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15952122 No.15952122[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is science so politicized against the right? They would never cover up data which they thought might be of political benefit to the left?

>> No.15952139

Explains the way they think

>> No.15952142

Alright so who do you think it is? Jews would be my first guess based on a few of their cultural practices but my instincts are making me caution that idea and think paki?

>> No.15952151

The pipe smokers

>> No.15952163
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>> No.15952182


>> No.15952192
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You could say that.

>> No.15952275

Um isnt that a genetic disaster?

>> No.15952307


>> No.15952485

This guy should have been filtered by undergrad statistics, for a very small subset population you only need <10 sickos in the subset per one sicko in the remainder to generate such a shocking ragebait headline. The ratio is probably similar for European royals v commoners

>> No.15952501

Real world noticing strongly undermines your point. Europeans are nowhere near as inbred as many modern Arabic populations. You should be filtered for such a stunning lack of intuition and understanding of patterns right in your face.

>> No.15952684

I though muslims were more guilty of excessive cousin marriage, are they fucking their own daughters too?

>> No.15952891

Venkatesh Rao is a fucking hack bro stop linking him

>> No.15952901

wouldn't it just be all father and daughter fucking at that point?

>> No.15952906

>600 fucking thousand percent higher

holy fucking shit. This means that for an equally sized community, there are 6000 incidents in the shitskin community for every ONE case in the anglo community

>> No.15953390

I don't think it's the fault of the science, at least not in a majority of cases. Sure there's some dodgy scientists that fudge results to suit some agenda, of course that'll probably always happen. Though that might not be what you're saying anyway. But what's passed on to the general public and affects discourse etc is likely the media presenting it in certain ways by cherry picking which study results to tell people about. And likely also the biases of the people actually funding the experiments, NGOs and what have you, just not funding anything that might result in unfavourable information coming to light. And in the case of your picrel the biases of the ethics boards. If it truly is biased, which it seems to be, then large right-wing organizations should start funding more studies directly and also try to infiltrate groups like ethics boards

>> No.15953396

fairly brazen of them to assume they speak for all people involved in science

>> No.15953407

Everything in that rag is fake and gay. Its just another political propaganda outlet.

>> No.15953413

so that's 6000 times more common than the basal population daughter-father inbreeding rate.
so if the english average is below 1/6000 then

If it's biobank then it's probably like that nature study a few years ago in I think 2019 where they used genome analysis and runs of homozygostity to identify extreme inbreeding and distinguish between father-daughter and brother-sister offspring.
Interesting paper had some weird bullshit paragraph about police rates though?

>> No.15953452
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Because they can get away with it no matter how massive the consequences for everyone else.

>> No.15953458

Relative rates are meaningless without raw numbers. How do people with PhDs in stem not recognize this? Boggles my fucking mind.

>> No.15953465
File: 290 KB, 1536x1081, fauci_science-1536x1081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It reveals that they're a sociopath.
No normal person who conducts research calls themsleves "THE SCIENCE".

>> No.15953619

The fact Muslims are interbred is not only widely known in science, it is also taught (at least here in continental Europe) in med schools as something you should look out for because it makes them more likely to have some genetic diseases
Doctors are taught how to ask “are you related?” to Arab couples in a manner that does not elicit an aggressive response.

>> No.15953747

They discovered utopia and rightfully decided that the community should not be revealed to the world which would surely destroy it
I see nothing wrong here

>> No.15953760

It all goes back to WW2. With that mythology you can control the narrative spectacularly, and paint everything genuinely right-wing as "nazis" which are of course the evilest thing ever because of something that is illegal to question.
Eugenics? but muh nazis. Ethnonationalism? muh nazis. Racial science? Muh nazis. Opposition to plutocracy/"democracy"? Muh nazis. Want to teach strong values to your men? Muh nazis. Notice JQ stuff? Muh nazis. Blood and soil? Muh nazis.

>> No.15953769

British Pakistanis

>> No.15953773

>taking a screenshot from X, formerly known as Twitter, while converting the number 6,000 to percent, posting to different social media
>taking a screenshot of that post and posting it to 4chan, formerly known as 4channel
This board has become the hind part of the human centipede of social media.

>> No.15953779

Why are you all so focused on Muslims or Jews?
>The volunteers were all individuals of European descent born between 1938 and 1967.

>> No.15953909

because he literally said it would be islamophobic to discuss it you clown.
however we have no idea whether this is the same data sample as was used for the extreme inbreeding study.
if it is from the extreme inbreeding study then it implies that the results of that paper were completely compromised a distorted by one degenerate incestuous sub population completely skewing the results

>> No.15954414

Oh shit, I just saw that it's in the UKBB so it can't be Pakistanis. That changes everything, might be Irish travelers, probably is.

>> No.15954444

Anon, it literally called it islamophobic.
It is talking about muslims by definition.
not irish travelers or any other native group.

>> No.15954459

If you actually read what anons are posting about, the study was conducted on white British people. It can't be pakis, or Jamaicans, or any other nonwhites.

The answer is that it's Irish Travelers.

>> No.15954464

I can believe that it might be travellers but why bring up islamophobia?
Was that just the screenshotter making shit up?

>> No.15954471

Because a lot of muslims are inbred? This isn't rocket science, if people are going to attack travelers for inbreeding they're going to attack muzzies.

>> No.15954528

Oil companies literally suppressed climate change data for decades m8

>> No.15954534

So if it it travellers how much did they distort the total number of incest events in their ukbb extreme inbreeding study?

>> No.15954568

I remember reading some old case study report about rural irish incest.
some patriarch grandad had fucked most of his daughters who seemed to have enjoyed it, a few of them even bore him kids or sent their own daughters to keep grandpa company.
Might be forgetting some of the important details though. blew my mind a bit.

>> No.15954620

“He” is not the original author and is just making an assertion based on his own bigotries

>> No.15954684

And they also have been sitting on the electric car for over a century, and refuse to allow anyone to make one because they have all the patents.
Oh wait...

>> No.15954692

No, turns out this was nonsense.

>> No.15955033

This shouldn't be as funny as it is

>> No.15955040
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because UK is turning brown

>> No.15955702
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>> No.15956652 [DELETED] 
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every. single. time.

>> No.15956665

6 gorillion

>> No.15956792

Any “community” like that DESERVES to be attacked and deported.

>> No.15956809

>because he literally said it would be islamophobic to discuss it you clown.
And as we all know, no one would ever lie on the internet.
>if it is from the extreme inbreeding study then it implies that the results of that paper were completely compromised
And again you just uncritically assume that the person speaks the truth. You even go so far as to rather assume that peer-reviewed studies by god knows how many researchers are "completely compromised" than that some random guy would lie on Twitter.

>> No.15956813

It actually is.

>> No.15956865

>no one would ever lie on the internet
seems unrelated to anything here
If a distinguishable subgroup had 6000 higher rate than the rest a question needs to be asked how much it distorted the results given the small size of the group meeting the criteria.

>We thus identified 125 unrelated participants (65 males and 60 females) whose genomes are consistent with their parents being first- or second-degree relatives. That represents a prevalence of EI ~0.03%, i.e., ~1/3652

>> No.15956869

except the conspiracy isn't what you think it is, the ones behind the conspiracy are the UN and other corrupt bodies.

>> No.15956880

The joke is every time anon posts that image it's true.

>> No.15956884
File: 66 KB, 657x616, UK biobank demographics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the biobank has pakis, it's just most GWAS studies exclude them

>> No.15957400
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>> No.15957540
File: 281 KB, 1x1, protocols.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because (((science))) is just a political propaganda , its a fabrication of the jewish bolshevik media and it's purpose is to trick people into acting against their own interests for the benefit of the judeo bolsheviks

>The GOYIM are not guided by practical use of unprejudiced historical observation, but by theoretical routine without any critical regard for consequent results. We need not, therefore, take any account of them - let them amuse themselves until the hour strikes, or live on hopes of new forms of enterprising pastime, or on the memories of all they have enjoyed. For them let that play the principal part which we have persuaded them to accept as the dictates of science (theory). It is with this object in view that we are constantly, by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these theories. The intellectuals of the GOYIM will puff themselves up with their knowledge and without any logical verification of them will put into effect all the information available from science, which our AGENTUR specialists have cunningly pieced together for the purpose of educating their minds in the direction we want.

>> No.15957549

I don't know how to tell you this, but the Modern right are just retards clean and simple. Honestly they probably know that they're retarded to so it's more of them just being extremely bias. It's not just science either. It's basically every subject ever since they sold their soul to Maga autism.

I say this as a centrist

>> No.15957556


>> No.15957715

>gullible morons
that's rich coming from the young turds who have a collective IQ of about 70