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File: 238 KB, 1200x600, IronMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1595446 No.1595446 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, I was wondering: will technology ever develop to a point where men and women in the army will use "Iron Man-like" suits? Or will we just jump from normal people in dragon armor (not a joke, its like kevlar) to drones? 'Cause I personally hope that there will be some cool suits for the army, because then they would slowly bleed over into the civilian world. What do you think?

>> No.1595452

>slowly bleed over into the civilian world.

yeah lets have superhuman abilities available to the general public!

>> No.1595451


>> No.1595466

>implying it's impossible for civilians to get military-grade technology

>> No.1595481


>implying he's illiterate

>> No.1595484

It's hard to say. It would need to include a lot of advancements in power, materials and brain interface to be useful in combat, and even then... how strong can you make full-body armor? can it survive stepping on a landmine? can we come up with enough active countermeasures to safeguard against high powered projectiles or explosives?

I'm guessing that if the tech for such suits ever comes around before our virtualization/remote controlled drone tech is perfect, the military use will be limited to surgical strike teams, never to the common ground trooper. Also, a lot of vehicles are dimensioned for a trooper wearing simple body armor - tanks, helis, even hummers - so someone wearing a power armor wouldn't be able to easily operate such vehicles if needed.

As far as civillian uses, helping the elderly or disabled regain their mobility, as well as helping with carrying heavy loads in industrial environments, are likely uses for this tech. Japanese and american companies already have some exos for these purposes.

>> No.1595499

No matter how advanced, AI and IQ are just too very different processing abilities. No machine can ever replace a human brain. Machine are good for precision, boring and repetitive tasks, humans are good for initiative.

War always needs men to take and hold ground. There are many wonderful machines but at the end of the day it takes infantry to hold ground.

No doubt unmanned weapons will be critical but we will always need feet on the ground. Assuming we make it that far down the timeline, soldiers in powered exosuits are not only a good idea but are inevitable.

>> No.1595502
File: 426 KB, 1400x990, 1280282138717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this here

>> No.1595505

who has the picutre of the soldiers and stuff? post it

>> No.1595518

post... The... PICURES OF

>> No.1595537
File: 65 KB, 533x800, 1267737942280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men and women in the army will use "Iron Man-like" suits?
>men an women in the army
>the army

LMAO, Hell no. Are you a fucking moron? The tech will eventually be developed, but not for the fucking ARMY. The people in the armed forces are disposable. We already dont give them all we could. It is just not cost effective. They forfeit there lives in the armed services, and we value them at very very little. There lives are just not worth the money!!

>> No.1595539


I can see it being used by private companies...ie..Stark Industries

>> No.1595549

>military use will be limited to surgical strike teams

I would definitely join the military.

>> No.1595555

find a portable power source and it could happen tomorrow!

Op you're looking into the wrong field for innovation

you need to be watching how batteries are being developed or [small powerful nuke reactor] that could power 300 lbs. of metal plate and servo motors

>> No.1595563

If that were true 150 million dollar airplanes wouldn't have ejector seats.

>> No.1595564

I don't want to make them, just use them. Duh. Why would I work when I can wait for others to do things?

>> No.1595566

I have heard something about this before.
The armed forces dont want their men to be "superhuman killing machines", that would make them go rambo. It also makes it harder for the civilians in the country you are invading to welcome the soldiers.

SF on the other hand, they would get stuff like this as soon as it is good for something.

>> No.1595568

Well they don't give every soldeir in the army an airplane do they?

>> No.1595571

put it this way, off all the things most sci-fi about Iron Man wasn't his laser blaster hands of jet powered boots but his Fusion reactor the size of an orange

its just not as sexy when you think about it but its true.

>> No.1595583

I never said make them dipsht I said pay attention to portable energy sector not the fucking military for this innovation to take place.

OP is confirmed shithead

>> No.1595590
File: 36 KB, 290x272, 2007-owen-wilson-280x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when total deaths from two wars and nine years of conflict is only 6700 and you call soldiers expendable

>> No.1595604

when those wars were fight on false pretense and have yet to yield any sort of "progress"

I'd say yes military is very expendable

>> No.1595605
File: 89 KB, 300x254, Baby Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mad?

>> No.1595608
File: 24 KB, 502x391, 1270664214909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soldiers are expendable
soldiers are expendable
soldiers are expendable
soldiers are expendable

>> No.1595609

rereading my shit
fuck startin to get drunk

>> No.1595611

The sad this is that is should have been 3000, if only the USAF wasnt so triggerhappy.

>> No.1595615


>It's hard to say. It would need to include a lot of advancements in power, materials and brain interface to be useful in combat

>brain interface

There's no need for that, as most advanced exoskeletons like japanese HAL-5 and that Sarcos/Raytheon prototype 2 years ago already allow full movement. The HAL-5, if it was militarized, would in theory offer higher performance in situations in which one must react fast, as instead of simply mimicking the movements of the wearer like Sarcos/Raytheon exoskeleton, HAL-5 actually reads nerve signals from the limbs, and does this before the limb even begins to move. Basically, exoskeletons like this could allow the wearer to react faster than he could WITHOUT the exoskeleton.

The interface, piloting the suit, is practically battle ready already, and has been so for several years. The most significant, and possible the only problem that remains, is the fucking power source, which is unlikely to change until nanobatteries or something similiar will be perfected.

>> No.1595617

OP here. Sorry, I misread what you were saying. But you don't have to freak out about it. It wasn't like I was angry at you or anything. But I do apologize for misreading the post.

>> No.1595616
File: 62 KB, 864x437, iran bases.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no progress
>greatest threat of nuclear attack from Iran
>guess where the bases can be, now

>> No.1595622
File: 56 KB, 349x642, trolls are so clever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1595623

OP here, that's awesome!

>> No.1595629


I should have said nervous-system interface then, I guess. The video demos I've seen of exos don't show snap reaction times - "I need to run like hell, jump over an obstacle and roll behind a wall". Do you know of any videos showing fast reaction times?

>> No.1595641


Well, the Raytheon/Sarcos exoskeleton shows the most fluid movement of all the current exoskeletons (based on the video). Even though, it 'only' mimicks the movements instead of reading the nerve signals.

Everybody has probably seen this already

>> No.1595650


medical industry( I assume) can be thanked for development of prosthetics that mimic actions of muscle movement

but looking at motorized full arm replacement prosthetics notice how the battery for something like that is the size of a small backpack

imagine the amount of battery power needed to move a exosuit for several hours if not longer

>> No.1595655

Make some sense you illiterate.

>> No.1595669

Lockheed Martin is pretty far along with their HULC model too.


>> No.1595717

Bump for interest.

>> No.1595733


It's a bit unimpressive, as it's maximum speed is only about 10 miles per hour.

>> No.1595750

Let's load you down with eighty pounds of armor and weapons and a hundred pound supply pack, stick you on a 45 degree slope, have a bunch of guys shoot at you, and see how fast you can move.

>> No.1595779

Generally the idea is that the suit would bear most of the weight for you.

>> No.1595788

It's almost like it's not the final product.

>> No.1595860

>has no idea how fast ten miles an hour is

Most likely you can't run that fast even without carrying body armor, a rifle, sidearm, camelbak full of water, helmet, and the other bare minimum supplies every soldier has to carry.

>> No.1595883

If you are very fit, 10mph is doable.

>> No.1595894

Not including basic clothing like uniform, boots, socks, and shirt, the average infantryman carries ninety-one pounds of equipment. Can you do ten miles an hour with that, in combat boots, on a mountain?

>> No.1595895


A normal fit human sprint at least 30 km/h 18,75 mph, most likely faster. And 10 mph is a jogging speed.

>> No.1595915
File: 135 KB, 792x612, USMC-infantry-combat-load.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still ignoring that SOLDIERS CARRY THINGS

Go outside and see how fast you can sprint with a rifle. I fucking dare you.

>> No.1595921

>overweight fuck

>> No.1595926


Well, probably not with full equipment, but without any equipment, 10mph is only brisk jogging and for certain, ANYBODY can run/sprint faster than 10 mph, even a basement dwelling fat slob (though only few tens of meters at most, and with a risk of breaking some joints or tendons).

>> No.1595931

>And 10 mph is a jogging speed.

Ummm.... No. A mile in ten minutes is "average" time for a semi-fit person.

>> No.1595948

You will note that the HULC is explicitly designed as a system to help soldiers carry loads. If you think ten miles an hour is slow, think about doing it coated in body armor, carrying a rifle in your arms, with a heavy backpack, in Baghdad (tomorrow's forecast: 120f/49c and sunny) ALL DAY LONG.

>> No.1595950

>pic of comic book hero
>references to "combat load out"
>arguing about how fat/slow everyone is

yep this is definitely a neckbeard thread

>> No.1596845

fuckin lolt