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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 134 KB, 1078x888, zH3BAbvss3vX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15949888 No.15949888[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Not only is CO2 good for us, CO2 does not cause "the greenhouse effect". That greenhouse has solid walls and a roof to prevent convective cooling. Greenhouse work because they prevent convective cooling from taking place, that is "the greenhouse effect". If CO2 caused "the greenhouse effect" then Mars would be far, far hotter than it is because Mars has over 3000% more CO2 per unit surface area in it's atmosphere than Earth does, however Mars has no measurable greenhouse effect, because CO2 is not a greenhouse gas. Even if CO2 were a greenhouse gas, the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere is a negligibly small fraction of the mass of the atmosphere, CO2 is a trace gas on Earth. And finally, on Earth CO2 instigates photosynthesis, a process by which plants absorb solar energy without reemitting it at any wavelength, so even if CO2 did cause "the greenhouse effect" (which it does not) that process would be negated by the increased rate of photosynthesis due to enhanced CO2 levels same as it does in the greenhouse in the pic.

It is no coincidence that life has thrived on Earth unabated for the past billion years with nobody managing the atmosphere and with wildly fluctuating percentages of CO2 in the atmosphere

>> No.15949896

You must be really proud of the extra pollution that posting this pointless, stupid thread caused.

>> No.15949903 [DELETED] 

CO2 isn't a pollutant, its an extremely important an necessary atmospheric gas, we barely have enough of it in the atmosphere as it is currently and would be far better off if we had 400% more than we currently do.

>> No.15949910

A cycle like everything else in nature:
>oil pumped out of earth
>used as fuel
>released as CO2
>absorbed by trees
>driven back into earth
The "takes gorillions of years" fossil bullshit is just that.

>> No.15949919


why 400%/what would it improve?

>> No.15949920

Man water is so good. It’s so good for people, they keep whole jugs of it in the fridge and buy big devices to dispense it. Yet science says we shouldn’t live underwater? I say we should show science and start breathing water. After all, it’s good for us, so any quantity and distribution of it must also be good for us.

>> No.15949980

The earth is a closed system, in a vacuum.

>> No.15950079

too much co2 = cant breath our ow. atmosphere

good try consevatard

>> No.15950088 [DELETED] 


>> No.15950102 [DELETED] 

Comparing the thin atmosphere of Mars to Earths in equatable terms is the most retarded thing I've ever read. Kill yourself as your new years resolution.

>> No.15950123 [DELETED] 
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you are psychologically unhinged and violent and because of that you're mentally ill opinions carry no weight

>> No.15950136 [DELETED] 

I understand that you're mad that you didn't think of Mars having such a thin atmosphere so most heat escapes into space, but you'll get em next time champ!

>> No.15950256
File: 355 KB, 320x240, co2_absorb_emit_infrared_anim_320x240.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're bitching at nomenclature, basically.
CO2 absorbs and re-emits infrared radiation, and in the process, it prevents about 50% of the infrared radiation coming from the Earth's surface from passing through and escaping out to space, trapping that energy within the atmosphere and the Earth.

>> No.15950263

Additionally, a glass greenhouse keeps warm not only by preventing convention, since glass literally acts with infrared in the same way that CO2 does, therefore, "greenhouse effect": glass molecules absorb infrared radiation and convert it into heat energy, which causes the glass to warm up. At the same time, the glass molecules also emit infrared radiation in a random pattern, which prevents the radiation from passing through the glass. In short, glass acts as a kind of barrier that blocks the passage of infrared radiation, while allowing visible light to pass through.

>> No.15950623

This thread is full of retards and useful idiots

>> No.15950969 [DELETED] 

Are you upset because everyone knows that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and doesn't believe your absolutely poorly thought out reasoning for why it's not?

>> No.15951555
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>> No.15951609

I’ve always thought this whole concept of a greenhouse effect was flawed. I have no way of formally proving that or articulating why but it just doesn’t seem like it makes much sense when you think about it.

>> No.15951625

Earth cannot convectively cool itself in the vacuum of space, so the cooling of Earth is regulated exclusively by how much EM radiation from within can escape, just like a greenhouse...

Mars is lacking water vapor, which is a far more powerful greenhouse gas (for instance, you will notice that cloudless nights are much colder than overcast nights, all else equal). Its overall atomospheric pressure is way lower as well.

>> No.15951988 [DELETED] 

Even on cloudless nights there is still a lot of water vapor in the air, there is nowhere on Earth - not even in the most arid desert, that cools off at night even half as rapidly as Mars does.
And Mars has massive amounts of CO2 in it's atmosphere so the fact that Mars cools off so rapidly eliminates the possibility of CO2 being a greenhouse gas

>> No.15952037

I understand these threads now. It’s to piss of the environmentalist who refuse to admit that climate change should be tackled like every other problem: With a free market.

>> No.15952108

does wonder to aquatic plants as well. was a bit into aquascaping some years back and I generated CO2 with yeast and sugar. once I added that plant growth went crazy

>> No.15952125

duh. what do you think photosynthesis is

>> No.15952140 [DELETED] 

You're just being willfully stupid at this point in ignoring the fact that Mars' atmosphere is over 100 times thinner than earths.

>> No.15952152 [DELETED] 

>Mars' atmosphere is over 100 times thinner than earths.
It isn't
Mars' lower atmospheric pressure is in part attributable to Mars' lower gravity. If Mars' atmosphere was as low density as you're claiming it is then it wouldn't be able to generate the massive dust storms that are common on Mars

>> No.15952156 [DELETED] 

Yes it is you dingus lmao

>> No.15953013 [DELETED] 

You can't do math and don't understand physics, are you a negro?

>> No.15953567

every molecule and atom absorbs and reemits radiation, co2 is no different from any of them. co2 is an insignificant trace gas in earth's atmosphere, it doesn't cause global warming

>> No.15954306 [DELETED] 


>> No.15955452 [DELETED] 

Right, the main difference between CO2 and nitrogen is that nitrogen is a large fraction of the atmosphere and CO2 is virtually nonexistent

>> No.15955835 [DELETED] 

co2 would be the most valuable form of insulation on the planet if an atmosphere of 0.0005% co2 was able to prevent all heat from escaping. you could just put some balloons of co2 in the walls of your house and save fortunes on the heating bills.

>> No.15956305

But greenhouse effect of CO2 is caused by the fact it does reflect energy back to ground when it's released in form of photons to go out of planet.

Also have you noticed there's no water in atmosphere of mars, so your theory is practically invalid?

>> No.15956447 [DELETED] 

Does this retard not realize how thin Mars' atmosphere is compared to earth? That's the most bullshit analogous thinking, OP. You should shoot yourself for equating percentages to mass.

>> No.15956475

Last I checked, "life" included more than the plant kingdom.

>> No.15956502

co2 doesn't exist in the atmosphere because co2 is plant food.
molecules are fake pseudoscience use to push the anti-human agenda.
OP is a lying soientist pawn used by communist corporations to take away our freedoms

>> No.15956543

>communist corporations to take away our freedoms
Mangnifique bait

>> No.15956828

that is literally the kind of crap a lot of these idiots believe
soon enough science will be seen as sorcery and they'll be burning "witches" at the stake.
humanity is still fundamentally the same hominid species it was during the stone age

>> No.15957376

>I am SOOOOOO smart and enlightened
>everyone else is SOOOOOO dumb and primitive

>> No.15957425

You're the dumbass getting triggered by bait though?

>> No.15957517 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15957642

Wouldn't thermal energy radiate back into space as much as it does into the atmosphere? Or even moreso into space due to a more significant energy gradient?

Also, why would carbon in the atmosphere have a greater heat capacity than carbon in the earth? It's the same amount of mass within the system.

Not trying to be contrarian here. I'm 50/50 on the matter. Couple of points don't make sense to me.

>> No.15957648

>I'm 50/50 on the matter. Couple of points don't make sense to me.
>Guys, I'm an enlightened centrist here. Shell says let's destroy the planet, climate activists say let's not destroy the planet. I say let's find a good middle way and destroy half the planet.
>Also, some people say the earth is flat, some say it's round. I'm 50/50 on this, I think the earth is flat-pebble-shaped, but still 3D and populated on all sides rather than a pancake.

>> No.15957656


I'm literally asking questions to people who probably have a better handle on physics than me. Now if you'd excuse me, I have boomer Facebook images to repost. They're as helpful as you.

>> No.15957662

>I'm just asking questions. Some say 6 millions, some say zero. I'm 50/50 on this

>> No.15957674

>hmmm I wonder how my toaster works
>kys you antisemitic bread denier

>> No.15957699

Ok, let me be nice to you:
>Wouldn't thermal energy radiate back into space as much as it does into the atmosphere?
Scenario A, no greenhouse effect:
100% of the energy gets radiated to space
Scenario B, with greenhouse effect:
Some energy gets radiated back to the atmosphere, some gets radiated to space

Your point is not wrong, but it has zero implications. If ALL energy was trapped in the atmosphere, then the temperature would rise to infinity anyway. So it should be obvious that this isn't the case. CO2 only absorbs a certain part of the spectrum and in an oversimplified of a thin layer where that radiation is absorbed, half gets sent back to earth and half gets sent to space.

If you do the maths, you'll find that this single thin layer doesn't describe our observations well enough anyway. There's an exercise to calculate the equilibrium temperature without an atmosphere, with a window pane at a certain radius around the earth and with two window panes. The two give you the right order of magnitude. If you want to calculate it yourself, make the following simplifications: light comes only in two wavelengths, IR and visible. The Sun's spectrum has 50% of either. The window pane(s) absorb 100% of IQ and none of the visible light. The absorbed IR is re-emitted in a random direction as IR, both by earth and the window panes.
I don't remember if you need the albedo for it, but maybe calculate the equilibrium temperature assuming that the earth doesn't reflect any light and see what comes out.

>> No.15958547

not that anon

>> No.15958579
File: 151 KB, 1013x584, treeco2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trees can't grow if they die from fires, floods, drought, salt water intrusion, etc.

>> No.15958587

When you burn things they produce CO2 and else

Even if CO2 WAS HARMLESS, which isn't it will still tell us where pollution is happening

>> No.15958985
File: 310 KB, 1360x1629, fake global warming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plants require less water to grow in a higher co2 environment
>global warming causes floods
>global warming also causes droughts
>global warming causes more hurricanes
>global warming also causes less hurricanes
>global warming causes sea level rise
well sea level isn't rising so that proves global warming isn't happening
>global warming causes fires
no, thats global warming activists committing arson

>> No.15959469

CO2 is beneficial, it's presence is an absolute necessity for life on Earth. Enhancing the availability of CO2 in the atmosphere facilitates plant growth while also allowing plants to use water more efficiently which in turn allows nature to flourish and produce more effectively and prolifically. CO2 is not only harmless, it is extremely beneficial. Anyone who is concerned about the natural would should be ecstatic at seeing enlarged portions of atmospheric CO2 because that means that every acre of nature will be more productive than it has been previously.

>> No.15959477

Water is necessary for you to live, but you can still poison yourself with water if you drink too much of it.

>> No.15959481

So what your long term strategy for humanity is, what exactly?

Ok. Good plan.

>> No.15959816
File: 76 KB, 1280x500, life by mass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right, but the point at which lack of CO2 becomes a detriment is about 200ppm and the point at which CO2 becomes excessive is well over 2000ppm and we're currently at around 400ppm, so clearly we'd be better off in the middle of that range with over 1000ppm.
with twice as much CO2 in the atmosphere the numbers on picrel chart would all double, nature would flourish in ways no human has ever witnessed, farmland and wilderness would all be twice as productive and ever living creature on the planet would be far better off

shouldn't you be busy searching the internet for pictures of people larger and wealthier than yourself to get angry at?

>> No.15959887

Theres nothing more consumerist than belief in the global warming narrative
Its been shilled to death by more celebrities than Coca Cola, Disney and the rest of the consumerist goyslop continuum combined and the end goal of everyone who believes in the hoax (or feigns belief in it) is to have an excuse to acquire massive resources from the rest of the world so they can consume them themselves.

>> No.15960363
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>claims and empty promises without sources
Many such cases

>> No.15960992

This, every major media outlet and government agency is constantly shilling global warming doom, you'd have to be a total NPC to buy into it

>> No.15961222

that is literally impossible anon

>> No.15961225

gas and liquid thermoself regulating.
it would just expand until it lost the excess heat.
thats why we dont get hotter when we sweat.

>> No.15961230

earth is not in a vacuum it is surrounded by an atmopshere just like we are covered in sweat glands.

>> No.15961233

the plant kingdom is the basis for all life

>> No.15961235

the mask slipped

>> No.15961238

you would die of internal bleeding before that could happen. you also dont breath water

>> No.15961307

Government/corporations are literally running a fucking ponzi, and they have an aversion to any science or truth that raises questions about their long term strategy (there is literally no long term strategy).
At this point if you're not highly skeptical of literally every single thing the government/corporations wants you to believe (including that), then you'd have to be an idiot. And I don't give a single fuck if it is a central tenet of your weirdo victim complex desert cult.

>> No.15961513

This, healthy plant kingdom, healthy everything else. Plants can live without animals, but the reverse is not true.

>> No.15961568

>healthy plant kingdom, healthy everything else. Plants can live without animals, but the reverse is not true.
Your logic is so flawed it hurts. If
Unhealthy plants => unhealthy animals,
healthy animals => healthy plants
and of course
healthy animals => healthy animals
healthy animals => healthy everything
healthy plants =/> healthy everything, since you can have healthy plants and no animals.

>> No.15961618

>that is "the greenhouse effect". If CO2 caused "the greenhouse effect" then Mars would be far, far hotter than it is because Mars has over 3000% more CO2 per unit surface area in it's atmosphere than Earth does, however Mars has no measurable greenhouse effect, because CO2 is not a greenhouse gas. Even if CO2 were a greenhouse gas,

Mars is significantly further from the sun than earth is. Mars' atmosphere is also also a lot thinner than Earth's. Please do your homework before starting a thread.

>> No.15961622

Climate change is a symptom of overpopulation.

>> No.15961624

He's been posting this nonsense for over a year. And in every thread, there's someone like you correcting him, explaining that mars does have a greenhouse effect and that in addition to the amount of CO2, the density of the atmosphere plays a role in heat retention. Mars' greenhouse effect of 5°C is in perfect agreement with even basic atmospheric models. At this point it's really cheap trolling that still seems to be effective.

>> No.15961681

but that is workforce, so if they want even more the rest have to do with less.
do currently living people want even more peers or less?
this debate is shit because we're dealing with an issue for which the solutions vary depending on what is desired as far as population growth is concerned.
we want more people then currently living people need to share those resources with more people. they get less going forward.

>> No.15961823

>Mars would be far, far hotter than it is because Mars has over 3000% more CO2 per unit surface area in it's atmosphere than Earth does
it also has 0.6% the atmospheric density of earth

>> No.15961927
File: 70 KB, 2012x864, pepes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is all YOUR fault, and we will punish YOU for that.
You are such an ignorant piece of shit.
There is nothing cruel and painful enough in this world to punish your sins.

>> No.15962021

Humidity is rising, better impoverish everyone lest we turn into a tropical paradise.

>> No.15962040

As if that changes anything. So you're left with 2999.4 % more. Doesn't make a difference.

>> No.15962043

>It's another "mars has more CO2" schizo post
Do you have nothing better to do?

>> No.15962450

Mars' lower gravity has a lot to do with that lower density. If you didn't realize that then that shows how ignorant you are of the underlying science on this topic, if you did realize that it and intentionally neglected it that shows how dishonest you are. Which is it, are you dumb or are you a liar?

>> No.15962616
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>> No.15962650

climate change is pseudoscience pushed by communists
molecules do not exist therefore co2 is plant food and is FAKE
the earth is flat under a dome
jews are reptilian space aliens that hate humanity and want to destroy it
and you're not a colossal faggot

>> No.15962697
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>> No.15962719
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>> No.15962963

What did I lie about?

>> No.15962973

ok so you're too ignorant to understand the connection between gravity and measured atmospheric pressure

>> No.15962976

>global warming
>but the average of these cherry-picked 48 states on an average date, varying by 25°F hasn't increased by an amount visible in a simple graph
Please look up what "global" means.

>> No.15962982

I understand that fully well, but why are you bringing it up?

>> No.15963038
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>> No.15963075

no meme arrow so you look like that and say that.

>> No.15963412

>U. S. Lower 48 States
>Avg. Max. Temperature
It's almost impressive how hard someone cherry-picked stuff in order to make this graph

>> No.15963429 [DELETED] 

if co2 is bad, why is the greenhouse industry allowed to use co2 generators and how come the people who claim to environmentalists concerned about co2 never complain about the greenhouse industry?

>> No.15963442

I missed the "average max temperature" lmao. They use such weird quantities because all others would show an increase. Recently there was one which was like 90th percentile of all weather stations in a certain network in 12 select states for the months October, November and December or something similar.
To be honest, I have to admit that it sounds fun. Massaging the data enough to find nonsense. Reminds me of the "chocolate makes you lose weight" study.

>> No.15963481

Wikipedia says greenhouses are frequently located near industrial facilities and use waste CO2 that would otherwise be vented into the atmosphere. You sound like a person interested in the subject, so you definitely can dig deeper and find a source better than Wiki

>> No.15963881


>> No.15965070 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 775x1127, wikifaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15965973

More proof that global warming is just another academic hoax.

>> No.15965996

Show the yearly average worldwide, not day in one country. You are clearly using cherry picked data.

>> No.15966177

Why is Venus almost 900° fahrenheit if it's atmosphere is 96.5% CO2? I'll be waiting on an answer.

>> No.15967489 [DELETED] 

if you run the numbers on Venus for greenhouse effect per unit mass of atmosphere you will end up with a solution which tells you that CO2 is an extraordinarily weak greenhouse gas

>> No.15967519

Venus is nearly twice as far from the sun as mercury but is still hotter than mercury.

>> No.15967528

Show me the numbers.

>> No.15967530 [DELETED] 

and jupiter is even hotter than venus, if you're ever able to pass freshmen level thermodynamics it will all start to make sense to you

>> No.15967532 [DELETED] 

why can't you do simple calculations for yourself? ignorance?

>> No.15967582

I'm not the one making such claims.

>> No.15968288

Jupiter is NOT hotter than Venus. Where are you getting your information from? At this point I don't have to take anything you say seriously.
Are you a troll?