanes. I would trust a Chinese airplane over a modern American airplane. Flying Boeing is rolling the dice every single time.

>> No.15960277

did this shit every happen until now? have a piece of the plane fuck off like that and it safely land? specifically a piece of the main fuselage or whatever the fuck its called

>> No.15960290

Or they completely abandoned the idea when they realized ESG was dying
My company pledged to hire a lot of women at the start of 2022, but it looks like it completely stopped in 2023.

>> No.15960315

>too young to remember the merger

>> No.15960338

you are deluded twat. the title is exactly right and the evidence shows it. you are just making excuses because she's a black woman.

>> No.15960347

It's not a race thing, it's a revolutionary class thing. All modern toxic race politics are just a lazy attempt to cram euromarxist class politics into an American racial framework. That's where you get shit like BIPOC, because Asians are far too successful to be revolutionary bolsheviks.

>> No.15960354

wokeshit is mainly a distraction from the class struggle with nonsensical idpol. it is a product of neolib/con professional managerial class capitalism. it's the same bunch that sell che t-shirts and banned master/slave from the vocab to prevent discussion of wageslavery.

>> No.15960376

Whatever. They already set the stage by giving their own middle managers control over the certification process.
>Before 2004, those Boeing technical employees who worked safety on behalf of the FAA were called “Designated Engineering Representatives,” or DERs. Though paid by Boeing, they were appointed by the FAA and reported directly to their technical counterparts at the FAA.

>What changed since 2004 is that safety engineers, now called Authorized Representatives, are appointed by and report to Boeing managers.

>The opaque bureaucratic name for this new structure — Organization Designation Authorization (ODA) — masks the significant change: Instead of having individual Boeing employees authorized as FAA reps, Boeing now has an entire organization within the company so authorized. The individual FAA Authorized Reps — Boeing engineers — report up the chain to their Boeing managers, not the FAA.

>> No.15960383

>the first woman to hold the Administrator title.
>15th Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration
>September 12, 2002 – September 13, 2007

>> No.15960403

>A man wouldn't have let this happen!
Actually, you might have a point.

>> No.15960413

if it was a straight white male it would've been socially acceptable to criticize them which risks the whole setup. this is why they go with these dei hire frauds in high ranking positions, if you say anything you're labelled at least one of modern terms for heretic and dismissed easily. the fraud part just makes them easy to control like when they install pedos.

>> No.15960418

Class struggle is the blindfold put over toddlers so they can't hit the central bank pinata

>> No.15960441
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It's actually insane when you think about. They're hiding in plain sight. Why isn't anyone else putting the pieces together?

I theorise that everyone's not only dumb, but also struggling to survive on a daily basis (economical). Vidya's a big part of it, video games suffocate the soul, it makes you content.

Ash Jews = high IQ = Domination in positions of power.

People in power make shit happen and, therefore, are massively responsible for both prosperity and disarray.

>> No.15960474 [DELETED] 

Yeah probably DIE shit plus spongebrain from sars2 and the fagcine made by DIE soientists. It's all compounding and civilization is being blended into a slurry.
All this while crones like samantha power rub their haggard crotches.

>> No.15960481

>first woman
It says Jane Garvey was the first.
It also says Blakey was criticized over a lot of shit.

>> No.15960508

and it didn't stick to stop what happened in 2004.

>> No.15960514

>Jane Garvey
>Garvey was the FAA Administrator during the September 11, 2001 attacks (terrorists hijacking U.S. airliners for suicide attacks against New York City and Washington, D.C.).[2][13][8][17][18]

>> No.15960626

They outsource the bolting of that panel to a company in Wichita called 'Spirit', which has no connection to Spirit Airlines. Apparently Spirit hires employees who can't correctly install a panel with four bolts. Not that this is too much of a surprise. In order for it to make financial sense for Boeing to outsource such a task, the outsourcer must have lower expenses somewhere, which in this case probably is labor.

>> No.15961134
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>> No.15961146

>you are just making excuses because she's a black woman.
Pure projection, you accuse me of what you do. You found her guilty before ever reading anything she wrote.
Everyone would be found a plagiarist if subjected to the same standards. It would be impossible to review anyones work, to quote anyone or broadly to talk about the same subject.

>> No.15961149

she doesn't cite her sources and copies entire sentences word for word without quotes. you clearly haven't looked at the examples that were found so far. and no not everyone would be guilty. this speaks to the sloppy and poor scholarship charlatans like you may engage in but not everyone is like that.

>> No.15961150

They outsource the whole fuselage to Spirit Aerosystems. Spirit provides it with that door not fully fitted, and it's up to Boeing to finish it. So they say.

>> No.15961152

How much of this dysfunction is due to spongebrain from sars2 and the "experiments"?

>> No.15961160

>she doesn't cite her sources
She does
>and copies entire sentences word for word without quotes.
Lies, its not word for word, unless quoting official legislation

>> No.15961161
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>> No.15961166
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you're a patheological liar and everyone can see that for themselves.

>> No.15961171

Einstein never wrote a single source in his famous 1905 paper and no one takes it seriously agains him. Claudine gay collected works have hundreds of quotes and you think its all invalid if she forgets to cite na autor once or twice? In the context of works that span hundreds of pages?
What else could you accuse her off? Misplaced commas?
Its clearly a witch hunt because she doesnt support Israel. Nobody ever spoke about this until she made some jews angry, but now that misplaced commas were found in here extensive words you accuse her of being a charlatan, while you just hate her for being a black woman

>> No.15961178

>everyone can see that for themselves.
I see no evidence of plagiarism there and no one would unless goaded and pressured to do so

>> No.15961182

it's more than once or twice, there are dozens of examples. and unlike einstein she brought nothing original to the table. also show me where einstein copied shit verbatim from someone else. i'm really interested.

>> No.15961184

you're just blind and/or retarded. got it.

>> No.15961186

>there are dozens of examples.
Not a single one is what you prentend it is
>copies whole paragraphs
>its actually a sentence
>not actually verbatim word by word
>legalese, so cant get creative with words
>literally reviewing someone elses work

>> No.15961188

i gave you the evidence but you continue to deny it and stay dumb. there is nothing to more to discuss with hacks like you.

>> No.15961189

>and unlike einstein she brought nothing original to the table
So what? Didnt you say plagiarism was some horrible sin?
Einstein has been accused of being a plagiarist and of bringing nothing to the table, but you excuse him because what he stole was actually interesting? Hes still a plagiarist.

>> No.15961192

show me the evidence.

>> No.15961196

>i gave you the evidence
You are using a standard that would make anyone a plagiarist if actually enforced. Not that you care, because under that same standard Einstein would still be a plagiarist yet you dont care. The difference is that claudine gay is a black woman and thats what bothers you.

>> No.15961197

>show me the evidence.
Of what? Of Einstein?
No references in his 1905 relativity paper, no mention of David Hilbert in his later work on general relativity.

>> No.15961201

nope, you're just a plagarist yourself if this is the stanbdard you abide by.

>> No.15961204

posts nothing but claims

>> No.15961340 [DELETED] 

you've seen plenty of evidence, you refuse to believe it because you're a jew, no amount of evidence will ever convince you

>> No.15961363

This related perhaps?

>> No.15961444 [DELETED] 

>maintenance crews found improperly drilled fastener holes in a number of aft pressure bulkheads — a critical pressurization component that is key to the structural integrity of every aircraft.
turn off javasoi to read the link

>> No.15961447

>same Spirit worker drills both sets of fastener holes the wrong way
>Boeing worker somehow puts bolts in holes without noticing
I dunno, maybe. Doesn't seem like the "plug" should even be designed in such a way so that is possible.

>> No.15961779



>> No.15961783

read for yourself, zero citations and he did it again for his general relativity paper despite having been in direct communication with david hilbert

>> No.15961830

jfc, that is retarded. Everything just went to shit after 9/11.

>> No.15961839

so you mean i could make it big in industry by allowing some jew to videotape me fucking a baby?

>> No.15961840 [DELETED] 

>jews investigated themselves and found that all errors were innocent and permissible

>> No.15961844 [DELETED] 

Because, you know, the result of this problem on the plane was that they immediately amputated another giant pit into the tip of my nose. It makes it seem like it's not really doing what they're suggesting.

>> No.15962090

Haha, no. This is all a symptom of greedy old fucks at the top making decisions that sacrificed safety to line their golden parachutes. Old Boeing is closer to SpaceX than new Boeing, which is closer to some third world warlord ruled shithole.

>> No.15963422 [DELETED] 

no, clearly not, if that option were available to you then you would have already taken it. those positions are limited to people outside and above your social class

>> No.15963438

Window status: BLOWN THE FUCK OUT

>> No.15963545

>symptom of greedy old fucks at the top making decisions that sacrificed safety
If that’s the case, this can be blamed on a lack of competition in the market.
In turn this lack of competition can be blamed on the government for created regulations. Regulations corrupt and distort the market. Of course you won’t admit the government is the genesis of the problem.

>> No.15963656


>> No.15963937

Quality assurance sucks. I blame millennials and Zoomers because the media told me to.

>> No.15964018

Lack of plane crashes has made Boeing too cocky, they need a lesson

>> No.15964019

Diversity and outsourcing. The most major software malfunction that killed over a thoysand people to date was outsourced to an all-Indian engineering firm. Boeing doesn't deserve to survive. Just let Airbus take over. They literally employ more White Americans than Boeing does these days.

>> No.15964026

Both of those posts are true. They are not mutually exclusive at all and it has nothing to do with politics.

Let's be honest, the ones that fucked it already took their bonusses out and retired. They got away with it. We knew the company wasn't going to survive without massive subsidies a decade ago. Today all the major airline orders outside the US is for Airbus unless massive tax payer funded kickbacks are involved.

It is the most disgraceful example of boomers destroying our future.

>> No.15964030

Just remember that Harvard academics have been publishing anti-White shit and advocating for White genocide since 2001. The number of Christian Whites getting admitted is a token fraction of what the proportional representation should be based on IQ numbers.

This is a university built by Whites captured by Jews and they only panicked when Israel was criticised.

>> No.15965098 [DELETED] 

is the the scientific progress that i've seen so many children on this board bragging about?

>> No.15965129

United 811 but some people died.

>> No.15965170 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15965488 [DELETED] 

The Latest Boeing Incident is Emblematic of the Competency Crisis


>> No.15965507
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The people figuring this all out, how much can one white dude carry before it becomes too much?

>> No.15965730


Two airlines now reporting loose bolts on the same aircraft model

>> No.15965758 [DELETED] 

Boeing CEO pledges a 20 percent increase in black employees
Published Aug. 28, 2020

>> No.15965796

>Planes only work on a best effort principle, otherwise the risk is stupid.
What pisses me off about Boeing as a continuing legal entity is that they are clearly willing to play around with their relative risk as long as their position as the preeminent commercial jet manufacturer is not directly challenged - and they have the means to avoid direct competition with upstarts or splits.
Boeing itself no longer contains much of the R&D culture, yet alone safety culture, and the existing leadership has little vision beyond maintaining a cash cow - and yet the only real competition for the time being is Airbus and Embraer.

I wonder what it would take to these days for a new jet producer to enter into the fray.

>> No.15965806
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> flying in picrel

>> No.15965865

>Be Boeing
>Happen to have racial minorities in leadership positions
>McDonnell Douglas management culture fucks the company up
>737 MAX most defective plane since the DC-10
>Plane either crashes itself or spontaneously disassembles itself
>Chuds get mad and blame DEI

>Be Airbus
>Have drag queens and lesbians as engineers
>Actively go to pride and put pride flags on planes
>Recently have an A350 obliterate a DHC Dash-8
>All A350 passengers and crew survive, with bruises only from evacuation
>Plane burns down due to being drenched in Dash-8 fuel
>Chuds magically silent about Airbus DEI

>> No.15965904

massive China-style state subsidies.

>> No.15965923

You'd think Comac would be a bigger player considering they are just that, but they are finally getting on the cusp of international sales of the C919, so point taken.

I meant more like what would be required for non-entrenched actors with the capital, talent, and time to develop new designs without being cockblocked by entrenched regulation or Boeing/Airbus directly.
If that doesn't get resolved, you're looking at a stagnant industry without a real path for progression beyond maintaining the status quo.

>> No.15965938
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>McDonnell Douglas management culture fucks the company up
>Happen to have racial minorities in leadership positions
shitty management lead by racial minorities? Sounds like a DEI problem to me.
And how was the japanese crash airbus' fault? Sounds like ground control/air traffic fucked up.

>> No.15965939

"boing" sounds like a sound of crashing airplane, what have you expected from them?

>> No.15966003

nobody ever thought about the before they started outsourcing labor to shitskins and diversifying their own company

>> No.15966184

>Boeing said it aims to increase Black worker representation to 20% of its workforce by 2025
But then black employees will be overrepresented by a factor of 1.538x?

>> No.15966201 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15966204

>dude it's because of non whites
Meanwhile it's the good old corporate greed and regulation dodging

>less than a month before a catastrophic aircraft failure prompted the grounding of more than 150 of Boeing’s commercial aircraft, documents were filed in federal court alleging that former employees at the company’s subcontractor repeatedly warned corporate officials about safety problems and were told to falsify records. One of the employees at Spirit AeroSystems, which reportedly manufactured the door plug that blew out of an Alaska Airlines flight over Portland, Oregon, allegedly told company officials about an “excessive amount of defects,” according to the federal complaint and corresponding internal corporate documents

>> No.15966235 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15966252

You seem to believe that the directors and managers of Boeing are soulless animals with no free will. Just because the opportunity to behave in a morally corrupt manner exists doesn't mean you're required to behave in such a manner. They chose to outsource the jobs. They chose to skimp out. They chose to cut corners. They chose to prioritize shareholder returns over... oh, nothing particularly important... umm... just... human lives.

>> No.15966339

tranny bait

>> No.15966780

get the fuck out of this board, retards

>> No.15966855
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>> No.15967340

>They chose to prioritize shareholder returns over... oh, nothing particularly important... umm... just... human lives.
I actually wonder if shareholders could sue a corporation for not fighting regulatory legislation and claim damages due to the losses required to comply.
Because shareholders can totally hold you accountable and punish you for making decisions for the common good that don't benefit them.

>> No.15967346 [DELETED] 

>regulation dodging
this becomes a lot easier to do when the regulators are a bunch of unqualified affirmative action hires who are afraid to use their regulatory authority because they don't want to be called out on their ignorance and lack of knowledge.

>> No.15967372

While this is said to be the case, in practice this never happens since investors are low-iq disorganized bitches.

Furthermore, whenever investors *DO* try this they lose in court. Every time. You can't just take a CEO to court and try him for outsourcing to subhumans, causing serious safety violations and driving your stock value to zero; he can just deflect with "diversity is our strength" and you're totally shitclowned.

>> No.15967390

>Furthermore, whenever investors *DO* try this they lose in court. Every time. You can't just take a CEO to court and try him for outsourcing to subhumans, causing serious safety violations and driving your stock value to zero; he can just deflect with "diversity is our strength" and you're totally shitclowned.
If you provide me the case or cases this is derived I will be very entertained and grateful. If you can't I will question the extent to which you know the material you referenced yourself.
t. actually reads court proceedings for fun

>> No.15967395 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15967735

it turn out it only had 2 bolts instead of 4 and they were not even tightened.
Jesus Chris what else is wrong.

>> No.15967748

Aerospace is the aryan man's domain. Let jews fiddle with their "quantum mechanics"

>> No.15967749

if you oppress the oppressors doesn't that make you just as bad?

>> No.15968498
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>the managers and CEO were directly notified of manufacturing issues and chose to ignore them and falsify QA reports.
Yet you still are such a brainrotted retard that even though there's documentation about the behavior of executives you have to try and blame this on hypothetical black people or DEI

>> No.15968543

That's because it's all these trilobites have. They know damn well it's the managers and ceos at fault. But they also know they can't and won't touch them so they go after their favorite whipping boys.

>> No.15969647

>but it looks like it completely stopped in 2023.
Because Wallstreet Jews got called out for it on twitter. It will definitely be back, they will just wait for White people's attention to dip again.

>> No.15970706

wishful thinking, it will still continue unabated, they'll just give it a new name or stop talking about it openly.
what happened when the supreme court said that affirmative action is illegal? it didn't change anything, they just renamed affirmative action policies as "equity" and kept on going.

>> No.15970748

This. A bunch of pajeets killed a thousand but no one wanted to say anything because it would be "racist".

>> No.15971347

>outsourced to an all-Indian engineering firm
wow, everyone that works there is from the same race? that seems pretty racist, wheres the diversity?

>> No.15971379

Nah she's definitely a diversity hire. Einstein a lying Jew as well. The greatest farce of the modern age is the ivory tower.

Pretty much everyone with a PhD before like the 2000s (and even THEN) is highly suspect because it was so God damned easy to steal and lie. It's not hard to cite things. Even if you're misplacing quotes, it's not hard to keep the base citation in your work.

Academics across the board are HACKS. Stop defending a bitch with a non-quant focused political science degree. She is literally an evil midwit, like the majority of people leading universities. They all collude in extracting as much wealth as possible from literal children. They are disgusting. I'm glad she got fucked. I'm glad all academics are being scrutinized. Fuck them all.

>> No.15971384
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>> No.15971515

>what happened when the supreme court said that affirmative action is illegal?
That's the thing, we're about to bankrupt every last one of these anti-White companies. Simply contact any of the thousands of new law firms popping up who will defend you if you experience anti-White/anti-Asian discrimination (e.g. just look up the CVs of underqualified people they hired in any position you have applied for).

Money talks, but you need to take action (and get rich).

>> No.15971519

>wow, everyone that works there is from the same race?
Yes, they were a bunch of H1b Indians who started an Aerospace engineering firm in the US. Journalist tracked down their work history on LinkedIn.
>that seems pretty racist, wheres the diversity?
I suppose you've never worked with Indians before. They only ever hire other Indians.

>> No.15971524
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>> No.15971748

It was a black woman POCwho bravely piloted the plane to the tarmac and SAVED everyone. ( after her catastrophic failure to ensure the integrity of the hull) SHE IS A HERO!

>> No.15973038

>They only ever hire other Indians.
Thats OK, preferring people of your own race over others is only a problem if whites do it

>> No.15973322

Engineers high on their own farts forget that CAE is just a theory, a guess.

>> No.15973328

all I say is every retard boomer and hick I know seems to be hired by Boeing at this point

>> No.15973334

this really feels like it would've happened sooner with the incredible complexity of these machines and the absolute trash fire that the software industry has become, to me it's more of a surprise that we don't have shit like this happen every other day, maybe a testament to the old farts who came before and set up procedures.

>> No.15973350
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heres a link to a video of the people responsible for the construction of that fuselage

>> No.15973783

>Dude software affects bolting and shit
Why is /sci/ full of retards who've never worked with any physical equipment in their lives?

>> No.15975114

it did happen sooner, this isn't the first 737-9 problem

>> No.15975130


>"If you hire and promote by anything other than competency, then expect competency to suffer."

>> No.15975133

Boeing does all the tests themselves. However you're right about regulatory capture with regards to autopilot. DEI regulator captures are trying to kneecap autopilot because Musk man does not kow tow to Biden's DEI mandates. So they create all the fake issues like what its named as, how the fonts are few cm too small, or how the car allows users to use custom horn sounds, or how there's no sound because its electric. Its all fraudulent diversity cult who hate meritocracy.

>> No.15976650
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>> No.15976652

I meant happening a lot, there was a sense that the 737 crash was a one off thing but now it's really looking like not teaching genx and millennials how to properly engineer is gonna be an issue

>> No.15977308

>the 737 crash
which one?
this is the second time in the past 5 years that the 737max fleet has been grounded due to safety issues

>> No.15978467


>> No.15978483 [DELETED] 

Boeing took money from the jews, and now they're being punished. I think they need a few more crashes with ~350 on board all dead.

>> No.15978565

>Surely a company that hires low quality software engineers doesn't do the same for their other engineering tasks.

>> No.15978641

There are documentaries that present a general story. Boeing was trying to make a more efficient plane and they modified the design of the 737 for the maxes. Looked real good on paper, but many people will tell you that midwits can't punch numbers into a spreadsheet, much less reliably manipulate models.
Was it diversity hires, corporate greed, yadda yadda. Maybe. Doesn't change the fact that the government failed to give them criminal charges for directly killing people. They got slapped with a few billion dollar fine. Just like chemical companies. People who should have their intestines ripped out got away with it.

>> No.15979161
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>> No.15980244

"everyone is equal" means that you and retards are equally intelligent

>> No.15980276

Now some equally unqualified, anti-White Jew who helped midwife DEI policies is taking her place. Wow that's such a big difference. We get an ideological clone of the negress minus the slight anti-Israel stance. The same institutional system that hired Gay is still in power and unchanged. Now functionaries know that only full throated support of Israel will be required to keep the sinecure. Please no more, I can't stand all this winning.

>> No.15980354


>> No.15980510

I was about to comment on this.
Literally take your favorite publicly owned business that is based in the USA and I guarantee you will find cringeworthy DEI content they made.
Textbook confirmation bias.

>> No.15980573

It happened in Alaska i think. Lets just say american maintenance regulation is a little bit third wordly compared to europe.
>t. used to deal with the incompetency of american airline maintenance companies

>> No.15980925

Notice how Boeing engineering quality took a sharp decline ever since the Mr Hands incident

>> No.15981563
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More 737 fuselage failures

>> No.15981570

wow turns out planes were really complicated, thats crazy who couldve known, probably need to go to a few more agile conferences to get that engineering up to snuff

>> No.15981584

I am aware that diversity culture has its problems, but that guy is a political talking head saying exactly what I expect him to and it adds zero knowledge to my understanding of the situation. Everyone is lying these days.

>> No.15981595

it just seems like the problem is so obvious too, do you know or have you ever met anyone who you would trust to put together a plane that you would ride in? because for most people under the age of 40 the answer is probably going to be no

>> No.15982363

Building airplanes is fairly easy if you're working from a kit, there are a lot of hobbyists out there who build and fly their own aircraft. I have flown in and piloted a few of them.

>> No.15983959

>a little bit third wordly compared to europe.
europe hasn't had diversity as long as america has, it won't be long before europe has reached the same level of third worldishness as a result of importing third worlders

>> No.15984293 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15984409

Remember, leftshits always lie like this. ^
They're psychopaths and habitual liars and bullshitters by nature.

>> No.15984411

^ Leftshits lie like normal people breathe air.
It comes naturally and effortlessly to them.
Their worldview depends on it.
Leftshits have an infinite capacity for self-delusion.

>> No.15984414

America has had "diversity" for centuries yet was 94% white in living memory.

Europe could outpace the US without too much effort

>> No.15984437


>> No.15985167
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>> No.15986556
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>> No.15987795

>yet was 94% white in living memory.
only for boomers

>> No.15988676

>Closer to SpaceX
So we should expect boeings to blow up mid air?

>> No.15989048

>Alt right and left

>> No.15989257

>Having Juan and Shaneequa assemble the most complex machines on earth might be good for short term stock price
Ask me how I know you don't have a job within 10 miles of finance
Even the biggest ESG funds were complete memes to capture the dump retail 'investers'

>> No.15989286

And decades ago, the Blackbird ingested some landing lights, ground them to shreds and ejected the debris and kept on flying. Modern stuff is way too fragile, and the F135 has problems with turbine blade coatings, grounding many F-35.

>> No.15989300

Could this have been...staged?
I mean, no one was sitting in those seats? Why? To avoid lawsuits? To avoid paperwork which could reveal something?
Isn't Boeing smarter than this? Corporations are people, and people are smart.

>> No.15989544

>Could this have been...staged?
Just why?? Boeing is already deep in trouble as is, and while they don't go for the root cause, there will be more fatalities.

>> No.15989693

The plane was <70% full. Isn't it conceivable that there is a policy of filling those rows last, even if it's a plug there instead of an exit door?

>> No.15990341

>Isn't Boeing smarter than this?
>people are smart.
nope 50% of all people are below 100IQ

>> No.15990371

Buyer's fault. Buyer should've bought the door.

>> No.15990372

Sabotage by racist white people to discredit DEI.

>> No.15990377

Could be. With only <70% occupancy it's also entirely plausible that those particular seats just happened to be empty.

>> No.15991141
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>> No.15991520

That's awesome anon, where did you get your Boeing 737 Max 9 kit from?

>> No.15991573

An accident happened, "must be the women and browns companies have been hiring. These kind of things never happen when only whites are hired."

>> No.15992622

>might be good for short term stock price
moar liek short term interest rates. the interest rates on boeing's loans are lower if they have a better esg score, boeing borrows money to build the planes, so they make larger profits on the sale of the aircraft if they've paid less interest on the loan they took out to build the plane with, which is why they hired jamal to rivet the fuselage instead of someone competent

>> No.15992664

Yeah even in this case I don't see the incentive structure actually punishing the guilty parties; the hiring managers and executives have already looted their salary and bonuses by the time the company fails. The people left holding the bag are the retarded boomers with stock and .gov.

Unless you actually started treating it as fraud there is no way the responsible parties can be punished.

>> No.15993347

>if its Boeing it ain't going

>> No.15993355

They ((west)) is losing the war so they have to reduce the repair rate of their properties because the economy is shrinking
What happens if instead of calling Sven´s company every month you call Paco & Tamir?...well

>> No.15993358

94% non hispanic white in the mid 60s

>> No.15994191

>Delta Air Lines Boeing 757 Lost Nose Wheel Before Takeoff, FAA Says (nytimes.com)
>Delta Air Lines Flight 982 was preparing to take off from Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport for a trip to BogotÃ, Colombia, at about 11:15 a.m. Saturday when a "nose wheel came off and rolled down the hill," the agency said in a preliminary report. More than 170 passengers who were aboard had to deplane, but no one was hurt, the report said. The F.A.A. said that it was continuing its investigation.

The ride never ends.

>> No.15994198

starting to think french intelligence agencies are doing some industrial espionage.

>> No.15995038

are planes becoming as shit as buses? wtf is going on?

>> No.15995324

People stopped caring about the work they do. Aircrafts crashing are just other people's problems to them.

>> No.15995836 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15995935

I mean why would you give hoot. Just be a merc and get by.

>> No.15996255

It's just Boeing

>> No.15996261

737 MAXs having been having issues for almost 10 years now this line of plane needs to be grounded for good.

>> No.15996266

9 dollars an hour is a lot of money even for an american

>> No.15996313

>get engine