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15955552 No.15955552 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to force evolution in Hominids and great apes to obtain a similar intelligence to humans?

>> No.15955569

bump, interested

>> No.15955654

Sweetie, over a long enough timeline it's possible to force your own spittle to evolve similar intelligence to humans

>> No.15955661

probably feeding them nutritious human food and controlling who has offspring would do it, over many generations. To speed it up the child apes would need to be tested for suitability to breed the next generation. This could possibly be partially done by taking sperm from each seemingly more advanced male ape, then when they die a brain autopsy might help verify things like an increase in volume and neuronal density, then the sperm could be put into a female ape via IVF. Females with massive vaginas should be selected to allow for apes with bigger heads. The offspring should begin to remain as child apes for longer which allows for slower but greater brain growth
>In earlier populations [of Homo Erectus], brain development seemed to cease early in childhood, suggesting that offspring were largely self-sufficient at birth, thus limiting cognitive development through life
The slower brain development may also increase lifespan. Diet should include more protein, more calories, and less plants because they're harder to digest than animal fats which takes energy away from brain growth. The meat should be cooked too
>the "cooking hypothesis" [...] states that H. erectus speciated from the ancestral H. habilis because of fire usage and cooking 2 million years ago to explain the rapid doubling of brain size between these two species in only a 500,000 year timespan
>Cooking makes protein more easily digestible, speeds up nutrient absorption, and destroys food-borne pathogens, which would have increased the environment's natural carrying capacity, allowing group size to expand, causing selective pressure for sociality, requiring greater brain function

>> No.15955666

...also, they should be put under constant environmental pressure via being put in mentally demanding situations often to encourage brain development

>> No.15955678

negroes are all the evidence needed to prove that

>> No.15955690

We all were negroes. In fact, you were the biggest nigger that ever existed

>> No.15955708

The out of africa theory has long since been disproved, the idea that humans are a single species has no basis in science, it was voted on by the UN in November of 1945

>> No.15955728

I just don't have enough blind faith to believe in miracles without a miracle-maker like that, especially since "more time" is only going to hurt your chances.

Adam and Eve weren't negroes, nor were Noah and his family. Adam and Eve, and Noah and his family would've had all the genetic information required for all the different races today, which likely emerged after the tower of Babel dispersion which is supported by archaeological evidence.

The science proves that man only comes from man, millennia of procreation and history prove this too, it's so proven you can easily call it a law; and my belief is more scientifically sound than believing on blind faith that man came from monkeys/apes which came from frogs/fish which came from amoeba/soup which came from a rock which was made by nothing and came from nothing.

>> No.15955885
File: 267 KB, 497x1033, Hominidae_(extant_species).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I've seen this exact comment before. Regardless, a couple of crazy people with agendas don't get to disprove anything without majority consensus of the greater scientific community in the given field, thankfully. Nor does one unproven theory disprove another. If it worked that way then I would only need a single piece of evidence to disprove any theory that says you're not the biggest nigger that ever existed. I could simply claim you're acting like a massive nigger and then that's it, it's done, you're a massive nigger. Luckily for you things don't work that way.

The hominids in picrel are the various species of great apes. Which one does a negro look closest too? It must be one of the apes, right? It has to be, the apes have black fur and negroes are black people. Well they're not black like the black fur but they're brown but we call them black which is close enough. Is this really the logic? I don't know. But species aren't defined that way, by cherry picking properties until we get the result we want it to be. Species is defined as animals that can breed and produce healthy offspring that can themselves can breed and produce offspring and so on. We don't need to guess if something is the same species or not. Black and white people are the same species and if you want proof then all you need to do is go fuck a black chick and wait for the baby

>> No.15955955

Chill, don't take 4chan seriously.

>> No.15955962 [DELETED] 

more gay political faggotry.
reality is not a democracy, you can't vote to change it. enjoy your lame fantasy life.
your IQ is 101 according to writingtoiq.

>> No.15955983
File: 1.20 MB, 3828x1332, You Will Never Be A Real Gorilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why schould they evolve?

>> No.15955989

imagine some AI taking few religios folks "these mfs need to evolve, gonna alter their fucking brains". all I'm saying is that maybe the chimp enjoys flinging shit. why should you evolve it?
>but it will be better for him
is it tho? because there's a bunch of humans thinking it wouldn't be better for them if some AI forcefully "evolved" them.

>> No.15956149
File: 49 KB, 500x280, img_3199-500x280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probably feeding them nutritious human food
That has been tried. Pic was the result.

>> No.15956585

Nah, I'm not. I was just bored

>> No.15956812

>Lived with Gorillas
>Either killed by gorillas or Africans

>> No.15957534

I don't really care about the moral aspect of why, I'm just asking if it is possible in the first place.

>> No.15957536

Most humans have ape intelligence, especially posters in this board, except me.

>> No.15957542

I like shitting in my and throwing it at the walls, that's all I'm saying

>> No.15957813 [DELETED] 

What of the neanderthals tried to breed themselves bigger brained, and the results turned out catastrophic?

>> No.15957815

What if the neanderthals tried to breed themselves bigger brained, and the results turned out catastrophic?

>> No.15957932

Yes, it is.
We can see this in the devolution of black welfare families. They get dumber, more violent and more animalistic over time.

>> No.15958347

Yes. Its possible, but very improbable given long lifespan + breeding period + growth period. On top of the ethical concerns. So it would be a couple 1000+ years project

We've done it with foxes and created a domesticated version of it and in large numbers, but thats due to short growth span.


>> No.15958353

yes. Design a test to gain a rough idea of each individual's intelligence, then sequence these individuals in order of intelligence and select the highest in the group for breeding. Continue this for an extended period of time. Given a large enough population size, results will probably appear quite rapidly, I'd guess about 1000 years you'd get human level intelligence for a million strong breeding population. As the subjects reach closer to human levels of intelligence, designing a selection test will be harder, slowing down progress.

>> No.15958355

>kill iq100+ people in wars
>import retards from africa to rap- breed whyte womyn
>generation of retarded slaves

>> No.15958360

Kill all saxxons during charlemagne, dark ages end and illumination starts

>> No.15958373

This, a lot of people in Africa (certain Nigerian, Kenyan, Congolese groups) literally look like apes, their facial structure is very close to that of apes, their arms and hands look almost exactly like apes arms and hands, I am certain that there has been some cross breeding between species (it said to be impossible to cross breed but it's likely very rare and unlikely event that has a small probability of succeess).
This is the reason why we don't need great apes to advance because at best they will be african tier, we already have like 2 billion africans, also that is the reason why africans (where most of these apes are native) care the least of their wellbeing (because they murder each other es masse daily, why would they care about theit retarded cousins)

>> No.15958377

Have we tried feeding them mushrooms and see what happens?

>> No.15958395
File: 11 KB, 225x225, ayy pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO, you are practically the same shit.

>> No.15958590

It's not possible to force 'evolution', you must have the genome to operate on first.

You can selectively breed for endless generations but nothing will change unless you intervene and introduce the new genes or get lucky. Introducing the genes wouldn't be natural selection though, just genetic modification.

>> No.15958814

>Either killed by gorillas or Africans
We both know it wasn't the gorillas

>> No.15958908

>differentiating between gorillas & africans

>> No.15960566

Yes, now fuck off

>> No.15960655



>> No.15960930

If you mean artificial inseminate or just dates between the two smartest animals, repeatedly, then yes. But remember. There must be evolutionary pressure to have something self-endorse. And the only engine of intellect is weakness. And that comes down to a split between socialization and hunter/killer problem solving. Gorillas have poured all their points into strength. Bonobos into socialization. Chimps between those two, and hunting. Orangutans both but bottom of socialized ("lonely man of the forest") so they are doomed to be fruit seed spreaders forever.


>> No.15961422

no, because evolution is false

>> No.15961748

Never had a cold?

>> No.15964182
File: 23 KB, 550x363, Skull-Homo-heidelbergensis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And the only engine of intellect is weakness.
Weakness is the driver of evil. People became intelligent when there was just no way to gain further advantage by becoming stronger. Only much later they became weak. Pic had fully modern brain size.

>> No.15964235

You are lost in metaphor. I'm grounding it in physical weakness.

>> No.15964520

>You are lost in metaphor.
What do you mean?